Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #46 – V76

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the cultural significance of "will" and "m Record," and its potential cultural significance, including its use in various context and its potential consequences of actions. They stress the importance of protecting one's privacy and finding one's own success in various fields, using ridiculous language can lead to negative emotions. They stress the need to find one's own success in learning from one's teacher's knowledge and finding one's own success in various fields.
AI: Transcript ©
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are we learning Amina shaitana regime? further RBL Maria de him cabela when

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he saw Mr. Raja mean we

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Merck and Alia holder Hoda who Leah Hoda afar houfy Dini Maliki in

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Allah now without without Raja team and Natasha, were found konkola di l min. Isley.

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Probably shortly. Suddenly, we're suddenly Emily melissani Overleaf and hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was a marine about once again every once in a while to come to light on our account of today, I tried to share with you some things from I am number 76 of Swords yusoff. This is where Yusuf Ali Salaam is going to complete the scheme that he had in mind, which was of pulling out the cup from his brother's bag. So that would be our at him cobla we are he he started with their bags, going through their bags, investigating them before checking the back of his brother, obviously to make that scene play out as more innocent. Also, it could be that in the

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line the brothers at the very end of the line, so you get to his bags last right. So that makes logical sense. So must have Roger ha, then he brought it out. Now before we read the rest of this. There's some really interesting, what might seem as a side conversation, but becomes fairly significant ways of looking at this cup. I've talked to you about a little bit about it. And what I've shared for the most part is the conventional view on this cup that it was called a sick IRA, which means something to drink and stuff. Is it right? Where is this clot is to drink or to give drink. So sick is a company which helps you drink so it's just any cup but then later on it comes

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out that it's so slow and Maalik, it's the Goblet of the king or it's the measuring cup that's symbolic and things like that. It's a big deal. Now, we've talked about that already. What is interesting here is there are a couple of views on how the cup can be perceived. So Dr. Cronin we I was talking to him today and I you know, chefsteps, Ada told me that he's come to hear that Dr. Akram has a unique view on these cups. So I was curious, I gave him a call. And among other things, I talked to him about the cups. And he shared his view with me and we've gone back and forth, myself and sohaib and then myself and Dr. Akram and I think it's important to kind of mention at least the

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presence of that view. Because it is based it's rooted in evidence and language and there is the alternative view and both of them have their benefits. And so we're going to talk about both of these views and their benefits now. Okay, so the first thing that is important to note here is the Quran is very specific in its language. So in the course of this conversation once it's called just a cup suppiah something to drink in. And the other time it's called a measuring cup and that was attributed to the king so it's made into a bigger deal. Right? So why are two different words being used for the same thing? What's also curious is the first time it was called supplier it's when use

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of put it in the back right and it's also referred to as a supplier meaning just a cup when he took it out of the back. So my stuff Raja ha, the highs a feminine pronoun referring back to sakaya, but the word slot which is a masculine word, all the other pronouns for example, so, they say enough to do so, as Malik they said we are missing the the Kings gobbler, the measuring cup, okay for Mangia, Mangia be he

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him logo A B he not be hard v the masculine pronoun referring to the larger the king's cup the Kings you know measuring cup then images are who who does that who what is the compensation of it? Meaning if it is found in your bags, what should be the payback then they say all losers are Who woulda theoretically he would it also when it is found out was he that he roughly he but Fujita feel it he meaning the masculine pronoun now the masculine see in English we just have the word it but in Arabic you have a feminine it and you have the masculine it so in the eyes when you when you're reading an English translation, it just has it the whole time and your thinking is talking about the

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cup. But the thing is, the masculine it is referring to the word use for the king's goblet, the king's measuring cup and the feminine it is referring to the cup when you put it in there right so now what's interesting is the masculine it got used throughout you know so when would you definitely he for who he is or who can you can I see what you mean fine, but that'd be our at him Kabbalah we are he must have you were expecting So Mr. Raja who so he put pulled it out, and it should be masculine again because all the pronouns were masculine, but now it's the massage Aha. He brought it out and the feminine pronoun is used and the feminine goes back to the word supplier. So what that

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means instead

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englishes, we started the story by saying you so put the drinking cup in his brother's bag, then they talked about the Kings goblet. And we assume they're one in the same, right, and then we come back and refer, he brought the drinking cup out of his bag. So two different words are being used. And the word being used for it when the when it was put in the bag, and when it was taken out of the bag, is the word that is used with use of taking some kind of action. And the other words are being used when the authorities are looking for this goblet. So the question becomes, why are these two different words being used? And why are they spread apart like that, at the opening and closing of

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this cup scene is a different word. And in the middle, it's a different word. It's like that, right? So there are two plausible explanations. One explanation is that use of Elisa Lam and let me give you by analogy, first, I know this is gonna sound like a weird example. But it's one that I thought would make it easy for you guys to understand. I don't think of myself as like a big deal or a celebrity or famous, but I just think of myself as someone waiting in line to just get through security at the airport or something. So one time I'm at the airport, and this guy sees me.

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And I don't know why people just you have to say the whole name. So there's not like, yeah, that was writing something in my notes. At the time, I was just standing there writing something in my notes. It's like, I've seen all of your videos, all of them. Can I have a picture? I was like, Yeah, sure. So we just kind of take a picture, he says slumps. He goes, can I have a really big question for you? I was like, What is it? Can I have your pen? No. I was like, let me see if I have an extra one. I check my bag, I have an extra one. I was like, really? On my pen. Thank you so much. I'm gonna cherish this low, like, Can you write something, you know, sounds like it's just a pen dude, is

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nothing else. It's just a pen. But for him, it was a momentum momento, because apparently to him, I'm a big deal or something like that. The point that I'm trying to make is this. For me, from my point of view, it's not a big deal. It's just a pen. But from his point of view, it's like, you know, whose appendices and somebody probably switched it out with a different pen in there. So like, he knows appendices, kind of, right, there's a big deal to him, but it doesn't really have that much value. To me. user friendliness is the, you know, Prime Minister of the land for all practical purposes, he's running the country, right? So when he's sitting there sipping coffee in a cup, it's

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just this cup. But for anybody else who walks by,

