Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #73 – V109 – Neither You nor They Are The First

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The "ar glasses" term is the result of actions and actions that will affect people in the future, and the "will" is the result of actions and actions that will affect people in the future. The "will" is a result of actions and actions that will affect people in the future, and the "will" is a result of actions and actions that will affect people in the future. The speakers emphasize the importance of emotions in teaching students and the need for students to curb them, and touch on the concept of "factor" and personal transformation. They also discuss the importance of "hams" in Islam and the need for students to learn to accept and love someone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we let him initiate oh no Raji.

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new he lay him in a little corner. Oh Flm ese you fill out

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Flm Yes, you fill out the file.

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Okay, in fact, p betula. Deena

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COVID de him.

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What are they? Here? What if I mean levena po FL, t Lu.

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ambitiously sorry, we're silly Emily Emily Sani of Coco Lee hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah and he was happy as vain. I'm a bad once again everybody Somali como la vaca. To try to what I'll try to do tonight is cover some things I've come to learn about it number 109 of sort of use of I apologize for not being able to make the dose yesterday and also starting late today. Because I'm still kind of working with time management with the class going on in the daytime, and preparation and other things so but inshallah tada hopefully everything will settle down and we can be on a regular, more normal human schedule. So

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what I want to talk to you about today is something about this final passage of soldiers of I may have brought it up to you before, but I think it deserves a revision. And that is that you will notice if even if you're just reading the English translation, which is a way of capturing at least some glimpse of what's going on in the actual Arabic text, you'll notice that Allah is talking to the Prophet slice of them. And then he's talking about courage. And he's talking to the prophets. And he's talking about declaration, he's talking to the prophet and about declaration, I want you to visualize what that means rhetorically. So there are two audiences, right, you're talking to someone

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and about someone, right? And of course, they're all they can all hear you. So now what I want you to imagine first is a very basic sort of example, I'm sitting at the dinner table with two of my kids. And I'm talking to one of them. And I keep bringing up the other one without talking to him.

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Right, so I'm talking to one and keep bringing up the other one, and keep referencing him and I don't address him. What does that tell you about my intent as a speaker, what it tells you is, first of all, I want to have this conversation with you. I want you to hear that I'm talking about you. But I'm upset with you. Or there's some reason where I'm not dignifying you with directly talking to you. Right? And it's especially worse though imagine, let me give you a different scenario. I'm the teacher.

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Imagine a classroom and the teacher and I have an assistant. Right? So I have a teacher's assistant who basically, you know, collects all the homeworks from the students and grades them or whatever he does, right? And all the students are sitting in class, and I'm so frustrated with the mistakes people made in the homework, the students may have homework, that I'm talking to him about how terrible they did in class, right, these students? Are they even in class? So you still aren't even paying attention? Do they not know that they have to read this? Do they not know that they have to actually be here, and you know, and attend all of the sessions? Do they not know that we covered

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this, like two months ago, whatever, I'm yelling at him, but I'm not yelling at him. I'm yelling at them. And they can hear it. But I'm actually talking to him. And that's my way of expressing First of all, the importance of his role, the TA his role, the TA almost becomes an important ambassador of the people of the class in the classroom. Right. And, in fact, now they understand that when the TA is putting pressure on them, someone above him the TA the teacher is actually putting pressure on him. And it also kind of instills a fear in them of the teacher like, Oh, he's really upset at us. So much so that he's not even talking to us directly. Right. So this is a kindness in, in all Arabic

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rhetoric. And by law studies, this is called a simple English word for that nowadays, this transition, meaning it's like my eyes and my speech is focused towards one person, while they can hear the old Arabs used to have a saying, you know, he was married to Java, like the old old famous saying, which is, you know, back in the day the Arabs didn't have we didn't have apartments and like mansions and things like that people were neighbors to each other, and the only thing separating them was a wall, right? So when people were discussing their business, the next door neighbor can hear everything, right? They tell what's going on. They know everybody else's drama in the village.

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So there's a famous saying, where the guy's yelling at his wife, or his daughter or something. He says, I mean you Yaki Honey, I'm talking to you, and I'm talking to you was Maria, Georgia, and you can listen to neighbor because I know you're listening.

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Right. So the point is, that there's an acknowledgment of the other audience that's there. If you keep that in mind, you'll notice from the very beginning

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what my external

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nursey Hello Hello stubby minion i a 103 most people no matter how hard you try aren't going to believe Who is the most people, the audience of the Prophet size and they can hear these words too. They're coming out of the prophets mouth. Have you thought of Salaam and the audience is going he's talking about us. What about this alumina human agent? You're not asking them for compensation. Instead of the prophets. I said, I'm saying to the people, I'm not asking you for compensation. Allah tells them No, you're not asking them

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you're not asking them like Ally's talking to the prophets I saw them and he's not even addressing them in who I logically let me walk me through some of what he will do. maroondah How many miracle miraculous signs on the in the skies in the earth? Do they pass? Do they pass by Who is he talking to the prophets I sent him Who is he talking about? The crush the audience of the Prophet again? Not talking to them directly? Well, whom we should equal and they can check for whom machico well now you know La ilaha machico most of them don't believe in a lie except they do shake along with it.

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amino and to hamartia tominaga Bella are they feeling safe? That a hovering over arching punishment form of punishment of Allah will not come at them. I will talk to massage Kubota or the our will arrive and attack them all of a sudden well home lotion and they will have no clue olhar de sabini tell them this is my path. say this is my path the only Lola he so now who's the profit target to the profit side of himself alleged talking to the profit slice on Ando Qureshi are being talked about the third person. This is the guy we spent three sessions on. This is my path. I call to Allah with insight was upon Allah I know I and whoever follows me will Subhana Allah and I declare less

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perfection beyond all flaw. And I'm not one to commit chick wa Salaam in today's Ayah Omar Suleiman publica Illallah. Jalan knows him. And we didn't send from a long time since a long time before you accept men that we reveal to Allah Jalla nahi lay him. Another pillar of this ayah is ilari Jalan, you highlight him except men, that we that were given revelation that revelation was given two would be a good translation. So two ways of looking at it we didn't send before you accept men to whom we gave revelation, or we didn't send except much for much before you accept men to whom revelation was given, you highlight him mean, from the people of the towns from among the townsfolk. And that's

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something we'll dig into a little bit later for Let me ask you to fill out Didn't they then? Have they not then traveled around in the land in the region? For jambu? Okay, and have they just not done? They haven't haven't even seen? Can you FACA people to let him in complete him? How did that how did the outcome look like? How did the outcome look? For those who came from such long ago from before them with a download of Haiti, heroin, and the home of the the eventual the home of the final life is better than livina taco for those who cautioned themselves and protected themselves of an attack de Lune? Why don't all of you understand? So one interesting thing here for the first time?

