Nouman Ali Khan – 108 Kauthar A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses various aspects of Surah and its meaning, including its call invitation, gratitude to a master, and the importance of not giving small small acts of charity. It provides information on various topics related to the meaning of "will" and its use in various context. The speaker also discusses the confusion surrounding the name of the messenger and how it is being used by people, as well as a video about COVID-19.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum to

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all humans shaytan al rajim

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim in

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first one niniola Vika when held in Nashua NACA when Abbott al

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah said ambia even more saline mother le he was Sufi minister Nabisco Nettie la oma Diem. Allahu maganda Minh home Amina Latina Amano Amina Sati heart whatever so before hoping what was the subliminal behind I mean, once again sir Mr. Kumar

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inshallah tada we're starting our study of social goals that are in the series. And it's a pleasure to be here in Richardson this week and hamdulillah. As many of you know, we'll be doing this every first month, every first week of the month, first Tuesday of every month, the other three sessions still in the Irving must have inshallah, Donna, part of the

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sort of tradition of these rules is that we take a moment in the beginning to comprehensively discuss an introduction to each surah. And because so it will go through this so heavy, it's one of the shortest rules of Quran and also at the same time, it's a very heavy solar in terms of its content, its message, and its wisdom, most likely, I will not be able to accomplish a complete dose of the solar today, we're probably going to end up exhausting ourselves in the introduction, and then perhaps some discussion of the first ayah in the letter Hana. So I want to begin with a really well written introduction written by Dr. Father, Son of a samurai he

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was a renowned author and scholar of Quranic studies. He writes certain makiya here many of them is sua allottee to hero Nam Allah He da da da da, da da da su D sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is a Moroccan surah and it's from the one of the greatest suitors of the Quran in which the favours of Allah are manifest fast upon His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi Salaam and his incredible preference given to him. In other words, this is the surah if one is to study how does Allah show preference and honor his messenger, early subtle ceram this is one of the greatest tools to study in that context. By no means is it the only surah but certainly one of the greatest of them, where I thought

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he was what I thought he will get here. The houfy dounia was a Hara and also this surah is dedicated to mentioning what Allah gave to him in abundance, not only in this world, but also in the next in the ayah in our play natural growth are roughly translated no doubt we have given you the abundant good that's how it's commonly translated. But we'll look take a more deeper look at it later on. Well, not what cannot be sabka sua latifi barbini amin Allahu taala takhini hyah to sola bedava. Tila Shakur, why better delay to Allah and this is a very important concept that he mentioned. He says this is consistent with previous sutras in which Allah also mentions his favours, that those

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sutras also conclude with it with a call to either show gratitude to allow or to do a bother to him when he mentioned his favors, then at the end, he mentioned that you should be grateful to him for example, you know, the famous surah Allah says, Let me use it for a team and for our cabal and

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then but then at the end of that surah also will not be near Mattila Vika. Fahad there. So it's a call invitation made to show gratitude to a larger version. And this is consistent in this little also, because in this solo, there's a call tally by that made right after the gift, in Apollinaire. calcofluor is the gift. And then what's the call for suddenly, little bit, pray to your master, and pray only for the sake of your master? What God is Sora be that be them meaning that your soul and the surah concludes with a condemnation of the enemies of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam whereby any unknown human mucked around, I mean clearly hide in Fredonia, when our Hara and it elaborates that

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they are in fact the ones that are going to be cut off completely from every every good in this world and the next, what is he talking about in the shiny Erica, who is talking about that I am Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Zakat, and Allahu taala the COVID dunya dunya. Well, as far as the messenger is concerned, so Allah Hassan, Allah has elevated him in terms of his mentioned in this world and has granted him in in this world and the next man who Allah who was Moo hoo, the crow holiday is a man in a shanty echo laptop, and he is given to him what he is worthy of. And so in this surah Allah azza wa jal mentions in regards to his enemy in nashoni, aka Who would have

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thought, the undermountain Abdullah Al Maktoum, in Kali hierin, that the meaning of avatar in the eye is the one who is cut off from any form of good there is no good at all left in this person. And inshallah inshallah we'll see why this language is very, very strong when we get to that I you know, there is the word but that also but here also there's different you know, morphological forms of that word, but this you know, this is a followed

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reeling from morphology, this is called an SFX. This is a it's a very strong form of the noun that is used up top. And there's a reason that's used and when we get to the I will study that inshallah tada in more detail. In regards to the study of coherence of sutras. We studied the relationship of the previous surah with the next one. And in regards to that study, there's a few few observations we're going to make Actually, I'll go straight to the commentary of fossil Dino Rossi, aka Hola. fistula, Buddha Dharma, Mata Kadima. What's up Allahu Allah, Allah Muna. Be more in Aruba. He says that in the previous surah and what's the previous solar, so tomorrow, so tomorrow Narayan, Allah

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azza wa jal attributes gives us four attributes or depicts four things about the hypocrite, among other comments that we made in social neurone. One of the things we learned about social noun is the act the hypocritical behavior. And he says that there are four major hypocritical acts or attitudes that were highlighted in SoTL Noun.

