Lauren Booth – How To Get Married l Heart to Heart Advice

Lauren Booth
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AI: Summary ©

The Muslim speaker advises against rushing into marriage and not asking too much for the Herzegovina, as it is a gift given to a woman. He suggests taking the "row packages" seriously and getting advice on it. The segment also touches on various aspects of a family's relationship, including financial and family history, and emphasizes the importance of praying for the best.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:02
			Peace be upon you, Lauren Booth here.
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			So every episode I'm going to be bringing
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			you some of my tips and truths about
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			life as a Muslim.
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			So we're going to kick off with that
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			contentious issue.
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			By the way, I'm going to be drinking
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			during this because I've been trying for the
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			last half hour to record something that seems
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			nice and casual, but when you've been a
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			journalist for 20 years, casual looks like, hey,
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			how are you guys?
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			It's really nice to see you.
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			We'll be back in a casual unless there's
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			food around.
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			So this is a, um, oh, it's a
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			really nice piece of Turkish bread.
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			Okay, let's get going.
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			This is me being casual.
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			So when I came to Islam, I'd just
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			been divorced about six months.
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			This was in 2010.
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			I've been Muslim nine years now.
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			So this is going to be my ninth
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			Ramadan coming up.
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			So I was wondering, how do you get
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			Now, before Islam, obviously I'd been a journalist,
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			I'd been on TV, so I had loads
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			of male friends.
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			In fact, I would say that I'd been
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			a misogynist.
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			What about you?
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			Have you got many friends of your own
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			Or are you addicted to friendships with the
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			opposite gender and all that flirtatiousness?
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			Please don't get me drawn into we're just
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			Suddenly somebody looks nice.
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			They're great to be around.
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			You love their company.
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			Kind of very similar to a crush.
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			Anyway, that's where I come from.
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			That's been my experience.
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			The number of times before I came to
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			Islam, I got myself into sticky situations with
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			guys who said, hey, I just want to
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			be your friend.
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			They really didn't.
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			Anyway, marriage.
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			Are you looking to get married?
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			Are you Muslim?
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			Are you young?
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			Are you old like me?
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			I'm over 50.
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			Just want to get that out there.
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			I'm not embarrassed about my age.
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			I think every single age has a joiter
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			to it.
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			Tips and truths about marriage.
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			Are you a new Muslim?
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			If you are, I wonder if you haven't
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			heard this.
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			Type yes below if you have.
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			All you need is a pious brother.
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			That's it.
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			Some of the sahaba, the friends of the
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			prophet, peace be upon him.
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			They would marry, the woman would marry, and
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			the gift would be just a line of
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			the Quran.
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			You don't need anything else.
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			Don't worry.
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			A believing man for a believing woman.
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			As long as he's got a beard, as
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			long as he's got a long shirt on
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			that goes to the ground, but not to
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			his ankles, mind you, then you're in like
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			I'm tired of finding convert sisters sort of
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			given the dregs of of our community.
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			A pious man is the very highest in
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			the community, but what we get offered is
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			the guy who's got no money, no character,
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			no dean, no family support, but he knows
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			a line of the Quran.
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			Would you let your child get married to
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			someone like that?
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			You go to your daughter.
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			What you should aspire to as a believer
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			is someone with nothing to offer, no good
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			manners, but knows one line of the Quran.
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			So why do you do that to new
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			I've known too many sisters, and sisters, beware.
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			You don't need to marry right away, but
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			marriage is the best form of lifestyle.
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			Especially in the dean when you're not going
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			out and you're not doing all this mingling
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			in the evening and you've got time and
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			you want to commit to your beliefs and
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			you want to commit to a family and
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			a household.
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			It's brilliant, brilliant.
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			Get it wrong, it's death, a living death.
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			So my number one tip, right?
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			First tip, don't rush into marriage.
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			Don't marry any old, you know, he'll do.
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			This one's not married.
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			We don't know who he is, but just
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			marry him.
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			Number two, how about this?
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			Don't ask too much for the maha, right?
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			The maha is a gift that the man
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			gives that's of benefit to the woman, okay?
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			But it is a gift.
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			It doesn't have to be something like she
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			needs urgently.
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			It's a gift and it's meant to be
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			weighty enough that it's going to matter if
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			they break up and he has to take
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			it back.
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			And it has to matter that he's got
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			to give it to the woman.
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			Do you see?
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			It's a weighty gift.
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			It's something that binds them together.
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			So it shouldn't be nothing.
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			In fact, I was speaking to Brother Ali
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			Dower, the YouTuber Ali Dower, about a couple
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			of weeks ago about marriage and he said,
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			sisters, in the West, there's no excuse for
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			less than £3,000, right?
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			£3,000 is a good barometer.
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			Brother doesn't have it.
