Muhammad West – Dealing with Someone Difficult

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the negative impact of negative qualities on a global perspective and the importance of accepting the reality of the situation and not giving up on one's negative side. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and a holistic approach to life, avoiding negative speech and not being close with people. They also stress the importance of forgiveness and a justice system for those who commit crimes, and urge avoiding negative thoughts and not competing with others. The segment ends with a discussion of Subhan conversions and a new YouTube channel called The rightly guided Khalifa.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we lucky winner shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Anwar Ali he will remain a beloved brothers and sisters in Islam as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Alhamdulillah Allah Allah Allah mean or praise be Unto Allah subhanho wa Taala Nisha to Allah, Allah Allah Allah we testify and be a witness that Nan has the right of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala we thank him and we praise Him and we glorify Him and His names and we send our love and greetings and salutations. So beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious imperial family to his companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. May Allah subhanaw taala bless us to be on the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this life, and to be in his companionship in the era. I mean, welcome that Allah will hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah I wasn't here last week and sokola hate for the womb to us of support.

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Insha Allah today we're going to talk about in a topic that we all face with is dealing with those difficult people that bring us unhappiness. I see a lot of smiles. So they know that smile is directed for it could be a family member, it could be a co worker, it could be a friend. They're those people that just bring you down, they make you miserable. They suck the life life out of you. How do we deal with these people that we just can't deal with? Now I begin with a caveat. When I when I do these slides, I sometimes share it beforehand. And people asked who is the slides mean for like, where is this coming from? Joomla is not a platform to eat out dirty laundry, and people call

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me and also have a fight with my wife. I have a fight with my parents. It's not about any one specific. I also had a very hectic week workwise so my coworkers are probably thinking, Oh, I must be talking about them. We had a hamdulillah very tough Majid committee meeting. So with the Taliban, it's not about you. It's not about anyone at the masjid. So this is just a general topic. And but it's something relative to all of us, that we all confronted with toxic or difficult people. And how do we deal with it as a Muslim? How do we keep our iman intact our dignity intact when dealing with these difficult people? And Allah subhanaw taala or the prophets Allah mentions to us that they are

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such people. Because hadith is a very smart Allah, the promise of them says that Allah hates strong word allah it's and detests people that are rude, that are harsh to other people. That allowed in the markets in the roads, they make a scene. They are foul by night. The hadith actually, like foul stick like a corpse meaning they do filthy things in the evenings. And in the day they act the Prophet uses him or they're like donkeys I mean, they they idiots they foolish in the day, even though they might be brilliant in the dunya you might find that they are the best at work. They are the smartest people but they have no concern about the author or no etiquette no other I see a lot

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of nods like a lot of people say yes, I can identify with someone like that. Right so the all these kinds of people that are just loud and harsh and rude to other people and and the prophets of Allah hates such people, Allah truly detest such people. And in another Hadith, there was a Bedouin that came to the Prophet Solomon Bedouin chief, and the Prophet SAW Salem, that really disliked him. But when he came to the veto Salem, the Prophet was very nice to me, very polite to him. And so when the chieftain left, Ayesha Aston, you were then you didn't like you showed your dislike to him behind his back, sort of. But when he came, you're very nice and smiled and polite. Why were you doing like

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that. So that goes on and says, visually in the sight of Allah, the worst amongst people they have piano is the one that people abandon them or they avoid you, because they are worried about your indecency, meaning that if you're not polite with him and smile with him, then they bring out all that rude treatment. So you have, you are forced to be false with them, or you make a point to avoid them. That if you're going to walk by the office, you make a U turn to go somewhere else. That if you see this guy coming or this person coming, you try to go another direction. So people a person that people avoid simply because of how horrible they are in the UK, the provinces these are of the

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worst people in the sight of Allah on the day of piano.

