Omar Suleiman – Jummah Khutbah 01-15-2016
![Omar Suleiman](
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The upcoming election and return of Islam have led to the need for change in religion to deal with political pressures and make it easier for people to handle the political pressure. The speaker discusses the struggles faced by Muslims to change their religion to make it easier for them to handle the political pressure and make it easier for them to handle the political pressure. The speaker also addresses the importance of accepting one's own ID and the negative impact of returning to a traditional way of life. The speakers emphasize the need for change in religion to avoid confusion and confusion, and discuss the importance of strong faith in Islam to avoid confusion and confusion.
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Are you able to cut
a long line
a shudder
shadow Allah
Splinter unlocking unlocking in an hamdulillah Enigma do we want to stay in or stuck who don't wanna study? Why don't you know we wanted to I could already when everyone will be laughing loudly men surely and fusina women see RTR Marina de la Huhtala Philomel Bella woman your little fella ha the other eye shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah Wacka hula Shreeka local malcode out hunt you're here where you meet with ohioana remote Beardy Hill higher Wahoo articoli shaitan shadow Ana Muhammad Abdul rasuluh wasafi You who live at the Amana Toba lava risotto Allah Sahaja Loma Akasha from what's written by law legal How can a hearty hello is evil and Illa haddock finally health de la Surah to a
terminal Tasneem wider Ernie he will be here when Minister nummy sunnah to either yo Medina la Medina Amin home I mean Alladhina amanu Huami will slightly higher to Ottawa southern healthcare but also the sub i mean lb datamine we'll see come when FCB Tapachula are called mo no but what Carla Tara Johanna Dean Armando Tapachula have got to party he will attend more to 11 to Mosimane Yohannes Itakura Kamala the Halacha Coleman Epson worried wahala caminhadas Jaha Well, that's some inhumanity John and cathedra on one Isa, what type hola hola de Tessa Luna b He will or ham in Hola, Karina and ecoman. Akiva. You hola Dena ammonoid topple La La Kulu, Cortland studied your
way of thriller comes in overcome when the nuclear is a lot of SUTA who forgot the philosopher was in Lima from about we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and bearing witness that none has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for him subhanho wa Taala And we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is his final messenger and that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada sent him as a mercy to the world an example for us to follow and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us amongst those that follow his sunnah and that are joined with him, his family, his companions
In the highest level of generative for DOS, Allah, I mean, the brothers if I can ask you just to begin the hotspot so that we don't have to do this midway, let's just get it over with now inshallah.
And as you come forward Inshallah, tada,
I have a surprise for you. And that is that this hotspot is not going to be about Islamophobia, that we're actually going to depart away from Islamophobia, for the first time in a few months, because the elections are going to be ongoing. And there's going to be plenty of time to keep on addressing that subject and for us to keep on talking about how we can be better citizens and how we can stop people from hating our guts. But beyond that, what I do want to talk about in sha Allah Tada, though it's related, is this idea that people are leaving the religion that people are leaving Islam, that as Muslims were knuckling under pressure. And it's one thing to to address the discrimination. And
the injustice is carried out against our community and other communities as well. It's another thing to address the spiritual element of this, which is that people are buckling under pressure. And we do have people that are leaving the religion. And it's not just converts and reverts because this is a common trend in our communities that someone comes and take shahada and mashallah tech, Viet Allahu Akbar, and everyone gives that convert a hug. And then soon the brother that sister is gone, because when they went home, and they face the difficulties that they face, and they lacked the support system that they liked, unfortunately, they ended up going back to their, their previous way
of life, they were disillusioned by what appeared to be a very welcoming community. And that's a problem. And we also have a problem, obviously, with Muslim youth. We tried to shelter them. And we think that by sheltering them away from society, and not exposing them, and by trying to make everything make believe that's outside and you know, this doesn't exist, and there are no challenges to your religion, we think that we're doing them a favor, but the moment they encounter even an elementary challenge to their faith, be a theological, or be it humanitarian, they're unable to answer that challenge. And they feel like they've been lied to their entire lives, and hence, they
go away. Or it could be the opposite, which is that you really didn't give them much to start with in the first place. You raised them in a very assimilationist way, where they went to school, they barely knew that they were Muslim, you weren't too strict, you kind of raised them to be somewhat Muslim, and live a very contradicting lifestyle, like you live yourself. And then you were upset when you came to find out that your child when they went to college no longer wants to become Muslim. And of course, there are those people that do everything right, and their kids still leave Islam. And that's, that's in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala will not