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you know, whose cup that is, you see what I'm saying? So to them, it's a big deal. For him, it's just a cup. So it is referring to the same object, whenever Allah talks about it from his point of view, just as just the cup. But when he's playing out the scene, and one way of looking at it is when he put the cup in the bag, and what's not been stated, and most conventionally Mufasa, don't look at it this way. And he said, Hey, where's my cup? Basically, that's not been said, but it's implied. Right? So where did my cup go, and the security guard goes, the king's cup is missing the Royal cup, right. And Malik can be the word for King but can also be the word for any authority. So

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you know, there's a king above that, too. But it doesn't have to be the king King referred to with the word Moloch. And the word as these can also be, it doesn't just mean minister, it can mean Your Highness. It can mean sir. So these words can be sort of general and they don't have to refer to one particular person. So or it could be that this is the cup from the palace that he uses. And it's the king's them in, he's sitting in the king's chair, literally, because in the biblical version, by the way, he sat him in his throne, or he sat where he used to sit so he can he can relax. So the ornaments that are there are the king's ornaments right? Now, for him, it's just a cup, but

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everybody around him like the kids cup is missing. That's a big deal. So they make a big fuss about it. And even if it is the symbolic cup that he doesn't drink from, but it sits there on the table as a decoration piece or something like that. And he just says he wears that cup, where did it go? They're making it a much bigger deal. And by the way, though, the people that are insecurity, if this happened on their watch, then they're in major trouble, right? So one reading of it. They said, maybe one of the people in security said, well, nlb his aim is guarantor, whoever brings the cup back, we'll get a full load of a camel and I'm a guarantor. And yesterday I told you that the way to

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interpret that attributed to use of his use of Allison comes out and says, You better come back with this cup, and whoever does is going to get a Campbell's load of food along with the camel. And I'm guaranteeing that I talk to you about that interpretation. But another more conventional view, actually more popular view, which is actually pretty plausible also, is the security guard or the head of security who's in pretty serious trouble or so he thinks, because on his watch something from the Oval Office got stolen, right? So that's, that's not a small crime. That's a pretty big crime. So he's now personally saying, whoever comes forward with it. I'll give you a camel. I'll

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give you a loan and I'm guaranteeing it personally. Because his his neck is on the line you understand? So he's coming

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out and seeing and giving these guarantees. So that's one way of looking at this cup business. And then again, when you suffer less and pull the cup out, it's just a cup again, right. And this is maybe a subtle way of the Quran telling us how things have things with with value are perceived differently by different people. Right, and it's not, you know, some things may be, to us a very big deal, because they are connected to somebody that we have high regard for, they of course, have a high regard for use of any salon because he's the king or is right second hand to the king. But to use of holism is just another cup.

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But from a religious point of view, also, this is an important side consideration. In different religions in the world, including in the Muslim world, sometimes objects become holy, because somebody touched them, because somebody was around them. Right, and they become sanctified. You know, so, you know, the, the sort of a Sahabi of the Allahu anhu, for example, right, or the cup in which somebody drank or so the prophets Iceland's mat or something like that, those are all remarkable things, but they are not in and of themselves holy. They're just objects. They're nothing more than objects, you see, and the dirt on which he walked is just dirt. It's not it didn't become

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more holy, because the Prophet size and I'm locked on it, our love for him, makes us think about his legacy when we are in the city of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, like the last time I was in, you know, in the in the two cities, for camera, and just spending some time in Medina, obviously, we don't work, we can't possibly walk on the dirt that he walked on, it's all covered in concrete, and then foundations, and then carpet on top of that, and we're not going to experience what he experienced. We're not walking through as much of the movie with the sun beaming on us with those giant umbrellas and those fans running and all that stuff, right? So we're not, we're in the same,

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we're breathing the same air. But we're not exactly in the same environment anymore, obviously. But you know, what I? Personally what I do is when I'm in Medina, I recite a lot more than you put on.

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And when I try to think about is you really slam came down here somewhere and gave these words total sold lossless, I don't like somewhere in this proximity was the first time these heavenly words came. Right, and welcome in Makkah, you know that I'm reciting, that are McKee more and just thinking about the fact that somewhere here, this place was blessed because the laws words were revealed. But beyond that, what happens sometimes in religions, and again, with Muslims is objects become sacred,

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or objects, you know, get value more than they should have. Now, this is of course, a governmental matter if things start getting stolen from the from the presidential office, then that doesn't speak well for how crime can be controlled in the country. So it's a pretty bad statement. But beyond that, what we do and not in the religious world and beyond the religious world, some items become of great value, because a celebrity touched them. And they're being auctioned off for millions of dollars, right? and things like that. And it's interesting that a lot of shows the people's perspective of how big a deal it is, and then uses perspective SWAT as Malick is just a supplier,

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it's just a cup, there's just put the cup and I'll take the cup back is all it is. Right. So it is an interesting, you know, contrast of points of view. So that's one way of looking at the two contrasting terms with another way that Dr. Akram, you know, puts forward and I'll add some of my own thoughts to what he's saying. Because when you when you you know, when you present a thought it has ripple effects, right. So what I'm presenting to you is not purely Dr. crumbs, ideas, but based on Dr. crumbs, ideas. So his idea is because there are two different pronouns being used, and one is just a cup and the other is the goblet that there are two different objects. And the the theory

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behind it is user friendly, some only intended to put a cup duck, his personal cup, the cup, inside his brother's bag. And as they were leaving, instead of making a scene in front of everybody, he would come up to them and say, Hey, I'm missing my cup. I don't want to make a scene in front of everyone. But you you were the only ones that were in my you were the only one that was in my room, or something like that. Well, you're the only people I had close interaction with in that way. I need to go through your bags. And so he goes through without, you know, public debacle and all of that he was just going to take the cup out and go but at the same time, the Kings actual official

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measuring cup, that's a symbolic thing. That's such a big deal went missing.

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So user put his own cup there, and the king's goblet is missing. So before and so he's just put the cup and they're starting their journey. And as they're starting the journey, the announcement is made. You're all thieves and Yusuf Ali Hassan himself is in shock. That's not what what just happened. How do they know? The thieves? So that's his reading that actually two things happened at the same time. He put the cup there and the official cup went missing. And when the official goblet the measuring cup missing, they're looking for that nothing to swallow Malik.

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But then use of it Sam says

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Look through it. And then finally, when he pulls out, he pulls out, oh, what do we have here? We didn't find the problem. But my cup is here. What's it doing here, you understand? Now, this seems like a minor difference. But it does have some interesting implications behind it. If you do look at it this way. If you look at it this way, then Yusuf Ali Salaam did not intend to publicly shame his brothers. in that setting.

