Eid Khutbah
Nouman Ali Khan – Cultivating Our Iman
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The Kaaba is a place where everyone can restore and the dream of the Prophet is a dream. The history of Islam includes the implementation of the Kaaba and the use of the symbol Mak Memphis as a means to achieve the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving the goal of ultimately achieving
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Alhamdulillah hamdulillah hamdulillah the dama de who understand you know when to stop Pharaoh when you know be he want to talk to it when are also bIllahi min. Shuri and fusina Amin see Dr. Molina maneras de la HuFa la mobila Woman nubile fella hottie Allah. When Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula Shanika when a shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah he or solo Salah hula hula Allah will Hooda within in lieu of Hirafu Allah Deen equally or confirm Allah He Shahida Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Ilaha illa Allah, Allah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa ala he'll hand in this beautiful moment of aid, in this really important occasion that Allah makes us repeat every year. I want to
start by reminding myself and all of you that Allah has created this religion with a number of symbols. And these symbols, the purpose of them is to force everyone to remember certain incidents, certain moments in history. And every time we remember them, we're supposed to reflect on what that means for us, for you and I. So our entire religion, its foundation is actually not an actions. It's its foundation is our ability to think about things, actually. So even going for example, to this remarkable occasion of Hajj, the entire Ummah is celebrating Eid, but the actual core of the celebration, if you think about a pebble thrown in a pond, and it has ripples, all of us are the
ripples, the actual pebble, the core of it is actually what's happening at the hub, that's what's happening. And we're all actually secondary recipients of that celebration. Every single prayer that a Muslim makes, we are reminded of the center of our religion, the Kaaba, and every single prayer reminds us that that city, you know, in ancient times, kings used to found cities, they used to build palaces in their name, right and this is going to be the world will know that I used to have a kingdom here like for example, the pyramids or you know, in different places, the ruins the Roman Colosseum and ruins, right? Allah decided that he's also going to have his palace on this earth, but
his palace doesn't look like you know, large towers and large, you know, expensive Colosseum and all of that stuff. He asked His Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salam, to go to a place that has no population. It's not there to impress anyone, you know, kings used to build their palaces on the, on the waterfront. So when ships pass by, they can be impressed with the structures and with the, you know, with the, with the monuments that these kingdoms have built, so that they will remove this must be an amazing King, look at what he's built. Allah is not interested in impressing humanity, with the architectural marvel of the Kaaba, nor is he interested in putting it somewhere where there's going
to be a lot of foot traffic, people will come, they're going to come for other reasons, and they're going to run into this place. And this is a place where, actually no human beings should have any reason to be there other than the Kaaba. That's, that's actually the place Allah chose. He made this the purest capital of our religion, because no other intention can be mixed with the building of the structure and the founding of the city. The reason Mecca is a city is because of Rahim Ali Salam was told to build acaba there, if Allah did not ask him to build that city there or to build a car over there, then we would not even the city wouldn't even exist. In fact, it wouldn't even exist. So we
we are turning our faces towards a place whose existence is actually purely from the result of the Command of Allah. I think about that, right? Where we are constantly turning our faces towards a place whose existence is pure and our intentions are supposed to be pure. As a result, our acts of worship are supposed to be pure as a result, and we're reminded of that purity every time we turn towards the Kaaba, and we celebrate in fact, we celebrate the restoration of the Kaaba in this Eid, that GABA, Ibrahim alayhi salam, along with his son Ismail Ali salaam was commissioned to build had been corrupted and its original purpose had been forgotten. It just became like any regular city. It
had no other primary function for 1000s of years, people forgot what it was about. And Allah sent His final messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to finish what Ibrahim Alayhi salaam started to remove all of its impurities and to bring it back to its original pure purpose. So humanity from all over the Earth can then find focus towards their one true God again, doesn't matter what ethnicity they come from, what continent they come from, they can turn their faces in that direction and find that purity again. You might wonder why is it in
Religion why can't we just turn in any direction and pray, you know, alive and says for a number two well loofa which Allah, wherever you may turn, there's Allah space. Meaning Allah is not restricted to the eastern West. He even says they said neuron to Allah, would you have on cable as much Dickie? Well, Maghrib you're not going to find goodness alone and turning your faces to the east in the West. He says that too. So why so much focus on turning our attention towards the Kaaba? Why face this way? Why by build misogyny all over the earth? And first make sure which was the Qibla? Why do that? The purpose of that is to remind us and focus has over and over again of who built this place
and why. And whose command was this house built for? It reminds us of the purity of the intent. It reminds us of the sincerity and the loyalty and the surrender of Ibrahim alayhis salam. But today, I want to focus in just a few minutes. I know it's eat, and everybody's in the Eat mindset. And I don't want to give a long club I think five minutes is enough. Yes, sometimes less is more. So you know, if I tell you just a couple of things for you to think about and for you to talk to your family about that's far more beneficial than me going on and on and on. And in fact, this is a time where you and I are supposed to just not only reflect but reflect along with our family. It's a time
for families to come together and reflect together. So of the hundreds of things we can reflect on today. I just want to pick one. And that is that of course Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was instructed to liberate and to restore the purpose of the Kaaba right and to restore what Ibrahim alayhi salam had started. And it's really cool that the way Allah told him to take the final step, the entire Seal of the Prophets lies on him. You know, his entire life mission is one step after another after another to get rid of those idols and to restore the Kaaba. But at the end of that phase, what Allah does is Allah shows the Prophet a dream, and I recited that dream and salt and
fat. Allah mentions that dream in the Quran. He showed him a dream that he's going to be doing the Hajj along with his followers, and he's going to be shaving his head and they're going to be slaughtering the animal that's that's what he saw. And they're going to be doing so peacefully. I mean, Ina jalapeno Russa come on moccasin Latifah phone you're gonna go peacefully you're not gonna have any fear you're gonna be able to walk into maca. Maca was not when the when he saw this dream maca was not in the control of the Muslims. And maca was in the control of the Quraysh when he saw this dream of Allahu Allahu Salaam. And when he shared this dream, the surah had not come down yet.
