The Days of Jahiliyyah
Kamil Ahmad – Lessons from the Seerah 02
![Kamil Ahmad](
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The importance of learning about the Prophet sallied Alayshi wa sallam's history is discussed, including his lineage and political and religious aspects. The rise of Islam, its cultural and political bases, and its cultural and political bases are also discussed. The importance of honoring the Prophet and not wanting to admit to it is also highlighted. The segment also touches on the social and political dynamics of Islam, including its cultural and political bases and its social and political bases.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam ala terminal at Milania Allahu Allahu
wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa many their behavior was going to be Sunette de la Yomi. Dean along the aluminum ion farriner wenfeng IBMa alum tena was
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Last week, we started with an introduction concerning
the topic of the seerah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaking about
some important introductory matters, like the importance of studying this era, and why we should study it, etc.
And today, we begin
this spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Now, when the writers of Sierra
begin their books,
the don't usually start directly with the birth of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.
And starting his life like that, but rather,
they usually start by giving us some background history
of the situation of the people
And not only that, but they also
before going into his birth, even before that, they talk about his lineage.
And where his ancestors come from, and where they can be traced back to
and also important events and things that happen before he was important. And so today, insha, Allah, Allah Allah, we're going to talk about the situation of the Arabs
in pre Islamic times in the days of Jaya Helia.
And so, this period of time, before the Prophet SAW Selim came was referred to as the days of Jamelia,
the days of ignorance, because as we will see one of the traits
one of the unique traits of the people was that they lived in ignorance.
So we're gonna look at different aspects of that life.
Before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born before he came into this world. And so the first aspect we're going to look at is the religious situation.
What was the religious situation of the Arabs
and so when the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam came, they were generally three
religions that were prevalent in Arabia.
And these three are idol worship,
Judaism, and Christianity.
Now we're all we're all familiar with the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
his lineage is traced back to its very early Salaam
and his father Ibrahim,
and next week, when we
look at the lineage of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, his ancestry, we're going to talk about that.
But basically, most of the Arabs had come complied with the dower of Ismail Ali Salaam.
And so they were upon the religion of his father Ibrahim.
And so they only use to worship Allah Alone, Up until Shiite, and followed the religion of Ibrahim alayhi salam for a long for a long time.
after some time passed, they started to forget aspects of that religion. However, they still maintained certain fundamental beliefs like Toshi
as well as other aspects of the teachings of Ibrahim Ali, etc.
So the question is what changed all of that? And how is it that they went from pure total heat and the worship of Allah to what opposes that of idol worship?
This brings us to one individual
that even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned,
and his name is Ahmed,
and Jose.
And so this man was the leader of who's one of the tribes of NACA.
And he was an individual who was known for his generosity,
and his strength and his leadership, he was a well respected leader among his people,
to the point where His word was a final word.
And his words were taken as law.
So one day, this man,
he travels to a sham
to Syria.
he finds
these idols that the people are worshipping.
And so he asked them about these idols, what are they? And so they tell him that
these are intermediaries between us and Allah.
Whenever we need something, we go to them.
Whenever we need rain,
we go to the idols and we ask them to ask a lot on our behalf.
And so there are different idols for different purposes.
these idols appeal on our behalf.
So I'm not able to hate, he was amazed, and he was impressed by this. And he liked the idea.
So he said, This is exactly what we need for our people.
So he has these people in Syria in Sham to give him to make for him an idol. So he can take back to his people. So that's exactly what happened. They built for him a huge idol
that he took, he carried back with him to Makkah. And this idol, its name was horrible.
Its name was horrible. And he took it and he put it right next to the cab.
And so he told his people
call upon this idol. And your requests will be answered because they are
appealing on your behalf to Allah subhanahu ATOD.
So maca was the center
of Arabia.
And the people still used to converge
from all over Arabia. And so bringing this new thing to Mecca.
they cause attraction among everyone.
So obviously, this new innovation would spread beyond Africa.
And so that's exactly what happened.
Also, because of who this individual was, who brought it, it wasn't any individual. He was a well respected leader. And so whatever He tells people to do, they would do. And so that's exactly what happened. And so
this is how idol worship started. This is how idol worship started in Arabia.
