Nadim Bashir – Conversations In The Quran #6 Story Of The Cow

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the confusion surrounding Islam's use of "arrogant behavior" and the importance of praying five times a day. It also describes a Surah with a recitation and a woman trying to convince people to buy a cow worth more than three gold coins. The story also highlights the importance of not questioning who is the father of the cow and not giving up wealth if the mother is not blessed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Learn is that there's never a point that where we should

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question Allah's orders. You see the ayah that I shared with you

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before AM turidu. This is why Allah mentioned this. Because

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these people were so arrogant in their nature. Instead of saying

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aman nawasa, takana, they kept on. They kept on having you know, they

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would exhibit arrogant behaviors. So Allah subhanahu saying that

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this is not your position. Your position is I'm telling you to do

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something, and you do it. And this is why, for all of us in the ummah

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of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi, wa sallam, we do not have to

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question everything we're told to do. If Allah says to us, you pray

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five times a day. I had a young man came to me. He said that, why

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is it if Allah wants us to pray five times a day? Halas, I'll pray

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five times a day. I'll wake up in the morning and I'll pray my fajr

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in my heart, in my Assad, in my mother. Ibn Isha, khalas, in 10

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minutes, or like in 1520 minutes, I'll finish all my five times, my

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five daily prayers, because that's what Allah wants, right? And I

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said, No, there is, as Allah says in the Salat Canada, meaning

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there's a time fixed, a time that is specified for every single

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prayer you have to pray, the Salawat in those times. Now, why

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those times? We don't know. Now we may say that Allah subhanahu wa

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told us to do such and such. Perhaps this is the Heckman behind

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it, but to say that this is why Allah told us, this is not the

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position of ours, we need to say that because Allah told us and

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that is it. Why do you pray five times a day? Because Allah told us

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to do so? I went to an interfaith gathering one time. They said, Why

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does a woman have to wear hijab? Because Allah said, so simple as

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that. Now some people say that, well, because Maryam Ali Islam

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used to wear it, and all the nuns wear it, and this wear it. And if

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you look in the past, all religious people, women would

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always cover their hair and so forth. Yes, you can probably give

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that explanation. But specifically, why do do we, I

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mean, why do Muslim women have to cover because Allah said so simple

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as that, because our deen tells us that it is not our place to apply

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logic and say that. I think I know better you understand. And this is

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why, you know, there's a very beautiful point here. I want to

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share with you some many people have asked, why this surah, the

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longest surah in the Quran. Think about it for a moment. The longest

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surah in the Quran is called sutil Baqarah. Why? Because in this same

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Surah, there is stories about there is a story, or there is

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mention about the qibla, right, the change of the qibla in Sudan,

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Baqarah. There is mention about Siam instead of Baqarah. There is

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mention about Hajj instead of Bakra. There is mention about

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marriage and divorce in Sud Bakra, there is mention about spending

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money, what is considered as riba when you take a loan. What are the

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adab? What are the etiquettes? It makes you wonder why this entire

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surah was named after one story.

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And the Ulama, they gave a very beautiful explanation. And they

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say, when a person reads sulfatiha And a person and in suratiha, we

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recite and we read a surat al mustaqim Ya Allah guide us to the

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right path. In the next Surah, Allah, subhana wa taala, he says,

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Dali Kalki, Tabu la Roy, bafi, Huda, Lim takin, this is a book

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you're asking for guidance. I'm giving you this book. This book

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has all the guidance that you need in your life. HUD Lil muttaqin,

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but the very first criteria when it comes to Iman is that you

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cannot question ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And perhaps this entire

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Surah has been named sudra Baqarah, because the most

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important lesson to be learned from Surat Baqarah is that you can

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never question ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. This is why Allah says

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Allah minoona bin LA, you have to believe in the unseen. The world

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is telling us to believe in the scene, to believe in what's in

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front of you. Do not believe in something that is beyond us, but

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our deen has taught us that no our deen is that we we believe in

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Allah. We don't ever question ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. We can ask

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a question, but we cannot question ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. This is

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perhaps the very first thing that Allah wants us to learn from sudar

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Baqarah. Hence the story this whole Surah has been mentioned, or

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has been named, Surat Al Baqarah, because the most important lesson

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to be learned from Musa in the cow is never to question ALLAH SubhanA

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wa taala. So now Allah subhana wa Taala says they kept on engaging,

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engaging Musa Ali Islam. What kind of a cow is it? And what kind of a

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color is it? Fati or lonu hat? A certain Ali in Allah, subhana wa

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Taala says it has to be yellow. Not not the type of yellow that

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you look at it and you grim, but a type of yellow that you look at it

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and it's appealing. And then Allah, and then they kept on

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asking. Now, interestingly, here.

