Muhammad West – Your Legacy

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The importance of hard work and consistency in achieving success in life is emphasized, along with the need for investment and acceptance of one's legacy. The challenges faced by Islamists, including personal success and consistency in hard work, are also discussed. The importance of finding a good marriage and life partner is also emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for consistency and hard work to achieve success and build a successful life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are they reliable? Ashitaka rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala COVID Mursaleen Sita. Now Mohammed knew either early he was so happy he married my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam As salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Alhamdulilah. Beloved Amina should of Allah, Allah or praise be Unto Allah subhana wa Tada and we testify and declare that no one has the right of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala we send our love greetings and salutations to beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious and pure family to his companions and all those who follow his sunnah till the end of time. May Allah subhanaw taala bless the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant this oh my goodness, may Allah grant that those who are struggling, those who are suffering those who are harmed May Allah grant them respite, ALLAH forgive those of us who have committed sin.

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And Allah guide that this week, be this Jumar being expiation for the sins of last week, and may be a guiding light for the week to come. I mean, when hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Over the last two weeks, we spoke about prioritizing the important things in your life. And we almost began with the end. What would be important on the Day of Qiyamah? What are the main questions Allah subhanaw taala will ask about us the things that we need to answer. And we gave a few simple steps insha Allah 10 things that were the priorities in your life, and that insha Allah if those 10 things are in place, then be vanilla, Allah has promised those who do those simple things that Jana insha, Allah becomes

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guaranteed, we pray for that. And we continue in that today we'll talk about the story of your life, your legacy, we should all think about this. Our life is like a book. Literally, it's a book. In fact, in spherical cough, which we should recite every Friday, Allah says they will say Molly has an Kitab What kind of book is this, that he does not leave out any detail, every single thing has been recorded numerically in that book. So we have a book of deeds of actions, the book of our life, and when we are gone, it will be judged and it will be judged not just by Allah, but by those around us. And this is our legacy, the thing that we leave behind is really that which which counts. So I take

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you to a day, which is in your calendar, which is in your which is sit in your diary in my diary, the day of our janazah it will happen cannot be avoided, no one that is sitting here, no one that is listening to this will be exempted. Each and every one of us will die reality of Allah reality that Allah has placed. And on that day on that janazah

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if today was the day that we were to die, if this is where our story ends, if this is the last page on the book, we ask, Will I be must? Will there be anyone who will say I must Mohammed I must felt in my way she she was there with us yesterday, she's gone today? What will they say about me in the gatherings? Will they say good things, bad things? Will they remember me in terms of in positive light, or in a negative light? Will they be those who curse me? Will they be those who make dua for me? And for me? Will they be really great. So we all have regrets, things that we've missed out opportunities we didn't take. And of course when we look at our deeds, and we know that we need to

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stand before Allah with those deeds will always feel it's not enough. And what will I show for my time here when I stand before Allah, and he says, I've given you life I've given you strength and health and intelligence and wealth, and I've given you so much, what do you have to show for that which I have given you? Will it be sufficient? And this is the legacy. Allah speaks about the legacy of some people in fact, it's about their own, but this is for so many of us. Allah says, come talk to me Kuhlmann Jannette in what are you on? How much did they leave behind after they died of gardens and springs of beautiful palaces, beautiful things. And crops and noble palaces were

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McCollum and Kareem when they are Mateen can we have hockey and comforts when they abused themselves they died and they leave behind all these luxuries of life their cars the houses the businesses the clothing how much they left behind Quranic and just like that one word Cara Lee just like that, oh, Rafa Coleman, and someone else Allah said I allowed someone else to inherit from them all that which they worked all that which they amassed all the things they love the most in one split second, it gets passed to someone else, not these anymore. For my bucket ally in the summer, or well out of the powerful area. Walmart, Walmart can Moon green, and the heavens after they had left after these

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people had died. And the heavens and the earth Allah says, not the heavens nor the earth shed one tear for them. Nor were they reprieve No, do they have any respite? What is mean means here that not the heavens on the earth, meaning no one in the heavens and the earth missed him when they died. He went on the lift palaces and all those things. No one actually was spelled said that they died and another tough seat even our buses, in fact, to some people, for some very special people. The heavens will miss the good deeds that went up through them. When we make good deeds it gets a listen up.

