Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #18 – Prostration of Forgetfulness
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The importance of remembering to avoid mistakes and avoid wasting time during prayer is emphasized. The prophets have warned against adding actions to the prayer, and individuals should avoid them. The importance of practicing signs of faith and building gifts for others is emphasized, as it is crucial for personal growth. Prayer attention is emphasized, and the importance of not overdoing gifts and building gifts for others is emphasized.
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In 111 euro Bella alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was happy he he married a mbarara salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
So, we are at the prostration of forgetfulness, the prostration of forgetfulness. Now, there are three parts to this, that should be understood whenever you discuss this particular topic in that is number one, if somebody adds something extra to the prayer, then a prostration should be done to make up for that.
Or number two, if someone forgets something in the prayer, so somebody leaves off something that they should have done from the prayer, then a prostration is done for that. Now, we've discussed which one of the things that if you forget them, is it as opposed to for example, for getting a pillar of the solar as opposed to one of the white Jeep or the sun and x of the SATA? We talked about these issues already. After this inshallah, we will go into all of the syntax of the prayer, which is very long, but inshallah we will go through them once we are done this particular section. So the second one is if somebody misses something of the prayer, and the third one is a sujood,
should be done for the one who is in doubt, if a person is just not sure how many little carrots they did, or what position they're supposed to be in at that particular time of the solder, then the such this should be done for this as well, in terms of the first one, adding something to the prayer, this can be one of two types. Number one, is that if a person is adding something to the prayer, that is from the actions of the prayer itself, so it's not something brand new that they're adding, but it's actually part of the prayer in and of itself. So for example, they do an extra sitting, or an extra standing or an extra prostration. And that sort of thing. If this is done
intentionally, then the prayer is invalid, it is not complete. So if a person intentionally wants to add an extra sujood, then obviously the prayer is not valid anymore because the prophets Allah Hardy, who was Selim tells us, man, that the fee emelina, Heather, Merle, Lisa, mean hufa hawara, anybody who tries to create something new in our religion, nothing will happen to that thing, except that it is rejected by the dean itself.
So this is something that is agreed upon upon all of them as a him. So person adding something to the Sala, and it's done intentionally. The second scenario in under the same category of adding something is of course, if a person has done it, inadvertently. So a person did it without the intention of doing it, they added something but it was just by accident. So here what a person should do is that they should offer the prostration of forgetfulness. So you see what happened. The first one, if it's done intentionally doesn't matter. You don't need to do a salute here, the whole saga is invalid, you need to repeat the entire prayer. But this one here, if you do it accidentally,
then here you can do the such that to sell which is to such does. And this here
is based on a hadith that the prophecy settler mentions. If a person adds or subtracts, forget furley then let him prostrate sedge attain to such debts. So the prophesized settlement ahaadeeth. Invalid and Muslim he mentioned this. And if one realizes in the middle of this that one has forget fully added an act of prayer, such as an additional rock era, then one should sit down right away, because otherwise one will have added an extra act of the prayer intentionally and obviously we talked about that you don't want to do that.