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Part of what I just said earlier about when Allah tells us to do

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something, we don't ask why, but we do. You see this story, by the

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way, if you look at this entire story of Sud Baqarah, I mean the

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story of Baqarah in sudd Baqarah, Allah mentioned the huqam first.

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Pay attention. If you want to go back home, you can go back and

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read the ayat. It starts off from it starts off from ayah number 67

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and it goes further ahead for, I'm probably for another 10 verses. If

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you read the entire Surah, Allah did not mention the story first

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and say, This is why I'm telling you to do this. Allah is telling

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us what to do first. Our job is not to know what the story behind

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is. Allah is telling us to do something. We do it. Allah is

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telling anybody is sail that you do what you have to do. Worry

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about the story later on. But see, this is what submission is. This

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is exactly what submission and Iman is at the end of the story,

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at the end of all these ayat, then Allah, subhana wa Taala mentions

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what is Qatal to nothing fat daratum, fiha, faulad, rebuhdi ha

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Allah is telling them at the end, you take a cow, slaughter the cow,

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and take a portion of that cow, and you strike it on the dead

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person, and the person will reveal the name. And this is exactly what

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they did. But you see, they made their life difficult when they

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transgressed. Allah made their life difficult. Now, a second

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lesson to be learned from all this. When these people were

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looking for this cow, they came across across. They came across a

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young child and a mother, and this, they came to the mother, and

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they said that, what is the price of this cow? Because this is the

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cow they've been looking for. And that time the mother, she said,

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there is no price on this cow. I don't want to sell this cow. The

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child said that, you know, I don't want to sell this cow right now

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and so forth. When they insisted, they pushed the mother very hard.

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The mother said, Okay, fine. I'll give it for three gold coins. I'll

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give it for three gold coins. They gave they they were about to,

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actually, the child, probably, the child said, three gold coins. The

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mother said, no, no, this, this cow is, you know, once again, the

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demand is very high, the supply is very low, so that what happens to

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their price, it goes really high. So you want this cow so bad. And

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this is, this is a one of a kind cow that you're looking for the

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price is more than three gold coins. So they went back and

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forth. And the child just said that even if you give us a skin

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worth a skin filled meaning that as big as this cow is, you take

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this entire the skin of the cow and you fill it up with gold

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coins, probably, then I'll think about it. And the mother said

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that, you know what? Actually, I agree with my son. I agree with my

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son. If you give us a skin filled of gold coins, then we'll sell you

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this cow. They had to pull in all the resources just to get this

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lady a skin filled of gold coins. But the question is, what's the

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story behind this? The story behind this is that their father

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was a very religious man. He was a God fearing man, and he made dua

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to Allah subhana wa taala. Before this is mentioned in some books of

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tafa, that he made dua to Allah subhana wa taala, that Ya Allah, I

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have served you my entire life, and all I have, all I have is this

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one son I leave behind, this one wife, and the only wealth I have,

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the only asset I have, is this one cow and Ya Allah, I'm putting all

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this in your hands. I'm dying. Ya Allah, you take care of them. Now,

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how did Allah subhana, take care of them, brought them so much gold

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to them as a result of this man's dua, which, what we learn from

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this, from this, is that a parent who is righteous, a person who is

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righteous, and they leave behind, is not like this. Now let me say

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this. It is. It doesn't mean that a person cannot leave behind

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assets for their children. That's not what I'm saying. But this man,

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that's all that he had, that's all that he could afford, that's all

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that Allah gave him. So he's leaving that behind and saying,

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Ya, Allah, you take care of my family. And subhanAllah, lo and

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behold, Allah did take care of his family by bringing in so much gold

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to this family. And the lesson learned from this is when a man is

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truly when, when a mother and a father are truly righteous towards

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Allah, subhana wa taala, Allah will help, help take care of them.

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Allah will look after them. Allah is, once again, Al wakin. He is Al

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Hafid. He is the one who's going to look after the family. And

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there's a lesson to be learned in this, for all of us, even in the

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story of Musa and Khadr, when, when Khadr, he was making sure

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that the wall will remain straight. What did he say? He says

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that because underneath this wall, Wakan at a Huma Wakan Abu Huma

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saliha, their father was righteous, and that is why I want

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to make sure that if this wealth is.

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Is exposed to the people of the city, they will take it away. I

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want to make sure that this wealth is preserved for their children.

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So the second lesson to be learned from this story is, just like the

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first lesson is, we don't ever question Allah. The second lesson

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to be learned is, if we are righteous towards Allah, Subhanahu

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wa something that we all are always worried about that, what's

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going to happen to our children afterwards, if I, God forbid, die,

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what's going to happen to my children? If you, if you are

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righteous, then inshaAllah, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will take care of

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your children. I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us amongst those

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who will learn from the Quran and apply the Quran in Our life. Amir,

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Rabil, Alameen, What is akumala? Salaam, Alaikum,

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