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Humans will miss ways though Salawat knows, because that Muhammad made 41 made, I missed that, and the earth will miss the people that do the good, that sujood that used to make on the earth, the earth will cry. Now it's not there anymore. Some people, even the earth will cry that they die Subhan Allah may Allah grant us to be of those people, I mean, so some people, the legacy of their life will be a list of assets that they acquired, of no use to them, and will just be transferred to others. Others will have a legacy that people will look back and think, Wow, what a great life life worth living a life that we envy and is positive, it is good envy that we wish we can be in that

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state. Now there are hundreds of billions of how many people in the ground now whose story is over, and they cannot change one letter in it. Whereas you and I are Hamdulillah we are the authors of our script today. You and I have the opportunity to write our legacy, to write our legacy and to leave something so legacy, as we know is something that we leave behind for our for those who come after us. And we need to ask what is of substance really, the day I die? What are the things and we've all been at the janazah we know what people will say about a good person or a bad person. No one will ever ever say, Wow, he lived the good life he traveled to 1015 different countries, no one will ever

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praise you like that. That's not at that point in time, where nothing how many cars you had in the garage. Ultimately, people know that didn't mean anything, but they will mention Mullah that man we swim in the masjid every day. That man Subhan Allah how much charity you gave, we know of him. If ever you know you did business with him, he was an honest man, the province of sunlamps Hadith Janaza walks by and as this Jeunesse is being carried to the grave, the Sahaba begin to speak about the dead man in a positive light. And when they were done the provinces word Yeah, but whichever whichever meaning becomes, why do you watch you watch him? What's wajib that this man will enter

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Jannah because of what you had said, the first judgment that occurs, think about this, the very first judgment before Qiyamah is Allah lets the people of the dunya judge you, your own family, friends, colleagues, they will judge you. And if they can say something positive about your life, they like hamdulillah that's one of the indications inshallah intergender. In fact, the Hadith says if 40 People of iman testify to your goodness, it becomes compulsive for this man to intergender 40 People of substance and suddenly the opposite janazah was brought by and people started speaking bad about this when I cheated the I was such a horrible person bad neighbor always never smiled grumpy

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fellow. And so the promises watch Yeah, but watch it but watch it but based on what you said, now this man becomes liable for Jana because that the Earth has bought the Earth has testified against this man. So we need to ask ourselves now. We are halfway in our books maybe towards the end maybe the last chapter. We are we right now in terms of our legacy. If we were to be taken today, this weekend to Annaleigh we don't know May Allah preserve us, protect us, grant us many, many years. Mala take us in the best of our the best situation of Eman and goodness. May Allah grant us at moment that when we meet him, a moment in which Allah is happy with us.

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So imagine now what is the legacy? Think about this, what have you do I have? What do I have to show for the last 30 plus years of my life and similarly for you?

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And if we look at the legacy now and we talk about a much bigger legacy, the legacy of an ummah, of a nation of people, this OMA 1441 years and more but 150 that has been standing, it has so many ups and downs and the highs and lows, so many heroes and villains in the story of the Muslim ummah. We have, for example, the first generation the basic Blitzer generation, they started off the worst of the worst backwards killing their own children. Within 50 years. They were the most advanced nation on this planet. They changed the world and visa Salam and a handful of Sahaba a few 100 of them change the world a legacy that told today people at the tip of Africa at the end of Australia,

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bottom of South America is following the example you have Abu Bakr and Omar Hassan Mohammed sitting here in the crowd Subhanallah a legacy that is will be until the end of time you have within this legacy are Allah ma scholars great if you know there's not a single Muslim that practices Deen except that someone like Imam Bihari Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Shafi is getting a reward. Every single one of us when we make Salah it is because we learned somehow through them indirectly or directly Subhan Allah, great scholars, great people who live the legacy, not only just in the deen, we know of the scientists for hundreds of years, people with Muslim people practicing the deen they lead the

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world in science and technology. And they leave behind a legacy a golden age that we can look back and we are proud to be attached to that legacy.

