Mohamad Baajour – Funerals – Visiting the graves FINAL

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying for the burial and visiting the burial during the holy month is discussed, as it is historically allowed for men and women. The presence of the HanAD and the importance of remembering death and the presence of Jacob are also highlighted. The speakers emphasize the need for people to apply the punishment of the HanAD and apply it in their own generation. The speakers also discuss the importance of learning to have a lesson in order to benefit everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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no Muslim no man found out when finally my LinkedIn or was it not in camera? I mean, ask Allah subhanaw taala teachers would benefit us benefit from what he told us increases in knowledge. Ask Allah subhana direct with Barack and this gathering and ask Allah subhanaw taala to keep all the shouting away from us, the human ones and digital ones. And there's a lot of human ones. And a lot of gentleman's digital ones are seeing them with you don't see them. May Allah protect us all in sha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala unite our hearts to its best. And may Allah subhanaw taala make us take the decisions that always please him chum, I mean your branding

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it's very sad to say that today's I looked turned out to be the final chapter in my book. So I have to come up with a new topic if Allah kept us alive the next week, so today in sha Allah Tala, we will end the topic of funerals, which have been with us since Ramadan.

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It's good gondola. Everybody hear me good. Alright.

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last week, we spoke about the burial and I just want to clarify one thing about the week before when I mentioned about the prayer of multiple people, remember, we said this we have multiple bodies that we are praying Janessa on and if we have for example, a man

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a woman and a child right. So, who goes first the man and then

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the child right then the sister right? Now,

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where does the man stand

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when he put the man first child and sister

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the man stands by the head of the men right.

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So, this is the first Janessa This is the baby or the young

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man a young boy or girl and then the woman her

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janazah will be moved to it is equal to the

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head of the first man Yanni her middle will be at the head of the first man this is what is the first body this will be the second the third will be here the middle of the woman's casket will be in the middle of the mammals The Praying is a clear Is it clear if there are more than one Janessa like we said before, Imam Abu Hanifa Alhamdulillah he said is preferable to pray separate Jeunesses but if you have to because like we always repeat it is better to rush with the Janessa so you pray on all of them. There's nothing wrong with that but you put the man and the Imam stands here let's let's do okay. So, this is the body the amount of standing here

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at the head and the boy will be the same and the woman will be her middle of the casket in the head of the first version as okay.

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This is one thing but I want to clarify

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now today is the last chapter in the book which is

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visiting the visiting the graves visiting the graves

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it is recommended to visit the graves for the purpose of getting

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or remembering the after the Salah Salem in the call in the container hater commands era till COBOL Fazal roja find her to the Kyoko era

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what it has it come zero to her Chiron feminine Arada and Yazoo fell yes or while Kulu Hydra, and I will explain Sharla I have prohibited you from visiting the graves now visit them that means in the beginning there was a prohibition on some people that's why they still have that in mind. And it's not it's not allowed to visit the graves. Because in the beginning of the Dawa of Islam, it was prohibited because the jatiya the people before his time used to do crazy things. So in the beginning Gosho Sasana prohibited it then he permitted it because it reminds us of the Acura but he then said something very important because it will remind you of the Acura and you will benefit from

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it. Whoever wishes to visit let him visit but do not

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To say heedless words

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and another Hadith he said in the in hate to commands era to COBOL for Xu Fei Fei bro Well, taco may use Ketola similarly, at the end use the same prohibition, but with a stronger statement he said visit the graves, but do not say anything that will anger Allah subhanho wa Taala

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what is meant by that what could possibly what I could possibly say at the graveyard that will anger Allah azza wa jal?

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Possible Yeah, yeah but something worse than that should right? Yes, I will cover

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Oh person in this grave. Please bless me with the baby boy. please cure my child, please do this. Please do that. This is what is meant. You said bring the anger of Allah azza wa jal. Okay. And we all know in our countries, unfortunately, it's still happening. They go to the grave. Like somebody told me the other day,

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some brother was around the cab,

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brother on the cab, making Tawaf and he has FaceTime. And I always recommend the f1. Please, if anybody goes to hombre or to hedge when you're making Tawaf that the offer is equal to

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solid that he said The only difference is you're walking and moving and you're saying different car, but it's equal to solid when you hold your your telephone and in the solid. You are in a bad data office or a bad please

