Musleh Khan – Tafseer Suratul Fatiha – Al-Hamd #2

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of "assorted al Hamdu Lill he'll use to describe a bar or a law," "has been a surprise" can be a result of actions or experiences, and "has been a surprise" can also be a result of a belief or insight. The use of "help" in a book is important to avoid negative things, and "help" in the book is also important to avoid negative things. The speakers stress the importance of thanking and praising people for their accomplishments, even in public spaces.
AI: Transcript ©
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In our last session we began and we briefly got into the first al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. And we spoke about the first word I'll hand there were a couple of things that we mentioned about 100 which is important for you that when you study assorted Al Fatiha number one is defining what al Hamd is, and we mentioned that I'll hand literally means to praise and to praise someone, it also carries another meaning which means a real bar or real bar, it means to take care of or to receive pleasure from something or a law means to take care of or to receive pleasure from something. The opposite of unhemmed is them, then, of course means to blame or somebody or something that is

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Now, some of the scholars say that its meaning meaning a hand is more general than that of the word showcaller. Now Shakur means gratitude and some of the scholars they compared these two words and they said that Alhamdulillah is very similar to shock or gratitude to allies or jealous. Now logically, if you look at it, yes, there may be some truth to this, but the answer or the best or the most correct opinion, when it comes to the two what is the difference? Or what is the difference between a Hamden Shoko is that they are both correct but in different areas? So I'll hand is a shocker depending on how you look at our hand. And a shocker can also be a hand depending on how you

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look at Shakur and scholars they give us a very if you'd like a very beautiful way to summarize this point. Usually sugar

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is used or gratitude is used when you respond to something or somebody that has done a service for you. You show gratitude to a person or you show gratitude to Allah azza wa jal after something has happened. But I'll Hamed is much more broader or much more comprehensive than that. Because I'll hand you will always show Shakur and gratitude to Allah azza wa jal regardless if you get something from him or not. So this is why they are both correct. But one is specific depending on how you categorize these two terms. So for So just to summarize this point, sugar is specific to responding to something that has happened, where as a hummed or praise is a spontaneous victory if you'd like

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you're just doing it regardless if there is a reason to do it or not. If you look in look for an Al Hamd is found in numerous places in the poor and we don't need to go through all of them because I'm sure many of you already know a number of examples of hamdulillah he led the Holocaust somewhat he was modeled or Gerardo bulunan T one node and sawtell and RM allies. So it all starts off the first day with unhemmed in Surah, Al Qaeda al hamdu Alhamdulillah he lezzy ends and nerada Abdi Hill keytab Sutra tell calf starts off with a Han Solo at falter other men are many, many soldiers start off the same way. What's interesting about this word on hand is that majority of places that it's

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found in the poor and is at the beginning of a Sora which is very, very interesting. And if you try to if you'd like look at this pattern, if you like that alphabet has starts off with hand, then you have Surah Al anon then you have other suitors then you have many many a yet that the beginning of that area will have have the very rarely would you find the word l hemmed in the middle of an area or the end of the ayah. And this is a there's a beautiful wisdom behind this. Why would Allah azza wa jal start his entire revelation with a hand with the praise of Allah azza wa jal now just think about this logically. The book starts off by praising Allah, what's already happened. Already we've

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established that everything we do in our life is for Allah subhanho wa Taala. The second thing that we've already established with this one word being the very first word, it's that it's set the tone of what the entire revelation of Allah is going to be about. So in other words, every single surah chapter, maybe every single verse of the Quran, can all be traced back some relationship with a hand or the praise of Allah.

