Mohammad Qutub – Compiling the Quran and Bible 2
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The segment discusses the history and meaning of the Quran and its use in various cultural and political moments. It touches on the importance of writing in the writing process, the use of words like "has been missing" and "has been missing," and the significance of obtaining the Quran for the um rights of the Prophet sallavi. The segment also touches on the history and meaning of the Bible, its use in various cultural and political moments, and its use in spiritual states.
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And what about the
yes. Uh huh
what he's waiting for his memory service, he hasn't memorized
there's no book at the time. There is no book the citizen is recited.
So, you know, one of the scholars of today I read it once, I think it was a tweet. He said he did not hold the most half in God knows how many years
did not hold the most half is recited when his reverie.
As far as I know, he never did. And because that's part of the argument against the disbelievers. He does not know how to read and write, how can you claim he learned from someone else and he never did. So he was always that way. So this is this is a miracle of Allah subhanaw taala. And even in who they be punished for Davia you're talking about halfway more than halfway through the time in Medina, he tells earlier they allow, right, so and so and so on. So when they're writing when they're doing the agreements for Davia. So now he continued this way, and this is this is purposeful. Allah subhanaw taala wants it that way, because it makes it that much more of an
argument against them, that he was always unlettered
Allah, Allah.
Okay. Yes, sir. You someone online had a question?
I didn't hear really sure. But But my question is, I'm not sure that Google is protected by but
virtually. I saw an article that the article before from Bible study
at Ocean and the class they included
that they found many different the wedges of
almost certainly wordy and they each words in it has
a little bit
with words and some sentence they give many, many examples. How to response it. Okay. Okay. Thank you. So she's asking about, again, some of the misconceptions that are raised about the Quran. And apparently it's some institution you said Bible institution, sister,
biblical Christian. Yeah. So no, no surprise that they are casting doubt about the Quran. This is part of why we are doing this. And I mentioned all of this history, and how the Quran was compiled and preserved orally and in written form, and so on. So they are claiming that they found versions, and they were different, and this is rubbish. Okay, this is not true. And,
in fact, one of the most recent manuscripts that they found was in 2015. Okay, so in 2015, some seven years ago, so they found what they claim is the oldest Quranic manuscripts, okay. And through carbon dating, they dated it back to some time in the seventh century, okay, back to possibly, I think somewhere between five something and 600, maybe 48, or something like that, right? This is through their own carbon dating, okay. And then one of their professors, okay, comes out, okay. on live television, I think it was to the Wall Street Journal. And he says, that actually, this proves that for all practical purposes, whatever is in the manuscript is essentially what Muslims are
reading today in the Quran. And this is something that if, if this is the oldest manuscript, the way they placed it again, you don't know for sure, but they said I think 575 to 648 or something like that. So if that is correct, see, obviously so this is back to the time of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, or maybe to the time of man the point is very, very early on that there is a manuscript there's something written so this is actually proof so to say that, Oh, they found so many midnight, the scripts and so many different versions. This
says this is completely false. This is actually incorrect. And now as they discover more and more early manuscripts they see that it is the opposite that actually the Quran is indeed protected. The Quran tells us that Allah
took it upon himself to protect it and it is protected Alhamdulillah
Yeah, in Birmingham, it was in Birmingham, and they discovered it in the University of Birmingham. Okay, and God knows what other manuscripts were stolen as well, that inshallah we will find, eventually, and it will also make the case even stronger, but like we said, Alhamdulillah it is enough to have an ijazah that tells you, what does the word What do you why do you want the manuscript you are hearing the Quran the way it was recited, and we took it from one person to another, there is an unbroken chain, this is the importance of the oral tradition as well as an unbroken chain. Okay, I recited the Quran to my Sheikh and he recited to his Sheikh, and it's an
unbroken chain, all the way back to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the manuscript, the reason they focus on the manuscripts is because, for them, and for us now, writing is so important.
That's why we focus on the oral tradition, then it was mainly an oral tradition, but it was also written for further confidence and further preservation. I hope that answers your question. Anything else before we begin with the next era? is another one online? Sister one second? Yes, brother.
There's a another question online. Let me just take it Yes. Go ahead. Brother.
in being successful trader, how do you reconcile him what a successful trader, okay, when he doesn't know how to write document or, or bad to calculate its mathematics.
Okay, thank you for your question. He's saying, how do you reconcile the prophets of salaam being unlettered and him being a successful trader at the time?
Who said that being successful is, you know, necessitates writing down, things were different than brother, they weren't the way they are now. So not everything was written that everything was by written contract.
Things were very primitive them, right. I mean, life was very different than you talking about over 14 centuries. Of course, there wasn't there wasn't even paper, you know, writing down was an easy, so
things were very different. You can't always look at, you know, the time of the prophet or send them through the lenses of 2023. I mean, it's just it's ludicrous, right? So
things were very different things were definitely very different. And it doesn't, you know, doesn't mean anything, not only him, there were so many successful traders. And we don't know for a fact that they used to read and write or not write, Allah, Allah.