In terms of adding actions that are not from the prayer itself, such as walking or scratching, or you know, playing with the beard or opening a door or something, then this is a problem. This here is an issue where a lot of people they do this, a lot of sisters you'll find that when they're praying, they're always fixing their hijab in the first or in the Sala itself, always tying putting this doing that. So for the brother, same idea, always fixing his shirt scratching his beard. I you know, often you might see somebody doing this in the salt
Whilst he's praying, he's just kind of twirling and needing his beard at the same time. All of these little things here is an issue when it comes to the solemn But how? Number one is that if it is done a lot if a person constantly does this in the prayer itself, so if it does if the person does this a lot intentionally without any need, then Believe it or not bill Iijima, the Salah is balton masala is invalid. If a person constantly is doing this just intentionally just out of carelessness doesn't have no importance, no relevance to the prayer itself and then there are limited they come to an agreement that this person is simply being extremely careless with the prayer. There's no
attentiveness in the Salah itself, then of course the Salah becomes invalid. And this is one of the reasons why Allah Allah azza wa jal says in Surah Al Baqarah, we're in the hurlock hubiera Illa. Allah harsh here in la sala is something heavy, it's a burden, except on the people who have who sure except for the people who are amongst them be known the people who are devoted in their prayers. The lesson for us here brothers and sisters is very simple. When you're in Sala Imagine you're standing in front of Allah azza wa jal, you don't want to always be busy scratching and picking up things and you know, trying to fix your clothes at the same time, or fix your hijab and
doing all of these different things. Because what that does is it's very disrespectful, where the prayer itself, but then at the same time, it shows a lack of attentiveness, it shows carelessness to the prayer, it shows that you don't really care about what you're doing at that moment. Unfortunately, you know, we see this a lot when we were in Medina, we used to see it a lot in a lot of different places as well. And unfortunately, we even see it a lot in communities that you and I move we might visit from time to time, you see people that are constantly doing this, and you want to make sure that this is something that is cleansed out of the solar as much as possible, stay
focused, you're standing in front of Allah azza wa jal stay focused and give him the utmost respect. Imagine if you had an interview?
And you set in front of that my manager or front of that boss, would you be doing the same things like this all the time in front of them? No, you wouldn't, because bad manners, bad etiquette. And even Mr. Murli kotaki mahalangur, when he used to sit in front of his teacher, he would sit in such a manner that
he would sit in such a manner that he would not even turn the pages of his book in front of his chef, because he did not want to disturb the chef in any way, shape, or form. So even that, imagine that love and devotion and respect that he has, for his teacher, imagine how he is in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There's a Mitsubishi BPL 2898. I don't know what the situation is, but I'm assuming you're blocking someone or something like that, and Mitsubishi BPL 2898. So that's the one thing that you want to make sure in sha Allah, that you try to avoid as much as possible when it comes to the prayer.
Another way to look at this is that if it was done, unintentional and forgetful, forgetful Lee then such a person who has finished the prayer thinking that he has finished then goes off, only to be told later that subsequently he's off, he offers it again, then the prayer is still correct, according to the stronger opinion. Basically, this image how it looks is that you might have prayed a prayer. And you think that your prayer was perfect, but a brother comes up to you and says, look, you prayed an extra rocker, or you know, you did something wrong in the saddam. So what should you do at that moment? Should you go and pray your prayer over again? Or is it in MLM Albanian and
that's it, you know, your actions are judged by intention. So you had the intention of that you thought everything was good. So you should just go with that. Then what is the most stronger opinion? Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but a person if they are certain that they did not make any mistakes in their prayer, then they have more rights over the outcome or the validity of that prayer than someone else. So even if somebody comes up to you and says, Look, I saw you, you you added an extra rock out to the prayer, but you say to him, I am 100% sure I didn't add an extra rock out to the pray. As a matter of fact, this happened to me a long, long time ago. You know, in for
the prayers. You have the nine tech bureaucrats in the beginning and then the second in the next Soraka Well, I was doing the reading
Prayer one of the other messages. And one of the person that came up to me and they said, You added, you forgot one of the tech theaters. You didn't do nine or you didn't do seven. So I told him, I said, I don't think so I think I did all of them. And he said, No, no, no, no, you missed one for sure. So I said to him, No, no, no, no, I'm positive, I got all of them. And then Alhamdulillah, a couple of brothers as well kind of supported me and told me Yes, we didn't see a problem, or as we would have, you know, told him something. So the outcome, the ruling that came out of that prayer is obviously I didn't go and repeat the the saga itself, the solo was valid, because I was certain of
one thing and my hoko My ruling takes precedence over those around me. Another way to look at this issue is that if one does a lot of moving, you know, shaking, scratching, picking all those things in the cellar, and does it intentionally but with an excuses, such as the one who keeps on needing to gloat close gaps, or the one who needs to prevent someone from choosing in front of the sutra or crossing in front of the sutra, etc, then this, of course, the prayer is correct. So here, the image that looks like is that you have to move because there's a reason to move. Somebody is about to come and cross in front of you. So you need to block them. Obviously, you're moving here, or you know,
you need to prevent or you need to close gaps in the line, then obviously, you're constantly keep moving. This is okay. Mm, a chef or euro Hema hula puts a limit of three steps. Don't take more than three large steps when you need to close gaps and things like that. So, in sha Allah, you know, it goes back to the same idea not to do this a lot or don't become habitual in this process. The prophesize, Selim opened the door of Ayesha rhodiola Juan Hmm.