burden you except with your scope. And it's in your scope to give them the righteous upbringing that Allah subhanaw taala mandated you to give them but if you did that, and they still want to stray, then that's not your fault. That's not your problem. You are absolved from being punished in the hereafter for that mistake. But here's the thing. A really interesting question comes about is the solution theologically when it comes to Islam, to make Islam less burdensome, and to make Islam less demanding, and to make it easier for people so that people don't run away from it is the solution to keep on watering it down for our Muslim youth so that they'll find Islam digestible when they grow
up so that they'll be able to handle it. And it's okay if they're not the best Muslims in the world. But you know what, at least they still call themselves Muslim. And it's okay if they're coming, you know, if they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing, but at least they're coming to the masjid and so on so forth, is the solution to actually change the religion to make it easier for people. When we do that, are we actually recognizing the problem in the first place, and I want to take you all back to the scene of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then come back to this, this discussion altogether. And the seed of the prophets like sudden we find that there were
people that understood that the society that they lived in that the theology that they grew up on, that the idolatry that they were raised upon was not correct, even though the Prophet slice of them had not begun his call yet. And they were a few people we read about them, we read about what are called the Nofal, the cousin of Khadija will the Allah who would become a biblical scholar Subhan Allah who would not only abandon the ways of idolatry, but he would learn the religion of the Jews and the Christians, and he would excel in the Bible and he would eventually embrace Christianity. We learn about people like Earth mounted the latest obey the law had been Jash they did not have faith,
they did not have it have no faith, the prophets lie some admired because he used to actually stand up against idolatry he used to actually put his back to the Kaaba and refuse to worship the idols and used to call people to the way of Ibrahim ani is set up worship in accordance with the way of Abraham and not only rejected their their bankrupt theology but bank but rejected their bankrupt morality as well, which was the
burying of the young girls alive in the outskirts of Mecca. He even rejected that. So the prophets lie some admired him. So you have this group of people that just knew that something wasn't right. But they didn't know what the truth was. And so they would spend their lives trying to find the truth somewhere in the world. One of those men who I mentioned was obey the law, and Jash obey the love and rejection is one of the most fascinating stories from the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because his life doesn't make sense. And I'll tell you why his life doesn't make sense. Before the prophets lie, Selim even starts his call. He rejects idolatry and he suffers
forts. His family are staunch leaders in flourish. He's related to the Prophet sly Sunday, the brother in law, he would be the brother in law of the Prophet SAW Salem had he lived to see his sisters he had been judged on the Allah and married the Prophet slicin. He's related to the profit slice on he's from the noble tribe. So he rejected idolatry before Islam even started. And when the Prophet SAW Salem call to Islam, he accepted the profit slice and I'm very early on, and he suffered even more. And then he married the believing daughter of other Sofia and I'm heavy but all the Allah Tada and I'm Habiba of the Allah. And I mean, she's the daughter of one of the staunchest enemies of
the prophets like Selim. So now you have a husband and a wife, that are basically bringing their torture and it's compounded in that household, because you have two families that are after you constantly torturing you, subjecting you to all sorts of oppression for being Muslims. I mean, it's embarrassing to those families, that their children have become Muslim. And they make the very painful decision to migrate to Abyssinia to do his will to have a short while on Habibullah the Allahu taala. And who was pregnant with their first child. It's an exhausting journey. There, you know that he's been tortured for years. They've been tortured for years. They leave their homes
after a decade, almost a decade of oppression, to go and practice freely. And they go to a land of uncertainty, Abyssinia, they don't know whether they're going to be accepted or not. But they have a good feeling that they will be accepted because the prophets like some Praise the king over there, he prays in the Joshy. And they go to Abyssinia and the subtle, far away from their land Alhamdulillah life becomes quite easy for the Muslims living in Abyssinia. It's a very comfortable environment. It's an environment that we as Muslims in America would hope for, which is that the majority which are non Muslim, are fully accepting of your beliefs. And they let you park this the
King, the administration of the time fully protects your civil liberties and fully protects your right to worship. Not only that is secretly a Muslim, it sounds like America, right? But he's actually secretly a Muslim. And he's actually protecting the minority. He's actually taking care of them. He secretly holding their, their, their gatherings in his own palace, right? He's taking care of them. And they're able to do whatever they want, and they become very comfortable in Abyssinia. Then one day on Habiba will be alone, he goes to sleep, and she dreams about her husband obey the law. With a disfigured face. He's too faced. His face is all over the place. And she's really
disturbed by that dream.
