Muiz Bukhary – Sahih Al Bukhaari #4
![Muiz Bukhary](
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The Hadith book on spiritual teachings is a title that focuses on the spiritual teachings of Islam. It uses various context, including the origin of the title and its use in various context. The importance of affirmations and teachings for achieving success and building a foundation is emphasized. The book also discusses the importance of intentions and actions in Islam, as it can be used to protect others and reward them. The importance of staying at home during lockdowns and following health ministries is also emphasized.
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Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam O Allah ashrafi Libya, mousseline. Nabina Habibi, now karate ioannina Mohammed bin Abdullah la vida Allah He was happy he of the loose alati we're done with this lien on my back.
We start by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala.
We ask him for his help. We asked him to open doors of beneficial knowledge for us. We asked him for ease. We asked him for healing, we asked him for relief.
We asked him for goodness and we ask him to send his blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of prayer.
We pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards us despite not being able to gather physically the gathering digitally for his sake, to discuss the words of his beloved messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala make this digital gathering?
A gathering, where he as Virgil makes high mention of us in the seven heavens, and May Allah Subhana pyboard each and every one of us for every single minute that we spend across these streams, discussing the words of his noble messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So today's session is
on Sahil Buhari
on Saturday, I wasn't available on Saturday so I put up a poster saying that we'll be having the session during the week. More specifically today, on Tuesday and hamdulillah with the help of Allah hibiya and this is day four. This is class for episode number four.
In the previous class last week, we commenced the first hobby in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. So the previous sessions we've been touching on foundational principles in regards to the science of headache, and those episodes are being gradually uploaded onto YouTube. If you have missed the previous classes, you can go and check out the episodes on YouTube. I think one or two of them have been uploaded so far, and the rest will be uploaded as well. So this is episode number four. So in the previous classes, we spoke about the science of Hadith we spoke about the importance of the science of Hadith. We spoke about the life of Eman al Bukhari, the legend al Bukhari, we
spoke about the Imam. We spoke about his life from birth to death Alhamdulillah we were able to cover the life of Imam Al Bukhari.
We spoke about his conditions in terms of accepting ahaadeeth we spoke about his compilation we spoke about the book, the book of Imam Al Bukhari. Rahim Allah.
Alright, so this interview is dropped in the connection, but I think it's okay now.
So with that, we
went on to commence the first Hanif in the book of Imam Al Bukhari, Rahim Allah, and we read the Hadith in the previous class. I'm just going to run through it very quickly to jog our memories. So we have the narration at the final film at abdulai. Even as obeyed Paul had done as Sophia and Paul had the Sanaya have decided that I'm sorry Paul Bharani Mohammed bin Ibrahim attain me and then who send me a comment tibideaux altum Utley waqqas Alka Matata waqas alafia cool Sameera to Amara Cotabato, Dr. Mahajan who Allah minbari call Samir kurosu the lights and the love it when you send them a gold enamel Armand will be knee yet we're in the mind equilibrium Manoa firm in Canada he
Gerardo ala dounia, UC boo ha la tinian ke ha ha. But he dropped the whole dilemma hotjar in it. So this was the the Hadith that we mentioned in their previous class.
So a few pointers now in regards to the chapter, as well as their hobbies. So that the chapter remember before you watch him a whole lot he titles the chapter as kita boo with ilahi kita kita boo with ilahi. So the chapter in regards to the beginning of revelation now and why,
what is why the term was in the Arabic language? What does it mean? What does he mean? So what he if you were to translate the term el wahi lobaton its literal definition is L Li Mo.
