Omar Suleiman – Jummah Khutbah 10-28-2016
![Omar Suleiman](
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The speakers discuss the loss of a deceased brother and the importance of facing problems that affect the community. They stress the need for everyone to think for a moment and reflect on the consequences of death. The importance of remembering death and the recitation of the Prophet sallah is emphasized, along with the importance of finding balance between happiness and enjoyability in life. The speakers emphasize the need to remember the Prophet's mission to create a better life for everyone and pray for a future better life for everyone.
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for him 999 I do want to stay in on that stuff you don't want to study. We don't mean I'll be here when I talk kiddo. I know he went out a little bit late and I'll leave him and surely unforeseen ailments. So yeah. Dr. Molina when you had the LA Jota Anna Philomel de la woman your little fella ha the Allah. Shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa the Hoda Sharika the whole milk cola unhemmed Yo Yo Metro Hi yo nya mod beard Hill Hi Rahul Anna Coolessay in Kadir shadow Anna Mohammed Abdullah, who was Solo was Sophie who was illegal at the Manitoba lava risotto and also had an alma Acacia for llama whatever I can add in my little baby law Lido How can I hurry her? No, you're zero in the
Hurlock valley of total sloth automaticity minor Ernie. He was so happy woman to stand up soon. Nettie young within la Medina Minh home I mean Alladhina Hammond wa middle Sliney how to Otto also will help you also to solve Mirabella Alameen
Kulu subhanho Tirana, un Edina Armano triple la Hapa to acquire to hear whether temotu illa Anta Muslim on UN us Topo Roberto Mala the Halacha Coleman Epson Wahida or kala caminhadas Jaha Oba seminoma Rajat and Kathy are on one Isa, WhatsApp Allah and Elitza. Lita and whenever we have a lot of harm in Allah can add a camera Cleaver, you had a denominator triple La La Pulu colons Dida, you'll slip la Arma Allah can we offer la cama de Nova coma Utah la hora Sudha, who forgot the fires are frozen Alima My bad. We begin by praising Allah subhanaw taala and bearing witness that nun has the right to be worshipped except for him. And we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
Salam is his final messenger. And we ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him, his family, his companions, and those that follow until the Day of Judgment, Allah Amin, their brothers and sisters, there's a lot that's been going on. And in many cases, the whole tabla has become a platform where you are able to gain perspective with everything that's going on. And issues that are relevant to our community for various reasons, some of them that threaten our community, and Islamophobia and politics. And the elections, of course, have a lot to do with that. Some that threatened the family structure, domestic violence, with which we had a another death in the
just last week, just this past week. And there are many other issues that threaten us as an individual that that constantly need to be spoken about. And that needs to be amplified from the men but from the pulpit. But Subhanallah there's one issue that is always relevant. And there's one topic that is always relevant to each and every single one of us. And that's death. That's a note. It is relevant all the time. It is relevant to you every single day of your life. Why? Because today could be your last day, this could be your last week, it could be your last holtzberg. If a person was to remember death properly, then it would correct their family lives, it would correct their
spiritual lives, it would correct their lives with the community. It would put everything in perspective. And the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam for that reason used to speak about it so frequently. And the prophets lie Selim his quote, Buzz revolved around Surah Kahf, which constantly bring home this message, that each and every single one of us, at one point will meet Allah subhana, Allah to Allah would leave this world. And practically no one would leave this world when they expect to do so. No one. And subhanAllah we see YouTube videos constantly getting circulated around, you see the video of a man who drops dead while he's playing soccer. And I remember Subhan Allah
when you know, this, one of the earliest nasheeds on YouTube, and they had this this European soccer player playing and then suddenly he collapses. And you have the machine about the Angel of Death, and then a sheet about how death comes. And that's a YouTube video. And you look at that and you go wow, subhanAllah and you might circulate that, and then somehow lost sometimes the things that you're circulating come back and they happen to you as well.
Earthquakes, natural disasters, you see this video and you say, look at this, it's crazy. And then next thing you know, you're in one of those. And that's something that happens many, many different times with different things. Sometimes you're hearing a discussion, a lecture on a topic and you think to yourself, This has nothing to do with me whatsoever. You know what? Hamdulillah this isn't relevant to me. Because if it was relevant to me, it would be a disaster. And they keep on talking about these tragedies and keep on talking about these things and hamdulillah has nothing to do with me and the next thing you know, it has everything to do with you.
So when we talk about deaths, and particularly what the Prophet slicin I meant what meant when
He said Alamo two in Florida, a sudden death when death hits you. Suddenly, I want you to think and deeply reflect for a moment.