And then he also picked up his granddaughter, whoo Mama, all of this here happened, of course, after the saddam and even prior to the solar as well. So it just kind of shows that even it didn't have that sense of contentment, settlement in the prayer before or after, as well. Now in terms of missing something in the prayer, in terms of omitting or missing something, or excluding something of the prayer, one can omit either an obligatory action or a pillar from this prayer. So one of two things can happen here, you either forget to do a wipe act of the prayer, or you forget or you ignore a pillar of the prayer and obligatory action that is forgotten, or it's not done, then one
should perform a prostration of forgetfulness. This is one of the big bad acts of sada and we've talked about this already. It is known that the prophets de la hora de he was sent them for got the first Shahada and went directly into the third or rock era. So he made two prostrations of forgetfulness just before the tasleem. And this is of course narrated in Bukhari, and Muslim. So the prophets, I send them himself once upon a time did this, this happened to him. Now we mentioned that the first Tisha hood is a worship act of the prayer, it's a wedge of act of the prayer. So obviously, here, in this case, you can do the to seduce and that's sufficient enough.
When a pillar or a rook can have the Sala is omitted or forgotten, then a person obviously, if they did this intentionally, then the prayer is incomplete. And they need to revise the prayer. Once again. If it's done, forget fully, then it is moved on. Then if one has moved on to that same pillar in the next rocker, then complete the rocker is invalidated and the new rocker takes on account previously invalidated one. So it's very wordy explanation. So let's make it simple. Basically, what's happening here is that if somebody does forget a pillar of the Sala,
then the pillar is nullified unless they do one thing. And that is they make it up in a knock nothing rock era of the prayer itself, then insha Allah that new rocker invalidates the old one. So for example, imagine if you're praying, and in the second rock era, the person does or forgets to do and one of the sujood. So he goes down photo Corps in the second Orca, and goes down for sujood. But then he stops there. And while he's doing the Tisha hood, he realizes Wait a minute, I'm supposed to do a second salute, and I forgot. So what does he do here at this point, he stands up and he repeats that whole rock era and he does it with the two complete sujood then
Before he finishes that prayer, what does he do? He does the to such, or such detail of forgetfulness. So he basically what this says is that to settle is all about, think about it like you're apologizing to Allah azza wa jal, you're saying sorry for a mistake that you've made in the prayer, because what this does is that it protects the sanctity of that prayer that the prayer itself becomes sacred, you're not just going to play around, you're not just going to, you know, allow things to happen carelessly, you're going to make sure that you watch every single movement of the prayer as best as possible. So that's why we have this sagitta at the end of the saga itself.
