Nouman Ali Khan – Loyal to the Truth
![Nouman Ali Khan](
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The speaker discusses the importance of learning from past leaders and the use of words like "has" and "has not" in relation to actions. They stress the need for a self-conscious mindset and maintaining respect for teachers. The conversation also touches on the challenges of the story of the Torah and the importance of learning and rebuilding a situation insulated from the world. The speakers emphasize the need for a culture of reflection and humility to allow people to feel the love and blessings of the word of Allah and emphasize the importance of writing in the language.
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where I'd like to start today's clip is with a reminder and an important consideration. The Quran always asks us to reflect and to think and to ponder. And the concepts in the Quran they become very difficult for us to properly analyze if we don't become thing people of thought, and people have reflection. That's something that's a demand in the Quran. In fact, it's even connected to our spiritual condition. You will think when you think about something deeply, it's an intellectual thing. But actually in the Quran, contemplating the Quran is also a matter of the heart of halaya Tada Brunel Quran, Allah KHUDOBIN follow her. So Muhammad, Allah says, Don't even contemplate the
Quran and think deeply about the Quran? Or is it the case that their hearts have locks placed on them? Today's hobo is not about that is what I want to just share a quick comment about that I have with you. The hearts having locks already on them means many things. And one of the things that it's mean that it means is someone has already made up their mind. So if I already have an opinion, and I'm already convinced that my opinion is correct, I don't care what you have to say, I don't even care what the Quran says. This is what it is. That means my heart is locked up. And I am not capable now of contemplating the word of Allah humbling that perhaps my opinion, or the conclusion I had
reached previously may be the wrong one. And that can even happen within the scope of what I thought Allah says what I thought the Prophet says SallAllahu wasallam what I thought Islam actually actually says, Because I heard it in a hubback or I heard it in a speech somewhere I watched it on YouTube, that must mean that it's correct. Or I heard it somebody will the person saying it was really screaming at the top of their lungs. I mean, that's got to be true then. So that guy's you know, really good speaker, they give lots of the quoted lots of Arabic, so that must mean it's true. So now it's become embedded in me that that's the way I'm supposed to think. Right? But it's that's
just the lay person who doesn't really have a lot of background knowledge, and they're getting information from those that have more knowledge than them. But even those that have knowledge, even those that have learned the religion, and this happens, not just in Islam, it happens in other religions, too, that we learn religion from certain people, you don't just learn it by osmosis, you learn it from a particular school, a scholar, a madrasa, you know, school of thought, etc, right? And you're around those people, and they have a certain way of thinking, and as you grow in your thoughts, you realize some of the things I learned from my school, I don't find myself agreeing with
them. I think the other school on this issue has better evidence than what I learned from my teacher. And I'm starting to diverge from the school that I originally learned from or my teacher, right? That doesn't mean that I reject everything I learned from my teacher, but maybe two out of 10 things I'm starting to get a little shaky on. I don't think the evidence is were that strong, right? So someone who's sincere to knowledge can go back to their teacher and say, Hey, these two things, I'm not as convinced. Let's let's revisit this, or I'm finding this counter evidence that stronger. So should we revisit this issue? But somebody else will say, No, no, no, no, you don't understand.
Allah has chosen our school to be the ultimate, you know, towards the flagbearer of the truth. Everybody else is clearly unbolting. Everybody else is wrong. They need to get on board with the program. And therefore, if anybody even comes to me and says, contemplate that and then hold on a second now, I'm already been saved brother. You're the one that needs saving. So I don't need to think about anything, you understand that mentality. It can even happen from someone who's actually learned. One of the demand one of the reasons the Israelites rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is because they had learned what they considered the deen of Allah, from their teachers.
And those teachers learned it from their teachers. And they were very qualified and they had Allah calls them bar bar means that their bar actually comes from Hibbert, it means ink. And the scholars of the Israelites were called a bar because they were constantly flipping these ancient scrolls and pages, and their hands would just get, you know, the ink would smudge on their fingers. So they the tips of their fingers would always be black. And so they were called people of ink, because they were constantly scrolling through these pages and pages. And of course, the average believer in their community. They were not scholarly. They're not researchers. They're not they're not spending
a 10 hours a day, studying the Scripture. So these people have, you know, spent a lifetime engrossed in their studies. And now comes a Prophet alayhi salatu salam, who is did not graduate from any of their schools is not a scholar by their by their standards. In fact, he's alumi unlettered, he can't read. And now he's reciting the word of Allah and criticizing the Israelites, right? The Israelites are PhDs and their subjects and they have an entire tradition of scholarship on top of scholarship and double scholarship. So the first reaction, how is he going to correct us? Who is he to tell us? What qualifications does he have? And even if he has some evidence that makes you go, wait, no, that
makes sense. Hey, how did he know that?
