Mirza Yawar Baig – Muslims today

Mirza Yawar Baig

Coming to terms with the world

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The lack of clarity in media messages and the focus on "med strict" is the main fallacy in modern times. Success is defined by means of people using to achieve their goals and the goal is to be freed from the fire and enter Jannah. Success is measured by hard work and consistent practice, and is measured by the use of the Quran in teaching people to live in the world and not just in a certain life. cultivating fields and staying in a d union are also important for achieving success.

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			amigos salatu salam O Allah.
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			Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seldom at the Sleeman Cathedral Cathedral, my
brother and sisters, dear friend of mine, sent me a few questions from Perth, Australia, Molly Moran
Mehta, may Allah bless him.
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			And I think these are beautiful questions, which encapsulate the biggest confusion that we have in
our lives today, in the modern world, when we try to understand Islam and try to practice Islam
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			Alhamdulillah we have people, especially youth today, who would like to follow Islam as completely
and fully as they can.
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			But they are confused. And the confusion is between these two terms dounia. And then.
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			So here are the questions that malibran sent me. I'm going to read these questions, and then I'm
going to try and answer them. Because I think this is a good opportunity to send this message across
the world to all the listeners of this podcast.
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			So that this this, what I call the eternal dilemma is inshallah solved.
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			The first question is, in your view, what does it mean to be a Muslim? In this day and age, I want
you to listen to the words carefully.
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			He's saying, in your view, what does it mean to be a Muslim? In this day and age? What are some of
the responsibilities and opportunities for us over the next five to 10 years?
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			Now my answer to that is, the beauty of Islam is that the message never changes. So therefore, the
phrase this day and age is the material, the message of Islam, and therefore, the responsibility for
Muslims remains the same, irrespective of the day and the age. Opportunities, however, however, will
differ with time and age and technology, and politics and economics, and so on. And so. So what is
the message of Islam?
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			What is this universal message, the single truth of Islam, which never changes over time,
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			it has been the same, from the days that I'm giving it to this world, and it will be an evil, all
around. Opportunities differ in how we can do that from time to time from age to age.
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			So as against evil, all around, I want to repeat that the message of Islam is to spread goodness,
all around, and to stand up against evil. All of that. Opportunities differ in how we can do that
from time to time from age to age.
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			So ask how you can spread goodness around you. And look for the way to do that, given your specific
location and resources and ability. This is the first time
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			known history in recorded history, that entry barriers, exclusivity of knowledge, even resources
have all become obsolete. Everything is available, free of cost.
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			All the knowledge in the world is available at the click of a mouse. All we need is focused an
industry that means purpose. Purpose is more important than our
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			purpose, without power builds resilience. Power without purpose is a bull in a china shop. So focus
and industry, the willingness to work and knowing what to do. You can make progress. Or you can make
excuses, but you can't do both.
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			I will repeat that. You can make progress. Or you can make excuses. Or you can't do both. So decide
what you want to do.
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			The second question
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			is that this is the biggest fallacy and the root cause of all problems, the artificial dichotomy
between dunia and afra
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			the success in this world such as financial, political or lifestyle success, does worldly success
bring happiness?
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			My answer is that this is the biggest fallacy and the root cause of all problems. The artificial
dichotomy between dounia and accurate, there's only one form of success and that is entry into jail.
The first misconception therefore, to remove from the idea is that there are many options
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			several forms of success there aren't others around. Derek told us clearly that there is only one
definition of success and he said coluna in the Eco mode. We're in to a phone now we do rock boom
Yeoman Yama fonzo. Has he handed Nari? Well, the villa Gemini purpose woman had to do Nia Illa
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			Allah monitor settings automatic raw, everyone will taste death. And only on the Day of
Resurrection, will you be paid your wages in full, and whoever is removed away from the fire, and
admitted into general, only that person thought fast, only he is permanently finally successful. The
life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception, meaning it is a deceptive thing. It's a
deceiving thing.
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			Now, the thing to understand is that there is a goal. And there is the means to reach that goal. It
is like going from Dubai to New York to reach New York is the goal. No compromise in that. But how
to get there is up to us. We can take a direct flight to Emirates, or we can try to hitch a ride on
a cargo vessel or get a job on a cruise line or going to New York or in that direction it rides on
other ships and so on. The eventual purpose is the same to get to New York, you're not saying I have
several goals, to get to New York or fly on Emirates or take a job in a cargo liner or whatnot. No,
you're saying the goal is only one get to do how you do that depends on where you are, what age, how
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			much energy, enterprise money, temperament, likes, dislikes, and so on.
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			And finding in this analogy, you will experience the hardship or ease of Whatever method you choose.
Neither the hardship nor the ease is the reward, the reward is getting to New York, the hardship and
ease are both factors of the journey, they will change with the means you adopt. So enjoy or suffer.
So three things to understand in this analogy, number one,
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			that the goal is one, number two, that the means can be many. And number three, each means comes
with its related, hardship or ease. So let's look at this. Now let's relate this to our ultimate
goal. And that is to be freed from the fire and enter Jannah ask Allah Subhana Allah for this for
all of us.