And she wakes up and she confronts her husband about that dream. And he confesses that he's left Islam. He abandoned the religion. Not only that, but he was an alcoholic again, he went back to not only his pre Islamic ways, His pre pre Islamic ways. He went back to a life of being drunk. He accepted Christianity. And he didn't accept Christianity because he believed in Christianity. He accepted it because it was the way of the people over there if you study his life, it appears to be the case he just basically blended into his new society did what he did, and left his wife left on Habibullah the Allahu tiedown hmm. And would die in a state of disbelief. It's a tragic story. And
it doesn't make much sense. Why? Because you suffered all these years, for the sake of your religion, before you even knew what your religion was for the sake of tau hate for the sake of monotheism. And then as soon as you got comfortable, and you moved on to the society where you were accepted and everything was okay. Suddenly you abandon your religion and you put everything behind you. And subhanAllah the Sahaba used to see him and he used to be so drunk. And they used to ask him, you know, do you remember anything from Islam? What's your problem? And he would only quote the ayat about the condemnation of the people of hellfire. Like, he knows what's going on. He knows that
he's messed up, but Subhanallah he still loved his religion. Now here's
So what's very interesting about this case, if you study the Muslims in Mecca because there's a perception that people stay in Muslim because they're afraid to leave Islam, right, that's what the Islamophobes echo as well, that the only reason why people don't abandon Islam in greater numbers is because they're afraid that someone's going to kill them. If they leave Islam, all these women weren't caged up, they wear hijab, because they're afraid their parents will beat them up and their parents will imprison them. And whatever it is, they're afraid they'll have acid thrown in their faces in Dallas, Texas, for taking off their hijab. That's the narrative of the Islamophobes. But
here's the thing about the seal of the prophets lie Selim, if you study his life, in Mecca, and the early companions, who struggled for a religion that really was not very well defined up until that point, all they had, I mean, think about Islam with no Ramadan, and Islam with no other we Islam with no Hajj, and Islam that only consists of
two Salas a day some Korean, Malay, and even though Salawat are not defined yet, and the Quran is not complete yet, right? Quran and that, and just a few basic moral principles, and otherwise, just the theology of Tohei the theology of belief in Allah and belief in the hereafter think about that type of a snap. That's all they had to keep them going in luck. And they faced the greatest persecution that anyone has faced in this religion. But here's the thing, none of them left Islam.