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put your phones away put everything away. When we went to college, me and doctors have I told everybody right this hack during the house you want to take pictures after before no problem, but when we are doing the monastic Murad selfie with the Jamara with the shaitan selfie with the shaitan Allahu Akbar ilaha illallah selfie with the shaitan Yeah, habibi

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selfie with the shaitan. So what are you doing the monastic stay away from everything that keeps because you are in a bad you're in a bad. So the brother he was using his FaceTime and another brother in one of our countries next to a grave. So the guy in the capital of please ask for forgiveness for me. He's telling the guy next to the grave. Please make dua for me. Next to the Kaaba in Mecca, asking you guy next day grave to make the art for you. So how Allah so this is what the source has sent them. And

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the chef mentioned many Hadith

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about same exact prohibition at then visit the grave it's no problem but at the end, the same statement repeated do not say what upset Allah do not say what angle Allah azza wa jal now, let me ask you a question. When you heard this hadith for example, take any one of them

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in the in a two commands era to COBOL for Zulu, ha.

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Does that separate between a man and a woman? Or is this coming for everybody?

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Just men, where do you see that?

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From this hadith, there is another Hadith but I'm talking from this hadith, in in how to come and see a little cabal fazool Ruha I have prohibited you He did not say I have prohibited men, I have prohibited woman I have prohibited you, you here is all Muslims from visiting the grave for Suruga. So the above recommendation is to visit the graves applies to both men and women. The one that the brother beloved is talking about is that we said before the prohibition is in the

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burial during the burial that is the one that is prohibited. And another thing that is prohibited which is a lot of people

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confused with and as a matter of fact I saw it when we are in Medina at the entrance of the Makia there's a sign that says Latin Allah Zoa Ratan Kapoor.

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Allah subhana wa Taala have cursed

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the woman that visit the graves.

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Okay, now, how can we reconcile between those two a hadith? visit the graves for everybody and Allah cursed Lana, big word. The woman that visit the Quran, you have to understand the word Zoa rot What does the word mean?

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What is it file means What does five mean total were by far what does that mean?

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constantly forgives constantly accepts the repentance zawa rot, constantly visit the grave. This is the prohibition for women, the one who constantly she wants to go every day every week. She wants to go all the time. This is what's prohibited, but to go once in a while, it's the same as men, but to make it a habit to go all the time. This is the one that is prohibited besides the one under burial. What is the delille that women are allowed to visit the grave? The grave, the graveyard, the Hadith that we all know but I decided quickly,

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I should have the Allah on has said one night when I when it was my turn with wrestlers Isilon, he went to bed, lay down his upper garment, took off his shoes, and put them Near his feet, spread the edge of his izhar and lie down. He only waited until I appeared to be asleep. And then he quietly get up, took his upper garment, quietly put on his shoes, quietly opened the door and stepped out quietly and closed it. I put my dress through my head, wore my head cover, wrapped, wrapped up my bizarre around myself and ran after him until I reach until he reached alberca. He stood for a long time, and raised his hand three times. Then he turned around, and I turned, he hurried, and I

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hurried, he ran, and I ran, and he reached the house, and I reached them. I reached and I reached them.

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I then hurried ahead of him, and entered the house. I had just laid down when he entered, so she got to the house before him, and she laid down after running. So when you're running and you lie down, what happens?

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No matter what you try, it's very hard. Sometimes we run to catch before I'm concerned, even scream at somebody. So we want to catch this. I

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was scared that someone can show me that he will learn what are you? So sometimes we can, you know trying to catch our breath. So

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as soon as I saw and saw her and he said

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What's wrong with you? Yeah. Isha, panting

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and your abdomen rising and falling and falling. I replied, nothing. Yara Salalah. He said.

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That took a bit Eeny meeny Latif filosofia. Either you tell me or Allah will tell me.

