Money Matters
Nouman Ali Khan – The Commandments
![Nouman Ali Khan](
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the fundamental rules of Islam, including the use of sallamps and money in prayer, and emphasize the importance of following the rules and setting prayer. They also discuss over expenditure and over expenditure, including food and clothing. The "entitlement culture" of the "entsilment of the consumer" where consumers are empowered to spend their own money and not feel like a god, as it is a lifestyle and not personal choice. The importance of regulations and risk regulations for protecting others is emphasized, along with avoiding extreme behavior and regret.
AI: Summary ©
De al hamdu Lillahi holofil de manera de la new remmina volum Mosley subliminal alum from October to Allah another financial guru who Allah Masai become an ESCO Allah Nam, Ponce de la sala Hill Akram the shadowfell a sham Eva noodle uttam will kitabi makan waka Malinda Bina will heighten. So you develop the Adam Allah de Bashara, he is a new medium, whether it be 30 Ibraheem alehissalaam in a colony of Cava debated la Muharram for sallallahu alayhi wasallam Allah, he hated Oman and Latina Baraka, la him. katanas a lot of Birmingham Al
Hamdulillah, Allah, Allah then Allah who said he could film work with me Aquila, who will you may not only compete with tequila with hamdulillah lady Angela Allah Abdullah Nikita, Allah who will hamdulillah and Latina who want to stay no who want to stop you want me to be here when our q&a when I wrote the Billahi min Trudy and fusina woman sejahtera Melina Manya de la who Fela mobile Allah, Allah howdy Allah. When Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Masha Allah Mohammed Abdullah he Rasulullah sallallahu taala Buddha didn't have yo Holla Holla Holla de Nicola de Vaca Bella he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Sierra Nevada in the US naka de de la
well halal Howdy, howdy Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in the short run Morimoto said to her in Nakula de timbira wakulla la la la, la la la la la, la,
la la la la la Nakula alto Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim.
Well at El Koba haka, who will Myskina Bhavna sabini wala Tibet Delta Veera in del Mobile de Nakano, Juana Shelton Waka shaytani Vika fora what a matter Ivana and home of de la mattina Rebecca toda la home Allah May surah y la cama Latin Ilana kick what are the SATA colon bust, Fatah karuta maluma mesorah in Arabic Ayub Soto riscaldamento Yasha work there in who can be a baddie hubiera Sara Lee sadly, sadly, Emily was a little rock bottom with the Sania Kohli along with a bit and multiview La ilaha illallah wa la Medina, Mina Latina Amano, Amina sorry, has also been happy, whatever. So beside me, I mean, in today's hobo traveler, I hope to remind myself and all of you have some
lessons from is number 26, all the way to 30. of swords. This is against surah number 17. And we're continuing our list of commandments, fundamental commandments that Allah has given that essentially summarize all of the law of a law like that this is one of those places that I keep mentioning that are a seed, and all of the commandments of a lot of kind of the rest of the tree that grows out of it. So when you think of those fundamentals, then what you what you understand is, they're not just a commandment, they, each of these commandments give us a kind of mindset. So it's not just a rule that you do this, or you don't do this. But that following that rule gives you a way of thinking and
gives you a not just that particular incident, but it gives you a set of principles that apply to other situations too. Right? So they're, in that sense, they're so fundamental. Like for example, Allah says, Well, he masala Otto zeca, you've heard this a million times, all over the Quran, Allah says establish the prayer and give charity, right so those two keep repeating themselves. Though there are so many other commandments aren't there. There's lots of other rules, but he keeps referring to those two multiple times, in a sense, because those two represent a summary of all of us law. In what in what way, when you pray, you are doing what is owed to Allah, your your
fundamental relationship with a law is set right is made right by way of what the prayer and your fundamental relationship with people is that you're everything you have in your life isn't just for you, you have to give to people too. You have to give them also and that's part of actually helping yourself. When you when you're doing good for someone else, by way of Zakat, you're actually not just doing good for them, you're cleansing yourself, which is why it's called a purification zakat. It's a cleansing for yourself. So there's doing right by Allah and doing right by people. Now all the other rules. There's lots of other things we do to do right by Allah. And there's lots of other
things we do to do right by people and ourselves. All of them are captured inside those two, all of them are fundamentally included. Now, the other for example, interesting thing about Zakat, even though we're not talking about the car today, just as a side note,
