Mirza Yawar Baig – Muhammad – Do we love him?
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The importance of knowing the evidence of Allah's actions and teachings, love his people more than his actions, and being a " languages guy" is emphasized. The transcript discusses the physical appearance of Islam's Mahdi, who is a medium height, tall, and beautifully proportioned, and uses his face to express his love for the person he is talking to and hopes to be raised with prophets. The video also includes a brief advertisement for a product.
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Miller Ananda Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam, Raja filmbay mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira
mavado. My dear brothers and sisters, we are living through some difficult times and so therefore it is very important for us to keep connected with our foundation and our foundation is the love of Warhammer Salalah highly, highly useable.
We are people who love Allah subhanho wa Taala and we love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the last and final messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala
my brothers and sisters, having said that, I asked myself and I asked you to ask yourself, do we really love Rasul Allah is Russell
I know the the question may sound like a silly question to you because of course we are Muslims. Of course we love Rosaura Salah, but I want you to really think about this and say Do I really love Mohammed Salah? holosun and like answering any such question If the answer is yes or no whichever it is, the thing to do is to say what is the evidence of that? So if I say that I truly and truly love Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, then what is the evidence for that? This is not to show anybody else it is for myself. I need to know the evidence. I need to know why I say that. I love Mohammed Salah Salah.
My brothers and sisters, as you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala ordered us to love Mohammed Salah lahari he while he was Abu Salah, and one day we will meet Allah subhana wa tada There is no doubt about this. And he Jalla Jalla who will ask us
when he does when we meet him and when he asked us what is the answer that we will give him I think this is a very important thing that we need to
to ask ourselves and have that evidence in our lives.
My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala called Rasul Allah, Jerusalem, his niyama he called him his blessing
on us believers and that is why it is so critical to know who he was, and to appreciate him and to love him. Love for us so seldom is not an option. It's not something that you can you can you can have or you can leave it alone and not have. It is a part of our Eman And without it. It is impossible to be a Muslim. This is not my opinion. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala himself stated in his column Al Quran Al Karim and aerosolize Rasul Allah mentioned that in his teachings in the Hadith sunovion Allah subhanaw taala said in the famous Ayat of Surah Tauba how do we learn him Humana? shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim. Coleen can
acquire an Akuma as well as you khumba Shira to comb. What am wallonie Tara to Moo Ha. What is our own talk show? naka casada wa Masaki notaro Dona Hubei la comin Allah He Barrasso Lee was he had in fees Avi photorhabdus, who had Yachty Allah we are Marie Allahu la de la cosa como Alfa CFE, Allah subhanaw taala said which means say to them over Hamas, Allah Salam say to the people say to the believers say to the Muslims, say to everybody, say, if your father's meaning here, anytime these kinds of statements are made, both genders are included. Say, if your father's meaning fathers and mothers, your sons, meaning sons and daughters, your brothers meaning brothers and sisters, your
wives, meaning wives and husbands, your families, your kindred, you extended families, all those who are related to you, no matter how distantly and no matter how in which way, the wealth that you have accumulated, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce, your businesses in which you fear or decline and the dwellings the houses, which you have built, and you look at them and you feel very happy, in which you delight. If all of these things
are dearer to you, if you love them more, then you love Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if you and loving the work of the deen of Allah, striving hard in his cause these three things, if you love these more than you love Allah, if you love these more than you love them and if you love these more than striving in
Part of Allah subhanaw taala Allah then says then go and wait, go away Allah does not need you. Allah says then wait until Allah subhanaw taala brings about his decision of torment and punishment on you. And Allah does not guide the people who are alpha zuccon who are rebellious and disobedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
I want you to reflect on this, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned all those relationships and possessions which are not only dearest to us, but which are permissible they are permitted and as for example, in the cases of parents and children and so on, being good to them, serving them, our rewardable Allah will reward us when we do that inshallah. But in this case, Allah subhanaw taala said that even though these are permissible even though they are rewardable, if you love them more than you love Allah subhanho wa Taala and also Eliza Salaam, then go away and wait for the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
If we love these things, more than we love Allah, more than we love our solar system, and more than we love striving in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah said Allah has no need for you and go and wait for the punishment of Allah Allah promised to punish and alert then further said Hola Hola, como se te. Allah does not guide the rebellious people meaning that if you love these things, more than you love Allah subhanho wa Taala and Rasul Allah is Allah is Allah when striving in the path of Allah, then you would be counted among the rebellious people, and you will be liable to be punished by Allah subhanho data, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to save us from his punishment.