Fi hoffa in as in giving information about matters that are hidden about matters that are hidden
Now a question that arises is that is was he something that is specific or exclusive for the prophets, Allah salatu salam. Now when we look at the 400 look at the evidence in the Quran, we come to realize that what he in general is not only specific to the prophets, Allah He massaged wa salam, because we have very talk about it in general in a specific sense. Yes, it is for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when it comes to divine instructions in regards to the deen in regards to the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala in regards to what is permitted in regards to what is prohibited, all of that, yes, it is exclusive for for the prophets, Allah said person, but apart
from that, in a general sense, for example,
we have in Surah, the process Allah Subhana, Allah Allah, He says, Well hyena in a mimosa and out there he and there was what he In other words, we inspired most islands that was slums mother, the mother of Masala Dosa, and out there a circle him for either 50 ie. But when you fear Formosa is up to 70 fear for the infant for allathee he feel young, cast him into the river, what are the hoffy do not fear while ATA has any do not agree Do not be said in a log to a lake. Indeed we will return him to you which are aluminum mercury in and we will make him from one of the messengers a longer command. So as you can see the mother of who Sally said to Sarah, she's being inspired by Eliza gel
and the term use that is what he says you can see in a general sense it does not only exclusively mean that what he is for the prophets Allah Salaam but in a more specific sense. Yes, it is specific for the prophets when it comes to divine commandments when it comes to what is halal and haram when it comes to Revelation in regards to the dean Denis but apart from that we have other ayat as well that denote that other creatures that other creations of Allah Subhana Medina to are inspired by Elias virgin. Now for example, take the chapter, the beat sort of to nahal Allah subhanho wa Taala here to the dumb what he is used, well I will have buka alien actually I need to see the mineralogy
barely boo
and while harav buka it and nahal and your Lord inspired to the be your Lord inspired to the B I need the CD mineralogy valuable you that take for yourself amongst the mountains, how says wamena szegedi and from amongst the three is gonna be my IRA shown and in that which they construct. So here to the term what he is used for our ha rabuka Elena and now now when you look at the term washi here in regards to the B Does it mean that now jabril Alisha, to Sarah brought down the walking from Allah subhanho wa Taala to the B No, the B was inspired directly. But we're not talking about the type of inspiration that the prophets Allah wa salatu salam get when it comes to this particular
aspect in regards to the bees. So you have agenda sense in regards to a hay and you have a specific definition in regards to why. Now for example, if you will take the concept of is the hub, the concept of istikhara where you seek goodness from Allah subhanho wa Taala you seek guidance from Eliza. So we all know as per the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after you offer your two units of prayer you will go on to make a drop Allahumma Iniesta. heruka belviq was Dr. DeLuca biquadratic was alchemy where you make dua Allah I seek goodness and allowing the Dalai Lama has an Umbra. hyperlipidaemia mashu ultimate the real life This matter is good for me. If it is
good for my deal, if it is good for my life, if it is good for my livelihood, then yeah, a lot of folks who do who leave a series to methodically fee then Allah Allah decreed for me for kabuli Why is simply fascinated for me so methodically, and also then bless it for me, but on the other hand, in your knowledge, it is bad for me if it is bad for my Deen, if it is bad for my livelihood. Then for serif one he was with me and avert it away from me and award me away from it. So now, in regards to how this materializes, you know, I mean, the lesson of istikhara is for another day inshallah, but generally speaking, it's not like you will see a dream you know, where there will be assigned
tell you, you know, do this or do that. It could, I'm not saying that. It's not possible for you to witness a dream. At times, it can come in the form of a dream. At times, it can be in the form of your heart settling upon something perhaps you're trying to choose between two
Two things. And there is this gut feeling inside you after praying a lot to this the father that tells you you know what, go ahead with option A, or go ahead with option B. So as believers we believe that we are because we're meant to add to a layout like this good for me then decreed for me so this is from Allah Subhana Medina. So in a way you're being inspired by your main guys, go ahead and choose one of the two options and inshallah it will be good for you because you've already made the I've asked a lie surgeon, you have sought to goodness from Allah Subhana Allah data. So as you can see, we've been talking about why you have a very general definition of Allah Hey, and you also
have a specific definition of avahi which is exclusively connected to the prophets, Allah Salatu was Salam. Now
we're going to be touching on a few
gems you know for why it gems and lessons from this chapter and from this heavy so we're going to try and cover as many of them as possible in today's class and if there are one or two remaining we will discuss them in the next class and then move on to heading number two inshallah. Now, for Ada or gem number two, why did the Imam begin with this chapter? Why did he Manuel Bihari Rahim Allah begin his book with this chapter kita, whoo, big deal. Why did he begin the book with this chapter? Because at the end of the day, there has to be a reason as to why he began, you know, you have all these other chapters in place. He goes on to choose this particular chapter kita bootheel. Why the
chapter of the beginning of Revelation. Now why did the Imam begin with this chapter, it is to highlight my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as per the explanations put forth by scholars, it is to highlight that it is to highlight the importance of it obviously, and also the fact that it is through this way. It is through this revelation of the Koran, that Allah Subhana Medina took this oma out of darkness to light. A lie surgeon took the oma of the prophets that alone while he was in them, from darkness to light, it is through the Koran. It is through the words of our makers of Hannah Medina, it is through the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that we have
been taken and that you can take a person from darkness to light through the Koran and the teachings of the prophets of Allah Islam. Remember in the previous class, what did I say in terms of why you have the Quran as well as the sooner the Sunnah is also incorporated in divine revelation. Why? Because I'll make a decision so to nejm for my own TiVo and in our in Houma, Illa here you have that the prophets Allah Allah Islam in regards to the Dean of Elias virgin, he does not speak out of his own desires, but he speaks his divine revelation from Allah subhana wa that so the four iron and the Sunnah is incorporated in Alva. Hi. So Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah begins the book with this chapter
kitabi. In why the chapter of the beginning of revelation to cite and to highlight the importance of al-baha, to eat to cite and highlight the importance of divine revelation from Allah subhana wa dalla that it is this revelation that took this oma out of darkness to that. And if you feel that you are drowning in darkness, my dear brother, media sister, if you feel like the darkness is closing in on you, if you feel like you're drowning in darkness, and if you feel like you're losing control, then turn to the Horan, turn to the teachings of the prophets and allow it when you sell them, you will find solace, it is going to serve as an anchor.
