Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #01 – Introduction

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of praying in a holy month and the volatile act of Islam, as it is used to indicate a desire to pass all trials and obtain success. They also discuss the history of Islam, including the use of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has" of the "has
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Hina Meadow monastery you know who want to still Pharaoh? When are the billahi min surey and fusina woman say tiara Marina

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mejor de la who fellow mobilink Donna woman, little fella * Allah, wa shadow Allah Allah illallah wa hula Sherry cara, wash. Mohammed Abu Juana Sulu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He he was Herbie Orman said Arlen Jia woman Stan Nabisco, Nettie Hilario, Medina Amar buried as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So this insha Allah is the first session of our discussions of Masada. losada as we all know, it is the defining act of worship that determines whether you and I will live a life of happiness, or we will live a life of misery and disappointment. The Sala is the most crucial and one of the most, if not the most important act of worship that you and I we perform. They'll solemn in and of itself comprises of everything that we know about Islam. You need good Arpita good dough heat, you need to understand who Allah azza wa jal is to perfect and perform the solder well, then you need to know or an to complete the sada then you need to know filk you need to understand how the movements are done

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in prayer in order to perfect and complete a proper Sala. So the Sala in and of itself is the most important act of worship that we have simply because it comprises of everything that we know, every single thing that we learn about our Deen somehow has a relationship to the sada

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as you all know, according to an authentic narration by aroma or the alarm one, he mentions that Islam bonyen Islam or Allah harmsen that the prayer has been built upon five things and this is the five pillars of Islam that we all know. The point is one of them is a solemn, and the word outer can comes from the word rokinon. It's the plural for rokinon. rokinon is a pillar as we all know, but the concept that I want you to focus on is that without a pillar than an entire structure will fall, entire structure will fall apart. So without the Sala a man falls apart completely. A person can never be a true Muslim unless they have solar as a part of their Islamic lifestyle and even their

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practical lifestyle as well. This is why Allah azza wa jal sends gibreel it his salon, not only to teach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the will do but he also teaches him how to pray and perform the sorta it goes through all the movements to remember the heavy that's found in the malapa vema Malika Rahim Allah, that you believe in Allah, he said, he comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the first solid that he teaches him is Salah to the hora and this prayer prayer was legislated one year before the hitch auto so it happened even during the time of the meccan period. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam learned this at a very early time in his

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Dawa. In addition to that it was perfected in a very early time before the dharwad reached to the madonie or the Medina period. Sala as Allah describes is the myth that whole agenda. It is the key to Jenna. But then some of them are they said, it's not just restricted, restricted to any key, but you have to have the key with the correct grooves in it in order for that key to work and open the doors of gender. So how is that interpreted for us? It's basically just because you pray it doesn't mean that you will enter agenda. But you have to pray and understand exactly what Salah is all about perfecting the Salah is what will lead you to Jenna. So just because you have a key to the right

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door, it doesn't mean that that key is going to open the door. And even if it does, there might be a struggle before you get through that door. What you care about is that you want the key that when it opens that door it opens the door with smoothness with communists with ease. That's the key. That's what Sala is all about. So when we sit down and we learn about sada like in this manner, this is so that we can perfect the grooves on this key. Perfect our lives in sha Allah la sala is also an indication that Allah azza wa jal loves you. It is a sign of the muhabba of Allah azza wa jal lasala is also a sign of the truth.

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fullness in an individual, the person he has honesty in his heart and his lifestyle when he prays five times a day. The Salah is also an indication of guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know you're on guidance. When you're praying five times a day period. You know that Allah azza wa jal has guided you because the reality is not everybody is praying. Not every single person is praying. And even those who are praying It doesn't mean that not a lie soldier is not going to accept all of our prayers. This is why in the Quran, Allah tells us in the poor and in the salata, tenha Anil fascia while Moncure while Buffy, but then Allah ends off the verse and says La La comme tada karoun