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So how do we deal with such people? These are the people that hurt you, and you might have perhaps you have someone even in your mind right now, that spoke harshly to you, or constantly belittles you someone that you dislike someone that makes you feel bad about yourself every time you speak to them, they somehow managed to make you feel insecure, you know? Subhanallah even compliments now is like, like, like a swear word, right? Someone can say you're looking mashallah we're getting mashallah, like shake a swear word now, right? Right. There's always they are those people that are all like always in a negative downward spiral. You know, they always have drama in their life, and

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they suck the life out of you. They always have a long story about their life. You find these people that are arrogant or controlling

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I'm so self absorbed, whenever we have a conversation, it's about them and them and them, and or they're judgmental or envious, you're too scared to even share your happiness with them. Because you know, there's something not, you know, there's not genuine about them. You know, if you see the phone number on the phone, they've line the name pops up, you don't even want to answer the phone, you even like your stomach turns. Right. Now, by the way, you might be the toxic person in this relationship. You might be the person that people avoid, because it might be that person.

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And you find the opposite Subhanallah you find people that when they not be in the company, it was waste so and so phone in phones, it's not the you know, it's not the same when they're absent. You know, the day wasn't as enjoyable when that person wasn't around, aspire to be like that person. And as so this is in your personal life, we're going to talk about how to deal with these issues. But from a bigger perspective, from a bigger perspective, we as Uma, we fail we have we have one of our failures as OMA is not that we lack good, talented people, or that we lack abilities or resources. We lack the ability to work together collectively, that our personal issues break us down that we've

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we've become a group of people that it's easier for me to live my life in isolation, and I do I'm not willing to stew to go beyond because this person I don't like the way he talks that person I don't like the way she looks so I'm not going to socially interact and this is what's making our Ummah weak. So Allah subhanaw taala says what it Allah obey Allah wa Sula, who and His Messenger wallet and Aza O and do not dispute do not fight with one another list, you will lose your strength and your courage you will become a weak ummah. And that's where we are today. Now, the problem that you see on a global perspective, not to Muslim countries can stand side by side, there are over 50

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Muslim countries, you can't say these two are, you know, they are in thick and thin. You can speak about the European Union, you can speak about America and England, but the Muslim countries, one brothers, they can't work together and its people it goes down to people differences. And this big issue globally, starts with you and me, in our families at home at our work. So we need to learn how to deal with each other's negative sides.

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So how do you deal with this?

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Understand number one, and will usually when you accept that this is a reality, the first step to getting moving forward is to accept the reality of the situation. Allah subhanaw taala says, What about docume libertine fitna? Ato spherule Allah says I have made some of you, a fitna for others. I've made some people a test a trial a difficulty for others. So when you have patients meaning I Allah I deliberately put that difficult person in your family in your circle of friends to teach you how are you going to interact? And EVO can rob bookabach sera and Allah says and I am aware of everything, I see everything, this is a deliberate teach from Allah subhanho wa Taala you are going

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to be confronted with bad people harsh people and the test is how do I respond? That you know they will say like we say will you lose your iman this person when I when I speak to this person this this guy or this woman? I lose my Eman I completely lose my modality that is the test for you. And for me, you can you see people Subhanallah they come out to the masjid and someone cuts them off in the road and all the swear words comes out Subhan Allah I don't know why people are looking at other people in the masjid.

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Right, and this is a that was a test for you. That was a test for you. We are one in the masjid and we softening softening the hearts and submitting ourselves to Allah and the minute we go out we are either the one that is loud look, look at the Hadith obviously the one who is loud and harsh somebody in the traffic the one who bursts in and the one who inconveniences others Subhan Allah this is not the etiquette. So it's a reality you can't escape. But Allah Subhana Allah says it is a test for you, he will deliberately test you with certain people. And some of you might say that, you know, maybe it's easier for me to just live my own life. And I don't have the less I interact with

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people, the better it is for me, you find people like that. But so long as I live in my bubble, I don't really socialize. I don't really get too close with my coworkers. I don't have too many friends, then this is better for me because with every person brings that baggage and it brings the worst in me. The problem is who says no, the believer who mixes with the people and he Indios they are meaning you put up with the with a nonsense as a greater reward than the one who does not mix with people. No, he endures the arm and the word is in do meaning you will never get away from it. It will be a lifelong struggle. There's no cure for rudeness. Unfortunately, there's no vaccine for

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that. So you just persist in it and it breaks you down and you bring yourself back up and you just maintain your Eman.