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We also have villains within our story. We have moments that were bad that were down Subhanallah Can you imagine the feeling

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When the Mongolians massacred the whole of Baghdad, what it was like to live at that time when hundreds of men would line up and wait for the turn to be executed by female, Mongolian or when the Crusaders walked in, and they conquered Jerusalem and the blood as we see the rose to the knees of the horses, or when the last group of Muslims let Spain fall after 800 years, Spain was this light in the Ummah under us. And then after 800 years that are built of Muslims left. Granada has left Subhanallah the fall of Cordova. Can you imagine what it was? What must have felt like for the Ummah to live in those times? Success failures, heroes and villains, people that have lived a golden mark,

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that Subhanallah the legacy is to be envied. Subhanallah long after they died. They only lived we speak about a man like him. I'm no hero Rahim Allah Imam nawawi Rahim Allah many of you would know the 40 Hadith of Imam Now we hit on so many books that he wrote more books than yours. He lived. He lived less than 40 years. But he has more than 40 Plus books that he wrote authored. In almost every Islamic science he wrote only 30 years 40 years he loved. But his legacy is 1000 years long. And His rewards continue to grow as he lies on the cover, Rahim Allah, great legacy that he left behind. In terms of our own legacy, most specifically in Cape Town. We are part of a very proud legacy, a good

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pride, something which we can take positive pride in 350 plus years that we are here, just surviving is a miracle. But for any of us who read the history of our existence here in Cape Town, it is an anomaly. It is something out of the ordinary for a tiny minority, confronted with exile, imprisonment, colonial persecution, apartheid, all these things stacked on this tiny minority, it should not have survived. Many, many Muslims were taken from Africa to America, many moves were taken from Africa, to South America to the Caribbean, all the dark skinned people that we see in Europe, and we see in the Americas. These were African Muslims that were taken, but the Dean because

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of the persecution, it disappeared, it became extinct. The Muslims here survived through that. And they built Subhanallah we don't have 100 plus years to go beyond, you know, to pass before before the very first Masjid was even built. But this Islam survived. It is a miracle from the miracles of Allah that we are still here as a Muslim community. And we have built a legacy when hamdulillah lots of positives in it, massage it every corner, you can go massage in a country that accepts us to practice our deen freely, not a single person I know it's sitting here in Joomla then you had to you know, you have to go back to the bus and you'll be docked your wages in other parts of the world is

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not like that. This country Subhanallah and this is not that we have done this. This is of the back of some hard work of people long before us schools we can send our kids to half in schools. My dad is you can get Allah MA You don't have to travel to the ends of the world. You find out the best scholars in this land. You have Subhanallah you go into a shop unheard of if anyone has traveled the world, anyone that's traveled to a non Muslim country, you will not find the really anywhere on Earth where you can walk in the shop and you can see what is halal and not halal on the packaging. You can tune in to an Islamic radio station, high profile people sports business judges,

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parliamentarians, this is a legacy which is very unique to this country, for a small minority, to present to have such a big clouds, they have such a great opportunity is a rich legacy. But when we talk about these people, to one guru, for example, we can talk about his story so amazing. A man that came here broken defeated, he lost everything came here. In his almost in his 70s he fought a good fight, but he lost to the Colonials he came here to be imprisoned, and he stayed in jail for more than a decade to come out to start from scratch or like to squat start from scratch. To start with a leaf batter of the teaching scholars and Allah MA in Indonesia to come with Alec Bata to

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start a madrasa five, six people

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one masjid, but he passed away and he left what will come 300 years later, all of you all of us are in the skills every Jumar that is here in that man's skills. Every machine that is built in that man skills handler I'm Allah, what a great legacy. But when we talk about these people, as Allah says, till Martin kata harlot, that was a nation that has passed by the time it's over. We can only talk about the legacy and learn but it's not our our legacy. Is that what you and I leave behind the harmonica Sabbath? Welcome, Monica Saboten for them, they will get the reward of what they did, and you will get the reward of what you do. So now it's a new age. It's a new time, new challenges, new

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opportunities, and this is our time, your time and my time. You and I are now writing as we said not just your own legacy.

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Not just your own book of deeds, but you and I are writing the legacy of the Muslim community in South Africa, the chapter, the new chapter, and we are writing part of the legacy of the Ummah, what you and I do, and the some of our deeds collectively as a community will determine if this age, this generation, this generation that we are, will be one that is positive, a good chapter, or one to be forgotten one to just page over uneventful, nothing really happening, or one Subhanallah even worse, mela protectors, one of catastrophe and calamity that will say this is the age as you know, every generation Subhanallah they must stand they will be a people will stand it was under our watch that

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we lost Jerusalem. It was under our watch that we lost, but that it was under our watch that the caliphate ended, we couldn't stop it, we were unable to do anything. So we don't want our generation to be the generation or a lost generation simply has no mention no meaning no value. So we enter as we sit a new age and it's important for you and I to know where we find ourselves as OMA, the challenges that we face. We know that we live in a time of a unique time in this OMA where we don't have less than 100 years, but 80 years, 90 years, the caliphate has ended. We don't have a Khalifa something which is very unique to our time that we have Muslims, they have about 49 Muslim states,

