Mufti Menk – Supplication – The Power Of Dua

Mufti Menk

Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk of Zimbabwe. A Lecture from Series: Subjects In Noble Quran (2009).
Mufti Menk Explaining the Importance of using the Duas of the Prophets (AS) as Mentioned in the Quran. He also mentions specifics duas of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

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The importance of sup spine in Islam is discussed, with the title being a combination of today'sor/theor/ theor/ theor. It is emphasized the need for fulfilling God's hesitation before praise and knowing past and future events to avoid criticizing others. The group emphasizes avoiding harms and making smallaker-impacted actions easy for others to understand and avoid negative consequences. The transcript describes a group's use of the Quran and the importance of learning the language, avoiding embarrassment, and making smallaker-impacted actions easy for others to understand.

AI: Summary ©

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			Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy he woman into
the Buddha who
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			All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless every single one of us, and we
ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to make us from amongst those whose Salah whose prayers are accepted
inshallah, from amongst those whose fasting in this month is accepted inshallah, bearing in mind
that we have not yet completed the month really, this is a season of forgiveness from Allah subhanho
wa Taala. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to forgive every single one of us, the one who
achieves forgiveness has achieved a lot in the month of Ramadan, the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu
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			alayhi wa sallam says, Why you lemon andraka Ravana follow me over Allah, destruction be upon the
one who has witnessed the month of mercy and has not achieved forgiveness. The one who has seen the
month of Ramadan and still did not get forgiveness. That means when the month is there, where Mercy
is being dished out, and the forgiveness is being handled and distributed. a loser is the one who
does not get from that Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we asked for Allah subhanho wa Taala has
mercy. Also as we commence this evening, it is important that we make mention of the Hadith where I
shall the Allahu Allah asked the Prophet peace be upon him, or messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi
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			wasallam if I find the Night of Decree, which is Laila to cuddle, what should I say? So he
responded, say Allahumma inaka fu to him Bulava for me, Oh Allah, you are most forgiving, you love
to forgive. So forgive me. That is the most powerful you could make on the Night of Decree or Laila
to God. We ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to forgive us.
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			This evenings topic being the last topic is the the supplications that we make to Allah also known
as do we all make dua we all ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, because definitely He is our Creator,
he is the all powerful, he owns absolutely everything. And we always need to ask him, how should we
be asking Allah subhanho wa Taala? What is he What does he say about it in the Quran, remember what
we are doing. Throughout this month what we have done, we have completed an entire selection of
topics, whereby we have clustered together verses under that particular topic. So we choose a topic
at random. and thereafter the verses from the Quran as many as we can translate and put into
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			practice, give a little bit of order, try and interpret it for the listeners for the benefit of
myself, as well as everybody else. The subjects within the noble Koran.
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			And what we have done this evening inshallah, we have brought together a few verses, where
supplications are made mentioned of in the Quran, in order to highlight the importance of the words
of the Quran. And as we commence we should realize one thing, and that is, even the prophets of
Allah subhanho wa Taala. They called out to Allah, even the prophets of Allah, they call out to
Allah, even the angels they call out to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So we should always be calling
to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Another issue that is very interesting, why are the supplications of the
prophets may Allah be upon them mentioned in the Quran
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			there are many reasons One of them is to show us that they used to call as well. The other is to
show us the wording that they used. They used powerful wording. And Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to
make mentioned to us the wording that the prophets used and those words were accepted. And over and
above that they were granted whatever they asked for Subhana Allah, which means if you are to use
the same beautiful words that have worked in the past, there is a greater chance of the same word
working in Sharla. It is like a combination lock. Obviously, the example I'm about to give you is
slightly different, but just to bring it close to our minds. If you had a lock, which had the
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			combination made out of three fingers, and you started trying you didn't know but you thought you
were clever listening to the click and the tick and every little while you think right i think it's
a three year then you go to the next one. I think it's a two would that
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			work better than the person who comes to you and says, Listen, I know the combination here.
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			The reality is you would be a fool if you did not want to listen to that combination, because that
which has already worked to open the lock in the past, it is better for you to use the same
combination, there are some combinations, maybe they tell you look, I will give you 20 sets of
combinations, and inshallah one of them will work. So you try all 20 you would be much more
intelligent if you try those 20. Then to start from 000 and go all the way to 999. It might, it
might be one of the last few years and who knows, your luck might run out. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala protect us. So these words of supplication in the Quran, they have been used by people better
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			than us, and they have worked. So this is why it is important. We go through them and we try and
memorize them in the exact wording in the exact language insha Allah and we try to supplicate call
out to Allah in the same wording for that is indeed an act of worship. May Allah subhanho wa Taala
grant us our prayers. Now one might say, one might say that the prayer I have is not there. I want
to ask for this. And I don't think that that is there in the Quran. Believe me You will be shocked
and amazed at as to what type of supplications are mentioned in the Quran, as well as in the Sunnah
of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sought protection
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			from laziness, yet he was not lazy. He asked for forgiveness, yet he did not need it. He asked for
guidance yet he did not need it.
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			He asked to be protected from credit and from debt, yet he did not need it. One of the reasons why
he was made to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala all these questions are all these prayers, all these
supplications that he himself really did not need was because he was a perfect example for all of
us. If we follow his example, we will naturally make the same supplications We ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala to accept us all.