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Allah says La La come in hopes that maybe you will be reminded of him. So the Sala extinguishes fascia and Moncada. It extinguishes evil thoughts. It distinguishes shameful acts and munkar anything that it's looked down upon certain things that are frowned upon bad etiquettes all of these different things, a solid extinguishes. But you notice a lot doesn't say, Lita that code when he says law I look into the Quran. This word law Allah

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is a word that's used in Arabic to describe in hopes maybe in sha Allah, hopefully, you might be of those that will remember a lot. This is why this verse is especially relevant to the person who is praying, but praise like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes he prays like a chicken. In other words, he just goes through the movements just like how a chicken is pecking its beak into the ground feeding itself. And this here, a similar verse that a lot of us can also relate to is the verse in Surah Al Baqarah, that Allah azza wa jal says quotevalet como cm we've prescribed for you fasting gamma kuti, barella, lithiumion comedy COMM The same way that we've prescribed it for the

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nations who came before you, La La come to takuan in order maybe hopefully in sha Allah, you're going to have tequila. What does that tell you about the verse the verse doesn't say Lita tahune, says Lana, hopefully maybe you'll have Taqwa Why? Because many people they fast in the month of Ramadan, but they're still doing since they're still involved in the same problems in the same difficulties each and every day. The purpose of our discussion in sha Allah is to take the direction that insha Allah when we do pray, it is always going to raise and elevate our status and increase us in our Amen. The Salah, as we mentioned, is one of the only ways that we are able to pass all the

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trials and the difficulties in this world. In addition to that, brothers and sisters, those saw them, as you all know, is the only act of worship that Allah azza wa jal prescribes to His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not just through the poor and he doesn't just tell the oma, I want you to pray. But in addition to that, according to the hadith of Anna Sidney manikato, the Allahu khairan so authentic hadith we all know it the hadith of Islam in America Raj, Allah calls his prophet to him. Now this is very important because when you look in the poor and many times you'll see a lot will say pay this a cat, or Allah will tell you the outcome or the rulings of inheritance,

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this person deserves this amount. This group deserves that amount. So Allah usually gives us the command or tells us what we need to do but not with SATA. sada Not only does Allah commanded but then in addition, Allah calls his prophets to him and issues the command. And then we all know the story. It's a very long Hadith but we all know the story of when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam gets the command eventually was 50 times we were supposed to pray. That's almost every 15 and 20 minutes of your day, you're going to be praying a sada in order to complete 50 prayers. And then he goes back and forth to musala you Salaam till eventually was reduced to five, but then we get the

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reward of 50 some of them are limited. They say that one of the greatest wisdoms why this incident happens is to indicate or to show us how to value and appreciate sada that even though we pray just five times a day, it's worth the value of Salah is far greater than that. Now imagine that's just you and I praying in this part of the world and we're just praying each and every single day, just like a normal routine. Can you imagine the blessing of praying in Mecca where each Salah is not 50

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The times but it's gone now to 100,000 times. That's over 80 years of prayer founding one Sala only invested in Iran. Now imagine the Imams of the harem. Subhana Allah, you know, imagine when you're the Imam of the bottom of Mecca, and you're leading the gemera, five times a day, it's a half a million Sala that's been written down for you in one day. Imagine how profound the reward is for this. Yet still, you have all of that on your scale, and you still don't know whether Allah will accept one of them from you. This is why some of the Sahaba as they used to say, we would be so happy, we would be so happy and privileged. If we knew that Allah would accept just one prayer from

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us just one, we wouldn't we would be even more overjoyed if he took all of the prayers from us. But if you just took one, it would be that it would be everything to us. Now these are the same people that's been described in various narrations that you could take a bow and arrow and fling it through their chest, and it still wouldn't cause them to break their solar, because they would have that much horseshoe and that much focus. When it comes to the prayer. inshallah we have an entire discussion on the horseshoe or of Masada. Just before we begin officially the topic of a sutra. It's also important for us to introduce the book that we're going to be using as we mentioned, which is