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He was only going to do this kind of privately and get that cup and get an excuse to keep his brother, right, that's what was gonna happen. But a law decided that he is going to create a chain of events in which these brothers will, you know, get a taste of public humiliation more than what use of Halle Sam even intended. So they you know, it's kind of like divine justice. So it's that use of Elise and I'm putting them in that position. Now it's a lot as though it will putting them in a far worse position. When the entire year the entire caravan is being told, you're all thieves and the cops are all surrounding them and the cops saying I'm going to give a reward and they're coming

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out and talking and all of this stuff was not necessarily intended by use of them. The other thing is what we're going to get into now is the words that are coming now. You know, so far what I've read up to you about Item Number 76 is he started with their bags before going to the bag of his own brother. And then he brought it out from the back of his brother, do you know what's going to happen next doesn't have to be spelled out. What's gonna happen next is the one whose bag it was recovered from has been detained. So that's not going to be stated openly like that it's coming later on. Now Allah says this isn't it's all what I'm reading to you is all one ayah today, so there's going to be

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multiple statements one statement will be gallica could no use of then will be Macedonia for the houfy the new Malik Illa inshallah, then there's going to be no Pharaoh dollar JT, Manisha. And finally, there's going to be a phone call call emailing there for statements. And this is after this part, after the part of pulling it out of the bag. Statement number one of these four statements is that is how we schemed for you. That is how we hatched a plan for use of Alice has himself. So let's stop the story and interjected himself and said and that is how we made a plan for you. So you know this that is how his literary device in the suit in the surah. And the telling of this story. And

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Allah will say, for example, when he settled in Egypt, because alika

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you know, in Lima, who mentor will have

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the Luma kilala, who fill out, this is how we settled him in Deland cattolica, McConnell usofa, yet about one of the highest academic academic, so he's telling a story, and he interviews and that's how we did it for us. That's how we got him put into Egypt. That's how we brought him back into power. In all those that the statement that is how we occurs, right. And now we find the same that is how we and so Allah is taking credit for this plan. When he says that is how we now the two readings in the first reading, use of La Salaam, is putting this entire scheme together, having the cops call them out and all of it right. But there's some things that are not in his control. He's

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hoping he can, you know, get them get Binyamin arrested. But the conversation that happened was not under his control how so he doesn't know that the cops are gonna come out and say, Oh, yeah, you haven't stolen, what should be the compensation? What should be the payback if you did if you are lying, and they came out and said, Well, if we are lying, then the one who's bad gets in there, the compensation. Remember that dialogue? Use of Elisa Lam cannot plan out that that's going to be the dialogue. He cannot plan out that the cops are going to ask that question. He cannot plan out that they're gonna answer that question in that way. And that's how you can observe volley me. And that's

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how it's gonna play out. So some of us who don't say, well, that's the part that Allah made work for him. Like he could only do so much. And there are other things that happened by divine intervention, meaning the cops asked a certain question, they answered a certain question and they don't even know they're fitting right into a lesson plan for use of to keep his brother right so that's in that sense, a lie is taking care of matters in this plan that are out of use of control. Right so that's one reading of Gallagher could not use

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the second reading is well use of rallies that I've just put a cup but Allah made it so that the larger Cup was missing and the whole cup scenario happened in the second reading and in that sense also a lot added to the plan something use of had not taken into consideration okay.

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Either way though, we get to the same point, we get to the point where Allah has basically facilitated this scheme for use of honey Salaam and this is interpreted in one of two ways. One way this is interpreted his use of honey Salaam was given revelation by Allah to do this to take the cup put it in the bag to do this entire scheme. Yeah. So this was something revealed to us the funniest now if it is read this way that it was given to us every time he was following a Lowe's instructions. I agree

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reminded of the story of circle graph, where there is a character that musasa meets who's not mentioned by name, right? We call them COVID or other. And he does several things that we find immoral. He damages a ship, he kills a child. He has something doesn't make sense. He builds a wall where, you know, a wall, there was no compensation. And they're, they're dehydrating and starving, and they're not even giving them water. Right about when you, you know, you buy your food.

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So when he does those things, at the end of it, he says, Who am I to Anna Marie? I didn't do this, because this was my decision. I did this because who told me to do it? Allah told me to do it. So he's actually attributing those acts to Allah, which is an interesting study by itself when we when I finished the song going back to sort of come to finish it. But the point is, at the end of it all, what did he explain? This wasn't me, I didn't kill someone or I didn't damage it should because I wanted to, or because I that was my doing. But actually, this was one

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anomaly. So it's more complex than that. But more or less, he does explain that this wasn't just entirely meet the one who knows the future and what is going to happen is the one who instructed me to do this, okay.

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Here, you don't find the use of holidays that I'm being told, are we as being told, and Allah commanded him to do so?

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You don't find those words, what you find is Allah made a scheme for you. So now you could read allow me to scheme for you. So if Arla you know, you can say endorse the scheme for use of two ways. One, Allah actually made that scheme and told him this is the scheme. Yeah, that's one way and if it is that way, then there is no questions we can ask Allah told him to do it. So you did you do what Allah tells you to do? Right? Well, when Nikita finale him and have to do one for sarcoma with Dr. Mindy masala, who luckily let me know, if you were told if they were given revelation, kill yourselves. If Allah told somebody kill yourself, and if a lot told somebody leave your home, never

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come back home again.

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Then most people wouldn't have done it.

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And then Allah says, Well, illuma you are gonna be healer cannot hide alone. And had they done what a life telling them to do, it would have been better for them. The point of that is uncertain This is, if Allah tells you to do something that doesn't seem right, or doesn't seem logical to you. If a lie is telling you understand that your logic is less or less, wisdom is more, you should still do it. What Allah tells you, that's the point of that. ayah. So if that's the logic that Allah has taught us, and by that logic, if Allah has revealed to us have to do these things, there's no questions asked, that's it.

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But another reading of the same ayah is Allah azza wa jal, facil, allowed use of police to engage in this plan, and part of this plan was out of use of control, like what the cops are gonna see, and what's going to happen and all of that stuff, and what the brothers responses are going to be, whether they're going to cite the Canaanite law, that the person whose bag is found in will be enslaved, they brought that stuff up and use of can control that they're going to bring that up, or they said

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that all of that was done by use of honey slam, and Allah further not only endorsed this plan, furthered his plan himself. So both wills, the will of use of independently on Instagram, he decided to do this, and a lot endorsing his view as well, and then adding his will to it.