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not any two of them are even allied with one another on goodness allied on goodness. We have major problems internally ideological issue is we live in a time where everyone is now exposed to every kind of ideology. You can't hide from it anymore. You can't tell your kids don't read that won't work anymore. You can't put a put your head in the sand and hope it'll go away. No. Now you and I live in a digital age where things change and the more change happens, the more challenges occur. And the faster the world travels, the more it leaves us behind as Ouma as a nation we are falling further and further behind

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the of course positives and their negatives. But more than not, we all know that the Ummah by and large is in a negative in a low at the moment. And then in the South Africa Subhanallah is still is a guy is a bright light, you know what is very much a dark picture. We had a few weeks ago, some of the best business minds in Islamic finance. They had the award to the Islamic finance Academy Awards, they give the awards to the best Islamic bank in the world, the best fund manager in the world, they called the givers, right? They hosted it for the first time in a non Muslim country, which was South Africa. And we are tiny 2% You know, for us to, to host such a prestigious award.

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And it's they said once again, these are international people that we see your country and we see the positive this is a fertile land that many countries don't have. So as bad as the situation is globally, we are in a unique position as an ummah, here in Cape Town, to really do something special to leave behind a monumental legacy, not just for ourselves, but for the entire Ummah, we really have an opportunity that very few people had definitely an opportunity better than our predecessors. We don't have apartheid, we don't have the kind of oppression opportunities that the lack of opportunities that they had. So here's an opportunity for us to move forward.

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And we won't go through all the problems. There's a whole list of problems, yes, panela, drugs, social issues, drive all these things that we have from a community, we're not going to talk about the problems. What is important is that we start fixing problems.

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The Measure of a community, the legacy you will leave behind is ultimately going to be what problems in your generation fix. Every generation will come with new problems. It is the Sunnah of Allah, He will not let any generation get too easily. When you solve one problem, Allah subhanaw taala will result in a new problem arises, the problem is not it's a test. Yes, it's a fitna it's, there's some there's wisdom in it. But really it is for us to rise up to rise to the occasion to see who will rise up and take this challenge on. And remember, as I said last week, it really Allah does not reward you, based on whether you succeeded or failed in solving the problem. He will reward you just

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for trying. He will write in your books. This is a legacy in Kiama. Now, Allah has in his generosity, he will give it to you as if though you've solved the problem.

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But as a community, we need to ask what did we contribute to our legacy? We look at you know, we say 200 mosques, you will look at the Burano the Burano

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Ramadan survey Tara weeks of Ramadan, we put out which mosques if you look at the rate at which must have grown.

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Our predeceases did a much better job with a much smaller base. They didn't have the fancy degrees we have today. They didn't have the jobs that we had today. They didn't even have the people in council that can help us with paperwork and all this stuff. Some of them couldn't even read or write but they put

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massage it in a very difficult environment. When last have we built new massage or developed and push things forward spine Allah, there was Baraka Baraka in that sincerity. So for us, our time is now and you and me, we need to decide which of these problems we are going to fix. And we have a sweet a golden opportunity to write our legacy.

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And the one who leaves no legacy, really, he is the one that truly dies. As they say, the one who leaves nothing of these days, he really has come to an end, even the pious person, the worship, there are two types of deeds. There's a deed, making Salah making vicar and fasting, fantastic, amazing. But once you die, that worship comes to an end, and you will never increase further than that you will reach the level and your your your Salah ends with that your Quran ends with that.

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But the person who has actually left behind some kind of sadaqa jariya Sudoku really is your legacy. It is a de that will continue to grow even long after you died, that you can actually surpass the pious worshiper because your contribution continued long after you had died. So the prophets of salaam says will ever start a good tradition, a good example a good initiative, you started Subhan Allah, which is followed, then from him is a reward, and the likes of the rewards of whatever follows him. So you start an initiative, you don't know what this initiative will grow into. You plant the seed, you put the brick, you put the first step, someone else follows you and someone else

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follows and they take you to the next level and the next level. So long as this initiative continues, that reward will go to you, every single person that walks that path will come to you will get a reward in that they will not be reduced in any way. And you will get the reward in full SubhanAllah. There'll be nothing diminished from the reward. And whoever Of course, the countryside, whoever starts a bad initiative, bad tradition. You started something a fitna and this thing escalated, it went out of control, then for him is the Son, and the son of whoever falls into that thing as well. They will not the punishment will not be diminished from them know from use of Han