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titled cifa to salata, nebby by shikonin Alberni yo Rahim Allah from the tech below to the test slim. So the beginning to its end. This book here as we mentioned earlier, this is a book that the Chef rahima hula, he took many, many years to write many, many years there are more than 150 sources that the chef used to compile this book together more than 150 from them is the total Hebrew with total Hebe by Imam Allah. Allah scholar Imam Hazara last colonial rahima Hello, Tyler. This book here is about four volumes long. And one of the things is that the chef mentions that he went through this book, and that's what developed his love to build or to construct a book on a solemn

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what's in what's also important is the shareholder a mohalla, also mentions that one of the reasons why he wrote this particular book is that he saw a need for it. During his time, he never came across a book that was concise enough that told you everything you need to know about the sada and this is the methodology of the erla. They don't just write books just for no reason, they always have a purpose as to why they need to author and write on a particular subject. It's not like in our time right now, where you see, you know, somebody will just wake up one day and want to write a particular issue, one to address a problem. And that problem has probably been addressed before by

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other shoe use or other people. But the person just kind of wants their name tag along the list of all the other authors. That's the time that we live in right now. This is why I always remember when I was in Medina, one of the critics if you'd like that used to criticize a dissertation. So basically, what would happen is that if you have a student who has put together a thesis, for their masters or for their PhD, they would have to sit in front of three shoe. Now these are not your ordinary shoe. These are some of them are the Imams of the hadham. One time I attended a dissertation of a student. And one of the shifts that was sitting there was the Mufti of Saudi

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himself. So these are not your average shoe that are there. These are very elite individuals. And I remember that one time, there was a dissertation that was happening. And they were criticizing a particular individual and based on his book, and they said to us, the audience that I don't even remember what the title of the book was. But they said to the audience, you see this is the problem now that we're living in, is that every time we want to give the students to go and research a topic and write a thesis about it, we can't find any topics to write on anymore, because everything has been written on. So unfortunately, you know what's happening now, they're taking the books that have

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or the topics that have already been written about, and write about those topics now. So you have a thesis that are written by students who are writing it based on other thesis books that other students have written from the same university. And that's the circle that we're going in. And that's why I've hunted Allah Medina University. A lot of other universities took another route now, where you can get your masters in your PhD through class hours and other ways as well without writing a dissertation. The point is here.

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Brothers and sisters is that cefa Daniel Rahim Allah had a reason and a purpose why he wrote this book. It wasn't just something that he decided to do on his home, there was a wisdom behind it.

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This book here, as I mentioned to you is originally three volumes long. The majority of this three volume series is only dedicated to the knowledge or the narrations and the authenticity of all the ahaadeeth that the chef Rahim Allah he used, majority of this book is dedicated simply just from the narrations and the toughie jet of these ahaadeeth. And all of this, we know that the chef Rahim Allah He was them he had this he was a scholar of the of Hadith sciences. He was also a scholar in very others, various other sciences as well. But he was well known for this, this was his niche, if you like this is what he was well known for was the sciences of Hadith. Once there was a time when a

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student who was sitting studying with him asked him how much Hadees Have you memorized? And the chef ignored him. Because this generally speaking is not a it's not a question that really has any benefit to it. Why do you want to know how much how do you remember it? What does it do that? What does it do for you? Nothing. So the chef ignored him. So the student asked again, Chef, have you memorized more than 100,000 Hadeeth. So the chef says, Well, are you him Makino? It doesn't have any importance to you. But what gave it away is the chef also smiled as well. And the brother continues persistent and says chef, I was told that you did to memorize more than 100,000 Hadeeth. And the

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chef remained silent. This was the humility in his personality. He's not just going to come on and say Yes, I have. It's actually 100. And so No, he's not going to do that. He's going to have the humidity in his heart that he's not going to mention those things about himself. One time there was an incident where shifted venue rahimullah was in a car accident. And the car flipped over upside down on the road. And this was going from Medina to Mecca. So it flipped over onto the road and the car was upside down. Now the person who hit the car, they came out and they recognize the shoe. And they said is our chef, our chef on a chef Anna? How are you? Okay? Are you okay? That chef now he's