During the storms that you are going in, it will serve as a strong anchor to keep you more
as you brave and face the storms of your life. So turn to the command to the sooner they are ships of salvation, the Koran and the teachings of the prophets Atlantis limit, unfortunately, unfortunately, the devil shed on he comes in, he plants these vicious and toxic thoughts in our minds, turning us away from the heart and turning us away from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and making us drift farther and farther away into the darkness. And then we begin groping around with the darkness and we find it very difficult. We keep stumbling we keep creeping in we keep falling into one trap after the other. So it is high time that we hold on to the light because
we need light. Can you navigate without light, just imagine you're lost.
Imagine you're lost and you are plunged into darkness, you're plunged into darkness when you be able to find your way. Let's say you're in the middle of a forest and you're plunged into darkness and all you can hear a creepy sounds and all you can see are shadows of predators
Subhana Allah And look, look at the turbulence that we are in the chaotic times that we are in Look, look at the turbulence that the world is going through. This is a time when we need light, we need to hold on to light we need light to guidance. So therefore hold on to the ships of shall salvation. The Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So remember Bukhari Rahim Allah begins his book with this chapter keytab will be the ilahi to highlight the importance of our why, to highlight the importance of divine revelation
from Allah subhana wa dialler.
Let's move on to the next folder, the next gem from this chapter and from this hadith. Now that we spoke about the importance of the chapter, let's talk about the importance of this hadith. So how long
we have statements from the scholars of the past highlighting the importance of this heavy in metal armor up near that our actions are based upon our intentions, yes or no. Based on this Hadith, we have scholars who go on to highlight the importance of this particular Hadith for example, among the humbler himolla he says sudo Islami Allah Allah happy that the foundations of Islam the principles of Islam are based upon three narrations three a hadith and then he goes on to mention the three Heidi Hadith number one how these are Omar Abdullah top of the last one el amor of India. So Hadith number one is this hadith that we're dealing with a llama robinia had a number two had his wife
Aisha or your loved one. Hi, I'm Brianna. Melissa we know from Oregon. The address of our mother eyeshadow the loved one however she says the one who introduces something into our Deen something that is not part of our Deen
then it is rejected added number two in regards to innovations in regards to introducing matters into the deen and saying that this is part of the deen introducing matters into the deen and saying that this is part of the deen something that the prophets lie Selim did not say is part of the DNA if we want to introduce it and say that this is part of the deen and you must do it. Then you have introduced a matter into the the definition of the heady. So this is headed number two according to the Mahatma the Buddha Hamdan Rama Allah had this number three had a phenomenal machine or the love on the hadith of terminable God Allah one, Allah Allah Allah vagin well ha mobile, Allah Allah is
clear and haraam is clear. These three a Heidi Heidi, that the foundations of the deen are based upon very, very important to Heidi
in another. So we have another statement.