That's the very deep inside volume 80 of the scroll that, you know nobody has access to. How's he criticizing something that's very deep within our books and commenting on it in such a way? No, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna listen to this. I don't want to hear it. It cuts too deep. Like when it when you are comfortable in what you think you know. And then the truth comes and hits you, you have two choices. Either you can I can humble myself and say, Maybe I need to rethink. Maybe I need to be loyal to the truth and not loyal to my conclusions. Or you have the other option. You can say, the moment you start feeling shaky, the best defense is offense, right? So the moment you start getting
your defenses started breaking, you get over offensive and say no, this person is this, I don't want to hear it, stay away from him, don't go to him, etc. And this is something that happened among the Israelites. Now, the Quran warns us at late Quran addresses at length in Surah Al Baqarah. It talks about Allah talks about the Israelites at length. And one thing that I want you to know about that in this today's just one thing to think about when Allah talks about when we stray, is Allah did not give us anything in the Quran. That is just interesting information.
All of it is fee, the Croco. It is talking about you. It is your mention. Like it's irrelevant to me, it's irrelevant to you.
Allah did not give us information. So we could say, Ah, those Israelites, they were so messed up. You know, like, that's not the point that doesn't give you any guidance. The only purpose of talking about them in this much detail is because you and I are in potential danger of repeating their behavior. And this is another important thing when ALLAH is talking about Israel. He's not talking about one group. He's talking about a very diverse nation. Among them were very good people. Among them were people that made lots of mistakes. Allah highlights the good among them in the Quran. Allah hates highlights the ones that made mistakes among them in the Quran. Allah highlights the
corrupt ones among them in the Quran. Allah did not say anybody who belongs to when he's ill. Here's what I have to say about that. It's not like that in Allah's book. It's simply not like that. And so we have to have a careful look when we, when we consider what Allah is talking about. First and foremost, I can I can never lose sight of the fact he's actually not just talking about someone else. He's always talking about me, there's there's something in me that that needs to learn from this. You know, in the story of use of holidays, people say I learned a lot from use of Friday's setup. Yeah, that's cool. You got to learn a lot from his brothers too.
You know, everybody wants to tie it connect themselves to the hero because like he's the hero of his story. I'm the hero of my story. And everybody else in my story is the villain. So my cousins are all the brothers of yourself and my in laws are the brothers of us everybody else's the brothers are us. I'm the use of guy right so so what happens is we don't want to you know, find connection with what seems like a dark comparison. Right? But the the reason this has mentioned this is even in the Fatiha in the party how we weren't just take told to take inspiration from those that Allah has favored. So lotta Latina and I'm turning him into Haleakala. Okay, he's done. Show me the path of
those you favored. That's it, okay. I just want to know about the good people and learn from their example know that he didn't know who will be I know him, Allah Lee. And he said, Well, I thought I didn't want to be funny, shall also, I'd like to make sure I don't follow the path of these two groups, which means I need to know a lot about those pads. So if accidentally I'm on that path, I'm like, Oh, this is the mulgara lane path, I need to turn back. Oh, this is the Lean path I need to turn back. So Allah elaborated those paths so I can recognize where I stand. It makes me more self aware. And that's the mindset with which we should read about the people of the past that Allah
talks about in the Quran. Now, today's call by briefly I wanted to discuss with you one of the many things that Allah criticized about the Israelites, again, now that he's criticizing that about the Israelites, this is a potential and very real criticism of me, but it's possibly myself. Okay, so let's let's listen to this a little bit. Allah says, well, he that lapolla Xena Amanu Carlu. Um, and when they come to those who have faith, meaning the Israelites, they were you know, set up in Medina, they had their their seminary they had their get togethers where they were studying the Torah, and then they would come into contact with people like her model the Allahu Allah Allah who
used to call them out, by the way, but anyway, so they come into contact with some of the Muslims and the Muslims start saying this about Musa because they've learned from the Quran or the Muslims learn from the Quran about their prophet. So the they're telling you about Musa Islam and when Yusuf Ali salaam, and they're like, they're calling them out because for example, about about Yusuf Ali Salam, just as an example, in the Torah, and what they have now of the Torah, Yusuf alayhi salam saw a dream.