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You tell me, oh, Allah is gonna tell me Subhanallah so

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I said, she's saying, May my father and mother be a ransom for you. You had a sort of Allah. And I told him what had happened. He said, Fenty Salah, the lady writer who am me. So you were that black thing? And I saw her in front of me. She said, Yes. He pushed me a painful push to the chest and said, of an empty and yeah if Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, so Allah Subhana Allah, He said, Did you think that Allah and His messenger would be unfair to you, any giving you your rights that night, so somebody else

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I said, whatever the people hide, Allah knows, whatever the people hide, Allah knows. He said, Verily, Gibreel came to me, when you saw that he called me without letting you hear. And I responded to him without letting you know. He was not to enter into your house after you have laid down your clothes. Subhanallah Jibreel does not enter on the woman. When they put them on. They take off their clothes. I thought that you had slept and hated to wake you up and fear that you would feel lonely. If you know I was leaving Subhanallah look at that left. Yeah, and he doesn't want to upset his wife, even when she's sleeping. Jaquan Subhan Allah, I know the sisters would love that. Should I

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repeat it to Allah?

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If you know that I am meeting he told me your Lord commands you and he told the salah Salem your Lord commands you to go to the people of Nokia, and ask for forgiveness for them.

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Muhammad, Allah Mazama shahada visa vie Ricardo Branham, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala as chrysalis I sell them to get up in the middle of the night and go to the rakia to make dua for the Shahada. And Allah subhanho wa Taala couldn't have forgiving them anyway. Right? He's full of Rahim not far. But look at this Subhan Allah, the love of Allah Allah rasool Allah says Allah and the love of Rasulullah Salam to the to the Sahaba and then he said, What should I say for them? He's asking Gibreel What should I say? He said uh, Salam o Allah Allah Dr. Mina Mina al Muslimeen, Wareham Allah

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When was stuck the mean? I mean while Mr. Clean were in sha Allah become Lucha con, a Salam.

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Peace be upon the dwellers, of these places of the believers and the Muslims, may Allah have mercy upon the earlier and the later among us. Certainly, we will follow you when Allah subhanho wa Taala wills. So, this there are a couple of dogs that we will come to it when we discuss the law. This is the Hadith that if you noticed, the chef used it as a de Lille that women are allowed to go to the Gregor this is what he used it because the solo salon he did not tell her how could How dare you go to the graveyard? He did not say that. He did not prohibit you know, he did he just told her about how come you followed me but he never said about anything about the graveyard so the unimat said it

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is allowed for the woman to visit the graveyard now

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can I visit the disbelievers graves it is permissible to visit the grave of a Kaffir only for the purpose of admonishing them to feel that you know, this is

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like it Abra like you know you learn a lesson from it. What's the deal? Rasul Allah Islam he visited his his mother's grave. I asked Allah for permission to make forgiveness for my mother. He did not grant me that but he allowed me to visit her grave. I requested my lord permission to ask forgiveness for her. But I was not granted that and I requested his permission to visit the grave he permitted me so visit the graves because it reminds you of death. What to say

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before that, what are the etiquettes of visiting the graveyard first of all you have to purify your intention. Why are you going you are going to remember death and your DUA when you get to the graveyard as salaam alaikum Allah Dr. Muslimeen I mean

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when insha Allah become leprechaun, that's Allahu

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Allah Sofia, okay that insha Allah Tala will benefit the deceased. So, first your intention is to remember death to remember I could be next remember the akhira and plus in sha Allah Tala, your DUA will benefit them while they are in the graves, one of the Sunnah of visiting the graves Jaquan because a lot of us Hamdulillah we always go to the janazah is to be quiet

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quietness. This is a time of Abraham. This is a time to learn a lesson. This is another time to joke around and you know, and like I mentioned before smoking and all that stuff, this is not allowed. You're there. Be quiet and try to learn a lesson from your presence and think that I could be next look at that graveyard and imagine this is your future future home.

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So what are the forms of shipments and many of them, the one we've said before and another one is?

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A Salam aleikum, Allah Dr. Meena when Muslimeen when the insha Allah become like a comb, and to Milena furoate When Adam Lakhan tuber as Allah Allah, Allah Allah come live here, what does follow me you have preceded us and we will follow you. I ask Allah to grant us and you will wellbeing

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and one time Subhanallah when that the Hadith that gives us a lot of joy and happiness is one of our Salah Salem one time he visited the graveyard and he said the beginning of the Dar Salam aleikum, Dara Coleman meaning when insha Allah had become like one, and then he said whether to an kodra aina. Atlanta, whether to Anna kodra Aina Aquarena. I wish we have we could see our brothers. I wish we could see our brothers. So the Sahaba said, Aren't you aren't we your brother's Yara? Salalah Carly has Salatu was Salam Belen tone us hobby, but unto us hobby, you are my companions. But our brothers have not come yet. And I will proceed them to the house. On the judgment day. May Allah