Mr. Buddha with Rahim Allah, He says
now Buddha Rahim Allah He says that he came across 4000 narrations 4000 narrations of the Prophet ceylonese and then he says
that all 4000 narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam revolve around for a hobby
for Heidi
4000 narrations revolve around for a Heidi? added number one howdy to Normandy bin Bashir al Hello newbigin while horombo been headed number one I'll holla newbigin will have ammo been added number two added drama popped up in the mail and I don't know yet. Had it number three Hadith Abu hanifa b hora in de la la la Eva. So number one is that your actions are based upon your intentions. That's the Hadith dealing with Hadith. Sorry, the first one is that Allah who will Tara obey the heart haraam is clear and haraam is clear. That's headed number 100 number two in the mallamma who believe that your actions are based upon your intentions hubbies number three in the law, liability law,
that indeed a lot is built a law is good and he does not accept that which is good. Allah is good and Allah does not accept except that which is good a lot only accepts that which is good and heading number four mean hostname is
slamming the kumala. Yani, it is from the goodness of the Dean of an individual. It is from the person. It is from the goodness of the Dean of the individual, the Kumar lyonie. To leave that which does not concern him, he does not go around poking his nose into every single thing, especially into matters that do not concern him. It is from the goodness of the Islam of an individual it is from the goodness of the Dean of an individual. Tao kumala Jani leaving that which does not concern him. For Heidi, the Amana Buddha himolla says that 4000 narrations that he came across revolve around these four a hybrid the principles put forth by these four a Heidi. Now we have
other scholars that came up mala saying as well. For example, this statement our own our own the two Dini internet kalimat are bound in Killarney Haileybury. Yeah. So the principles are the foundations, the pillars of the deen, that according to us, our four statements from mean Kalani hiral, Berea from the speech of the best of creation, what are they number one it is sugar hot. Avoid doubtful matters. Now this is based on the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in Albion, while haram obion where the professor Allison says that how Helen is clear, Haram is clear and that we're supposed to stay away from ambiguous matters to stay away from ambiguous and
ambiguous matters. Then, the next heading is
what's happening as in based on the heading for the web Rasul Allah says, He says,
the leave it as in a long line of these words, were being taught not to be obsessed with materialistic possessions. The minute we stop being obsessed with materialistic possessions that Allah will love us. And when we stop obsessing over what people have with them, the people will begin to love us based on the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is heading number two. And then the next statement is to leave that which does not concern you based on the Hadith that we shared earlier. Me personally Islam in Maui Turku mala and it is from the goodness of Islam of an individual to leave that which does not concern him. And statement number four,
watermelon, Naveen iya as into work on your near to to perform your deeds based upon your intentions as per the Hadith that we are dealing with. So as you can see many brothers and sisters, there is a lot of importance given to this hobby as well as the other ones that I mentioned. But this particular hobby is very, very important and many scholars have spoken in length about the importance of enamel armor to be near about the Hadith that talks about one's intentions because we understand that our Deen
It teaches us that our actions are based upon our intentions, your actions are based upon your intentions. Look at this particular habit that has been recorded with the book of Mr. Muslim rahima moonlight is a very serious Hadith, a very serious narration statements from our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I want you to play pay close attention to this Heidi Abu huraira the one who he says
that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is recorded the book of Imam Muslim Proxima midnight is an authentic hadith.
Verily, the first person to be judged, the first of people to be judged on the day of the AMA will be a man who was martyred and he will be brought and the blessings of Allah will be made known. And he will acknowledge them and allow and say, What did you do about them? You were given these blessings, what did you do about them? So, this man will go on to say, real law, I fought in your course, to defend until I was martyred.
And then Allah Subhana, Allah will say to the man,
condemned, you have lied, you have lied, for you fought only so that you it will be said that you were brave, that you will be loaded as a warrior, as a brave and courageous individual. You didn't do it for my sake and then Allah will order for this individual to be dragged upon his face until his cast into * fire. Now another man who had studied religious knowledge, who had taught others and recites the Koran, so you have an individual is constantly reading the foreign teaching the foreign, now this individual will be brought and the blessings of Allah will be made known and he will acknowledge all of them and allow me to say so what did you
do with these blessings? What did you do about them the man will say, I sought knowledge. I taught others. I recited the Quran for your sake here a love and a love and say condemn but that you have lied for you studied only so that people could praise You for Your knowledge, you recited the four on so that people will say that you are a beautiful reciter that you are a good reciter you did it for name and fame. You did it for pomp and show. And then Allah will order for this individual to be dragged upon his face and cast into the hellfire. May Allah subhana wa Johanna, protect each and every one of us, I mean, and May Allah help us to improve and work on our intention so that we do
what we're doing for the sake of Allah subhanho attack.
And the third individual who will be brought will be an individual who was given an abundance of blessings from Allah, and every kind of wealth,
he will be brought and the blessings of Allah will be made known and he will acknowledge all of them. And then Allah will say so what did you do with these blessings? What did you do above them? The man will then say, I did not leave any good cause beloved to you, yeah, Allah except that I spent on it for your sake. Whatever project that was out there, I spent on it for your sake, if it was for the building of MSG, I would spend if it was for water I would spend if it was a hospital that it was in need, I would spend if it were poor people that were hungry, I would spend on feeding them clothing them providing them with shelter, helping them with their marriages, helping them with
their education, helping them with their medical needs. Whatever project that was out there I spent on it for your sake yeah Allah, allies of a gentleman sake there Bhutan you have lied, you have lied for you spent only so that it could be said that you're generous, so that you will be known as a philanthropist. So that your name will come in the papers so that people will look at you and say oh is a generous individually is a charitable individual is a very, very wealthy person and he has given so much of charity has done this is done that you did it for name and fame you did it for pomp and show.