None of them left Islam. I was asked once a question that people used to fear apostasy in the Muslim community because they were afraid of being killed for apostasy. And the thing is, is that even if you wanted to argue about the laws of apostasy and Medina, and even that is debatable, in Makkah, there was no such thing. Why is it that people saw it through and people were willing to go through what they went through for a religion that was still barely. And it's, you know, in its inception stages, where it's still being defined? Why is it that they were willing to go through all that, and in that is immediately a rejection of this idea that Islam needs to change so that people can stay
Muslim. Islam needs to be made easier, Islam doesn't need to be made easier. Islam just needs to be presented. As if it's worth it's Islam needs to be presented for the valuable way that it truly is. Islam does not need to be changed or altered. It's not about external pressure. It's not about what what what the outside will do to us. Because actually, what you could argue is that, you know, obey the love and judge when things got too comfortable. And he no longer had anything to struggle for, he lost the value of that which he struggled for in the first place. Because one of the blessings of adversity and persecution is that it forces you to not only adopt your principles, but to stand by
them. It forces you to embrace your identity. And you have to make a choice when you're under persecution for your principles or your identity, whether to abandon them or whether to stand by them. And if a person stands by their principles and stands by their identity under persecution, then they can face all the other situations. But when you've never struggled for it, you don't value it. And that's what we see happening in this situation, that with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his community, they understood the value of what was given to them. And so the struggle was easy. The struggle was easy when they understood the sweetness in the struggle, and own Habiba
rubella Anna has a happy ending, and that is that the same woman that dreamed of her husband with a disfigured face, had another dream that someone was calling her own way more money in the Mother of the Believers. And she woke up to a proposal science all the way from Medina from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and she would become the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she would be honored with being one of the was one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she was a single mom, living in a strange land, and whose father was trying to kill the Prophet, slice Allah, and see ends up becoming the life of the prophet slicin. But here's the thing
back to our story and what this means for us, when we are placed in the situation where Islam is under the microscope, where people are leaving Islam where people don't feel like it's worth being Muslim anymore. How do we start to analyze this problem? What what do we look at? How do we look at the retention rate of the converts and the time of the Prophet slice and analyze our own retention rate of converts and retention rate of Muslims in general? First and foremost, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prophesizes this type of behavior he prophesizes a time as the hour comes near where he says used to be for Roger roofie Mina williamsii Coffee Ron Williamson, what
meanwhile used to be careful that there would come a time that a person would go
asleep a believer. And he'd wake up a disbeliever, he changed his mind by the morning, or a person would wake up a believer, he'd wake up a Muslim comes to select their friends. And maybe, and by the time the evening time comes, he's already forsaken his religion. And what the prophets lie some is alluding to is our own inconsistency, our refusal to stick with something that is so valuable, because we've lost its true worth. Because we've lost his true worth. And I'm the loveliness of the law. I know he narrates and it's authentic, as more comfortably Masaru does a statement of admin, Mr. Uber are allowed to come in now, do not be embarrassed, do not be sheep, do not be people that
just go with the flow, and you say, an accent, announce at Santa, if people do good, then we will do good. We're in Asana or something on if they do God than we do. But rather, you should say if the people go this way, if the people going away have goodness of their son, I said, No, we will stay put. And if more people go in a bad way, if people go to the opposite direction, then we will still stay put on the right path. But what he's talking about in my someone who's caring, who has no character, someone who just adapts to their environment, who just does whatever it is that's going on around them, and they no longer have anything to stand for. And of course, you have the very
famous thing that the very famous saying that if you don't stand for anything, then you'll fall for anything. If you don't stand for something, then you're just gonna fall for anything. The next trend that comes in will become your trends. The next, you know, the next theological trend even right will become your theological trip, you know, hey, atheism is on the rise. And that's what I'm gonna do to it sounds pretty cool. That's what the scientists, that's what the science community is on. Now, that sounds really good. You know, this group of people are doing this type of thing, I'm gonna do that type of thing as well, you just go with the flow, and you don't stand for anything. You
don't stand for something, you don't have a set of principles that you stand by, it's, you know, we're not even talking about struggling for that set of principles, your principles are even changing all the time. Because you're simply going with the flow. And so the first problem that has to be addressed is this sheep mentality. I know SubhanAllah. It's interesting that in English language, sheep is the same word, whether it's singular or plural. Because you go with the flow, you're no longer your own character, you don't have your own personality, you don't have your own opinions, you don't have your own decisions. And even when you become supposedly opinionated, you're
not really becoming your own person, you're not really becoming opinionated, you're really following the opinions of someone you saw on YouTube, or your colleague or your classmate, or whatever it is, you're not capable of actually standing by a set of principles that you believe in. And that's a problem. And they say that in this day and age, obviously, you know, we're the sheep and the TV is the shepherd everyone, you know, you have a lot of people to guide your way to guide you to the next direction, to guide you to the next trend, to show you what what's what how things are supposed to be, and how things are not supposed to be. And when we haven't struggled for our religion, when we
and that's hopefully one of the blessings that comes out of this adversity. When we haven't struggled for our religion, we don't really see value in it. And that's number two, the changing value, not the changing value system that we have here in this country that we have in this world. You know, in the study of history, they call it presentism. When you study history, and you assess history in light of your your present day moral values, which are ever changing. So right now, this is the standard, this is what's good. This is what's just this is what's backwards, this is what's regressive, this is progressive, this is regressive. Not only have you changed from a decade ago,
but you're willing to look back at the seal of the prophets license 1400 years ago, and assess the seal of the prophets lie Selim, in light of your new value system.