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imagine he's sitting upside down in this car. It's life and death. You just want to get him out. But the chef orders the person who was driving him, go and check and make sure that the people who hit us are okay, go and make sure that they're okay first before you come and attend to me. And there's also another version to the story where the chef makes sure he says go and make sure that none of their hour is exposed. Why? Because you know, when you're in a car accident, you you're flipping and turning all over the car, perhaps your hijab might have come off, perhaps something might have been ripped off and you're exposed. The chef Rahim Allah is sitting upside down in the car and this is

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what he cares about. He wants to make sure that all the Islamic etiquettes are being abided by, even whilst we're sitting in this car and it's in a car accident. The chef Rahim Allah, these are just some of the things that I want to introduce you when it comes to the chef himself. The chef has been praised by numerous scholars numerous scholars who have praised his work and praised his ht head, his efforts when it comes to the Islamic sciences. Some of them are lemma they said that it was chiffon albornoz or Hema Khaled that kept the oma together when it comes to the sciences of Hadith. This is why you can never be a student of knowledge today unless you've studied some of his work.

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It's just impossible. No matter what school you've gone to, no matter what university you're at, you're going to hear his name. This is what kind of a profound effect that he had on this oma Allah azza wa jal gave him a status that was very unique from any other scholar or any other shape at this time. And a lot of social cause that his legacy continues to live on. His name is is mentioned his books are still being sold are still being printed even till today. shareholder he mahalo used to saying, When I die, when Alberni he dies, then you're going to know who Alberni is for satara la Muna Alberni. That's what he used to say. And he used to tell his students this all the time, when I

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die, that's when you're going to know who I am. And what the shift intends by that is, basically, he's living his entire life for his athleta. So he's living his entire life to build a legacy for himself, so that it becomes a sonata to jetty in his grave and in the earth era. So the Chef rahima hula was an extremely pious individual. what's what's really amazing about his story, is he's not even Arab. And why do I mention why do I emphasize this point? This is just to encourage all of us, even if you don't know Arabic,

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Liquid childhood Albania Rahim Allah is done with his life. Look what Imam Buhari who himself wasn't even an Arab. All of these men here they've taught themselves the language and they end up being classical scholars in the field of Islam. They end up striving and pushing themselves to the extent that they end up teaching others who are fluent in the language their Deen itself. This is why one of my Korean teachers, his name was chef Obaidullah. ohanian Rahim Allah. He was actually an Afghani Shay. And he left his country and came to Medina in order to find somebody who could teach him or earn. But instead what happened is that he was so fluent, and his recitation was so good, that the

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teachers that he wanted to teach him, ended up asking him to teach them. So instead of it working the other way around, he ended up sitting there and he started teaching the teachers that he wanted to learn from. This chef eventually went on to be the teacher of chef Jose fee, and many of the other events of the Houghton And may Allah

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have mercy on his soul. Having said that, brothers and sisters, as I mentioned to you, this book cipher to sada to nebby, is a very, very comprehensive book. I want to just bring your attention to one point before we get into the core discussion on an introduction to the sauna itself. The the book is starts off with an introduction and a discussion to the form of the hub. The chef rahimullah spent a lot of his lifetime, a lot of people think that the chef focused his life on just Hadeeth. As a matter of fact, when you look at the biography of chef Alberni, you'll find that his focus was not on Hadeeth, initially, but rather, his focus was actually on perfecting Arpita. That's what he

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wanted to focus on more than anything else.

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But what happened is that, as he was reading, as he was studying, the more he became a student of knowledge, the more he became a scholar, people started to label him as a scholar of Hadith because of his knowledge in that particular field, and also because of the need of attention when it came to Hadeeth. So what the chef did is something very brilliant. He took all of his heavy sciences and knowledge that he had, he took all of the Akita background that he had, and he put them together. And what do I mean when I say he put them together? Basically, now, when you look at shareholder Bernie's books, you'll find that there's always a large amount of discussion that's preserved that's

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been put aside in discussing the different groups and the different fit up and different sects of Islam. Then it also discusses the different beliefs of Sunnah, which one is the correct belief, which one is better, and it goes on to all of these different categories. And at the same time, the chef will bring a particular Hadith, he'll give you the narration of that Hadith, where to find it, the authenticity behind it, and how that Hadith relates back to Arpita. So the chef was brilliant in this, he was extremely brilliant in tying both of these sciences together. So having said that, this book here Sofitel Sala to nibi a huge portion of sorry, the introductory portion of it is dinette

