Nadim Bashir – Khatira – The Signs of Hypocrisy #1
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The Surah Tauba is a significant historical figure for the Jewish community, representing the history and significance of the culture. It is discussed in various ways, including during the harvest season, during a book, and during a television show. The importance of learning from actions and not blending words into actions is emphasized.
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Surah Tauba surah Tauba or sorbara is a Surah that is mentioned in the 10th, Jos Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Surah towards the end so this surah is starts in the temperatures, it goes all the way to the 11th goes towards the end of the tanagers, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala extensively talks about the signs of the hypocrites. And we know that in Medina, there were no hypocrites and makup, the province of he faced the Jewish community and the hypocrites and of course, the Quraysh while he was in Medina, and so it is mentioned that one time when the idea of Salah came down, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was getting ready for the book. So the book is one the last one the
final expeditions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at that times, at that time the muscles were struggling, we remember that it was a time of year where they were just ready to harvest. They were they were reluctant ever going, going to the book, because they had no money and they're waiting for the harvest season. So at that time, Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was setting them based on the idea of sadaqa. He said that is there anyone who has anything come and give. And there are some of us who don't who mentioned that at that time you had great you had some Sahaba who were very well off, they came and they gave some sadaqa a great amount of sadaqa. And when they gave us was
some he praised that, but then the munafo and they were standing over there, and they will say that look, look at this guy. He's giving a great sadaqa because he wants to be a show off. Later on. There's another Sahabi Radi Allahu Hussein was have walked in, he came he was on Saudi Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he came he says Goddess hula, when I found out about this expedition, when I heard the idea of sadaqa I chose to take a small job take a small position to work for a yahoodi man a Jewish man, so I can get paid. So whatever I get from him, I can give and I can support this expedition. The problem some he asked him What did you bring? And he says,
Yes, hula all I brought was a handful of dates. So Ross was some did not say, what is it going to do? He said that take these dates and spread it over all the merchandise and all the luggage that we have, and everything that we have to take with us because Allah has put Baraka in this. The munafo and they were there, they start making fun of him. So first one that's a hobby came with a lot of wealth. What did they say? He's showing off when this hobby came with a little they said what good is this going to do? At that time? Allah subhanho wa Taala He sent down an ayah Alladhina Yun mizuna al Moto, we are ina menial meaning there are those who make a mockery there are those who criticize
and these are the Munna ALLAH is talking about fissa call me Nina for sadaqa. Who are they making a mockery of Who are they criticizing the Muslims in the matter of their sadaqa in the matter of their charity, one levy in Allah Yeji Duna in Judah home and they're making a mockery of those people who are working hard just like that Sahabi with a handful of dates, Allah then says Sahid Allah woman home? Well, I mean, they make a mockery of these people. Then whenever you are making a mockery of these Muslims, Allah is making a mockery of them. And for that for this mockery, Allah subhanho wa taala, he has prepared for them a painful punishment in the hereafter. Now in this if the owner
might have stated that there aren't many lessons to be learned from this one, if first of all is for the person who's giving, no matter how much you want to give, see, this happens often that we always like to do the big things, we always want that recognition, we feel like if I do something small, who's going to notice it and what credit will I give will I get by doing something that is small, and that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala knows our mindset and that is why Allah says another I have the Quran for me ya Mel myth, all the rotten, any good that you do any good that you do small or big Allah subhanho wa Taala you will benefit us with that with that. And that means that we will get the
head of that in this dunya we will see the head and the baraka of that in the hereafter. So never should we ever feel the what good is a small that I do? Let me give you another example. How often does it happen? That whenever there's a program here at the masjid, whenever there's a program here at the masjid, we make an announcement at the end of the program that the program is over. We just need some people to fill up the chairs and put it away. You know at that time, you don't find any volunteers. You know why? Because the program is over. If I go and I put away a few chairs, what good will I get out of that? No. We have to understand that if I'm going I'm spending so my time my
few minutes Allah knows I could have gone and done something else. Allah knows that I'm not obligated. But for me to take time out for my masjid for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala giving my time for my Masjid whatever Hey, there is Allah subhanho wa Taala
You will reward that. So that's why learning from this Sahabi this unsalted companion, do not ever underestimate any good. We when we see in fundraisers, the one who wants to give 100,000 the one who wants to give 10,000 And the one who wants to give $5 and this is why never belittle any good. This is why we learn from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, La Miel ma roofie che that do not underestimate any good and the opportunity comes your way because just think about it. Just think about it for a moment. We are standing before Allah subhanho wa Taala and we're searching through our good book of deeds in the hereafter for any good will Allah He folding that chair that time will
come to us. Even that dollar you give him sadaqa will come to us at that time. So that's the first thing that we learned from this is never belittle any good. The second thing is making sure that our Nia is always on the correct path. Or Nia is always at par is always with Allah subhanho wa Taala we're doing it for who for Allah subhanho wa Taala say, if I don't get credited for it, imagine if I and few others, we were part of a program or we put we helped out in something and someone comes along and says and this happens often someone comes along and says Oh, mashallah, you three, you did a fantastic job. And you're standing over there and you feel like well, I was part of that too,
though is the first thing you say? Yeah, does that come off her brother? I was part of that too. Okay. We usually want to make someone aware. Why because want that we want that appreciation at the end of the day. The NIA is I'm doing it for Allah sake. I want that credit from Allah subhanho wa Taala I don't care about the mahalo I want the reward in the hereafter from Allah subhanho wa taala. So whether someone gives us credit for it, someone does not give us credit for it, let it go. And last thing is that we learned from this from this idea is the word the Almighty say is that just like the munafo and because if you study this passage, will allow you one after another, a sign of a
hypocrite and you know what Allah says at the end, such harsh words Allah says, is stokfella Whom Allah to stop film, in test of film, Sabrina Mara, filling your feet Allahu Allah, these are the words of Allah. Allah is telling us without Salam, these people that I have listed, they are such despicable people, that whether you seek forgiveness for them, or you don't seek seek forgiveness for them, there is no way Allah is going to forgive them. This is the words of Allah subhanho wa taala. So what happens when we at times we want to judge other people, we see someone doing something great. And what do we say? First thing, a lot of times we say is, ah, look at his brother
and sister, they always show up, he or she always shows up at these times, they want to be a show off, we don't understand, and we don't know what's in their heart, and we let it go. And sometimes yes, shaytaan will come to us and say, look at this person he wants to do as a show up, or she wants to do do this for to show other people. And we leave that between them. And Allah subhanho wa taala. Because if we fall into that, we're no different than those monasticon We're no different those will not fit on. On the other hand, if we see someone doing something that is good, and we say, You know what good is going to what good is this going to do for them. This is the also a characteristic of
the munafo own. So we stay away from these kinds of things. We don't judge anyone. We don't judge their intention. We don't say they're doing it for the worldly gain, or for what other gain they are looking for. We leave their matter in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. And at the end, if anything, when I see someone doing something that is good, at least I can tell myself that they're taking time out and they're doing something that is good. I'm not doing something that's good. I can do something what they're doing, and we stop criticizing. We learn from them and we engage in that hide in that good. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us feel amongst those whose hearts are
clean. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us we're amongst those who have a class and everything that we do. I mean noble Allah mean, is that Kamala Hey, I said Omar likoma After law he will Barakatuh