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So agenda. So even if you look at sawtell baccara surah, Al Baqarah starts off with three letters. And then immediately it sets the tone and gives you the updater of where the poor and should be in our life that he can Kitab Lowery, Buffy, immediately allies. So it just sets the tone that this book has no doubt, it's perfect. That all goes back to Alhamdulillah your ability I mean, we praise Allah and we thank him that he's given us a book that is perfect in its nature, that no book will ever start off with its first sentence, stating that this book is perfect in and of itself. So every single that the whole tone, if you'd like the whole theme of the poor and all goes back to the

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praise of Allah azza wa jal. This is why scholars say

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that unhemmed is the most comprehensive attribute of Allah azza wa jal now, Allah azza wa jal, his name is not unhemmed. His name or one of his attributes is Al Hamid. Al Hamid, of course is a word that originates from unhemmed itself. So I'll Hamid of course means the sorts of a praise. So and even there's a narration of urban Ibis or rhodiola one that he mentions Alhamdulillah is the statement of every thankful servant. Alhamdulillah is the statement of every thankful servant. Now this is very important, because what's happening here is not only this Allah azza wa jal teach us how to use a hand, but even in our bus makes it very clear that a hand or saying Alhamdulillah is

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always used to praise Allah azza wa jal for positive things in your life. And, and even just, practically, you all know this, and you all do this. Every time something good happens. What's the first thing that you say? Alhamdulillah something if something great happens to you today. Alhamdulillah you're always praising Allah, because you thank him for all the good things that he's given you. So this is why even our best he mentions, this is a sign of a person who is thankful to Allah azza wa jal that you constantly use a hand. It's the opposite of Suppan Alon. Every time you see Subhana Allah in the Quran, immediately after it is something negative. Allah will talk about

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the shirk of the machinery Kuhn, he'll talk about something else, he'll be talking about the transgression or the volume of the corporation or the people who are enemies to the Muslims or enemies to Allah azza wa jal, immediately, you'll see, Allah will say subhanho wa Taala. And you should recall, so constantly the opposite of Alhamdulillah is subpanel lights used for the opposite things. So that's the first point here. Another if you'd like benefit of why Allah subhanahu wa tada

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has started off his book with a hand is that and then there are many narrations like this. So let's take a look at a couple of them. In Sahih Muslim the Prophet salallahu it he was sending them tells us that Indeed Allah azzawajal is pleased with the servant who eats some food and then praises him or when he drinks a drink. He praises him. So this is the door that you say when you finish eating. How does the doctor begin? At hamdulillah? He led the up Amina, what's Aparna which are the nominal muslimeen so here even in the when we eat our foods, we remember this word. Some of the scholars they save one of the wisdoms as to why we have a hand in so many aspects of our lives from the most

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trivial things to the most important things in our life. Is that every single thing that you do and that you choose or that choice that you make, should all go back to praising Allah azza wa jal let me give you an example.

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Every single time you wake up every day, you should be praising Allah azza wa jal now this is why the Dora when you wake up in the morning is what Alhamdulillah he lezzy a Hannah barddhaman Emma, Tina, what you let him know Sure. Again, this the day starts off with I'll hand then as you continue, you're praying your ledger, then you're praying on all of your silhouette, then you're going to work. You're doing all of these things in your daily lifestyle, all of it has to go back to Alhamdulillah. This is why a servant his entire life is focused around praising allies. So again, this is why when you go to the masjid, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in an authentic hadith and Bahati that every step could know how to attain, every single step that you take, is going to be a step that will remove a sin or a mistake from you. So the person who walks to the masjid now does not mean some, some scholars, they tried to use a PS and show that when you drive, it's equivalent to walking. But majority of the orlimar they've discredited this opinion that our Hadith is very explicit that it's only for the person who takes a step and the prophesy. centum emphasizes that. But the point is, is that every single thing that you do must go back to you that you praise allies. So Jen, for everything that you

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do, tell you, we continue insha Allah with just a couple more things regarding the unhemmed. There is also another narration in a tutor magazine, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells us that the most excellent or the best Vicar that a person can do is La ilaha illAllah that's the best vikita that you can do. But the most excellent supplication or Dora is Alhamdulillah so you see the difference? If you just wish to praise Allah azza wa jal or to do a vicar of Allah so then it goes to the Shahada. But if you wish to call upon Allah azza wa jal and do one of two things you're either calling asking him for something or you simply want to show gratitude and thanks to him, then

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the best for or bus best way to do this is Alhamdulillah. You start off your door when scholars give us a list of how what are the things that help us have our door accepted by a low it's the first thing that you do. The first thing you do is you start off by praising Allah subhanho wa Tada. So I think that that's sufficient insha Allah for us to understand the importance of unhemmed

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