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			Now that we've mentioned the virtue of the words that are mentioned in the Quran, and the wedding's
of the supplications of the Prophet peace be upon him, let us go through some of the etiquettes of
prayer. When you want to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala if you would like that prayer to be
accepted, there are certain steps that you need to follow. There are certain steps that you need to
follow. Just like when you want to apply, for example, to get something you want to apply, for
example, maybe to open an account somewhere at one of the chain stores you need to fill in an
application there is a procedure. Without that procedure, they will not do it for you with Allah's
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			mercy, sometimes even without the procedure, he will give you what you want. That's the mercy of
Allah subhanho wa Taala. But if you follow the procedure, there is a greater likelihood that your
prayers will be answered. So what is this procedure? The first thing we need to realize and
understand is do good deeds before you make a dua. So when you want to make a prayer when you want
to call out to Allah in supplication, you need to first do a good deed inshallah either two rockets
of Salah, either you've read a little bit of foreign either you've given out a charity, either
you've done some form of a good deed, and then you go to the next step it is there is a greater
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			likelihood of your daughter being accepted. When you've just done a good deed. You helped your
mother You helped your brother, your sister, for example, your spouse and so on. You've been so
good, for example to your children and what have you. You've engaged in an act of worship, even if
it means to greet someone with a smile. After that act of worship. You go to the next step. The next
step is to praise your Creator. Yeah, Allah you are the one you are the owner. You are the Most
Merciful. You are the Praiseworthy, you are the one who can give me what I want. You praise Allah
subhanho wa Taala a lot.
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			And this is why normally when we start we start off by saying Alhamdulillah we always say All praise
is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And once we've praised Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot. We need to
go to the next step and that is to ask forgiveness for our shortcomings before you ask for what you
want. purify your record, clean your record. When you want money to borrow from someone and you are
already owing them a lot Do you think they will give you but once you've cleared your record with
them, there is a greater chance that they might give you as I say, the mercy of Allah dictates that
sometimes he will bypass all this and still give you what you want. That's the mercy of Allah
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			subhanho wa Taala but it is best that you engage in Toba, you repent for your sins, you look at
yourself and you say right now I am dressed appropriately. I am a person Alhamdulillah Allah I seek
your forgiveness. I will not do this again. I've committed this sin that sin this sin and the other
sin, Allah forgive us all your love for ourselves.
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			Then after you have praised Allah and you have repented for your sins, you are now starting with a
clean slate. When you start with a clean slate, you need to start with something known as a Salam
ala Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you need to praise and salute the one who has brought all the
goodness to you. I would never have been a follower of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if he did
not come Subhana Allah, so the mere fact that he came is a blessing we owe him a lot sallallahu
alayhi wasallam the bare minimum whilst we are starting our day, we have sought forgiveness of Allah
subhanho wa Taala we say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad, Allah Allah Nabina Muhammad Mubarak wa salim
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			that is the bare minimum inshallah at the beginning of your dua, so that at least you know the
goodness The one who taught you who Allah is was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who
taught you all the goodness you know, the Salah, the spirituality, whatever, you have the Quran, all
of it came through a certain medium which was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the bare
minimum We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant him all forms of goodness to bless him and to elevate
his status sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			After that, we move to the next step. Now we asked what we want to Allah subhanho wa Taala we've
cleansed our slate and Alhamdulillah we are asking Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, It is reported that
we need to ask something sensible, not something foolish. If someone says yeah Allah drop me a gold
coin from the ceiling Allah, you've done everything and now you are asking something foolish, may
Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Don't treat Allah subhanho wa Taala as though you are talking to
a child no ways we should ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that which is reasonable, which means yes, you
try to work towards the gold coin didn't say Allah I'm working towards this gold Give it to me
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			Allah. So you need to fulfill the role that Allah has put within your capacity and the rest is in
the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			a man who says yeah Allah give me money for example let's use that example because people want a lot
of money May Allah grant us wealth and inshallah bless us within that wealth inshallah and give us
wealth where he knows it is better for us inshallah. So if a person wants money and he says, Yeah,
Allah give me money, give me money, give me money. And he continues saying that and he is sleeping
all day all night. He is a fool. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala says, play your role and I will do
the rest for you. So what do you do you tie your camel and then you say Allah protect my camel. You
lock your car then you say Allah protect my car, you lock the gate, then you say Allah protect my
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			house, but you leave everything open. Then you say Allah look after it. I'm going to sleep Allahu
Akbar, You are insulting your Creator. By saying Yama you want me to play a role but I'm not going
to do that you do everything May Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant us an understanding. So when we ask
Allah subhanho wa Taala we should ask that which is rational, and we should remember that we have a
role to play. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Have mercy on us.