In this Masjid last week,
in the hotbar, last week,
there was a brother that was sitting amongst you all last week that's no longer here.
Think about that for a moment.
As you got ready to come to Juma today, and to get yourself ready for the football today, and you came in you took your place.
At any point today, that it occurred to you that this might be my last time sitting here, that next week, the hutzpah might not be to me the ultimate might be about me. Think about the last week
a brother was here and he heard the Athan and he heard the hotspot. And subhanAllah that brother was a brother that used to often give the event was very regular in the masjid. And he's not with us anymore. Brother hold on May Allah Subhana Allah Allah have mercy on him. And may Allah subhanaw taala elevate him and may Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant him shahada May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant his family steadfastness, and may Allah give him all of the edges of all that he used to do and all that he missed out on a llama I mean, the point is, dear brothers and sisters that doesn't need an elaborate Hadith, it doesn't need an elaborate if it just needs you to think for a moment,
reflect someone in here might be sitting in the same spot he sat in last week, undoubtedly, who was here amongst you all last week at Joomla. And think about the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala for giving us each another day, another week, another chance to repent, another chance to remember him and another chance to come back to an inclined towards it's constantly relevant to us. These things always matter to us. The discussion on death should never escape us. The thoughts of death should never escape us. And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us xe room and decree Hardman Allah that that you should increase your remembrance of death the destroyer of pleasures, he called
it some Allahu it he was Saddam. Because when that moment comes, everything that you enjoy in life is taken away from you. And the irony of that is that everything that you enjoy in life is why you don't remember death. Why we tend to push it away because we're too steeped in our Krafla in our heedlessness, so the prophets lie, some said shut off that heedlessness by constantly reminding yourself of death, reminding yourself of what how you're going to die the pain of death am I going to die in a plane crash and a car accident drowning? You know, sudden sudden heart attack a stroke cancer? Is that what it is? The nature of how you're going to die or the fact that you're no longer
going to be here to enjoy those pleasures and they could be taken away from you in one moment. And suddenly, everything is put back in perspective. As the moment of Azadi Rahim Allah said, If you viewed every portion of your life through the lens of death, then your life would be a testimony for you after your death and not against you. But most people view death through the lens of life, meaning what they keep on delaying it and they keep on thinking they've cheated it out for another day, we fool ourselves with statistics. But you know what? Subhanallah when you're that person, the statistics don't matter anymore. That you had this much of a chance at this age in this port in this
place of getting this disease or dying are the statistics go out the window, don't they? And do you really want to be playing with statistics with your fate? With your entire Ohana with everything that comes after? So he says sallallahu alayhi wa salam ek through B be frequence in your remembrance of Hardiman love that of the destroyer of pleasures, who is he telling this to? He's telling it to a community.
Like the companions of the prophets of Allah when he was on, he's telling it to the best generation, he's telling it to a community that sees death all the time. He's telling it to a community that's constantly in battle, fending off, you know, people that are trying to kill them, and that I've seen their relatives die due to the conflict that they're in. And he's telling them you need to remember death more. So what than about people that live in such comfort and such convenience, that don't go to the Bucky or every day when they buried there? When they bury their dead? That are not constantly praying, so lots of Janaza that don't live in those circumstances anymore? You know, what then of
us? And what is the benefit of all of that? Are we supposed to live like dead people? Are we supposed to always be depressed? When the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam tells the companions in Nina Hazel Kumar?
Ziad attend football I used to forbid you from visiting the graveyard. But he says sudo go ahead and visit it wine to the kettle corn Bill akhira. It reminds you of the Hereafter reminds you that you're not going to be here much longer that there is something more than this. Now, what is the point of all of that? And how did the prophets lie some of the companions internalize them.