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designated to the four methods. The question here is why the chef Rahim Allah, he mentions it in his original series. In this book, the three volumes, he mentions that the purpose of why I'm putting a discussion of the four methods is so that each method knows. Now this is important, because this is a problem that you and I we deal with in our societies. You ever noticed that when you go to a particular Master, they'll say, look, we are Hanafi we don't fold our hands that way. Or we're you know, the Maliki said we don't fold our hands at all. So to get out of this issue, the shift Rahim Allah brings a discussion of all the four methods to show you that each perspective complements one

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another, that each perspective and each method eventually is supposed to work together. That was the whole purpose of all of these methods. The whole purpose of these methods was to reach one goal and that was to follow Quran and Sunnah they had nothing else in mind. So it really didn't even matter. The chef eventually kind of steers your thought, and you get to see this in it, us kind of steers your thought to to getting you to think that

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when you read a particular method, or you study a particular method, it shouldn't cause you to be attached to that particular method, but rather what it should do is cause you to appreciate that method and also appreciate the other mazahub and know that Sala is still one, these are just minor implications, minor issues that maybe these scholars have different in so the shift starts off by at least bring some sort of unification in terms of understanding

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losada just a couple of etiquettes, a couple of etiquettes in sha Allah when it comes to the shareholder Hema, who love the chef, he was an extremely well mannered individual. Once there was a chef from Egypt who went to visit him. And the chef wanted to offer some, some juice or some snacks for this particular chef. So the chef says, Yeah, Chef, he's telling chef Albania chef, please, please, just relax and I will do this, I will serve you. And the chef says, No, this is my mo Sahib will bait. You're in my house. So it's my duty to serve you. And the chef eventually went and he got some food and drinks and he served his guests there. There's in terms of the chef and his, his daily

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habits if you like, the chef would eat very little. According to one biography that I read a long time ago, the chef who loved homeless, he loved homeless, and sometimes he would eat homeless three or four times in a day, and he would eat it just in a small saucer. And this would probably be the only meal that he would have in the entire day. Occasionally, the chef would also have meat and vegetables and other things, but this was very seldom. The chef also mentioned that and he says that basically the the ingredients of harmless he found it very beneficial to him in terms of increasing his memory. We have something very similar to this when it comes to chef or samina rahima. Hola.

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Chef Jose mean says that raisins, I call them memory pills. Chef with a mean he calls raisins, memory pills. And simply because he found a profound effect when it came to his memory by just eating raisins. I don't know about anyone here I'm not a reason fan at all. But when I read this, I went and I purchase I remember this like it happened yesterday. I said holla chef are they mean? You know, said his memory pills. I went and I bought myself almost one kilo of raisins. So I sat down in my room and I started eating raisins raisins all day and night just as much reasons as I could. And that was the same time I was also memorizing Quran. I don't know if I felt the difference or not.

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But I eventually what happened is that as I'm eating all of these reasons, I was also studying a couple of a hadith from Sahih Muslim. And then I read the biography of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah. And I also read how Imam Muslim died. I don't know how many of you know the story but a Muslim, he was asked a question about a particular hobbies that he didn't know the answer to somebody came and narrated ahaadeeth to him. So even a Muslim he says, I'm going to go into my home. And I don't want anybody to disturb me for the entire night. Because what he was going to do was going to go into research where this hadith came from. And he says, All I want is a bag of dates. Eventually, what

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happened is that Imam Muslim ate so many days that he died from it. And he was found dead the next day. So when I saw that I said, you know, I'm gonna break now from dates. Hello. So that's something else. So I didn't want to get over consumed by it. But the point is, is a level RLM. But I guess for some, there is great benefit in it. Having said that, brothers and sisters on Sunday insha. Allah is when we will use the book, the first chapter that scheffel Albanian Rahim Allah begins with his facing the Qibla, facing the pivot, stick about a pillar, and he talks about certain rulings behind it. However, I will give you also additional rulings behind facing the table. So for example, if