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			Thereafter, we should only ask that which is permissible. So you don't ask Allah Allah. I'm going to
rob tonight Allah make it easy for me. Allah protect us. You are supposed to ask Allah for that
which is rational, reasonable and permissible as well. You never ask Allah to facilitate a sin for
you. And let me be honest, at times Allah has mercy Allah creates a barrier between you and sin,
because he knows that this sin is going to cause the downfall of this individual. So as you plan may
Allah protect us to fornicator or to commit adultery. suddenly someone pitches up wrong place wrong
time. You look at them and you say, hey, they spoiled my program today, not realizing it's an angel
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			of mercy sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us all. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us
every form of mercy. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then we know that when we call out to Him, we will
only ask that which is permissible. If you notice tonight we said yeah, Allah give everybody their
heart's desire, on condition that it pleases you on condition that it pleases you because if it does
not, please you Yeah, Allah, we don't want it Allahu Akbar. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala is
forgiveness. Then another very powerful point which a lot of us are unaware of when you are asking
Allah you never ever say insha Allah, you don't ever insult the creator by saying yeah Allah give me
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			inshallah, that word inshallah we don't realize. When you are asking Allah doesn't fit do you say
yeah Allah give me Allah Please forgive me Allah you will be forgiven you don't say Allah Please
forgive me if you want know. When you are asking Allah something you don't say inshallah. When you
are asking Allah you don't say if you will give it to me know what you can say and what you should
say Allah. When you are asking for something material you say if he
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			It is better for me then facilitate it for me and if it is not good for me keep it away from me. But
when you are seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala you will never say if you wish,
because you are pleading with Allah it is an insult to tell the creator Look, I want forgiveness,
but if you want if you don't want that, you know what Allah protect us. Now, that's a dangerous
statement. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to do forgive us all and to help us choose the correct
wording. So when we make a vow, you say Allah give me if it is better for me Allah do this for me if
it is better for me get me married to this female if it is better for me Allah or to this male if it
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			is better for me, Allah, then Subhana Allah let's move on to something else. We should choose words
which are beautiful, full of humbleness, full of humility, the best of words Yeah, Allah, I plead
with you yeah, Allah, Allah I plead with you to grant this to me Allah, Allah you are the O ne Allah
I am a nobody Allah, I really am not worth the dust beneath my feet. Yeah, Allah you grant it to me
Allah. Those are the type of wordings we use, not words of arrogance. We need to use beautiful words
not to say Allah give me now No, those type of words where we are sort of daring the Creator, then
naturally the probability of our being accepted will be minimized. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant
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			us understanding. thereafter we need to be humble and down to earth. We need to be being full of
humility when we are asking Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why when we are asking for rain, it
is It is reported that we need to look down we need to be humble. We need to be thinking about the
sins we've committed and how we are now regretful over them. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant
it to us, but an arrogant person who's got his nose stuck into the air, then he wants to say Allah
give me Do you think Allah subhanho wa Taala wants that persons do? Do you think he wants to give
them they probably think they have more power than the Creator Himself? May Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			protect us all from that type of pride and haughtiness.
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			Then the next point that we need to remember is never be in a rush for your ad to be answered. Use
the Jabalia Howdy, Kamala Mia sturgeon. All your prayers are answered for as long as you you are not
in a rush. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked What do you mean when you say being
in a rush? He says, an akula they're out to the hour to fill a new stage I believe. I made a dua I
made so many flowers but Allah is not answering my call. A person who says that does not realize the
power of his creator. Amazing. It is Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says Don't be in a rush. He always
answers your app positively. There is no ways you make a dua and it is rejected totally. It might
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			not be exactly what you want, but we are taught that you get one of three things.
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			Whenever you make a do or you are in a win win situation, this is a very, very important statement
for us to remember. We are in the end of Ramadan, make dua continue supplicating. Continue making
your supplication to Allah subhanho wa Taala because he will either give you exactly what you want
how you want it. Mashallah. May Allah make us from those lucky in sha Allah.
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			May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who are lucky. Look at how myself also sometimes we
say inshallah, without realizing we are not supposed to say and hamdulillah May Allah subhanho wa
Taala really make us from those whose do as are answered, then Allah subhanho wa Taala what we need
to realize is the second way, sometimes he doesn't give you what you want, exactly at the same time,
sometimes he delays it for you, He gives you at a time when it's appropriate. So sometimes it might
not happen in one year or two years, but inshallah by 2011 2012 you will get what you want. May
Allah subhanho wa Taala not keep us waiting too long.
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			And at the same time what happens is sometimes still on that point, he gives it to you later maybe
not in the dunya you will get it in the alpha if he knows it's better for you because he knows the
past the present and the future. The knowledge of Allah is such yeah Allah mama can Amaya kuno mala
Mia can either Kanaka kuno Allah subhanho wa Taala knows the past, he knows the present, he knows
the future what is going to happen, how it will happen. And he knows what is not going to happen if
it were to happen, how it would have happened. That is the knowledge of Allah Subhana Allah to
Allah. So Allah grants us from his knowledge when he knows something is disastrous for you, he won't
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			give it to you because he knows those things which are not going to happen in the future if they
were to happen exactly how they would happen that is already in the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa
Taala. I want to repeat that statement for its power in the Arabic language. Yeah, Allah ma ma, ma
ma ma kuno Mamma mia can either Kanaka kuno Subhana Allah that is the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa
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			So Allah subhanho wa Taala might give it to you in the mirror later on, or sometimes
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			In the earth era, he might not give you exactly what you wanted but he will give you something even
better. And sometimes Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you later on something better than you asked
though with your little mind you might have thought with us as human beings, we've got small minds
compared to what Allah subhanho wa Taala acknowledges one
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			mineral in me in
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			the knowledge you have Allah says is minute it is nothing It is almost new. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala grant us understanding. So Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes he might not give you what you
want, and he might give you something better whether you perceive it or not, that is your business
your spirituality. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding.
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			Then he says if the if Allah does not give you what you want, he does two things for you. When he
knows it is not good for you. Then he gives you something else in return for your da in the US here.
So you've made the DRI Allah grant me this grant me this grant me this you asking me Allah grant me
this, he doesn't give it to you here but that doesn't mean your do is rejected when you go into
heaven inshallah, through that supplication and the blessing of it and the Baraka of it, he will
give you a bigger reward and he might even give you paradise just in return for the do as you are
making for something else Subhana Allah
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			and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala what we are taught is that sometimes in your life he can
remove a calamity from your life because of a prayer you made for something else all together so
when you make Dahlia Allah make me from among those who are wealthy yeah Allah so that I can spend
in your path yeah Allah then if it makes you wealthy you better spend in this path inshallah
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			Yala make me from amongst those who are wealthy so that I can spend in your path. Yeah, Allah.