As you continue the doubtful, or the person who has any doubt in the prayer itself, if one doubts whether one has done a pillar or not, then one should consider that one has yet to do it. So obviously, if you think you forgot something, but you're not sure, what does it count as it counts as you forgot it? So don't just say, Well, I think I forgot. But, you know, hopefully, my instincts are good. And I just continue praying as normal. No, in this case, here, you need to act on what you forgot, and redo that particular part or rock out or something that you miss of that prayer, it's the opposite with will do will do is the opposite. Suppose you had will do and you don't remember if
you broke your will do or not, but you do remember that you made will do so what's the hokum here, what's the ruling behind it, it builds on what you are certain of, you're certain that you have will do, you're certain that you made the will do so your ruling takes the ruling as though you still have will do and not that you broke it. So but with Sala it's the complete opposite. If you think you broke it, then you did break it period. Why because of course, the sanctity of the solder is far greater than the sanctity of the state of Oulu. Whoever doubts the number of workers he has prayed, then he should base it on the least most certain amount of urraca. So if a person might be at the
third rocker or might be at the fourth rocker, he is not sure he might be at the third or the fourth, which one should he go to, he should go and build his solar based on the third or aka and not the fourth one, at that point, when and how to offer this particular prostration or this such that to sell. If the frustration is due to an omission, offer them before the test slim. And if the prostrations are due to an increase, then offer them after the testing. These are two key points brothers and sisters. So keep this in mind. If the prostration is because you forgot something or you didn't do something in the prayer, then insha Allah what you do is you do the test slean sorry,
you do the sujood before the test sneem so before the test steam means this you have done something or you have forgotten something in the prayer, you've missed something in that solder. However, if the prostration you're doing it because you accidentally added something to the prayer, then of course, this would be done after the tasleem itself. And these are all based on narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who has done this himself and many of the companions including Roma, then hottub, Abu Bakr, the forhold, FL Rashidi and so on even there are many statements, practices that happened even during the time of the tub your own.
If a person is in delta,
if a person in doubt built the case upon the least more certain than offer them before the tasneem. If the Imam acted upon the most probable case, then it should be after the teslin. So it goes back to the same point that we're talking about here. That obviously you miss something before that asleep. To seduce, you add something after that esteem, which is the two solitudes as well.
Whether the prostrations are offered before or after this is a matter of recommendation only. So you see here brothers and sisters, now we opened the door of when you should do this kind of subdued the rhythm as they differ on exactly if it should always be under this methodology that we've given you. Some of the elements said no all of the sujood should be done immediately after the tasleem and many of the football how they took this opinion, whereas other scholars they said no it should be done before the test team and this here on this channel. Allah Allah azza wa jal knows best but it seems as though this is the majority opinion that it's done before the tasneem and allies so agenda knows
best it seems like many of the scholars
Hadeeth based on the evidences for that particular choice, it seems like to be a stronger evidence on Allah azza wa jal knows best. Because this issue is still an always up in the air. It's very difficult to give a Raja opinion regarding this particular issue.
Is there a tissue hood here? No, there's no tissue hood there's nothing. Basically what the person should do is that they just do the testing after the tissue hood is over. Now scholars differ exactly when this should happen. Is the Tasha hood over after you send a Salatu was Salam ala Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or does it include the Dora after that as well Allahumma in our will be coming either will either be number 50 dilemma here woman, when fitted to mercy had the J is it after that door, scholars differ on this majority of orlimar they say that the the our can of the Tasha hood is the Tasha hood itself, and the Sala and the salon on pon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, so that it must be done after this, you have the option of also doing it after that Dora. So if a person could not or did not say that Dora, at the end, their Salah is still valid by saying the Tasha hood and the solid and the Sodom, but that point there is when they should do the search, then they have the option of doing it there at that very moment. What is not permissible is if the person doesn't, the Tisha hood, and then the solid and the Salam upon the prophecy sell them, then they do the to sue Jude's. And then they continue after the two surgeries and they do that Dora along me near with a victim in either color or other unknown and so on. And then they do the door
and then they do the testing. This is not permissible. Why, because the last thing that should happen before the Salah is over is the such detain. So you make the choice whether you do it after all of this, or you do it after the solid and the ceramic crown, upon the promises, sell them, and then you do the to sneem immediately. So just keep that in mind. It's a very technical issue. I know this halaqa is a little bit different from how the * it was that we've done because I'm reading and transforming a lot of information to you. That's the way that this mess Allah is built. It's not necessarily a practical issue, but it's more theoretical than anything else. Then it continues.