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make us from this in sha Allah. I mean, he was asked, How would you know them? They are a soul of Allah. And they did not even come yet. He said, If a man had horses, with white faces and legs among the horses that are totally black, wouldn't he be able to distinguish his horses? He said, Yes, of course I said and said

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Indeed, so very. They will come on the day of resurrection with white faces, arms and legs from voodoo and I will precede them to the house. And indeed some men among among you will be turned away from the house like a lost camel is turned away. I would call them come back, come back, but I will be told they have changed.

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After you Yara salah they have continued to go back upon their heels. So I would say Verily let them get lost. Let them get lost. This is for the people who have abandoned the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and they started inventing in this deen and coming up with new things in the deen suicide Salam will abandon them on the house Subhan Allah may Allah subhanaw taala make us live on the Kitab and Sunnah and die on the Kitab ins from earning our blind I mean

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raising the hands when he goes to the when you go to the graveyard, are you allowed to raise your hands with supplication? It is permissible to raise your hands what's the Delete same Hadith before I shall

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get to the back here she saw him raise his hands and make dua for the Shahada.

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When you raise your hands and make dua, in the graveyard, face the grave of the Qibla the Qibla face the Qibla like I always mentioned Unfortunately, many people when they go to the Haram Madani, when they go to Medina, they faced a couple of Rasulullah sai Salam and they put their back to the Qibla this is not this is not right here one you want to make that you face the Qibla you don't face the cover of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even though it is the recovery of Rasul Allah is Allah

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then he mentioned about many mistakes that happen in the graveyard gathering and celebrating by the graves that letter Turkey through Cabrillo Eden loss was excellent do not turn my grave into a place of seasonal celebration Subhanallah and

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traveling to visit a grave you're not allowed to to travel to visit the grave. Okay, except the resource asylum that should rehab Illa Illa Salah that massage and you are the cameras may not be saddled except to the free massage, maca, McHale haram Medina, Masjid Roxa So, other than that, you're not allowed to travel to go to visit a grave. But if I'm traveling to my country, anyway, and then I want to go visit my father my mother my this is nothing wrong, but to travel with the intention, I'm traveling all this distance just to visit the grave of so and so that is not not allowed.

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reciting Quran over the graves there's nothing in the Sunnah that says you recite Quran on on the graves

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sacrificing animals near the graves there's nothing like that you have one sometimes somebody who takes a sheep and sacrifice it next to the grave. There's nothing like that also

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lakra Islam no slaughtering by the grave is allowed in Islam walking with shoes among the graves in the Hadith bishop in a

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visual visual Rhodiola Han

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command he said the process and and commanded the man walking among your gray the graves to remove his shoes.

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So it is preferable like we said last week to remove your shoes. Unless it is any kind of harm to yourself, then you are allowed to put your shoes on but be careful and

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not to sit or stand on a grave.

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Unfortunately, like brother Shah, he brings it up all the time that the graveyard here in Russland the graves are so close it's impossible almost impossible not to step on a grave. Listen to this hadith so it will scare you a little bit for next visit. You know and then it's easy Inshallah, because there's that walkway between the between the graves, but in here and many others, then yes, she's looking ahead to Kamala genre feta, ricotta yerba Fetta hummus, Isla Gilles de Pharaoh knihu min and yet a couple

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look for one of you to sit on a hot coal that would burn his clothes and reach his skin is better for him than standing on a grave.

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Look, look how dangerous it is. And unfortunately, it's not like the brothers are doing it on purpose. Sometimes it's extremely hard to avoid extremely especially when they keep telling you move left move right we're going to come from here come from there and you find yourself by by accident stepping on one of the graves of course and inshallah Tada you will not get this punishment because you're trying your best but we have to inshallah Tada when in sha Allah the graveyard is done soon in sha Allah and approved and everything Sharma should be planned Allah hiya Quan. Let's plan it according to the Kitab and Sunnah till the day of June.