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Didn't they travel? Didn't they see what happened to previous nations? Right? They and they and the fella talk alone? Why don't you all understand? In other words, there's a switch from all of you, from them to all of you.

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This is a little different middle buried, lol multicolumn. Or it'll help them meaning transition from someone who's in the third person far away to someone who's right in front of you. Right? So I say for example, I give this example often I don't get tired of it. So I find out that one student cheated on their exam in the classroom, right? I find out that they plagiarized. And I come in and I say some students think they can get away with cheating.

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Some people think it's fine. They have no moral problem with it. They're studying Quran, but they don't seem to think that it's wrong to be dishonest and deceitful. while engaging in the study of Allah's book. That doesn't seem to be a contradiction in their mind. And I keep using the word some people, the kind of person or third person mysterious, right? So the one who does it is like, is he talking about me or somebody else? Probably not me. I'm still good. Because I in some people, that's not my name.

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And then all of a sudden I say, Kareem, by the way, there's a Kareem watching I'm sorry. Okay, so

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Kareem can talk to you for a minute.

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Who Kareem is life flashes before his eyes man. Because a second ago, he was some people he felt a sense of relief, right? Because it's what's called diffusion of responsibility. You know,

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sometimes a young young guys used to come and ask me, Hey, can you give me tips on how to give a hot bath Please, can you give me Can I have a hot bath next week.

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I was like, okay, don't say some people.

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And don't just keep saying you say we include everybody, including yourself. Don't talk down to people. And when you say some Muslims do this, and some people do that everybody in the audience is thinking, I'm sure there are some people like that in a me though,

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right? They can't connect with the third person because it's far away. And especially if someone's culprit or guilty. They're when they hear some people, they distance that from themselves even more likely that hey, you didn't point the finger finger directly at me. So I'm good. Right? So here what Allah does, if we accept this, there are this is the pillar of house. And we'll talk about the other candidate also, there are two issues of recitation variations in this ayah. One of them is what I already told you, we inspire to them or inspiration was given to them. Those are the two ways that can be read. The other is the last part of I That afternoon, do they not then do you not then think

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is also read a fella Yaki loon, do you not then think they actually two readings of desire that are matamata that are trans? The transmission comes to us, right? The House translation or the house reading, which is probably most of you watching

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the printed edition of you know, the most have with the dots and everything the way they are? You probably don't. But in the FRC, we find actually there are what allotted and authenticated readings of Allah Yaki know, what that would mean is the passage continues in the third person. But another reading is that the passage continues. And me all of a sudden, Allah turns to the, you know, Allah turns to all of them and said, I've been talking to you, in the sector person. Now talk to you directly, don't you think? Are you they're not gonna think? Where's your mind? Why aren't you thinking about this fella? tequila? So now we come to actually the this was kind of an overall

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stylistic thing that's important to note in Korean studies, who is allowed talking to who's in the background audience? How is the conversation ensuing? These are things to be mindful of when you're reading the Quran. But now let's turn to the subject matter of the ayah itself.

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In the previous I, Allah told the prophets, I saw them declared, let them know this is your way, whether they want to follow it or not, but you're not going to be one of them. Right? You're not going to be one of them. So there's a kind of what's called bah bah means I am announcing that I am not like you, I am not among the machine.

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In the next aisle, Allah says, but so you know, when you say I am not like you in my worldview, in my path, the life that I've chosen, then the prophet SAW, Selim is diverging from the dominant culture, and the dominant sociology, the society, the dominant practices, the dominant family traits, he's leaving all of that behind. And he's any who follow him are becoming basically rebels and revolutionaries, against the the current of their society. And in the next day, Allah says, By the way, you're not the first to have to stand like that. We didn't send before you accept men. Now some of us who looked at the word men here, *, and inside, ah, we have proof. Now the prophets,

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Allah only sent men, he did not send women and there's a whole debate about, you know why this is proof about that subject? I would actually make that a secondary discussion, if not even a tertiary discussion. The reason for that is because that's not the subject matter of the surah. What is the point of saying men here? Was there a conversation previously about there's confusion whether women can be prophets or not? Is that the subject matter? Is that, you know, sometimes when you're talking about something, and somebody wants to throw in a tangent and take the conversation in a different direction, right, that conversation may have its place. What is the Islamic evidence that

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Prophethood is only for men, there's a place for that conversation. But in the course of discussing the surah, I would rather not go off on that tangent,

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I would rather stay on the subject that the surah is calling for. You wouldn't imagine that when this surah was being recited and all the thoughts that are running through the minds of somebody who's listening to sort of users, that now they're like, I wonder if I'll only send men as profits? I got the answer. And you have the head IO job and so on. So that's that's not the case. This, this this is not the answer to that question, necessarily. Right. But some have, and some actually even associated a narration with it, because there was a question about that, or there was an allegation about that. And then this idea came. The problem with that is that narration doesn't even match

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historically, because that's way after and this is a mecca. So you can't even tie those two things together. It doesn't make sense. But what is the point then? Okay, that's not the point. Then what is the point? The point is that Eliza is telling telling us one of two things. There's two basic ways of looking at this ayah I'll share both and I'll tell you which one myself and sohaib are inclined towards, but I'll share both with you.

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It all boils down to what do you mean by a Quran?

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It says, men that we gave inspiration to from within the people of the talents of Cora.

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So Allah Cora could mean big cities.

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Nowadays in modern Arabic, Farsi or Arabic, Korea means village. Korea means one village, but in old Arabic Pia in the Quran is used even for Egypt.