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The first one and boeken wahoo, El Mirage admin COVID II don't really a team Well, I mean miskeen The first of them is miserliness being cheap. You know, and being, you know, greedy and so greedy, that you're willing to push the orphan around and not even talk about giving to the poor. We talked about this last week. Why Allah didn't say that he doesn't give to the poor. When I asked him well, miskeen He didn't say that. He said, when I go out, I'm in miskeen. This is different, doesn't even encourage doesn't even you know, bring it up. Why not? Because if he brings it up, and he's wealthy, and he's encouraging people to give to the poor, the poor, the people are gonna say, Well, what

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about you? What are you doing? And he figures Hey, if I don't bring it up, nobody will bring it up to me. So he doesn't even, you know, talk about it to begin with. And this is the, the extreme state of miserliness. He will see poverty around him. And he's in a position to say something because previously, I was talking to leaders of kurush. They're in a position to say something, but they're not going to open their mouth because it makes them look bad. Because people will say, well, you're the one saying it, why don't you begin with it? You should be the first to do it. Anyhow. So the first attribute of hypocrisy is elbow, the second with any Darko Salallahu, El Mirage, Minh Cody.

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And the second is the abandoned abandonment of prayer. And where is that in the previous surah? Allah Hina whom Ancelotti him soon, and that Allah azzawajal mentioned the second attribute. Sahaja literally means to forget something when it's not that important to you. So they really abandoned the prayer for things they think are more important. You know, Lars just didn't say anything to him. tariku He didn't say that, you know, the tariku there's their sanghoon. And so again, they don't care for it's not a big deal. You know, now you Valley um, Saldana, Musa Lee, it wouldn't make a difference if you prayed or didn't pray wouldn't matter to him, not a big deal. And other

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descriptions that we talked about last week, we're also waiting till the very end of solid time is about to be over. And then makes a lot, right. Or even if he misses, this is not you know, who cares? That sort of attitude. milazzo will protect us from that attitude. With that is almora at fistula, wahoo El Mirage in Cali, and the third attribute Now keep in mind, what's the sequence The first one was to

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to be cheap, and the second one was to be heedless, and to abandon the prayer carelessly, and the third one now showing off in matters of Salah Where does he say that and you know whom you will own. This is the third attribute. They're the ones who show off. When they pray. They're not praying for a lot they're praying to show off. Well, Robbie, and management of Zakat wha Hoo elmora admin co D. And the fourth is giving even the smallest acts of charity, the more the bare minimum acts of charity. And this is interesting, in some works of classical Islamic scholarship, they don't use the word sadaqa. They use the word zakat. And it's not just referring to the legal terms that got the

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two and a half percent, but they actually use it because that's the that's the lease someone is supposed to give, they will be a criminal if they didn't give that much. So that's how it's used the least bit of charity, that's what's in that context that's used. And of course, what it talks about there, then not even being even, to be willing to give even the least bit. It's why I'm not owner, as Marilyn, that is talking about that, that that final bit that they're not even willing to give that which is mandatory upon them. Because literally the word mountain in Arabic means the item which you're not supposed to refuse ever. It's not just money or things it's you know, a shitload

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now, I mean, who you know, there's something that you don't forbid someone from giving somebody asks you for a glass of water, you're not gonna be cheap about it. Right? You just you don't turn it away from them. But they even do that much that and this wasn't even part of the deal. This is even before Islam, the word mound was understood in this way. Just don't turn people away from certain things. But they would even do that much. These four attributes. Now let's see how he connects those four attributes to the contents of this surah baqarah. He had the his surah Fimo cabela, tilaka, sifat and Aruba, Seyfarth and he says that in comparison, in contrast to these four attributes a lot

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as I mentioned four other attributes in this surah and let's see what they are for that Gaddafi macabre tillbaka. And in contrast to being miserly

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In cheap, what did he mentioned in contrast in this surah. In our in our calculator, we have given you the abundant good. So the contrast of being cheap is giving and who's giving here, Allah as origin. And here he adds the commentary for lt until Kathy when

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he says if Allah is giving so much, then the it's only natural that you should now give more. And this is something we learned in the previous two sutras instead of Quraysh. Allah told us what he gave kadesh and when you are given a lot, and you should give a lot yourself, if you're given a lot you should give out yourself. You see, the same thing happens with the messengers of Allah to send them the messenger himself was an orphan, so the longer you send them, and then you hit a demon, but now that he's taken care of what is he supposed to do for Amelia tema file attacker immediately it comes after, you know, now that he's been given he should take care. So snort koresh Allah gave

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kurush so what are they supposed to do? They should give now to others because they're taking care of their food is taken care of summer and winter and they're in complete safety. And their food supplies are taken care of. And they're the uttama home in July and they've got enough to eat. So they should be ones who give but what is the next slide tell us and not only they don't give, they don't give what they're supposed to. So by Allah Singh in our cleaner code, co author, one of the implications of that is to give if Allah is giving you so much, then the very least you should do is that you should give was the coffee makaveli Allah Xena who Ancelotti himself and in contrast to

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mentioning in the previous that I mentioned the people who don't care about salah

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and what is the sorcerer suddenly fell prey then and what is this pray I do Allah be constant in the prayer when Allah commands now don't take it carelessly because you know, it's not just you know, Salah is a good thing. Salah has benefits Ally's commanding to the salaat when he's commanding to what he's expecting from us consistency in problem

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better, okay.