Learning to write, again, when he talks about mathematics, what kind of mathematics were they doing? I mean, were they, you know, doing like regression and graphs and stuff like that, though, you know, that kind of math wasn't even there then. Right. So it was simple. Even the even when you think about the kind of trade, right, what was trade, then, you know, it's trade and barter button sell, you know, you're not talking about stocks and investments and all kinds of, you know, complicated calculation. So it's it was a very primitive and very simple transactional trade. You see what I'm saying? Below.
Yeah, so, it's, this is something that being unlettered is something The Quran mentions. The Quran mentions several times that he is a Nabil mee.
Mee means that he was the unlettered prophet, right? And this and using that Allah subhanaw taala addresses the disbelievers and he tells the Prophet SAW Selim tell them that I was with you so long before and
you didn't know about it. He didn't use to recite Quran or say anything else. So he was this is part of the argument that he could not have learned it from anyone else other than Allah azza wa jal, Allah, guys, we need to
brothers and sisters, actually we need to start with the next segment if we can begin because we have a lot to cover. Okay, so I'm gonna have to maybe stop the q&a then maybe later if we have time in sha Allah. Okay. Smilla
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge mine with regards now let's talk about now the compilation at the time of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu.
So now, the title of Abu Bakar means during his Khilafah, after the death of the Prophet SAW Selim, we discussed what happened during the time of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and now we get to the time of Abu Bakr, and of course, the
bedrock narration or Hadith when it comes to the compilation at the time of the Prophet SAW Selim is the following narration is narrated by Zaytoven Sabbath himself, where he tells us about the hola Juan that Abu Bakr as Siddiq had sent for him so he says he narrates he says I will send it sent for me when the people of Vietnam had been killed.
The people of your mama, the famous battle of Fiamma during the time of the
wars of apostasy that happened after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they were fighting against one of the imposters will say lemma. So what happened during that time is that many people were killed in this battle. And many of the ones who were killed were the people who had the Quran memorized. They were sure father Quran.
And it is said that
this number may reach as high as 70 that 70 of those who had the whole Quran memorized the fall of the Quran, they had been killed in this battle, the battle of Yamama This is not the first time for rot were killed and forth. This happened also in the event of Ramayana during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as well. So the Ummah has lost her father.
And pura by the way just on a side note, we are calling them for five, eight Halfhill so and so happens so and so because they have memorized the Quran. So is that what is meant when we say half of they've been hijacked and half of the nawawi
half of the Milka, you
know, does not wear his mask
and half of the verbiage that they have memorized so many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so we call them ha him.
Why? Because memorizing the Quran was a given
scholars of that stature.
You'll call him half is of course he's a half
or is he has the Quran memorized?
The default
but nowadays because of situation of the Ummah, the situation of Islamic knowledge. If someone has the whole Quran memorized, whole, Masha, Allah is a half is right for you. So that's why they call them on Quora. Okay? So
those either don't have it goes and he finds honorable kebab sitting with Abubakar be Allahu aboubaker then says to Zaid Omar has come to me and said casualties were heavy among the Quran of the Quran on the day of the Battle of fear man
Wait, I have a I have a question here.
He's a car is a half of the Quran.
What's he doing in jihad?
Didn t be teaching people the Quran
you know just sitting at home or in a masjid
and teaching is a car is a half is
is it jihad?
Allah Allah.
you see the you see the understanding? The skewed understanding we have we have become secularists
to a large extent. Oh, no, no, we compartmentalize NO NO NO is a teacher put him in the masjid. We're doing jihad during the frontlines. They became Shahada.
This is what his Quran tells him.
Not just sitting and reciting so that people can have views on YouTube.
Before it wasn't like that, but people would be sitting in reciting and people listening. Teaching the Quran is amazing, of course, but that doesn't mean it would cancel out. You
other obligations so he was in jihad. casualties were heavy amongst the Iraq
in the front lines in the Battle of Yo Mama.
So he says I am afraid that more heavy casualties may take place among the cobra, on other battlefields were a large part of the Quran may be lost.
Lost in terms of
orally, verbally, people who have it memorized, they have it all written.
It's already been written completely. Notice. The Prophet SAW Selim died. The whole Quran was in writing on the mouth of the prophet saw Selim already before Abu Bakr
very important someone asked you was that was half the time because there is no Mossad there is no Quran
excuse me, cancer, or lady.
The Quran existed in writing in its entirety.
The death of the prophets arson,
what more do you want?
Now the job is to compile it as we will see.
they're afraid it will be lost meaning they lose some of the fog. This is
something very important for the Ummah regardless written or not, they want these people these are assets. These are the ultimate assets, their teachers.
Therefore, he says I suggest you do to Abu Bakar I'm gonna suggest a buck
that you order the Quran be collected.
I said to Omar, Abu Bakr system, how can you do something which the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not do?
Pearl Allah.