And then Allah will order for this individual to be dragged on his face and he'll be cast into the Hellfire May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect all of us from this mean to the Hadith is recording the book of my Muslim and this hadith to many brothers and sisters in Islam. cite and highlight the importance of one's intention. So our Deen teaches us that our actions are based upon our intentions and that our intentions
have priority and are more important
when it comes to your actions, because let's say if an individual were to perform actions without the right intentions, those actions are worthless. So you may have prayed so much you may have read the Quran so much you may have done so many things. But if your intentions are not in place, and if you have not been doing it for the sake of Allah, none of those actions will be accepted by Eliza you may have donated all of your wealth. But if you didn't do it with the right intentions, those will not be accepted but Allah subhanho wa Taala
and media in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he says in the mallamma venia that your actions are based upon your intentions. Now, what type of you might be wondering when we say intentions, what are we what do we mean here, because this term India, accorded the scholars a fifth, there are certain nuances that are in place as in they have a certain definition. And according to scholars of Hadith, for example, they have a certain definition. Now a quarter of scholars the fifth when we say India, what we mean is that you intend in your heart,
the specification now for example, if you're giving out your as a car, let's say you're giving out 100,000 or let's say you're giving out $1,000
now a contrast colors a fifth, you would have to intend and giving this outer solokha and giving this out as aka to specify your type of deed. So you're praying. Now you need to intend in your heart and specify Are you praying an obligatory prayer? Are you praying a natural breath
but according to the scholars of Hadith, and as per this particular Hadith, but they're not talking about
the specification. So as you can see, the definition of a Nia differs, technically,
depending on the context that you are in, so here, as per this hobby, we're not talking about just specifying, we're talking about a class, we're talking about whether you're doing it for Allah or other than Allah. If you're doing it for other than Allah, it is not going to be accepted. If it
For other than Allah, it is not going to be acceptable Allah Subhana Allah Allah. You see, I get questions but people want to know, okay. For example, if someone were to come and say, you know, my father has passed away or my mother has passed away if someone were to say that and say sure, I would like to
I would like to give out some charity on behalf of my mother or my father, is it is it possible to do so will it be accepted by Allah subhana wa Tada.
Now for this, we go to the Sunnah to to see whether the prophets Elias has said anything in this regard. Now we have a Hadeeth, where
a man goes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says that his mother had not performed Hajj, and as to whether he can perform Hajj on behalf of his mother. The problem is annihilation. And the Hadith goes along the lines of these words, the messenger asks the men, if your mother had passed away and left behind debt, you know where she owes money? Would you not settle it? To which the man replies in the affirmative? And he says, Yes, of course they also lie would settle it. So then the prophets of Allah Islam says yes, by all means, you can go on and perform Hajj for your mother on behalf of your mother.
Then we have another narration, where a companion goes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, yasunaga My mother has passed away, and the nourishment goes down cleanse of these words, and I would like to give charity on her behalf. Is it possible the messenger that Islam says yes, you may give charity on her behalf. Then the man says Yasuda law, what is the best form of charity, because now that I can give charity on behalf of my mother, I would like to know what is the best form of charity so that I can involve myself I can give out such a form of charity, the problem So allow it well, Islam in that particular ad indicates the man
providing water to drink. So in the form of a water well, in the form of a water tank, in the form of a water solution, in the form of providing water to others to drink. This is the best form of charity. And then this man goes on to do that on behalf of his mother. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as you can see, yes, you can perform acts of charity, you can do so for on behalf of those were passed away. But when doing so one must be careful in terms of one's intention. Now you have individuals for example, you'd have somebody who says, You know, I built this mosque for my father, I built this mosque for my father, I gave this charity for my mother.
Now, if you analyze the intention carefully, it seems problematic because your bill the mosque for your father, and Subhan Allah that statement in a way you're associating your fact that we are farther along with a loss of Hannah Montana. So one needs to be careful with one's intention. Because the Hadith the province analysis, says we're in later on, we're in the molecule membrane Manoa every individual will get according to what he or she has intended. So when when placing your intention,
I am building this method for Allah. And then you make the idea Allah, let the rewards be transferred to my father, or you place the intention or align building this message in your heart. I'm building this message for Allah on behalf of my father. Now that is the right intention and giving this charity out for the sake of Allah on behalf of my mother.
