Omar Suleiman – Dua

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The group discusses the importance of Jesus's reward and his importance to their success, as well as the need for forgiveness and count everything they do for their parents. They also emphasize the need for individuals to overcome fear and strengthen their bodies, and for people to make their children right to Seattle. They urge forgiveness and a promise to bring peace and blessings upon their eighteenth birthday, while also reminding individuals to be strong and trust in their companions.
AI: Transcript ©
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complains on the day of judgment that they didn't do justice to the sport at hand. Yeah Allah make us amongst those who appreciate the blessing of the school and yeah Allah we ask you by every one of your names, the names you revealed and the names you did not reveal the names that are known to you and us and the names that are only known to you. Ya Allah we ask you to make this Quran the light of our hearts yeah Allah we asked you to make it the light of our hearts yeah Allah we asked you to make it the light of our hearts and young Allah we asked you to remove our distress through ya Allah we asked you to alleviate our distress distress through it. Young Allah Yong Hwa, Jung Allah accept

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our recitation of the Quran. Yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah allow us to be guided through the Quran. Yeah Allah Allah allow us to be cured of the Quran of the spiritual ills in the physical ills go I've been an amine Yet Allah let us find our comfort in the Quran. Our clarity in the Quran? Yeah, Allah let the first sight when our graves open on the Day of Judgment V the Quran reaching out to us to elevate us out of our graves and to take us to our place of assembly. Yeah, and Allah in this gathering, you have people all of us here Allah who recited the listens who who tried their best try to connect with the Quran yeah Allah Allah the Quran intercede on our behalf on the Day of Judgment.

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Yeah Allah Allah the Quran to intercede on our behalf on the Day of Judgment. Yeah, Allah Allah our fasting to intercede on our behalf on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah Allah are fasting to intercede on our behalf on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah Ya Allah as we come to the end of this Ramadan yeah Allah accept our Ramadan yeah Allah do not make us amongst those whom God and Annie has said I need your hand against because they did not do justice by this month of Ramadan rather make us amongst those about whom you states and as you tend to have who will feel that the angels descends upon them and Djibouti and it has Saddam amongst them to record their worship er have been had I mean, yeah,

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Allah forgive us for all our sins Yabba anatomy, the small ones and the large ones the private ones on the public ones gala erase all of them Jarold anatomy and yalla convert all of them into good deeds for a car club anatomy Yama, do not humiliate us with our sins on the Day of Judgment. Yeah, I don't mean y'all do not humiliate us with our sins on the Day of Judgment y'all I'm gonna I mean y'all Allah Allah assign Hassan art and our scrolls Yeah, I love that I mean let us find our sins converted into good deeds on a day of judgment Yeah, but I mean let those places that were dark places become places of light for us go over that I mean, let them become places of light our heart

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yellow going to automate and let them be light on our scrolls yellow anatomy and let those deeds of light be heavy on our knees on your butt on the mean and let them be means of elevation for us and not means of humiliation yellow behind me. Ya know I write down for a state a two year long write down for us Labor Department yeah la write down for us ladies and young Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah you second with the Rooney SDG blockland call upon me and I will answer Yama, Allah we're all calling upon you. And we're saying Yahoo. Except I was able to cover the writing down for us without any deficiency out of it. I mean, write down the scholar blog for us without any deficiency out of it. I

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mean, y'all know write down our car or the arm or teeth out without any deficiency? Yeah, I mean, yeah, hola. Yo, yo, Allah, Yahweh. Iya is not only oh you Oh Allah, you are the guardian of your religion and its people Yeah. And Allah make us the people of Islam. And let us be amongst those who hold firm to this religion of Islam. Yoruba, let us be amongst those who hold firm to the religion of Islam. Allah humma had been eight eight Amon Enon Allah who have designated an EMA and Allah Muhammad he was the one who people Rubina what Catherine Elaine uncomfortable for Zuko with Christiane are generally not in a rush to the whole la make faith beloved to our hearts ya allah

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solidify in our hearts now Allah solidified in our hearts and make Beloved to us all that is beloved to you and make hated to us all that is hated to yada but anatomy ya Allah allow us to change from this little line for the better yeah Allah allow us to change from this little line for the better yeah Allah allow us to change from this little line for the better yeah, all the mistakes that we know about that we know about beyond Allah allow us to overcome them and be forgiven for the once and for all young and young a lot of the mistakes that maybe we are ignorant heedless of yeah Allah show them to us only so that we can repent for them and be forgiven for them yeah a little bit of