I mean, those of us who grew up in this country, have seen how dramatically things can change on social and moral issues. There's a saying that 20 years ago, I was liberal, and I became a conservative without changing a single opinion. Things change, everything else changes around you. And you can either go with the flow and you can be swept in it. And you can actually convince yourself that this is the new standard of morality, that this is the new standard of principles. And this is the way things should be or you can hold on to your own set of ever lasting principles, ever lasting values, values and principles and morals that have been tested by 1400 years of challenges,
and still stayed the same. But if you don't know your own value system, if you don't understand your own religion, if you don't know why Allah Subhana Allah, Allah legislated certain things, and if you don't have trust that Allah subhanaw taala knows what's better for you than you know for yourself, then why would you stick to that set of principles? Why would you stick to that set?
Have more values, of course, you'll be swept by all the stuff that's around you, especially if that way is easier. People don't become atheist, because they suddenly are convinced of you know, of that of that way of life. It's a very convenient way of life. It's very convenient to say that you're agnostic, all of a sudden, it's very convenient to say that, you know, I know God, you know, there must be a God, but I don't know who he is. And he must have, you know, he must have made some ways, but I don't know what that way is. So in the meantime, I'm just gonna believe in God and be moral to my own standards. It's very convenient, isn't it? A life of no restrictions, a life of no
prohibitions a life where you get to where you get to choose your own ways. And you think that that's better for you. But it's actually worse for you. Because once the last time you found an atheist that had Sakina, in his life that had tranquility in his life, when's the last time you found a person who doesn't believe in God or who doesn't believe in the hereafter, and isn't confident in the belief of something coming, that had contentment and tranquility in their lives, you think it's better for you, but it's not? It's not. But it's convenience. So you mix up this changing value system, with our unlimited desires, and the fact that we've never had to struggle for
something that we believed in, and all of a sudden, Islam goes to waste, all of a sudden, we lose it. And we find ourselves not really recognizing what it is that we should be fighting for. And what it is that we should be holding on to, we found that we find ourselves completely lost, and Subhanallah, in the case of the companions, because they had to struggle to be Muslim, there are places in the world where being Muslim is dangerous, just being Muslim is dangerous. Because those people had to struggle for it, they regained a sense of value in it, they actually understand what it means now, they actually understand that, hey, this is worth it. This is something that's
actually good for us. This is something that's more precious to me, than my comfort and my convenience and my unlimited access to my desires. This is a way of life, that makes sense. But when we're too comfortable, we don't see that anymore, and we don't struggle for it anymore. And subhanAllah instead, we placed the entire burden on the outside, when circumstances changed, then maybe we'll change when circumstances changed, then maybe will change. But if the retention rates in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was almost 100%, under the most severe persecution, with absolutely no consequences if you left your religion, if you left Islam in Mecca,
nothing would happen to you not from the Muslim side, no one was going to come after you. You can't make that argument in any way, shape, or form. If it was worth it to them, why isn't it worth it to us? If it was worth it to them, despite being expelled from their lands, despite being killed, despite being opposed by their own family members? Why isn't it worth it to us? And that's a question that we all have to ask ourselves is Pamela, there was a conversation between Abu Sufyan and her Oculus. And this is a long conversation that took place between her Oculus, the Emperor of Rome, the Caesar of Rome, and Abu Sufyan when Abu Sufyan was not Muslim. And he asked him a bunch of
questions about Islam, and about the prophets lie some to see if he was upon the truth. And one of the questions he asked him, he said, this religion of yours despite or this religion of Muhammad sly Salam this way, despite all of the persecution, is it growing? Or is it shrinking? Despite everything being against it? Is it growing? Or is it shrinking? I mean, you guys have done some pretty terrible things to them. And Abu Sufian, puts his head down and says belly as the donor, actually, they keep getting bigger. They keep increasing. And you know what he asked him next. He said, when people come into this religion,
and they embrace it the way that it should be embraced, meaning they don't kind of become Muslim. When people actually become Muslim, and they embrace it the way that it should be embraced. Are they leaving it afterwards? So it's one thing to have a huge conversion rate. It's another thing to have a huge retention rate. And Abu Sufyan responded, none of them leave the way of Mohammed once they join it. Subhan Allah, none of them leave the weight of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Once they join