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Right, so that's the second reading and I'm more convinced, as you might guess, of this second reading. And in the second reading,

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when you see that use of halys Allah says, you know, we made the scheme work for you. So basically, my reading of it would we could not use so far we made this plan work out for the in the favor of us. Okay, so the plan was there, but it couldn't have worked out unless Allah azza wa jal made it work out. Yeah. Then he says, Listen to this macconnell yehudah, houfy denas Malik, Ella initial insha Allah.

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It wasn't possible for him to hold on to his brother in the in the in the religion, I wouldn't translate this religion here in the constitution of the king,

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except by Allah as well.

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Okay, so Allah is now explaining why he did this. Why did he do this whole cup debacle? Why? Why did this entire drama have to be played out? He says, because there was no legal way under the law of the king, that you can have a foreigner stay in the Royal Palace. You know, in official government buildings, you have to have security clearance to stay. Right and to stay in a country, you have to have certain kinds of immigration status. And then on top of that, if somebody is going to stay in the highest place in the highest building in the land, then they better have gone through a real clear and rich background check security check bureaucracy, all that has to be cleared before they

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can go there. Right. So you can't just keep him there. Just because you said so the even though he has a lot of authority, there is the the law of

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King himself and part of His laws, you can't just have foreigners stay here. There has to be some justification. And the only justification was he's being detained for further questioning or why did he do it? Or he's been enslaved. Now he's my personal slave. Right? Because the punishment is, he should be enslaved. Well, you know what, since that is the law, I'm making him my personal servant. And now he has a justification to keep him. Right. Now, Ally's explaining this rationale. Did we know that the king has such a law?

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We had no knowledge. All we knew is Yusuf Ali Salaam hatched a scheme that I tried to challenge the morality of yesterday, you remember, I said Yusuf Ali Salaam is in you know, has put a scheme together in which there is deception in which there is humiliation? Right, in which there's false accusation? Can you know a tampering with evidence? That's what they call it nowadays? Right? falsified arrest. Right, unjustified imprisonment, all of this stuff is happening in this story. And Allah says, first, let me clear the air. I endorsed this view, I endorsed this plan, and I'm the one who made it work anyway. Because alika could not use a law put his stamp of approval on this

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seemingly morally objectionable part of the plan. Why? And this is really the why that I you know, the title of my talk today is, you know, doing the right thing.

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To what, how to do that, how is this the right thing? When you have a situation in which there is actually no, let me not talk about use of reason, let me talk about you and me and our life, and how this works in our lives. Imagine somebody has a sick mother, she, when she stresses out, her blood pressure goes up, and she is more prone towards heart issues. Or she's more prone towards a panic attack. And that panic attacks and these kinds of stress things, you know, cardiologists will tell you, my you know, my family, we've had heart surgeries in our family. And one of the first things that cardiac cardiology will tell you is don't put yourself in stressful situations. Right? So the

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mom tends to stress easily, and she's had a heart surgery and all of that stuff. And she's, you know, easily panicked. And a son who's the only provider for the family loses his job.

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Right? And he comes home, he's wondering, where am I going to get the food for groceries for for next week? How am I going to pay the electricity bill? What's going to happen? Mom opens the door, Sundays, everything okay?

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is to make a choice. So his mom, actually I lost my job. And we have what I think $35 left in the bank.

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So I don't know if we're gonna get evicted or what's gonna happen. Or, and if he says that to her, he knows what's gonna happen to her. She's gonna stress out she's gonna have a panic attack, she might even have a heart attack. Right? Because that's that sort of thing has happened before she might pass out. So he says everything's fine, mom.

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Yeah, it's all good. Everything's okay.

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Does he lie? Yeah. Did he do the right thing? Absolutely.

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He absolutely do the right thing by lying. Because when you have to consider what harm he's preventing,

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then in those situations, there is a room.

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And this kind of room exists in lighter circumstances. So for example, your wife cooks for you. And you think it's it tastes about the same as cardboard.

00:28:22 --> 00:28:27

And not that you ever did that? Valerie? I'm not saying that. I'm giving an example. Okay, just an example to chill out. Okay.

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So it is and she has, has a taste. Now you have to think about the harm that might cause her feelings, but also the physical harm that might come your way if you see your actual opinion. So in order to save lives, your own and other people's feelings, you say, It's delicious. Oh, my God, this is reminding me of Jenna. And your head, you're saying? Probably sending me an agenda sooner than I thought. But you're not saying that out loud.

00:28:53 --> 00:29:19

What do you say something to protect somebody's feelings, you're not causing anybody harm. Right? But, and I'm not endorsing those kinds of you know, those are white lies, they call them white lies. But the problem is, I have a challenge today before you because when I talk about this subject, on the one hand, I have to be true to the text, there is deception that took place, and we have to acknowledge that and see what we can learn from it. But the danger is when somebody hears this, they're like, the Quran is okay with me lying.

00:29:20 --> 00:29:26

So I'm going to lie in like virtually any self serving circumstance and then say, well use a funny song. Have you seen this YouTube video?

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Bro, it's in the Quran. That's why light,

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you know, so we need to strike a very clear balance. Right? Now, what is that clear balance from what I can extrapolate from these, I'm gonna give you a darker scenario. A Darker scenario is perhaps in a family. There's a father who's physically emotionally abusive. He beats the kids or he beats up on his son or beats up on his daughter, right? And he comes home and he's drunk or he's angry. And he asked the wife where she he's asking about his daughter. Where is she and she's hiding in the closet.