Not only that, but then it became a business after that. And so
idols were then meet in Mecca, and then exported all over Arabia. And so every time a tribe would come to Mecca
for pilgrimage, they would take that these idols with them to their people.
Not only that, but then even, you know, it
things advanced, and they started to make portable idols
that you could travel with.
And there's a story with Omar Ali Allahu, where he says, basically, he was he was seen crying and laughing at the same time.
So when he was asked, and this is, you know, much later, perhaps after the death of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. He was basically remembering his days of Jamelia. And so when they asked him, he said, The reason I was laughing was because I remembered my time ninja Helia
once I was traveling,
and I needed to praise Allah,
I needed to pray to an idol but I didn't have any idol with me.
So I forgot my idol at home. So I tried to think of a way to pray.
And I happen to have some dates.
I molded the dates and made them into the form of an idol. And then I worshipped Him.
So then later on that night I became hungry. So I eat my idol.
So he says, that's why I'm laughing.
And so he was remembering his past and realizing the foolishness of idol worship.
And so look at how Islam changes people. You know,
this is who Omar Radi Allahu Han was
doing such a foolish thing that he himself is recognizing and admitting.
And look at what he ended up becoming.
idol worship became common, there were all sorts of idols for various purposes, and shitake was now rampant, and all over the place.
And so the Arabs had different major idols. And so for instance,
there was Manat, that Allah mentions in the Quran, Surah tinyjohn, a 123 idols of theirs.
And we're not an ERISA and a lot. And so I may not, was worshipped in a place known as michellin, which is near the Red Sea, and other idol a lot. It was worshipped in a bar if and the third idol that was worshipped in the valley of novella.
And so she had prevailed, and the number of idols increased everywhere, all over Arabia.
And it was mentioned that this individual who started this idol worship the Amerindian height, with the help of a jinn companion,
managed to find
the idols that were worshipped by the people of New Heights.
And so the his gym companion, took him to that place where they were buried
around the, around the Red Sea.
And so he
found these idols that Allah mentions and sort of knew
what soie you lose your openness.
So the point is that every tribe, every home, every people have their own idols. And even the Cahaba became overcrowded with idols. And so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam conquered Mecca
how many idols did he find in the caliber
360. And so he took them all and smashed them and remove them and ordered it Rhodiola hang on the other companions to go to the various places on market and destroy all the idols.
So as we can see, this is how idol worship started. And it can be traced back to this one individual who started this innovation.
And so whenever someone does anything, in this dunya whether it be good or bad, and people follow,
he will either have the reward if it's good, or he will have their sin on his back. If it is evil, as a Prophet sallallahu it was he told us about the son of Adam,
to anyone that he was the first one to start murder. And so anyone who murders the Sunnis on him, likewise, this individual and would have been, even though he was one of the people from the days of Jackie Leah, and Allah subhanahu wa Tada will deal with them in a different way because no Prophet was sent to them. However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I saw I'm in La Jolla, Jose, in the hellfire, dragging his intestines
because he was the first man to change the religion of the Arabs from Tauheed to Sheikh.
And so this is how
idol worship was introduced among the Arabs.
We move on after that to the next religion that was prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula, and that is Judaism.
So how did the Jews arrive? in Arabia?
Basically, when the Romans
Quds Jerusalem,
they suppress the Jews who were there for a long time. And so they cause them to disperse in the land
as Allah
I mentioned in the locker by now,
Phil Oribi. Woman,
they were dispersed in the land.
And so some of them decided to come to Arabia
in search of the promised land, where and awaited profit would be sent. How did they know this, because of certain things that Allah mentions in their Torah.
So they knew that there was a prophet who would come. And so they had certain signs of this place,
that he has a lot of deep palm trees, and it is such a such place. And so they went to church of it. And so a group of them happened to come down and settle in yesterday, which was the name of Medina before the prophets, a lot of our lives have migrated to it.
That's because they noticed that the signs
that are mentioned in their scriptures match what we find in this place, that a prophet would come,
he would migrate to this land, and we will be the first ones to follow.
So these are the Jews that were there when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, migrated to Medina, the three tribes been claimed,
then an obligor, and Ben graver.
Now some of these Jews happen to
travel to Yemen,
with one of the leaders who was ruling over Yemen, and they started to preach their religion.