Now, in retrospect, we think, Oh, of course, this is a very good idea. You should compile it all. The time, brothers and sisters. They of course, they were just with the Prophet SAW Selim. They living with him. They only follow what he does, right? If he doesn't they do it. He doesn't do it.
That we've gotten used to it because over 14 centuries, there's no revelation. There's no way there's no prophet was also love. So we understand there's a lot we have to do at that time. This is right after the death of the Prophet SAW Selim.
The Prophet didn't do it. Why should we do it?
So the first reaction of Abu Bakr Abdullah is, how can you ask me to do something the prophets of salaam didn't do?
Yeah, it's it seems like an innovation. And he doesn't quite see yet. Why should we do that?
Well, it's part of the same process to collect them compiled, it's part of it. So he says, I think you should order that the Quran be collected.
I said to Omar, how can you do something Omar says By Allah, it is a good thing. It is a good project.
Omar kept on arguing with me to accept his proposal elders Abu Bakr now saying to date, then Allah opened my heart to it and I began to realize the good in this idea.
Then our worker said to me, to whom is a different habit. You are a wise young man and we do not have any suspicion we do not suspect you. And you used to write the way revelation for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you should search for the fragmentary scripts of the Quran and collect it.
Zaytoven Talbot says, By Allah, if they had ordered me to shift one of the mountains, it would not have been heavier than ordering me to collect the Quran. Allah look at the fear of Allah subhanaw taala under understanding the gravity of this responsibility.
Then I said to a worker, how will you do something which Allah's Messenger did not do?
So, let's put this into perspective. Abu Bakr is the Khalifa Omar is Omar Raja Lavon Abu Bakr is the right hand man of the prophets of salaam
Omar is the left hand of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. These are the two greatest scholars and shakes of the ummah. Right. So or not, then something to Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr responds this way, but now you have this lad, this youth, they didn't have it, that two greatest so hobbies are sitting there and telling him what he should do. Right?
And he tells them, how do you ask me to do something that promises sort of did not do? Do you know how much courage and strength of character and fear of Allah it takes the answer Abu Bakr and Omar this way?
How do you, you? Are you talking to me like this? What do you mean to imply? We are doing some innovation? So Patrick Shut up.
He says to them the same thing. How do you ask me to do something the prophets of salaam did not do. This is the strength the Sahaba had lovely pleased with them all.
And notice the response of the two shakes was not very bad either. And they did not censure him and how dare you when you disrespectful. And you were this young when I was reading the Quran? No, none of that. None of that.
So well, Becker also says By Allah, this is a good idea. This is a good project.
And he kept on urging me to accept his idea until Allah open my heart to what Allah open the hearts of Abu Bakr and Omar, he says I started looking for the Quran
and collecting it the written fragments that were written on the pond stocks, okay, a thin white stones, a lick of very thin white stones that you can write on, and also from the men who knew it by heart
of the collection also the written fragments, as well as
talking to people who haven't memorized this idea, or that.
Then I found he says, the last verse,
the last verse of Surah, to tell the
wind, Irby who Zima Ansari.
The last two verses of Surah to Toba, he found with emphysema and Saudi and he says, and I did not find it with anyone other than him.
Of course, the verse is called the cool
oh tsunami and the unphysical.
Z is an idea humanity.
The transmission of the verse is that very leader has come on to you a Messenger from amongst yourselves, and it grieves him that you should receive an injury or difficulty and the verse continues.
The question where after that, then we'll just finish the narration first,
then the complete manuscripts, everything that was collected and then transcribed that copy of the Quran. The written Quran, remained with Abu Bakr until he died. And then with Omar until he died, and then it was passed on to Hafsa Radi Allahu anha, the daughter of
what they collected and transcribed of the Quran.
It remained with Abu Bakr and then it passed on to Allah and then to have some
What does sediment habit mean when he says
until I found the last verse of Surah to Toba?
above Jose mal Ansari
is very important.
What that means
is that he found it in writing with a with the same.
He was looking for it in writing as well.
As we will discuss, Zaid rod, the Allah who had a very meticulous
method in going after the written oran
he was he had it memorized. Others had admirers. He wanted to find it in writing.
He says I found it with emphysema, Al Ansari called the Aloha
another very important narration
please listen closely
again on the authority
of Heringer admins aide who heard say they've been sabot
well the Allah on say
that I missed one of the is one of the verses from Surah till Zeb
when we were transcribing the Messiah
and he says,
I used to hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recite it
he says so then we looked for it and we found it with Hussein even said it
was a man even said it and Ansari
the if in a remote meaning at a general solder pool now I had Allah I lay
that off the believers, there are men who were true to their covenant with Allah subhanaw taala. Right, The verse continues.
Very important is upon Allah. Again.
They didn't have it found it with Hussein Ibn Sabbath now.
Again, in writing, because he says, I used to hear the Prophet SAW celebrity sighting it I know it.
He has it memorized. He wants someone who wrote it down.
We found it with Jose didn't have it.