and miraculous he put his head down and he said that's because when the sweetness of Eman enters the heart, nothing can take it out. Its power. He understands that the sweetness of that faith has entered their hearts. There is nothing you could do to take them away from the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, despite the oppression despite the repression, they get it. They know that it's worth it. Islam didn't need to be made easier for them. It just needed to be worth it and it was worth it to them. So why isn't it worth it to us? And I'll leave you all with a fine
will fire you know when someone converts to Islam, and they break down in tears saying La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah. And as a result of their converting to Islam, they're going to face alienation from their family members, their friends that they grew up with are going to question them and start and start, you know, teasing them or even boycotting them and cutting them off, they're gonna lose that entire support system, things that they'd grown up their entire lives doing, it wasn't haram for them, now they're gonna have to let them go. They're willing to put behind them an entire way of life, to embrace this new of this new way of life. And we look at them the Born
Muslims, and we say, mashallah, that's amazing. You see that Brother, you see what he's doing, you see that Sister, you see what she's doing, and so on and so forth. That's wonderful that we admire them. But the question is, if they're willing to leave behind entire lifestyles, to leave behind unwillingly, many times their family members, then why is it that we're not willing to abandon our cultural practices that we find out later on in life are in contradiction with Islam? Because we fear being ostracized by our ethnic communities? Why is it that we're still not willing to show that we're Muslim to our non Muslim friends and colleagues, we're still calling ourselves by different
names. We're still sneaking off to pray somewhere else. We're still trying to hide Islam from them. Why is it that we're doing that and we're placing that expectation on the mighty converts. They're an example for you and I, they left a lot more behind to come to this religion than you did. I'm not talking about MK I'm talking about Dallas, talking about here, they left behind a whole lot more than what would ever be expected of you. Because by you becoming more religious, and accepting your religion, yes, people will talk about you and you don't want to do your wedding the way that everyone else in the family does their wedding, or you don't want to adopt the innovations, the way
that everybody else in your community adopts a certain innovation. And you don't want to, you know, go to certain places or go to certain parties, or you hold yourself back from things that your family deems acceptable, but no one's going to cut you off. No one's going to cut you off the way that they've been cut off. That's an example for you and I, that Islam is worth it. And that as long as it's worth it, it doesn't matter what happens in the outside world, it doesn't matter how much the circumstances change, because it's worth it to you as a way of life as a set of values, as a as a theology, and a religion that makes sense. And that's worth striving for. And we ask Allah Subhana
Allah to Allah, to make us amongst those that take this religion wholeheartedly that lived by it, that that die by it and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us amongst those that are raised why and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to guide us to the truth and make us firm upon it, to guide us and to guide through us to rectify our affairs and to rectify the affairs of others through us Allah and I mean, a colo Califa we're stuck with Allah you will accompany certain Muslim investor fill in the hole for him.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen whatever Guan illa Allah wa I mean when asked about two months ago in LA masala was senemo Baraka Abdi Cora suka Mohammed and sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to see when cathedra a llama for me Nina when you're not well Muslim you know what a Muslim out here even humble and white in Mecca Semir on Korean Mooji with their watch, llama fiddle and our Hamner Why four and now Allah to live now for Ben alumna and first and our in them tougher than our top Hamner. Lana corn mmm ha serene llama fiddly. Well, Idina Ibraham Houma Kamara bonus is a lot more benna habit and I mean as long as you know what the reaction are Kurata ion or
Jana McLean Imam llaman Surah mustafina famous article Abdul Mohammed Allahu Allah is Islam on Muslimeen well de la sharika will Caribbean or Denver either the LA Monica while Amina with a lot of meanwhile Regina was one of them and Bina himself he mean rebelled Allah and Allah He up morbidly went silent, but you will put a bow on her and in fascia you will want to carry well buddy, Iago Kamala come to the karoun first Corolla has got to come, wash crew, what is it like? What are the Corolla here acaba Allahu Yamato snarling walking salah?
Low like what a long walk
a shadow
a shadow