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The Egyptian Empire that's not no village right? What are you Korea? tilla tea kunafa just now when they the caravan came back to meet Yaqoob and they said, well, they took the brother.

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And the father didn't believe in them a second time. They said go ask the Korea we were in. Go ask the town we were in. They were referring to what town? Egypt? Egypt is not the village is it? Egypt is the center of that civilizations. I was asking for him. When did these pyramids exist? Like did they exist at the time of use of like, and they weren't ruins by then right there were still in their heyday. These were like they were creating heaven on earth kind of thing. That's what they were going for. Right? He said they were they must have been around 1000 we did some digging must have been about 1000 years old by the time Yusuf Ali's life takes place and this adventure takes

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place so the Egypt looks like that.

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And a lot of calls it a Korea you know what that tells you that tells you that Koreans not using the word Korea as a village right? It's using it and sometimes in the Quran is used interchangeably for Medina or city. So it's it's it's that's happened in the Quran. And in fact, it's even happened in this surah because the women in the city were talking and spreading the rumor about the minister's wife Remember that? Right and that ayah uses the word Medina and the brothers go back and use the word Korea for the same town. So Korean Medina can refer to the same thing. Now the discussion is well is it referring to large towns big town's wisely using the word Korea? Why would you use the

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word Medina because those are the two words that occur almost interchangeably in the Quran. Medina means city, Korea means Township, right? How are they interchangeably used? It seems to be the case that when Allah highlights people doing or unified on something, when people are united and doing something at the general because Cora actually has to do with unification. So when people are united on one culture, or united in, you know, one cause or united on one religion or united on under one nationality, and there's no diversity, Ally's highlighting how everybody's kind of synchronized and following the same thing, then Korea is kind of the more suitable subtle suggestion to describe that

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place. And that same place when you want to describe its civilization, its diversity, its development, its hustle and bustle, then the word Medina is more appropriate. So it's Korea and Medina, I could call Dallas or Korea I could call Dallas Medina. I could call them both. But I'm what I'm hinting at, for my listeners, two different things. I'm highlighting how people are all on the same page and certain things when I say Korea, and I'm highlighting its diversity and its development and all that stuff when I'm using the word, Medina. So it's interesting in the Quran, when Allah talks about destroying towns or towns that were punished, he never uses Moodle, or

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cities, or countries, he uses the word Cora. Cora is the plural of Korea to suggest perhaps that these places that were destroyed, it's not the places that we're cursed. It's not a it's not the location. It's the people that were unified on the wrong thing.

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That's what made them punishment worthy. You understand? So it's also interesting that you never find in the Koran asked the city was a little Medina as the city, but actually was Korea. A lot, sometimes doesn't destroy the town. Sometimes it destroys the people of the town, right? And the town the buildings remain, sometimes the buildings remain. And, you know, Allah says, For example,

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I'm forgetting the verb.

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Man, I got to find it. Now. It's bothering me. So I'm going to pause this lecture. I'm going to dig it up. Let me know

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I think but give me 10 seconds.

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And let me know

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let me know Yeah, I was right. No. Okay, I got a right column. You have no fear when sure Epstein was destroyed as if they never lived there.

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People are all the buildings are there. Those people are all dead. People are destroyed.

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The Pharaohs people. The career is destroyed, technically, meaning Pharaoh and his army got destroyed. Right. But what's left behind come takumin Jonathan, where are you in Missouri in Omaha? I mean, I mean, when we have Aki mccammon curry, how many gardens did they leave behind water springs? You know, and he says look and treasures hoards of treasure. No treasure.

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hoards of treasure. No security guard

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woman coming in.

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Gracious homes mansions? Well not nothing and luxuries gandolfi are fokin that used to make them smile every day they were living in luxury, how much of that did they leave behind from our baccata? Allah hemos sama well,

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but when they were gone neither the sky cried for them nor the earth. What epic language in the Quran for when he did away with that people? What would What? In the Quran x when the Quranic language we would describe that as the Korea being destroyed?

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While the civilization the structure remains, right, it's the people that got destroyed. Now, the issue is some have, you know, the debate in scholarly circles is about, well, Allah sends profits to big cities. Right, and the history of profits is that they were sent to large civilizational centers. And then the counter argument became, well, I didn't send you over to a city center. Yahuwah, Lisa was in a small town of no name place, right? And how can you say that a lonely sense messengers, prophets to, you know, big cities? I'll share my understanding of this issue with you. Perhaps in your own studies, you'll come to find that there's disagreement about that, from what I

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share with you. I'm open about that. This is not what I consider to be the absolute truth, but I consider it to be the most convincing position. I do believe that there is enough evidence in the Koran to say that prophets and messengers are two separate institutions, and prophets are all human beings that receive revelation, all of them can be considered prophets, but only some of them are considered messengers. So if you want to put it one way, all prophets are all messengers are prophets. But not all prophets are messengers. Think of it like, you know, are all these all these athletes are official athletes of the league, but not all of them are on this team. There's a

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particular team within the league where some belong, right? They're still part of the league, but they have a special squad of their own right. Now, why is that important to understand? It seems to be the case that in the Quran, we learned that prophets

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are people that Allah gave revelation to, but he didn't necessarily send them to a town or a city, to warn the people to say that they better believe in Allah. And if they don't believe in Allah, then punishment of Allah will come and they better change their ways, because they are headed towards destruction. And then the people ridicule them, and then they're disbelieved in them and even tried to kill them. And then he would give them miracles, not just revelations, but he would show the miracles and they would still disbelieve in him. That saga is not necessarily the case of all prophets. But it certainly happens with messengers. Now the Arabic word for messengers would be

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a lawsuit, and the Arabic word for profit would be nebby, or seul. A messenger is someone who delivers a message, literally in English messenger. The job of a messenger is what delivering a message. In other words, his job is to take a message that came from the heavens from Allah, to deliver it to the people. So prophet messengers are on a mission, message messengers are on a mission and Allah will never let their mission fail.