Don't get confused in the first one.
The last part of Surah to Tonga. He found that with Abby who Zima and sometimes there's some confusion there. So some will say it was a male for
the is of Surah Toba? No, his name is emphysema
this one for hazardous for Zima had been 30
was Amen and Fab it will be Allah who is someone
whom the prophets of salaam gave the honor of his testimony being equal to the testimony of two
and automatically given to faceva even sabot Subhanallah
this idea was with him in writing, okay, then we need
to say they've been sabots is going after things people have memorized and also he wants to find it in writing okay.
This narration about missing
this idea of skeletal Azzam
sometimes is confused
and actually for good reason, because you will find it in a hobo hurry when he when Buhari mentions the compilation of Earth man.
So, some may understand that missing this area happened during the time of the compilation of asthma.
But actually, you will find that the Senate the chain of narration in this narration and the other narration that we mentioned about surah Tauba is very similar.
And scholars concluded this missing of the Elven Azad is actually during the compilation of the time of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah as well, but not at the time I'm with Matt.
critically important point.
So, we mentioned before they didn't have it the end of the long Hadith he says that I missed the end of Surah to Toba. And I only found it with abou Zima. Right.
In the in another narration, he also says an AI that I missed and I thought
We found with Jose he might even find it
in writing again.
He says I used to hear it for the buffers. Also let me know that he has it memorized. But I only found it in writing with Jose mavens habit. This is the idea of a hazard now, since a different aim. Okay.
That both of these instances are during the compilation of hulak. Not with Matt.
Let no one say Oh, this idea wasn't even there
during the time of our bucket, and they actually did remember that the time of us math, no.
And they had it memorized anyway, but they were looking for it and writing. In both these instances, they means I didn't find it in writing. He found the eye at the ending of Surah to Tonga with emphysema, and he found the iron off Azad with uzima even throw it in writing clear.
how did Zaid radula and go about doing this collection?
The famous Imam have later been sad, says the first to collect the Quran was Abu Bakr and to write it Zaid and people used to come to the Durbin fair bit, but he refused to write any worse without to just witnesses.
Look at the meticulousness. Now, the rigorousness of the method, he wants to just witnesses.
This may be interpreted in different ways.
One, that what is meant by that is that if someone comes with an idea that they have memorized, he should have another just witness meaning he should also have it written, Then only he'll accept it.
Another interpretation of it is that what is meant by two just witnesses is that
he wants to just witnesses that testify that this was written in front of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam
difficult conditions,
So this great companion
as memorized a lot of the Quran.
He wasn't writing them for some reason. He went back home and he wrote wrote it down.
He doesn't have witnesses to testify that he wrote it.
In the presence of the Prophet SAW Selim, you already went back home, because they did not accept it.
And then they tell you, Oh, yeah, they missed and they did this and that and there was no compilation and versions and what are you talking about? The HUD Allah, memorized by so many of the Sahaba all in writing, and then it's just a matter of bringing it all together. And even here where he missed it, quote, unquote, because he wants to find it in writing because he puts so many requirements upon himself to be meticulous about it, because it is the word of Allah subhanaw taala.
Right. So he's just going overboard, right? You're trying to be very careful about it. Otherwise he hasn't memorized them they haven't memorized and so on. But he goes to that length.
Even when the he missed.
Allah decreed that this would not be lost and it would be found in writing when other faceva and with Jose mavens habit
Allah be pleased with the most okay
this is why
Ali Radi Allahu Han
says are Allama Nursey Phil Messiah heavy and urine abou buck.
Rahmatullah ABEbooks who are a woman Gemma Akita Billa
one more time who's praising over Buck I love the hola hola.
There are no
barriers between the Sahaba they don't hate each other.
A fitna happened later on but they love each other.
And the earlier of the Allah who
is the first to please everyone can over Allah be pleased with them all. So earlier the Alon is saying about Abu Bakr, the one
who is most deserving of Allah's reward
in the issue of the Messiah have
the Quran is Abu Bakr Allah's mercy be upon him because he was the first to compile the Quran and collected
so what do we have here? Brothers and sisters, they live in fair bit now compiles the Quran,
with the help and assistance as well. Abu Bakr and Omar
another narration mentioned that Abu Bakr tells Amara and Zaid go sit down the door of the masjid and anyone who comes ask him what he has of the Quran
memorized and who just witnesses and they want to see something in writing as well.
In this way they were they they embarked upon this monumental task of collecting the
fragments of the Quran
and finally transcribing it
what Abu Bakr did
well the Allahu Han
a normal and Zaidan Sabbath and others is that they after compiling all of this they transcribed that into what we will call a social
a social fourth and we buck
or a buck
the sort of
basically a set up schools
in which you will have
the entire Quran
on ordered as we see it in the order we see it today in the most have
an ordered
all seven a house
and we will get to the seven out of I hope
containing the seven roof they will don't worry we'll talk a lot about what the seven are okay.
