Mirza Yawar Baig – Reflect on the greatness of Allah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of worshipping Allah is highlighted, as it is crucial to not kill people and achieve spiritual goals. The success of Islam in saving lives and achieving spiritual goals is also discussed. A fishing experience in the Indian Ocean is also discussed, where they were way out on the sea and couldn't see the ocean at all. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing signs of Islam subhanho wa taala and the ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
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he was happy, my brothers

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and sisters,

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Allah said, Omar inside all the Abu mahuri domain who made risk on

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you to remove in Allah

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said, we have not created virgin and the insan for anything other

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than our worship. We have not created the jinn or the insan ill

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Dali Abu, except to worship us all. Asmaathura defined

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the purpose of our creation, which is to worship Him, Jala jalalu,

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and we worship Him when we recognize him. You obviously

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cannot worship somebody you don't know. It makes no sense. Makes no

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meaning. If you are worshiping somebody you don't know, then you

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are just doing some exercise. It's not worship in their in the

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meaning of understanding of worship, worship is to recognize

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the greatness and glory and magnificence

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of Allah, and then to understand how we are connected to him,

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because we are his mahlok, and he is our khalik and Rab. And through

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this understanding, what comes out is worship. And that is the reason

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why we say La ilaha illallah, because that connection of the Rab

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and the ABD is only with Allah, Subhanahu. And that is why worship

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of anything other than Allah is haram because it is illogical.

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It's not haram because there is a rule that here is something, even

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though it is okay, you can, you can do it. No It makes no sense.

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It absolutely makes no sense whatsoever, because this is Allah,

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Subhanahu wa Sala is the only one who can give anything,

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who can do anything, and that is the reason why it's very important

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to reflect on the greatness and glory of Allah. That's why, in

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this ayat of surah Zaria Allah, the next day, Allah said, Maury du

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vino may rescue. Allah said, we don't ask them for risk. He said,

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Allah does not ask the mahluk. Allah does not ask us to feed him

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or to feed his mahluk.

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Allah says, We don't ask you.

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Allah either asks us, because Allah subhanho wa Samad, Allah

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does not even need it. So Allah does not ask, and Allah does not

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even ask us to feed his mahluk.

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So Allah himself may not ask, but you might say, well, you know, I

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have to feed my family. To feed your family is part of your duty

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to make the effort for that purpose. That is it. But actually,

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you are not feeding your family. Allah is feeding your family.

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Allah mentioned that also in some other place in the Quran, Allah

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said that they do not kill your children. Min khashotil imlak

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because you are afraid of starvation or poverty. Do not kill

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your children because Allah, Subhanahu wa Taala is the one who

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feeds them, and you

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so very clearly, ALLAH SubhanA mentioned this now and then Allah

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said in Allah, who are razaku dur kuwatilmat, verily and truly Allah

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subhanaw taala, he is a Razak. He is the one who gives risk. Rajat

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is the one who gives risk. Or Razak is the superlative form of

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And Allah said,

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dur kuwatil mathin, by his great strength. So Allah here is

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emphasizing his power and strength in terms of our risk. Now, if you

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think about this, Allah smyatta as mentioning and his power and

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strength, because this is where we fail. We don't actually say that

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in so many words, maybe we do not even feel it at a conscious

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cognitive level, but internally, there is always this fear, what if

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something does not happen? What if you know my dukhand stops or my

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job stops? How will I live? How will I I mean all of these, what

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are you actually saying? You are actually saying, What if Allah

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fails? I better do something about myself. That is effectively what

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you are saying. So Allah Samantha is saying that Allah does not

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fail. Allah does not even, I mean, I was thinking to reflecting this

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morning, when we were children, sometimes you would have some ants

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coming out of an anthill. So you would take a little bit of sugar

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in, you know, tip of a teaspoon and go and put it there, and those

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ants would take it away. Now, as far as you are concerned, that

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little bit of sugar is nothing. What does it mean to you? But for

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those ants, it is food for I do not know Allah, how long they take

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to consume that, but it is food for so long. Now, if you think

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about this, Allah subhanho wa Ta.

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Mentioned his glory, and he mentioned his magnifies. Then he

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told us to reflect on it.

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Rasulullah Sarab said that Allah subhanho wa Taala said, and this

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is from one of the Hadith, hussia, he said, Allah subhana Tara said

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that if all the jinn and all the human beings, now it's very

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important to reflect on the wording of the Hadith

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Allah did not save all the jinn and all the human beings at that

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point in time. He did say that he is not talking about the current

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population of the earth. He says if all the jinn and all the human

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beings, meaning from the first one created to the last one who will

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be created, from the first one of the jinn to the last of the jinn,

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from the first of the humans to the last of the humans, whenever

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it is that entire duration of time, if all of them, whoever

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existed, if they all get together in one Maidan, in one plane, in

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one place,

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and simultaneously, if all of them wish for every single thing that

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they can possibly wish for.