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how to me yeah Allah wipe them all out from us. Yeah, all of that I mean, yeah, Allah wipe them all out for mercy Allah Bananaman Yeah, Allah Rue all of those sins Yeah. Of hon Allah He mean yo

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will not allow us to come out of this like the day our mothers gave birth to us. Yeah, I'm gonna have a mean only with a lifetime of good deeds that you promised would later to Korea. I mean, yeah Allah you are And Kareem you're generous. Yeah Allah, Ya Allah Ya Allah it's not that we deserve this gift of Leila Takada and a lifetime of good deeds but yeah Allah you revealed it in your Quran. Yeah, Allah recorded in our book of deeds. Y'all are recorded in our book of deeds y'all are recorded in our book of deeds and yeah Allah record our deeds only to the best of their intentions Jana but I mean yeah Allah any intentions good intentions that we had. Yeah, Allah you record them

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fully out of the anatomy. And yeah, Allah for any insincerity for any deficiency in our intention. Yeah, Allah forgive us for them ya know, but I mean, yeah, Allah we ask you for sincerity. Yeah, Allah we ask you for sincerity. Yeah, Allah we asked you for sincerity. Yeah, Allah make our hearts sincere. Yeah Allah keep our hearts sincere. Yeah Allah keep them connected only to ya but I mean, yeah, Allah make your site more beloved to us than anyone else's site. Yeah, out of that. I mean, yeah, Allah make your pleasure more beloved to us than the pleasure of anyone else. Yeah.

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Allah make your reward more more important to us than the reward that anyone else could give us. Yeah, I don't but I mean, yeah, Allah we asked you for nothing less than janitor for the dose y'all been on? I mean, yeah, Karine. Yeah, Corinne Corinne we asked you fell for a dose of the Alameen ya Allah grant Mr companionship of our prophets Allah Allah Allah He was summoned for the dose of Allah. Ya Allah write us down amongst those people. Yeah, I don't but I mean yeah Allah, Ya Allah Ya Allah allow us to be steadfast and firm after Ramadan Yeah, I mean yeah Allah allow us to be steadfast and firm after Ramadan yada but Atomy and yeah, Allah, let the best of our days be the

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last of them. Let the best of our deeds be the last of them. We asked you Oh ALLAH for Krishna ki Tam. O Allah give us a good ending. Oh Allah give us a good ending. Oh Allah give us a good ending. Oh Allah do not take us from this life until you are pleased with us Yeah, but I mean Oh Allah let the best of our deeds the most pleasing of them the most sincere of them the most acceptable yeah Allah let them be the last ones that we do on this earth Yama but I mean let them be the ones with which we are raised yarrabilba Allah mean yeah Allah guide us to that good ending Gala. But I mean, Robin attina for dunya has an awful lot to Huseynov Latina Adama na O our Lord we ask you for the

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best of this life and the best of the next and to protect us from the fire yeah a little bit out I mean, and yeah Allah for all of our loved ones who passed away yeah Allah Allah all of our loved ones who passed away that couldn't be here for this Ramadan yeah all right down for them the reward Yeah but I mean yeah Allah have mercy on them ya know, but I mean, elevate them ya know, but I mean yeah Allah allow them to benefit from the reward of the sadaqa given on their behalf to do as made for them and the intentions that they had that had they been areola they would have worshipped you Yeah, Allah write it down for them fully out I'm behind I mean, yeah, Allah write it down for them

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fully out of it. I mean, yeah, Allah Ya Allah and give Shiva heal and cure all of those who are sick yada but I mean yeah Allah we have brothers and sisters that had intentions to do so much in Ramadan but they became ill yeah Allah maybe they couldn't fast Yet Allah accept their fasting from them yada but I mean maybe they wanted to pray long nights but they couldn't yet Allah write down those nights of prayer for them ya know? But I mean yeah Allah and cure them fully out of it I mean, Allah mystery model Model and Model than Muslimeen Oh ALLAH cure our ILL ones and cure the ill ones of the Muslims all over Europe and I mean yeah, Allah cure them yeah a little bit I mean, yeah, Allah cure

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them Jakob anatomy. Yeah, Allah cured me out of anatomy. And yeah, Allah as we call upon. Our on, yeah Allah Our Ummah, Ya Allah Our ya Allah the ummah of Your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah Allah the ummah of Your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, Allah they live under oppression. Yeah, Allah our brothers and sisters and OXA Yeah, Allah our brothers and sisters and OXA Yeah, Allah liberate and acciara Bill Alameen ya allah liberate most of the oxide? I mean, yeah, Allah, the land of your profits. Yeah, Allah, the place where zakat eonni his Salam called out to you and Madame it has Salam called out to you and miracles happen Yeah, Allah show us a miracle and

