Mohammad Elshinawy – Virtues of using the Siwak
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The speaker discusses a Hadith about a woman who prays at night in the month of yearly operation. They mention a woman who prays at night in a certain way, but the speaker clarifies that the woman is only meant to brush her teeth and not her mouth. The speaker also discusses the importance of using the hand whack and the need for hesitancy when praying.
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Smilla Al Hamdulillah salat wa salam ala Rasulillah hora, he also had to hit drain
so we finished the section on the virtue of family the virtue of the night prayers.
And now with RocknRolla he includes here
about eight or nine a hadith about the virtue of praying at night in the month of Ramadan in particular. And these are
the a hadith that you all know that whoever prays in Ramadan Eman and rightly said and in faith and seeking their award, their sins are forgiven and layer 200 In particular, and some of the Hadith about seeking out later
in the last 10 of Ramadan.
And so we have just recently visited those a hadith and we mentioned them of course, and we should have read them well done. So I will just move right over to the next section where he says bed will probably see wacky, what you saw in FITARA. The section on the virtue of a sea whack the sea whack is the tooth stick or the toothbrush. But it is important to clarify
that a sea whack is more about the action than it is about the tool. So any aesthetic for a person to perform C whack or perform with the Cy is to brush their teeth, right. And that is why if you buy a toothbrush
from your local departments or pharmacy or, or whatnot, this is also considered see wack because it is the act of purifying your mouth by brushing your teeth and our tongue.
And all of the virtues of the cya would apply even if you didn't use that particular tool that they've packaged and commercialized. And there's nothing wrong with that package than commercialized made out of the Iraq plant and so on and so forth. That is the particular route that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam use the tree root for his seawater. But the scholars mentioned that it is more about the action of brushing the teeth than it is about the the tool itself even though the tool itself could have additional hygienic benefits, health benefits, and of course the reward for doing exactly what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. And so Abu Hurayrah de la Juan
narrates that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Lola and Ashoka Allah Almighty Allah Allah Nursey la mer to whom BC wacky ma Cooley salah. He said Had I not feared that I would burden my ummah or burden the people in another word wording, I would have
ordered them with the usage of this see whack at every prayer. This is a highly authentic hadith in Bukhari and Muslim and it is, of course, a testament to the great virtue of using the sea whack at every prayer if possible. The fact that you will brush your your teeth and like refresh your mouth before every prayer before speaking.
The words of Allah are speaking to Allah azza wa jal, and this is from the etiquettes of the prayer. So why did He say,
if I didn't fear that it would burden my own mind would order them? This is a very famous Hadith, it's always cited in those soulful books for this reason, also will fail because basically the theories behind the laws like how do we understand what law is a mandatory one is like recommended. And I said this hadith teaches us that when he commands something, it becomes an obligation. That's the default, unless some other evidence arises that says, Oh, he only meant to commend you in the recommendation form, he only intended a recommendation by it. How do we know that the default the principal, it starts at obligation when he commands you? This is one of the clear Hadith had I not
feared it would be a burden. I would have commanded you what In other words, if I would have commanded you it would have been an obligation and if it was an obligation and may have been too burdensome to uphold, that is the idea. Allah Tala allah sallallahu Sallam Volcana Vienna Muhammad Ali was ivh marine and he questions
very good Baraka Luffy