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Allah. There are those three types of people, the one who leaves a golden, beautiful legacy that will inspire others and will be good for him. And they are those and maybe perhaps most of us, we fought in the second bucket, who have left no legacy. We have an uneventful life, not even a footnote worthy of mention, we just came and we went and that's it. Maybe a few relatives will cry over us but not very long, and life will continue. And then of course may Allah protect us those who will leave a legacy of destruction, the long after they leave the mess that they leave behind will continue to harm people. For example, Subhan Allah, the founders of apartheid, we think about it,

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the legacy they left behind now many millions of people have have been harmed by that answer behind Allah, they will get the shape of that punishment. May Allah protect us.

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In a more specific Hadith about building a legacy that we saw, Saddam says when a man dies, his deeds come to an end, even the good one we said even the Wali of the old Yap Allah, whatever you did, whatever you're doing, how many times you give, fast and Salah these kinds of acts of worship, they will end when you die call us except a person who leaves behind three specific things three things or resources. There are three types of charities you can leave behind, or three types of good deeds you leave behind. That will continue long after your end. We know this hadith, a very famous Hadith, he leaves behind a continuous charity meaning some form of endowment, whether it is a

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building, a masjid, a tree, anything that brings benefit to anyone, Muslim, non Muslim, even an animal Subhanallah you plant a tree and birds nest in a tree birds eat from that, fruits in a tree people sit up, then while that tree stands, you are getting rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala. So one type of promises or good deeds will come to an end, except number one, a charity that continues an endearing charity. Well, number two knowledge by which people got some benefit out you imparted some knowledge, some wisdom not only for the Allama you important, something good and people benefit from that you get the reward. Or number three, you left behind pious children, pious children who make

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dua for you long after you die. That is your legacy. And if we're to break this down.

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So the first thing is a physical need that you saw for someone else, you know, sometimes we feel we don't get appreciated. We do good maybe at work in our office. We've done so much effort we don't get the recognition we deserve. We did so much good in the family. And no one said anything positive, so long as people benefit that is your legacy. Allah will reward you don't ever feel shy or scared or hesitant to do good. In fact, the true sincere person does good not to be noticed by others. But he knows Allah notices and Allah will reward and the less

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People give you your, the more Allah is gonna give you the or even in the dunya will give you in some other form. So whatever does some thing and you leave something of good that people benefit after you die, then this will be in your account. So now you and I need to think very hard. What do I have on my balance sheet now that if I go away tomorrow will continue earning me some kind of reward because I need help in that cupboard. I need something to continue to send a light emergency in a difficulty when I'm alone in the cupboard. So what do I have what have I left behind? It can be imagined as we see a hospital and orphanage a tree, planting a seed walking on the road, you know,

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fixing the road, whatever it might be Subhan Allah, whatever it might be is fine Allah but do something of benefit that will long outlive you some people as we said, and we'll talk more about this Inshallah, depending on the sincerity and how much Allah except that deed can be small but you're multiplied over and over and over and over. You look at certain massager a boat, and they ended wells are dug they live for 5060 years they dry up when you have other things managed a well managed for example standing the misogyny in the book of Swan Allah hundreds of years they stand wells that have gone on the well have said North man for example, when he came to Medina, the

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province of Solomon said Look who would buy the belt the wealth of rumor, this well that we need, it belongs to a Jewish we will buy it and guarantees place in Ghana. So people probably got together, how much are we going to club together, he himself with any purchase that well at an enormous price Subhan Allah that wealth still has water today. Till today people are drinking about 1400 years, it's a very long time for the well. But that is the legacy that Allah when Allah loves a sincere deed, you will keep it to India long after you disappear long after you in that deed who will continue to do leave behind something of substance of benefit for humanity or for the world. The

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next the next thing is imparting knowledge. And again, this is not just about this is not just about being an ally, always when we think when we read this instead of oh, you need to study in the data room for 60 seconds for six years, come back, give a dance, leave a book now you've lived knowledge now. Subhanallah if that's one type of knowledge, and Subhanallah when we look at the legacy,

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when we look at the legacy of the personalities of the mafia to list the top 100 personalities of the Ummah, you exclude the Sahaba because they in a tear all on the own. Usually the top of the pile belongs to the scholars, both those the Islamic scholars and the scientists. No one remembers the king Subhan Allah Subhan Allah You know, it's amazing. And Walid works I tell you al Walid