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So that's the second was the kind of, you know, cabinet alladhina Homura own and the third Now remember, there were four problems he listed in the previous surah being cheap, and then being careless about Salah, even abandoning it, the third showing off in Salah. Now he's going to talk about the third one. And in contrast to the third one and levena Homura own, they're the ones who show off a hula, hula Rob deca. Lee Rebecca. You know, in contrast to that, he says, not just pray, but pray for the sake of your master. In other words, your intention should only be for Allah as our agenda and they should not be addressed to anybody else. So now here, this is a matter of class. As

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opposed to there, the problem was a lack of his loss, you're not doing it for a while you're doing it to show off. Then finally, was the kind of female cabinet where young man And in contrast to mentioning that they forbid even the smallest favor, that they don't give what they're supposed to allow as origin here says one hour and sacrifice. First of all, sacrificing an animal requires you to spend money, you because animals aren't free requires to spend money. And when you sacrifice the animal part of the meat is supposed to be given and what charity the act in and of itself includes a top dog, you know, so the one who gives the sacrifice necessarily is giving some thought after

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they're done. So that's what he mentioned, what are other dog blackmill avahi. That by by that allows that which alludes to or intends to talk about the sadaqa that is to be given from the flesh of the slaughtered animal to be Allah had the humaneness about it. But then this strange and beautiful correlation between the two lessons of these two souls is appreciated. Then allies of justice in Nashua New Yorker who will accept

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that you're not at the end of that sort of talks about the enemy, right, the enemy of the Prophet I suppose saddam will be discontinued, and the previous surah is dedicated to the acts of the one who's mentioned should be discontinued from the beginning to the end, or at least you can see will be the finale, Kalia team. All of these description descriptions are the descriptions of the person who is a laptop, they are descriptions of it. So there's a connection between these two things.

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Now, this inshallah we're going further into is we're going to dedicate ourselves in appreciating just some lessons from the first ayah and I'm not going to go in the order of the words will come to the words later on. I'm going to start from the word alcocer itself, and kelser itself and I'll go through inshallah Tada. Later on in the lesson today, we'll look at the linguistic meaning of alcocer what what it comes from what its implications are, but for now, we'll just say it means the abundant good, the great good, the great good, Kathy, like many of the self say, and inshallah, as we go through these notes, we're gonna find, why is it that COVID includes so many things. Many of

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you have heard, that when Eliza says we have given you meaning the messenger Salallahu alaihe Salam alkota. You know who will help fill Jana it's the river in paradise also will help fill northcliff

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It's also the river in the in the place that we have to start before we head off to paradise, meaning on the Day of Resurrection, the believers will have a place where they can drink right by the messenger. So sometimes it's referring to two things, a bank of water available to us before we enter Paradise. And even after we enter Paradise, there's two of them. And they're both included in Kota, according to several several several thought and narration that are found in classical works of deceit. But we're going to begin from a different point of view. And at the end, we'll see how there is no contradiction in our, in the traditional narrations of classical scholars will find that

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I'll go through describing this great good they didn't limit it to the discussion of just the river in Paradise and the river before we enter Paradise, or the these banks of water, there's talk of a lot of other goods. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to start with one of the most famous lists made of the goods one of the deficiencies in this regard, for example, to silica be

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it for holding Ma'am, ma'am Rosie, what he does is he makes a list of some favors Allah has given him just in some of the previous solos, he just makes a list of them. And I'm going to just share with you some some of this list so you can appreciate what kind of reflection these are not used to make when they studied Quran. Let's start. He says first Allah said ma with dakara bukovina Allah.

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Allah azza wa jal says, says messenger that he did not abandon him. He didn't say goodbye to him, though Do you know with our alveda right, it's Arabic word, though the he didn't say goodbye to you, and he's not displeased. And even in that ayah there's a gift to the messengers on the left one additional the Arabic expectation is malwa Dhaka rabuka wa colloca. There to the calf, the pronoun is expected twice, the English translation would have been he didn't say goodbye to you, and he is not displeased with you. But with goodbye the messenger is mentioned, but with displeasure, the messengers name is not mentioned that's a gift of a lot of the messenger sallallahu Sallam that's

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out of love because the word goodbye doesn't have any negative connotations. But the word displeasure clearly does. And Allah does not mention the name of his messenger sallallahu Sallam next to that negative word, even in that ayah there's a gift. And of course the lesson of the ayah that Allah is not going to be one to ever abandon his little school sallallahu sallam. Then he says, Well ask Allah to Allah kameena Allah, another gift to the messenger, no doubt about it. What is at the end is better for you than what is in the beginning? What an amazing gift to the messengers of Allah. Hi. So then on top of that, what so for your clique, or buka, you know, in this surah Tanaka,

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we've given you and he describes what he's given us, given him as an author. But then what does he say? Well, so for your book, he doesn't mention the author, he just says, no doubt about it. I swear very soon, your master will give you a lot he will give you he will grant you that delta, and how do you quantify how much will he give? You know, when you give when you give a gift to someone, you say, I'm going to give you something? What are you going to give me? How much what's it worth right? Now how you put it, how do you put a value to it allows you to put some value to it for his messenger sallallahu sallam, he says Fatah I'll give you so much that you'll be happy. You'll be

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pleased. So the quantity is described as it will be so much and you won't it won't stop until you say enough. Until you say I'm pleased and the messenger Elisa said I'm looking at his love for this oma he said that I won't be pleased until all of my all my saved from the hellfire. This is the love he has for us Salalah Honda he was and

