Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed by the Quran – Maryam’s Upbringing

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of repeating the act of piano ladies for oneself in Arabic is emphasized, along with the use of sh chatting to steal money from people and find the right environment for learning Arabic. The use of sh chatting to steal money is discussed, along with the importance of finding the right environment for learning Arabic. Visitors are encouraged to visit other treasures.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to amaze by the Koran a series in which I share with you what I find amazing about the Quran. Today is a tough lesson I think I'm, I've got my head wrapped around that on how to explain this to you to make sense of it all. So bear with me. The first thing I'll remind you of is once again the difference between a noun and a verb nouns, permanent verbs temporary. The second is actually a concept in Arabic speech, an ancient concept that you don't really find the parallel for in the English language, certainly not modern English. So the Arabs, when they talk about a certain act, like I ate, or I slept, or I hit or something, you

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know, I drove. If they really want to emphasize it, they'll actually repeat the same act as a noun. Again, at the end, they call it McCrone woodloch, which is not important. But it'll sound something like this in English. So it'll be like, I bit a bite.

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Right? Or I bid it a bite. Now, what in the world does that mean to them? It actually means I totally get that thing, man. I shouted down. I slept asleep

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into nomen. You could just say I slept. That means I slept well. They'll say I slept a sleep to say man, I was like tranquilized or something. I was out, you know. So they'll add the act as a noun against a sleep to them as a noun into gnomon. So this, they use this to emphasize the act that they've done. They'll repeat it. So they'll set that up to who Durban I hit him a hit, which basically means I pounded him I destroyed the guy. That's what that means. Okay. So that's one concept that I want you to be familiar with the idea of repeating the act as a noun to emphasize the act. That is part of the style of Arabic language. It's certainly found in the Koran, the concept of

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muffle Mortlock. But before I give you the examples from the Koran, I need to give you two concepts. So the one concept was this idea of the emphasize.

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The second concept is actually found in all languages, the difference between transitive verbs and intransitive verbs is a big word. So let me explain what that means. When I say I sat, the verb is I sat, who does that effect? It affects myself. When I say I see did

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when I say I see it, it actually doesn't affect me. It affects someone who I seated.

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If I say I slept, it affects me. If I say I put to sleep, it affects someone else. You understand. So? Or, for instance, if I were to say I stood, right, that would actually refer to myself. But if I say I made someone stand, okay, or I established or something, then you're talking about something else. So when things affect you, they are intransitive. And when things affect someone else, those acts are transitive. Okay? Simple enough. Now, the thing is, when you're talking about something intransitive,

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I slept.

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Then the verb, the noun you're going to use to emphasize it should also be intransitive. You can't say I slept, putting to sleep.

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They'll say I slept asleep. Okay? Or I napped a nap, or I hit a hit. You see what I'm saying? So the, the verb and the noun need to correspond to each other. So if the first one was affecting someone else, the second one should affect someone else. And if the first one was affecting you, the second one should also affect you. That's logical. Except the Koran breaks this rule animals on multiple occasions.

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So I'll give you three examples of that today. You have a knock on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, in the middle of the night being asked to pray, half the night, a third of the night.

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And one of the statements that's made, why should he pray in the middle of the night everything still, there are no distractions. Allah says what but then he hit me Tila bottle in Arabic means to cut off. For a bottle actually means to cut yourself off. And when you cut yourself off, is that transitive or intransitive? That's intransitive because it affects you. I am cut off. cut yourself off from all your worries, cut yourself off from all the all the things that happened today. cut yourself off from all the mean things. Look what I said. cut yourself off from all your anxieties and fears that you're not going to be able to do your job. cut yourself off completely.

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Focus to Allah. So the idea of the bottle, I mean you use a lot with it means on the one hand, cut yourself off from all distractions and all other thoughts and all the concerns and now connect yourself entirely to Allah.

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tell lie, okay. But Allah didn't just want to say focus towards him, cut yourself off and focus towards him he wanted to say completely and totally cut yourself off and focus towards him. Now because cutting yourself off is intransitive. The language expected was there but he taba Tula, the same word further does a noun cut yourself off, focus towards him a focus, right that's what the examples I gave you. Except the word is not about Tula it's the battle Ella heater but Isla different word altogether different family. This word is actually transitive means to make someone focus. It doesn't mean to focus it means to make someone focus

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also means to have perfect focus. There's two meanings.

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So you know what Ally's done,

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focus towards him

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making someone focus

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instead of focus towards him a focus.

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That's incredible. Because now the Prophet is being told sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you need to focus towards Allah, in your exclusivity in a way that will inspire countless others, and you will make them focus.

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You're not just because you know, the act of piano ladies for yourself, like standing in the middle of the night and praying is totally just for yourself, nobody else, not for the Prophet.

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His exclusive focus to Allah in the middle of the night will set a precedent for millions upon millions upon millions to come focus towards a lot in a way that will make others focus towards him.