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Allah will make sure that their mission is successful. And it makes logical sense that those men that ally inspired like him like little salsa, them are messengers, I saw them were sent to major cities, you know why? Because like the example of Egypt just now, Egypt was the economic capital of the region, yes or no. By comparison, the prophets item is a mecca for all the Arabian region for the entire desert of Hejaz. What is the economic capital of that region? What is the Egypt of that region? Its Mecca, right? Now, why is that important? Because people are going to come there, for one reason or the other, they're going to come there for economic reasons, they're going to come

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here for pilgrimage, they're going to come there, because it's this cultural city center, they're going to come there because every main road goes through them, right, because they're the ones that develop the road infrastructure, because they're the main people, they're the main city. So, they become kind of the heart that pumps the economy and the culture to the rest of society. So, when a place becomes an economic capital, then it starts to become a cultural capital to

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right. So, when when a place is economically significant, then it becomes the educational center for a society, it becomes the cultural and the Arts Center for that society, then it starts becoming the, you know, a musical center for that society, it starts becoming the you know,

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you know, the the philosophical center for that society, and other places start getting impacted by what they do. Right. So you can have, you know, like back in the day, the role that New York City for example, played for people that live outside of the United States their their picture of what is America right? It was

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About, like the tall buildings in New York City than in America. But that's a very small part of America. But the point is, it became a cultural phenomenon, right? It's a trend setting, or what the role London has in the United Kingdom, for example, right? These are cultural capitals. And then if you take some small town in Wyoming, or some, you know, some municipal municipality in Idaho, right, or you go to Tyler, Texas, or something, somewhere, somewhere out in the outskirts, they have a town to sure, you know, their, you know, their great feature, great feature of their town is they got a Walmart or something. Right. So they got that great, but they're not setting the trends in society,

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are they when something's happening in New York City, when something's happening in LA, when something happening in Chicago, it might affect the nation, everybody will know about it. But if something happened in Youngstown, Ohio, then the world might not learn about it, you understand. So a lot of sent messengers to places that are going to have a ripple effect on the entire region. So it's like, he's not even sending messengers to that one town, but the word will what spread. So he and those are the people that are you can say they are the not just the economic elite, or the social elite, you can also say that they are the cultural and educational, intellectual elite of

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that society. That's where the high end universities aren't there. That's where the the top notch intellectuals are. Right. And so when you go there, you're challenging the brain trust of that society. It might be easier to go and preach your message to farmers, or to go preach your message to veterans who don't know any better. But the people that have traveled internationally that have done the trade that know how politics work, that know history, that are exposed to different religious views, when you take your message to them, isn't it far more challenging? Allah sent his profits to the most challenging places. Allah sends profits, for example, to the empire of Egypt,

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like Mousavi sent it to Egypt, the cultural intellectual capital of earth, He sent him he sent them there, for that reason. But the exception to that this isolated in the isolated desert of Arabia, he sent our Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Right. He said, Our messenger, so Islam, but there were plenty of civilizations at the time of the coming of the Prophet slice of them, that were much more advanced than the Arabs that in fact, Arabs, arguably of the time of ages, you could argue were some of the most backwards, people on earth. Arguably, the Chinese civilization was way more advanced. India was way more advanced. The Persians were way more advanced. The Romans already had an empire,

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the Egyptians had their ups and downs. Right? There were other civilizations that had left a mark on Earth. But Allah chose to send His Prophet his final prophets, I send them to the house where Abraham and Hassan built literally in the middle of nowhere. And that's a that's a remarkable thing that Allah did. You know, it's, it's something to contemplate, and I want you to actually think about that. I won't answer that today. But I want you to like, use your mind think about the fact that Allah sent our messenger socialism to a place where the world wasn't even interested in conquering it.

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Like, this was like the, why would I? Why would the Romans want to conquer Arab territory? For what more sand?

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What are you gonna send their soldiers to get barbecued for? There's no natural resources. There's no strategic trade routes. There's nothing.

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The Persians are right there. The Indians are right there. The Romans are right there. Another one I advanced on the Arabs and the Arabs don't have a standing army.

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The Arabs aka jazz don't have a standing army, they don't stand a chance. If those empires come at them, they don't stand a chance. But nobody comes at them. One reason could be the kind of becomes a no man's land, right? So if they encroach, then the Romans will be alerted. So they're kind of in this strategic, no man's land situation. So leave them alone, because that might trigger an international world war time. That could be a reason. And there may be other reasons. Other reasons may be what's the point? What are we going to get out of that? It's just it looks like just an expense with nothing in return. And yet Allah chose that place to be the starting point of the

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greatest ripple effect that's ever happened in human history, the coming of the Quran, the coming of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So one way of looking at this ayah is Allah did sends people to cultural capitals. And in the case, I'll just I can help drop some nuggets at you. Allah sent His messenger to Makkah, and within a generation maka, and this message became the cultural intellectual capital for much of the civilized world.

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Like the ancient Persian Empire, and the historic Roman Empire, and the ancient Indian peoples and the African peoples that have their own history, their own philosophy, their own religious traditions. Now their best minds are becoming scholars of Islam and studying the Quran. Right and this

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No named place from the world standard becomes the intellectual standard.

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Just from from a political science point of view, from a sociological point of view, that history is mind boggling. It's my it's so so silly to reduce it to wars. It's so silly. Just it's easy to conquer a nation with an army right? But can you conquer their culture? Can you conquer their longing to go back to the way things were? You can take over a nation today having superpowers taken over countries today has not happened. But guerrilla warfare continues. civil war continues, the call to independence against this occupier can Yes or no? How is Islam spreading and spreading and spreading. And as it's spreading, people are embracing it. And they're shedding cultures behind

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their shutting This is a pretty important question and to reduce the spread of Islam to war and to reduce it to battles one is simply just not understanding history is not understand something very profound. Allah says to His Messenger when he's in Makkah, the prophet doesn't know yet that this earth like the Hadith comes later on the prophets, I said in Allah azzawajal out for it Mashallah Pahoa Madiba, Allah folded the earth for me, and he felt he I saw its east and its West's right. He saw Islam everywhere in the flag of Islam, like Islam spreads everywhere. Everywhere this, this concept is one of the most mind boggling things to me personally as a, you know, a citizen of this

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faith. And someone who's traveled just a little bit man, there are times when I travel, and I'm like, on some other obscure end of the planet and you meet a Muslim and you're like,

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a lot of really man every corner of the world.