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an upside out of that. I mean, Ya Allah show us a miracle fully and swiftly and upside down a bit. I mean, yeah, Allah show us a miracle with our brothers and sisters and upsell Yeah, I mean, Ya Allah make their feet firm. Ya Allah make their feet firm yeah Allah remove all fear from their hearts yeah Allah remove all fear for their from their hearts. And yeah Allah do away with all of those that harmed them. Those that harmed them from within and from without ya Allah do away with their occupiers.

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See ya Allah and do away with the hypocrites of this Ummah that have betrayed them yada blah mean and replace them with people that fear Allah in regards to them Yeah but I mean yeah Allah Allah Allah, a place where the prophets feets a place where the prophets feet stood a place where the prophets prayed a place of worship Yahweh Allah removed the boots of the occupiers from their yard of banana mean ya allah remove the boots of the occupiers from their yard Abdulla al Amin Yun Allah remove the boots of the occupiers from them era but I mean yeah Allah free them once and for all y'all up behind I mean and right for us a salon in Missouri the lotsa a liberated master the lochsa

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Robin, I mean, right for us a Salah there Yeah, I mean, and yeah Allah your mama in India. Yeah, Allah your mama in Kashmir. Yeah Allah your mama the oil Where's Yara, Bill alanine, your Allah your ummah in a sham? Yeah, Allah your ummah in Yemen. Yeah Allah Our Ummah, the ones we speak about and the ones that we sometimes forget. Yeah, Allah your oma in Somalia yeah Allah your own man Ethiopia ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah we ask you to elevate our brothers and sisters and to alleviate the oppression from them all over the world. Yeah, out of benign I mean yeah, a lot of the ones we mentioned and the ones that we sometimes forget you don't forget them Yeah, but I mean, yeah, Allah

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Ya Allah Ya Allah help and aid our only our blood I mean, yeah Allah this is the home of your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yet Allah helped them and aid them yada but Allah mean yeah Allah remove the oppression from them Yeah but I mean yeah Allah our brothers and sisters our Messiah for those that live in prisons ya know blood I mean freedom yeah Allah

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Ya Allah there are Messiah that used to teach this about Ramadan

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and they spend their Ramadan in prison cells yeah Allah we ask you to free them yeah Ramadan I mean

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ya allah brothers and sisters that are prisoners all over the world yet Allah freedom you have opened an amine yeah Allah Grantham steadfastness and firmness and freedom Yeah Bill Alameen ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah replace those who harm this ummah with those who fear Allah in regards to you how behind I mean yeah Allah give us better leaders yeah huddled behind me and make us better Muslims and better followers you're behind me and grant this is a blasphemy. Yeah Allah we know we go through hard times and we know that it's sometimes our sins Yeah, Allah forgive us for our sins yada but I mean, yeah, Allah we ask you to forgive us for the sins that bring hardship upon our own

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layout of blood. I mean, we asked you to forgive us for the sins that cause our Durant's to be nullified yeah Rob anatomia Allah Ya Allah in Naka fu you pardon Yeah, Allah we ask you to pardon us? Yeah. I mean, we asked you to be with our brothers and sisters all over your anatomy. Yeah Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah enable us to support our brothers and sisters wherever they are. Yeah, help me yeah Allah the refugees that go from border to border that go from country to country hungry and starving and drowning and sees ya Allah make it easy for them Yadav anatomy Yeah, Allah grant them stability and security safety out of anatomy. Yeah, Allah The people that our borders the people at

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the borders all over the world that find cruelty and the doors of human being shut in their face. Yeah, Allah opened your doors for them. Yeah, I don't but I mean, yeah, Allah descend your mercy and your sustenance and your safety upon them. Yeah. I mean, and yeah, just bow. Yah, yah Jiabao. Ya Aziz. Aziz? Aziz? Yeah. Are we can we can we do away with all of the tyrants in this world? Yeah. I mean, protect us from the tyrants Yeah. How to Build alameen and protect the mustafina and the Misaki and the poor ones in the downtrodden from the tyrants. Yeah. Ha but I mean, yeah, Allah, we asked you to remove transgression from our own lives the Alhambra, Eleni. Yeah, Allah protect us