brothers sisters, the thing to understand is the reason why we must love our solar system in this way. It is not only because he was the most lovable of people, that is a bonus. We love him because Allah subhanaw taala told us to love him. And because obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala and obeying Rasul Allah is Allah Selim is the condition of entering Jenna.
oma UT la hora solo foccacia hosannas horserace manager only the one who obeys Allah subhanho wa Taala and obey His Rosaura Salah, only that person will achieve ultimate success which is gentle, joyful obedience, fulfillment of our lives purpose meaning obeying, as if by obeying we are fulfilling the life's our life's purpose, seeing obedience as being the life being the purpose of our lives
can come only through love, not through fear. And that is why we must know who Mohammed Salim is to know Him, to love Him and to try to become like him.
The question is,
let me ask you this question, which is
if Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam walks into our muscles right now,
just now imagine if you want shut your eyes and think about this.
And Sarah solos wrestling just walked into our Masjid.
And we look at it.
How many of us will say wow, that's an impressive man. I wonder who is
And how many of us will say Allah Subhana Allah
assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato yaku Allah
and how many of us will say, wala Subhana Allah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Rasul Allah
laka jolliff. Tana Yes, au Dona
marhaba de comida Habibullah
how many of us will say that?
Our brothers sisters, obviously that depends on whether we recognize
them or not.
This this is a strange thing to say to Muslims, who rely upon his shafa who rely upon his intercession
on the day of judgment and who looks
forward to that. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for the meeting with him on his house alcocer and who hope to follow him over the Syrah
and who seek his company in general for those?
I asked Allah subhanho della della della Lu, for all of this for all of you.
The question is, how appropriate is it? If despite wanting all these things, we cannot recognize the pseudo Solomon museum? Because we don't know him.
The tragic reality is that most Muslims do not know what resocialize rosov look like.
To add insult to injury, the CEO of Rosaura selam, is not taught as a specific distinct subject, even in our modalities.
I've never understood the reason or logic for this, nor have I understood the response that many Allah has given me that Rasulullah sallallahu his life and appearance and conduct is learned by students while studying his a hadith. My question is, is the life of Rasul Allah is a seller not important enough to be studied by itself?
Especially when Allah subhanaw taala ordered us to emulate him and promised His love gentle Allah, Allah who, for those who do that?
How can we emulate someone we don't know?
Why must we believe that for something like this, something so critical? It is sufficient to learn it by the way, instead of focusing on it totally for the purpose of knowing with the intention of following him?
My brothers and sisters, so what would we see? When we looked at him?
I'm quoting from various assays of, of shabalala mohammedia, also called shama tirmidhi, compiled by Imam Mohammed
Mohammed bin Isa tirmidhi, the student of Imam Mohammed bin Ismail al Bukhari, about whom his teacher Sarah Bukhari Rasul Allah Bukhari said about Timothy, who was his student, he said, I have benefited more from you than you have benefited from me. Now this shows the caliber and the position of raw materials Rasul Allah Of course it also shows the generosity and humility of Allah May Allah Allah fill our hearts with love of his messenger Muhammad SAW salah and love for his llama will Huck the great scholars of this Deen who dedicated their lives and the Sahaba versus a Salaam thanks to whom we know today. What rasulillah salam look like. So now my brothers sisters, imagine this.
You just entered our Masjid look at it.
What do you see?
The first thing I would say that you would become aware of a beautiful aroma
like the most beautiful scent that will completely permeate the atmosphere.
That is the perfume the natural perfume of Al Mustafa of Rasul Allah, Allah.
So what will you see?
You see a man of wheatish complexion,
looking at home fills your hearts, which such all and majesty that you automatically lower your gaze, and you're unable to look at his glorious countenance because of the haber that Allah subhanaw taala bestowed on him.
Then when you gain some courage, and you look up,
you see a face that glows with inner light, as if the rays of the sun are reflected from it.