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his other favorites that are part of this alcocer Alameda team and for our we mentioned this ayah before did he find you an orphan and gave you shelter? What was the Cabal and fajita in that is when we study this i a few months ago. You know bond has not translated here as lost or misguided it's translated as seeking is understood as seeking the one who can't find his way and is desperately looking he can he found you in a state where you were desperately looking and he gave you guidance. What bigger gift than that. Then what was Erica Elena And He found you in desperate financial need and he made you free of need. Then he says Allah Masha Allah Allah kasandra sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam did we open your chest for you? And what an opening of the chest that the Quran can fit in the Quran that wouldn't fit inside a mountain. Right and it would explode that Koran fits in the heart of the messenger sallallahu sallam. And in addition the the pressure one would feel that when the eye art would be revealed we know the narrations camels. If you were sitting on a camel the camel would sit down it will sink into the sand noodle so hubby's knee in the messenger his knee is on top of the hubby's knee one time, right. And the IOD started coming down into Sahabi narrows my I felt like my knee was about to shatter. Allah says in SLC la colon de la we're gonna make you come

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into contact with a very heavy word. And it was literally heavy when revenue relation used to come. But the messengers test is open so he can receive it. What an amazing gift. Was this part of a Hello Kathy.

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Then what we're gonna uncover is luck we removed your burden from you unless he uncovered the one that was breaking your back what are known as a crack or a gift of Allah here, we elevated your mentioned for you, you know and this offer is it's understood in two ways you know there's an Arabic You can like in any other language you can look at something literally and figuratively right? So when you say we elevated his mentioned, it means bestowed, meaning we made his mentioned go out loud. And that's actually true in every event that happens across the world, not a minute goes by that somebody is not reciting a shadow Mohammed or Rasulullah sallallahu. And everybody who hears it

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says some Allahu Allah he was sent them and it's being elevated, his mentioned is being elevated like nobody else's name any other human being. Any other human being that is mentioned in this way constantly, constantly. And instead of dimension going down over time, what happens? It goes up over time, it doesn't go down over time it increases. So Pamela and Alyssa is what a final look at the clock for a final category. So this is and you're mentioned, right? And allows me to give us so many incentives in the Quran to remember and send send praises upon the profits in the long run. He said them that the believer is constantly looking for opportunities to do so. Allah himself says in the

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law, whether it

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be Allah himself and his angels, you know, in Arabic, you don't typically mentioned the noun first you mentioned the verb first, you know, so it's usually law who will

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be that's the expected format Joomla fairly as the expected format of the sentence. There are losses in the Lucha one minor ekata who you saw Luna and an AVI you know Tommy's emerging even Allah no doubt about it Allah and His messengers they're sending solo ads upon His Messenger upon the profit social and then there you have levena Avenue now realize he was selling Buddha steamer right Allah didn't just say begin yeah

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they didn't begin like that so many iron Quran begin with Yeah, even though the Nam just like that straight. But he before he gets to that topic, what does he come to you better realize what I am telling you to do is something I do myself and my angels. How will the messengers mentioned not be elevated? What I found out? This is part of the good that Allah has given his messenger sallallahu sallam, and no XML will be better than, you know Allah mentioned, Allah swore by the city. And the law swears by something one of the meanings of that is it's been honored. And one of the things Allah swore by is the city in which the Prophet is born sallallahu sallam, you know what has And by

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that, I mean, he swore by that city, and by the way, Allah azza wa jal swears very, very few times, you know, by by anything other than some of his magnificent creations, but in the Quran, in the Quran, you know, that other than these other creations, there is no human being that has ever been sworn, Allah doesn't swear by another human being except the Messenger of Allah awesome. Now overlook the onroak Allah swears by His Messenger, I swear by your life, and the only other other than these innominate inanimate objects, you know, a larger squares by you know, animals, horses, winds, the sky, the sun, but he also swears by himself, his own self subhanho wa Taala. By law

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because I mean, you know, what a big this is him swimming by himself. And even when he swears by himself, first of all, appreciate this. What's the difference between a law swearing by a creation and swearing by himself? Isn't there a huge difference? In even in importance, we will just we can't imagine. First of all, when the law swears by anything that's important. And now he's swearing by who himself and even when he swears by himself, he doesn't just mention himself next to it. He mentioned his messenger sallallahu sallam. He doesn't say what a besana it was.

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Horrible al amin warabi him No.

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No, what does he say? What obika Yeah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, I swear I swear by the your master. Even when he swears by himself, he honors His Messenger sallallahu sallam. This is part of a heightened Kathy and kelser who will hide will Kathy you know that abundant good is that is that enormously plentiful, good that has been granted to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then he even mentioned that Allah granted his messenger so much that He even gave the rope the rewards that he was giving him the rewards that are given to the messenger. We're in luck Allah agilon Rahman. When Allah Allah Rajaraman, you have a reward that can't even be quantified. It

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cannot have any brakes on it, any limits on it? This is something Allah says, especially to His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi salam, and he loves his messenger so much, He even gave that to the believers. In levena amanu Aminu solly Hart follow him agilon

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he gave them that two out of the love of his messenger as he comments on the law he will send them then Allah azzawajal honors His messenger with even the beginning of revolution even that was another