The Surah had not been revealed and he told the Companions I've seen this dream we need to go. We need to go. By the way. 1000s of years ago, Ibrahim Ali's son saw a dream and he saw a dream and he told his son I see a dream. What do you think we should do? You know, and the dream was wide that he's sacrificing his son. And 1000s of years later Ebrahim Rasool Allah Azza wa sallam sees a dream that we're gonna go to Makkah. But you know who's in Makkah in Makkah, there are people that are thirsty for your blood. They came after you and butter and are heard and absorb, they tried to kill you they want to they gathered every tribe they could to surround the city of Medina. They don't
even want to meet you on the battlefield. They want to commit genocide they want to kill to kill every man, woman and child. And now I've seen a dream that we're going to go into Murca unarmed, because hedges unarmed, we're gonna go on arm because I've seen a dream sounds like slaughter.
Sounds like slaughter, doesn't it? 1000s of years ago, Ibraheem Alehissalaam sees a dream. And he shares it with his son, which was about self slaughter. And 1000s of years later, those whose license MCs a dream and says we're gonna go back and restore the legacy of Ibrahim. And it also sounds like what it sounds like slaughtered. And they go. And when they go, they nearly were slaughtered by the way. They nearly were slaughtered on the way. When they got to her they BIA and I'm not telling you the story of today, but I will tell you one thing. Eventually, because of that incident, Monica did get liberated eventually, not immediately. But eventually, that was the first
step. And you would think the liberation of Makkah should be the ultimate victory in Islam like that was the whole goal. And the way to describe that goal, Allah described it in salt and fat 29 out of salt and fat, which begins with enough attack Malika for 10 movie now we've given you the open victory. What would you think the open victory is? You would think based on what I just shared with you, the open victory, the clear, unequivocal victory is finally the Kaaba is purified. Finally, human beings can worship the one true God without having been disgusted by the false gods that have been placed there. Now finally, it's done. At the end of the surah Allah told us the prophet has
seen this dream and Allah made that dream come true that you will be entering al Masjid Al haram, you will be going there peacefully, you will be shaving your head Allah confirmed the dream in the Quran. So the dream came first the Quran came second on this issue, but you will think that should be the end
of the sutra because that was the whole point. But that's not the end of the surah. It's actually the ayah. After that, that's the end of the surah. And in the ayah, after Allah actually is telling us that even the liberation of the Kaaba was not the goal. It was the means to a much bigger goal.
So what I want to share with you what I want you to think about is, it's actually not the conquest of Makkah, that Allah describes in total fat as the goal. Allah actually describes that as the as something that leads to the ultimate goal. Just like we'll do is not your goal will do is something something that leads to the prayer, you understand. So the same way this was just a prerequisite for something larger. What is that something larger? He says Muhammad Rasulullah when Latina ma who should handle kuffaar Rihanna obey now home, Tara home Rocha and so Jada and yep, the Hoonah La Mina Allah He wouldn't wanna see ma home fee would you hear him in athletics sujood he said, Muhammad is
the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam. And those who are with him, are very intensive against those that stand against them. The enemies, the kuffar. And they are very loving and kind and merciful towards each other. They're loving and caring towards each other. One of the ultimate goals of this was to cultivate the A people a nation that are going to be with their messenger salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And as a result of it, they're going to have a lot of love and care for each other. They're not going to be like the Israelites who came before them who were killing each other and Allah Allah criticized that attitude. Muslims will be you know, will find ways to forgive one
another and love and find unity between each other and care for each other. Rahama were in our home and then he says Tara home Rocha and soldier danielda guna phenomena, Allah who did wanna This is the last day episode five, you will see them in Rakul in such does seeking to please Allah, and to make him to seek Allah's pleasure. Did you notice in the Saya, Allah mentioned that these people, His followers, the followers of the prophets, I said, I'm us included, may Allah make us among them. Allah mentions that they are kind to each other first, and then he mentions the ruku they do record they do such that and they seek the pleasure of Allah. Do you see that? Isn't that incredible? You
would think first thing you take care of Allah's rights and then you are nice to each other too. No, no, no, he mentioned Rahama by now um, first and then Tara home Rocha. And so Jada and you have to hold of Allah mean Allah, he wanted wanna see ma Humphrey, would you he him and Arthur is sujood you can find on their faces, marks of such that the mark of such that does not mean that you get a rough carpet, and you do such that you do a little rub on your forehead, until you get a little tattoo situation. That's not what that means. What that means is they've bowed their head before Allah so much. And they remember the reason for which the scar was built. And the people who had to love each
other and unite with each other, even though they came from different tribes. Their loyalty to the Prophet SAW Selim overread, overcame all of that. And they were despite their differences, they were able to stay united, because that's what the Sahaba were, they had differences. They came from different tribes, and those tribes have hated each other for generations. And so you know, my uncle hated your uncle, but now we're Muslims together. That's what they were. And yet Allah, you know, purified that from them. And it was a process. They didn't just get rid of that overnight. Nobody just took shahada and said, now all of a sudden, I love everyone. Nobody did that. They had
tribalism, what we call today nationalism. They had right they had this stuff, and it took a process to clean that out. And so what he says at the end is where I'm going to leave you.