You see a vase that is brighter and more glorious than the fall more on the 14th of the night of the month.
The Night of the 14 eyes that are set wide apart, but not too wide, with pupils that are very dark, surrounded by the sclera which is very white
eyebrows, long and arched, but not joined together.
And long eyelashes.
You will see his truthfulness, his intelligence and his kindness reflected in and shining in those eyes. As you look as he looks at you.
You will love him, as did everyone who looked at him with faith in their hearts.
He was a medium height, neither too tall and lanky, nor too short and stocky. But when he was among people, you always appear to be the top
His head, beautifully proportioned, neither too big nor too small, neither square nor round, but in between his hair, very dark and thick and wavy, coming down to his ear Lopes
his neck long, but not too long and beard, thick, black and down to the middle of his chest.
He had a vein in his temple, which became visible when he was angry. It would swell and throb, but inshallah you will not see that.
His mouth wide, always with a smile that illuminated the world. His teeth, beautiful, shining, with a slight gap between the middle incisors, a sign of beauty, his shoulders, wide and muscular, with a full chest and no protruding belly, his arms, not too long, not too short, but proportionate, muscular and powerful.
his bones and joints large and strong, but not excessively large, his legs strong and powerful.
his palms and the soles of his feet fleshies.
He walked with purpose, leaning slightly forward relatively fast, but not arrogantly.
He used to lean slightly forward, as if descending from a mountain. He wore a turban tied over a helmet or a cap, or sometimes just wound around his blessed head without anything underneath it. His shirt long, extending below his knees, but not all the way down to the ankles with a slit on either side, his trousers wide, ending above the ankles just below the middle of his calves. The purpose of both wants to give complete freedom of movement to the limbs.
Listen carefully to people
because you want to recognize him when you see him. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to show you Rasul Allah is Allah Salaam in your dream.
I asked Allah subhanaw taala to decree that you say salam to him in person. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to decree that you meet him on his house alcocer and that you greet him there and he returns your greeting? asked myself when you
what then will we say to him,
especially about what we did to his Dean after him.
Let us see how his sabarimala hella image man loved him because the Sahaba our gold standard
narrated Abba, and has been Mardi Gras Han,
the hardeeville Mustafa, the personal servant of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam who spent 10 years of his life
in the service of Rosaura, sir until Nebuchadnezzar passed away
and has been Malika delana Who said I saw the Brightest Day in Medina and I saw the darkest day in Medina. They asked him which day he said the brighter the Brightest Day was the day when rasulillah salam came from Mecca to Medina. And the darkest day was when the solar Solar System passed away.
This has been Malaga Dorado narrates and said that also lies Allah Salim said, none of you will have faith. None of you will have him until he loves me more than his father, his children and all of mankind. And these are this isn't Buhari, none of you will have faith until he loves me more than he loves his father, meaning father and mother, his children and all of mankind.
You can see how these are these reflects directly from the ayat of Surah Tauba which is added before you already.
None other Have you seen Buhari also, and has been madiga Delano. He says A man came and asked us about the day of judgment about the hour saying when will the hour be Rasulullah sallallahu.
wasallam said to him, what have you prepared for it? The man said nothing jasola except that I love Allah and I love his messenger Mohammed II Salah Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said to him, you will be with those whom you love.
You will be with those whom you love. And has been Malaga. varano said we have we meaning the Sahaba have never been so glad as we were on hearing that saying of Rasulullah saw Salam that is you will be with whom you love therefore
He continues, he said, therefore, I love Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and Abu Bakr and Omar, Abdullah Anwar and I hope that I will be with them because of my love for them, though my deeds are not like this.
Now, this is a statement of humility, of aneurysm in America villano because the xaba are each of them unique in themselves. And each of them is somebody about whom Allah subhanaw taala said that he is pleased with them. There is no praise higher than that, for anybody in this world.
It is related, that a man came to Roswell Isola Salah. And
he said to him, Yasser Allah, Allah, Allah, I love you more than my family and my possessions. Meaning I love you more than anybody else. Anything else? I remember you, and I cannot wait until I can come and look at you.