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When someone that you meet does not sell

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Sometimes you meet people that you can get along you meet for the first time and you just have a genuine connection. Have you ever experienced that someone that you just meet for the first time, and you find that the conversation is easy, you feel like we could be free we as if they were friends for years, and other people you can be working with for years or you can have known for years, but you will never ever get along. You will you will like oil and water. Even if you're not crushing, you will never be close. This is also part of what Allah subhanaw taala had ordained the beautiful Hadith the Prophet SAW, Selim says, souls are like conscripted soldiers. The souls are

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like soldiers in a battalion, meaning they are in groups, the soldiers are in groups. So those who they recognize those who are from the same group, they recognize one another, they will get along with each other, and those who they don't recognize. So a guy sold from a different group, you don't recognize Him, you will not get along with them. I should so I shouldn't have it's just how do you teach is how to is the world's going to be so solemn, that in Makkah before Hegira, there was a Sahabi, a lady who was a joker, she used to make jokes, and she used to crack jokes and laugh a lot. And when she came when it came to Medina, Medina also had an anti like that. And so these two became

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best friends. So the Prophet was, he says, How to other words of my beloved how to eat is the soul seeks out someone that mixes now you will not always be the best friend of everyone. Some people will just not like you, not your fault, not default. And so the reality is you don't have to be best friends with everybody. You don't have to be best friends with everybody. But of course, you need to be decent and polite to everyone. And hopefully there are some people that like you. If no one likes you, then that's also another problem. That's a very serious probably to ask yourself.

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How would you deal

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with the negativity of such kind of when we're using the term toxic people, toxic people, you see these people that sucks the life out of you that brings out the worst in you? How do you deal when you're confronted with that? Allah says of the attributes of the Bible, Rahman Oh, the attributes of the true worshipers of Allah. Allah the Nilaya Sharona Xu that they do not say they're not speak falsehood. Well, either Maru beloved Hui Maru KERAMA, when they pass by anything of foul speech,

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anything that the year that is not nice, they pass by with dignity, meaning they don't involve themselves in it, they exclude themselves from it. Also pass by means that maybe that negative speech was directed at you, they just leave it or don't internalize it, don't absorb it, don't obsess about it. Why did he say this? You know, why did this person say this about me? Why is this person so angry at me, if it's, if it's, if it's bad speech that has no substance to it, pass by it in one ear out the other year, don't let it eat you up inside of the attributes of the bad man. They don't associate with bad speech, they don't carry it with them, they just move on, move on, and move

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away from it.

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And Allah subhanaw taala also speak to the same set of eyes that sometimes you have to respond, if you better not to respond. But if you have to respond, Allah says, The servants of Allah are those who when they walk on the earth with humility, the ones that Allah loves are not the the big shots that are out there and loud and proud. It is the ones that you looking at, you don't see them. They're the ones who are humble in the way they interact. These are the ones that Allah admires Allah loves. So Allah says we're either hot about whom will die alone, when the ignorant person and reality a person who has no etiquette a person who screams in the office place they can only get

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their point across through screaming and shouting, who is every conversation becomes an argument. Allah calls them Jaya he known that they are ignorant that they have no they are not yet matured, really, they can be 50 years old, but they're not fully matured. So Allah says, when such people interact with you, and you have to respond, we respond with Saddam, Salah mean, peace, I'm not going to get a respond with violence. Also, Salam is masama meaning I will just greet you and move on. I will give you the I'll give you the respect you deserve. But beyond that, well hamdulillah and this is of the the way you deal with negative speech directed at you

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beyond that, but you can go a step higher than that. But step above that, a step above avoiding above politeness is to actually be the one that reconciles and this is described as a person of Jannah so be like the person of Jannah two examples.