You understand? So it's very important to carefully word our intentions. Where we do what we're doing for the sake of Allah there should be no form of contamination whatsoever in terms of our intentions, if last sincerely doing it for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada.
Now find that number five gem number five well lesson number five from this hadith and from this chapter. Now as per this idea, the prompts or licenses in Arma daubigny yet in the plural form, and yeah, your actions are based upon your intentions. And then in another hand, if you have the term and Nia also use another wording of this hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used and Nia in its singular form, as in your actions are based upon your intention. So from this, now we look at the definition of intention, the definition of intention is
a last move Allah felisha to have this sense of determination
to do something. Now, where does determination reside? Where does determination reside? Does determination reside on your tongue or your heart? it resides in your heart. So the place of your intention mahalo Ha. The place of your intention is your heart, where you intend in your heart, that you sincerely doing it for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now coming back to the Hadith
the Prophet is alive.
Islam goes on to say,
in the mallamma, Slovenia
the Prophet sallallaahu Selim says so Amaro the loved one whom he says upon the member, he says, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, in Nam allama lupini. Yet verily deeds are only with intention, so they're based upon their intentions. And then the promise analysis went on to say, well enamal equilibrium Manoa verily every person will have only what they intended. Now, for some, it might seem as if the Prophet was repeating himself because the Prophet says in the mallamma, urbini, and actions are based upon your intentions and then again, the Prophet says, but enamal equilibria in Manoa Valley every person will have only what he or she intended. So you might be
wondering why the repetition, but
in reality, there's not a repetition. It is a who sues, doesn't own as in you first have a general statement. And then you have a specific statement. For example, when making the IU say your Allah bless me, yeah, Allah, bless me, or let's say your Allah bless so and so. You make a general Yeah, Allah bless so and so. So when you say Allah bless so and so it's understood as bless this individual in every format way. And then you want to say specifically bless so and so, in his or her business, bless so and so in his or her house, bless so and so, in his or her marriage, blessed so and so in his or her children. So you have a general statement, and then you go on to specify that
general statement with a specific statement. So similarly, the promise that is them starts off with a general statement as if
actions are based upon your intentions. And then the prophets of Allah Islam goes on to specified further by saying, what in mah liquid memory in MANOVA, every person will have only what they intended.
So to explain it further with examples.
So this statement of the promise analysis clearly illustrates that you
your intentions can be as broad as the heavens, or you can restrict it, you can restrict it to a very small area.
And as per the teachings, we should have colossal intentions, many brothers and sisters in Islam, Why be stingy with our intentions? To give you an example, a technical example, let's say
an individual thinks to himself during the day, you know what, okay, let's say today's two issues Tuesday, but let's say today is Wednesday. And somebody thinks to himself, you know what, maybe tomorrow I'll fast Thursday, maybe tomorrow and fast.
So when night approaches he doesn't place the intention is in the morning, he thought, you know what, maybe I'll fast tomorrow we'll think about it, but I'm not sure. So night approaches, as in the night before Thursday, and he goes to sleep, he goes to sleep but he didn't place his intention. Now, he goes on to sleep.
And what happens is, he wakes up the next day, he wakes up the next day, and with optional fasts, you know, it's possible as long as you do not eat anything, okay?
And this used to be the practice of the prophets of Allah Islam as well. He will go to the masjid finishes, come back home and ask if there's any breakfast. If there was no breakfast at home, he would say, you know what I'm fasting. You know what, if that's the case, I'm fasting and you can you can actually start your intention off at that point when it comes to an optional fast. So, now this individual he to say at about 10am, at about 10 o'clock in the morning, he decided, you know what, because he hasn't had anything he hasn't eaten anything and way too fast today. Now, because he started his intention at 10am. His
his rewards meter if you will, you know, the timer or the counter will start from 10am until dusk that evening. But on the other hand, if he had placed his intention the night before, and intended tomorrow, I am going to fast a lot he places intention in his heart tomorrow, I'm fasting. Then my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. The rewards meet at the time of begins from dawn till dusk. So we're in the middle equilibrium has a general statement of the profit actions are based upon your intentions and then the profit goes on to specify it by saying that each individual will get according to what he or she has intended. Another example another typical example.
Now, if you take
a husband and a wife in a family, so what does the husband do? Let's say let's take an example of a family where the husband is the breadwinner. So the husband
He, the man of the house brings food home.
So let's say the bread or the food that this man brings home, he can intend, I'm doing it because I love my wife. I'm doing it because I love my children.