If an Imam makes a mistake, then the man should point it out by saying sapan along so a man should pointed behind him and say Subhana Allah allowed as opposed to the woman and this is based on a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim a woman What does she do? She claps her hands. Now, would you can you imagine that even though the Met they differ on how many claps she should do? A mama chef, he or she says that she should do three claps other LMS that to majority said it doesn't matter. enough to get the attention of that Imam, some scholars Mm hmm. No, he mentions that a woman is allowed to say Subhana Allah as long as she's not praying with any strange men. So if her father or her husband is
leading her installer, she's allowed to say Subhana Allah in this case, but a lot as religion knows best. I didn't find any evidence for this. I found the statement and opinion but it was very difficult to try to support it as best as I could. But it was just interesting to know that that was there. And the logic that I put together myself behind why mmm No, we would have mentioned this was simply because in this particular case, her voice is not an hour anymore. We all know that the voice of a woman in Masada it acts as though it's an hour of the Sala itself. But obviously this is not an issue when she's praying with somebody who can be her mountain her Muharram. So in this case here,
it permits her to do that. But Allah azza wa jal knows best I encourage and majority of the Parliament they also encourage that a woman should still continue to clap their hands when when the Imam makes a mistake here. Question. Suppose the Imam is reciting a surah. And he makes a mistake in that surah and the people who are praying behind him, they know that he made that mistake, but nobody corrects him. Nobody corrects him at all. So you know, he skips in a year or something and nobody pauses him or corrects him. So he continues to pray, what should happen here, should somebody correct him after is the solid still valid valid? The answer is yes, the solid is still valid simply
because what is the hokum of reciting a surah after Fatiha when it comes to the prayer is a solid still valid if a person
Only recite sold at 30 Hmm, the answer is yes. Why because the Fatiha is a pillar of the Sala so rookin, whereas the sutras that are recited is a monster hub act. In other words, if you do it, you get the reward. But if you don't, Allah doesn't punish you for it. This is one of the key things to note of how you can speed up a solar, but still pray it with tranquility and ease. One of the ways to do this is to know the short cuts of solar. I hate to use that word, but I mean, that's pretty much what it ends up being it ends up being that you're looking for you get the shortcuts of those salemme. So for example, you're only going to recite Surah Fatiha, you go down for record, instead
of saying sapan odoban alvine three times you say you just once you say semi Allah holy man hamidah but instead of saying what about how will I can hanten Dental even Mubarak confy and so on. You don't say anything, you just say send me a la halimun hamidah and you go down for the sujood you're doing the bare minimum of every single movement of the sada when it comes to the Tisha hood.
You say a shadow will let you learn how to lower shadow and no Mohammed Laura sola Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala the Mohammed came out so late Allah Ibrahim Wallah early Ibrahim in nikka, homido Majeed, Allahumma barik, Allah, Mohammed and so on. That's the complete, but if you say Allahumma salli, ala Muhammad, according to Mr. Musharraf earring, that is the bare minimum of the Sala to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Sala mammas sheffey mentioned is very clearly in his method that the Salah becomes valid, and the person is still counted as though they've prayed. But obviously the problem is, is that they've lost reward. You're losing reward when
you do this. So you don't want to make this a habit. That's why I am very hesitant to mention this in a public halaqa simply because I don't want to open that door for just anyone to do each and every single time in terms of leading others to in prayer. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said let the most knowledgeable of you about the book of Allah azza wa jal lead you in prayer, if they are similar in recitation than the most knowledgeable about the sooner if they are equal in their knowledge of the cinema than the one who did hegira before the other, before the other and this is Hadeeth narrated in Sahih Muslim so you see what the first criteria is the one who has who
has the most knowledge of you have the book of Allah so agenda, the word that's used in this hadith is there in there in will keytab, who has knowledge of the Book of Allah, you notice that nowhere in the Hadith it says the one who has the best recitation of the of the of the poor and the reason why is that the prophecies send them here the ultimate they say, mmm, no, we when he mentioned when he explains this Hadith, he says, this is the way that you don't restrict it to just recitation. recitation is extremely important, it perhaps is probably one of the most important things when you look for an Imam. But part of the element of the Quran is not only recitation, but it's also to have
an idea of how the Quran should be recited all those things that we talked about in the last halaqaat, when to begin, when to end, how to choose certain paragraphs in a particular surah. And so on, when to begin, when to stop and all of these little things. So you need somebody who has the knowledge if you do have it, and obviously, you're going to look for somebody who's most knowledgeable in the sun. If you have two people like that, look for the one who has the sun in him. If you don't, then the one who did hegira before the other. What this means here is the one who did hegira before the other, it's talking about the one who is more inclined to practice what he or she
knows than the other person, the more practicing individual, the person who has more of the deen in terms of his posture in terms of his appearance in terms of his etiquettes in terms of his practice, praise all the sinner has Mashallah a nice beard. All of these things now are included in the last part of the Hadeeth last part of Hadith, it looks at the entire picture, including the care of the poor and the knowledge of the poor and then of course the knowledge of the sun.