And so this is how
Judaism spread to Yemen.
And so they were there became a community in Yemen, of Jews.
And so from this, we can see that the Jews in Arabia were two kinds. One were ethnic Jews, original Jews, and the other were Arab Jews who converted to Judaism.
And these Jews remained until today, in Yemen.
And so there was a group of Jews in Yemen, until this very day.
And so they are those St. Jude's.
And maybe a year or two or a few years ago,
they felt threatened, they felt threatened. And so Israel helped them to
migrate to Israel.
So this is the story of the Jews arriving in the Arabian Peninsula, we move on after that to the Christians.
After he sadly his Salam, his followers
generally started to deviate very early on.
And so they became different sects, adopting various innovations and beliefs concerning ERISA, his Salam and his divinity.
So some called him the son of Allah, others called him, Allah, and so on and so forth.
However, there remained a small group of followers who remained upon the initial original teachings of the Saudis.
But they were very, very small in number.
they traveled to different parts of the world. Among them was a group who traveled to Yemen and specifically an area known as natural, which did he is not a part of Yemen, but rather a part of Saudi Arabia.
But it borders with Yemen.
Now after the death of the king of Yemen, who had embraced Judaism, and so we mentioned that there were some people who became Jews in Yemen. Among them was the king, one of the kings of Yemen.
After he passes away, his son takes over. And his son's name was use of Luna was, he rises to power.
And then he comes and he attacks this community of Christians who are practicing the original teachings of Italia Sarah, he comes in, he attacks them and He wants them to abandon their religion.
Remember, they are following Islam basically. They're worshipping a lot alone.
When they refused,
he ordered that a bit of fire be dug and all of them be dropped into it.
Now many of the historians and the writers of the Sierra
they mentioned that this story
which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wasallam mentioned, and it's found in Sufi Muslim, it's a very long story.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the story of the king and the boy. Now many of the historians, and the writers of the Sierra are they say that
this incident is related to this think
this particular King do know us. And so what is the story exactly of the boy in the king?
there was this king, and he used to deal with magic.
And he had an advisor, who was a magician.
So this magician he was getting old. And he told the king that
I may pass away soon. So I need someone to take over my job after.
So they went in search of someone who could take over his task. And so they found a very bright and intelligent young boy.
so the magician,
he started to train that boy.
So the boy would leave home, he would come, he would sit with him, he would learn magic
from this magician.
the boy was supposed to leave home very early in the morning, and go and study with the magician and then come back home at night.
One day on his way
to visit this magician, he saw a temple or a place of worship. And he heard people praying. And so
it caused him to become curious. So he went in and he saw what they were doing. He said, this seems to be something different. He was impressed. And so he went in. And he found that these were basically those people that we spoke about those who are worshipping Allah, upon to heat from the followers of the ISA it is.
And so
he was impressed by this. And remember he where he's supposed to be going, he's supposed to be going to the magician. So he starts to learn from the head of these people, the priest, he starts learning this religion from him.
And then every morning, he would do that, he would go to him first. And then he would make his way to the magician.
The priest, he told him that look,
if the priest asks why you're late, or if the priest says to him that if the magician asked you why you're late, then tell him that my parents delayed me.
And then when you go home, and you happen to be late, tell your parents that the magician delayed you.
And so the boy he kept on doing this for some while
until one day
in the marketplace, there was a beast that had entered.
And this beast was causing chaos.
And no one could bring it under control.
So this boy, he said, Oh Allah, today is the day, I want to know whether the power of the priest is the truth, or the past of the magician.
And so everyone is trying to kill this beast and no one was able to do so. So then the boy he picks up a rock. And he says, By Allah, O Allah,
if the path of the priest is true, then kill this animal. And so he threw the rock and the animal was killed.
So then, he went back and reported to the priest what happened? And the priests he told him, Look, my son, today you have attained a very high status.
And no one reaches such a high status without being tested and tried by Allah.
You're going to face a lot of tests and trials.
And as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that
the MBR the prophets are those were tested the most.
For unskillful unterlinden Those who follow them accordingly.
And so this priest was basically telling the boy that look,
you're going to be tested. And then he said to him, when you are tested when you are put to the test,
do not disclose my name.
Do not disclosed money.
So this was because basically the priest, his data was in secret.