Okay, and he will get according to what he has intended. On the other hand, he can also intend, I am doing this for the sake of Allah.
Because charity, the professor Lyceum teaches us, charity, feeding your wife, feeding your children is considered an act of charity. So you intend I'm doing it for the sake of Allah and doing it for the sake of Allah and I'm doing it because anyway. So your intention, your primary intention is for the sake of Allah Subhana Medina, you understand. So when you intend accordingly, then every morsel of food that you put into your spouse's mouth, every morsel of food that you feed your children, you're being rewarded every step of the way, every step of the way. Let's say something like going to sleep, you can go to sleep with the intention that you know what, I'm tired. I am tired the whole
day I've been running, I'm tired and I need to recuperate. So I need to prepare for the next day. You know what, so I need to get seven hours of sleep eight hours of sleep. Another way too intense because by default, when you go to sleep, your body is being recuperating, right? You can intend on going to sleep,
to rejuvenate myself to strengthen myself so that I wake up for Salatu tahajjud. So that I wake up to Salah Virgil, and pray. Now if that is the intention where you're going to sleep for the sake of Allah insha Allah every wink of sleep, you will be rewarded but Allah has ever done well in their mind equilibria in Manoa, so every individual will get what according to what he or she has intended.
Now, you know, the Hadith that talks about the virtue of seeking knowledge, the virtue of seeking knowledge, an individual who sets out on a journey to seek knowledge, and for that matter today because we cannot set out the gathering digitally, every minute that you spend on these streams. If your intention is proper, then every step of the way, every minute that you spend in the seeking of beneficial knowledge, you're going to be rewarded Allah Subhana Khoisan, but on the other hand, let's say your intentions for are for other than Allah, you you are seeking knowledge, for example, to do what to become a famous squantum Allahu Akbar, quote unquote, a famous scholar, now you're not
doing it for the sake of Allah, you're not going to be rewarded every step of the way. Why? Because you're doing it for fame, you're doing it for name, you're doing it for name and fame. You're doing it for pomp and show. So it's very important, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, even the little little actions that you do, ensure that you do it sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
I'm going to be mentioning the Sharla one more benefit and with that, we will try to wrap off today's class.
the discussion in regards to
in regards to if you if you talk about intentions,
a question arises, are you rewarded for leaving something? Are you rewarded for leaving something? Let me give you an example. Let's say you have an individual who does work who fasts on Mondays who fasts on Mondays.
Now, coincidentally,
a Monday comes about that coincides with the day of teeth. Let's say hypothetically, the coming Monday
is either it's basically the day of eight.
All right, it's coincides with the day of eight. Now, is it permissible to fast on the day of aid, it is not permissible to fast on the day of aid. actually speaking, it's haram to fast on the day of aid because it is a day of festivity. It is a day of celebration. But now this individual generally fasts on Mondays so he's thinking to himself, but I generally faster Mondays. But now because the Monday the coming Monday has coincide with the datafeed he leaves fasting for the sake of Allah.
Now my dear brothers and sisters in Islam because he genuinely used to fast for the sake of Allah. And now because the day of read has coincided with Monday, he's leaving it again for the sake of Allah. He is rewarded for fasting, he is rewarded, he is rewarded for fasting and he is also rewarded for acting upon the words of the prophets that a lot while he really was selling and not fasting on the day of a another example, in today's landscape, I've mentioned this in the past as well. Salatu Juma
Generally speaking in a typical situation, in an ideal situation, what do we have to do? It is mandatory upon males to go for Serato jumar.
But now that we have lockdowns in place, curfews are in place there is a pandemic raging everywhere. So governments have imposed lockdowns and the instructions given by health ministries and governments is basically stay at home and we must comply. We must obey these guidelines, so they're supposed to stay at home. So now by staying at home, we cannot praise lotto gemasolar leaving Serato Jamal and I've said this before as well. You are a boarded double champ. Why? Number one because your intention if it was a typical situation, you would go to the masjid. But now because it's not safe, because it's not safe and because you don't want to put yourself at risk and risk others and
you are complying and obeying the law of the land. You're not you're not posing as a threat, you're not posing as an obstruction to those on the frontlines fighting the pandemic. You're staying at home. Okay, now you're being rewarded double one. Because if it were a normal situation, you would be in the masjid. So you are being rewarded for that intention. And number two, because you're staying at home, you're being rewarded for that as well. Allahu Akbar. Look at that. Look, look, look at the power of intention, you rewarded double action, and you're rewarded for leaving something you don't have a brain surgeon or you're rewarded for Salatu jamara. You're devoted to
drama because your intention is that why are you staying at home you're staying at home because of the pandemic you're staying at home because the government has advised you to do so you're staying at home because the health ministries have advised you to do so you're staying at home because it is a lockdown that is in place. So you by staying at home and praying sunako bar listening to
what the scholars have to say the government's have to say to avoid
you know, and in a move to mitigate the spread of the virus you're doing it because of all of that. By staying at home and praying Serato ha, you're getting the reward for Serato.