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al Walid even Abdul Malik, do any of you know him? Have you ever heard of him Alwaleed bin Abdul Malik. This is the Khalifa that had an empire from Spain in his time they conquered Spain all the way to China. One of the greatest empires that existed when no one even knows his name is Ron ALLAH. Whenever I speak to an Imam Al Bukhari, you know, who is your Mani cam Shafi? Hon Allah, you know who these people were, they died with nothing in terms of material gain a few books that they wrote, even in the lifetime, they wanted a big deal. No one thought of them as you know, they were a scholar and hamdulillah great. They never thought he was a superstar. But Allah loves them so much

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that the knowledge India to the end of time, and so the legacy shines. So this is a special thing about imparting knowledge, something very special. So either you can be the one that learns and input imparts, if you can't do that, remember, all the scholars, if you look at the life, they had benefactors, financially, people who supported them, people who assisted the institutions of learning, there's other ways of helping and beyond that Subhan Allah, giving dunya knowledge over skills over uplifting someone, even just a word of advice, someone might go and go through some difficulty, their marriage is going through some difficulty. And you can go and say, you know, I've

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been there done that. Have somebody you give them advice, show them the ropes, it saves the marriage from that 2030 years of goodness comes, children come from that Subhanak that word of advice, change their life, all of us know, we had a conversation with someone that changed my life. Many of you can tell you, I was on one pot, and I had a conversation with Uncle so and so. And it changed my life for the better. Subhanallah that is a legacy someone left behind. Every good deed you did on that path goes to you. So don't be shy to share some good words of wisdom, words of advice. Don't be shy to do that. On this point. Subhanallah it makes us so happy. The Burano youth group saw that

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initiative all on their own. They are starting now. Some of the slides of mine alone, I saw it on a different chat. I don't even see it on our announcements. I don't know why we don't announce it. They started a learning support base. So these are students in university. Anyone who's doing matric and needs tuition. You can join free. So anyone whose kids are going through matric now you want some tuition, learn your maths, your physics, this group of youngsters, the brondell you

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Group, let us know we'll sit down with you free of charge, no need for anything else, just contact us Subhanallah I don't know why so now slides I should going around. Now imagine your son, your daughter, teacher, someone else's son, daughter, that person gets an extra five, six person to get into medicine, that person becomes a doctor, that personnel saves lives. All of that in your scale of goodness, because you spent five hours tutoring somebody maths, and similarly anything else, you change someone's life. So import good knowledge impart good knowledge. Lastly than a visa system says something which is very profound, I got this actually, I had a conversation with someone a

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mother. And this is the reason why it gave us football. She said, you know, life is so busy.

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Kids, work, husband full time job. I don't have time to do all these things for the community can the fact that I put my focus on my kids cannot be my legacy. And just had the theory this hadith promises will leaves behind the pious child, that can be your legacy, your greatest contribution to the Ummah can be, you know what, I didn't build many mosques, I didn't write any books. There's nothing on paper, you can see amazing, but my kids are wonderful people. I read them, I taught them. They are successful in the dunya. And in the arc era, they practice they do whatever good they do in life was because I told them that and that will be your legacy. And the more pious your children

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are, the more they will make dua for you may Allah granted out over we continue making dua for our parents and Allah grant those who have passed away, high place in Jana, and my our kids be good kids, and let them make dua for us.

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So your legacy can be your children. Now, all of these three things with a building a masjid, an orphanage, learning knowledge, writing a book, singing and raising a child, they are not easy things, you cannot get a legacy just by sitting and doing nothing. And that's the catch. That's the catch. It's not just raising any child to 18. That's easy. You can read someone to 18 is simple, you just pay for the food, the medical, that's not the raising a pious child, it is about really teaching a child really investing yourself in that person. So to build a legacy that requires a lot of effort. It requires it for you to sit with that child for you to sit with that magic committee in

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that meeting. In that six years of studying and then teaching. This requires investment upfront. And you can all you can do Subhanallah is plant the seed or what what sorts you know about this thing, leaving a legacy is like they describe it as planting a seed and you will never know what that seed becomes. Some of those seeds will not amount to anything that will never even germinate some of these will germinate will become plant die. Some of those seeds may become trees, huge trees, forests Subhanallah you don't know which one is going to be accepted by Allah subhanaw taala Yes, Allah will reward you for every seed. Allah will reward you for every intention, but some Allah will