He says, this is the same thing Allah described in the Torah and the Injeel Danika masala Hoon fedoras? And then Injeel, in the revolution given to Jesus, there's even a further description, as if Allah is saying the description that God gave of the disciples of Jesus is better fitted for the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, how Allah
here's the example. Well, how would you describe these Muslims that love each other, that please Allah that, you know, their faces have been humbled before Allah and Allah alone? You know, what is he described them as he says, because of an Astra Shah who for as Allah Who for Star level festival, Allah Suki Yara, he describes it like you know, a farmer when they plant a seed and the little grass comes out, and the grass stock gets taller and taller, and eventually gets hard and it's taller even in the farmer, those long corn stalks, for example, right, or bamboo or whatever else, it gets stronger and thicker and thicker, but it doesn't start out that thick, it starts out very weak. And
when the wind blows, it goes this way, in that way, right? And it can be destroyed by something as weak as even insects. So the farmer has to take care of it like he's taking care of a baby constantly checking, constantly watering, constantly removing, you know, infestations constantly getting rid of weeds. It's a very delicate process the farming and the farmer doesn't look at a seed and the little blade comes out and says hey, you're still a blade.
What's wrong with you?
Don't you're supposed to be a tall start? No, you can't grow a tree like that, bro. It takes time. Why is Allah giving that example because this is actually the Tafseer of Muhammad Vina home. This is actually what this means that people take time to grow. You can turn into a mature believer where everything is on point, you wake up for Fudger before the alarm goes off, you're not going to turn into that overnight, that doesn't happen. You can't get rid of your addiction overnight. If you have an alcohol problem, it's not going to go away overnight. It's gonna take time it's a process and you we are going to be with each other the way the farmer is with this plan. So if somebody's you know,
going left and right in the wind, like the plant does, and there will be Muslims that will go left and right. They're going to be weak and they're afraid they're gonna fall they're gonna fail. We're gonna have to instead of saying, Stop at Allah, look at them so weak. This is Islam. This is our ummah. In Allah He weighed nearly Roger stopped making Janaza for people that are alive.
They're alive. They're just delicate plants and the love of our messenger. So Salam, if we are with Him, if we are with him, because that's the beginning of the Iowa Xena ma who those who are with him, if we are with the Messenger of Allah, at the end, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam is described as a farmer who's helping his crop mature. That is the ultimate goal. That was the ultimate goal for this entire mission, to create a group of people that become to each other what a farmer is to to his crop. That was the goal. And he says, Well, you know, what are the hola hola Dena, I'm gonna wear me to Saudi Hartman Omar Felton, Lima. Allah has promised those who
believe and do good deeds among them. He's promised them forgiveness, and he's promised them great reward. Why would he mention forgiveness if he's only talking about good deeds?
Do even good deeds don't need forgiveness? Yeah, Allah forgive me for the murder of prayer. No, that doesn't make sense. It's people who do good deeds, but also mess up. They also make mistakes. And Allah is saying, Allah is giving you hope. And you know what I've given you the gift of an ummah, that each of them will give each other hope. They will pick each other up, instead of kicking and beating each other down. That's what he's given us. That's actually what we're celebrating. So if you find in yourself, harshness towards family, if you find in yourself an inability to forgive the mistakes of another or to not understand that they're still in the process, they need to be picked
up a little bit. The way you help someone is not, oh, you can't get up, let me kick you a little more. That's not how you help someone, you help them get up and you become their support until their leg heals, and then they can walk on their own. This is what we have to become again. And I pray you become that for every member of your family, every one of your friends, because it's not about the world. It's about you and your world. It's about me and my world. Who are the people in my life that I have to become that for? Who do I have to become the farmer for? Who do I have to treat with with with delicate care? That's that's actually the ultimate goal of this theme. Subhanallah May Allah
azza wa jal makers of those who internalize this beautiful teaching of our deen and make our lives beautiful as a result, a bother to all of you, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, when Allah and salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato