Nadim Bashir – Khatira – There is No Perfect Society; Do Your Best
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The importance of teaching youth that " controller sallama" is true is emphasized, along with the social dynamics of the city and the importance of learning about Islamophobia. The speaker also discusses the struggles of Muslims in society and their desire to strive towards their beliefs, including the challenges of society and the need to defend their lives. They emphasize the importance of faith and the need to maintain connections with Allah, as well as the importance of fixing issues affecting their community and adoption of change.
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To You shall I want to cover something that's very important that is really on the minds of many of our youth. And also sometimes you see, you know, adults even saying the same thing. First of all, is that when you go on YouTube, there are so many 1000s of lectures that you find online, so many 1000s of lectures, each scholar, so many, so many scholars, so many, you know, Allah MA and so forth. They have, you know, you know, put their videos up online. And every single time we hear these kinds of videos, we hear about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam said this Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam did this, the Sahaba did this, the community of the province of Saddam was like this. Everyone
was making very bad. Everyone's remembering Allah subhanho wa taala. And he gets the point that now when you talk about even the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are some people who actually begin to believe and especially when it comes to our youth, and the reason why I'm sharing this is because we need to teach our kids that same thing to see a lot of times people begin to believe that, that you keep on talking about Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, of course he is Ross was a Salem, you talk about the society of the province of Salem. And yes, we get it that, you know, that was a very amazing society. But how can we relate to them? When they were when they were around
us Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were in this amazing community where everyone was, was worshiping Allah subhanho wa taala, Ana, and everyone was devoted to Allah subhanho wa taala. Today, we have a life where we have jobs, we have bills, we have challenges in our life and so forth. How can we relate? And not only that, but the question is that there's, you know, how can we perhaps even follow like the Society of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and here's the point of this entire this entire talk here. And that is, there is no such thing actually as a perfect community. Okay, see, once again, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived in Medina, after hijra, he lived
in Medina. And in Medina, Medina was at that time it was big for their according to their numbers, according to their geographical location. It was big enough to give you somewhat of an idea. If you go to Medina today, the boundaries of Medina where you see the walls of Medina, that was the entire city of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay. So when you talk about like majority of the hotels, where they're situated currently right now, at that time, it would be considered as out of town. So we have to understand, there was no such thing called a perfect community or a perfect society, even in the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, there was not because when you
talk about even sins such as drinking, you know, gambling, Zina, and these kinds of things, they actually took place in a society of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Study the life of the prophet saw Selim before he became a prophet, what There's one story of the Prophet SAW Allah while he was selling wearing one time, he was about to go and attend one of these festivities, just like today we see today in our society, Friday night, Saturday night, the clubs are filled, right? That's what we see. In the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was in Makkah, there weren't festivities. And in these festivities, they will do a brother and they would worship idols
in these festivities, they would, you know, they would commit Zina with each other and so forth. There was no such thing called a perfect society. Even in the time of the Prophet SAW Allah while he was some study Mecca, there was even a place which was little outer of Makkah, but there was something called a red light district, where you know what happens in a red light district, but you had these kinds of things in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to you talk about Islamophobia that we are facing today. They had also Islamophobia. There was a summer phobia in Makkah, first of all, when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam became a prophet the very first
time Rasul Allah, Allahu Allah. He was seven he begins to warn people. What did Abu Lahab say? turban? laka. Yeah, Muhammad Ali Haida Jamar tena, that Woe to you or Mohammed Have you gathered us here for this reason? And as a response to Abu Lahab, Allah subhanho wa Taala says Tabata bIllahi min, whatever. You think there was no Islamaphobia when people were coming into Mecca to perform pilgrimage at that time, whatever pilgrimage was at that time, people were being were coming into Makkah, they were guests in Mecca, but yet they were told at the border of Makkah, and there was a there was a widespread inflammation that was going through Mecca, that if there's one person you
want to stay away from, is this man, Mohammed is this man. Just like today we see even on the news and some media outlets. If there's one religion you want to stay away from Islam. Today we feel like that we are surrounded with this Osama phobia. Today. This is our phobia is informational when it comes to us
If you look at some other countries where Muslims are physically suffering, you see what's happening in Palestine. You see what's happening to our Uighur Muslims. You see what's happening in Burma in so many other countries with our Muslims and they are the way they're suffering. You think this did not happen the title of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just like today was how many times our you see today what's happening in India right now the persecution, the loom against Muslims right now. And women you go in there hijabs are being ripped off and so forth. You think this is what happened at the time the prophets of Salaam, it happened in Medina, it happened in Medina, the a
woman of the Muslim community went to a jewelry shop in Medina. And it was owned by the tribe of Banu Kai new car, they actually ripped off her hijab, they violated her. And as a result, the Prophet saw someone told them you need to surrender or you're gonna be exiled and they were kicked out of Medina as a result. The point is brother and sisters, that whatever problems that we have today, even from even at a family level, at a society level, at a personal level, we see the same things happening in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the reason there are two reasons why there was not even a perfect society in the time of the Prophet SAW Salem. Number one is
because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to compare ourselves to another idealistic kind of community to think about this, if that was really a community, that many of us, especially our kids, they actually feel and talk to your kids about this, they actually feel that everyone was walking around in a fold, and with a dust in their hand, and Subhanallah Alhamdulillah. And all day long, they just did only a brother, our kids actually believe this. And that's why our kids do not feel that we can do the same thing. They were humans, we were humans, we are humans to mean that just like they have needs, and they have different life challenges, we also have the same thing to they
actually literally genuinely believe that there's no way we can do anything like they because they live in a very utopian society and that is absolutely false. There is no such thing called a utopian society. So that is why we have to first of all the first reason why that society and our society we have challenges, they had challenges also that even when you see the life of the problem in Medina, okay, Monica you will say, okay, it sounded spread very Firstly, in Medina, I mean, Makkah in Medina, there will there were Muslims, Muslims, who came to power the Solomon said, Yes, alive come in, as you know, there was a situation where a woman was raped, who will was brought to us wa
sallahu alayhi wa sallam. So first of all, we have to get this out of our mind, that the problem the society, the problem is that we cannot follow them because they were in a much better situation that we are no there is no such thing like that. Number one, the reason why number one is because to Allah for Allah subhanho wa Taala to tell us that they're human, they had challenges you are humans, you have challenges, but I'm giving you an example of someone who was human like you. This another reason why is that Allah subhana wa Taala He wants us to strive. See Allah subhanho wa Taala does not judge us based on results. Allah subhanho wa Taala He judges us based on striving, we have to
truly strive for Allah subhanho wa taala. So these are two reasons why that Allah subhanho wa taala, when he's trying to tell us is we're talking about striving, Allah Subhan Allah knows all the challenges around us. So see, there are things that are within our control. And there are things that are beyond our control. We can talk about, for example, the Sama phobia is pretty much out of our control. Yes, we can give Dawa. Yes, we can perhaps eliminate some doubts. Yes, perhaps we can educate people. But there's so much widespread Islamophobia going on that sometimes you can't do anything about it. But there are some things that we can we can do about it. And the most important
thing is, as I said, that we strive against these kinds of things, the challenges that are taking place in our society, in our life, and so forth. Once again, they took place even in the Titan Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that will take place in our life. But the most important thing is that we strive and we strive and we strive and we show Allah subhanho wa Taala Yeah, Allah, I am trying my best now keeping that in mind. Keep that in mind. There are five areas of life five areas of life and I'll finish on this inshallah five areas of life that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he focused on that we need to focus on also simple as that. The entire life also salaam can be, you
know, conference comprehensively explained or summarized into these five areas. First of all, is Iman, okay, faith. That means that it does not only mean that we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala Of course we do believe in Allah. But faith here means spirituality, growing your connection with Allah subhana
with Allah do whatever you can to, to establish a strong, a strong connection with Allah the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when I say these five areas, it doesn't mean that we only adapt these adopt these five areas. But then we defend these five areas from anything that may eliminate these five things important things are alive. So number one is faith. That means that if there's anything that can eliminate the faith, if there's anything that can compromise the faith, we push them away because Eman is what we need to maintain in our life. The second thing is, remember that there is no way a person can say I cannot do my Rebbe to Allah
subhanho wa Taala because of the life that we live in the circumstances that we live in and so forth. There are people who don't fast why because I have a job really, I don't fast why because I gotta play sports really. There I don't fast why for different reasons. Know Allah subhanho wa Taala there are no excuses in from Allah subhanho wa Taala unless there are mentioned the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So number one was Iman number two is riba that number three is o'clock, our character in how we carry ourselves. Number four, is Muhammad out how do we deal with others? How do I deal with the elders of my community? How do I deal with the people
in my family? How do I deal with my adversaries Rasul? Allah says, Allah has even taught us that how do you deal with people who are considered as troublemakers, even in your community or in the family? In your own family? How do you deal with younger children? How do you deal with people in your society overall? How do you deal with even in laws? How do you deal with relatives? All this falls under my mallet? That how do you deal with others? And the last thing that the Prophet SAW he focused on was Maharashtra was society? What impact are the Muslims having on their community? This is something very important. If there are if there is an issue going on in our community that is
affecting our community that is affecting our community that is affecting our families is affecting the overall structure of the society, then we have to oppose that no matter what it is. And I'll be very blunt and saying this current day there are so many issues so many fitters, new fitters. One thing that I can tell you that is destroying the fabric of our families, and that is destroying a lot of our the structure of our families is currently feminism. We know this, currently feminism is destroying and no matter how many, there are so many Muslim women who are in supportive of this. But the reality is that currently feminism is not about rights, it's no longer about rights. It's about
that men and women are on an equal footing. And this is not true. This is destroying our society. This is absolutely destroying our society is destroying our families. So this is why we have to know about these kinds of things and whatever threatens our society, whatever threatens our communities, we have to oppose these kinds of things. So first of all, is what the first thing I mentioned was that we have to change our mindset. There is no such thing called a perfect society in the time of the prophets of Salaam. There is no such thing called a perfect society in our time, whatever challenges that we have around us, we will learn how to live with those and work around those. And
the second thing I didn't mention is that Why did Allah subhanho wa Taala put us in this kind of situations, because to for us to relate to the humaneness of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see who will strive you can either be a complainer and complain and complain and complain or you're gonna strive for Allah subhanho wa Taala you might fall you might say you make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala but we keep on striving. And finally the five areas that we need to always focus on in our life. What was the first one
Eman second one
a bad that third one o'clock fourth Mamilla fifth Mashallah. These are five things that we find the life of the prophet said I'm focused on and what we need to focus on in our life also and teach our kids inshallah I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us among those who implement and who teach it to others immunoblotted mean does that come along? I said I'm only going to label on cattle
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