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And the mom goes, she slept over at her friend or at the aunt's house. She's not here today. She lies. Does she lie? Yeah. Did she do the right thing to save her child from abuse? Absolutely. She absolutely did the right thing. When you are dealing with someone abusive, manipulative, controlling cruel when you're dealing with people like that, and you have to engage in lying in order to protect someone, or protect yourself, in order to protect yourself from actual harm, then in those circumstances, there is wiggle room isn't there? There's room for you to do to engage in that kind of scheming Yusuf Ali Salaam, is trying to bring this family together. But he has he has a big, you

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know, the figure of speeches, the troll on the bridge. But there are 10 trolls on the bridge, there are these 10 young men that are now older men that are very arrogant about their control over the family, and how they run things. And how nobody can question what they do. They're going to get things their way, they're going to get their way done no matter what. And he is trying to protect his four starters, his youngest brother from that line of abuse, because he's tasted it himself, the memory of what they did to him is fresh, he knows what they did. And every bad thing that happened in his life, as a result of that he knows is attributed to them. And he knows now he's smart enough

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to know that vineya means the next target of that abuse. So he's putting the scheme together to save his brother from that abuse. And in that scenario, this is the ultimately moral thing to do. And it is a scheme against the it is a lie against a bunch of liars. He did not experience His brothers lie through their teeth when jacoba they said I'm sorry, I'm scared a wolf might eat him. And they said, what a wolf while we're here.

00:31:46 --> 00:31:58

You know, in a Cologne, they wanna know Ozma which ironically, it's pretty ironic I shared with you back then oh, wolf would eat him. Why do you need a wolf to eat him? We're here, we can do that we can do a wolf job much better.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:32

But that's not what they meant. Right? They meant Oh, why would a wolf eat him when we're? Well, you know, we'll take care of business and your thought well, yellow, and use of Alexa must have heard this conversation with is they're having with his dad, he's gonna play he's gonna eat as Phil, he's gonna have such a good time. And this kid, some part of him says, maybe they're right, I will have a good time. And when they get away, they're beating on him, kicking him throwing in the world cursing at him, considering whether they should kill him or not. And even when they said aku, maybe they said it on the way to come on, let's just go back to the old plan, just kill him and be done with

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it. You know. So they, he knows that they present one face to dad and on the other face. In reality, when people are manipulative and deceptive and dishonest like that, then you get to play their game because they're engaged in a war with you.

00:32:52 --> 00:33:02

And not not to hurt them. He didn't do this to hurt them. He did this to save someone from hurt. And really, that's the that's the measuring stick that I can find a lot of them.

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It is not that I'm going to hurt them because they hurt me. It's not vengeance. It's not your personal sense of justice. I need them to feel the pain that I felt more important than that is I need to prevent their infliction of harm to stop. I don't want them to have another victim.

00:33:20 --> 00:33:55

I don't want them to hurt this person. I'm going to save him no matter what I can in whatever scheme I can come up with. I'm protecting someone in particular. And you can even come up with vanilla, I'm protecting the world from you. No, no, no. There's someone actually that's a victim. That's someone actually under harmed in harm's way. And in this case, Binyamin was in harm's way. And it's very clear that he was in harm's way. Because as soon as they're in private ticket, and he says I am in fact, your brother, the first words that come out of use of his mouth, his mouth Are you don't have to be miserable and sad and overwhelmed anymore because of the things they've been doing. In other

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words, they have been doing a bunch of bad stuff. And he has been feeling horrible about it. He has been in misery for all this time. So he did the right thing by saving his brother. And so he doesn't want that. And he's promised his brother, they're not going to get to do that to you anymore. Right? He made that promise to him. falada sP mokonyane modern Indiana hook I am your brother is also not just a statement, I am in fact your brother, but also means I'm your brother, I'll protect you. You don't have to worry about them anymore. And what they've used to do that's in the past. Now, isn't that what that means? So this entire plan is in keeping his promise to his brother to protect this

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brother. And so and nobody's actually harmed and even if some harm has come their way about an accusation, the accusation actually didn't come true for them. Who did it come true for when you mean and he's he's bought in on the plan also. So from from the moral point of view, we're learning something delicate, the Quran, you would think you know, religious people, they want to commit to the truth and they stand against lies. Truth is good, lying is bad. But the Quran tells us that sometimes there are situations that are great that

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are complicated, that do involve complicated people or abusive people or cruelty. And in some of those cases, you have to, you know, you have to be able to maneuver those people in the right way. You have to learn to navigate those kinds of complicated people and learn to play their game if you stray state forward, and just keep, you know, keep acting like you know, being committed to the truth and being moral, is not the same as being gullible. And Yusuf Ali Salaam is actually playing a pretty smart scheme here. And then the fact that ally endorsed It is a very beautiful, powerful thing at how intricate the Quran looks at right and wrong in these kinds of situations. Right? So

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you have to really ask yourself is my situation is the situation in which I'm considering doing something like this? Does it tally with the circumstances of use of myself? Am I being genuine with the last book? Or am I trying to take advantage of it? Am I genuinely trying to save somebody for heart from harm? Or am I furthering my own ego or my need for vengeance or whatever else? Right? Because that's the question only you can answer for yourself. Because, you know, sometimes people want to do the wrong thing, but to feel better, they want to have religious justification for doing the wrong thing. I don't want you and me to fall under that category. Because we might get away from

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with that in this life. But when we're standing in front of Allah, he's gonna ask us whether we took his book and made a joke out of it. And we put our own personal ego above the word of Allah when he said what Allah tala Hill earlier, the word of Allah is in the highest place. Right? So on the one hand, there is room here, but on the other hand, don't think there's free rein. There's a very narrow path in which this this is applicable. And we have to be careful about whether or not we're engaged in that we're on that path and treading carefully. Now. Look at how first Allah says Allah endorses plan or less scheme this for him Yusuf Alayhi, salaam, Makana Allah, then he offers a

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rationale. He says, macconnell yehudah houfy demil Malik, Allah insha Allah, it was impossible for him to grab his brother or to hold on to his brother in the law of the king in the constitution of the king. Here you learn the word Dean comes from the the phrase schemata the new to than the way you deal is how you are dealt with, you know, the old expression as you sow, so shall you reap. Right? It's the equivalent of that in Arabic come out to the new to than the word Deen, which we commonly translate as religion actually has to do with dealings. And Maliki oma Dean is the day on which every dealing will be dealt with. And Dean also has the meaning of judgment, meaning dealings

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are judged. So judgment of the king and all the issues and all the matters, which are basically law and constitution. So a constitution is a decent translation for the word Dean here.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:47

Okay. So in any case,

00:37:49 --> 00:37:58

when he said a lot explains that there's a law in the Kings books that prevents him from keeping his brother, what is a lot actually doing? Well, this is an interesting contrast.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:05

Allah is explaining the rationale, the thought process of use of medicinal?