And he didn't tell his father, he told
his brothers. He went and told his brothers and his brothers got mad at him and beat him up. And then he then the brothers came and complained to their father Yahoo and Yahoo got angry. Why did you have to get this room?
I'm so mad at ya Allah why him? Meaning Yahoo is angry that uses Gundry the Quran comes and corrects this story is called the use of fully Evie here at Indira Ito had Ashoka now, what's the Quran doing? It's challenging the story that exists in the Torah. It's challenging, right? So they hear they Oh,
yeah, that makes sense. Some of them make the make the mistake of thinking, yeah, you That sounds reasonable. That sounds but then when they said that some of the other guys in the in the school they're like
why are you giving it away? Man? What are you doing? Don't talk to these people. So they'd have their own meeting after the Muslims are gone. But
when they meet those who have faith, they say we have faith to Yahweh. We agree with that too. We accept that to then wait Ah ha ha Mila bad when they have their private meeting when they're alone just with each other. Allah to Hadith Hoolahan, Bhima Fattah Allahu Allah,
are you really going to talk to them about stuff? They're going to use this as an argument against you? Do you heard you can be here and darabi calm? And they're gonna use this to say that you should have accepted Islam, they'll make a case in front of Allah. Do you want to convert that what you want to do? You want to leave this religion. You want to get kicked out of the school of Allah to occlude, use your head, think, what's wrong with you, don't interact with these Muslims. Don't listen to this, because it'll make you change. Change is scary, man. Don't don't change. So this they would warn each other from confronting reality from confronting the truth. This was their this
was the meetings of the knowledgeable among them. And they were they were warning the the mass congregation among them. So this is one scene that Allah describes, what might I learned from that? I might learn from that, that there are people that become in this ummah, like in previous years, they might become so obsessed with preserving their group,
that preserving Islam is not the concern. Preserving the loyalty to the word of Allah is not the concern. Preserving my my commitment to the truth is not the concern, preserving that I still maintain my membership of this group, this group talks a certain way dresses a certain way, they act a certain way they see the world a certain way. And my membership on this group depends on how much I look and act exactly like them. By the way in sociological terms, that is called a cult. Right, a cult necessitates that you don't think outside of the cult. And if you are exposed to any thinking from out from the outside, you rejected right away. And by the way, the indoctrination in the cult
means that you have to know anyone else from the outside is a danger. Don't talk about anything with anyone on the outside. If you want the truth, we have it, we've got the copyright on it, everybody else is a bootleg version. Don't go there, save yourself. Right and the moment somebody even steps a little bit out and they get threatened, you're gonna get kicked out of the club. Listen, if you want to maintain membership, you better get back in line. You better you better sort yourself out because you're looking like you're, you're out of the you know, the people that have the guaranteed ticket to heaven, you're losing your membership, and your entry ticket is gonna get invalidated. This is
the mentality that Allah describes here, right there scaring people to stake within conformity. That's one thing that happened. And of course, I don't criticize groups in the Muslim world and whatever, you can make up your own mind. But the reality is in Christianity and Judaism and in Islam, the threat is very real, that people will actually end up their commitment, their loyalty will end up being to occult rather than to the truth. I've had the honor of traveling around the Muslim world and visiting many modalities where students are diligently studying Islam, studying fifth century are studying the Quran. And sometimes I'm asked to speak to the students that have
been studying for 578 years, they've been studying the Islamic sciences, etc. Right? Now, what am I going to give them that they're already they're studying this room, they're they're on their way to becoming scholars and of service to the OMA. And pretty much every time I have a chance to speak to them. I say just remain. remain respectful of your teachers, but remain loyal to the truth.
That's the only advice I can give you. Like, you know, and when when the truth hits you and you say something I learned from my teacher is not coinciding with what I see as the truth. Then have a respectful conversation with your teachers. Have that conversation with learn, keep an open mind, broaden yourself. And the moment you start getting Hey, your if you ask this question again, I'm going to kick you out of the school.
We don't tolerate these kinds of questions here is one time I was in a halacha the masjid and the brother spoke after the Salah. He gave a short reminder
And somebody from the audience said, Where did you get that from? You just asked a simple question. Like he wasn't being condescending. He said, Where did Where is that from? I'd like to read it myself. Right. And the person presenting really upset he said, My father was the grand of the of this, this the school, and I studied and you're gonna ask me where I got it from?
