Karim Abuzaid – Ruling On Wishing Merry Christmas

Karim Abuzaid
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The transcript describes a celebration of the birth of Jesus, where a woman claims to have a son without a wife. The woman is upset and advises others not to try to correct people with negative behavior. The speakers also discuss the importance of good character in Christian society and encourage viewers to practice respecting others.

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			I came flying from Egypt yesterday
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			and I'm not
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			many Christians
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			listening listen listen listen I will not ask him to be mean here
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			but quite frankly quite frankly when the elements of the universe
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			he is that someone says a lot has a
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			look out there yet
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			what is this was about this celebration that bird they have the Son of God
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			what an insult
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			it's an insult
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			it should have been
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			the sort of added insult woman mid level
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			there is one of these folders medical
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			something I forgot that here
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			Yes, he was to the D with a Catholic priest
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			in the church
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			Mohammed Abdullah, he was famous.
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			So he went to the church, you know, Catholic, we still don't know.
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			So what
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			are you doing good to see you. And he did this intention. How was your wife and your children
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			is asking the Catholic priest you know what he said good
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			So, you know like this for you and you accept this for Allah. Allah has and
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			how is he going to have a son without a wife?
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			The husband is about to cry
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			what the
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			why and the how
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			mothers whom you didn't think that
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			this ship is really only No no.
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			Listen to me
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			memorize the slide.
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			is an interaction nothing to the
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			environment what a
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			lesson than an hour holds Christian believes that you're going to heal if you do not believe that
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			Listen, being tolerant does not mean you compromise what you believe in.
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			No big
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			How are you?
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			Good to see you sir.
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			Shop does no more.
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			Show you character. good character is a Muslim.
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			They have good character because of
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			the hours that
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			they attribute the good character and we have
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			thumbs down.
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			Be nice to them. But
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			it does not mean that you can't provide what you believe
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			Brothers and sisters in Islam, nobody said that. And as a matter of fact, Christian will give you a
lot of respect.
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			But a Jesus advice if you
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			have a neighbor, don't try to correct them when they are experiencing the moment.
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			don't try to correct people with the eating or feeling they're not going to life. But if you have a
neighbor, if you have a co worker, explain to him ahead of time
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			your Christmas and Easter goes against by pay Don't expect me to say Merry Christmas or exchange
gifts with you. But listen, this does not mean that
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			you have to protect you have to respect my feet, you know, expect anything.
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			exchange gifts with you
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			brothers, brothers and sisters in Islam men
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			at the expense of the displeasure of
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			the same people unhappy with you.
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			This is a big issue brothers and sisters in Islam and our fans.