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Bismillah Olivia Pollack. And in that same sewer anyone, anyone who calls against the messenger who intimidates him who tries to bully him, this is a reference to Abu jihad. Find your own idea. Let him call his posse, let him call his gang. Senator Rosa Vania will bring in our SWAT team also, as urbania literally means police, you know, security and the listeners will bring in our security detail, let them call his posse, what does he got? A lot comes to the aid the defense of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the hustler who will Cotabato and Allah specified His messenger with a special kind of closeness, a kind of closeness never given to anybody else with

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what words was God what

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makes sense the income close he was specifically to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam These are from the gifts Allah has given him. Then he says in our play NACA had the Hillman octave now after quoting all these goddesses say in the NACA Harry Hillman aptamil, mata kathira and masskara fistula filmoteca de la Mata Kadima and Letty Kula hidden min Hannah, listen to this, I that it is as though a blessing I give you all of these gifts in the solos that have been revealed before in the coroner you find the in these ayat in the Koran, and each and every single one of them. The moment mulki dunya Bihar feriha it is more valuable than the entire treasures and sovereignty of the

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world combined with all of its its assets and its wealth. Flesh doesn't enter ballybay that he has done us remain busy in the slavery and servitude and worship of this master Subhana Allah that He says he connects this to facilitate or become one half. Now we come to the end a little bit of a word analysis, we'll talk we'll go word by word by word and look at some of the other aspects of height and then combine the statements of previous scholars with what we just studied under the seal Razi in the Atlantic and Casa appa, you're the first verb in the ayah I thought, there's another word in Arabic Atta, to give. Then there's APA and Altai is also commonly translated as to give.

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Then there's another word what hubba hubba like robina habla Anna,

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who sometimes uses Robin attina right, we say Athena give us and sometimes you said Obara, habla grant us give us also giving. So there's what hub, there's eata, there's a thought, What's the difference between these words, Heba in Arabic or whatever, is to give a gift. And it's not just a small gift, it's a huge gift. So when we ask Allah to give us tranquility from our spouses and our children, then that's a big gift. That's not something small. If someone can be happy with their spouses and their children, then they're very, very fortunate because the vast majority of people who live in a household are not happy in the household. So when they can enjoy that that's not a

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small gift. That's a big gift. Right? So hublin minars wodgina was the Athena kurata kurata unit. This isn't suited for con eata in Arabic to give is actually to give, but it's not absolute. In other words, you are giving something but it comes with responsibilities, or you're giving something that you can take back for example, to till Malcolm and Tasha. Right total Malka, Manisha. But also Tenzin will come in Manisha, you can give it to whoever you want, and you can take it away from whoever you want. Is it possible? The same one Allah gave it to he can take it away from the same one also? Yes, it is. This is eata. Either it's something that's given that can be taken away.

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That's one implication. And the other, it's something that's given that comes with responsibility. For example, Tina, Tina, who will kita we give them the book, Allah gave the book, does the book come with responsibility? It does, it does. So when giving is associated with some responsibility, or it's something that can be taken back, then in these case scenarios, eata is used, but bah, bah, it has several implications. One of them is that you know, in Arabic words have root letters, and sometimes the sequence of the root letters is shuffled, and the meanings are connected. For example, sugar and shark have, you know, contradictory meanings but they're similar in their spelling. You

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know, Houston and natus have different route letters their sequence differently, but they're connected in their meaning their contrast each other. This is a feature of classical Arabic, there's a thought, which is the root letters are in Ba, and well in pa and wow. But then there's our pa Wow. And is a different sequence of letters. from it, we get the word a BA, which means to obey, to follow right or to listen carefully to, you know, the word aka to give actually means when you give someone when you're so happy with them because of their obedience. That's one of the meanings of IATA, from a TA because of the TA you give it a thought. In other words, when Allah says arklay

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Naka, Allah is pleased with the way the messenger follows the commandments of Allah and as a result of his pleasure he is giving and this is not a given. That was it.

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spected very important, you know, sometimes you obey someone, and then they give you like your job, you'll be your boss and then you get a paycheck at the end of the week. That's our job. That's not our PA, our pa is you did this because you didn't, not with any expectation. And then out of the pleasure of the one who would you did it for is so pleased with you, they give you without your expectation and beyond your expectation. This is one, then our thought is more grand. It's not used for small things. It's only used for big things. It's not a small thing. It's a very, very big thing. Then finally, the third that thought this word is actually considered a favor that cannot be

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compared with and it's something that's not taken back and something that doesn't come with strings that are attached. In other words, once it's given to you enjoy, enjoy it, this is something for you to enjoy. There are no strings attached with it. So when a lot of this is co authored, enjoy these gifts, enjoy these gifts and these are not gifts that I will take away from you. So Lola hadiza. This these are parts of parts of the meanings of Allah. Then as far as the the the tense of the word is concerned. Athena, Allah didn't say in sonority like in another ayah we find in sanuki Allah colons Akira sanuki. That's the present future. That's the future tense, we will soon give you but

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he says in the Athena, no doubt we already gave you past tense. Now the way we think of past tense in ancient Arabic in the Quran, Arabic and the Arabic of those times and the way we think of past tense in English, or in Spanish or in German, they're different. There are some differences. Lamanna lists those differences obviously, you already know the difference between past tense and present tense. But then why is something Why is the past tense being used for what and a few of these gifts Allah hasn't even given his messenger yet like a health agenda. Even though the messenger in one Hadith says Hola, hola, unburrow in a I can I swear by a lie can see it. I swear by a lie can see

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it. He told his companions, and I'll be alone. And we'll look at that narration too. But nonetheless, this is something in the future. So why use the past tense to talk about something in the future? This is a legitimate question.