We will get to it we call them a * of a Saba okay in Arabic, all seven are heroes.
And of course only that which is water were to give
water water meaning just like in the science of Hadith, that it was narrated by so many that it is impossible that they fabricated something or that they said something wrong. Right? It is it has the state of Iowa which is the highest level of transmission. Okay, are the Quran as well. They finished
this blessed project in one year. So by the year
both Hijiri
well Hijiri they already had
the sort of Abubaker compiled with the unanimous acceptance of this law we presume
so just
two years after the death of the prophets of salaam already it is all compiled
all together in a set of scrolls.
But an ordered
law Allah any questions or comments before I start the seventh half? Yes. And ordered as it is today. By the hubba Corolla I'm Rodney Salma Ada was in an order
which is part of the proof that some scholars may say that the odor is not something mandated by Allah subhanaw taala but rather, the HT head of the Sahaba Yes, just
After that we're getting to it there's still so much.
There's still so much going on and we will discuss Inshallah, we will discuss the
compilation of a smell of the Allahu Han, but for the compilation are meant to really sink in we have to first understand this issue of seven o'clock. So we will talk about the seven o'clock roof now
yes while the conservative
these was the one SAPA was enough to restart with a brief Yes, assist.
Who is that?
Somewhere? It was one of
the established?
Possibly, possibly you mean was it might have been fair bit who I just mentioned, right?
Yeah, possibly Jose might ever you mean who's even sabot because as I mentioned, Jose Emma Evans habits, it's the more testimony is actually equal to two men as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him that honor. The reason that happened really quickly and briefly, is that there was something between the prophets of salaam that was transactional between him and one of the nomads. And then, when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked for a just witness, because he might have been five, it says, I am a witness.
And then the Prophet SAW Selim turns around and he said, our you witness did not witness the transaction that happened between me and him. He said to him, O Messenger of Allah, if you said
yes. To the proposal, send them said, you have the testimony of two witnesses, and the Sahaba accepted Him the whole have accepted Him and His testimony as the testimony of two people below Allah.
Yes, you're welcome. Hello.
Yes, sir, by the
by a good metaphor, that no, not that I know of, and
there is no such thing.
Because as we said, if anything was not found in writing,
they didn't have it will not accept it. And they, as we said, they they also dependent on their memory on their health. And there were plenty of people who had it memorized. And then they wanted to also find find it in writing. And sometimes you might find more than one person who has written it, it's not just written by one person necessarily, right? So not that I know of Allahu Allah. Furthermore, brothers and sisters, and this is an interesting point.
Again, they they've been habit finding it with this person.
Look at the sahaba. He might say to himself, maybe I should admit this part, will confuse people, and maybe it will cause some misunderstanding and so on, you know, I don't need to mention it, of how to Allah. He mentioned one idea out of 1000s and 1000s of is run the idea that he missed the dimension that
that was us.
So it's authentic, A to Z.
Missed an error, meaning I didn't find it in writing. Why should I even mentioned that? It's not relevant?
No, you mentioned even the one
from Allah Hassan, and the ending of Surah Toba
and how Allah subhanaw taala protected his book, and they found it in writing only because they put such a meticulous method. Otherwise it was there already.
What Allah this is part of Allah's preservation brothers and sisters,
this compilation everything we're talking about this part of the preservation of Allah, that Allah tells us about in the Quran.
Very good.
Okay, I really need to start the seven o'clock because I don't think I'm going to finish it. I need to start with the seven. So what are the seven I heard of and what are the recitations of the Quran? We hear a lot about the recitations of the Quran, right?
Reverend Bob narrates he says, I heard he shall even Hakeem
reciting Surah till four Khan do
During the lifetime of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I listened to his recitation, and noticed that he recited in several different ways, which Allah's Messenger had not taught me.
I was about to jump on him during prayer.
This is the seriousness with which the Sahaba take Islam, but a joke.
Are you reading something different? Is this Quran?
Or is it different than what I'm reading?
This I was about to jump on him.
He shall move in hacking.
He shall have been hacking,
son of hacking, we've been prism.
But I controlled my temper, or Moses. And when he had completed his prayer,
now he can help his way with him. He put his opera garment around his neck and seized him and said, Who taught you this surah which I heard you reciting? He replied, the Messenger of Allah taught it to me.
I said, You have told the lie.
And when the Sahaba say you're lying, he means no, this is not correct. Sometimes they mean you're actually lying. Sometimes they just mean no, that's not right.
He says, Allah's Messenger targeted to me in a different way.
So I dragged him to the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam and said to him, I heard this person reciting Surah, to God, in a way in which you did not teach me, the Messenger of Allah says, release him or Omar, the purpose of Salah wants to now calm things down, deal with this in a way that will be acceptable to us. So he says, release him or Allah. And he said, he shall recite.
So Allah says he recited in the same way as I heard them reciting.
He's not going to play around now and change something right? We're talking about the sahaba. Here, Allah we pleased with them on
the Allah's Messenger said it was revealed in this way
and then he said, recite Allah.