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accept and allow it to prosper. The best you can do is to plant as many as possible to put your name in as much as you can and out that just one year Allah I don't need all of them. I just need one to really be accepted by you. So how do you really do this and Allah those who have built a legacy, they will tell you it begins as as always insincere Nia and a plan you must want it you must leave this Jim was saying I want to do something I don't want to be stuck on the couch and continue my life for the next 40 years like this. If I continue on this path I'm not gonna have anything to show I need to start working on something I don't know but that desire must be the and then remember what

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legacy Allah some of those tests you will success I don't want the female Allah I don't want people to say Masha Allah, Mohammed waste University of Muhammad no one wants that. We want you here Allah to accept it. This is all so I can stand before you here Allah and say, This is why by Your grace intimin to Jana, because I did this for your sake. And so many people benefited from that. So the NIA must be sincere and the most sincere that Nia is it's an indication of the acceptance. They are great scholars, more knowledgeable than the scholars that we have. They were more than formada hip. They will more books than Bukhari and Muslim and all this. Some disappeared in obscurity. Even

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amongst those scholars, for example, they will say we don't see so many books. But those books, we don't know where they are. Those books were not fully accepted. But the special one which is very sincere, maybe it came at a time of difficulty and they persevered. Those are the ones that endured by Allah. So it said near that will let you put one fiver and in the towel and only be five grand and another man who puts five in the towel, that's 50 billion, whatever it might be because of the NEA in the heart. So be sincere in your legacy. If you started initiative, you're on the Budget Committee. whatever good you doing in your life. I hope you're part of some good charity. Remember

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when you attend that meeting? I'm not doing it here for you people. I'm doing it only for the pleasure of Allah and the more difficult it is the more reward you're going to get. And do not fear to think

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big luck feel scared to think big. I'm going to take these challenges on. Yes, you have to plan and that's the hard thing. We all know the challenges, but it's sitting down planning working, okay, if I want to fix this, I need to make contact with 1020 different people. I need money. I need government assistance. Do it, do it. If you don't do it, who's going to do it? And that is the greatest reward for the one who starts even in businessman Allah, the guys who started Apple, they'll say in the garage, no one believes it's possible. The big companies, where did they start? One person, one idea, hundreds of challenges, but they started they persevered. And it's the ones

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that start at Ground Zero are the ones that did eat the maximum rewards. Sahaba Subhanallah they came in they heard this man we know but he's coming with a strange religion. What is gonna become this Islam thing? Could they have imagined what it will become? And they are the ones that are the foundation. So you never know where it's going. But to start Subhan Allah, Allah will give you the would just start I mean, so the first thing is have that near that Rafa, make that decision today, I want to do something positive, long after I die, and then stop no more excuses. And don't let sit back stop you. Allah will not give it free of charge. Every single person who has a great legacy,

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they will tell you more about the challenges they overcame, whether it is business, whether it is sports, whether it whatever it is, if you want success in this life, Allah will put bumps in your way to see how far you willing to go. How sincere is that Nia, allow me to set a realistic thing that near How much do you want it and when you push yourself to the max, when you look like there's no option, Allah opens the door from a place you could not have seen. And you know, I can give you examples from the Sunnah and the Sierra and the history. I can tell you myself on certain organizations that I work with, you find yourself Wallah, he FOMO Allah, you find yourself in a

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situation, you look at the numbers, you think this organization will not survive. When the numbers don't add up. It's gonna run to an end and out of nowhere, personal example someone phones you out of India. I heard about your organization, just tell me the number. Don't know who the uncle is how you got out information, but the money is the Subhanallah you had to first push yourself to that in that Brink where Allah I have nowhere else to go. Now I leave it in your hands. And then Allah opens the doors. Don't worry about feeling I am insignificant. What can I do? So you know, Omar started off as the man who was going to kill the prophets of Suriname. And look where he ended up Wallah you

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starting at a better place than he started. You starting at a much higher level than many of the Sahaba who couldn't read or write killing their own children. You starting off with a much better place than our earlier to ungroup nothing, no money, no family, nothing. But they, it doesn't matter where you start. Don't feel that you are insignificant. Oh, it's only for the scholars and the chefs and the movies. No, no, no. It is for everyone. If every one of us here leaves a legacy 300 of us here 300 Whatever's we leave behind, then we've changed the world and the community. Don't worry about the naysayers. Every time you want to do something good, you will have 1020 people saying this