You know, and
he was so offended that his credentials are being challenged. Because listen, if you have the honor of getting to hear my sound waves, then you better you know, just say thank you and walk away. Because you don't I own this thing. You're just you know, getting to hear it a little bit. This mentality is a poison that was that existed among the Israelites and Allah warned us about it. Allah warned us about that. Now let's talk about the audience. So that's about the corrupt teacher, the Colt. But there's a problem with the audience too. They're not innocent either. In the next aisle, lessons, woman, Holman, Miyun, and among them are people that are only human unlettered uneducated,
but the Israelites were knowledgeable people, they were craftsmen, they were they were blacksmiths, they were traders. They weren't they were knowledgeable in many fields. And today, we can be programmers we can be medical, you know, medical doctors. We can be you know, political science. We can be researchers. What's the how's he saying among them are unlettered people he's talking about in terms of their religion, in terms of the actual scripture, in terms of the word of Allah. They're completely unlettered, they have no direct access to their book. have no clue what it says. And Allah Allah Munna you know, so like, I'm gonna kita they don't know the book. So he further explains
himself saying, among them are unlettered that don't know the book on Miyun Hola, hola, Mundo kitab. The interestingly for those of you that are students of the Arabic language, they lie and then one of the kitab can be considered a slipover Miyun because of Miyun is not Kira and the Joomla philia can be considered a serif. Now what that means in simple English is they are unlettered who don't know the book. There is a who is a letter people who don't know the book. Okay, in LA Manaea. Except for Imani was interesting word so they don't know the book except for Amani Ambani can be translated wishful thinking. Omnia, or originally pronounced Munia. And then it became Omnia. It has several
meanings. One of them is what the heart desires, what the heart actually desires, what it wishes for. It also implies the meaning of the mind being preoccupied with what is or what might not even exist, meaning fantasizing in your head, dreaming in your head. Allah is commenting on the mass population of the Israelites and saying that a huge number of them are unlettered and the only thing they know about their book is what they wish was in the book
or their own wishes have now corrupted their opinion of what the book the Quran the verse says you have to pray five times
whereas the show me
right? They don't want to pray.
So now Quran ever says that Okay, show me when the Quran I can't go okay, I can't do that. Where is it? Where does it talk about beard?
Show me whereas we'd show it to me
it didn't even didn't even exist and bro so it's fine
you know?
So like, you know, I'm not I'm not gambling, I'm just tapping. That's the where's the finger tapping her up?
There's just you know, you do this hello to him doing it on the screens.
You know what that is? You've already got desires. You want to do some stuff. And now you want to impose that onto the book and say that's not what The Book says. That's what it says. Allah says Be Kind bro. Allah says he's gonna forgive Allah says it look he's something was the Arabic word of the fool. Yeah, that's what he says.
So you pick it choose and you come up with your own Islam and then the even the best one? Yeah, that's not the Islam I follow
you know, I have my own connection to Allah.
Well, you know, that means I don't need to know the book I got my feelings are actually my religion. How I feel is my religion.
And you can't judge me. No Allah's work not on you. That's you judging me. But Allah says nah, I got a special connection with Allah you don't know. Allah understands me. Really? But you don't seem to understand that.
I had a Munna kita villa. And we're in Himalaya Luna and they're doing nothing but making assumptions. They do nothing but make assumptions. This is a commentary on the educated yet uneducated,
the educated and yet uneducated. So now there's two classes of people have
The Israelites that were the cause of this great corruption. The ones in the religious class, were too obsessed with preserving and growing their cult. And the ones among the masses were too obsessed with their own wishes. And every time they hear something that doesn't align with their wishes, I don't like this. This is too extreme. I like this. This is this makes me feel good. So I want to feel good version.
I don't want to feel bad version. I don't want a version that questions anything that I'm doing.
And what's interesting, it's a really interesting opposing dynamic. Stay with me here. The the population wanted to hear what they wanted to hear based on their money, right.
And the cult, so so they want to feel good. And the cult wants to keep people in the cult by making them feel bad.
So one group is obsessed with making you feel bad. If you leave, you're gonna burn in *. If you don't do this, then you're misguided. And, you know, so they're warm, they're negative, constantly negative, and the people are looking for overly positive. So there's a salty poison, and there's a sweet poison,
both poisons.
