Glimpses of Imam Ahmed’s Wara
Kamal El-Mekki – Life of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal #08
![Kamal El-Mekki](
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The segment discusses the loss of several individuals and the lack of respect for their rule. The loss of a former royal and a former royal leads to tension and a narration about a man named Mr. Ahmed Rahim who refused to pay for his actions. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including the implementation of Islam in India and the implementation of Islam in the United States. The segment also touches on the rise of Islam in the European continent and the potential reward for individuals who pray in the harem.
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Salam Alaikum after lower capital Bismillah Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, he was so happy
about so we're at the end of our of our story here, but inshallah This is not the last the last class on the library. Hamad Rahim Allah that will be next Tuesday inshallah which puts us right and like it puts us at the end right before Ramadan starts. So hamdulillah that that worked out well.
So where do we leave off last time. So if you remember the halifa, Anwar came to power. And he avoided Mr. mahama due to his popularity and due to fear of revolt in suing, if anything happens to Mr. Mohammed. But he continued to test other scholars. And that's what we spent most of last last class on, looking at the other scholars who stood in the face of the manor during the time of Alaska. Now,
we mentioned that and was sent to him and he said, lead to kidney but basically, I don't want to see you. So Emma then went into hiding, and he remained in that state until and worth died.
I did mention this in the very beginning, but one of the things that happened during this during this time period, and this is narrated by Ibrahim nihan it, he says about Abdullah, meaning Ahmed remained in hiding with me for three days. And then he said, find me another place, if you remember this narration. So I said, I don't feel safe. Like I mean, it's not safe for you don't feel that it's safe for you to go. So Mohammed says, Do not do so. And I will release you from any blame Meaning, if anything happens to me, when I leave your place, I release you from the blame, you're not responsible.
He says I found somewhere else for him. So when he left he said, if you remember the other narration, he says if you find me a place, I'll give you a point of benefit. So this is when he left. He said, Allah His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained in hiding in the cave for three days and then he moved on. And it is not fitting that we should follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in times of ease and abandon it in times of hardship. So he remained who they brought him in on it for three days, and then he moved on following the sin of the problem to that degree. Now, just so that we're clear, this, again, was his personal standard. All right, and
I'm going to talk a lot about things that were his personal standard, and it's not a standard that he recommends to the people nor does he try to enforce it upon people.
But we said that he went into hiding until he died in the meantime and worth of tested other scholars we mentioned the great Ahmed Abdul Nasir al Jose he we said if you said a Shaheed back then nobody said which shade Shaheed the Shaheed was Ahmed Manasa Jose Rahim Allah And if you remember him, this is the one that was executed, but he actually personally cut off his head. And what's interesting is that even though it was it was called the second moon, and then more because he was the one that was the soldier and severe, but and was because we described him in the beginning he was very severe in disagreement. So
even worse than an AutoSum you could say, because an AutoSum Yes, he had people flogged and imprisoned and executed. But he's personally with his own hand chopping heads off. So Shahid was a hominid muscle kuzari. And if you remember, when he cut off his head, he left his head on the eastern side of the city for six months, then on the western side of the city for six months. And then basically His head was separated from his body until the year 237, after the hedgerow he killed them to 31. And until 237, they finally were joined together head and body and buried. Six years it lay, it would stand hanging in different places. But what's interesting, if you remember, he became
such a hero in people's hearts that room was started to spread. And they were not true, but it just shows you the place he hadn't people's hearts that they said his head was reciting the Quran for the six years until he was finally buried. There. We mentioned him then. Nasir Rahim Allah, we mentioned named Hamad. We said he was one of the great scholars from Egypt. And they brought him all the way from Egypt to Baghdad to put them in jail there until he died in 228, after the hijra, and they just throw them in a hole, no washing, no shrouding and they just behaving with them as if they were not even believers.
This is
Yeah, from the from the story of, Okay, this was a name of the hammer then we have you
Use of a bunya. elbow up. The great man, the great scholar, Rahim Allah use of ebony Hellboy three, who we said was the leader of the Shafi is in Egypt. We said that when Imam a chef a saw him for the first time, he looked at him and he said, you're going to die in chains. It tells him we're going to die in chains. And this is the one where they would put chains and a big brick a 40 pound brick of weight on top just to torture him. And that I witnessed says he saw him riding on a donkey. And it's such a powerful statement. That's what we're going to repeat it. He was saying in holla, holla Holla Holla, aka Bitcoin for either cannot, couldn't maloca fucka Anima Hello Can hockomock Luca, he said,
Indeed, Allah created the creation, by saying can be, and if be this speech, or because you're there saying Allah doesn't speak. So if couldn't is created, that means something created created the creation. So really, really powerful argument.
But he's the one who really had the strongest impact on and worth it, and he ended the manner.