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So what are we saying? Here? We are saying that all the jinn and

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all the human beings from the first one to the last one get

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together in one place, and then they ask Allah they wish for. They

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make dua for every single desire that they have. Now that does not

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refer only to money.

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Desires is what you are looking at your health, you are looking at

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your wealth. You are looking at is you are looking at children. You

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are looking at wives. You are looking at power and authority,

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and you name it,

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every single wish that they could imagine

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if they wished, if all of them got together in one place, and if they

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all wished for every single thing that they desire simultaneously in

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one instant. And if Allah subhana wa Taala gave them all of that,

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whatever they wish for, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala gave them all of

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that, remember that wish includes Jana, has to include whatever they

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wish for. Means, what including Jana. If Allah subhana wa Taala

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gave them all that they wished for,

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it would not decrease from his treasures, even as much as it

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decreases the ocean. If you put a needle into it and lift the needle

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out of the ocean, the drop of water that may stick to the point

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of the needle, even to that extent, it does not decrease from

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the treasure of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala jala, so where

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is the question of you are one person or my one person, and my

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desire and my need and what not?

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And that is the reason why Allah subhana wa Taala first ayat which

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Allah revealed was meerabhikalak. Allah said, Read in the name of

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your Rab who created everything. Why is Allah subhanho Tara drawing

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our attention to what he created? Because that is the Kitab of Allah

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subhanho Tara. Allah said, Read This Book of mind, which is open

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before you

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to read the kalam of Allah, to read the Quran, at least if you

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are reading it in Arabic, you need to know some Arabic.

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You need to have some understanding and idea of how to

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read and some literacy and so on. So if you are completely

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illiterate and you do not know Arabic, you cannot read that, but

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to read the kayanath of Allah, subhanaw taala,

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anybody can read it, and you do not even need eyes. I mean, a

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blind person

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experiences the creation of Allah subhanahu a different way. A

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person who is seeing experiences the creation of Allah Samantha in

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a different way. So its not even a question of saying, you know, when

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looking at the kaanatha, well, you know, I am blind. I cannot see. It

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doesnt matter. Yous, you are seeing something else.

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I was looking at listening to one lecture the other day. And this

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person is, he is a chaplain in the US Army, Muslim guy, and he's very

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short. So he says, I was

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speaking to this lady, and this lady says, You are shorter than I

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thought you were than that I thought you would be. And he said,

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and she is blind.

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So he asked her, Well, how do you know I am short or not short? You

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are blind. She said, your voice is coming from down here instead of

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up there.

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So, I mean, that is a sensitivity that Allah gave her, because he

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did not give her eyes so she is able to make out the height of a

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person from where the sound is coming.

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So people experience in many different ways. So we need to

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reflect. I was looking

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at another video about Blue Whales, which in near Sri Lanka,

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there is in north near the Jaffa Peninsula and so on. There is a.

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A whole colony of whales. Now, Blue Whales migrate. They go from

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south all the way to the north to the Arctic Ocean. That is where

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they feed. That is where they get the krill, which is, you know,

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small prawns, which all that is the food of the blue whale. The

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krill weighs one gram, and the blue whale is the largest creature

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ever created that that walk the planet.

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And the blue whale needs on an average. And an adult Blue Whale

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needs four tons of krill per day.

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And imagine four tons, one gram kind of creature, four ton

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Now these blue whales in Sri Lanka. They do not even go

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anywhere. They are they are there. So they are eating some stuff,

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krill, which is being created there, which is also there, and so

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on. Normally, krill is only in very cold waters. The waters in of

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the Indian Ocean are not cold. But the point I am making is that here

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is this one creature which is eating Four tons a day,

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four tons of food per day, one creature. And how many of them are

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there? They are there. They are

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endangered. So they are protected.

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But still, there are over. They have counted. They are over, about

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10,000 of them.

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So do the do the numbers. Now the point is, this is Allah, and this

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is one nak Lok,

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one nakhlok. Now, who is feeding the krill? The krill also eats.

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And not only do they eat, the krill produce enough to be able to

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feed all those blue whales, and the krill is not endangered. Think

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about this right. Here is the

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here is the blue whale eating,

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you know, four tons of krill per day per whale. But the krill is

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not endangered.