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			So the first thing to understand and remember is the goal is only one the world remains the same
irrespective of time and age and place and risk are the best of people ever is for the benefit of
mankind. You enjoy our maruf you enjoy and and your support everything which is doses and conditions
and that is to regenda when we die, and that will happen by spreading goodness all around us. That
is the New York in my analogy, or does it come from Clara on Martin overigens leanness, Tamura bill
Murphy was on how 911 curry Allah, Allah subhanaw taala said you Muslims are the best of people ever
is for the benefit of mankind. You enjoy our maruf you enjoy and and your support everything which
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			is good and you form it alone can you forbid and you stop and you stand against stand up against all
evil and you believe in Allah
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			hydrogenous mindfulness, which is an observed which means the best among you is the one who benefits
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			Now this is the fundamental never changing message of Islam for all times in all places, Islams
message never changes, spread goodness everywhere, for everyone in any situation.
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			Point out to the means can be many to spread this goodness is not necessarily one single way many
ways to spread goodness, I can choose any profession that will enable me to spread goodness
absolutely any profession at all, that enables me to spread goodness. Now to ask, if I can do
something which is haram in this context would be oxymoronic because told us that there is nothing
good in what Allah subhana wa tada prohibited. So any halal profession that spreads goodness any
halal activity that spreads goodness all around will get me to general that is the Emirates or cargo
ship or cruise line or whatever in the analogy, which is the best means that depends on who you are,
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			what you have access to what you like what you don't like zones over. All means are good, if they
are legal, moral, and don't add calories and they get you to your destination
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			Each means is your vote to gender. There is no one right way, there is one right principle, which is
to please Allah subhanho that any way any profession any business or service, which pleases Allah
subhanho wa Taala is the way to get to gentlemen.
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			Point number three, each means comes with insulated hardship or is
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			dry dry a marriage business class and you know what enjoyment is try working on a cargo ship and you
will know what facing tough challenges and succeeding. Get a job on a cruise liner and you will know
that hard work in great food can go together.
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			Each means comes with its own enjoyment. That is what we call success and confuse ourselves. It is
not success, it is enjoyment of the journey. Success only when you reach the destination not before.
No matter how much you enjoy the journey. The success is only at the end.
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			The finishing line is only at the end, not in the middle of the race. But there is certainly nothing
wrong in enjoying the journey or anything good in deliberately seeking hardship. There's nothing
wrong and enjoying the journey nor is there anything good in deliberately seeking art is going to
happen because of the artificial dichotomy that got created by interpreting dunia Acura as two
mutually exclusive things. dunia is our location. Dean is the roadmap it's the way we need to follow
to get to our destination which is the the three donia The ashira are intrinsically and inextricably
related. You need one for the other that is why it also rose ourselves in the dunya is the
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			cultivation for the asset is there a dunia, muzzleloader aka, the dunya is the cultivation, the
alpha is the harvest. How can you get a harvest without cultivating your fields? How can you get
done without working for it in this life? The only as attractive, Allah made it attractive, but
called it
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			deceptive. It is intriguing it involves you It sucks you in and makes you forget your destination
your goal. Imagine you're flying from Sydney to Makkah on Singapore Airlines. The first drop will be
jangly airport in Singapore, which is one of the best airports in the world, full of delightful
restaurants, rain forest, a slice of rain forest, shopping to the waterfall, beautiful lounges and
so on. Now, what would you say to someone who was with you on your flight and was getting distracted
with all the attractions of Chiang Mai, you would say keep your eye on the departure side don't get
lost in jaggy, we need to catch our current connecting flight to Makkah, no matter how nice Chang
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			is, this is only an interim stop. The final destination is MCC. That is what we need to do with
adonia. Keep an eye on the desk on the deposit side with the difference that in this case, there is
no signage. So be prepared to depart. And the question the next question, I was asked it.
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			He said this will sound like a silly question, but I am exaggerating the point to highlight the key
issue or enjoy. Enjoy it. But remember, you are not there to stay. It's only a transit Hart must
board your flight. And that's why
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			COVID dunya and nigari.
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			He said stay in this dunya like a stranger or like a traveler.
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			It's not as soon as the resident didn't do it. The Sahaba didn't do it. None of the setups and he
did it other ampere didn't sit reading the divine books that were revealed to them. Are we not
better off reading the Quran 24 seven instead of studying for university or going to work? Now my
answer is you could read the Quran for seven it's not harder. But it's not as soon as the rest of
them didn't do it. The Sahaba didn't do it. None of us none of us and he did it other ampere didn't
sit reading the divine books that were revealed to them. musasa was a huge activist and a warrior
work to freeze people from slavery and then to strengthen them materially and spiritually. He
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			traveled the world and he built the Kaaba. Usually Salaam ran Egypt as a general
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			rule the kingdom the likes of which was never seen thou that a ceramic chainmail armor even though
he was a king, find me the Navy who sat and read his book 24 seven. So why would you? The Quran came
to teach us how to live in the world. It didn't come to read 24 seven.