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Like, it's, it's just, it's incredible what Allah has given us. But now let's look at the other side of this equation.

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You see, there are three phrases we didn't send anyone from before you accept men, phrase number one men.

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New Haney lay him that we inspired that phrase number two men, from the people of the town. from among the citizenship of the town,

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I would like you to put one in three together, meaning men from among the townfolk. what that would mean then is that we never sent anybody except one of the people. He was just one of the men from the town. We didn't send an angel from above, we send someone people can relate to someone who was among them, who was seen as a citizen of that town. In fact, even when he wasn't a citizen, they will think of him as more loyal to the well being of a nation than even any, even their locals like use of an s&m like Busan, Islam, he has more credibility among the people than even the locals, right? So he's from them, meaning he wants the best for them. But Allah would appoint these

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prophets. And they wouldn't be from some elite top down kind of position. Even though if you look at it, even when Allah put somebody from an elite position, he will put, put them in a human place in a very relatable place and will do so for this time. He started him from a very relatable, very human position, and then brought him upwards, right. So people see him as one of theirs. Right, a lot of candidates nowadays in political campaigns. They're like, I used to work minimum wage, I worked on a farm, my daddy on the farm, and we'll talk about this kind of stuff to be able to relate to that. voer waterblock, right. But Yusuf Ali has lived that life himself. You know, Sam, has heard a cheap

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little slice of them has been among the town. He solved their disputes before he was a prophet. So ladies saying we never sent anybody except regular people that were among the time what set them apart. So the two things are they were men, they were from one good town, and what's the middle that sets them apart? Me knew how he lay him or knew he lay him we gave inspiration to them. Allah is telling the telling the prophets I saw them, you are one of them. You just told them that you're not a majestic you, man, a milling machine in the previous are you I commanded you to say you're not from those who do shake. But let me tell you something. I've always said people that were part of

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the citizenship, that were one of the people, a peep of people's people, people's person. That's why I sent but all every time the distinction was I would separate their their their worldview. There are hearts from the people by one thing, inspiration that was given to them.

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I still love you, I still care for you. I still want what's best for this town. But now what I know is best for this town is inspired by revelation that's been given to me. That's the only difference. My view of what is good and what is bad has changed. My view of truth, truth and falsehood has changed. It's inspired by this revelation. That's the only difference. But notice the first phrase the Jilin and the third phrase min Cora

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all goes back to the people, you I'm just a regular person, and I want what's best for you. And what's in the middle is revelation is what separates me. So it informs First of all, I'm just a human being just because I get get revelation doesn't make me an angel. And on the other side, I get this revelation, not against you, but for you, because I'm from among you. So that middle placement of new Halo him actually helps inform both of these phrases on the one hand, the javelin, and on the other hand, he lay him off, and

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then he turns his attention to the people, these people that he's come to serve to help Philomena see roofing or they haven't done they traveled, they haven't they haven't traveled along in the land. What's this entire story about Egypt, right?

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So and you would be hard pressed to think that the ancient Arab people had no idea what the Egyptian Empire was. Man, the planet knew what the Egyptian Empire was, it left an imprint on Earth. So when they say, haven't they traveled in the land, Egypt is not that far away.

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And they've seen other towns to the town of by the end, you know? So So are they in some of those nations, they've seen those, the destruction of those nations and the ruins. Actually, some of those ruins still exist, you can find pictures of them on Google, right? But the Egyptian ruins are very famous. They were they were extremely famous. In fact, the Romans in their empire wanted to renovate many of them, because they wanted to say to the world were the new Egypt. Right? So they weren't even gone. But how is it that these massive structures are now just ruins right?

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Now what what is the law telling them? Why don't you pass by those places and realize how powerful how indestructible those nations were? And look at where they are now.

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Why do you think that you can outrun me?

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Why do you think that because you have strength that you the revelation or less teachings don't overpower you. Allow overpowers all. And it's not just this idea isn't just about great civilizations and great empires, because you're like, I integrate civilization. I just got a one bedroom apartment. So this is not about me, really. Because in this surah, who thought they were all that?

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The brothers right? And they got humbled. And now less has By the way, there were people that were much more arrogant than these brothers, and they had much more reason to be arrogant because they had way more

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and see how they turned out. You should be terrified to think there were people that were thinking night and day, how do I hold on to the Empire? How do I what's my succession plan? When is my son going to become king? What about this invading army from here and there? This was on there? How much is the Treasury? How much Treasury have we collected? How's the economy doing? Have the rivers dried up or not? They were running the government, they were running the world. And now Where are they? What happened to that?

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They are deep under the ground. You know, the Sphinx that you guys see pictures of in Google. And some of you have actually gone and seen wasn't actually known a couple 100 years ago, because it was very deep understand. It was rediscovered. It was non existent. It was just sad. people walked all over it and said, Man,

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and those ruins the point of them is to remind ourselves of our mortality as individuals and even mortality as nations do nations think they can over outrun us because they're more advanced. Because they have technology, because they have military might, because they have economic advantages. Because they have higher education, because they have infrastructure. Weren't these the things that made them superior?

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He says, haven't they traveled around? And who is he talking to Arabs who live in mud homes, man.

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They don't have no tall structures. They got no pyramids in Makkah.

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law the architectural highlight of Makkah, is the Kaaba.

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That's the highlight of it even at that time, right. So Leslie, why are you there are people that are much more advanced than you whose ruins you walk by? Why do you think you're all that? And this is a highlight to the irony of arrogance. Some people are arrogant, you can understand because they got millions of dollars or they got huge followings or they have great power. They have a presidency a king kingdom. They have employees have a business empire. They are the head of a hospital, they're the top surgeon whatever people look up to them, they've got this like accomplishment underneath them and they feel like they have a right to be a certain way and condescending towards people.

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As much as that's still not unacceptable. It's kind of understandable. Oh, their power got to them. Right, their money got to them, their position got to them. Then you find people that have

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nothing to show for themselves.

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Not even in a worldly sense, and yet they're so hurt.