when you when you when Allah commands us to give us a card, you can give us a castanheira money
you can give you can make our money and then gives the car give charity, right? So when he commands you to give us a card and commands me to give us a car then the way we make money has to be helpful anyway. So it's already inclusive of the proper ways of earning an income. And you can give us a card on money that's been made by way of Riba or by way of
You know, any sort of hot on businesses or consumption, you can't do any of that. And then what you give can't be held on either. What you give has to be good and pure. And what you earn is good and pure, what you give is good and pure. So it starts covering an umbrella of laws, just because you're observing the cat. So the cat becomes the seed, and everything else that stems from it becomes a way of life. The same way prayer is a seed, and everything that emanates from the prayer is a way of life. And that's kind of what I'm saying about these commandments. Each one of them is like a seed. But they are connected to so many things in our lives, that if you pay attention, it really starts
shaping the way we live our lives. So you don't have to know a million rules are 1000 rules or 100 rules, First, start focusing on the fundamental rules, and you'll see everything else will start falling into place. Right. So it's almost like saying, you don't have to know every leaf on the tree, just understand the bark, understand that the thick branches, and how tall the tree is just the fundamentals, and then the leaves will take care of themselves, they'll fall into place. So now with that said, we come to the next commandment, I left it off last time, we were talking about spending on family and giving them their right at the tail kobayakawa miskeen and the one who can't
help themselves and they're in a helpless situation. One is similar in the weather in the middle of travel. And where I left off, was willing to bet that Avira and don't be excessive and reckless in the way that you spend lots of the above bother in Arabic is to take a bunch of seeds and throw them on the ground. And when you do that seeds go in every direction, yes. Like they just disperse. And that's Allah giving us the image of how some people when they have money, what they do with money, like they don't care about where it's going. They just kind of just throw it in every direction. Don't become reckless like that, just because Allah has given you some. And for some people, even if
you're not wealthy, if you just got you know, your some people live check to check, right? But the problem becomes, you feel like you're a millionaire on Friday when you get your paycheck. Right, and you just kind of go all that cash run out of it. And then on Sunday, you're borrowing money from a friend. Right? By by Sunday, it's all gone. I used to work in a store when I was in high school, I used to work in a shoe store. In junction Boulevard in Queens, it was like a predominantly Puerto Rican Dominican neighborhood. I used to sell shoes there and I used to speak really good Spanish at the time, I was minimum wage back then minimum wage was $4.25 an hour. Right? And you work 1012
hours a day racket shoes, taking care of customers getting yelled at in Spanish. That's why you had to learn Spanish. So you did do all that stuff. And then you finally got paid on Friday. Right? And well, you get paid on Friday. Basically everybody else that worked. There were non Muslims. Right? And some of my friends that work there, man.
I can't wait to get paid and then they get paid. And then Saturday we're back at work boot camp or what have we just got paid yesterday. Why cuz when party a when went out to eat over a man, I got this, I got this. Because you're like on top of the world as soon as money came in your hand. So the problem becomes, people don't think sometimes individuals don't think about the future. From the moment they have money in hand. They kind of just go throw it in any direction, or deposit of zero. Also, it's some scholars compared it with Islam. And there's lots of discussion about that. But I'll limit it to just the some basics. And so there's two kinds of overspending that Quran talks about,
there's overspending on your needs. So that sounds odd. But let me explain overspending on your needs. And then there's spending on non needs overspending on non needs. Now the thing is, for example, food is a need, obviously. But if you're going to get in the habit of going to a restaurant that's, you know, 100 bucks just to sit on the chair, and they expect at least a $50 tip or whatever else. And you know, they, you know, the fries, their costs, you know, $75 the french fries cost 75. But you like going there because it's like a prestigious thing. And, you know, so you're spending on a need, but you're going way over what you need to be spending, everybody needs shoes, but you don't
need to buy shoes that cost more than a car. Right? A female might need a purse, but a purse shouldn't be the same as you know, mortgaging a house.