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The Prophet SAW also notices Shall I not tell you of a person who Jahannam is forbidden you cannot this person cannot go to Jana. It is haram for him to go to Johanna Guha, what kind of person Yasuda Allah, it is every person who's accessible meaning easy to put

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Should you have feel no fear to knock on his Office or Office even if they are the CEO, whatever, you have no fear picking up the phone and have a conversation easily accessible. Kind. When you have a conversation, it's kind spirited, it's laughter It's happiness and easygoing. This is a person of these qualities of prophecy is haram for them to go for Jana. Amazing, amazing. And something more specific maybe in your marriage. And last week I heard was a very intimate Alhamdulillah I hope you took those Sooners and implemented them at home and other sunnah This is not for the ladies. The boss was always say the Sunnah for us. We are the sisters they also have to have Sooners. Here's a

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nice sunnah for the sisters, the prophets of salaam says shall not tell you about the women of Jana. Now the whole line better than the whole line, the dunya women that achieved Jana? What about the what are the qualities, the provinces, the other the loving, affectionate,

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you know, compassionate women, who if she gets angry, or if she's mistreated, or if a husband gets angry, she will say, here is my hand in your hand, I shall not sleep until you're pleased with me. Even if she's angry, even if he was wrong, she goes and puts her hand in his hand and says, I want us to reconcile. I'm not going to sleep until you're happy with me. This is a very difficult thing to do. Subhanallah when you are angry, And subhanAllah you don't want to give your annual to give the first. But yeah, the prophet says what do you get in return? It's not doing it for him, you get Jana in returns, and Allah, this is the price tag of Jana to swallow that pride, and to be the beta

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one and two in this, this mystery as as best you can. I must also say as I must mention your very importantly, this hookah is all about being the better person taking the higher road. You know, if you're in an abusive relationship, someone is taking your rights, your property, your money, dishonouring you harming you, then you can't just sit back and turn the other cheek, then you must stop it, then you must stand up for it. And if you don't stand up for it, when to perpetuate that evil. Sometimes, if it's not happening to you, it means someone else is being harmed by this person. In that case, the province of Salem stood up. If you see something wrong, change it with your hand,

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if not with your hand speak out against it, and if not, at the very least make dua. But we're talking here about emotional things that we can let go, that we can slide, this is what we're talking about today.

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Some of you might say, Can we not shun that person, and Subhanallah there are many people sadly, in the families, they are very bad if it's a family member, you know certain relationships, you can break. For example, you get married in the Sharia allows you to get divorced. You can be friends, very close friends, and it didn't work out. I mean, you just acquaintances, that's also fine. You still polite and you but family members, for example, where you don't have any you don't speak to them. You don't the rights of family is a lot more than that the rights of friends and neighbors.

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You cannot cut down cut away these relationships, even if that person is wrong. Even if your son or your daughter, your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, they were wrong. Allah does not allow this. And Allah Subhan does not allow two people two brothers to be completely on nonspeaking term so they don't greet each other. So this hadith, it harms both of them. The prophets also says the gates of Jannah are opened on Monday and Thursday. That's one of the reasons why the enemies of false on Monday, Thursday, and everyone who does not come and shoot with Allah, Allah will forgive him. So on that Mondays and Thursdays, Allah has a general amnesty for everyone, so long as you

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don't didn't come a chick except a man who had an argument with his brother. And Allah will say he said, Wait, meaning the forgiveness is on hold for these two people to reconcile, wait for these two to reconcile, wait for these two to three times until they one picks up the phone and says Sir, I want to come I want to ask for math. The forgiveness is on hold both of them the right one and the wrong one. Of course the wrong one is get even worse.

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So we cannot the option of shunning. I don't speak to any more. This should not be the case. They should not be a single person on your on your list. That was your contact list. But I don't speak to them anymore completely. Unless of course, you know, there's very, very bad person speaking to them is is dangerous for you. But otherwise, it shouldn't be that acquaintance a friend a family member in particular, I completely cut off. This is not permissible.