So a lot of the Lord recites and then the Messenger of Allah says it was revealed in this way
he says this Quran has been revealed to be recited in seven different ways.
Seven I have of
so recite of it in whichever health is easier for you, or read as much of it as may be easy for you as narrated by Al Imam Al Bukhari.
you mentioned seven out of
seven Arabic means
I'm sure some of you already know that
letter, how does a letter
have letters rural
have been different.
But obviously, we're not talking about an actual letter here. Letter ABCD ite.
So what the seven a half means is something that scholars have
debated over. Okay. What exactly is meant by a half?
The point of
this narration brothers and sisters and other others, as we'll see, is that there were several different recitations of the Quran
and the Prophet SAW Selim is saying,
this is the way it was revealed.
Another eye if I have your answer, questions still not answered after this. Come back to me. The other hadith of Ibn Abbas while the Allah on Houma,
the Messenger of Allah said Gibreel read the Quran to me in one half.
And I continued asking him the profit now asks the process the Jibreel to read it in different ways until he read it in seven different
Have you asked for more of
until Jibreel? Relative in seven different?
Are there more demand Muslim narrates
on the authority of obey even carb, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was near the area of when he far.
And then Gibreel came to him and said, Allah has commanded you to recite to people the Quran in one half.
Upon this, he says, I ask Allah pardon and forgiveness if people are not capable of it.
So what is it that is not that they're not capable of? The Prophet SAW Selim wants to make the Quran easier.
as with everything, when you mandate only one way,
it may be difficult for everyone to take that specific way.
They were Arabs, but you had so many different tribes, different levels of knowledge. You had the young, the old, the men and women children.
The province of Salem wanted to make it easier. So he wanted another way as well. Other ways, right?
Which is what we're calling the above.
So he says why people will not be able to do it. He then came for the second time, and said, Allah has commanded us that you should recite the Quran in to Ashraf, the purpose of celibacy, I seek pardon and forgiveness by OMA will not be able to do it. What does this remind you of?
Allah, right when the 50 were obligated, and he kept on going back for less and less right?
He said, but he's asking for more, more ways to make it easier and more flexible.
Revealed came for the third time and the Prophet SAW Selim answers similarly.
And then he came the fourth time. And finally, he says to him, read the Quran to your people in seven roof. And in whichever they would recite, they would be right.
Now, notice what we have just come to
these seven or haruf,
X accents, dialects ways, these seven, all came from Gibreel Alayhis Salam.
And another narration, that they are all we all fulfill, and they are sufficient.
They fulfill it and they are sufficient in any one of those ways. Like we saw with Amara de la Juan and Michel Mavin. Hakeem
what that recitation or way is we'll see in sha Allah and we might take the assistance of the board, know if we're going to start today, but we'll see.
But they all came from Gibreel.
And ultimately, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam then taught and recited it in those different ways to
the ummah.
Haven't heard of that answer your question sister.
Not quite far away.
Getting to that, as I told her, I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about that, in fact, now.
Oh, we'll get to that. But first, let's understand what the arrow is and then we can try to see the issue of the heart of America rot.
did a debate about what exactly is meant by a
seven out of
so, some indeed said that this is the different Arabic dialects,
different Arabic dialects.
So even in Arabia, there, you had some different dialects.
The language or the dialect of Quraysh is different than the language of who they are.
Simple example.
The word taboo in the Quran
aboot which is one of the relics of the people of Musa than Israel,
which is what we read. This isn't the dialect of Quraysh in the dialect of hail, which is the dialect of Abdullah bin Masood on the lawn, it is a taboo with a hat at the end instead of
And of course, we see the situation of Arabic language today, you have so many different dialects
going on, which affects the pronunciation quite a bit.
So the way one Arab will say a certain word that maybe has a cough, or a Hamza or a G will be different than the way someone else pronounces it again, in that dialect, okay. And you will be surprised at some of the interesting differences or transmutations, but it's a dialect where people speak at the time of the Prophet SAW said lameness existed.
And some of that exists, some of those old dialects exist until today in some parts of Arabia. Okay.
So, some of the scholars said Indeed, these are dialect
to help each of the tribes so that they can read and learn the Quran in their dialect and pronounce the way they know how to pronounce. Otherwise, it might have been a little bit difficult. This would make it a little bit easier.
This is one
sound and strong opinion.
In fact, this was the opinion of the famous Imam
Abu Zubaydah, Al Qasim ibn Salam, who was one of the first to write about this issue of the arrow from the recitations. Okay. And his opinion was that these are different dialects. Okay.
And we'll see some examples.
The other possibility is that these are actually seven different ways.
Ways of recitation
which is slightly different than saying seven different dialects.
Because there may be a certain way of recitation that is not a difference of a dialect.
But just a slightly different way.
This was, and this is a,
an important opinion.