Those are needs but you can go way overboard on a need. Right? You can go way overboard on the you know, and it's not just I'm just picking on women, you could it could be rims on a car, it could be like, you know, spoilers and things like that. It could be things that maybe you need it maybe there is a purpose for it, when you're going a little crazy overboard with what you need. Right? And it can it This can happen inside home decor, it can incite happen with food, it can happen with furniture, it can happen with electronics, you know, it can happen with any one of those things, and you just become obsessed with more and more and more. That's it's rough. Okay, that's it's rough and
Let's talk about endocrine. But this is not about assault. This is not this is not overspending on your needs. That's a separate subject. But even a worse habit than overspending on your needs, is frivolously throwing money into things and blowing cash on things that you don't even need. Like they weren't even a need to begin with. Right, they just became a need for you. Because you need to, you know, you they nowadays, they have upsells, in video games, for example, right, so you can buy the video game for 20. And then if you want to get the upgrade pack, it's 7999, or whatever else, I need to upgrade, I need to purchase the you just kind of you didn't need the game. And on top of
that, you don't need all this other stuff, you know, to conquer the virtual world that you're conquering, sitting on the couch accomplishing nothing else in your life. But you feel like a conqueror, right. So, and you're spending on that and you're blowing money on that, you know, a lot of times parents have really serious conversations with their kids, because they give them mobile devices. And they mobile devices have app stores. And then the parents get a $500 bill like what happened here? Because they're Oh, no, I had to, there was a upgrade, or I had to get the full version, or I get to this or that. And there's money being blown on things that you had absolutely
no need for, you know. And so the Quran is it's interesting placement, he says, Give everybody their financial rights to take care of people that should be taken care of. While at the same time don't just blow money on things that have no purpose. And frivolously why, as if to say that money could have been used, if you knew somebody in your family that had a need. And they had a right over that money. It wasn't yours. Technically, it's allas. And he's telling you, they have a right over it. Right. So he's putting our financial freedom in check, we have this idea that we can spend on whatever we want, you know, we can be as impulsive as we want. But he's putting a check, or, you
know, checking on that. Now what happens sometimes is, you know, when when we go from, you know, early adulthood teenage years that you finally get your first job, and you start making your own paycheck, and now you're paying your own rent, and you feel like I can spend on whatever I want, you can't tell me what to do. Right, I can get whatever car I want, I can get, I can move to whatever neighborhood I want, I can buy whatever, you know, if I can afford it, I'll get it. So it becomes in a culture like that, in a consumer culture like that. It's really empowering to be able to make money, or to have money, and to be able to spend it wherever you feel like it. Right and a person
feels like this is one of their one of their values is that they have financial ability to be able to spend, I can buy whatever I want, I can eat whatever I want. And Allah azza wa jal is reminding us that that mindset is actually very powerful and dangerous. Because that idea I can get whatever I want, I can buy whatever I want. underneath it. That's that's what you're single you're thinking. But underneath it, there's another thought process. And the thought processes that allow the provider has no say in what I spend, and how I spend, and who I spend on and what I spend on, he has no say in it, because I made my money by myself. And it also underscores the idea that somehow we've
forgotten that the one that gave us the job, that gave us the ability to do the job, the one who gave us that income, and then the one who gave us the ability to even go to the grocery store and buy the food, not to mention the one who gave us the ability to take that bit of food and put it in our mouth and allow our throats to gulp it down. And for it to be digested and process. None of that happened on on our watch. We didn't do that he did that. But we forget and we feel like we're empowered. Now. We're the empowered consumer. We're the all powerful consumer and much of the world, especially here in the United States, we are a consumer society. So you know how they say the
customer is number one, right? So we're always in this like fit own position, where we get to dictate and pass judgment on what we're gonna buy and not buy and how we're, you know, where this this entitlement culture of the consumer, the entitlement of the consumer, you know, it's gone. It's gone far beyond the rights of the consumer. The point of that is that the consumer shouldn't be swindled. But it's gone way past that point. Now, we're at a point where other consumers are kind of a god. And they've declared themselves a kind of a god. You know, and so this is what's being undercut by this teaching without the benefit of the law. And what does the law say? We're in the
movers arena, Conway Juana Shelton, Wakanda shaytani r ob HCA for no doubt about it, those who become make this into a lifestyle but during the awesome firewall being used, suggesting those who keep on spending like that frivolously not caring about where the money's going, and throwing money out without any would just recklessly with no sense of responsibility. Those people are in fact brothers of the devil, brothers of the devils. Why not Sheltie, the brothers of Sheltie and that it's it's a little