There's a really interesting story of shall Benny or Hema hula, Chef bambas and Chef with Damien Rahmatullahi. It him all three of these show you. They went for Hajj one year, and they all stayed in the same 10th a minute. Can you imagine? You know, I don't even know what this would look like. Can you imagine your shell Bernie, she'll share with me, all three of them. These are like three planets sitting right in front.
interviews the panel you have everything would have effect on Al Qaeda all sitting there. And when it came time to the Sala they were debating who should lead the prayer. So shall Daniel Rakim all the points to share, Chef bambas and say, You lead us in prayer because you're the man of fit. You understand the outcome of the dean and so on. So you lead him. So shepway best says no, no, no, no, let's let Scheffer say mean, lead us in prayer, because he's the man of al Qaeda and this is the soul of our Deen and so on. So he should lead us. So chef Arthur says no, no, no, no, no. That Shahab banni lead us in prayer, because shefali banni he has the realm of the Sunnah, and he is
closest to the poor and because of his knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them so Chef bambas agreed with that. So there was an EGFR against any at that point, Chef members shared with me, they agreed, Okay, that makes sense the most, he has the Quran and he also has the thing that's closest to the Quran, which is the Sunnah. So chef Allah Danny Rahim, Allah ends up leading the Salah the rest of the way for the Hajj. So it just kind of adds a little bit of flavor, I guess to this point here, when it comes to the person who has the most knowledge of the of the book of Allah azza wa jal, and also with the pseudonym to lead in the prayer, it is not permissible to pray
behind somebody whose prayer is invalid in and of itself. So a person who's solid itself is invalid in you know, it's invalid, they don't have will do or something, obviously, it's not permissible to pray behind them. However, if the Imam, let's just say, he's not sure he gets up, he prays, he says, Allahu Akbar, hmm. Or follows him during the prayer, he realizes that he doesn't have will do, then what he needs to do, and he finds out later, he needs to repeat the prayer himself. But as far as the prayer of the gemera is concerned, the gmrs prayer is still correct. They still count, they don't need to redo his spray, he's the one that has to do it on his own. The problem is, is that if
he knows that his prayer was invalid, or he didn't have will do, and he continued to lead the gemera. This is where the problem begins. Now, what happens if this is the case? Suppose the Imam is leading us in prayer and he breaks the Salah. As they say, he passes wind or something and the solid gets broken? What does he do? What choices does he have here? Immediately, what he has to do is he has to step out of the solid itself and grab and designate somebody to continue to lead the gemera. And this is very, it sounds easier than it looks. It sounds very easy to implement, it's very tricky, because you don't want to just grab just anybody and get them to continue to lead the
solder, you need to obviously consider who's behind you. This is why it's part of the etiquettes of building the gemera that you always have the people who are most fluent of the poor and most knowledgeable of the student and things like that they are always the one that are closest to praying behind the Imam because they need to fill that void that gap if they're called upon. So you want to make sure that there is even a fifth of how you build the gems that are behind the Mmm, the kids are usually at the back. Why? Because the kids get rowdy. They're always moving. They're always scratching, itching, they always want to turn around and play. You don't want to disturb the people
who are up in the front. So you always the sooner is to line the kids at the back. And this is something that prophesized sudden himself would take some of the children and he would line up the children himself had the bat, he would do it by hand. And obviously you see what shocked Bashir you know, happy the whole low what he does, and this is also to sydnor the prophets I send them is to check each and every single line, there is a tremendous reward for this effort. There's a tremendous reward for this effort, and subpanel as I'm sure all of you know, very few people can do this sort of thing. And this is somebody that's very gifted to have that kind of discipline that each and
every single seller, they do this sort of thing.