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The ancient Arabs would talk about something, you know, they have certain philosophies associated with tenses. The past is for sure.

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Yesterday was guaranteed. But tomorrow is not guaranteed. Right? So the guarantees are associated with the past. And you know, uncertainty is associated with the future. If you want to talk about something in the future that is super guaranteed. Super, there's no doubt about it, it's guaranteed it's gonna happen. Then you talk and you're so sure about it, then you talk about it in the past tense because the past tense is used to describe that which is guaranteed It is as though you're saying is as sure as yesterday. It is a so assurance yesterday, okay. You know, the way they say, in English expression, as sure as the sun rising tomorrow, but actually, we don't use that in Islam,

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because we're not sure if the sun's rising tomorrow.

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But there is a certainty associated with the past. So this is one of the rhetorical benefits of Atlanta allies guaranteeing it as guaranteed, as you know, actually, there is an English expression that captures it, you know, how they say, done deal.

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Right? I'll see you next week. And you say, done, done. It's not done. It's gonna be done next week. But you're saying even psychologically, it is as guaranteed as it already happened. It's already done. Don't worry about it. Finished. It's not finished, which you're saying finished? You know. So this is this is the rhetorical first rhetorical benefit. The second rhetorical benefit of using the past tense is the is the form of completion. In other words, in Arabic present tenses are used to describe something that's not done yet. In other words, if I say I know, Allah manavi I learn Arabic. I learn Arabic, you know what that implies? I haven't finished learning yet. It's not done

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yet. It's still going on. But if I say to you, I learned Arabic. You know what that signifies is done. It's complete. As far as ally is concerned, the favor is guaranteed and the favor is also complete. And the favor is also complete. There's not it's not going to be shortchanged. Both implications are present in just the tense that Allah azza wa jal used in in outlay NACA. Now we come to the word I'm skipping in that for later on in sha Allah tala. Now we come to the word co authored, by the way, Salah here is 830 right. So we'll wrap it up about maybe seven minutes before salah and then reconvene right after.

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Anyhow, now we come to the word go without go through from a morphology from a sonic point of view belongs to the Arabic pattern, Hawaiian, Hawaiian. And this word This pattern is used for is one of the CO one of the patterns of what's called an English hyperbole. And in Arabic, we call it C little mobile, mobile. Now, I know I've talked about this before, but I want to this is a newer audience. I want to make sure you guys understand we have to get better at English too. Sometimes there's a difference between

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Saying you hyperbolized your statement. I know a lot of you don't know what that means. I'll explain it. You hyperbolized your statement as opposed to saying you exaggerated your statement. There's a difference between hyperbole and exaggerating. hyperbole means to say something in very powerful way, in a very strong way. exaggeration means to go beyond the truth and enter the realm of falsehood.

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So exaggeration is actually you didn't exactly speak the truth. But if you hyperbolized you were very excited, but you didn't go overboard. In other words, you didn't leave truth and enter into false and I'll give you an example. Some, you know, two kids got in a fight in the parking lot, let's just say, right? And we're getting different versions of it. Some kid walks in. There's a fighter with parking lot, a really bad one. Okay. This is hyperbole, because it's true. Even though he's excited and he elevated the speech. And he made it seem like a big deal. There's truth in it. But somebody some other kid walks in. Oh my god, one of them's gonna be in the hospital. It's gonna

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be so bad and they're going on and on and on. I just slapped him. He didn't do anything else. No hospitals are involved. This is considered what now? exaggeration. The Quran does not have what?

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There is no exaggeration, but there is a lot of what hyperbole there's a lot of Nevada. There's a lot of hyperbole, but there's no exaggeration, because the Quran, you know, conical Hawk, His Word is true. It's the truth. So there's no such thing as exaggeration in the Quran, sometimes because of a lack of sensitivity even to English language. A lot of times a speaker or translator even might end up saying, Oh, this is the exaggerated form, or this is an exaggerated it's not an exaggeration. It's a hyperbole. That's the word to use to empower a word and its meaning to give a word steroids as we see nowadays, right? To give it juice to give it strength to muscle it up. That's what that

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means. Anyhow. Now this word, I'll tell you, it doesn't know it comes from the word Kathy or Catherine. Catherine means to have plenty. Kathy has an adjective of co author is incredible, incredible amounts of something. Lots and lots and lots and lots, then you don't call it Kathy, do you call it? gopher? Unless as I have given you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots, I can't I can keep adding because this

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council has a while in it. Kathy has a year in it in Arabic rhetoric in Bulava. The while is stronger than the year. So if Allah said caffeine, it would be a lot still, but unless it comes out making it even more the word casein in and of itself means a lot. But Allah made that word a lot of times another lot because of the law and alcocer Subhana Allah, this is to describe what Allah has given his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again a halal caffeine for alcohol, caffeine. Similarly alcohol to be comments and no filming. In other words that are hyperbolized in the same way, and Joe Harmon ajar when are up to send me Kula Shane Kathy, Phil added, well,