Sometimes if you continue making a dua and you are not yet wealthy, maybe Allah gave you good health
because of that. Maybe Allah gave you good children. He might have made you wealthy in a different
way and you don't realize you don't understand. So it is not always exactly what we think we ask
Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the best of this
world as well as the arcanum then it is important Once you have made the dua to be steadfast, don't
lose focus, read your Salah on time, give your Sokka and so on. Do you see Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			tells Musa alayhis salam and Harun Allah Hema Salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala says it is in Surah
Yunus where Allah subhanho wa Taala says
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			Allah cada Wu Ji but downward to Kuma fester, tema, we have answered your prayer or Moosa or Moses
or Harun May peace be upon them. So now be steadfast you need to be steadfast after you make a do
out. Remember one thing Allah asks us to do certain things and we want to ask him to do certain
things. Who needs who here? We need Allah He doesn't need us. So Allah tells us look, all I want you
to do is dressed properly. Be clean, Watch your tongue stay away from falsehood and arrogance and
stay away from from from maybe pinching and stealing we know what is haram. And Allah subhanho wa
Taala says, I want you to read your five Salah day, that's all I don't want you to do more than
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			that. And we are saying yeah, you know, I'm feeling lazy. You know, I really I'll see you tomorrow.
Allah says dress appropriately. You can put a scarf on your head for the sake of Allah subhanho wa
Taala. Then when you call out to Allah, you want him to answer you like yesterday. Allah give me
this urgently needed Allah says, but I've been calling you all your life. Where were you? Allahu
Akbar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding? Is it fair? It's not fair. But still with
the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala he bypasses that and he says, My, my worship my slave, I love
you. Even though you are not doing what I've asked you, I will do what you've asked me.
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			That is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we need to realize it's time we turn to Allah so
that at least when we raise our hands to Allah subhanho wa Taala he can give us and inshallah he
will give us and then a very, very interesting and powerful point is you need to know that the
response has come and it will come You must not doubt your response in one of the three ways it has
come. It might not come the way you want it. And this brings me to a very interesting point. Many of
us know what is istikhara when we are making a dua to say Allah if this is better for me, make it
easy for me. If it is not good for me, take it away from me. So then Allah takes it away from you.
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			And then you start saying, but I made the do out, I made a nice dakara but Allah didn't do what was
better, Allahu Akbar. That means we already decided for Allah what was better for us, Allahu Akbar.
And that's a mistake a lot of us are making, we want to do something then we make an istikhara and
we say Allah, if it is not good for me, take it away from me. If it is better for me, give it to me.
So then you don't get it. When you don't get it then you still think that
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			Subhana Allah now, you know Allah didn't do the better of the two things Allahu Akbar, why should we
decide for the creator? Think of that carefully. The Creator is the decider, he is the one we ask
Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us every form of goodness. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us
that you should know that the goodness lies in whatever Allah has done in whatever Allah subhanho wa
Taala has done. And inshallah We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala really, we must be from amongst those
who ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us humble and to make us from those who can realize that he
calls out to us, we also need to respond when he says, Hi.
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			What a beautiful call to success. What a beautiful call to success. And we find ourselves dashing in
the other direction, la kabara. Then we say Allah helped me, you know, there's an armed robber in
front of me with a gun. Allah says when I called you to success, if you were there, you wouldn't
even have been here.
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			Still through the mercy of Allah, He protects us Allahu Akbar. Allah subhanho wa Taala give us all
forms of goodness.
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			And remember one thing Allah subhanho wa Taala through His mercy creates difficulty or what we
perceive as difficulty in our lives for us to raise hands for us to raise hands to him. Sometimes if
our lives are too smooth and they are moving and flowing, what happens we forget the Creator, when
we forget the Creator, what happens? Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to gently remind us, so suddenly
there's a problem and we raise our hands. Sometimes it's the first time in many many years that
we've raised our hands to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah It was a bargain. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala not make us from those who have to be reminded to attend to him rather inshallah Let's all try
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			and remember ourselves and let's try and remind our own selves inshallah, to turn to Allah subhanho
wa Taala.
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			Now, let us go through some of the two hours in the Quran. And I made mentioned at the beginning of
this session that if you have any problem, any sickness go through the doors of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has made some powerful to us and it's amazing how when you see the
supplications of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you will be amazed and shocked as to the
types of sicknesses he has asked for protection from as to a lot of things that he has asked let us
try to at least purchase a booklet or listen to a disc where the two hours of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam are made mention of Let's learn them understand them and try your best to use the
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			same words though. If you were not to use the same words Allah still knows what is in your heart.
Well yeah, Allahu
00:27:52 --> 00:28:11
			Allah knows you're inside your heart before you utter it. Before you say it. He knows better than
you how to word what you cannot work though you want it that is a law. That is the power of Allah.
So if you are really straightforward, you say Allah in my heart, there is something Allah you know
it best Yeah, Allah granted to me, Allahu Akbar, he knows what you are talking about.
00:28:13 --> 00:28:45
			Now let's look at the Quran. I'm going to mention very few because you know, we can't go through
every single one of them. The first thing we need to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the
ability to be able to thank him, to grant us the acceptance and the ability to be able to thank him
that you are mentioned in the Quran in surah number as well as in Surah. Two different doors one by
Sulayman alayhi salatu was Salam and the other is mentioned as a two hour that a man should be
making when he arrives at the peak of his life of losing money
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00:28:53 --> 00:28:54
00:28:55 --> 00:28:55
			he has,
00:28:58 --> 00:28:59
			what does he need?