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			If he loves you, he's going to work
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			for it.
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			So tip number two is take the maha
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			seriously and get advice on that.
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			Know what it is.
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			It is an embarrassing thing to say.
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			Because we all want to say, hang on,
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			you know what I'm worth?
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			I'm worth a Lamborghini, my friend.
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			But I see that happening all around the
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			Muslim world.
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			And the pious young brothers don't feel they
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			can get married.
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			They're being pushed into extramarital, premarital affairs, zina,
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			Into sin because the families of the young
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			girls are saying, we need this Lamborghini and
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			a house and you need to have, you
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			know, £50,000 in the bank.
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			And the brother's like, well, yeah, I'm going
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			to have to be £40,000 then.
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			There are certain things that you have a
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			right to ask and to value and to
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			That's the looks of the person.
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			Have they got some wealth?
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			In other words, can they look after you?
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			We're not talking a great deal of wealth,
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			but you know, you're going to be looked
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			after inshallah.
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			You've got to like the look of them.
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			There's got to be attraction.
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			So many converts, we go into a marriage
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			and we say, Fissa bilillah, the deen is
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			There are different factors you're allowed to ask
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			And family, good family, really, really important heritage.
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			Your kids are going to look like this
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			Yeah, you better get on with them to
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			a degree or at least think that some
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			point in the future you can.
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			It's horrible.
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			Believe me, it's horrible if the family rejects
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			Tip number three.
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			So I was at a young sister's house
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			the other night, lovely family, Indian heritage, living
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			in London.
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			And I said, so she's 23, you're going
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			to get married then?
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			And she went, I said, oh no, what's
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			I'm really sorry.
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			Have I put my foot in it?
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			And the mum said, yeah, something bad's happened.
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			I said, oh.
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			She said, let me tell you the bad
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			I said, if you're sure.
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			I said, what is it?
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			She said, well, we had a meeting with
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			a boy and his family last year and
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			it went on.
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			We had about six meetings over a few
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			months and then it didn't work out.
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			They weren't compatible.
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			I said, that's brilliant.
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			Why are you downhearted about that?
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			Because it didn't work out.
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			But that's the process.
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			You're not meant to just take the first
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			one that comes along.
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			It's an interview process.
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			It's the most important interview process of your
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			life because unlike jobs, which will come and
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			go and careers, which are changed dozens of
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			times in a lifetime.
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			Now, the marriage is the thing that is
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			the cement.
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			Believe it.
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			Believe it as someone who's had divorces.
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			It's painful.
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			It wrecks marriages.
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			You want to get this one right.
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			You do more interviews for university than you
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			do for marriage.
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			Making a mistake.
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			So I said, that's great news.
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			So here's the tip.
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			If you go, if you have like a
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			few meetings with a brother and it doesn't
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			work out, it was never meant to be.
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			That's you being saved from awkwardness or much,
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			much worse two or three years down the
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			Nothing wrong with it.
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			Nothing bad.
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			Just go your separate ways.
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			Leave each other with peace and start again.
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			And truth is this pray, pray for the
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			You know, sometimes we get a bit downhearted
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			and we ask Allah to Allah from the
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			crumbs of the King of Kings tables.
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			So imagine if you go, you're invited into
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			a meeting with a member of a Royal
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			And when you get there, the King says,
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			now ask me for anything, anything at all.
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			What do you want?
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			Ask me.
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			And right now I'll give it to you.
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			And so we're standing there and we see
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			a cat bowl in the corner and we
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			think, Oh, that'd be nice for my, can
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			I, um, yeah, can I have that cat
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			bowl, please?
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			The King would say, are you sure that's
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			all you want?
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			I can give you anything that you see,
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			feel here in all of my kingdom.
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			And you go, no, I'm all right.
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			I'm good.
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			Just the cat bowl.
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			First of all, you'd be a bit rude
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			because that's a pointless little thing.
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			You haven't credited the King with what he's
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			able to give.
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			You haven't accepted or acknowledged his generosity to
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			My life turned around six months ago by
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			the grace of Allah.
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			When I started really, really praying, really praying
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			for someone to be everything, everything that I
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			wanted, deen, dunya, studies, ilm, caring, financial, the
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			I said, Oh, you know what, Allah ta
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			'ala, please just give me the best of
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			the lot of it for me.
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			It might not be the best for you,
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			you know, but the best for me, the
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			one that matches me.
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			And guess what?
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			I got an email from a brother and
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			it's so far, so good.
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			So also final one, sisters, don't let anybody
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			tell you that over 50, you can't get
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			And don't sisters of any age, don't let
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			anybody tell you that in the Muslim community,
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			there aren't good brothers.
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			They're good brothers.
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			They're waiting for sisters who don't ask for
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			Over and out.