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is bad, the MBR God that the Sahaba God that the scholars God that Imam Malik for example, he wrote a book called the mullah which is really the foundation of Imam jihad. His book, the most authentic book of Hadith was Imam Malik the Maliki method when he wrote the book crucify you writing a book of Hadith Well, this is not needed. And he said, Haha, write the book. No worry. This is the only mortar that survived and all the other books of Hadith basically built on his book. So many of the scholars told him, why are you doing this, no need to do this write the book. And he said, You know what I did for the OMA for the sake of the Ummah, whoever reads it, no reason. You know, Allah,

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Allah might write the book, maybe one person read his book, but now it has endured. So don't worry about the mistakes we learn from it. We move forward in if you're in an organization, don't get demoralized. It's part of shaytaan. And it requires number three consistent hard work. When we spoke last week about the deeds Allah loves. It's not the quantity, it is the consistency. It is about signing yourself up and making it part of your life that if I sign up for the budget committee, yes, there's going to be this terrible meeting once a month where I'm going to sit for hours talking about so many things, I can be doing so many other things. But this is part of my life, I need to do

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this. But if I am signing up for an orphanage or whatever, I will make that 50 grand debit order, good or bad. In in ease and comfort I will do with your Allah. That is the consistency no matter what comes, I will continue giving my part. This is what Allah loves the most more than that million Rand deposits that you put in the bank. That's the fear and EFT you make every single month without fail when I have a job, not a job. I continue to as soft as long as I'm able to do so. This is the one that gets accepted by Allah sincerity and consistent hard work and do things because they are you know what, Subhan Allah is a beautiful speech. You should listen to the President Kennedy when

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he spoke about going to the moon. He says we take these challenges on not because they are easy, but because they are hard. We look for the difficult ones because we want to be the leaders in that mindset. I don't look for the easy way out mediocrity. What is the Big Shot

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means give it to me. I want to be the ones Hava put up their hand. And you know what? Don't feel I am insignificant because every challenge requires a lot of different people. Yes, you need the man on top. The scholar, the alim, the businessman, when they speak to the spoke to the people at NASA, the janitor sweeping the space station, whatever it is, and they will talking about What job do you do? I spoke to the scientist and those that calculating all these building rockets. What do you do? So he said, I'm also helping to put a man on the moon. Yes, I'm the janitor. But I'm also needed here. You might be what am I doing? I'm just, you know, washing some towels in the masjid. I'm just

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bringing some boxes. Yeah, and they're moving some cheese. That is part of the objective initiative. That is your contribution and your share of the reward as well. Don't underestimate your contribution. And the best of those are those who try the hardest and spend the most time in it. And lastly, all we can do is plant that seed. All we can do is plant that seed. Whether it grows or doesn't grow is up to Allah. And that's why after we do our effort comes the DUA and the trust in Allah Ya Allah. I've left behind deeds, except those deeds from us. That's one of the every of the every bada Robin atta Koppelman in the country. Similarly, maybe brambles, the Kaaba, immediate

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afterwards Yalla, except this from us, only when Allah accepts, then you will see the benefits the hobby would say, and I end up with this hadith, he says, If all if you knew that Allah except that just one of your deeds feel happy, because he only accepts a good deed from someone was guaranteed Jana, if you have one good deed, one, just one Salah that is accepted, then it's an indication that he must reward you and send you to Jannah. And that's enough. So Allah Allah accept all our good deeds, and more, and think and as I said, Ask this question today in traffic, When I die, would I be missed? What would I have left behind? May Allah grant us a legacy that is good, that is good in the

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dunya. And in the era, I mean, just a few announcements quickly, that this Sunday, it's going to be our marriage class, closer than a garment for those who are looking to get married or planning on this. So even who are married already, we'll discuss lots of things, how to find a good spouse the rights and duties of the husband and the wife. If you have arguments how to resolve these conflicts, how do you go about divorce if you realize marriage is not so good for you? Intimacy, all the stuff so there's a bit of a restriction? Yeah, maybe 15 and above, and this is for Sunday, it will be in the masjid from 830 to nine so 830 to nine there'll be snacks all involved as well. So from 830 to

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830 for nine and to continue and to answer insha Allah mo classes on Mondays six to seven Rightly Guided caliphs, Back to Basics should still come out inshAllah duckula cinematic kumara la yobit Academy

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