I remember that I will die and you will die. And I know that when you enter Jannah you will be raised up with the prophets. When I enter it, I will not see
him as this man. He is saying that when I enter Jannah the pleasure of genda means nothing to me. If I cannot see
see this is the love of Marsala. He's saying that gender itself has no meaning for me if it does not contain Mohammed Salah Salah meaning that if I don't have access to resource or seller, if I cannot see it in his company if I cannot see him if I can't talk to my conscious around to him that Jenna has no value for me. So no Salam kept silent he didn't say anything to him. until Allah subhanaw taala revealed this ayah later, where I'm not sure how to set up LA or Sula for LA camera la Vina Anima La La he was in the pain our show diversity has una una economica, Allah Allah said, Whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah will be with those whom Allah subhanho wa
Taala has blessed the profits that have been the CGT in the people of truth, the Shahada, the martyrs, and the Salah hit the righteous people and such people are the best of company villarica Hazara Willa economica
when this ad was revealed, rasulillah salam called that man and he recited this I have to him What a beautiful Bashara. This shows us that love for Allah Subhana Allah Allah and His Messenger Salah Salah must be proven by obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala and also lies as I sell them. If there is no obedience, there is no love, no matter how much we may claim to the contrary.
May Allah subhanaw taala count as among those who loved and obeyed also lies Allah values salah and Grant has the vision of Rosaura Salaam in our dream in this life and meeting with him on the Day of Judgment. My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala sent His messenger mamas are seldom as the best example for all of humankind, to follow for those who look forward to the meeting with Allah subhanho wa Taala and his pleasure and Allah said locka gala Kofi rasulillah, useful to Hazara for whom lemon lemon Ghana de la ha well yo ma Kira, Kira la casa, Allah Raka said which means, indeed, in the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ala Muhammad wa salam, you have a good example to follow for
him who hopes in the meeting with Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah subhanho wa Taala a great deal to love Rasul Allah xlm is not about singing Rashid, and holding meetings on some date and W Lauer. It is about living our lives according to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. That is what Allah subhanaw taala told us to do. It is about emulating Rosado, Solomon everything that we say or do in our appearance, our actions, our dealings, our worship our society, our families, our relationships, it is to change ourselves and our beliefs and our attitudes and our actions and our speech and and so on. It is to change our occupations, our fashion, our friends and
our social lives. It is to do whatever it takes to ensure that our lives reflect the beauty, the goodness and the glory of the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, what is the reward for this? fella told us? Allah said Colin contento Hebron Allah Fatah buni you whip kouvola will ya que la COVID de novo como la for him? In surah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah said say Omaha masala salad to all
of mankind. If you really love Allah, then follow me
and follow me for viewing, then what will happen? You will emulate me, imitate me Follow me or what will happen if you do that Allah will love you, Allah will love you
and He will forgive your sins. And Allah Subhana Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. I want you to sit quietly and reflect on this. What is the meaning of Allah will love you?
What will it mean in your life?
What will it mean in the context of whatever anxiety you're currently living with?
How will it help you in this world? And what is the benefit of being the Beloved of Allah?
When we meet him on the day of judgment?
I want to end with a final Hadith which tells us why we can't but love Rasul Allah is Allah Harrison.
That is by none other than our mother, humble woman in Ayesha Siddiqa Allahu Allah.
I'll say deca, Binta Siddiq.
I just did the heart of the law and I reported
one day when I saw a surah Salaam with a cheerful face and so I'm looking happy. I said to Dr. sola, please make dua for me. Please make dua to Allah for me. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said, Oh Allah, forgive Isaiah, for our past and future sins. Ciro alanya in secret or in public.
I shall delana says I love so much I was so happy I love so much that my head fell from his lap. So maybe she was lying down on his lap and she was so happy with the with this door that our head slipped from his lap and was on the floor.
As soon as I said to her, does my dog make you happy? I should
I should
say Yasser Allah, why would you do or not make me happy such a beautiful dog
doesn't upset by Allah. By Allah. This is my dua for my own mind every seller in every prayer
and this isn't even a but
how can you not love somebody who made this door for you? for you in every salon?
Let us work for this door to come true for us. ask Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with you and grant you the company of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in general to fill those masala Allah will carry value savage may be Rama Tikka Mohammed