And then the people say, I don't want to follow this cult, they're too negative. I'm going to do my own thing. And then the cult says These people are all lost, there might as well be Kuffar. There out of the fall, we're going to cut ourselves off from them. So what happens in those societies, the religious form their own social environment, where they're everybody who similar is hanging out together, they're interacting with each other, their gatherings are different, their social socializing is different, their conversations are different. And they're more and more and more isolated from the outside world. And the outside world of the of the believers. They're like, Oh,
those people are too crazy. I can't hang out with those people. I just get uncomfortable even going over to their house. It's too insane. So I'm gonna do my own thing. We're going to have our own and then our our Islam is going to be like a wishful thinking happy Islam. So they have the depressing Islam, we have the happiest lamb. The only thing missing now is what Allah actually says.
Everybody's got their own.
The only thing missing is how do we restore this situation, this is what happened to the people before us. Now when I when I travel, especially when I try to take observation of what's happening in the Muslim world.
I noticed these segmentations you know, I'll sit with the company of Allah MA and collaborate with him and have students in that environment, right. And it's a completely different environment, the way they talk, the way they behave, the way the the what the world, you know, it's beautiful, but it's also very insulated. And then you go meet with other Muslims that are in the corporate world, or in the business world or in the world of politics are completely, it's the same. They're two streets down from each other, but they live in two different universes. And the twain shall never meet, or they're on two different worlds. And then they start wondering, why am I allowed access to
both clubs because
I don't quite fit in either. Then I realized something. There is something that ties every believer together. And that's the word of Allah.
That's actually the word of Allah. A lot of young men and women that are sitting here, some of you are married, some of you are going to be married some of your university students.
Well, my advice to you, the reason I wanted to share this with you is actually something that you can do that can change the way we as an ummah interact. And one commitment you can make in your life practically making your life is that what you want to understand the Quran better. And you don't want to understand the Quran based on your own personal inclinations. And you don't want to understand the Quran in a closed minded way either. You want to interact and deeply contemplate the word of Allah and that pathway needs to be facilitated. For the average Muslim, every Muslim should have access to the word of Allah, access to an education that they can get, even if they're full
time. Even if they're a stay at home mom, you know, this shouldn't just be for those who leave everything behind. And then they want to study Islam that can happen for a small minority of people, but the vast majority of the Ummah, also the word of Allah didn't came come for a few. The Word of Allah came for everyone, right? So everyone there needs to be a facilitating, of access to the word of Allah and the challenges before that in the next two minutes, I'll just mention a couple of challenges. It's easy to say we should connect to the Quran better as an easy thing to say. What does that even mean? The first time I heard that when I didn't know anything, I was like, Okay, I'm
going to understand the Quran. I've heard many cool buzzwords, you should better understand the Quran. I went and got somebody gave me a gift of a translation of the Quran. It was the use of early translation, may Allah reward him. And I used to read it on the subway on my way to college, like okay, I'm gonna read the Quran and try to understand I could not make heads or tails of this thing. I could not understand anything.
First of all, the language was Shakespearean which was a challenge enough, right? So you know what happened? The moment you see has Dow not seen it?
You know, I don't know what to do with this. And then then after that, when
You start with Al Baqarah, for example, then Allah is talking about one thing, and he's talking about the story of Adam. And then he's talking about the Israelites and he's talking about people I don't know. And he's mentioning them briefly and he moves on to something else and something else and something else.
What was this about?
This is like, less confusing.
Now if I go to if I go to someone and say France confusing stuff for a lot of them, what do you want us to say?
You want to stay in the culture what? Shut up. Just recite the Quran make dua okay. Just make God
if you if you start saying hey, this, this is not making sense to me, how do you how do you understand this? Then, brother, this is a Cunnamulla you have to have Taqwa of Allah, maybe. Let me let me take you to somebody who do Rukia and you will fix your problem, you know, like,
the problem is, Allah Himself said, Leah wrt, so they contemplate His Ayat. I add to Alyssa in in I art for people who ask questions. Our religion is not like Judaism. It's not like Christianity. It's not like Hinduism. Ours is the only religion that says, Think, contemplate, critique, analyze, if this was not from Allah, then bring your evidences, evidence, exploration. Go learn, ask the people of the book, ask the people of other religions, who which religion says go talk to people of other religions, which religion says which book says that? This is an incredible lead. It's a revolution actually. It's the it's the it's the religion that's like no other religion, even in its structure,
because it demands from human beings to be thoughtful, to be thinking, to be analytical, to be critical.