Actually, when we start to talk about the recitations
when you say ways, a little bit more general than
saying dialects, because a difference in dialect may constitute a different way, but not necessarily the opposite. So away when you say it away, it's more general than saying a different dialect. Differences in dialect may contribute to the different ways but not necessarily.
Okay. So it's a more general opinion.
As a simple example,
maybe the most famous example
of the different or some of the differences that we hear
which may be due to a difference in Iraq or a difference in recitation
is what in Surah Fatiha itself, right.
Have you heard that 30 have been recited slightly differently
well, a volleyed
the endings or well abolishing the endings is an issue of Tajweed. And it's optional. You don't have to, you could say Alhamdulillah here on Bella Alameen or Rahmani Raheem, that's fine.
As opposed to Al Hamdulillah, Bilad. I mean,
that's optional. That's an issue of situate. Okay, something else
Maliki only Dean
mele Kiyomi Dean, very famous, Melly Kiyomi. Dean, as opposed to Malik here with Dean might have heard this
from some of the other recitations.
this is a simple difference.
This is a simple difference, right? That really doesn't change the meaning much. Allah is Maliki of Medina and he's also melachim. Indeed, He is Maliki on the deen meaning He is the Owner of the Day of Judgment. And his many Chioma did his the sovereign is the king of the Day of Judgment.
No difference, right? In fact, it actually adds a meaning add some interesting meaning. And this is what we will see when we look at the different camera art and the different ways of presentation. So
the point that we're making is that whether it is a different way of recitation, a different half, it is all from Allah azza wa jal do not allow anyone to tell you that, oh, this way of reciting this is a different version of the Quran. I think we heard one of the sisters maybe online from in the beginning, talking about how she might have heard someone teaching and saying, oh, there are different versions. As if it's a different Quran, God forbid, oh, yeah, we just remove an iron and put an iron within it. There's nothing like what happened to the Bible, okay? It's all the New Testaments. No comparison whatsoever, as we will see, okay, it is still the same one Quran.
And some of those differences, hours, we will see are very minor and they are all part of the washi that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu. So, this is not human beings changing and saying, let me add this or, or skew this, and make this easier. This is from Allah, this is why the seven or from Allah Gibreel and then the Prophet SAW Selim learned and taught them that way.
And that's why he tells Omar you recited and he showed them hockey and he said that this is correct. And this is also correct. In another
interesting narration as well.
On the authority of Raven cub, as well.
He says, I recited and I, and m&s ruled recited it differently. And these are two giants of the Lord in Minnesota and obey even calm, right? Have the greatest of the companions when it came to the Quran.
So he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, didn't you teach me this idea this way?
And notice when they're saying different, different things like something very different, they want to hear it identically as he recited it, right?
He said, Yes. So then even this route says, or messenger of Allah, didn't you teach me this ayah this way?
He says, Yes, you are both correct.
So then
Evan Massoud
wanted to say something or it will be even cab rather wanted to? Like maybe come back with something else. So the prophets of salaam
hits him in his chest? And he says yeah, obey it Ben Cobb.
I was told to recite the Quran in one half
or two.
So the angel that was with me said to
choose the higher number
you said on two and then again, he was asked two or three. Again, the higher number three takes three. Right? So he said three until he reached seven
the seminar in Lesha effing Cafe
really single one of them is fulfilling and efficient.
And then he said, if you say hola hola. Rahima is Forgiving and Merciful.
Or you say send me an eye Lima.
That he is the old hearing and the old knowledgeable? Oh Alim and Samia are you switch
halimun Serbia, Allah is such
doesn't make that much of a difference.
He says, As long as you do not conclude an area about paradise
with punishment
or an idea about the Hellfire with Paradise or the reward of paradise, this is where you run into problems right? This is essentially saying that yes, some of those differences may be there
and we are going to see them in sha Allah and study them and that will be Inshallah, next time.
And this was also narrated
by Al Imam Abu Dawood, similarly that if you say, send me an email for Aziz and Hakima
does this mean that we should not learn look for some of these nuances?
Why does it mention this here? And not that there? No, that's not really what it's saying. We know that some of these nuances right,
are actually give you some of the the great gems
of understanding of the Quran. Because we know that it is all merges, it is inevitable.
And there is a jazz in it, and in its order.
But the Prophet SAW Salem is trying to tell them that ultimately,
the the meaning needs to be sound. And that's why he said as long as there is, you do not bring something contradictory like that, right. punishment and reward.
There will Allah who are alum or SallAllahu wasallam Obara, Carla Anna Vietnam Muhammad in sha Allah next time, we will get into
more of the details of the seven HaRav and declare art and what they are with plenty of explanation and we will also Inshallah, talk about the compilation of Horace Mann, Radi Allahu Allah. And if Allah wills we will start with the compilation of the Bible as well.
yeah, yeah. He asked highly to erase it.
Or yeah, he would raise * as I think where is it? And then he would erase it? Yeah.
We'll do when recited to him, it's very simple.
Wallahi? Yeah, I need especially the like, the non Muslims who are looking critically at this, if they would use the same magnifying glass for their book, oh, my God.