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treatment, we have to tell you how many people do not know these things. But people in sha Allah, Allah who are in charge of this thing from the beginning, if we put the set the rules properly, then everything will will fall in place in sha Allah,

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another Hadith, I would rather work on a burning coal or a swords edge or use my foot for mending my shoes, then to walk over a Muslims grave

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or to walk on a Muslim grave Subhanallah

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do not urinate

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among the graves is not allowed, like we discussed last week placing branches and flowers and all that stuff does not is not allowed also, and the Hadith that people use as an evidence of placing the gray the branches, that is for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, the Sheikh said they presume that because okay, it is clear from this hadith, the Hadith of the man Rasulillah Salam, he said, there are two being tortured, he passed by a grave. He said there are two people being tortured. Their punishment is for matters that are not important. Rather, they are very serious. Indeed, many people think that these matters are not important. But they are very serious.

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And they are being punished in the grave for that. What are the Yasuda he said the first one he used to walk around spread slander,

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slander, I mentioned yesterday, so much slander going on in the community and backbiting and we take it easy, just for positions and stuff. And that Subhan Allah wake up, you wake up, it's disgusting. And the other person he used to not cover himself when he's when he urinate Subhanallah look at this punishment in the grave punishment in the grave because of these tissues. And he urinating that's why we should teach our children from the from when they were young. Sometimes when we have some school or we have Sunday school, and most of the time these kids are not really usually frequent the massage of the lot. Okay, so they come and you can you check the bathrooms on Sunday afternoon, or

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during summer school, you would notice that these people, these children were not taught that they're supposed to sit down when they urinate. They are not taught that and probably they are not taught of it's dangerous to put water and clean yourself after you finish. We have to teach our children Jaquan How would they know if the parents did not teach them? This person is punished in his grave. Because of that. So Rasulullah sallallahu sallam,

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he put

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two branches.

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He then requested upon branch, cut it in half and stuck each half into one grave. And he said he was asked you had a similar why you did do why you do this, why you did that? He said perhaps their punishment will be reduced as long as the branches have not dried up. Now, it is clear from this to Hadith from this hadith, that the reason for the reduction of the punishment is the prophets intercession.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is the one who put the branch who am I to put a branch for somebody, I'm not going to be able to intercede right there maybe in the Yamo Kiama if it reaches me, I can intercede for somebody or someone can intercede for me. But at this time now in the graveyard, this is specialty for Rasulullah Salallahu Salam

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their action implicitly reflects that bad thoughts toward their deceased it means that okay, when I put branches I'm already assuming that my beloved person is already being punished. The reason why they resource hustle and put it because the person was punished right. And the same was taught

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by Allah so when you put that branch as if you already know that this person is punished, so you're assuming something wrong and evil also how do you know that your father your mother, your your your wife, your husband is being punished you know who told you that? So why are you putting this these branches

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lighting candles on the grave we all know that.

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this, okay, especially visiting the graves on the third 15th and the Eid specifying the Eid for visiting the graves. There's nothing like that in the Sunnah you can visit any time but to specify every eight I have to go because something special there's nothing like that in the in the Sunnah.

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there's nothing specifically visiting the parents graves.

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There's a hadith that is not that is not sorry about that.

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or Joomla visiting every Joomla there's a hadith that is not so here. Like I said the visiting the grave is is the lesson is eyebrow for us so the eyebrow cannot be only on Friday or on Tuesday it could be any day in sha Allah Tala plus like we said before, the intention is to learn to have a lesson for the era and remember death and to benefit the people from from your from your DUA.

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And with that in sha Allah, Allah, we will finish with the help of Allah hamdulillah me I'm so grateful to Allah subhanaw taala that we were able to finish this book in sha Allah, Allah Allah and I will look for a new topic within the law that will be beneficial for everybody that we can learn from it in sha Allah Allah Allah, I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from the people who listen and apply in Sharma I ask Allah subhanaw taala to increase us in knowledge and increase us in Amman not only knowledge, m y m l. L al Muhammad Amin Erbil Alameen wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad Ali

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Okay, the ladies The sisters are not allowed during the barium and they they are allowed to make siara visiting the graves but not frequently, not constantly all the time. Zach Malachy salaam aleikum, WA Subhana Allah van Dijk Masha Allah Allahu Allah and iStockphoto car on October Lake

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