Muhammad Alshareef – Ever Feel Inadequate Hit by Imposter Syndrome #Shorts

Muhammad Alshareef
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The speaker discusses the concept of streaming syndrome, which is when you feel like you don't deserve what you deserve. This syndrome is related to a belief that you are inadequate for the task at hand even though you have evidence of success. The speaker suggests that streaming syndrome may be a feeling of permanent malfeasance.
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When you're that popular very quickly, you might feel this imposter syndrome. So what does it mean? We hear that term being thrown around a lot. And what does it mean to have impostor syndrome? So here's a little bit of a definition. impostor syndrome is when you feel self doubt, and you feel incompetent. And even though you're educated, even though you have the experience, and even though you have the accomplishments, you still feel like I don't deserve this self you doubt yourself and you feel you're unworthy. Even though you have your education, you have the experience, and you have the accomplishments. Okay, or you can say that imposter syndrome is this feeling of It's a feeling

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of continuous inadequacy. I'm inadequate for the task at hand.

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Despite evidence success

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