00:38:06 --> 00:38:40

Why would he engage in the scheme to keep his brother because it was illegal for him to keep his brother otherwise? Would you and I have this is not religious knowledge. This is knowledge about the law of the king that doesn't believe in the law. It's discover society's law, right. And allies teaching us something about it. Why? Because allies teaching us use have had to make this difficult decision, because he has constraints on him, constraints that you and I are not aware of. And if you're not aware of them, it might be very easy for you to pass moral judgment, how could he lie? How could he scheme? How could you attributed that and explains what you don't you don't know the

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whole story, you don't know the situation he's in, he still has to operate under the government's law, the law of the king, and in that law, he can't keep his brother. In other words, Allah is telling us that sometimes you see a situation in which a person acted a certain way. But if you don't know all the things they had to take into consideration, before they made that decision, you will come up with an overly simplified judgment of what they did.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:15

Okay, this is a complicated what I just said, Let me put it in the way of example. So you understand somebody pushed someone,

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all you saw is they push someone and you say, it's wrong, you shouldn't be push someone like that. That's not okay. That's unacceptable. You don't know that the guy's been pushing him 10 other times and the same all kinds of things and manipulating the situation and you don't know any of that stuff. Right? Or if you don't push me, I'm gonna punch that little kid over there. or putting him in a crazy situation. You don't know the background of the whole story. All you know, all you saw is a push. Right? And you've already made a judgment that the one who pushed is wrong, isn't it? But you don't know the all of the things that went into play and sometimes those people are not able to

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explain their situation. And sometimes those people don't owe you a full explanation of their situations.

00:40:01 --> 00:40:17

They don't owe you all the personal details of their life that led to them making this one choice. They don't owe you that Allah knows the circumstances they have to go through to make this choice. Right. But from our point of view, we see something and say a stock for the lock.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:24

A stock suffer a lot falsifying evidence, I started getting somebody arrested falsely

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for putting a cup and then saying, where's the cup? In La La? La La Jolla kings nowadays.

00:40:33 --> 00:40:39

You don't know the whole situation. Now Ally's informing you there's more to it than then you've been told.

00:40:40 --> 00:40:46

And what is he teaching us as a universal principle, don't be so quick to pass judgment on why someone did something.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:49

You don't know why they did something.

00:40:50 --> 00:41:10

Yusuf Alayhi Salam did something you can consider illegal, but had higher moral reasons for it? He did something what you might consider immoral. Otherwise, if somebody else did it, it may be immoral. What we're learning now is a complex portion of Warren's morality, the Korans version of morality. It could be the same act, and it could be evil, and it could be good.

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It's the same exact act two people have done the same exact act. But what is behind that act, and what is intended by that act will determine whether that act is good or whether the act is evil. In fact, the flip is true, not just a bad thing that may be good.

00:41:27 --> 00:42:08

But interestingly enough, you could be doing something good, but it's an act of evil. It can be doing something good, but it's actually not good at all. You know, and you're masking it, you're masking the evil deed, the evil intentions with good a good costume on top of it, right? And Allah has a see through that. In this case, what may look bad on the surface is actually something good behind from behind, and so he says, Makana mcanally, aka Javi Dini Malik, Illa insha Allah, except had Allah if Allah unless Allah wills he can't keep it unless Allah wills now unless Allah wills obviously, if Allah wills anything will happen. But here also another direct reading of it from

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within the ayah from within the statement is Allah willed that these this plan should work out in the way that it will and it was it was willed that he do this. Right, so a second endorsement from Allah is in Allah insha Allah. Then he says, Allah says, none thought Rue de la Jatin, Manisha we raised the ranks, we raised in ranks whoever we want.

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We raised in degrees, whoever we want. And what is the lesson here you have use of honey, Sam, being raised in rank throughout the story, little by little by little by little. And here you have something being done, that someone might point out and say that reduces his rank.

00:42:52 --> 00:43:14

And remarkably a lot and that is has no reraised and ranks, whoever we want. Also, it's a remarkable statement about the scenario. The story started, where the brothers had a rank over use of they had power over him, and now he has power over them. They have power to take him away. He has power to keep his brother.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:20

He they had power and he couldn't do anything about it. The DNR has power and they can't do anything about it.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:33

They were the father was begging to keep use of and they didn't listen. And now they're gonna beg to take Binyamin and they won't let him go.

00:43:34 --> 00:44:12

Things have been flipped and Allah says we give ups and downs to whoever we want. So there's there's the rise in ranks of use of Hassan's morality, his spirituality, his his rank in the world, his rank within the family, all of that's being talked about enough with that in mind, and generally allies saying we raised the ranks, and Allah has told us how he raised his ranks, because of his honesty because of his sincerity, because he's a you Hasidic. Remember the truthful one, the truthful one, it's important that I like described him as the truthful one. And then this event occurs, because this event does not take away from his truthfulness. And his his rank continues to elevate. You know

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what's amazing, Yusuf Alayhi Salam belongs to the religion of Ibrahim Ali Salaam and Ibraheem alehissalaam to make a point sometimes he would, you know, he remember the idol story.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:30

Right? And he, you know, as the big one,

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he knows the answer, but glass the big one, right. Now, the thing is, in SoTL, I believe it's an homage to the soul and the words not federal dollar, Jonathan, Manisha we raise in ranks, whoever we want, is used for Ibraheem alehissalaam and in this surah it's been used for his great grandson. And remember, he said, I follow the religion of my father's Ibrahim, and he took pride in that. And Allah endorses that and uses the same words

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He used for Ibraheem alehissalaam he's using them for use of medicinal there's another reading of this ayah and the I have an arm which in which the Raja tin is actually there's no Israeli when no one which makes it a mold off Now what that means is del Ferro da da da te Manisha that would mean we raise the ranks of whoever we want. And that's a subtlety in Arabic grammar that I want to explain to you is really beautiful. One translation is we raise whoever we want in ranks. So who's being raised a person

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and the other is we raised the ranks of whoever we want the ranks of whoever we want. So it sounds like the same thing. But there's a subtle difference. When you raise someone, then they themselves are being elevated.