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you're praying, what happens if you're praying, and you do this, you just scratch your back. The point here is that now you have a part of your body that's not 100% towards the Qibla. This is nullify the Sunnah. Would you believe that there is difference of opinion amongst the allameh for a person who does this. So this is why it's extremely crucial for a person to make sure that their entire body is facing towards the Qibla. One mistake that more than they do very, very often is that whenever they're giving the event and they say hi yada, yada and hail and follow what do they do? They say hey, Allah Salah, and they move their entire body from one direction and then to the other.

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Some other lemmas say that this is invalid, it invalidates the event itself. This is according to some of the or the amount who say that facing the Qibla is a condition to a valid event. There's even some discussion on whether that is correct or not. Some are the Mad they said no to face the Qibla for an event is not a condition to validate the other but for those who do they say that because

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Cuz the person they turn their body away from the pillar intentionally it breaks the event and the event doesn't count. Now, so what happened now is you have some other more than they took the short route. So instead of the whole body, you just see their, their their necks turning this way. Hey, yo Slahi, Allah, Allah, and they do that instead. So the point is this, these are some of the things that we want to look at. I can tell you brothers and sisters,

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one of the things of how one of the ways how I prepared this is just simply by observation. It's just simply as a student of knowledge, what I see what others have told me and asked me about, and just some of the common issues in in our societies that we kind of come across to having said that, the least that I want to do before we conclude today's session is I want to give you an introduction to Asana. So let's begin in sha Allah with the linguistic definition of a solar solar according to the Jim Hall according to the majority of the oleana mmm No, we Rahim Allah mentions this in his much more, that a solar it linguistically refers to Dora. It means Dora in and of itself. Why?

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Because a Sala represents a type of Dora. As we all know, Dora is of many types. According to some odema every act of worship that we do in Islam is a type of Dora. So when you're reciting Quran, it's a type of Dora, because you know that Dora falls into two categories, you have the Torah of asking Allah or requesting something. And then you have the type of URL where you're praising Allah for something as well. So depending on what the act of worship is, will determine which category it falls under, a lot. So what you'll says in suta to Toba number 103, a a number 103 was suddenly I lay him in la sala Taka second loan. Indeed, you're the part that the part that we want to focus on

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is that indeed your prayer is a tranquility for them in masala Taka second left home. So the prayer it should bring some sort of sink Sakina some kind of comfort and tranquility. to them. A legal definition or an Islamic definition behind this is that the Sala is a term that is used for well known actions. So this is number one. lasala is defined on actions that are well known. In other words, it's not something strange or unusual. So if a person happens to come into prayer, and you know they have a uniform on or they have something really strange or the real core is not the bowing position, it's a different position. It's no longer counted as sada anymore. So the first condition

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when it comes to the definition, these are well known actions that are understood by the people who perform them. This is crucial, because scheffel Islam, even taymiyah Rahim Allah once mentioned in is much more that you're out of 40 min. Li that you will know knowledge from the people of none of knowledge. So knowledge is never understood by people who don't have knowledge. It's always from the people who are part or live that knowledge. And it's interesting that chef Sam mentioned this because somebody used to say, during his time that Tajweed is bedarra to julita. So the slammer the poor anneke principles and rules and regulations is a bit of the Quran. So Shephard Islam had been

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Tamia responds and says that this can never be a bit odd because we understand knowledge from the people of knowledge. What is he referring to, is basically that this is something during the time of earthman rhodiola one that he introduced not as a bigger but it's just something to preserve the poor and, and it's recitation simply because people who didn't know Arabic were accepting Islam in abundance, so it was to cater for that particular need. The point here is brothers and sisters. First one when it comes to the definition is well known actions and statements. So along with the actions, we have statements that begins with a tech beer and ends with a tasleem. So it begins with