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Right? They get so much joy out of putting someone down.

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They get so much pleasure out of, you know, humiliating somebody or instilling pain into somebody, they get so many there are people that are just vindictive like that.

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And people like that. Like, what have you accomplished that you act like this? Right? This this, that insecurity, deep insecurity of somebody can turn into arrogance. Look into the use of the brothers, on the one hand are arrogant. But that arrogance in the beginning was rooted in what insecurity he loves, he loves use of more, weren't they insecure? And that made them overcompensate by trying to impose how superior they are constantly. So your insecurity can turn into arrogance and arrogance is one of those unforgivable sins, isn't it?

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Men kind of behave with color hubbardton, middle kibble, nobody will enter Heaven, if they have a mustard seed, a seeds worth of arrogance in their hearts, may Allah make us of those people? And if we haven't, May Allah help us remove it from ourselves? Right? So he says here, didn't they travel in the land and take a look? Now another thing to think about here, when you travel, and you look at ancient ruins, whether it's Roman ruins, or Egyptian ruins, or the ruins of Athens, the mood etc. What do people do when they go to these places when they go to old castles when they go to, you know, route like, you know, Roman arenas? You know, what do they do there?

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They, they take pictures, and they post selfies, and it's a tourist thing. People take a selfie sticks next to the pyramid,

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you know, within candolyn. Right? Does that look like someone's terrified and looking at that and thinking about their mortality? And they're,

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you know, they're they're like, they're, they're all of what Allah did to these people. And how their arrogance came down crashing on them is that what's on their mind was so cool. Take a picture from here, this is a better angle. Oh, there's a night show. There's a light show at night. Let's stick around.

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I want to go on a camel ride. So epic.

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The thing that was supposed to instill

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a sense of mortality, the thing that was supposed to bring us to the guava law.

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The thing that was supposed to scare us, has now become entertainment

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is not a scary thought.

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That means that Allah can send an IRA because the previous artwork, how many IRA do they pass by and they completely ignore them remember that? Now you see that I in a different flavor?

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How many IRA do they pass by? How many ruins do they pass by and they take pictures and selfies and put them on their Instagram page. Look where I've been. man that's so epic.

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It's the irony of it is almost like hard to process. What what we've become and the terror the terrifying thing of that is that I art of luck because that's an i o of Allah. Allah decided to preserve those places as an I have his right.

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When an idea of a law becomes a joke,

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when an idea of a law becomes something you easily dismiss,

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the Quran says and it teaches us when they discuss when they dismiss those iottie it out of history, the ayat of the world around them, the IOD in the sky, the eye on the earth aren't these out on the earth. When they ignore those ions, it becomes easier for them to ignore the Ayat of Allah in the Quran. Because these are two when you get used to ignoring one it becomes easier to ignore the other

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so you just get in the habit of error the right word, what's the word about mean to ignore to overlook? Which has an eye on number 105 Whoa, whoa man ha mortally wounded and completely completely oblivious to the signs these miraculous signs for young guru? Didn't they take a good look?

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I didn't say Didn't they take a good look at their buildings?

00:44:20 --> 00:44:31

Then they take a good look at their history. Or the pillars he says a fact Ghana Arqiva to Latina men probably him. How was the turnout of those who came from so long before them?

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Well, how did they turn out? How did that turn? In other words, you go to this place you see the what right you see the the pyramid you see the the dilapidated pillars, but a lot of them want you to wonder about what he wants you to wonder about how

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you see that's the kicker

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is not Makana. occupa to Latina men cuddly man. Allah didn't say Didn't they go see what happened to them? What

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happened to them? It's not what is not the question. Even in certain fields, lm taraka lm Tara Kiva for a lot of vocabulary. Didn't you see how Allah dealt with them? Here? Didn't you? Didn't they take a good look? How did they turn out? How? Meaning that nation could have been thriving? How is it that they ended with destruction? How did they become these ruins? How did that happen to them? That How is timeless, the what is history? But the How is timeless. Let's talk a little bit about the word occupa. Today, I keep I keep translating this outcome. Yeah. So let's talk about this Word document. ikibu and cudham. The or the etymology of it, the origin of it, Article koderma, when your

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foot drags, and the last steps you take are called the aloka boomin. cliche, name. And the icub can be the nerves on both sides of your back.

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Pain and the nerves in your legs. Well, we'll define the bones in the foot. You often Lou Bellamy young Shaco men who Mishcon the ones that are the nerves that are or the tendons that are attached to your leg bones that are then scraped, are very difficult to scrape off, when you look when you have a double unit coming. And when you somehow can hold water, the ones that are cleaned off the bone and then straightened out the part that's really clinging to the bone, this fine piece of nerve that is attached to the bone flesh that's extremely hard to pull off. That's actually called a backup work. But we'll get there. And the part that you cook in the bottom of it when you're done

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cooking. And there's stuff that's kind of stuck at the bottom, especially when I cook because I overcooked and then it burns and then there's the thing at the bottom that requires some kind of, you know, nuclear chemicals to take off and you have to put a hazmat suit on and all that stuff. And if you don't do it right, then it splashes back on your face. And there's all kinds of fun things happening there. But anyway, our aucuba to cut the table, especially with noodles, I don't know what it is. It's so sticky. Anyway, that's actually called Aqua multicopy is fairly high mentality tabloid II waste or spices that gets stuck to the bottom of the pan almost become one with it. They

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fused with it right. Some of you just give up on that and the bottom of your pan looks like the map of Pakistan and that's you just give up you. Leave it there. Okay.

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Free ingredients for next time.

00:47:25 --> 00:47:34

Stick with radica Acaba and same now another word October from the same origin as gelato V, your auditory

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path in the mountains that you are, it's kind of like endless it just stays and you keep going and going and there's just because you just when you think there's you're over the mountain range, there's another 20 Mountains you can see in the view, when you get past them. There's another endless horizon in front of you. That's called the acaba woman Heather akeeba cliche rock bottom bomb.