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Catherine and the Arabs used to mention talk about anything that is a lot in terms of its quantity a lot in terms of its value a lot in terms of you having to want to protect it and guarded those kinds of words, they used to call them something that was there was a lot of it. And it was very, very valuable, then they would use that word, file counsel who have been above it in Al Qaeda, Al muffaletta, for will fill hidey holes. And this is also important, when you say a lot of something, is it possible, it's a lot of good things or a lot of bad things or a lot of mixed, it's possible. Because when you say a lot I gave, I gave you a lot. Right? Or I taught you a lot maybe I taught you

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a lot of good things. And also in there some bad things. The word caffeine can be used for good and bad things. But the word counter can only be used for good things. It's it's metathesis on with the horses, rather, it's specialized, and specifically used only in context of that which is good. This is part of the perfection of the ayah that Allah said in a NACA COVID. In other words, everything Allah has given him is incredibly good. And he's given him a lot of it, some of the lohani He will send them.

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We're in the alpha olefin kelser beta reef, this is also important, there's an L on it in alpha inaka and mucosa alcocer. Now, one of the one of the features of Arabic is when you say in the NACA, Catherine, Catherine, that can refer to many different things. But if you put a URL on something, one of the implications of that it's only referring to one thing. So some have argued because this is alcocer it's only referring to the river in Paradise and nothing else. And the proof of that is the and they're saying that the honest proof that it can only be referring to one thing and that one thing can only be what we find in the Asr, which is unhelpful Jana, I will help fill mocha right

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that that's the only thing you can be referring to, but we don't call accountant llama duckula nafi lachenal helpful. mosuo This is the comment. How alakina helpful most helpfulness of a feather flock or Gemma cola.

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When you refer in Arabic to something with an adjective. You know how in English we have nouns and adjectives

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Right, when you talk about the adjective, but you don't mention the noun,

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right? Then that adjective could be referring to many things, even if it has an

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alibi saying a lot, a lot or a, you know, a great many plenty. Are these words, nouns or adjectives, plenty, lots. These are adjectives. And if because they used an adjective and didn't quantify a noun didn't specify what noun is it an adjective of. I'll hold on Kathy. I'll tell her he didn't mention the noun. By not mentioning the noun, it opens the scope, and the acceptability of other possibilities in the air. And this is part of the Grand gift, giving Avila as origin that he didn't limit the gift that he gave to his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, just give you a couple more references. And as far as the linguistics of the word coauthor in the old is a poetry about the

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old woman in Arabic history, who you know, her son went to travel and the Arab sun would go to travel to you know, go and trade and bring back wealth. So he comes back and the mother is asked the man, look, what did your son bring? What did he come back with? And what does she respond? Be Catherine he came back with

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a meaning demand and Kathy came back with a lot of wealth. He made good money on that trip. So she's first of all delighted because her son is back and she's really happy because he came back loaded right so that's that's where the word COVID is used even before Islam were entered. This is a * casiotone job number one as a human and you are a lot you're very good in terms of your good character, even Marwan so the poet is praising a guy named Eben Marwan, but then he says your dad was awesome. You're okay. But your dad man he was he was just awesome. So what does he say about him? What kind of a buka

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aka any kohara

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but your dad in law in that guy was closer. You're, you're good. But that guy he was amazed he was. So what he's saying is you should be more likely that you're I'm impressed. I'm not that impressed. You know, and the way he does that he compares to with Leah with the word Kofi meaning he was really very, very, very good. The final comment inshallah Allah in regards to a co author, actually, we'll do two more things we have time. I think I can pull them in there inshallah, the word in the word inna, we didn't do that. We did outlay NACA. We did. But we didn't do in.

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This in in Arabic is actually grammatically even if you don't say it, the sentence is complete. You can say our play now Kolkata. We gave you uncultured it's still a complete sentence. And the word we is already there. Because at the word of our play, you have the now that's the farming. That's the that's the word we it's already there. But we say in

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so we know it. And

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that's another way. Now, if you literally translate, certainly we comma we gave you

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this is the literal translation. And this is actually what the Arabs are meaning by it. Now, let me give you some context. When does somebody mentioned themselves twice in terms of an act that they did? For example, you know, there's a there's an argument or something, I, I paid for it.

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You understand what I just did?

00:43:20 --> 00:44:02

Me, I hired you. I said, I mentioned myself twice. Why? This is a means by which I am reminding someone of something they can clearly forget. This is one one thing. Second, this is a case of Hmm It's called an Arabic to highlight something to give importance to something and here Allah azza wa jal is giving importance to the giving. I am the one who gave I gave no doubt about it. The word in there is also important. You could you could also say national apple in agriculture, but there's in the hunt for Tokyo is there the benefit of Hartford, Tokyo is to remove doubt. This is by most accounts a Maki surah even though there are respectable narrations even in Muslim, even in Sahih

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Muslim that this could be a Madani sola, but we'll reconcile those two by the end of this verse inshallah. Tada, how do we understand when there are multiple narrations? Some say the surah is murky. Others say the surah is muddy, especially such a short slot, which we assumed the wholesaler came down at once, then how can there be differences of opinion about when the soda came down, we'll understand why those differences exist. And how to reconcile those differences in shallow Tyler, this is a good opportunity to do that this is a good opportunity to do that. But nonetheless, the word in not here removing doubt. If you understand that this law is murky, which is the model of the

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law by the way, the law pretty much is on the fact that it's mucky. And that's how you'll find it ascribed in the most half also.