And that's what they're the base of their faith, the strength of their faith comes from that. Andrew Illa, Allah He Allah vasila, can I call to Allah with insight? You know, that's what I what I requesting that you put time into, and you don't need to put endless amounts of hours, 1015 minutes a day. That's it. Just deeply contemplate and think. And you have a community where people are educated in their religion, they're educated in Deen, they've studied Quran, when you get those questions, bring those questions and say, Hey, what does this ayah telling us? What does this I mean? And I started the journey, what 2324 years ago, I can tell you with a complete degree of
confidence, I know very, very little of the Quran, very, very little of the Quran. And I'm not saying that out of some false humility. That's the reality of it. When you actually start sending the Quran, then you realize how much you don't know how much you don't know. And it's it's such a fulfilling, rewarding experience to become a student of Allah's words. Because Allah's words are an endless ocean of wisdom, there's just an endless, it just keeps fulfilling you and fulfilling you. There's some of you are, are health conscious, you eat healthy. Some of you are exercise conscious, you take care of your bodies, some of you have very good sleep schedules, right? There are things
you put in place, that make sure that you're living a healthy, you know, a good life. Well, there needs to be a spiritual regimen to a Quran regimen that needs to become a part of that as regular as brushing your teeth. Like, this is the time that I'm going to give this to Quran and thinking about the Quran. This is the time where weekly I'm going to come back to the masjid and ask these questions to the imam or to the sheikh. Hey, I was studying Quran, here was this question I had, here's something I'm kind of what can I read about this? What can I do more about this? Start somewhere you don't have to be a scholar from the beginning. But everybody can be a thinker.
Everybody can be sincere in their in their approach to Allah's word. And Allah does not leave any of his servants who come to his word, seeking His guidance, seeking to contemplate his word, he does not leave them with misguidance. And that's the other terrible thing that's been done in many Muslim countries, especially South Asia. They tell you, Hey, don't study Quran on your own, you'll get misguided.
You have to go from a study from a scholar. Because if you're not a scholar Don't touch it. Really, really, the religion that spread the word spread that scholars
when those Abyssinians heard the Quran that they sit with a scholar when they heard the Quran that the Moroccan will the more than McKinney's themselves scholars, when the jinns were hearing the Quran in surah Allah they pass by hurt Ayat of Allah, did they get any Jazza first
they go, Hey, let me take a few courses and before I can
hear this, they heard the Quran they thought about it, they commented on it. Allah liked their comments so much he put them in the Quran.
He put that in the Quran. I don't dismiss the value of scholarship. But if you're going to make scholarship, a gatekeeper from people thinking about the word of Allah, that is a crime against the book of Allah. That is a crime against the book of Allah, Allah, Allah guna kita Villa money, you're making sure they remain the group that will Allah and they don't know the book, the Ummah has to know the word of Allah. The old man has to ask questions about the word of Allah and sometimes you will get the wrong conclusions. You will get the craziest ideas. And that's why you have to go to people that know better and say, Hey, I had this crazy idea and they'll say yeah, that's crazy. Let
me tell you why.
It's crazy to say oh, okay, okay, okay. Yep, you're right that was crazy.
And that's how you refine that's how you learn any subject isn't it? You make mistakes you get corrected you make mistakes you get that's where you get tested. When you make when you get test any subject when you have a test, the only answers the only answers you will never forget are the ones you got wrong.
You know that the one that got the red mark on the teeth from the teacher, that one Kucha, deep, you're never gonna make that mistake again. So actually the process of learning and maybe heading towards the wrong conclusion and then getting it corrected. That's actually the way to refine ourselves, you can't just be perfect. And the assumption that someone who knows more than you is always got the right answer. That's also wrong. Because we're all human beings. And this is the word of Allah, the word of Allah is perfect.
There are people that I study with this is I know, I've taken over time, one last minute, the people I work with, they are scholars and Quranic studies, like some of them have studied, or they've got PhDs from Muslim world and Western academia, others, Hadith experts, others, and we study the Quran together. And when we study the Quran together, we're like, Yeah, we don't know I was wrong about this. I mean, I read it, but I didn't think this I thought this is what it meant. But that's not that's seems like that's not what it means. We're revisiting our conclusion just because you're qualified and you've studied it for 1520 30 years, doesn't mean that you've got it down. This is the
word of Allah, human beings will always have to be humbled to it. So I pray that we develop this humble attitude towards the perfect word of Allah. And that we we develop a culture of contemplating the Quran and that culture helps keep our hearts unlocked. You know, and the other thing that will do it will absolutely convince you that this can only be the word of Allah while kind of an endearing that he allows you to feel the love and Kathira May Allah azza wa jal bring the light of the Quran into our hearts and minds and allow that light to bring blessings into our our families in our communities. BarakAllahu li Walakum Quran Al Hakim when a family we are committed it was