I think all of them would leave the religion.
I understand. I understand. But because this is also maybe they heard it right. This is still just mentioned it because she heard it in you know, some institution or something. Right?
So Subhan Allah when it comes to the Quran, or you know, look, there's half a letter that's different here.
Brothers and sisters, when we talk about the Bible, complete verses just completely omitted, removed. Added.
You'll see when we get to it in sha Allah, this is, you know, on a very, very different level.
So no, this is, you know, of course, he couldn't read. He could not read or write. Whoever's there can read it to him. Right? And that's why he asked me where is it so that he can erase it? Right.
And the Sahara didn't want to erase it. Of course he's rasool Allah is the messenger of Allah. Prophet doesn't care. The local farm wants him to erase Rasul oak erased it's not going to change the thing. Yes, something else Yes.
The way of the Quran came through Jabril only.
the way that came a lot of the times is that he would hear something that sounds like a bell, okay?
And we also understand that the way that came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
the Quran came to his heart.
The Quran came to his heart, meaning that when he was receiving the Revelation,
he would hear something.
And then when the day is over, he would understand what was communicated to him in his heart. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, of course we mentioned as Elena Gemma Hua Quran, Gemma who collecting it in your heart, right? In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us
what in the whole attempt zero Bill Eileen Missoula be your waffle. I mean, I call beaker. Lita. akuna minal Mandarin. I love cold beaker. So this why this revelation came upon his heart.
This is how he would take it and understand it. Okay. Of course, we do know that he did hear it as well, because he heard it from Jabra, he salah, reciting it to him and he recited it back. Right. As we know, in the that happened in the Mahabharata, but in the war he, it seems Allah Allah that it was upon his heart in this way. Allah can because it happened upon his heart. That's how the revelation would get to him falling unconscious. He was happy upon him. I don't know if we went completely unconscious, but it was very heavy upon him. Yeah.
You might call it something like a trance, meaning that because at the time, yes, he's receiving the revelation. So he said, sallAllahu wasallam. And then when
I'm like, awake from the trance, yes, he understands everything that was communicated to him. This is part of the Hey, brothers and sisters that, you know, we cannot completely understand how Allah communicated. And his message to him, Salah Salem, but
we know the ways that it happened because of these authentic hadith where the prophets of salaam tells us about it on
everything else from the online students? Maybe?
There is, oh, it's written?
Yeah, of course search is very similar, very similar to what prof was asking now about hallucinations and how he received it and so on so forth. Ultimately, it is part of the hype, right? We can talk about it. But
yeah, we'd have to go into some other details about how the why came and mentioning that the Hadith and so on and so forth. The reason I didn't really cover that is because I'm talking about the compilation here, right? So it's just it's a little bit of a tangent.
But ultimately, it is hype. Right? So they will never and we will never truly understand exactly how it came to him. How did Jabril Aleksa come and give him the why? What do you mean he heard the bell? Well, that's what the authentic hadith mentions. That he would hear a sound that sounds like a bell. This is the way of Allah subhanaw taala you don't expect it to be like anything else. Right? This is receiving the words of Allah subhanaw taala indirectly rather than hearing it from Allah, directly the way Allah subhanaw taala spoke to Musa Ali salaam, then it's very easy. Allah spoke to Musa directly. Right. But now this is an issue of why but even then we have the authentic narrations that
mentioned so none of this Oh hallucinations and and seizures of course they're gonna make all that up. Right. But because he mentioned something that seems similar to a trance, yeah. Meaning being in a state of complete focus as his receiving the way and then when it is over, he has understood exactly what Allah subhanaw taala
Allah has told him right Hello Tyler alum So, again yes of course anybody wants to cast doubt we'll talk about these things and try to talk about the state again this is part of the vape yeah
anything else
yes perfect
All right, great.
Okay, are they solid to set up?
Well, the this is the way even Ibis what the Allahumma explains the idea of later.
So when you say that about him in Zelner, who healer you let
what is the meaning of we have sent it down in a little cut. So, a bit Ambassador the Allahumma says that it was sent all at once
from Allah subhanaw taala. Hubei Tiller is
a place called beta lizard in the lowest heaven in a summer dunya.
This happened on later.
This is
one of the steps, the transitions that the Quran took from coming
to us from Allah subhanaw taala first it came to the lowest heaven. And then after that, yes, it was revealed over the course of 23 years to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.
And of course, others did say that
or they try to understand that the beginning of the revelation to the prophets of salaam just caught up itself happened in a little farther in the last 10 days of Ramadan possibly on the 21st or some other odd night you know, they will try to understand it in that way. But if you take the opinion of an ibis or the Allahumma that this is talking about a different not the beginning of the Wahiba this coming down yeah, this is what is mentioned lower
anything else online
okay then Baraka Luffy calm the second law hyaluron Subhana Kolomna will be handig Masha Allah, Allah Allah and a stuffy Roca one or two will be the.
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