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So what is the kind of production we are talking about

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here? Aji Allah, we have read this, ayaat of the Quran so many

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times, where Allah SWT said that if in Surah Al Kahf and others,

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where Allah said, if all the oceans turned into ink,

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and if the trees turn into pens, you still will not be able to ride

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the glory and magnificence of Allah subhanho wa taala, if all

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that happened Wallahi, Allah subhanhola has witnessed. I was in

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Mozambique, and we had gone deep sea fishing, and we were way out

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at sea, I think maybe over 100 kilometers out

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on the sea in the Mozambique current, in the Indian Ocean. And

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it was some the color of the because of the sun and the color

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of the light, wala Alam Al, whatever the reasons for it. But

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Allah has witnessed. I was sitting in the fighting chair looking for

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fishing for Malin, and there was one the Marlin took my bait. It

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took a Dorado from the end of the thing so I could see the Marlin

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and disappeared. But while I was sitting in that chair looking at

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the ocean, it looked to me like we were floating on ink.

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The color of the ocean was the color of deep blue ink. You know,

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we used to get this ink called quink.

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In the days when we used fountain pens, there was an ink called

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which was that which was that color. I still remember that I am

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sitting there on this thing. I am seeing this I am floating on ink.

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We are in an ocean of ink. My very, very dear friend and my

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dearest brother, Ibrahim Patel, he was with me and

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haYom Bhai from Mozambique. It was his boat, and he took us out. May

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Allah, bless all of them. They will also remember this when they

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think about that day. It was the color of the ocean was it looked

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like ink. And I'm thinking to myself as one Allah said, if all

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the oceans run into ink. Now, imagine this amount of incoming

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when you are in a boat. You really, really, really feel small.

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Telling you this is something that I do, these things, Alhamdulillah

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Allah has given me the opportunity to do that. I don't do them only

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for enjoyment. Believe I thoroughly enjoy this, but my

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enjoyment is at a different level. I'm not just doing fishing or

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fishing. I can go to a restaurant and eat the fish. I don't have to

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go and catch the fish in the sea. In any case, I'm a lousy

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fisherman. I hardly catch anything. I do it for other

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reasons. And if you see, if you sit there and you look at the

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ocean, you really know how big you are when you are, when you get

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into the boat, the boat looks pretty big and solid, and you know

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it looks but once you are on the ocean, you are 100 miles out, you

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can't see anything. When only, you can only see the sea. There is no

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land inside. There is nothing. You really, really feel small. I mean,

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you feel like, no, what am I doing here in this boat? You feel like a

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like a drop, nothing. I mean, less than a drop. That is, that is the

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reality. That is actually the reality. We had this drop, this

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next to nothing stands in opposition to Allah. Allah says,

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hayara Sala.

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Allah, come for your own benefit. Come for your own success. Who

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needs success? Allah, Allah needs success. Did Allah say, please

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come here and make me successful.

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Success for yourself,

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but we can't get out of bed in a dillah. May Allah save us from

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ourselves. So seriously, I think this is very important for us to

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look at our world, reflect on it, and there are signs of Allah

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subhanho wa taala, greatest everywhere. You don't need blue

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whales and deep sea fishing for that. I mean, whatever Allah gives

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you, Alhamdulillah. But I'm saying that anywhere you are, we have the

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opportunity to see the signs of Allah subhanho wa taala, Jana,

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Jana, provided we get keep this thought of reflection in our

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minds, everywhere, in your shops, in your work, in at home with

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children, whatever you see the hotrat of Allah, subhanaw taala

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say Allah. This is what Allah created, who gives Allah this

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ability. This is the hotrat of Allah. Subhana hotala Wood, even

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little children, they know where the powers, powers centers are,

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and what to do and how to get things which they want, and you

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know how to use whatever resources they have. This is Minal. Reason

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I'm giving example is because, as I said, you don't have to go to

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some exotic place. This is there in front of us. The khudra of

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Allah, subhanaw taala is there before us every single day, if

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only we look and if we only

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are willing to think and reflect. Mala Mahala guide us, and malasma

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hatal enable us to see his hudrat and to feel his greatness and

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glory and majesty, because that is what gives you confidence, and

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that is what gives you peace of mind. This is wire of Jala jalalu.

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Why I don't have to fear anybody. I don't have to worry about

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anything. This is wire of Jala jalalu. I have to make my line

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within clear.

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Ali Abu, as long as I am doing that, the rest Allah subhanho Tala

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will take care am I worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala or not? Am

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I thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala or not? As long as I am doing

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that, Wallahi, Allah subhanhola promised to take care of you. I'm

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not making this claim on my behalf, on behalf of Allah. Allah

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Himself said this. I am only reciting for you the Kalamata.

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It's not my claim. It's Allah. We ask Allah to enable us to fill our

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hearts with His glory and his Noor and Muhammad for his nabili

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Muhammad, sallAllahu, alaihi, wasallam Ali Musa Abu the.

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