Because they were afraid of,
you know, the king who didn't like them.
It wasn't because he was afraid.
It's not that he was a coward, as we will see, later on in the story, but rather for protecting the Dawa.
Now later on, the
associate of the king, he becomes blind.
And this man, this boy now comes to him
to cure him, because now he's an expert,
magic and whatnot.
when the associate he came to get cured from the boy,
the boy said, I cannot hear you.
Only Allah can do that.
And so he cured him with the words of Allah, in the name of Allah.
And so now he regains his sight.
So he goes to the king, and he tells the king what happened.
He says, who cured you?
That's all his associate says, Allah cured.
The king said, Do you have a god other than me? Because it seems that this king is extra. Who claims lordship for himself, he wants people to worship him. And so he said, Yes, Allah is my Lord.
And so the king ends up torturing this man.
He tortures him so much,
to the point where he gives up the name of the person who taught him. So basically, he tells him that it is a boy who taught taught me this. It is the boy who taught me that Allah cures.
So then
they bring the boy
and they start to torture, torture him as well.
Until under the persecution, he couldn't tolerate it anymore.
Basically, they want him to tell him, Where did you get this from? Where do you get this information from? So then finally, he ends up disclosing the name of the priest.
He ends up disclosing the name of the priest.
So then they grill the priest.
And they tell him to give up his religion.
Because it all goes back to the priest.
He is the source of all of this, of changing the religion of the people. According to them, he's causing fitna he's, he's causing chaos.
So they tell him to give up your religion.
He refuses.
So they bring him and they place a saw on his head, and they cut him into two.
But the point here is that he never left his religion.
And so this was the courage of the priest. Remember, we said he wasn't a coward, but rather,
he was courageous.
And so now they are left with the boy.
Now they are left with the boy.
What should they do with him?
So the king orders
that the boy be taken to a high cliff and thrown down.
And so they took him and the boy he prayed to Allah or Allah.
Take care of them however you wish,
if you can be machined,
and so he left him, he left everything up to Allah.
So they carried him and when they reached the top of the cliff, the cliff started to shake, and all the soldiers fell down except for the boy.
The boy walked back and entered into the palace of the king.
And the king is shocked what's going on here.
And so he orders another group of soldiers to take him and this time that he says, take him to a ship and throw him into the water into the sea.
So he makes the same to, again, Oh Allah, if you can be mash it, take care of them however you wish. And so the boat overturns, and they all drown, except for the boy.
And then he goes back to the king. Now the king is ready to appoint another group of soldiers. But this time the boy tells him wait,
you will not be able to kill me unless you do what I'm going to tell you to do. So he says, What's
the boy says,
tiny to a tree.
And gather everyone together, let the whole town Come.
And let them witness this.
And then bring an arrow and see
this Mila or Biloela
in the Name of Allah, the Lord of the boy,
and then shoot and you'll be able to kill.
So the boy gave the prescription of how it is possible to kill.
And so he did it for a noble cause he could have lived on
he could have, you know, kept on doing this. But
he had something else in mind, as we will see.
He was thinking thinking long term.
And so the king, he followed the instructions of the boy. And so in front of everyone, he brought him then he tied him. And then he said Bismillah R Rahman Gollum, in the name of Allah, the Lord of the boy. And he shot and the arrow struck him in the head, and he died.
But was that the end of it? No.
Based on that, one action.
Everyone who attended, they embraced Islam.
They all accepted Islam on the spot.
And so the boy, he did this for the sake of spreading Islam. He gave up his life, so that everyone else would live.
Because a person is dead without Islam.
So now the advisors are the king. They said,
What should we do now? Exactly what you were afraid of has happened. You were afraid of this religion spreading
because of the boy now. Now it has spread.
And so what you were afraid of has happened.
The whole purpose of killing this boy was so that we get rid of this religion.
And so now we're stuck with the entire nation, accepting Islam. So the king, he instructed his soldiers to dig trenches. And after they did that, they would bring firewood ignited. And in these huge trenches, they would bring all these people, these Muslims, and
they would be told, give up your religion, or we're going to throw you into the fire.
And so they will bring loads of people and bring them alive.