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			The books came to teach us how to live how to live this life. There are workbooks, there are field
books, there are instruction manuals, they're not relics to be recited and studied and put aside or
story books or books of poetry, to read for enjoyment and entertainment. There are books or
instructions to be implemented in our lives so that we may succeed in this life and the next you
read then you apply. That is what we know from our pseudo self taught the Sahara. We know the story
of the life
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			to 12 years from now.
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			So, what did he say when they asked him why it took him so long? He said, we would go to the soul as
a seller who take 10 is from him, memorize them, understand them, seek clarification if necessary
act on them. And only when we were satisfied with this, would we go for the next step? Did the
sorrow sit around during the era? Or did they live by the forum? Why would you want to do something
that they didn't do?
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			The next question I was asked is an attitude that exists in our communities, around minority in
Australia. I am only one person, therefore I am too insignificant to make an impact on society. What
does Allah say about his Mansur is Allah subhanaw taala told us that he will question us simply
individually without any reference to anyone else. So who cares? We are a minority or majority. Our
question in the war Allah is for us alone. Allah, Allah told us to live by Islam. He told us to
enter Islam fully. And he warned us against partial and selective obedience. He didn't tell us that
he would hold us accountable for who he influenced or convinced or for the impact we make of it to
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			me, he told us to do our job to fulfill the purpose of our existence. Our job is to show up impact
or no impact. No one is Alam preached for 950 years, Allah subhanaw taala told us this number. How
many people accepted Islam, he was a minority of one was his level of success or failure. rahsaan
preached Islam for 13 years in Mecca. And we know that 13 now at the time when he was there in
Makkah, during that period, you didn't know people didn't know that it's going to be 13 years,
three, presion example 13 years, and Mark had not even 200 people were convinced. So was that a
success, story or failure? As soon as ours are meant to live? And we know what happened? Was that a
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			success story around? This depends on on what you look at.
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			If you check to see whether he did what he was entrusted with, to the best of his ability, without
being concerned about how it turns out. It was a total success. If you look at who was convinced, it
may look like a failure. But how do you judge something or someone
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			based on whether they did what they were interested to do? or something else? Whatever you may like
to answer a loss router is merciful. And ultramarathoner said, Now, we may aku, Mama and lamb Jabba
further care will pour an awful lot about that as we know best what they say. And you all know
hamazon seller, and not a tyrant over them we have not sent you to force them to believe.
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			But one them by the Quran by but one by the Torah, the one who fears the White, who fears the
punishment of homosexuality, these attitudes, of saying Oh, but you see, I'm only one and I have two
swans on all of these are misguidance of shatter. They prevent us from doing our job.
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			All that we need to ensure is that we do our job sincerely and consistently. That is all as for
impact. It is a natural result of doing something sincerely and consistently, impact will happen. It
must happen, but only if we work sincerely and consistently. So focus on what you can do and what
you must do. And forget everything else. today. The curse is social media, which we have enslaved
ourselves to. We want everything
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			to be out there visible, attracting likes, and thumbs up signs and flies and whatnot. That is the
surest way to ensure that on the Day of Judgment, your book of accounts will be empty. Because you
did good work for name and fame and not for the pleasure of Allah. Let Allah subhanaw taala judge
the impact of your work and reward you for it. In keeping with his majesty and Grace, Grace, do what
you know you should do sincerely and consistently starting with praying five times a day in the
machine. That is the measure of security and inconsistency, authority and meaningless. What matters
is what you do, not how many you are.
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			The final question was majority and meaningless. What matters is what you do, not how many you are.
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			The final question was, we can see that the Quran provides great guidance for us. But as a regular
person who doesn't understand that I have two options to understand what Allah is saying, Go to
internet videos or a translated para. What are the pros and cons of this?
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			Am I answer this module This is what is this term? a regular person who doesn't understand the Quran
doesn't understand Arabic. That means all Arabs are not regular, regular people. Anyone who
understand Arabic is not a regular person. You
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			also didn't understand English either. What did you do? You learn English, you didn't understand
your mother tongue. You didn't come out from your from the womb of your mother speaking your mother
tongue you came out and speaking nothing and you learnt. So why is learning Arabic not an option?
That is actually the first and best option learn Arabic. So rephrase your statement. But as a
regular person who doesn't understand Arabic, I have three options. learn Arabic, read translations,
or watch videos about choose the first option until you get there Do any of the others but your goal
is to learn Arabic.
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			Last question I was asked was what message can you leave for those who are seeking success and
happiness by the corner?
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			Very simple. lived by the current study the Quran, study the Sierra because it is the Tafseer of the
Quran. And then live by that I live by Islam. If I see it, I'm not talking about it. Not sure others
and above all, not make excuses. Live Islam because that is what gives us success in this life,
which leads to Jenna in the
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			middle of that and I hope I have been clear this. There is no contradiction in this whole matter.
dunia is where we are the accurate meaning Jenna is where we want to go. And Dean Islam is the
roadmap. It is how we need to live in this dunya in order to get Jen so even when I have to learn