00:29:04 --> 00:29:28
			Oh Allah, grant me the acceptance or the ability to be thankful to you for what you have bestowed
upon me and upon my parents, yeah, Allah and grant me the ability to do good deeds because if the
ability is not granted, you won't be able to do good deeds. So yeah, Allah, grant me the ability to
do good deeds that will earn your pleasure and count me from amongst the pious worshipers.
00:29:29 --> 00:29:59
			and in Sorrento, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what else in a leafy Luria T and D Allah grant me
piety even in my progeny, and in my offspring, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant that to us.
That brings us to the next. Always make do our for pious progeny, and for offspring and for good
children. We ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to accept the dua from us. One is to have the child there
are some from amongst us who don't have children. May Allah grant us
00:30:00 --> 00:30:28
			Run through His mercy. There are some who have been trying for decades and some who have been trying
for longer or shorter. May Allah grant you children through His mercy. Remember, if he has decided
not to give your children surrender to the decision, it is best for you. Sometimes he knows if we
were to give you a child, if the child was taken away, then in a very bad car accident at the age of
five or 10, then you might not be able to take that so as a mercy we don't give you the child from
the beginning, Allahu Akbar.
00:30:29 --> 00:31:06
			Sometimes Allah doesn't want you to see a child on drugs and on this end on that, so Allah subhanho
wa Taala doesn't give it to you from the very beginning. And sometimes just as a test, Allah does
that to you. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us offspring, and May He grant us offspring who will
be the coolness of our eyes. So let's look at the dua that Allah subhanho wa Taala says that
zekeriya Allah is Allah made when he was quite old and he still didn't have children? And this works
believe me it works May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us acceptance we are using words that worked
in the past Why would they not work now? If we were steadfast as well? Listen to the drop in sudo to
00:31:06 --> 00:31:11
			ambia or Bella tadami for Oda
00:31:13 --> 00:32:00
			II mean, Oh Allah Do not leave missing Julia Allah I need is your Allah Don't leave me singular
Yala. You are the best of inheritors yeah Allah but I would like is as well which means I need a
male child Allah, Allah Subhana. Allah grant us all offspring who will be the coolness of our eyes.
So that is a powerful tool. For those who don't have offspring. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala uses
the word habit have the meaning to give a gift that the gift of children is actually a gift from
Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in another place, Allah says zecharia alehissalaam made the two out of
be heavily Mila Casa de Paiva Oh Allah grant me a gift from you, as a pious offspring Allah let that
00:32:00 --> 00:32:45
			be a gift from you your luck. So we need to ask Allah in many different wordings in sha Allah, and
Allah will grant us then it is important that we always make sure that we get good spouses. And we
also make sure that if we have spouses, Allah makes them good inshallah and keeps them pure and
makes them the coolness of our eyes that we mentioned it a few days back when we were speaking about
marriage, and I spoke about the dua in Surah Furqan. Then we need to understand let's also make dua
for steadfastness. And for Salah. Let us let us make dua that Allah makes us from amongst those who
can establish their salah and also make dua that Allah help your children also be steadfast and also
00:32:45 --> 00:32:55
			engage in Salah. Listen to the DA in Surat Ibrahim, which was made mentioned by Ibrahim Alayhi Salam
and it was answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala he said,
00:32:57 --> 00:33:19
			Rob biryani, Maki, masala tea, Oh Allah make me from amongst those who establishes Salah wamena
reality and even from my offspring, make them from amongst those who establish prayer law. Imagine
he made for his offspring. Then he says nabanna Taco Bell.
00:33:20 --> 00:33:46
			Allah accept my dua. And this brings us to another point. Whenever we have engaged in any act of
worship, it is our duty to make a do at the end to say Allah accepted from us not that we do an act
of worship, we are happy and we walk away. This is why Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the
Tao of Ibrahim alayhi salam, after he built the Kaaba, after he built the Kaaba and he did so many
good deeds he says
00:33:50 --> 00:33:51
00:33:53 --> 00:34:35
			the semi onlinee Allah accepted from us. This is a humble act of worship we are accepted from us
make it pure. Do you know when we fulfill our Salah sometimes the sincerity levels are not that
grand, sometimes they are not up to the level they are supposed to be. Sometimes even the mere
concentration is not there. But we asked a lot of bannerghatta bulman Niala these acts of worship we
are trying Yala accept them from us. Yeah Allah. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to accept our
good deeds, then it is important that we also make dua for our parents that to Alfa parents is
mentioned in the Quran in many places in Surah Surah Rob Burnham Houma Kamara, Bayani sama Allah
00:34:35 --> 00:34:57
			have mercy on my parents have mercy on my parents. Yeah, Allah. If they are not Muslim. Yeah, Allah
that mercy would dictate that you guide them to the goodness and if they I Allah have all other
forms of mercy as well upon my parents Yala. Because they are the ones who brought me up when I was
an infant to Allah and they brought me up to this age, Allah have mercy on them.