And so these were basically people who held firm onto their day. And so this is the story that Allah subhanahu Attallah tells us in Surah Al borouge is horrible, dude, the people of the trenches. And Allah tells us of how they did this, only because of their hatred for the Eman of these people.
And the prophets, Allah, Allah, this is all mentioned in the Hadith. You know, this entire story is mentioned in the Hadith. in Sahih, Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said that there was a woman
with a small baby, and
she walked towards a fire.
And she was hesitant.
You know, she, she doesn't want to give up her Dean, but at the same time, she has a baby. And so she hesitated for a while and then the baby spoke
and said, Oh, mother, be patient because you are following the true path.
And then she jumped in the fire. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says that there are three people who spoke at a young age.
And one of them was
this baby.
And so
these are people who, basically,
they cease to exist, and they were burned alive,
it seems as if the king has one
But inshallah we'll BlueJ How does Allah refer to it?
radical fellows will be.
Allah refers to this as a huge victory, for who for them,
for the believers, but they're dead.
So how come Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to it as a victory when they were burned alive. And they no longer exist. Because victory for them is the fact that they held on firm on to their deal until the very end.
And so that is a victory
entering Jenner is a victory.
So all the shoe had,
even if they were murdered and killed,
and their enemies
won the battle or the war.
The true victory is with them.
The true victory is with them. So this was the story of how Christianity came
into the Arabian Peninsula. This story continues, the story continues.
There are certain events that will happen that we will speak about next week in terms of the story and how it comes all the way up to before the birth of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. But we will suffice with that in terms of the religious situation in Arabia. So we had idol worship, we had Judaism and we had Christianity. Now we move on to the
the social situation at a time.
And so there are certain aspects of
the society
of the days of Jamelia.
And so we'll look at some examples of that.
Because we want to have a full picture of what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was coming to
what kind of people he was living amongst,
and why is it that these people resist it? His Dawa all of this, we can only understand once we understand the situation of the people at that time.
And so among the aspects of that society was tribal rivalry.
And so Arab society was based on a tribal system, where tribal pride was rampant. And so every tribe thought themselves of being better than the others.
So many of them divide for leadership and entire wars were fought just for that.
So one example is Abuja
and his statement, Abuja,
he mentioned one of the reasons for his cover.
He says, we used to compete with Ben robbed them enough, which is,
the family line in which the prophets of Allah values on comes from Abuja, and is also from Quraysh, but from a different family line.
And so he says, we would compete with Ben will have munaf in everything, to attain status and mobility, we would always compete to be, you know, who would be the chiefs of correction. So these are the people and we would also feed people, they would given charity, we would also give a charity, they looked after people, so did we, we did all of these things until we became equal.
But then now they are saying, A prophet has come from us, who receives revelation from the sky? How can we possibly be able to compete with this? And then he says, By Allah, we will never believe in Him, and we will never accept his message.
So this shows us
how deep
tribalism ran
in your blood.
And so what him and others from among the Arabs failed to realize is that such a great position of honor of prophethood is not given to those who seek it, nor those who are unqualified for it. Rather, profitability is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala gifts to those who are fit for it, and who do not look for leadership and other positions.
And that is one of the proofs that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in
did a true prophet from Allah the fact that throughout his life he never sought that
he never sought leadership.
Usually false prophets are those who tried to. They want power. They want leadership, they want people to listen to them. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not was not known for that.
Also among the aspects of
the days of Jahangir was indecency and immorality
and so one of their practices was to make tawaf naked.
So even our best Radi Allahu, and he says that during the days of Galia, women would make cloth around the cabin, he could, and they would say, who will give clothes to cover one who is making cloth around the cabin so that she could cover her private parts. And then she would say, today, today, either all will be exposed or part of me and whatever is exposed, I shall not make it halal for anyone.
Also, adultery and Xena was widespread.
And so I showed her the Allah behind her, she mentioned how there were four different kinds of marriage in the days of Jackie Leah.
And so there were different kinds of marriages, and pretty much all of them were
based on.
Some were based on prostitution. Others were
where, you know, you would have one man with 10, you would have one woman with 10 Men, etc.
And so
the obscenity of Xena prevailed almost among all social classes, so you couldn't say it was only the lower class? No, it was spread all over the different social classes, except a few individuals. And so there were only a few men and women who their self dignity prevented them from being involved in such acts.