00:45:45 --> 00:46:28

They themselves are actually being enhanced. When you raise their rank, the way they are perceived is being elevated because the rank is being elevated You understand? So Allah actually meant means the duality use of Elisa is being elevated spiritually, morally, and he's also being elevated in the sight of people. And both of them coincide in not federal dollar chart in menasha and not follow dorayaki Manisha enough. O'Donnell Jatin, Manisha the data is argued to be our fear or I'm a role model, I call it luck. So you know, not Pharaoh, ruffo, and kind of Angela Jatin. For grammar students, this will be of interest to you. But if you single federal dollars, IT managers only

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wonderful will be here. And that's it. And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, that's why I'm going to teach Arabic, because y'all need to know what I'm talking about, and you will inshallah, okay, so no Pharaoh dorayaki militia and the beautiful conclusion of this ayah. And what we're going to conclude with is what could lead the Illuminati and above everyone, anyone that possesses knowledge?

00:46:53 --> 00:47:26

Is someone who knows, is the one is someone who knows. above everyone who possesses knowledge is someone who knows, let's look at the most immediate meaning of it, the most immediate meaning of it is, you don't know the whole story. You don't know the Constitution, you don't know what use of Harrison has been through, you don't know how he's trying to save his brother, you don't know all of those factors. And you're passing quick judgment. Right? So understand, just whatever whatever you know, someone knows about the situation more than you do. And clearly from the what we're learning is, if you think you're gonna pass judgment on someone's personal situation, they know it more than

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you do. Before you pass judgment on use of use of noses circumstance more than you do. You know, he knows his family circumstance more than you do. You understand? Now, that's one meaning, the other meaning his use of Elisa Lam has been given knowledge.

00:47:41 --> 00:48:16

And he has more knowledge. Now the brothers don't even know what's being done to them. They have no idea what's being done right now. And who knows this the entire scheme, Yusuf Ali Salaam and his brothers, so Allah sayings, everyone who has knowledge, someone who has, there's someone who has more. Now in a general sense, there are a few things that have been drawn from this. What's been drawn from this is above anybody who possesses any knowledge as a lot, I leave on at the end, referring to ally himself, meaning, any one of us that have we have some knowledge, but above all of our knowledge is a lot of knowledge. What's the, that's an obvious statement. But what's the benefit

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of seeing that the benefit of seeing that is,

00:48:20 --> 00:48:23

before you judge a situation, you should first say Allah knows better.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:27

I know a little Allah knows the whole story.

00:48:28 --> 00:49:03

So ingrain, this in your head above anyone who knows something, Allah knows the full story. Allah knows, Allah knows a lot of lies in it. And then there's one degree less than that, that Allah might have talked about from this ayah. And that is, above everyone who has knowledge, there's someone who has more knowledge than them. And then above them, there's someone who has more than that. And then some of them, there's someone who has more than and above all of them as allies or like a, like ranks, right? Because the ranks we're talking about, we raise in ranks, right? So what Ally's really saying is, you could have someone who has this incredible knowledge of religion, and there's someone

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who has more than them. And then there's someone who has more than them. And there's someone who has more than them. And Allah will keep putting people above and above and above and above, and there is no number one. And even if you think you're number one, you should always remember who's above you. It's a lie zone and he knows who knows more than you. He you're not even aware of who knows more than you. He's not you're not even aware of who's better than you, who has more knowledge. And this is a, you know, a principle in our religion, of understanding the limits of our knowledge. Also understanding that Allah designed knowledge to be something that is continually sought. So nobody

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ever says I know everything. I got it. I'm already knowledgeable.

00:49:45 --> 00:50:00

And this is true, not just a religion. It's literally true of any field of any field. Just when you think you know everything about cars or mechanics. There's stuff you didn't know. There's when you think you've got Arabic figured out there's

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An ocean, you you realize you knew enough for a swimming pool, and there's an ocean left.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:14

Just when you think you knew something about this surah you realize, you know, a drop from this surah and there's, you know, several oceans left will load up with the human data.

00:50:15 --> 00:50:24

Yes, you may know, and when you compare yourself to people around you, sometimes they know less than you. And it makes you feel like yeah, I know a lot. And people are like, wow, you know, a lot like, Yeah.

00:50:26 --> 00:50:29

Because like, I'm like really knowledgeable and stuff. So pretty good.

00:50:31 --> 00:51:00

Surround yourself with people that you can benefit. But also surround yourself with people that benefit you, that you go to and you realize, for koco, Lydia, and when Holly, you know, appreciate that Allah has created a hierarchy. That's, it's something of a benefit for you and me to have that, you know, the, the sentiment is, the problem happens when we have especially in Islamic Studies, and this is something I'm saying off the cuff politically incorrect, I don't care.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:11

And that is that in Islamic Studies, especially, we are quick to give titles very quick to give titles like a lot of people call me shave, right?

00:51:12 --> 00:51:14

I don't accept these titles. Um, first of all, I'm definitely,

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most definitely. And even when there is somebody who went and graduated one time Islamic University somewhere, and they graduated, and they got a degree, right, and they came back to their community, it looks the same the United States or Canada or England or somewhere else, right now they have a degree in Islamic Studies, right. And people in their community don't have that degree. So they're clearly the

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problem is, when they were at school, they were the worst student in the class. They barely graduated, or there were other top students that knew a lot more than them. And above them were were teachers who knew a lot more than them. And those teachers have teachers who know a lot more than them. And a lot of their best teachers, the best teachers I've ever met in, in the field of Islamic studies are teachers that are continuously students.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:29

They don't spend most of their time teaching they, they spend most of their time What? learning, reading, studying, engaging, that that's what they spend their time doing. But what when you create a culture where somebody gets a little bit of knowledge, and now they can drop some Arabic words on you're like, well, Mashallah, where did you study? Where did you get you, oh, I shall lie or share. And when you do that, the problem is, when you have a 19 year old, a 20, year old 25, you're getting this kind of a attention, it gets to their head, and now they do believe they're ashamed.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:41

You know, and they want their title to say Shay, or doctor or this or that or the other. And that title becomes more important. And now that you have that title, you already on top of the mountain, man, you got nowhere else to climb, you're good.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:51

Right now the only time you will study, the crazy thing is the only time you will study something is when you want to spread a teach something to tell people how shaky you are.

00:52:53 --> 00:53:02

Right? So the shape of your audience, you're not studying for yourself, you're not studying for your love of learning. You're studying for the love of you know, imposing your childhood.