00:34:58 --> 00:35:00
			Even those who have passed away, we
00:35:00 --> 00:35:44
			ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to have mercy on the parents of from amongst those who passed away, then
it is important that we also ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for knowledge. In Surah Taha we have the
verse worker Rob busy Dini man, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being instructed to say, Oh
Allah increase my knowledge imagine. So he used to constantly say, visit me in law or law increase
my knowledge, every one of us we needed more than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam needed,
there is the dua in the Quran. Allah Allah increased me in knowledge, may Allah subhanho wa Taala
grant us increasing knowledge in sha Allah, then it is also important that we make a dua that Allah
00:35:44 --> 00:36:34
			make our affairs easy. Listen to the DA DA Ha. Rubbish Rashmi. So derry O Allah, Allah grant me
clarity of my chest Yala, open up my chest for me Make me confident, Yala, rubbish. Lisa de la
increased me in confidence, Yala rubbish rockne solidary wire Sydney Emery and this issue that this
method that I'm about to undertake make it easy for me Allah at any matter or upon any matter, we
should be making the drop. Rubbish lovely, sorry, we're silly Emery. Allah make this meta easy for
me. Whether it is a court case whether it is opening the door of the car, whatever it is, if we
remember and if we can, why not? Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for you as well as
00:36:34 --> 00:37:13
			other important matters at work or at home whatever it is, rubbish rally sadly Allah grant me that
confidence. Why a silly Emery make this easy for me Allah, Allah Morocco de melissani okoli that is
a powerful to Allah, take out the knot from my tongue so they can understand what I want to tell
them so panela whenever you want people to understand your words, you make this to our Yala. Let
them understand my message Allah because we are weak in number a listener alpha delila, the tongue
has only been made as, as a means to convey what is in the heart but we cannot do it all the time,
as good as we want to.
00:37:14 --> 00:37:19
			Allah can help us to achieve that. So that is why we say why melissani
00:37:20 --> 00:38:03
			Allah grant us good speech or take out the the lack of eloquence from our tongues so that at least
we can express ourselves in a good way Allah We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us express
ourselves that was made by Musa Moses May peace be upon him. alayhi salatu was Salam. Then it is
also important that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for mercy. We asked him for mercy at all times.
And on top of that, we asked him to make it easy for us the path of goodness, the path of guidance,
we asked him to help us distinguish between right and wrong. Listen in South Africa, Allah subhanho
wa Taala makes mention of the youngsters, the youth who are worried about the bad environment so
00:38:03 --> 00:38:07
			they made the do out a banner they asked Allah subhanho wa Taala
00:38:09 --> 00:38:10
			Tina Mila,
00:38:14 --> 00:39:02
			Lana Min Amina Masha, Allah have mercy on us, grant us mercy from you and make easy for us the path
of goodness and guidance so that we can distinguish between right and wrong and we can remain
protected. Do you know what Allah subhanho wa Taala says robina Allah de Ville caffine na da da. As
a response to that drought we seem there is and gave them sleep in the in the sleepers cave for many
many years. Now some of them have Assyrian make mention that Allah subhanho wa Taala protected them
from the bad environment by disallowing them from even listening to evil. So when you listen to
evil, you will automatically go in the wrong direction. Don't allow your ears to listen to what is
00:39:02 --> 00:39:13
			bad. It is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to stay away from bad people who bad mouth from bad
words from Linux that will lead us astray May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us
00:39:17 --> 00:39:57
			so that is why we need to ask Allah goodness and mercy at all times then it is also important that
we make dua for others not just for ourselves I told you a few nights back that when you make it to
ask for someone else the angels are saying your luck give him even better luck about so when you say
yeah Allah give that man a beautiful house yeah Allah which has everything modern in it. The angels
are saying Yeah, Allah give this person even better Alhamdulillah we should not be selfish when it
comes to do our inshallah. And this is why even the angels make dua for us. Listen to Ibrahim
alayhis salam Do you know he was so powerful? Allah calls him and oma and the whole nation he may
00:39:57 --> 00:39:59
			draw for all of us. Listen to what he said.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:05
			Malays. Salatu was Salam. It is amazing how he says Rob bJ
00:40:06 --> 00:40:07
			boliden Amina
00:40:09 --> 00:40:11
			Amina Samar Ottoman.
00:40:15 --> 00:41:00
			Oh Allah not just me. Oh Allah not just me but this entire city this entire town yeah Allah make it
peacefully Allah and grant the inhabitants of this town produce and goodness and blessings and what
have you up to today in Makkah Toluca mama where this draw was made, they have peace, they have
stability, they have serenity, they have a sacred holiness in the city itself and at the same time,
over and above that they have produced galore, though it doesn't grow there. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala grant us every form of understanding because the dua was made for someone else, and do our Li
caffee la de la to make a dua for your brother or your sister in Islam without them knowing that
00:41:00 --> 00:41:21
			you've made dua for them. without them knowing who you even are. Tonight we may do our for the
suffering souls in Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Soma in Pakistan, wherever they are on the
globe. We made the do out for them. Do they know us? No. Do we know them know what is the bond? The
bond is La,
00:41:22 --> 00:41:24
			La La.
00:41:25 --> 00:41:32
			Madonna rasuna la. That is the bond we know May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant the strength
00:41:34 --> 00:42:15
			so we make do out for others, it is far more likely that that will be accepted by Allah subhanho wa
Taala. Another very important point we need to make do after doing good deeds, and I've made mention
of that at the beginning of my talk, that when you do a good deed, then you ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala Allah accepted from us, or bannerghatta cobalamin This is why when it comes to the end of a
dua, normally when you hear a pinata cobalamin you now know that the DA is almost complete. May
Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us acceptance and understanding those who know the Arabic language
will tell you that that is now depicting the end of the DA when we are saying Oh Allah accepted from
00:42:15 --> 00:42:32
			us yeah, Allah we've made the dua we've done a good deed Yeah, Allah accepted from us. May Allah
accept our Salah may accept our fasting, may he accept our recitation and are listening to the Holy
Quran, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala write our names from amongst those whom he shall free tonight
May Allah free us from the fire of jahannam
00:42:34 --> 00:42:48
			then it is important also that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for the goodness of the dunya for the
goodness of this world as well. worldly items, yes, we need them We ask Allah but we should balance
it with the aphylla listen to what Allah says in Surah Al Baqarah
00:42:51 --> 00:42:54
			dynorphin dunya Hosanna
00:42:56 --> 00:42:59
			Hosanna joaquina
00:43:01 --> 00:43:43
			O Allah grounders goodness in this world grounders goodness in the in the year after, and save us
from the punishment of the Fire. If you take a look at that, if you were to divide it into 330 3% of
it is connected to this world and 66% of it is connected to the I'm leaving out the decimal someone
might say that makes 99 no we are leaving out the decimals here. One third is for the dunya. Two
thirds is for the alpha that helps us a lot when we are making. Let us try and keep the same ratio.