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As you as best you can. Don't argue back. If you find yourself Subhanallah confronted with someone and

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it is not as I said in terms of your honor, your dignity you don't have you can you don't have to fight back then it is best for you not to fight back. The Prophet of Islam says I guarantee you a house in Jannah for the one who leaves of arguing even when he is right.

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Many times as the Imam you find couples or family members or friends come in, they argue, and the one will say, but I'm right, Imam and yes, you are right. But even being right, there's a higher degree, you can actually let it go better for you to let go of it, not to argue even when you are right. This is a very, very high level of emancipation, Allah, you know, you tell people these things and say, I would rather stand tonight in tagit that's easier thing to, to look in the face of my enemy, and to say, You know what, let's just leave us alone. That is a very difficult thing to do. But this is why it is a great reward attached to it. And look at the word Allah Subhana Allah

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says to us, well, yeah, who will therefore means and pardon those words

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and overlook make things right again? And not to hit buena? Allahu Allah. Do not want Allah to forgive you for all the things you've done against Allah. Do you not want Allah to forgive you for all the things you've done against Allah? We are very quick to count when we've been wronged. When we are owed, you've taken this from me, you are me. I am now going when I'm in the pound seat. I'm going to take my pound of flesh. When it comes to Allah then we want to cry out Allah have mercy on me overlook overlook. Well, if you want Allah to overlook then we need to overlook what Allah Fuhrer Rahim and Allah is merciful, most forgiving. This is from Heinola you in another context of this if

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this is the context that I shared on the alarm, listen to this if we know that our mother Aisha and the wife of an epistle solemn, she was accused of Xena accused of adultery. I'm gonna just put into perspective your wife is being accused. Have you ever wife or your daughter, your daughter is accused of Xena and her name is being tarnished in the town. And you have a cousin who you are supporting his his poor and you supporting him with money and he's of those who are spreading the false rumor about your daughter. Then Allah reveals is saying that your daughter was innocent. Are you still going to make that EFT to your cousin? Are you still going to go out of your way to

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financially to give even your child say no, off to you a doll my family like this? You lied. You still want me to help you have a crusade from now on I'm not going to help you see the Swiss cousin and then Allah revealed this I do not do that. Don't you want Allah to forgive you? continued on for us. We just have to say salaam aleikum for the Sahaba he still had to go make the EFT SubhanAllah.

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That's the level of Taqwa Allah commands from them for us at very least still say Salam o Allah

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Allah Sivan says to us

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with this kind of issue when we're dealing with these things will remain sobre and and the one who is patient will offer any forgives in Radek. I mean as Middlemore that this is of the most difficult things to do. The one who is patient when someone harms him, and then he lets it go, and he's any pardons it he that mother in law that said those things fine Allah, you can hear the lady they've been married for 50 years the mother knows longtime did, but she also I can never get over what my mother in law said to me on our first year of marriage, that's that's a poison for you, sister. That's a poison to you. Allah says, Have patience and forgive that and this is assuming or in fact,

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this is the same, the same definition the same word allah useful to whom as other five elite and we are the ones who had the most difficulty. Allah says this for you, for us normal people is of that level caliber of stuff to overlook and pardon when we've been wronged. But that is what gives you the great reward. So if don't hold grudges, if you've got a grudge in your heart, yeah, for someone think about that person that you hate the most. Alright, that person that harmed you the most make dua for them. They're ALLAH forgive ya Allah make them better. Yeah, what grabbed me to let go these things did not keep me up at night and argue about it and bother my mind because one of the great

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believe it's a out he mentioned earlier one, he says Rahim Allah that he says it's like a poison. With someone harmed you and you continuously victimize yourself, that person is sleeping fine. You are the one that is torturing yourself in bed at night. rather let it go and move on with your life. And the Prophet says to us, no one forgives another person, except that ALLAH will increase your honor in the dunya. And of course in the era, Allah will make you because by forgiving you will love winning yourself. When you say I make them asked me even if you are wrong, to swallow your pride and say I made a mistake. You know, give me my if you feel the small right to be small. Or if someone

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now came in they harmed you. And you pick up the phone and sit and you know this guy owes me money. This guy did those wrong things and you pick up the phone and says you know what, let's just move on. Side note again. If someone for example, you leave money and

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didn't pay you back. Forgive him if you can. You should forgive him. But don't make any money again, don't the prophets of salaam says the believer is not stung from the same hole twice, so don't again lend the money don't again make the same mistake, but as for your animosity towards him, this is something you can let go. This is something you can let go. And so the Prophet says to you know, one that forgives except that ALLAH will only you in the dunya honor could be Allah will give you status in another way in your career, in your family. Allah will give you a raise you up rank in the dunya and of course in the era is the great elevation.

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Never think when your heart is taken, when you are harmed or wronged, it goes unnoticed. They will be a day of equalizing they will be a day of justice. And so Allah says, Cooley Allah says calling Medina Amano say to the people of Yemen, only people of Eman will understand this. Your crew leader in Elia Juna em Allah, let the people of Eman, forgive those listening, forgive the wrongs that were done to them for a people who don't hope in the day of Allah. They are those people carry on their life. And they live their life, as if the order of it is here. They take any harm and they, you know, abuse others where you can, Allah says is better for you forgive them, the believers, because

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you hope for a day that they don't hope for and that Allah subhanaw taala will reward a people buy what they're doing, meaning Allah will reward you for your supper, and Allah will punish that person for the abuse. You hope from Allah what they don't hope for. And this is why he's part of your belief. This highly Subhanallah it's a beautiful Hadith. We always want to know people always ask how do we get to Jana? How do we get to Jana? How do we actually have the only of Allah and usually we always say that Wally, in our minds, he is he performs all these compulsive things. That's without saying, and then he makes a lot of Salah. He makes lots of hard times he recites a lot of

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Quran, he fasts a lot. He gives a lot of charity, right? That is wonderful. That is what we all aspire to be. But the prophets is even better than that shall not tell you about something that is better than optional, fasting better than extra charity. It is the one who reconciles in the time of discord. He brings peace and reconciliation. The Peacemaker, the peacemaker is better than a man who makes statute at night is better than the man who force voluntary fasting. In fact, another Hadith says it is written for him as if though he's perpetually in Salah and fasting and in charity.

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aspire to be the person who brings peace and reconciliation to be the one that brings down tension, the one who brings hearts together, this is greater in the sight of Allah than optional divider, an optional divider. And as we said in the other Hadith, this is the ticket to Jannah. I end up with a hadith which we should all try and live by. In a very, it's a very

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complete, holistic Hadith about how to interact with each other. The Prophet says to you and me, and I think about all your relationships with your parents, your children, your wife, your husband, your co workers, your friends, your colleagues, the people, your neighbors, subhanAllah with news, talk about neighbors, you know, if you the neighbor, that the rest of the neighbors hate, they can't stand to be around and you that one person Subhan Allah this is of the major it's a major sin. It's a major sin.

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Isn't it a hadith today that's a topic for another time, the Prophet says there are four things that brings happiness in your life four things,

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a good spouse or partner, a nice spacious house or suite, right? This is how do you mean a nice car or vehicle, and good neighbors will bring happiness and the opposite will bring you misery your neighbors can make your life miserable. And if you are that neighbor, it brings misery to other Subhanallah it's a major sin. So the Prophet says how do you interact with people? Avoid beware of suspicion, don't think negative thoughts about each other?

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How many times the cause of the problem was the way she looked at me? Oh, that's what she or he thinks about. Not even a real problem. It is an imagined problem. Provinces avoid negative thoughts of each other, because suspicion is the most false of all tails. It is the one and this comes from Shaytaan. This is a whispering from shaitan. No, he said that deliberate to hurt me and that could have been nothing to do with that. That reason. And then number two, do not look for the faults of others. Don't try and look at where someone has made a mistake. Don't search it out. Because Subhanallah all of us have things that we are ashamed of. And it's only out of the Mercy of Allah

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that he keeps it hidden. One One Tabea he says that if how would it be if Allah ascribed a saint to every sin, we would seek all of us. It is only out of His mercy. He keeps it quiet. So don't you expose it and don't you look

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For the faults of others list, Allah starts exposing your faults. So don't look at the faults of others. Don't spread the mercy of someone else. Someone just got divorced, they lost a job, we very much quickly to say so and so then we just

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don't do that. Do not spy on each other. Don't get involved in other people's business. The more you get involved, it will always most of the time to lead to wrong. Don't compete with one another. You must have something to speak of someone else has it. Just because someone has something new someone's child got something good now I need to also get that don't compete with each other.

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Do not envy one another level above competition is in we will actually see why does he have that? Will she ever not me? Why did they get that job that caught not me. And you actually feel hatred and negativity to someone else? This is haram. And then of course even worse than that, do not hate one another. Believers do not have hate in the heart. You do not hate except for the sake of Allah. You only hate for the sake of Allah. Conversely, it is part of the sunnah to actually tell one another well hit back villa, I love you for the sake of Allah one. So hobbies this is going to be so solemn, such and such a brother this buta I love him yeah rasool Allah Allah Brahmin system that you tell

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them that you love him, should not to go and tell him that you love him. We're not smart or lucky or even the wife doesn't get that right to some voters. Even our wife doesn't get that only Mommy gets it on Mother's Day. I love you. No one else. How many booters here say to each other Allah heard back Fila when I see you, I feel happy. If you're not in the masjid, I'm assuming, say to the brother of Allah, I love you for the sake of Allah. So do not hate each other. And do not turn away from each other. Do not live your life in isolation. This is not from the believer, be the prophets rather be servants spirits of Miss submissive to Allah and worship Allah as a community of brothers

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and sisters, and Allah bring love in our hearts. May Allah make us a community that loves for his sick or hates for his sick, who strives for his sake, not Allah make our words one Ummah that has one one, stand on oneness. We speak with one tongue, we support one another, we look after each other, we love each other. And may Allah love us mean well hamdulillah just a few quick announcements.

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Please an interesting,

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interesting lecture that's coming through the lecture to presentation, the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire. Everyone is watching it through Google and on Netflix and these things. So it shouldn't be a good friend of mine who will be coming to Cape Town on the Eighth of March and you explain the Ottoman Empire 600 years, the Ottomans were the center of the Ottoman Cricket Club.

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The Ottoman Empire, they were the center of Islamic authority, the Khalifa was there for for a long time in Istanbul. Sometimes we forget about this up until about 100 years when it became abolished. How do they hold a small tribe of Turkish people not even Arabs? How did they become the believers and how did he disappear and since they lost we have been Ummah without a leader for the last 100 years. So this is a very interesting three hours at Islamia auditorium 50 bucks the Eighth of March insha Allah you can speak to me or you can go online then on Tuesday evenings our series The rightly guided Khalifa as we're concluding was in Ali Raja line and we also do our Back to Basics talking

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about atheism and these kinds of things. What is Islam all about? We also launching our YouTube channel will hamdulillah the camera has been there for about a year now. But others you know sitting up I'm sure they're wondering where's the content? It's on our YouTube channel is being launched I believe it's put on Islam movement, so you can actually watch the slides with the audio will be available on the YouTube channel as well. Inshallah we'll be releasing five six episodes every day until all of it is on the insha Allah any questions concerns comments, which will [email protected]

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the libretto


  • Toxic people
  • We all have toxic people to deal with
  • The big picture
  • A reality you can’t escape
  • Endure
  • Don’t take it personally
  • Side step negativity
  • Responding with peace
  • Be the person of jannah
  • Do not shun
  • Don’t argue back
  • Let of grudges
  • Allah will settle the score
  • The reward
  • Advice to live by
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