Also pre Islam, Arabs, they did not have any limit in terms of how many wives they had, they could marry also their sisters, or they could marry two sisters at the same time.
Or even the wives of their fathers
if they became divorced or widowed. And these are things that Assam King to
make haram.
So Islam put a limit to the number of ways to for
and Allah forbid,
marry two sisters at the same time. We're in touch we are in touch tomorrow, Dana Latini, Elana conserve, and also to marry
the wives of your fathers.
Also, another aspect of
the days of Jamelia was the status of women.
And so women had no rights.
They had no right to inheritance. Rather, women themselves were a part of the inheritance. Meaning that if a man was to die
and his son inherits his wealth, part of that inheritance is his wife.
And so the Son would marry the wife
female infanticide, infant infanticide, where,
you know, a father would bury his own daughter's alive. This was also very common. And the reason for that was because of the fear of poverty,
and also shame.
And so, that's because women weren't considered anything.
You know, what uses a woman she can't fight in wars.
She can't work and bring income.
And so for this reason, it was considered a shame, to have
to have daughters
and this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala has spoken of, in the Quran on more than one occasion, and so for example, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, What either Bushido ahead
of Allah what who knows what then what will occur when, whenever one of them is given the good news of a baby girl.
His his face becomes gloomy
as he suppresses his rage,
yet well Ramona Coleman, Sue Eboshi
Robbie, he hides himself from the people because of the bad news that he has received a human sequel who either huning Amir to soothe it to rob, shall he keep her in disgrace? shall he? shall he keep her alive and live in disgrace? Or shall he bury her alive?
so Allah subhanaw taala mentioned
this aspect of
pre Islamic of the pre Islamic Arabs. Also, another aspect of the days of Jahangir
was that the Arabs were ignorant and illiterate.
And so that is why they are referred to as the people of Jamelia, the people of the days of ignorance.
And so unlike the Jews, and the Christians who had scriptures, they had books.
They also had scholars they had robbed rabbis and monks,
the Arabs, they didn't have any of that. They didn't have any prophet or messenger as Allah mentions in the Quran,
that here a prophet and a messenger has come to you, when no previous prophet or messenger has ever come to you.
And so this is why they were stubborn
and arrogant in following the ways of their forefathers, big because they were missing this trait of education, being illiterate,
and not being a people who are learning. And so
people who who are educated and they learn, when they learn something new, they evaluate
they know the value of knowledge. But when you have a people who don't know anything about knowledge,
they don't they don't know any anything about reading or writing.
When you come to them, it becomes difficult for them to accept this new thing that they are being taught. And so they oppose it, and they resistance.
And that's exactly what we saw when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to them with the revelation from Allah subhanho wa taala. The main reason for their opposition and their resistance was that they want to stay on the way of their forefathers and they don't want to give it up.
And so all of this, what we have learned today about the situation of the Arabs before the coming of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam all of this shows us the darkness that they were living in, and the need the need for someone to bring them out of their darkness.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in Hadith could see
that was one hotel it says we're in Allah not are either earlier or for Mahkota home our other Houma Jana home in the quiet I mean, keytab what color in the US two curly telly? Telly because
what SubhanaHu Attallah says that Allah looked at the people of the world and showed hatred dislike for both the Arabs and the non Arabs. For what? For the fact that they were lost.
And they were not worshipping Allah.
And there was no deen of Allah.
Elaborate Koya mean lil kita except for remnants.
rare cases of individuals who were scattered in different parts of the world, who were from Lucky tap, except for remnants from Al Kitab. And then it was her hotel further said, I have sent you Oh Prophet in order to put you to the test and to put those two tests through you.
And so the point is, that we see the situation now, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming into this world.
This was a situation of the Arabs and the situation of the other nations was not much different.
They were also living in darkness, worshiping other other than Allah subhanho wa Taala and not having a deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala to follow its teachings.
And so in sha Allah hota hai the next week we'll move on to
we'll move on to talk about
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
In terms of his lineage, his ancestry is ancestry and looking at his
grandfather's until we come down to his own grandfather and
some important key events that took place before he was born Bismillahi Tada and with that we come to the end of today's webinar Nicola will be handed a shadow
and Sophie will cover to like salobre, who will send him out and midwater earlier