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the tech beer that beer Of course we know is Allahu Akbar. And then the tasneem of course, we know is the set Mr. Li Kumar amatola that we have at the end of the Salah. From the definition we know brothers and sisters that the Sala can never start except that it has to start with tech Kabira it must start with the tech builder itself. A solid can never conclude unless it finishes with the test sneem so no one can ever complete the solid with some different statement or something else it has to be with the test name

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when it comes to the important in terms of the status of the prayer, the status or the help

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Uppsala is that of course by unanimous consensus, it is a followed, it is followed upon each Muslim individual, each believer. And obviously this will take us into a discussion of the non believer and or as opposed to the motet as well the person who was the believer but has left Islam and come back to Islam, where does his solace stand? When it comes to the person who is a disbeliever in the sense that they are calf field or non Muslim, then there is no solid for them period. And if they accepted Islam, they don't need to make up for any lost time because they weren't Muslim in the first place. The difference of opinion comes in with the motivated. The more third, of course, is the person who

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was Muslim, and he left Islam and then he came back to it again. So the fact that he comes back to Islam once again, what happens to all of the solid that he missed it during that stage of disbelief, some of the LMS said according to the three mega hub, so we have Imam Ahmed Imam, Abu hanifa Imam Malik Rahim Allah, these three mother him saying that he doesn't have to repeat anything. In other words, he was exempted because he was in the state of disbelief. And so taking the shadow once again extinguishes all of that. It's mmm a chef that raised the argument that no they have to make up for all of those saw out that they missed while they were in that stage of motivated while they were in

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that state of disbelief. Why because according to mm chef era, Hema hula you never really did is leave Islam. As we all know, one basic fundamental principle is once you are Muslim, you can never leave it that quickly, you can never claim that you are never Muslim anymore, because at the end of the day, the fifth of every single human being is that you are born Muslim. So this year and we will come to this discussion, we will take it a step further in sha Allah and look at some of the different opinions regarding it. So this is when it comes to the importance of a salah and of course, the evidence for this are many the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in the most

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explicit Hadeeth when it comes to SATA data we all know salute came out or a timoni or suddenly pray as if you have seen me or like how you've seen me pray. We're going to discuss this hadith as well in its appropriate discussion. When it comes to the importance and the status of prayer, there's a couple of things that I want to leave you with number one, a Salah is a direct link to Allah subhanho wa Taala. In other words, this is the this is an intimate relationship that you as the servant have with Allah azzawajal there's nothing in between. So number one, it is a direct link. The evidence for this is the hadith of Abu hora de la Horan. And this hadith is narrated in Sahih

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Muslim, and it's the Hadith that we've all heard about when Allah azza wa jal says, I have divided the prayer between myself and my servant into two halves, when my servant shall have what he has asked for. When the servant says on hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Allah says, My servant has praised me and so on and continues till the end of this particular headache. That's a long Hadeeth. The point here is, is that when we say a direct link, at the end of the Hadeeth, the HUD it mentions here This is for my servant and my servant shall have what he has asked for. So it's a direct link between you and Allah azza wa jal number two an important aspect of the Sunnah is that it is the

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direct spoken order. It is a direct spoken order from Allah azza wa jal In other words, a lot tells Moosa I lay his sedum, in nanny, and Allahu La Ilaha Illa And Pharaoh Bodine, but the point of evidence is what apenas sila tele Vickery, Allah orders Musa alayhis salaam in Surah four, verse 14 and 15 What up penal sila, utterly victory and establish your prayers in order to remember me. You notice Allah says leave victory. He doesn't say lol locker, he doesn't say I hope maybe you'll remember me here when it comes to Musa alayhis salaam. Allah does something very different and says leave victory. In other words, it's guaranteed 100% musalla you said I'm you you're going to

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remember me. And second point here is Allah uses the singular form of victory. He says leave victory. It's the singular form for to veck cotone which means that Allah azza wa jal is only guaranteeing this remembrance to musar alehissalaam alone at that very moment.

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He's not guaranteeing this to every single person who's reading this verse. It was exclusive just for Musa alayhis salam at that particular moment. Anyhow, that's just a site site. And the interesting point when you look at the verse number three, as we mentioned is that the Sala was obligated in the is Sora and Mirage and this was based on a hadith of Anna Sidney Malik. And we talked about this a lot calls the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to issue him or legislator him la sala, which shows the importance of the Salah in and of itself. Number four is five prayers equals 250 which we also talked about as well to show the value of each prayer five equals 15.