Number one, remembering deaths should not only be when you directly encounter it,
that's the first rule. You have to you have to force yourself to remember it at times when you're not encounter when it does not encounter you or when you don't encounter it. A time outside of janazah a time outside of a burial, a time outside of a terminal disease or an illness, a time outside of hearing that someone that you knew passed away. You have to actually bring yourself to remember it outside of those times altogether. And how does that come through introspection through time for to the Buddha into fuckery reflection, taking time out of life. So whether it whether you like it or not, you're going to have to disconnect from some of the pleasures of life and give
yourself a few moments if you're not taking a few moments on a daily basis on a weekly basis. And whether that remembrance comes through the recitation of the Quran, your daily recitation of the Quran or your daily Viken where you're where you're not just saying the words, but you're actually paying attention. Because Escada Subhan Allah Messiah, the morning remembrance is in the evening remembrances have deaths in them. And when you recite at the end of your Tisha hoods, every single Salah and you say are over the weekend in other Manawa will cover woman fitna till Maria wellmont, you seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of hellfire. And from
the trials of life and death, there's a remembrance of that. So whether it comes through those moments where you're paying attention, or through your daily five pages of Quran or 10 pages of Quran, where you're paying attention to the references of death, or just sitting with yourself and thinking about the fact that your life is so unpredictable, that you don't know if you'll make it to tomorrow, whatever it may be, there has to be time where you take out to actually consciously remember, that's number one. Number two, the visitation of the graveyard, one of the most neglected soon as of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to actually visit it, not for the sake of burying
somebody to actually visit it to remind yourself of death. And that was why the hookworm That was why the ruling was lifted, which prohibited the people from visiting the graveyards outside of the Janaza time initially, in Islam, it was prohibited so that people would not do things at the graves that would corrupt their theology. But once the creed of Islam was firm in the hearts of the companions of the Prophet, slice Allah, then they were encouraged to go there frequently, to remember death. And subhanAllah. If you think the janazah is for that person that's passed away. Yes, it is. Because the people make do out for them. And they seek forgiveness, but it's also for
you. It's also for you, it's for you to pay attention to it's for you to to actually see that take place to and to sit and reflect when you see a person's body go into the grave that was alive in around you, it's for you to remember that's my place eventually. Number three, and this is perhaps the most important point of the whole plan. This is what I want to get.
If Allah really wanted us to live our lives in complete fear, and have absolutely no appetite for this dunya and have absolutely no joy in this life. Allah would have caused us to be able to hear the punishment of the grief. And that's a very powerful concept that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that had the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam not feared that we would not even bury our dead. He would have asked Allah to allow us to hear some of what takes place in the grave some of what takes place in that realm. Could you imagine if every day as you drive by a graveyard, you can hear the noises coming from that graveyard? Could you imagine how difficult life
would be? You would have no choice but to always remember death? If that's all you heard, if you were hearing that on a daily basis, we would have no love that anyway. I mean, what pleasure would you have? How do you tune that out? You can't mute that. If we were put in a position where we're hearing that all the time, then we wouldn't even bury our debt. And we live our lives is waiting for our turn like paranoid people. But Allah subhanaw taala showed mercy upon us. And Allah subhanaw taala grants us that relief. But Allah Subhana Allah Allah tells us that you need to consciously remember it at times how Allah wanted us to live our lives always in that state of fear, not in a
healthy sense, but in a state of
in misery, we're not able to smile and we're not able to carry on with life, then Allah would have done that to us. But he didn't do that to us. And then that illegal profanity Tishkoff the revelation wasn't sent to depress people, it wasn't sent to put people in a state of anxiety. Death is not to make us always in a state of anxiety, death is that we know how to prioritize the remembrance of death is that we know how to properly prioritize our lives. The Companions of the prophets lie, some did not walk around like people that were dead. They were not zombies, they laughed, they smiled. They found joy in what Allah subhanaw taala gave them but they were never
heedless. And that's the point. You have to draw that line between happiness and enjoyment of this life, where you're still aware of its reality. And when you're in utter, complete, heedlessness, Koffler where you're not paying attention at all to the reality of your life. So you have to find this balance where you're remembering death without dying. You're not dead. You live like a person who loves what Allah subhanaw taala gave to them, but they're not in heedlessness, they know that it's only a matter of time and they force themselves to remember that they force themselves to remember that purpose. Some people look outside and they see nature and they see mashallah they say
it's beautiful and it's a nice day outside. Some people look outside as Allah subhanaw taala says we get to affect Corona if you have to sum it all up. Rob, Donna ma halacha daata. O Allah, you did not create this in vain. There is a purpose to this. They look at the sun and the moon. They look at the stars, they look at the trees, they look at everything around them. And it does not just cause them to be in awe of its beauty. It makes them think there is a purpose. I'm reminded now that I have a purpose. There is a purpose that you have and there is a purpose that I have.
But I Bernama halacha Baltierra Subhanak, Filipina andharban non glory be to you how perfect are you so protect us from the punishment of hellfire And subhanAllah every time Allah mentions to the Buddha in the Quran contemplation on the ayat around us on the signs of the heavens and the earth Allah subhanaw taala mentions a people that are brought to a duel or bene in mana for Finland as you know Bonanza, Pina Colada. Banagher earlier and so it's early I'm Ron, Oh Allah, we believe we affirm our belief. So forgive us and have mercy upon us and protect us from the punishment. Later on. I'm gonna mouthful after Heather about the law Subhanak Athena Adama not once again, they're
brought to a state of urgency. I remember, I'm reminded that I have a purpose. Hala if you listen, there's a beautiful recording,
which you'd be able to find it online between Muhammad Ali Rahim Allah to Allah and his daughter, young daughter, and he's reminding her Do you know why Allah created you? Do you know why you're here? What's your purpose? He's saying this to his daughter. She was only four years old, and he's talking to her on the phone. He was trying to remember what's your purpose in life? What are you here for?