Look at the beauty of our Deen our maker is not depriving us of rewards to panela.
Our maker is not depriving us of rewards. This is how generous Allah subhanho wa Taala is many brothers and sisters in Islam. And this is the power of an IAT the power of intentions.
Let's say
you talk to yourself
that you know what tomorrow you're attending firmly. Because at this point, you have $1,000 with you. So you're intending firmly in your heart that tomorrow I'm giving this $1,000 out in charity you interpret in your heart.
Now the next day comes about and
in reality as in genuinely something happens and you lose the $1,000 that say you've kept it You kept it safely somewhere to keep it out in charity. But the next day when you go and check it The money is missing.
Now because your intention was placed the previous day because it was firmly for the sake of Allah insha Allah, Allah the Most Generous will reward you for your intentions. Allah will reward you for your intentions, because the good deeds This is how magnanimous Our Lord is. This is how beautiful the concept of intentions is by the brothers and sisters in Islam. And this is why it is about most important to focus on our intentions, to work on our intentions to ensure that our intentions in terms of what we do we do sincerely for the sake of Allah.
Now coming back to the Hadith, the prophets of Allah and now say is from incarnate hero to Buddha law, you are solely now the individual who is Hydra whose migration was for a lion, His Messenger for he Geraldo de la humourously then his migration is for Allah and His Messenger, woman, Garnet, he drove to holy dunia you see Buddha. Now as for the individual who was migration was to get something of this world to get a worldly benefit out Athenian Kealoha or to marry a woman then his migration is for that which is for that to which he migrated.
if your deeds are for the sake of Allah, so kind of what the Allah then definitely you're going to see the revolts in the court of Elias which are when you stand in front of Allah.
On the other hand, if you contaminate your deeds, with worldly pursuits with worldly intentions with worldly intentions, then you're not going to be able to see them when you stand in front of a loss.
So our deeds our interest
My dear that the intentions of our deeds My dear brothers and sisters in Islam need to be of a high caliber of a highest standard where we work on the purity of our intentions where we work on ensuring that what we do we do it sincerely for the sake of Allah. Now Siobhan our enemy, our sworn enemy, he knows the power of intentions, and he will try his level best to contaminate your intentions by the brothers and sisters, he will try his level best to contaminate your intentions, he will try to somehow come in plant doubts and this and that and you know, the concept of reality where you do it to show off and you do it for name and fame and then somehow try to contaminate the
intention because he knows the minute he contaminates our intention, the deed loses its value.
your intention is like a bowl of milk, pure milk, and Chevron will somehow try and come and put in a black.of death, a black.of dirt to spine and contaminate the beautiful and
pure bowl of milk. So don't let Shere Khan come in and contaminate your intentions. And thereby end up contaminating your teacher. Many brothers and sisters understand, work hard on the purity of your intention, work hard on constantly recalibrating your intentions. You know, if it's a loan, let's say it's a loan deed, a project that you're getting involved in at times, you go into it with the right intentions, but the check on succeeds later on in terms of disrupting your intentions. So it's very important to constantly keep reminding ourselves and rejuvenating our intentions and recalibrating our intentions when we keep reminding ourselves. I'm doing this for the sake of Allah.
I'm doing this for the sake of Allah. I'm doing this for the sake of Allah. And I'm not doing it for anyone else other than Allah, exclusively and solely for the pleasure of my maker for the pleasure of my creative for the pleasure of the Lord of all worlds. Allah subhana wa Tada. Then many brothers and sisters in Islam, when you stand in front of Allah, in the court of Allah, you will see these deeds. Through the magnanimous generosity of our Lord it will be multiplied many fold and you will see all of it in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala Inchon London. So, with that I conclude today's class and hamdulillah we have discussed most of you know, what was a pleasure like I said, it's a
summarized discussion there are many other pointers, but we will come across similar pointers as we move on. So in the next class, we will
go on to discuss the next howdy insha Allah Allah. I see some of you posting questions, please do send them in through if your Instagram you can dm it, if you're on Facebook, you can send it via message and what I'll do is I'll try to address it in the next class or in individual sessions as well inshallah Allah, so does that help for Sarah Malecon performance ally?