More than the devil whispers to you this language is pretty powerful. It's not used anywhere else in the Koran. Juana Shelton. You know that brothers of Shelton? What does that mean? You know, the word brothers is used in different senses, close friends is like a brother to me. Right? When two friends are so alike, that their thinking is the same, their habits are the same. They're always seen together. They're always doing everything together. Man, you guys are like what? Brothers? You guys are brothers. And it's also when people are in the military than they are brothers in arms. Right? So when you are on the same cause, you have the same way of thinking, you have the same way of
living, everything you do is the same, then you become what brothers so the idea of calling us with this behavior brothers of the devils is really scary, because it's telling us that this kind of mindset is exactly what the shale teen have, because they have no consciousness of Allah. They have no sense of restrictions on them. And it may be that we're observing restrictions and other things, but it's when it comes to ownership and entitlement that can build because of financial recklessness, that mindset that brings us very close to the shell thing. And so Allah says, what kind of shape onto the obika for and the devil has always been, Satan has always been extremely
ungrateful to his master. Now, what a lot, it's what he was talking about us. Now he starts talking about shape on and he didn't just talk about shaytaan he talked about a very particular quality of Shetland, that he is, has always been extremely ungrateful. And so he's teaching us that this you know, financial irresponsibility, Allah considers that extremely ungrateful.
And speaking of ungrateful, the devil is extremely ungrateful. So he's, maybe we didn't see that behavior as an act of gratitude. Maybe we just thought it saw that as an act of freedom. Maybe we just saw it, as you know, the all powerful consumer. Allah is telling us actually, I see that as you're not recognizing who your provider is, as you're not recognizing who has authority over you. And so he says in what what kind of shade onto the floor. So that's one extreme now we're scared of it. Well, when you hear this idea, you're like, Okay, well, next time, you know, your, your, your your kids are in the you're in the grocery store with your kids or whatever. And they're like, Hey,
can I have a lollipop? No, no, that was Rena Conway. Juana Sheltie. O'Connor. shaytani r ob HCA? hora. No, you can't, can I have a little 99 cent no tokara shaytani r ob HCA for you because he might go the other extreme. Right? There, your wife puts like a gallon of milk in the in the shopping cart, you gonna drink milk, get a half gallon, no, get her to have a quarter gallon, ask him if he can give a discount, he cut the bottle open, pour out half and we'll pay half for it. You know, and people can become on the other extreme. I mean, I've seen some crazy things in my life.
I was in a country where I was at a restaurant and there's another family from a country that shopping there in the restaurant, they finish their food, the guy brings the bill. And he's literally arguing, hey, but I didn't drink the whole he got a cat a Sprite. He goes, I didn't drink the whole can, I'm gonna pay you for
that the people could go in that extreme. They can go because I don't want to overspend on anything, you know. And so what happens? Allah says, Allah says on the other side, you know, what kind of shaytani will be here for two more things before this goodbyes that he says what a majority will not run home. If there are a big, beautiful Iron Man, what a beautiful ayah
Allah is talking about, you are usually in a position to give, let's just say that you are usually the one that people turn to your family. Others they know you have a good job, they know you have a house, they know you have some matters taken care of you graduated from college, whatever. But you're you're running a successful business. So they see you as the one that has the money in the family, right. So usually, if they have a need, they come to you or fam friends, when they think they have a need, they turn to you, they send you a little text message or something, you're the go to person, not that you're a bank or your your your your cash register for them. But they know that
if there is ever a need, then maybe because you've helped in the past, and you're kind of you know, and you've gone out of your way to do that, that you've become sort of the go to right. And if even if they don't have a need, somebody else came to them and said, Hey, we have a need. I know someone I can talk to let me see if they can help. And you're the person they call. Maybe that's that's what you've become. But it could be that and now they're coming to you asking for help. That's the scenario, right? And Ally's already told you you're not becoming like the devil so you're not throwing your money around. So you're responsible with your finances, and now people that need help
are coming to you. But the problem is, currently you're not in a good economic situation. Currently, you are overdue on your taxes or currently, there's some business failure that happened and you have to take a lot of losses currently
You don't have any what's called disposable income. You don't have any extra you've got you're barely surviving yourself, right? So on the outside, it looks like you're doing great. Somebody gets it while you still have a car,
you still have a house, you could, but that doesn't. The outside doesn't mean you're doing financially, well, those things may be in place. But you may have financial troubles that are not as visible as someone who doesn't have another meal to eat, you understand? So it can be that way. Now you are in not in a position to give. And people keep coming. And you are feeling awkward that you keep having to say no. Right? Do you just you're kind of avoiding that situation. So Allah says we're in majority one man home, and if you are going out of your way to avoid them, if it ever happens that you're trying to avoid them, but you could avoid for two reasons. One, man, I don't
wanna give them anything so annoying, or you want to avoid them, because usually you would love to give them but right now you're in a bad place yourself. And you know, as embarrassing as it is for them to come and ask you because it's pretty embarrassing to have to ask somebody. It's also embarrassing to turn them down.