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So the last of something the last of something is one kind of meaning of occupa you pilu Jaffe occupation they also say somebody came in the outcome of the month, which means they came at the end of the month, the very last of the month, and they say is a Jaffa Yamaha Rahman who will bomb so rock will be shot would be when they come even after the month is over? Well, people inside this listen to this Where are people in San

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Akiva to weather the weather the weather the hill Baku nombre de

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una sala Who? la si Tina bohemian confini and the homeless Oh, it means that a cup of a person or the act of a person is their children and their children's children. You know what's left behind from the food is the stuff that stuck on the bottom. What's left behind the view is these children and their children and their children. What the last of your remnants, right? So you have people say, Oh, you got your grandma's eyes? Yeah, that's all that's left of her now. She passed. That's all that's left of her. And that's gonna pass on right? To some remnant of somebody a little bit of that left. Oh, you smile like your uncle or your smile like your great grandfather or something like

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that. Right? That would be the outcome of the children's children's children's children like that. Or you see like a great grandpa's black and white photo. Oh, that looks like me in high school. Right? So that would be active. And so now overall, as manual memory, the hacker will even be asked initially when something tough sticks together to the very at the very end of something unhealthy or behind it. You know, let me see who I am today. Now, that stays with it a lot for long. Basically, Akiba, a slew Hakuna Matata, Yakubu Shea, everything that comes at the very end is called a hakuba. Here Maya Ooh, la Maru. That's what something leads to. Basically cooking lead to that stuffy,

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stinky stuff at the bottom right. having children eventually to these traits that got passed down. occupies using the kernel. Here's the connection occupies using the Quran to describe the

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stuff you do in this life.

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There's an effect of it, that sticks to you.

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And that stuff will eventually come and that's the outcome of what you did. Everything else will disappear. Everything else will evaporate. The only thing that will be left is these remnants in these effects of your actions.

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Sometimes Allah will describe them as footsteps. Because when you walk in the sand, you leave footsteps behind. Sometimes I will describe them as akeeba the traces that you leave behind your deeds.

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He says, what what gave Akana Arqiva to live in amicably? What were the traces of the remnants of those who came much before how were their outcomes, meaning the outcome of their deeds, what they were, what they were committing themselves to, what they were gluing to themselves is this terrible outcome. Profits came to unglue that from them, and they didn't want to separate themselves from this terrible, destructive, self destructive path. They just didn't want to separate themselves from it. men come Liga Kanaka, to let him call him

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a hero, the hyrulean Latina taco, and the home of the eventual, so this is their Atiba. But the home that's even more final after that. So there's the Occupy in this world, which are the ruins. But there's an arcade after the al Qaeda, the al Qaeda would be the final home after this final home meaning the Do you would say people call the grave in English culture, cultural expression, they say, Oh, he got buried in his final resting place, right? It ain't no final resting place. That's temporary. Then there's the then there's the final that's coming. Unless as the home of the final end, the actual final end hiren is better. I love this ayah for just a view of history, you've got a

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place that everybody in the world looked up to the pyramids, for example, right. And now it's nothing but what ruins even though at one point, there was no place more beautiful than that. No place more magnificent, no place more inspiring than that. And now it's nothing but ruins. Right?

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Unless as by immediate comparison, and the home of the eventual, as if to say there's a home there. That doesn't deteriorate. There's no wear and tear. It doesn't become a ruin. It's better. It's better because first of all, it doesn't need any upkeep. You know a lot compares homes and this everything in this life is compared to the next life with to two adjectives. Hi, Ron, Rebecca,

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my Angela, hi, Ron. It's better and longer lasting,

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better and longer lasting. And those are the two things we want in any product.

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I want a better wash, I want a long longer lasting watch, I want a better car, I want a longer lasting car, I want a better house, I want a longer lasting house. You could have a long lasting ugly house It ain't better. You want both you want better and longer lasting. And in this ayah Allah alludes to that with the word better. He says in the house Allah has for you is better and better includes part of a better product is he actually embedded in it is the idea that it's longer lasting. So the quality of it and the durability of it is so much better. And he says little Athena taco for the people who protected themselves. As you pass by those ruins. There were people that

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were lived in those towns that were believers to that protected themselves. And they are in a much better home now.

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They are in a much better place. Now. That's just history. What a doubt on the highroller Latina taco. taco. And don't, don't you don't think?

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And then also, don't they don't think?

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When are they going to think? What are they going to apply their intellect? This question should be asked to the crush. But this question of a laptop alone, just reading it today in 2020 could be asked of you and me. It sounds as if a lie is telling us today. Don't you think?

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You haven't thought about this? You haven't exercised your intellect. It's a very probing switch to the second person. As if even as a reader today you're reading about the prophet and Quraysh and the prophet SAW them and kodesh and the prophets listening and courage and then all of a sudden Allah said and you don't think

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oh, oh, this was about me. Oh, this wasn't about the history lesson. This is about me.

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And that's what Allah has done here. Remarkably, in the in the second person reading a follow up don't don't even think and also even then it's a present tense verb. What that means then is it has continuous effect even today, aren't we the kind of people that are gonna think I leave you with thoughts about the word Yaki inshallah, because it's going to come up again and we're going to build on it in the next two is from now, and that'll be the last thing I share with you today.

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achill in Arabic

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We'll do speakers using Calista malko aka the mind. But Allah in Arabic is actually the verb for tying something. So Akala t to Shara ha, the woman tied her hair.

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And the ancient Arabs used to wear you know, the holiday is used like the scarf thingy. And they got the rubber do Hickey thingy on top. The rubber do Hickey thing he's actually called a car guy now but a car is the proper pronunciation. And then a call was not always made of rubber. And it was the Its purpose was not to have this car fly off into space. The purpose of the recall was actually it used to be a rope. And they used to wrap it around their head. And then when they parked their camel somewhere because the camel doesn't come with antilock brakes, they used to take that rope off and tie what the Camel Up. And when they were done with that, they would wrap it around their head

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again. So actually, that a call is the wrap around the head. And it is associated with tying your animal could nodding up the animal. The two themes inside the word Apple are again, something that wraps around the head. And something that restraints in ancient Arab philosophy, the mind is two things. Obviously the mind is here, literally. So in Arab culture, when something is close to something, you call it the same thing. So they can the Arab poet can call your sword, your leg. You know why? Because it's attached to your leg. Right? So they can do that by association they can. So instead of calling it a fruit, they can call it I ate the tree. In our cultural language, that

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doesn't mean they went on a bark. And

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that's not what that means. That means they plucked the fruit and ate the fruit. Right? Even though Quran uses a Nakashima, they tasted the tree alesund say that taste the fruit of the tree said they tasted the tree. That's the Arab sensibility of saying something. Now, the reason I bring that up is obviously the mind is up here. But the theme they associated with it is the ability to restrain yourself.