Two thirds of our armors be connected to the eternal life. One third connected insha Allah to this
dunya We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us goodness year and goodness there as well as Allah.
00:43:44 --> 00:44:11
			Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us also that it is important for us to make a dua that Allah
remove hatred in our hearts. Allah removes the hatred that might be in our heart against other
believers, those who have believed before us are with us. Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala
says, and this is a very, very important to our instrumental Hashem. Ravana was Ilana Allah forgive
us when he is one in alladhina Saba Kona, believe
00:44:12 --> 00:44:42
			and forgive those of our brothers who have preceded us in faith. Those who came before us those who
are more faithful than us. They have preceded us in faith, while at ajaan ficolo Bina renally larina
Amano and O Allah Do not place in our hearts in the form of hatred against those who have believed
your law. And this is why a person who has hatred in his heart for those who believe it is a
sickness, may Allah subhanho wa Taala cure us from those type of sicknesses as well.
00:44:43 --> 00:44:59
			Then it is also important that Allah subhanho wa Taala we make dua at the time of difficulty, you
have a problem. There is no one to resolve your problem. You are right you think you are right and
someone else is wrong. They've oppressed you. Now there is no one to judge between you alone will be
the judge that you are to make
00:45:00 --> 00:45:03
			have been half an hour baina kamina been happy
00:45:05 --> 00:45:49
			13 Oh Allah you be the judge between us and between these people here between our people your law,
you are the best of judges your luck. Continue making the dua in your difficulty and Allah will
expose who is right and who is wrong in your problem Allahu Akbar. So that is why this why some of
the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala made this dua and when they made it, it was granted to them
and there was definitely a day that came when Allah subhanho wa Taala judged between them, may Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant us every form of goodness, then it is important that we realize that we need
to make dua to Allah as is mentioned in the Quran, to protect us from being oppressive, as well as
00:45:49 --> 00:46:25
			to protect us from being oppressed. So there are two things we may do it Allah protect us from
oppression. But ask yourself, are you not amongst those who oppresses others? Whether it is your
spouse, your children, what have you, you should remember, if you are oppressing Allah will create
someone who will oppress you. So when you are making do either the Allah save me from an oppressor,
it is important that you ask yourself, Am I oppressing anyone in the process? May Allah subhanho wa
Taala save us from both inshallah, we don't want to oppress and we don't want to be oppressed as
well. Those two hours are also mentioned in the Quran, then it is important to also make a dua
00:46:27 --> 00:47:11
			for a lot to take you out of a bad environment to take you out of a bad suburb to take you out of a
city where the people are bad the people are filthy, we need to make dua and make an effort to leave
that place where the environment is bad. Or bana rejina min Han in Korea Ji lolly me Allah Allah
remove us from this environment where the inhabitants are bad and filthy Allah make it easy for us
to go elsewhere where inshallah we will be able to uplift your command and be from amongst the
worshipers who who will earn your pleasure inshallah, and whom you will be pleased with. Then Allah
subhanho wa Taala tells us that we need to also make a dua that Allah forgive our sins, forgive our
00:47:11 --> 00:47:26
			shortcomings, forgive our mistakes. And at the end of Surah Al Baqarah some of the most powerful to
us which I'm sure all of us know by heart, we need to read the meanings and when we are making the
gap we need to think about the meaning of Bana law.
00:47:28 --> 00:47:30
			In Se Na
00:47:31 --> 00:47:36
			Na O Allah do not hold it against us where we have made a mistake or where we have forgotten
00:47:37 --> 00:47:47
			your life we forgotten something don't hold it against us. And if we really made a mistake out of
Eritrea Allah forgive us don't hold it against us. robina y la
00:47:50 --> 00:47:51
			cama Harmon,
00:47:54 --> 00:48:11
			Kaaba Nina, Allah do not burden us with burdens that you have been in those before us with your law.
We sit and read about Vanessa and we read about the others Yama don't burden us with those type of
burdens Yala. That's a powerful abana wah
00:48:13 --> 00:48:13
00:48:15 --> 00:48:15
00:48:17 --> 00:48:20
			wah Wolfie, Lana well Hannah Nana
00:48:21 --> 00:49:02
			una foto sadhana comin caffine Allah do not burden us or do not test us with something that will be
too difficult for us. Do not burden us with that which will be too difficult for us. Yeah, Allah.
Allah have mercy on us forgive us yeah, Allah wa one Nana and have mercy on us. Bless us in every
single way for indeed you are our protector. Yeah, Allah molana you are a protector? Yeah, Allah So
help us against those who disbelieve those who intend any form of harm against us. Yeah, Allah you
help us May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us at all times Allah.
