Nadim Bashir – Fathers & Sons in the Quran #1 Introduction
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of Islam as a culture and the use of "tank" in various words. The importance of respecting men's appearances and managing one's own culture is emphasized. The use of "harvest" in religion is discussed, as it analyzes Christian andewewewewife families and highlights the message of pride and faith. The speaker also mentions a series called fathers and sons in the Quran and discusses the idea of a "married to" message in religion.
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salam Wa alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi aji marine I'm about one of the most beautiful things that we learn about our deen is that everything has been very clearly defined and explained to us in the Quran. When it comes to certain responsibilities, we all have certain responsibilities in terms of rights. Allah subhana wa Taala will ask you and I, on the Day of Judgment, that did we fulfill the rights of the people around us? One that people are one of the groups of people that we see today, whose rights are being highly neglected. And a group of people
that are being very much disrespected today is our parents. Now, I understand that today's Subhanallah there are so many youth who call me too, that they have a lot of trouble getting along with their parents. Many of our parents today are have come from overseas, they have an overseas culture, an overseas mindset. And coming to America and having children here in America and children growing here in the West, a lot of times they have very different opinions or a lot of different ways of looking at things. Still, that doesn't get take away from the fact that our Dean has told us that there's a certain level of respect that we have to show it to our parents. For example, Allah
subhanho wa Taala a very well known idea that we have heard many times in our hot tubs in our lectures is what called our rabuka taboo in a year, or Bill Weld in Santa Allah subhanho wa Taala This is actually a passage by the way, and so it's raw, and some of the Sahaba or Viola Gronholm they say that these were the 10 commandments that were revealed to the people of Musa alayhis salam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he begins his passage passage by saying that we have to worship only and only Allah subhanho wa taala. And right after Allah declares that we have to worship Allah alone, we declare the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah talked about respecting parents, Allah
subhanho wa Taala he further he further on, he says, he says, well at Aquila, Houma, ofin that do not ever say off to them. Now many times we misunderstand that what is this word of mean? Off can change from culture to culture Subhanallah today, for example, if I live in America, the culture from America to for example, China, subcontinent area, the Middle Eastern countries, to Malaysia, all over the world, the cultures are going to be very different. In each culture, there are going to be some words, there's going to be some sayings, that in one culture, it might be considered as respectful by another culture, it might be considered as offensive, cultures are going to change
Muslims, they live everywhere. What the Quran is teaching us is that we should not say anything that in our culture that we belong to, is considered as offensive to our parents. Do not say anything that is considered as disrespectful. Now, I must say that there is a difference between being disrespectful in this agreeing with your parents, even today. Subhanallah many of our parents they don't understand the difference between this agreement and disrespect. Did some the wives the Prophet saw some disagree agree with the prophets of Salem? Yes, they may disagree with the prophets of Salem, did the Sahaba disagree with the Prophet sallallahu sallam? Yes, in many cases, they have
we have seen from the seed of the prophet that they have just agreed with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But if there's one thing that we learned, that is unacceptable is disrespect. So I think that in many families, usually these two words they get they get mixed up between or the the definition between these two words they get mixed up in our families. And many times when there is a disagreement in the family, sometimes parents can see that as a disrespect. There are two different things. Nonetheless, one thing that the Quran also teaches us so first of all, is that we're not allowed to say anything disrespectful. That is view disrespectful in our culture. And if you come
from two different cultures, you might be connected to different cultures, in either culture or if there's something that is considered as offensive that do not say that to your parents. Inside the Quran also teaches us that when your parents get to a such an age, especially when they when they become seniors, they you know, they beat you know, they get into their 50s and the 60s and 70s and upwards. Many times they don't understand what they're doing. Sometimes they may not even understand what they're saying. I time
It becomes very difficult to manage our parents, because they're very set in their ways. Sometimes they want to do something not realizing that it may be harmful to them. And as children, we have to take care of our parents, this is our responsibility. So the Quran also teaches us that when your parents get to that age, that in that situation too, even though you are in the position of power, you are the one who is more resourceful, you're the one who can easily get around, and your parents might be confined to their beds or you know, to their homes and so forth. Even in that position, you are still to be humble in front of them and behave in such a way that as if they are in the position