That's also an embarrassing thing. And they come to your you know, your four bedroom house, ring, the bell Park, the car and your nice driveway, ring the bell. And then they say, Hey, can I borrow a couple of 1000? And sorry, I'm in a difficult situation and they look at your house and look at the car outside. Yeah, difficult situation I understand.
Right, so this puts you in a weird spot. So it could be that you're now avoiding them. Because now this is the beautiful part. If in fact you are going out of your way to avoid them if de la Mata Moravec in your own pursuit of the allows doors of loving care opening up for you. meaning you're hoping that your financial situation turns around. In my mind, Lucy says something beautiful about this phrase, he said that it's describing a person who's avoiding those who are asking because they're not able to give them at the moment. But at the same time, they're working hard to turn the situation around pursuing a lezama, meaning a lot of doors have been a little bit closed, he's
always pursuing a lot to open those doors again, not just for themselves, but also for them.
So they even when they're thinking about making more money, they're not thinking man, I'm going to get this, I'm going to get this, I'm going to get this, then I'm I can't wait for this to open up because I know they need help.
Like that's on their mind. It's so beautiful. And when Allah says, you know, if that is the scenario, if that's the situation where you are avoiding them, because you don't want to hurt their feelings. And you're while you're avoiding them, you're working hard to make whatever money you can open up for yourself because you yourself are in need. They can't see that because they're too, you know, everybody's lost in their own problems, right. So if you tell them I got problems of their own, everybody starts doing a comparison and contrast like, Oh, really, you think you got problems? Let me tell you about my problems.
You know, everybody feels like their problems are bigger than somebody else's problems. Allah has given all of us different problems, different trials, and it's not a contest is that if somebody tells you they're in difficulty, you can say, Oh, yeah, no, that's not difficulty. Let me tell you difficulty. A task difficulty beat that. Like it's not a contest. So they are they have their own trial. They're trying to make money and they're avoiding you. But an inventory Juha means you're also hoping that's a phrase. So you're in pursuit of dogma of your master that you're hoping to have open up for you. But you still run into them? Well, let's just say you ran into them, or like you
were trying your best to avoid them, but they still kind of, you know, there was there was a happenstance, it just so happened to happen, that you ran into them, and then they, you know, put an ask, and hey, I've been meaning to talk to you. Can I talk to you for a second? You know, no, it's coming. You know, now there's different ways you can handle that situation. But what does the law say here? beautifully, he says, Hola, Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. mesorah, then speak to them in a way that is going to be really gentle, easy, soft.
Go go real easy.
And Allah home colon masura is pretty powerful language. As if Allah is saying, calculate your words carefully. Before it's like surgery is somebody coming to you in a very vulnerable state, your words can have a real impact on their their well being, their state of mind. what they're going to do after that, their faith. It can have lots of ripple effects. So be extremely careful and give them very gentle words to be able to turn them down.
Not say you know, I have problems myself. Can you just give me a break?
Don't do that.
Don't do you serious right now. Do not realize everybody's having financial difficulty. I get you have them. I have them too.
Don't do that.
Don't none of this stuff, your facial expressions, the way you look at them, the way you respond, it's almost as if you have to the mindset of the believer is if somebody came us asking came to us asking for help, then Allah sent them to us. And Allah gave us an opportunity to earn his forgiveness, Allah gave us an opportunity to wipe away some of our sins, and that has an attitude have nothing yet good deeds, do away with bad ones. And so Allah has sent you a person from the heavens, to wipe away your mistakes. That shouldn't be annoying to you, you should actually feel terribly sorry that you're not able to take care take this opportunity at this time. And you have to
send this heavenly gift, you have to treat this heavenly gift as a heavenly gift and treat it delicately.