Other than that, inshallah we'll just take one more muscle and then we will pause for today. They only look at our item. The mmm starts off praying standing and then during the prayer needs to sit down because you know, he catches a cramp or some sort of inability to carry on standing in the prayer, then the those who follow should still carry on standing in the prayer. In other words, it is permissible for an Imam to be in a wheelchair and lead the Gemma or insula. It is permissible for the Imam if he's praying and after the first little rocker he feels a pain in his leg or something and he can't stand up again. Then he can continue to lead the gemera whilst he is sitting down
because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also prayed whilst the companions behind it he wants prayed sitting down
While the companions behind him prayed, why they were standing, and abaco rhodiola, Juan had started the prayers with them standing. So this is something that also happened during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we will still continue this section about some of the etiquettes of the Imams and how to lead the gemera in prayer. We will continue this in sha Allah on Friday as we continue our halaqa session, we will pause in sha Allah for today just simply because I have a conference meeting in my office. May Allah subhanho wa Taala always and forever caused us to purify our salette. And to put a holocaust in each and every one of our prayers, we ask Allah azza wa jal
always and forever to cause our children and the youth to all also love the salah and love the prayer in and of themselves. And we want in sha Allah, the youth to look at the grown ups look at the mothers and the fathers and the people who are older than you look and see how they praying. You see, the one of the problems with a lot of the youth today is that they don't look at people who are older than them as examples. They're either would look at somebody that's equal to them. This is why personally for myself, I refuse to always play that role where, you know, you'll get invited to some place or some event and they will say to you, we want somebody young to communicate to the youth.
Sure that does work to at least open the door, but the work, it still has to come from how we deal with our youth and the discipline that we put with them so that they can respect and look up to the elders and appreciate their experience and appreciate what they have. You know the interesting story of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, he was sitting and he was giving fatwah about Ramadan. And he was too young to fast. He was actually sitting and he was drinking water while he's issuing fatawa, to the people about Ramadan. So a man came up to him and asked him, Why are you drinking? So Imam Shafi responds, and he says, because I haven't reached the I'm not barely I'm not mature enough to fast.
He was below puberty. So the man asked him, How old are you? So email my sheffey Rahim Allah responds and says, none of your business. So the man asked me, asked me Shafi, why are you saying that is I'm just asking your age why you give me an answer like that. So even though I'm a chef, he responds, and he says, I heard my, my shake, one of his shoe. He was also asked by a man how old he was. So a man came up to me, ma'am, a chef and his teacher, and asked him, How old are you? And emammal chef, his teacher responded to this man and told them and none of your business. So he said, I just copied his answer. And I said it to you as well. So it shows here so panela, that the
youngster, Amanda Sheffield, as a young boy, he looked at the example of the people, the elderly around him, and he took from that, what does this tell you, mothers and fathers? What does this tell you? It tells you that you have to be very keen, and you have to be good examples to your children. Don't expect your children to this transform just like that and be pious and be quiet and that sort of thing. If you can't start to instill some of those morals in them as well, you got to do it so that your children will also partake in those things in sha Allah tala as we continue, we will discuss whatever etiquettes we can get out of the solder and how to build that relationship with the
children and to discipline them in that manner in sha Allah hota Allah. So here's where we will pause for this evening. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our efforts in learning this beautiful way of life. At least Nam what Afro derawan and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh