Muhammad Carr – 17 Preferred Times for Prayer Ba Fadl’s The Short Abridgement

Muhammad Carr
AI: Summary ©
The timing of a prayer depends on actions of the person performing it, and the first step is preparing for it. deferring the Lord's presence in a heart region is the most virtuous of deeds, and it is not recommended for individuals who intend to do it. The conditions are war, severe heat, and severe heat, and are not stipulated for certain actions. deferring the prayer is not recommended for individuals who intend to do it, as it is not necessary to avoid war or even avoid war. deferring the prayer is not recommended for individuals who are unable to know the time of the prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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to record that kid, Well, if I will, is deferred well. Hatha, we

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have reached lesson number 17. Lesson number 17 deals with the

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preferred times for Salah. The author starts off by mentioning

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what afvalul aramali al mubadara to be Salat if he a wali wakti.

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you would recall that in our last lesson, we had discussed the

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beginning time, and also we had discussed the end time, by way of

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example, in terms of the Lord prayer, it begins when the sun

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moves away from its zenith, and comes to an end when the shadow of

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a given object is equal to the object, and you'd have To add the

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length of the shadow at Zenith.

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Another example would be the Madrid prayer. The time begins

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when the sun sets. In other words, the entire disc disappears from

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the horizon, and Alternatively, it ends when the red glow disappears

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in the horizon. So we had been looking at the beginning times and

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the End Times. The author now discusses what is the optimum,

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what is the best time for you to perform any given prayer? And he

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says, What Afghan, the word afval

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is from the root letters far mod lamb, which means to be virtuous

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or Excellent. What Abdul Amal, the most virtuous, or most excellent,

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Atmel, is the plural of the word Amal. The most excellent of

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actions would be al mubara to be solid if a Mubarak to hasten this

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in order to perform the prayer for a Wali, wakti ha in its first

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time. So here there's a ground rule. The best action would be

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those actions performed in the beginning of its time. The best

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prayer would be the prayer performed in the beginning of its

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time. What is the proof for that? The proof reads as follows, the

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Hadith Ibn RadiAllahu, Anhu annahu Khan, due to the narration of Ibn

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mas road, he says sail to Nabi ya Sallallahu Alaihi will arm Ali

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aval I asked the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam,

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which actions are best. He responded by saying, A swara to

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the owalivakti had to perform the prayer in its first time. And

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Allah subhanaw taala knows, knows best. Now the next issue, which is

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addressed here in our individual explained being the last let's

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start off by our practice normally. Currently, we are in war

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time Assad is soon to come. Normally, what happens is, before

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the Assad time sits in, I would prepare myself. I go to leave

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myself. I perform the ritual ablution, and I make my way to the

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mosque. By the time I reach the mosque, the prayer hasn't set in.

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The caller to prayer will call out the prayer, and now the time sits

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in. Immediately thereafter, I pray. So have I prayed my Assad

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prayer in its first time? Absolutely, I've done that. Is it

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necessary to do that before the time sets in? Our scholars simply

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answer and say no. In other words, the following scenario, what

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happens is I wait for the time of Asur to sit in the moment the time

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sets in. I busy myself with preparing for the prayer after

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having fulfilled the preparation, which takes an X amount of time, I

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now perform my prayer, am I considered to have performed my

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prayer in its first time? Absolutely. And that is basically

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what our scholars say. And Allah SWT knows, knows, knows best. The

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next question we're going to ask would be, what is preparation for

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Salah entail? I don't want to

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bite out the point too much, but just to make it clearer to myself

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and to yourself,

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when are you considered as having performed any given prayer in the

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first time

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you would have been considered as praying the prayer in its first

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When, after the time has set in, you begin your preparation, and

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then you perform the salah. Getting the first world doesn't

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mean the moment that the Adhan is called out, the moment the prayer

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sits in. And you perform the prayer immediately. Now only you

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gain the virtue of performing the prayer in his first time. And

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Allah SWT knows, best this read through the text. In that regard,

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it says the virtue of the initial time is acquired by engaging in

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preparation for the salah after the time has entered and to then

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pray. What is preparation entail? Preparation entails the following.

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Number one is a tour to do what is necessary in terms of your ritual

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ablution. Number two is covering one's nakedness, calling out the

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adhan, calling out the karma, and then praying and Allah subhanaw

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taala knows, knows best. We now go on to the next slide, be in the

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last. So what has clearly been established thus far that the most

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virtuous of deeds would be prayer in its first time. Therefore all

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prayers, the best time to perform the prayer would be the moment

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that prayer sits in and Allah knows as best. There's some sort

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of an exception, if you want to. And it takes us to the next slide.

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What is the next slide? Talk about? It says, Why you send, I

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borrowed. It is recommended, Sanna, ya sunna or sunnah. You

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sunnu, to be sunnah. What is to be sunna mean? It means that you will

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be rewarded for doing it, but you will not be punished for omitting

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it. That is the definition of the term sunnah. Wausannuul ibrahida,

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the word ibrahi means

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to make cool. Barada. Baridan means to be called ibrahi, to

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cause something to be cool. While you send an Ibra to be Lord, it is

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recommended that you make the Lord cool. What does it mean? In other

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words, defer the Lord. So if we know at region, and let's say Lord

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kicks in at 12 o'clock, the sun moves away from its zenith. It is

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extremely hot at that time the Prophet saw him is saying, make

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the Lord cool. In other words, defer voor to a cooler time that

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is recommended. That is the ruling Wausau Ibara do before, it is

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recommended for you to defer war to a later time Wafi. But this

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doesn't apply to any and all circumstances. The Sunni

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recommendedness of deferring the Lord, prayer applies when certain

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conditions are met. What are those conditions? He also talks about

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it. And he said, fish eat that. El Harry, when they severe heat, feel

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cutter in hiring, when you find yourself in a heart region. Lima

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you. Sally jamaatin, for a person intending to perform the prayer in

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a congregation the masjid by eating in a masjid that is far

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Uh, worry not inshaAllah. We're going to unpack all of those

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conditions one by one. For now, we're going to concern ourselves.

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What is the proof? So the general rule is that perform any given

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prayer in its first time that is the most virtuous thing for you to

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do. Number one, number two is there's an exception to the rule.

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What is that exception in the form of of war, when conditions are

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met? What is the proof for that? The proof for that is Kaur Nabi,

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salallahu, alaihi salam ishtaid al Hu the Prophet sallallahu Salim

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said that when the heat is severe, Ida stat del Harbor, when the heat

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is severe, for Abu salah, then defer the prayer for in nasheed

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that Al habimin fahi jahanan, he informs us that the severe heat

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that a person experiences immediately after midday, that is

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from the fire of *. How exactly

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the fire of *, which exists in another world altogether, how that

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impacts on our world. Allah subhana knows, knows best, another

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one of those mysteries of our existence. So what is the meaning

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of all what we've been mentioned now I know you, son. Will ibrahi,

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that making the Lord cool is recommended, in other words, to

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defer the prayer from its first time. Illa, ayasi, Ralli, villain.

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So we say you must defer the prayer, but the question will come

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into your mind, okay? We know hot region on a hot day

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in the hot season, it is recommended that we defer the door

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pay till what time is the next very important question. So our

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scholars say until such a time that the sun had moved towards the

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west. Now, as the sun moves towards the west, then it

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elongates. It elongates the shadow. So the moment you find

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that a wall is providing a shadow

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in which a person is able to walk in. So when we're talking about

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deferring the Lord prayer in a heart region, it means to defer

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the Lord prayer until such a time where a hall develops a shadow in

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which a person may, may walk, and Allah subhanaw taala knows, knows

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best. We look to the next, next issue now with Nila Suba hanutana,

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and here I'm going to be focusing and reading through the slides,

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which are actually prepared from Al Bayan with tariff, we going to

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look at that now. So we said it is recommended to defer

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unconditionally. No, there are certain conditions.

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What are those conditions we look to that now it reads as follows.

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So the condition is war must be the prayer in question. In other

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words, delaying is not stipulated for Juma and neither for the other

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prayers. So delaying, a prayer number one, is only related to

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war. So your mind might tell you that, look on a Friday, jumua

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takes the place of war. So we need to defer the

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Juma as well. It is recommended to defer Juma. No, it does not apply.

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Why? Because the text relating to Juma specific in terms of

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hastening the Jumaa and doing the Jumaa in the first possible time

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in Allah knows that's best. Likewise, all the other prayers

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are excluded. In other words, it's not recommended to refer the fajr

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prayer, not recommended to defer the asaru prayer, neither the

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mother, neither the Isha and Allah SWT. The second condition would be

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that the heat must be severe. It must also be in the heat season,

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and it must be not climatic area. Now, so what are we talking about?

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This is relating to the heat. Mild heat wouldn't impact for example,

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we live in Cape Town, southern most tip of Africa. It is a mild

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Mediterranean climate. It does get hot, but not severely hot. So in

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relation to us here, this particular practice of deferring

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the war prayer is simply not applicable because the conditions

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which are

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which justify the deferment are not to be found. It as simple as

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as that, if I want to replace what I've mentioned over here, it would

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read as follows that it must be in the hot season, in a hot region,

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and the heat must be very severe. And Allah SWT knows best. If any

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of those conditions are found lacking, then there's no

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justification to defer the Lord, and Allah SWT knows knows best.

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The next condition reads as follows, the person must be

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performing Salah in Jamaah. Now this restriction applies to other

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than a person intending to perform Salah individually in the masjid,

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as it is recommended for him to defer as as well. If we can just

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run through that again, what happens is the condition reads

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that in order for you to defer the Lord, in order for it to be

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recommended for you to do that, you must be praying in

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congregation. This refers to a person who intends to pray other

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than in a other than in a masjid. In other words, if you intend to

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pray in the masjid, even though you're going to be praying

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individually, it would be recommended for you, despite that,

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the fact that, despite the fact that you're going to be performing

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your prayer individually, despite that reality, it is still

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recommended for you to defer in Allah, SWT knows that's best. The

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Salah must be in a distant place. That's the last condition. Measure

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of distance would be such a distance that the person's hushu.

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What do we refer to as hushu? In other words, the humbleness and

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humility is going to become impacted. So in other words,

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if the masjid is right next door, and you simply have to exit from

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your door and enter into the door next door. So what has happened in

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terms of your state being taken out of equilibrium and out of a

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state of tranquility and peace? But the despite the fact that it's

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very hot, the distance that you covered hasn't negatively impacted

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upon you in any way. So therefore, in relation to you, it is not

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going to be recommended that you defer the Lord pray. And Allah

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knows knows best. We go on to the next slide be Illa Subhana wa

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taala. And this is really a reiteration we've looked before in

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terms of deferring the prayer without a valid reason, without

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traveling, without sickness, or whatever the case may be, it

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is considered to be a a major sin. Here, that particular point is

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somewhat iterated, reiterated, and the author says, Woman achar of

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Salat the radio,

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whoever defers the prayer so much so that a part of the prayer

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occurs outside of the stipulated time, but really ordering without

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a valid excuse. Asa is considered to be a a a sinner, and ALLAH

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SubhanA knows, knows what's best. We go on to the next point being

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last. It's it relates to not knowing the the time a person is

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going to pray, but he is unaware of the time and is unable to

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ascertain the time. What does a person do in this particular

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scenario? The text is wamalam Ya Alam, waktah, whoever does not

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know the time of it. In other words, referring to the time of

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Salah, you find yourself in a place and you unable to ascertain

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the time of the Salah. Can we give an example? Perhaps the

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person responsible for the explain to the notes says, mahaline, your

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ashams Give an example where a person finds himself and doesn't

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know the time. So if.

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