And what does that bring us to? realisation? Not depression, not paranoia, realization? I'm supposed to be acting in a different way. How can I wrong someone with my tongue? When I know that Allah might call me to account now? How can I wrong my family? When I know that I might not have a chance to make things better with them? How can I disregard my Joomla when I know that it might be my last Joomla? How can I disregard my salah and how I'm doing my prayer. When I know it might be my last prayer. How can I disregard these things when I know that this might be my last chance. And so the reminder is very simple today. x zero Vic Rahim Allah that
frequent the reminder of death, let it be frequent in your life, where you're thinking about it in a way that's productive in a way that makes you think, how do I want to leave this world not in a way that kills you in a way that makes you value life more in a way that makes you treat your life better, and treat everything that Allah gave you as an Amana in this life in a better way. That's the remembrance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not the despair, and Imam Hassan buslee Rahim Allah to Allah. He saw a man who was staring at the graves.
And this man was crying in a state of despair. And while he was tearing up the graves, and he was crying, he missed a lot of the hood.
Subhanallah think about the irony of this and this is not our situation. This is to show you the other side now. He missed a lot of those Mr. Hassan bossy Rahim Allah went up to him and he told them, what's the point of remembering that if you're going to miss a lot the Lord he said what's the point of praying
If this is our ends,
that's an unproductive way of thinking about death.
Many of you in here, love that brother that passed away because of the way that he treated you. And he's remembered and highter Inshallah, and we bear witness that what we saw of him was a righteous man. And even if you encountered him in a little bit the prophets lie Selim said, If you see someone frequenting the masjid fresh her doula who will Eema Then bear witness to that person of faith. You are a witness to that person on the Day of Judgment, if the only thing you used to see from that brother is Salem, and you know, Salatin, Fajr and Salatin McGraw Venetia, that's enough for you to be a witness for that person on the day of judgment if it went further and hamdulillah but if you
saw him in the masjid and we used to see that brother in the Muslim Allah, he is proud, it's my first time giving hope but he's not here. It feels empty, right?
That's enough for people to bear witness for Him. Many of you knew that brother knew brother hold on very well. And obviously he leaves a void and he left the gap in the masjid and and of course with his family may last pawns on make it easy for them with his social life. But everyone would bear witness to the fate of that person to the good of that person, meaning his life was not in vain. Allah did not create him Balti law in vain Yes, he died young, but Allah didn't create him in vain. He had a purpose and we ask Allah that He fulfilled that purpose and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow him to see the reward of that purpose. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to realize
our purpose and to one day see the reward of our purpose as well and we ask Allah to forgive us for our he listens to our shortcomings. Allahumma Amin Akula Cody how there was somebody like him when he sat next to me infrastructural in the hole for Rahim.
hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah Rasool Karim Allah and he was so heavy Ultramarine Allahumma Mininova minutes well Muslim ina when was the Mount Aloha Iman whom will unmarked in Naka Sameer on Caribbean Mooji Buddha Allah Allah Hama, Fitzalan our Hamner wa for ANA Allah to Allah Libnah urbanna alumna and Fuson our interim just for Lana What's up Hannah, learn Hakuna nominal ha serene La ilaha illa? Anta Sapan Okay, in Hakuna I mean a lot. I mean, learning in anticipation. I couldn't I couldn't I mean, a lot. I mean, you know, learn to Subhana get in I couldn't I mean a lot. I mean, a llama fiddley Wally Dena, Rob Durham, Houma Kamara, bonus era Robin
and habla and I mean, as well as you know, with the reality now Kurata Arianna Adarna. Linwood, subpoena Imam, la Matsuda Masada fina FEMA, shout it to the boom of Rb la Matsuda mustafina famous auriculata Dumas Rebekah Allahumma is now our Muslimeen whitelisted co Academy in with Mr. Dean la Maliki lon immunoblotting meanwhile footage and I was one of them and Bernie himself demeanor about the law and the law he had a little bit it would x&y at the quarterback or in her and fascia you wouldn't want to carry well Bobby, you're overcoming Allah come to the Coronavirus Corolla here scuro can wash Gudivada Nana is it luck on whether the Corolla Aqua La Jolla and Omar tossin Arun
welcome Assam