You have to treat it with caution, you know, and so he says, Cologne, Cola, Mysore, here we learn. It's not just giving that's important. It's the attitude, isn't it? That's what Quran is teaching us. It's not just that you give, because sometimes people give him the gift with an attitude. You know, I help you every year.
Oh, where does that money even go? Can you show me what you did with the last 2000 I gave you, you start talking like that, then it's as if you are turning to a lion saying I better give you my expense report to your job. Because I expect them to give me their expense reports.
You know, this is not the kind This is not the way we should be thinking at all. And so I before I leave you just a small note about next.
You know, we now become overly cautious about spending and we're looking to help others. But maybe that will make us extreme. Maybe it will make us so extreme. Somebody says no, we have to give sadaqa we have to give sadaqa you're not even taking care of your family. You're not even taking care of your kids. You don't even take care of your wife, your parents or whoever else. No, because we have to give a charity ever you guys have to starve because Allah said, you know, we shouldn't turn anybody down. No, no, wait, there are rights and responsibilities first. And then when you have what's above that disposable income, that's what's being talked about. And even within disposable
income, you can take care of yourself. You can buy yourself a perfume. It's fine. You can get yourself a car. It's okay. You can get yourself decent clothes. That's not the doors not being closed. How's it not being closed? When the camera hula? danila Oh, no pika.
Don't listen to don't have your hands change around your neck. Literally. Crowd says Marula. No, no kick, don't put your hands change around your neck.
And don't let them let them So talk a little but don't leave them free like this either. Don't leave them open like this, either. So we've got two images change around the neck and completely open. Yeah.
What does that mean? These are figures of speech in Arabic for when someone is so cheap. Imagine someone with their hands change around their neck.
And where's the money? money's in the pocket. And when they get to the cash register, they have to reach over to the pocket and the closer they get to the pocket, what happens to their neck.
They start choking.
Right? So what the image is, your hands are so tired, that you never spend on anything. And when you try to spend on something it feels to you like you're killing yourself, you're choking yourself to death don't become that cheap and extreme. Don't be like that either. So one extreme was throw everything out there to both. The other extreme is my hands are tied to my neck. And then the thing is because some people live like this, when you say don't do this, don't be so extreme. You know what their responses? Oh, you want me to? Do you want me to eat nothing? Right? You want me to starve, right? That's what you want? Because that's what you're saying? No, that's not what's being
said. Just because one extreme is being forbidden. Doesn't mean that Allah is asking you to go to the other extreme. But people this is a very clever way of people getting away from the commandments of Allah. Because when you say don't go to this extreme. Oh, well, you want me to go to the other extreme? No, thanks. I don't want to be extreme. Yeah, you do. You just want to be the opposite extreme.
Right? And so what does he say? Well, that up so Taco Bell, boss, don't have your hands out like this when you walk around. Now imagine a person whose hands are tied, no freedom of movement. And the other hand, you know, normally you have your hands down when you walk. But if your hands are out like this, and you're walking in a grocery store,
right? And you got grocery items on both sides, what's happening? Anything that your hands in, grab, your hands are touching things they shouldn't be touching, right? That's the image. If you're walking down the street like this, and well not anymore in New York, but you're walking down the street like this, you're going to be touching stuff that you have no business touching. And this is the image of your meddling and things. You're buying things. You're shopping things that you have, just keep your hands here be normal. You don't have to do this or you don't have to do this. Just be normal. Be in the middle, you know, and so he says, You know what attempts to Taco last for taco de
maluma nasura
If you do that, don't become like that. Because then you'll be sitting there blaming yourself, eventually, you'll regret being too cheap. You'll regret being too reckless. And then it says masura, and then you'll be exhausted. You'll end up exhausting yourself cutting yourself and could could be filled with regret. And it can also be exhausted, ran out of resources.
How can you run out of resources if you're too cheap?
You could say I could run out of resources when my hands are open like this. Because I spent too much I ran out of resources, I'm exhausted. How can you become exhausted when you're miserly like this, because when you miserly like this, you are hurting others around you.