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Number five is the recognition in other words, Allah Subhana Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will recognize a believer on the day of yo piano, by the signs of his will do by the signs of his will do in other words, for will do you need a Salah. So they go hand in hand. This also here refers when we say the recognition it also revert refers to the sujood method or the effect of sujood on the forehead of the one who prays Asada Lucha brothers and sisters. I didn't plan to do this, but I will do it in sha Allah is I also would want to share with you just some of the things that I've been reading over the years of some of the effects of solder physically on our bodies.

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What Sala does for you, if you notice, whenever you meet a person who prays you'll notice that there's something very beautiful and very peaceful about their appearance. This is what Sala will do and this is why some of the orlimar they described that Salah is no more in and of itself. It is a light that Allah azza wa jal gives a particular individual and that law is increased especially when the person is praying pm will lay. This is why it Nacho Rahim Allah one says voila, he the person who prays pm will lay a law he they will never feel tired during the day. And in addition to that their face is going to be so pleasant, so beautiful to see. I always remember there was a shift

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subpanel by the name of chef Abdul Rahman half the local law he was my one of my updated teachers. And this ship was one of the top shoes in Saudi Arabia to interpret dreams. Now to interpret dreams you need to be a person of pm will lay period you just have to be a person who not only has memorized for an but you need to be praying to God each and every night. And the chef Mashallah he was a person like this. And every time the chef would come into class, he would sit in a microphone in front, like just like this, and he would fall asleep. And sometimes he would fall asleep for 20 to 25 minutes. And you know, you have about 100 students that are kind of waiting, they're waiting,

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hopefully the chef will wake up or something will happen. But the chef doesn't wake up. And eventually when the chef does catch his senses and he wakes up and he starts to address us. That's when the chef continues with his explanation. And then he breaks down again and he goes back to sleep then he can choose what called an early amount of human cuz he said the scholars have said and then he comes back again. Eventually now I got into a car with the chef and he gave me a right to my into my house. So I asked the chef chef, why do you fall asleep in class? I just mean, it was a nice pleasant conversations. So I just said chef, you know, why do you fall asleep? And this shifts

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handleless says to me that for more than 20 years of his life, he has never missed a day of Campbell lane. More than 20 years now of his life he has never missed a day of pm will lay and he says that sometimes it gets very difficult for me very very difficult for me to be up during the night. So he makes up for it in front of all of us. So May Allah is a legit, you know, preserve the show. One last point that I want to leave you with is some most beloved act to Allah. This is another important matter when it comes to the Salah. The thing that Allah azza wa jal loves the most is the prayer when it is done at the earliest possible time. This is based on a hadith of Ibn Masaru todo

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de la Han when Allah when he came and he asked the Prophet sallallahu it he was suddenly a UI made in a hub bow Illa which is the app that is most beloved to Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responds to him and says, A sada to Allah walk to the prayer that is done on time. Having said that, brothers and sisters in sha Allah, we will just pause here for today. And then on Sunday, I will continue I will give you about 20 different points in terms of the importance of Asana, and then we will get

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into the book as well. And we will look at that book. Now remember, as I mentioned to you, we won't use the book as the actual explanation or guideline for us, but it's just kind of a way that we will use this particular book to kind of centralize our focus so that we don't jump into different areas all the time. So if the chef Rahim Allah starts off with facing the Qibla, I will give you all the introductory discussions and topics that lead to the first pillar of the sutra which is facing the Qibla and then we will discuss the rulings in sha Allah behind it. So we will begin that officially on Sunday after McRib May Allah subhanho wa Taala cause that our solar be perfected the best way

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that we can, may Allah so agenda accept our solar, may Allah azza wa jal increase our horseshoe, and most of all, may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our prayers and enter us in his gender. A lot of them mean so these are the words that we conclude with this evening was offered with marijuana and in Hamdulillah, European ilmu was said Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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