Maryam Amir – When you think youre not good enough
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The speaker discusses the difficulty in knowing who is more blessed and closer to God. They suggest that it is important to try to be in the best of one's ability to find the perfect person for every situation.
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Every single one of them with Allah has secrets that only he
knows. There is no way we can know who is more righteous, who is
closer to Him, who he has chosen, who he loves more. So what we can
do instead is just try to be in the best of our ability, the
people that he loves, if he loves the ladina ameru so much, then
imagine how much he loves al mumin, how much he loves al
muhsinin, those who believe in Him, who struggle, who try, who
are trying their best every single second, despite the reality of
their circumstances, how much must he love you as.