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from crying out for the oppressed and only to be oppressors ourselves. Ya Rahman Al Amin Yalla. Remove Lauren from our lives out of the Alameen yalla do not count us amongst the vile Amin do not count us amongst the oppressors, those who oppress their families those who oppress their co workers those who oppress their community members those who oppress their children yeah Allah remove us remove us far away from any form of oppression yeah a little bit out of me yeah Allah purify us from oppression yada Alameen yellow purify us from oppression Jakob anatomie yellow purify us from oppression yellow Bill Alameen. Yeah, Allah, Allah. Allah, we ask You to forgive and have mercy on

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our parents. Yeah, but I mean, Allah homothetic Finiti Well, Idina, Rob Durham, Houma Kamara, buenas Ivara Yeah, Allah have mercy on our deceased parents. Yeah, Allah have mercy on our deceased parents and yeah, Allah have mercy.

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And forgive our living parents yeah Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah count everything that we do have good on the scale of our parents he held up anatomy and forgive them for any shortcomings in regards to us gallop anatomy and forgive them for any shortcomings in regards to you yeah it'll be the enemy yeah Allah have mercy on them and forgive them as they raised us when we were young Yeah, Allah, Allah Allah you are more merciful than a mother to her child. Yeah, Allah be merciful to our mothers and fathers out up and out. I mean, y'all love be merciful to our mothers and fathers out of anatomy. Yeah, love be merciful to our mothers and fathers out on banana mean. Robbing a heaven and I mean as

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well as you know with reality now Kurata Aryan where Jana and Tina Inanna Oh Allah grant us spouses and children that are the coolness of our eyes and let them be the leaders of this only honorable al Amin let them be the leaders of this only out but I mean those who are sub including those who are foremost in hired, yeah, Allah let our families be families that are pleasing to y'all I'm behind. I mean, let our families be families that are beloved to you. Yeah, I don't mean Yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah for all of those who are married yeah, but it means strengthen their marriage with tuckaway out of anatomy. Yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah all of those who are married yet i'll put Sakina

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tranquility comfort compassion amongst them yeah no but I mean yeah Allah keep the shayateen away from them yada but I mean, and yeah Allah for all of those that are looking to get married yeah, but I mean facilitate for them right to spouses y'all up behind me. Y'all love facilitate for them righteous spouses, y'all know but I mean, and y'all Allah for all of those that are divorced. Yeah. I mean, yeah, Allah grant them peace and better companionship, ya know, but I mean, grant them peace and better companionship and a great reward. Yeah, it'll blow out I mean, and yeah, Allah for those who are widowed ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah grant them the reward that you granted to us Yeah, it has

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set up grant them the reward of those that are most beloved to you. Yeah, but I mean, Ya Allah grant them your companionship grant them better companionship grant them the reward? Yeah, a little bit out of me. And yeah, Allah with our children. Yeah, Allah we asked you to make our children righteous. Yeah, Allah Allah we strive day and night to protect our children from the evils around them. Yeah, Allah but it's only you that can put Eman in their hearts. It's only you that can put Iman in their hearts it's only you that can make them from the righteous yeah Allah make our children right to Seattle banana mean yeah Allah make our children right to Seattle banana mean ya

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Allah make our children right to Seattle anatomy yeah Allah guide them to be better than us Seattle Bill Atomy to make dua for us after we pass the other blood I mean to be an extension of our southern Nigeria after we pass out the enemy ya Allah protect them from what harms them in this dunya and the Astra Yeah, I mean yeah Allah protect them from what harms them in this dunya and the Accra Yeah, Rob anatomy Yeah, Allah guide them and let them be pleasing to your bill Allah mean ya Allah guide them and let them be pleasing to you. Yeah, I don't know how I mean yeah, Allah guide them and let them be pleasing to you. Yeah. I mean, yeah, Allah protect our communities. You know

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Allah protect our misogyny ya Allah protect us from those who wish us harm. Yeah, Allah protect us from those who seek to divide us, Ya Allah protect us from our enemies, the external ones and the internal ones, the ones who are obvious in their hatred towards us and the ones who are disguised they are Allah and they come to wreak havoc in our communities to Allah protect us from their evil and protect us from the evil of shaytaan and protect us from the evil of ourselves. Yeah, Allah protect us from our egos Yeah, Allah protect us from our new fools from our arrogance ya Allah protect our Masada ya allah unite our hearts Scout Allah unite our ranks ya Allah let these homes be