What we're learning from this financial passage is that your financial decisions don't just affect you. They affect others around you. And you are destroying other people and your relationships with them, because you're not giving them their rights.
And then you're going to be filled with regret, because of the resentment you created because of the wrongdoing you created. And maybe because you held your hand so tight, and you created such a difficulty, they had to find other means they had to go do things that they wouldn't want to do normally, to just survive, and you open that door for them. And now you're filled with regret.
I told you, these are these are regulations that are seeds, but they have ripple effects on your life, on the lives of people around you on my life and the lives of people around me. And that's why these, these IRAs are so fundamental and important, like, you know, concludes this passage. I know it's a long code, but in order to discuss
your your master is the one who opens up the doors of this for whoever he wants. And he, he limits Liske for whoever he wants. He expands it for whoever he wants. And he contracts it for whoever way up there.
And it's interesting leishmania show. He didn't say Well, yeah.
He said, No, Rebecca. Yep. So the risk of dementia shadow work there.
So it's as if, unless he doesn't say he opens the risk for some people and closes or contracts is for some other people. It's almost as if he's saying, Allah can give you good times. And the luck can also give you hard times, you're not someone else. It could be for you. So if you're being reckless right now, because you think you have money, a luck and close that door real quick.
And if you're being miserly right now, and you think people around you will stay alert and close the door, and people can walk away from you real quick. You can break up families real quick, that can happen.
Or if you're going through difficulty, and you have you seem like there's no way out and I look and open up it is like you couldn't have imagined from before. Well, you know, yada yada. We opted in who can have everybody here Kabira Mozilla, he's always had complete news. And he's always had full watch of all of his sleeves. And he's been what he has complete view of everything that they're up to. May Allah azzawajal make us responsible when it comes to the gift of risk that he's given us. And we are laws that will make us responsible to those around us in a way that is pleasing to Allah, and not make us brothers of the devil and not make us forgetful of the gift of this that Allah has
given to each and every one of us. And may Allah make bring ease to those whose risk has been contracted because of the COVID-19 situation or other situations or health situation. You know, I you know, the economy situation, the industry situation, whatever situation somebody may be, maybe the doors of this have closed a little bit. And for those who still have are fortunate enough to still have, May Allah give us the ability, you know, to, you know, open up our hands for those who need them. And if we're not able to give to be able to turn down in a way that is pleasing to Allah and is not hurtful to anybody else. barakallahu li walakum filco Hakeem, whenever anyone here can be
it was lacking.
hamdu lillahi wa kafa wa salatu wa salam O Allah Abadi Latina stofer hussin Allah Allah Mohammed bin Mohammed Al amin, le he was a huge Marine Corps Allah azza wa jal
Buddha Allah Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim in a la llamada Akita who use a Luna Allenby
sodwana he was a Lima Taslima Allahumma salli. ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed konasana Rahim Allah Haemophilia alameen in the Gambia, Majid lama baddeck Allah Mohammed Mohammed Ali Mohammed
Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in the Gambia, Majid about de la vida como la la ilaha illa de San Cordoba we're in Harare, Russia, he will mooncup political ally Akbar, Allahu Allah.
Allah in the salata cannon, mini Nikita makuta.
Allah Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah
al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen on rochman luckyme Maliki ami Dini. He cannot. He cannot standing in a Serato Stephanie sirata Latina and untidy him why real Mel Bobby highlighting him while a bow Lee
Cordoba kaahumanu Myskina verbenas sebelah Toba Debbie de la
in El MOBA de nakka
wareness Shalini maka Anna Shea for newly Robbie he
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karna Hulu Latin Isla una piccola Jacqueline Vasco
de oro de Malou
in our back is football is polymer
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a baddie, he hobby
send me a lot of money man Hamida.
A law
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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen rock manual rocky me Maliki oh me Dean.
He cannot Buddha he canister. Tina Scirocco steping
si la la la Vina and I'm hiding him
movie I lay him while a bow Lee
Pulido, Ron la How are we doing?
Today, fella who
teach you how to be slider try to have it be have it.
wobbly hamdu Lillahi lamea
Miyako Lucia de fille molk while I'm Mia Kula, who I
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Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah a cellar more aleikum wa rahmatullah.
So how
soon Could you turn that off?