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True intellect is the ability to restrain yourself. And the opposite of alcohol is a giant Hill who has an inability to restrain themselves.

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Now if I'm too angry, then I'll say things I'll regret later yes or no. If I'm too scared, I might take action that I'll regret later. If I'm too greedy, or if I'm to in the, in the heat of the moment, if I'm too vulnerable, when any emotion takes over, and I'm not able to restrain it, then the brain stops working.

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Right Akhil in Arabic is not being smart. How can an Arabic is first tie your emotions up, you can have them, but have them within a leash. Don't let them go everywhere. Have them within the leash. And once you have them within a leash, then you can actually think clearly until your anger settles down. You can't think clearly.

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Until your fear settles down, you can't make a rational decision. You can't make a real decision. When you're, you know, duped in one emotion or the other in deep sadness. You can't make a rational decision. You have to restrain those emotions. And then be able to think you understand, when Alice has a father talk alone, there's actually a pretty deep wisdom inside that what keeps you from controlling your emotions, that you don't put them on pause for a moment and actually think

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it's as if when we become people of impulses, I want to I want to show off you know I want to show off online or I want to entertain myself or I want to I want to give myself pleasure in this way this way or this way. I want to consume this this or this. Any impulse comes any emotion comes you want to surrender to it. Surrender to it, surrender to it, there are no leashes on it, there's no restraints on it. When those restraints aren't there, our ability to think, isn't there. We're too consumed by our emotions, we become emotional beings. And when we become entirely emotional beings, we cease to become thinking B beings. Our feelings run us, our feelings control us we don't control

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our feelings you understand? So there's the real you. The real me is actually someone who is riding this horse. This horse we'll call it our emotions. And it's got reins, it's a wild horse, it runs fast that knifes of ours. And we've got to be able to pull these reins and control it not stop it, not kill it because we need our feelings to but we need to control them to be able to think clearly about things. Why is it that you think that young, a young teenager, for example, is not able to think about their purpose in life or contemplate a mountain or just look up at the sky and think about how they should be grateful for to allow for the rain. And when you tell them those things

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they say aha

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right you know why? Because their feelings are in

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Gross somewhere else. their feelings are unchecked, their emotions are unchecked. And they're running in many different directions, keeping their mind from being able to think what it's supposed to think. That's when you can go to a pyramid. And instead of seeing what you're supposed to see your desire to show off your selfie and the filter you're going to put on it is more important.

01:00:21 --> 01:01:02

Because a fella doc Elune is taking place. This is actually the Quran. This is Quranic philosophy. This is the Quran way of teaching you and me how to actually become the kind of people Quran wants us to become, we're entitled to our emotions, but we need to learn how to curb them within bounds. Within healthy boundaries, those bounds that Allah teaches those bounds that are deep inside of ourselves, too. We know them. We actually know them. You know, the worst sinners in the Quran, the one of the worst words for sinners in the Quran, is alpha jar, alpha jar, and four jar actually comes from the word fudger. fudger means the explosion of light in the morning. That's why it's

01:01:02 --> 01:01:20

called a fighter prayer. A fighter jet is someone who explodes into sin with every impulse, a feeling comes to them, they just do it. They give into every emotion. Literally Allah describes what about our Hawa who they follow their whims, they follow their whims they get a feeling they want to do it

01:01:21 --> 01:01:49

you know and or just want to feel happy Why can't you just let me feel it because you're feel happy is your god that's who you actually start worshiping. That's what becomes a god. You know when you say well Subhan Allah and Amina and wish the Kenai don't come and check. Remember that I terminate Takada Allah, how long have you seen someone who takes their own whims and turns them into their God? Well, Bala, Allah, Allah, Allah, and Allah allows a person like that to be misguided, even though they have knowledge,

01:01:50 --> 01:02:00

how to murder somebody, he woke up and puts a seal on their hearing, and on their heart or their anniversary, hit the shower, and puts a covering over their eyes, from the human body love.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:10

Who's gonna guide the person like that after Allah? That's the question or less, who's gonna guide him after Allah, Allah to give them guidance that didn't work, you think you can guide them?

01:02:12 --> 01:02:17

Scary I, that also ends by the word of Allah Taki don't? Don't you think?

01:02:18 --> 01:02:19

Don't you want to use your mind.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:59

So we want to use our minds. History is a powerful teacher. History is the art of Allah, we should become students of history with that mindset, not for interesting facts, to learn how to people before us make those mistakes, and how we shouldn't be making those mistakes. You know, the Quran will take lessons like this, and he will juice them into one place. So nobody forgets. When he says well as three in a lint, saddle a few holes. I swear by time human beings are in loss. Because when you go to the Egyptian pyramids, you're going to think of a time when they were successful, and they ended up in loss, right? And you don't have to know or memorize. So use them you can just say what

01:02:59 --> 01:03:06

they when you stand there when actually in the design of vehicles, that alone is a statement of all of human history.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:10

all of human history isn't inside one of the vehicles.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:47

So this will lead us if we become people of thought. I pray Allah azza wa jal gives us the ability to control our emotions, to become people of thought to become the people of Apple, that Allah wants us to become one of the most often made complaints in the Koran alfalah Takeru don't you then think? Don't you then use your intellect? Don't you then restrain your feelings and get clarity of thought? I pray that Allah makes all of us those kinds of people that have that clarity of thought. barakallahu li walakum filco Anil Hakeem whenever anyone here can be it with him. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

01:03:49 --> 01:03:50

I think I broke my desk.

01:03:52 --> 01:03:56

I can't do the maneuver today cuz I'm broke my desk.

01:03:57 --> 01:03:58


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