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homes in which you are praised not homes in which people boast and arrogance Yeah, Allah protect us from division protect us from what distracts us of doing right by these organizations by these massages by these institutions. Yeah, Allah make them pleasing to you. Yeah, Abdullah Al Amin, and yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah. With all that we come to you with ya Rahman Al Amin, we ask You for full part and full forgiveness full amnesty from Inna Allaha Medina aminated Raja Allahumma Jana Mendota Ca O Allah write us down amongst those who are freed from the fire Oh La write us down from those who are freed from the fire Oh ALLAH write us down from those who are freed from the fire

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Yeah, yeah brightest down from the people of El Jana ya Abdullah Al Amin yeah Allah rightness from the people that for the dos and Aetna Yeah, I mean yellow writers from the people from it for the doses I had a yellow but I mean yeah, Allah reward us for any hardship that we faced in this life. Yeah, Allah reward us with a greater reward in the hereafter Yeah, but I mean yeah Allah pour upon us patience so that we can have perspective when any hardship comes to us. Yeah, Allah and reward us with Paradise as a result of that. Yeah, I've been I mean, yeah, Allah those who have lost jobs those who have lost wealth Yet Allah grant them a greater reward.

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or in the Hereafter yada yada I mean and make things easy for them yeah hope anatomy yeah Allah those who have lost children yeah Allah those who have had miscarriages yeah Allah let their children find them at the gates of Jannah and pull them into an agenda yeah I mean yeah Allah let their children drag them into an agenda Yama but I mean yeah Allah let their children be waiting for the monumental piano to intercede for them ya know but I mean yeah Allah forgive us forgive us when we come heedless Jakub anatomy when we question your judgment or your wisdom your anatomy yeah Allah make us amongst those who have full trust in you yeah Robin I mean and yeah Allah as you call upon

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us to have trust in you and to answer your your

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mana Robina Nana rob the man our Lord we believe our Lord we believe our Lord we believe our Lord and as we believe and you told us to call upon you in the Quran and you promise these great rewards yeah Allah we call upon you with confidence do not let our hands fall from this dua except that you have completely forgiven us era banana mean ya Allah do not let our hands fall from this to accept that you have completely forgiven us yeah hope anatomy. Yeah Allah do not let our hands fall except that you've completely forgiven us Yeah, I mean, and yeah, Allah right for us all of that which is pleasing to your anatomy. And yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah write us down from your earlier aside he

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yeah Allah write us down from your earlier Sol hit ya Allah take us as friends. Yeah, I mean, yeah Allah let us be amongst those who are your earlier in this dunya the activity horrible Alameen ya Allah Ya Allah Allah write us down amongst those who are chosen and beloved to you. Yeah, banal Amin and forgive us for anything that places a veil between us and you. Yeah. I mean, yeah, Allah. Allah. Allah send your peace and blessings upon our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and companions Yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah he delivered the message in the best of ways to us. Yeah, Allah He lived his life in the best of ways. Yeah Allah He manifested this message in the best of

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ways Yeah, Allah He is as you said, a mercy to the world. Yeah, Allah we bear witness to you that we love Him and yeah, Allah we asked you to join us with him. Yeah, Allah we were deprived from being with him in this dunya Do not deprive us from His companionship in the hereafter. Yeah Allah we were deprived from eating and drinking with him in this world Do not deprive us from drinking from his hand in the next ya Allah we were deprived from being his neighbors in this life Do not deprive us from being neighbors of his in the hereafter. Yeah, Allah He loved us and wanted to see us and yeah Allah we love Him and we want to see him Yeah, Allah join us with our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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salam under your throne and the highest level of paradise and yeah, Allah as your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you are with those whom you love. Yeah, Allah we ask you for your love. Yeah, Allah as we asked for the highest companions Yeah, Allah there is no companion higher than you. Yeah, Allah there is no one to be loved more than you. Yeah, Allah We want your companionship more than anyone else yeah, but Allah mean Yeah, Allah grant us your companionship yada but I mean, Grant us your pleasure. Grant us your favorite Yama banana mean, Grant us your love and guide us to the deeds that are pleasing to ya enemy and that attain your love yeah Robin Alameen ya Allah forgive us

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for any deficiency in this dua forgive us for any deficiency in our Torah forgive us for the times we are heedless and yeah Allah Ya Allah accept this there have been a couple dua Robonaut a couple dua Allah accept the strap. Oh Allah accept this. Oh Allah accept this new app was solid enough more Salamone? Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to Steve and Kathy

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