of power. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, what Phil Allahumma Jana hadoo, liminal Rama, that when it comes to your parents and lower the wings out of mercy, now Subhanallah you know, just to give you an example, if you have ever seen a plane, when it comes down, when it starts to descend, you will see that the wings, they they extend, the wings extend always next time, if you have not seen this pay attention to this next time, if you're ever sitting in a plane looked at the wings, when it started to descend, as it began to descend, the wings, they expand, even when you see a bird when it's coming downwards, the way it motions and the way it's, it puts his wings in such a way that it
is considered as lowering the wings. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying to us, that when it comes to your parents, especially when they become seniors, that in that situation, lower your wings, you feel like you know what, I am a proven person in this world, your wings may be out in front of everyone you may show who you are, but when it comes to in front of your parents, always lower them down, it may seem that they are powerless. They are you know, as I said earlier, they may not be able to get around as much as you can, you may have a higher status in the society than them. But when it comes home when you come home and when it comes when you come in from your parents, that
making sure that you lower those wings. So this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has told us when it comes to our parents. Now of course there is much in the Quran that has been mentioned about the mother and the father. Today inshallah I want to focus purely on the Father. And so one of the things that we learn about our deen is that while the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned so much about respecting the mother, taking care of the mother, and so forth, many times these kind of a hadith they overshadow the fact that there is much also mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the Father to, for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam we find, he says, in a hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira, viola and he says, Ledger Z, he says lega dizzy when done well, he then that no child can compensate what the father has done all his life, except for in the case that Illa and Yeji the whom I'm looking that he finds him as a slave for yesterday, if I yesterday Yahoo for your for your article, that he buys his his finds them as a slave, he buys them and he frees them only in that situation, can then a person say that I have done and I have owed everything to my father. In fact, we also find a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says unworldly due also to Abu Dhabi Jana, he says alayhi salam that the Father
is the middle of the gates of paradise. So either you keep this gate, or you lose his gate mean that you can either serve your father and take care of your father, and be respectful to him, and you can protect his gate of Jannah that inshallah you'll be able to enter through. Or you can either lose this gate by disrespecting your father, or disobeying your father and so forth. And so this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has mentioned, we find also stories of the Sahaba, or the alotta on whom how they would serve, and they would treat others nicely on account that they were fathers or they were friends of their fathers. In fact, we find many times as the Hobbit or the
autonome, they will show kindness and they will show gentleness towards certain individuals. And when they were asked, why, why this person, he's a random person, and the Prophet SAW and then the Sahaba would say that this person, his father, worse was friends with my father, or this person was friends with my father. And so this is the way the Sahaba Athan whom they would honor their fathers. So as a human being and as being a Muslim, it is our responsibility that when it comes to our fathers, we we show respect, we show dignity to our fathers And subhanAllah Today we live in a society
Unfortunately, that where the status of our parents is being diminished, you know, there were there was a time where mothers, they would love to stay at home, and they will you know, motherhood and taking care of your children was considered as nobility. Today we are living in a society where many people are starting to believe that staying at home being a mother, being a homemaker taking care of your children is considered as a waste of time, or some people may viewed as that you may not be as qualified or, or achieved, you have not achieved much if you have just stayed home all your life Subhanallah where do we learn this from our deen, if a person chooses if, if a woman chooses stay at
home and take care of her children, she is not wasting her time she's investing into our children. Even today, we live in a society where there are so many different due to media and due to certain, for example, we watch TV, and there's so much you know, shows on TV, unfortunately, that have diminished the status of fathers. And without going into names and so forth. There are so many shows that we see in our children they see and our adults, they see where that's where the father has been portrayed as the the least respected person in the in the family. So brothers and sisters, this is this, this is the time that we are living in. And our Dean has taught us the complete opposite, that
how we should honor our fathers, how we should take care of our fathers. This is the society our culture, unfortunately, has also played a role in this, that the culture has created a situation that the only thing our fathers are known for, unfortunately, is that they are the breadwinners. And they have no idea what is going on inside their families. I've seen this happening myself. And so they have no idea what is going on with their children and so forth. So first of all, our responsibility is that our fathers are not just breadwinners, our fathers are not just people who are there to make money and give us money and so forth. There is much more to that when it comes to