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So it actually captured the perfection of his focus. It captured the emphasis on focus, but it also captured the fact that he has to leave a legacy. So holla now let's take this to more examples. I know this one's long, but since we've established I took so much brain juice of years to establish these two points, now, I need to get as many examples in along these lines as possible. Okay, so two more about shaitan now, Allah says you read the shapeoko anual de la home bilall and barreda here's a common translation. shaitaan wants to misguide them a far away misguidance. By the way, Malala in Arabic isn't just misguidance has to be lost, lost far away. shaitaan doesn't just want you to be

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lost, he wants you to be lost, far, far away right way far from the path that you're supposed to be on. Now, let me translate that again. shaitaan wants to miss guide them a great misguidance see the emphasize like he totally wants to misguide them. Now tell me the act of misguiding like shaitan, misguided them or wants to misguide them, is that an act that affects him or others? others it's transitive.

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But the emphasized is intransitive,

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lost to be lost, not to be misguided but to be lost. He didn't say he wants to misguide them a misguidance which would further his own act, but rather the emphasize or says he wants to misguide them as they themselves are lost.

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If Allah said invalid and buried, then it would have been shut down totally wants to misguide them and there will be no blame put on anyone except Shetland, because the entire thing is transitive, him affecting others. But the add the emphasize is in transitive, one that affects yourself by combining those two, so the verb is transitive and the emphasize or is transitive. I'll actually created a partnership between those two verbs, saying shaitaan wants to misguide them, but what kinds of people does he actually misguide people that themselves get lost?

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He didn't want to take the blame off of people.

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So he put that in there. So panel, a lot of value. That's incredible. You know, nobody gets to say, Well, you know, shutdowns fault.

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Now, last one, this is my favorite one. Boys. This is my favorite one.

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I'll set this up for you. You know,

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sometimes, actually, no, I won't set it up for you. I'll just go straight to the example. It's even better.

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Zachary alehissalaam was the uncle of Medina, Somalia, and he was responsible for her upbringing.

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So Allah describes that he raised her such beautiful language because when he talked about raising her use the word ambattur. And Anita is used in Arabic When you cultivate a plant when you grow a tree or you take care of a farm that's embarked to help something sprout to help something grow. So he helped her grow. He allowed her to call it her to mature. This is a matter obviously that is transitive because he is maturing her. He is raising her, You with me? Right? So he raised her.

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Now if this was totally him, he totally raised her beautifully. Um, but ohana, enbart and Hassan

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would have been the language in battle Hassan would have meant that he completely an absolutely razor in the most beautiful way, the Arab way of saying it would be he raised her erasing, right.

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But he didn't say it.

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The first part is transitive because it's him affecting her. The emphasize

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is intransitive, is all about her. With no relation to him, the ISS ambattur, Hannah Barton, Hassan, he raised her

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a beautiful growing, not raising, but growing. And when you say a plant grows, you're giving it credit. When you say I grow a plant, you're giving me credit. The first part of the ayah he raised her gives him credit. The second part of the a beautiful growing, instead of a beautiful raising gives her credit. So realizing that it's not enough that you provide a wonderful environment, a nurturing caring environment, you take care of someone, you give them the right education, like for example, a farmer who says, I should give the soil plenty of water, I should take care of the soil, I should make sure it's soft, I should make sure it gets a lot of sun, I should remove all insects

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and weeds and things like that from it, I should do as much as I can. The farmer can do as much as he can. If the seed itself is defective.

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You can have all the environment

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it won't happen.

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I mean, think of the wives of no and loot. It's the most beautiful environment, you're the spouse of a prophet.

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You can't get a better environment. There's something inherently wrong with you, though.

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So you cannot take advantage of the environment. Look at the uncle of the Prophet himself. sallallahu wasallam, next door neighbor.

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You can't get a more beautiful environment that what would be what would be pay? What would be willing to do to be next door neighbors to those who have lost?

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You like? How do you get that close and not take advantage? There's something inherently wrong with you. So now we're learning that there are two parts to people coming out, right? There's, there's outside factors, and there are inside factors. In the case of medium, you know, you could provide the rest environment. But that wouldn't be enough. She would have, she would have to have the nurturing, like the desire to want to grow, and the inherent goodness herself for this to work. And so Allah highlighted her awesomeness, and his awesomeness together the best environment and the best child at the same time. So hold on, let both of them come together. So and of course, you know, I

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share these things with you because this is just almost impossible to capture in translation. Right. So, Shelton totally wants to misguide them, focus on him entirely focused on the lie entirely, or he raised her beautifully. That's all I was gonna say was, what more Are you going to get? You're going to miss this amazing wisdom of the Quran that you can only appreciate when you go from lasme to what are the transitive, intransitive to transitive, when you understand the emphasizing the role of the emphasis of God, this stuff is so cool, man. The only challenge is this stuff is so technical and so grammatical. I mean, you might have found that this was really technical. I don't know. I hope I

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made this somewhat easy to understand. Watch it a couple of times. I think you get it right. But the challenge is that you have to study like years of grammar before they discuss this juicy stuff. So I want to save you guys some years. Show you the juicy stuff. And here's my intention. My intention is you become so curious about what other treasures are lying in the Koran, you know, buried under its Arabic that you want to learn Arabic so you can explore these treasures yourself and so you can directly be amazed by this book melasma will make all of us continually amazed by the Quran barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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