00:49:06 --> 00:49:26
			Then it is important that we make it to our after thinking and pondering over the creation of Allah
subhanho wa Taala Allah says the true believers are those they look at the moon. They look at the
stars, they look at the skies. They look at the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala when they see
cabana, ma Hala, pata
00:49:28 --> 00:49:39
			de la or LA you have created all these creatures. You did not create them in vain Yama, there is a
purpose for these creatures. Yeah Allah I believe in you your law.
00:49:42 --> 00:49:45
			All praise is due to you or loss of Hanna what Allah
00:49:50 --> 00:50:00
			so save us from the punishment of the Fire alarm. Imagine watching the other creatures of Allah
subhanho wa Taala should lead us to be
00:50:00 --> 00:50:06
			believe that there is definitely a heaven and a * We ask Allah to grant us heaven and to protect
us from *.
00:50:07 --> 00:50:17
			Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to make a dua, that you have a good death to make a dua, that
you have a good death and the devil to be made is mentioned in Surah Yusuf
00:50:19 --> 00:50:21
			Dawa Lee Li fit dounia
00:50:23 --> 00:51:00
			Allah you are my protector in this world as well as in the afro. Our funny muslimah a pony be Swanee
hain grant me death as a Muslim Yala. Grant me death as a submitter unto you Yala. And resurrect me
with those who are pious Yama resurrect me with those who are good, Yala. That is in Surah Yusuf It
is important we learn the wordings and we make dua but don't wait until you learn the wording you
can start making the draft from now in any language you want. Even just in your heart may Allah
subhanahu Allah grant us our to us.
00:51:01 --> 00:51:27
			Then another day, it is important that we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala that he does not
embarrass us on the day of the AMA. What did we say tonight? We said yeah Allah if you are to take
account of our deeds we will be embarrassed to Allah we've committed so many sins he Allah grant us
entry into paradise without reckoning Allah do not disgrace us on the day of TMI Allah Subhana Allah
dua is made mention of in many places in the Quran.
00:51:29 --> 00:51:29
00:51:30 --> 00:51:35
			Tana Allah, so Nicola, Xena woman,
00:51:36 --> 00:51:53
			Allah grant us what you have promised us with the messengers and never disgrace us on the day of PMA
Allah. And the final dua I'm going to mention for tonight is where we are meant to be asking Allah
to protect us from the fire of jahannam. We Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah tufan
00:51:54 --> 00:51:59
			that the true believers of those who call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala saying
00:52:00 --> 00:52:02
			are Bana Sharif
00:52:08 --> 00:52:09
00:52:11 --> 00:52:54
			Allah keep away from us the punishment of jahannam of Hellfire Allah for indeed it is extremely
severe Yeah, Allah to be punished in jahannam is something that is very, very painful. Yeah, Allah
protect us from that punishment in sha Allah Alhamdulillah we have heard the verses of the Quran. We
have heard so many topics throughout this month of Ramadan. We have heard part and parcel of what
Allah subhanho wa Taala has decreed in this Quran. The question I am going to be asked on the day of
the AMA, you read, you heard you knew you were told you were informed. What did you do about what
you got Subhana Allah did you just say Good talk, good lecture Subhana Allah powerful speech
00:52:54 --> 00:53:20
			Alhamdulillah good words of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Remember, in our case, the power is not in the
Messenger of Allah, it is in the message, the power is not in the messenger, it is in the message,
the power belongs to Allah and to his word. The messenger is a mere mortal, who will be just
delivering the message to you Allahu Akbar, I'm talking about ourselves who might be delivering a
message to Allah He we are mere mortals Subhan Allah.
00:53:21 --> 00:53:53
			We are not with the dust beneath our feet at times Subhan Allah, yet we are standing Allah has used
us to serve this Deen We ask Allah to accept it from us. And every single one of us we will be
questioned on the day of the AMA. What did you do with what you received? Did you take it? Did you
change your life with it? Allahu Akbar, the words of Allah have the power to change an individual by
the click of a finger and even quicker than that Subhana Allah guidance is quicker than a click of a
finger. You need to make an effort because Allah says when levena
00:53:55 --> 00:53:56
00:53:59 --> 00:54:38
			Nana, those who try and struggle and strive to come towards us. Those are the ones whom we will open
the path of guidance for Allahu Akbar. You want guidance you need to make an effort without an
effort they will they won't be any guidance except through the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala In
fact, the mercy of Allah is what we asked because it is always the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala
that will give us every form of goodness. inshallah We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala really, we should
all be asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us every form of benefit in this month of Ramadan to
make us from those who've heard whatever we've said wherever we've earned, we are human beings, it
00:54:38 --> 00:54:59
			is from us and from shape and and wherever we've added what was right it is from Allah subhanho wa
Taala. With this we end asking one and all to remember us in your two hours inshallah and asking one
and all insha Allah never ever to forget the message of the Quran. We have only made mention of very
few verses of the Quran. It is our duty to go
00:55:00 --> 00:55:41
			into the Quran, the son of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the work of the jurists and the
extraction of the rules and regulations from the Quran and the Sunnah. Remember these are the
sources of, of the Sharia the sources of the law that we have in our midst Alhamdulillah from Allah
subhanho wa Taala and this is why we have tried to cover even the topic of the knowledge and the
respect of those who have knowledge for indeed it is only if we are to sit at the feet of those who
have knowledge inshallah, that we will be able to derive and achieve May Allah subhanho wa Taala use
us for this Deen and with this we say, Allahu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana
00:55:41 --> 00:55:45
			Allah Homo behenic Chateau La Ilaha Illa and anastasiou kona to Boone