our fathers. Now, for the fathers, I do want to say a few words. Number one is that it is not only the responsibility of our mothers, to bring our children, but it is also our responsibility, too. It is the responsibility of the fathers. In fact, there's actually many, you know, there are Subhanallah books that have been written on this subject to for example, there was a book written some time ago, it's called families and faith is written this book is written by a person who does not believe in Allah, he's on a Muslim. But you know, one thing that he wrote about is that he basically analyzed Christian and Jewish families. And he actually came to this conclusion that
fathers, you know, when when you see that sometimes the the mother is someone who's very devout to religion, and the Father is not very devout to religion, many times you will see that the children they take the path of the fathers, and vice versa, if the father may be very religious, and the mother may not be so religious, the children in most cases, they turn out to be more religious. Why? Because they follow the fathers. And fathers usually they don't realize is that what kind of a role they play in the life of their children, especially when it comes to religion. You know, subhanAllah, I've, you know, many times I've got this phone call that from from mothers, that I am
the one who is so devout, but my children, they just don't want to come close to the end because they see their fathers. So this is why a very humble plea to fathers is that you have to understand that when it comes to the religion of your children, especially when it comes to your sons. They look up to you. They look up to you very, very much. And as I said, this author, what he basically did was that he collected data, he basically analyzed, and he talked to many, many families in the hundreds in fact, and he basically studied their lives and he would talk to them after every few years. And what he learned was that usually it is the children who take the deen of their fathers.
And this is why Subhanallah in our deen we actually have this rule that if in jest, I'm not advocating for this. But if there is a situation where the the man is a Muslim, he can perhaps get married to someone from the anarchy tab. But the opposite is not allowed in our deen. Why is that? Why is this thing that doesn't exist in our deen? Why is it like this in our deen is because usually the children will take the deen of their fathers. And I've seen this by the way myself. I actually one time I came across a person. I was just I was around this person. It was a certain situation. And I not know this person was a Muslim. And I and you know Subhanallah he was saying you know words
and phrases as we Muslims we use he was saying Allah
Abdullah Subhan Allah, he was using these kinds of words. And I asked him, I'm like, Are you a Muslim? And he says, No, I'm a Christian. And I said, some highlights that that how will you know all these words and so forth? And he said that, well, it was, you know, my father was a Christian by my mother was a Muslim. And I'm not making this story up, he actually said this to me. And he says, I eventually I took the I took the dean of my father. So this is not just something that we hear about, and it may just be like a theory or idea, this is actually reality. So this is why a very humble plea to the fathers is that please understand that your presence, your existence in the
house, is if you play a very crucial role in the family especially not just in terms of making money and putting food on the table for your children and putting in you know, a roof over your family's head is you're not that's not what your role is only your role also is to teach your children and serve as a religious entity. And eventually the children will take the father's Deen in most cases this will this is what has been seen. So inshallah Having said this, and the reason why I did I said all this is because this is going to segue inshallah into the next thing that I'm about to mention and that is that inshallah for our next series, I have chosen to talk about fathers and sons from
the Quran. One of the things that we're doing is that in our last series, we talked about Cunnamulla lessons reflections from the stories of Musa alayhis salam in the Quran inshallah. Now, we want to talk about fathers and sons in the Quran. We find many stories in the Quran that talk about the, the, you know, the dialogues and the discussions between fathers and sons in the Quran. And, you know, it goes back to this idea that, you know, there are many stories of fathers in the Quran. And why do you think Allah Subhanallah mentioned their stories in the Quran because they were the best fathers. They were the perfect example for all of us. We find stories excuse me, we find stories
that even in the case that you have fathers who did not believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala they were not Muslims, the sons were Muslims. How do you treat How would a son treat their own father in that kind of situation? Because we also find families where the children are very much dedicated to Dean, but the parents may not be so much how do you deal with that kind of situation? This is a shallow what we will learn from this new series called fathers and sons in the Quran. I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give all of us ability to understand our responsibility. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to fulfill our rights to fulfill the rights of everyone around us. May Allah subhanaw
taala keep us steadfast upon the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I mean, does that como la hide as salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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will enjoy Eileen