00:53:03 --> 00:53:18

Right? And that's a that's a sickness. That's not focally the ailment, Eileen. And when that happens, you know what the crazy thing is, when someone gets afflicted with that virus, and they're corrected? Hey, you said something that doesn't make sense, hey, you said something that's wrong.

00:53:20 --> 00:53:23

You try to you try to step on my shift territory.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:34

And then they start getting defensive as if it's a personal attack, and they start going on the defensive and attacking somebody else, because they're trying to take my rank down.

00:53:35 --> 00:54:15

And what does the law say? Well folk only the admin it when somebody corrects me, or somebody says, Hey, by the way, you cited this this was incorrect. Or you said the other day, slip of the tongue. I said, you know, Binya is innocent asleep. It's not it's an is, you know, Gemma, Dr. Salim is from Bernina. And Boone is up the street and that's my total gaff on my part. And so he called it I said, by the way, you said this, I was like, Oh, and I thank him and I corrected say, Hey, that was that was wrong. There's no, no big deal. You're human, you're going to be wrong. That's okay. But when you don't acknowledge this Woolfolk, actually, the alien someone knows more than you. So above

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everyone who has knowledge or someone who has more if we don't acknowledge that limit, and that becomes a real serious problem.

00:54:23 --> 00:54:29

The world is now in a very bad place, because there are people who believe nobody knows better than they do.

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Whether we find them in government, whether we find them in the classroom, whether we find them with a mic, it doesn't matter when people's opinions and put them in a position where nobody can correct their opinion. Nobody can correct their position. They don't live by well, Coca Cola the trouble happens.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

Allows origin is now showing us this is the last thing I'll share with you about this iron will inshallah continue tomorrow. Probably tomorrow I'll only do 77 inshallah was a very heavy iron tomorrow.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

Well, one thing I'll share with you about this is why his use of honey Sam going through all this trouble.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:18

Why the whole, like, he recognizes them, but doesn't say I'm your brother, you know, then he says, you better bring your brother back and all this and he could just get it over with in one shot.

00:55:19 --> 00:55:26

You see what I can tell, and I'm really happy that Dr. Chrome today corroborated what I was thinking all along anyway.

00:55:27 --> 00:55:47

Yusuf Ali salaams brothers have a high degree of arrogance, about their strength in numbers. And the fact that they get they are taking care of everything there, right and how they feel they're right and how they conduct themselves. You see how imposing they are with their father from the beginning of the story until now? Yeah.

00:55:48 --> 00:55:51

And they clearly don't see anything wrong with what they did.

00:55:53 --> 00:55:57

They don't see that they don't have a problem with what they did. It's not haunting their conscience.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:42

The only way they can wake up so it's basically as if they are hypnotized by their arrogance. And when you're hypnotized, you can't see reality for what it is. Something has to wake you up. And the only way to wake you up is you have to break that armor of arrogance, you have to break it. And what Yusuf Ali Salaam is doing is little by little he keeps putting these noid all all powerful brothers in a position where they're powerless. They're being humbled little by little by little. Remember when that nostalgia, we're all together. And then the father says no, you need to be safe go from different doors don't go as our spa. Right? So he's now the the strengthen number is weakening. And

00:56:42 --> 00:56:53

now they're coming back begging for food. They were the ones that they were used to have this pride, why does he love you. So we're the ones who take care of the family, were the ones who provide everything. And now they're coming looking for provision, isn't it.

00:56:54 --> 00:57:24

And now they're gonna, you know, the peace, humiliating situations are humbling them, making them realize they're not in charge of the situation. They can't control circumstances like they were able to control their father, like they were able to exert physical control over a child like they were able to exert control over Binyamin, you're not always going to be in control, you're not going to always have that power, that arrogance needs to break. And this is a pretty heavy lesson, because you have people, you know, people that are maybe abusive, like, you know,

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an older brother who used to beat up on you or something like that, or a father that used to be abusive, or something like that, when he was younger, he beat you with a belt and curse you and all this stuff. And then that same father becomes older, and he's 75 and 80 years old. And he's on medication is back as hunched over. And now he's begging for his daughter to call him begging for his son to call him. And the Son and the daughter remind him what you used to say to us how you used to tell us what you wish we were never born, how you used to beat us. And now he's in tears. He's broken, his arrogance is broken. Right. And he's apologizing. Now, he was never sorry, then when he

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had power, he couldn't see that he's wrong. He could only see that they need to be corrected, like like farm animals. They need to be domesticated. But when his power broke, his physical strength, his financial strength, his position and status broke. Now all of a sudden, he's in the mustard every day. And he's crying and making da and he's asking for his children to forgive him. Because that that power is gone. That influence he had is gone. I've seen this in real life. Some of you have seen this in real life. What use of La Salaam is doing is he's hoping that they don't continue down this path until it's too late, and then realize they've done something wrong. Some people only

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want to change their ways, when they're like very, very old. And then they look back and say, Well, I can't do much better anymore. And had they given given you figured they'd go back to their old ways again, right? He wants them to break that hypnosis. So they can see the error in their ways. And he knows the only way they can do that is if they are humbled.

00:59:00 --> 00:59:15

And they so he's going through a process by which he is chipping away at their pride, little by little, putting them in powerless situations little by little. And in that we're learning something delicate when you have power over someone. You don't have to crush them to teach them a lesson.

00:59:16 --> 00:59:26

And if they have if they've been in a position of power over you, and now you're in a position of power over them, that can happen. You don't have to put them in their place like it's my turn now.

00:59:27 --> 00:59:59

No, you can they and they may still be holding on to their pride even though they're under you now. But there are ways that you can engage in correcting that behavior by humbling them little by little and not degrading them outright or crushing them outright you understand. So there's a subtle approach that use of Elisa Lam is taking with his brothers. And that illustrates that even though they are the way they are, he still has love for them. He still cares about them because at the end of the day, he wants them to change their ways. Not that he wants them to be punished. He wanted them to be punished. This would have been over a long time ago.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:29

You didn't need all these episodes, but he wants them to change their ways and he's kind of slowly reeling them towards a more humbled position. And what's going to happen amazingly is when they're truly humbled, that's when he's going to tell them on your brother. He's waiting for that moment. He's not going to tell them he needs to see them crack a little bit more before he can open that up to them. So inshallah we'll see that later on. But tomorrow again is number 77. Bought a colonial a computer and is hacking on a Finally we can build it with the game of Santa Monica.

The Right Thing to Do

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