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Then you understand that the messenger Elisa to a salon is dealing with a group of people that are very insulting and condescending and hurtful, and they're constantly making mention of what the messenger doesn't have. What he doesn't have, even at the end of this surah you

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Abu Abu lahab he was the Prophet snipper. The anahola he was the prophets neighbor, and the first son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, a symbol of the Allahu anhu. He passed away. There was still one son left. What's his name? Abdullah mobiola. Han, besides the four daughters, right? And these are all you know, and idolize left and then one day The news comes out that Abdullah Abdullah Han, who has also passed away and one of the first people to get the news you know who it was? Because Abu lahab and he's happy like anything, you know, what kind of disgusting person could be happy at the death of a child, even your enemy? Even your enemy if their child dies, you get a soft corner in

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your heart. How filthy can this person be? How cut off from their humanity can they be that he's celebrating this he goes dancing out of his house goes in announce it all Muhammad His name is gonna be cut off, you know, but Allah Muhammad is His name is gonna Islam he has done he's finished. No more sense for him. In other words, they would boast about what the prophet doesn't have. They would also talk about the prophets lack of wealth, sallAllahu sallam, they will talk about the prophets lack of backing, in other words is an orphan. Right? How can this go on was wasn't given a largely male career trainee? Avi? How can we wasn't given to one of the leaders of the tribe of the two

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tribes? How can we have to listen to him? They would constantly make mention of what the messenger doesn't have. And Allah begins the surah by saying no, don't worry about what you don't have. I've given you plenty of weed no doubt about it. Don't doubt it ever. Do not doubt it ever. And let no one who hears this ever doubt that you have been given more than they can ever imagine.

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And we have granted it to you no strings attached. And we've given you lots and lots and lots of it, unimaginable amounts of it. So panela how the ayah contrast what's in the beginning to what's at the end, and how it comes to the consolation of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam You know, when somebody speaks in a bad way to you, then you need somebody to calm you down and say it's okay. Don't worry about it. You know, don't let it get to you. And even if you know those things, when you hear them from someone else's ear, you're right, man, thanks. You helped me calm down, who comes to come the messenger down, who comes to the constellation of the messenger sallallahu sallam. Allah

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says in the Quran. This is one of the gifts of a lot of the messenger, he comes to the aid of His Messenger. Allah knows subhana wa tada when his messenger is feeling sad, when he feels insulted when he feels hurt by the words that they say, when Akana Alamo savoca Bhima de casa de Luca, Maya Kowloon, we know already that your chest becomes tight because of the things they say you don't think the messengers chest would become tight, your child just dies. And somebody's celebrating that somebody I mean, imagine that, I will leave the fact aside that he's the messenger of a loss on the love of any human being that you would see somebody celebrating the death of your child, how much

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how much kind of rage and pain, would it cause you? And then after that, what does he have to do? He has to go and make that one to the same people and be patient with them.

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He can go into battle with them he doesn't do not yet know, patiently amygdala to them was better allow my opponent be patient with what they're saying. We will easily be patient with what they're saying. Can you realize what they're saying? Do you realize what you mean? imagine somebody said this kind of thing to you. you'd lose it. You would lose it. You say I you know, he said you don't know what he said. That's what you'll say you'll act crazy. And when I tried to stop using you don't know what he said, man? Well, we know what he said. But look at the son of this man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we call our messenger What an amazing role model Allah has given us in terms

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of his patience, and what kind of hard it takes to make Dawa to people like that. To know that this despicable human being and on top of that his family and this tells you another lesson the most hurtful words will come from where

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your family your family, your own family can say the nastiest things because they know they can get it's all family it's all good. They can say it and get away with it. Oh, what's the matter is getting under your skin. You know, and they'll keep poking, keep poking, because it's all good in the hood and it's all good and somebody else said it to you outside you break into a fight much uncle go off on you all day. Right? Like the messengers and called no exception. Right in this case, Lana Hola. Anyhow, let's finish this comment and we break for the Salah, ujet and Emraan. in in in the IR there are two issues found and if they sauce exclusivity, meaning it is only we who have

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given you goes out and since it is only we who has given it to you, the only one who can take it away is us. But since we give you a thought, not ITAR, we're never going to take it away either. No one can take away from you what we have given you, they can take what they think they think they're taking something away from you. They've got nothing. They've got nothing in alpha inaka This is the second is 180 man and Allah has given high importance to the giving that Allah gives His Messenger This is called HTML, hammer, a hammer sure he gave it importance. He gave it importance. So these this gift that Allah has given his messenger with with

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So keyed on in nine The beginning is as a special you know, privilege has been given to the messengers on the lower so we just count from a language point of view how many ways Allah has magnified what he's giving his messenger and just the first ayah and we're just at a loss and the gifts Allah gives His Messenger sallallahu Sallam inshallah tada after the break immediately after I shot, I'll try and wrap up the first session on certain COVID. Again, I don't think we're going to finish it to go through today, but I hope to finish at least a commentary on the first is barakallahu li walakum fue Quranic Hakeem when finally we can build it with the chemo, Sara Monica.

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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