Even though we went through a story, I have a narration from a different eyewitness. And it is very similar, but it has a few differences here. So this is the full narration is from an Mata de Bella, this is Muhammad, the son of the son of the halifa, whose name was Teddy Billa. He says, When my father wanted to execute someone, he would bring us out to be present, right? So very different than the parenting style today. And he would bring him out to witness the execution. Whereas now today, we don't want them to, you know, kids to watch violence on television. So I'm not saying that's right, by the way, bring your son out for them to witness and execution. So he brought out a chef
whose beard was died and who was chained then my father said give permission for Abdullah Abdullah here is Ahmed Abdullah
and his companions to enter. So they entered. So the chef was entered and said a Salam Ra komiya ameerul momineen. So it was a response to Him. May Allah not send blessings of peace upon you. Name La Liga, salami, no Salam upon you. So, abou three then response to him. He said, Yeah, I mean, your teacher has indeed taught you bad manners. Allah subhanaw taala says what either who ye Tomita hating for high ups and Amina our dua, he tells them Allah subhanaw taala says, if you are greeted with a greeting, then respond with a better one, or at least respond with equal. So if someone says a Solomonic mark to Allah, you say, well I liquid Salama to LA or la consola Allahu barakaatuh,
better or equal, but you don't tell someone may or may not give you blessings of peace or what have you. So
I've been happy to add said this is a man a person, this man is a person of rhetoric Kalam. So the halifa says, speak with him. So he said, Yeshua, what do you say about the Quran? So a boy, he said, You're not being fair with me since I myself have a question. So he said ask. He said, What do you say about the Koran? Even Navidad response, it is created, the chef said Is this something which was known to the prophet of Solomon, a worker, I mean, maybe make it shorter here, because we went through this part of a book on Amazon and the right lingo, or something that they didn't know. So he said, it is something that they didn't know. So he said, Subhana, Allah, something which was not
known by the prophets of Salaam, you have come to know it. So I became ashamed. And he said, Just bear with me a moment. Give me a minute. He said, then the question stands. He said, yes, they knew it. So he said they knew it. And yet they didn't call people to it. He said, yes, then does not what they sufficed with suffice you. So he said my father, now you can see this is an abridged version here. My father, meaning and worth stood up and entered a place of sitting, and lay down and repeated something which the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and aboubaker and Omar and the rest man and Ollie and the right leg of that hole if I did not know, and you have come to know it Subhana Allah,
something which they knew yet they didn't call people to, then doesn't what suffice them suffice you. They saying this to himself, repeating the whole statements himself. Then he ordered him that his change be released, and that he be given 400 dinars. And as we mentioned last time, he refused that money and he was given permission to return and even Abby to add fell down and
His estimation and in His sight, it will be to add dropped. And after that he did not try meaning test anyone else with the creation of the whole app.
We said the fitna then finally ended in the year 232. So it started 212. And it ended 232 20 years of this fitna, and it lasted through for the reign of the range of four different qualifiers.
Then we mentioned and I'm just giving a slightly different narration every time so we get a different angle. We mentioned that the halifa now,
Muto kill, who ended the fitna he wanted to meet him, but they never met face to face. So he told us Hakuna Brahim bring him now it's hard to get over him. If you remember in this narration. He was he was nice to him a hammer then because he knows the halifa is gonna honor him. So he starts to honor him. But just some other discussions that we didn't cover last week. And this is a narration from Mr. Muhammad himself. Rahim Allah directly.
He says, Sorry, Matt, this is his son file. haben Ahmed said, my father said to me is how cabinet Brahim said to me, forgive me for being present at your lashing. Yeah. And he said, forgive me for being there while you're being lashed meaning for my role in that for being part of that. So I said meaning Mr. Mohammed said, I have already forgiven all of those present forgiven all of them.
He said to me, where have you from? Where have you said that it is not created? And it is half an Abraham is asking him like what's your evidence that is not created? So I said Allah subhanaw taala says, Allah Allahu Allah hongkou. One.
Wow. And notice this is an argument he never mentioned before. He said, Allah Subhana, Allah says, Allah, Allah subhanho wa amor, surely his or to him is the creation and the command, the command for what the command to create something like be like couldn't. So it says so he distinguished separated between the creation and the command. And that's why the Quran is so precise that if it were written by human being, they wouldn't have thought of this point here. He's so precise here. To Him is the creation and the command when Allah commands something and says, Can Allah separated the two? So, so he said, so then it has said, the command is created so much upon Allah, something created, which
itself creates the creation? That's the same argument of a boy.
He says, I said, the amount Mr. Muhammad said, meaning the creative things were created through his command,
which is his saying couldn't be he said, Then he said to me is how can I borrow him said to me, who do you report the saying that it is not created from me on it? Where did you get this from? Who do you report this from? So I said from Jeff urban Mohammed who said, It is neither a creator nor a creation, nor is it created so can is not a creator, and it's not the creation or it is not created itself.
So that was a little bit of we didn't cover this last time where it's happening. Brahim tries a little bit to get some more info out of him. It's as if maybe something is still in his heart and he's just trying to get it out of there. You know?
The, the halifa
moto kid, he sends a man by the name of Yaqoob Ebrahim, this man. He was popularly known as Posada.
He sent Posada with 10,000 Durham's, which are the silver Durham's 10,000 did hums as a gift to him. I'm a humble humble and we already know him. I'm humbled and humbled in his policy of accepting gifts. And we know that when you refuse the money of a halifa It's like saying, I don't recognize, look, you're not legitimate. So it could be a problem here. So you're Kobe Brahim, famously known as ko syrup. He comes in he says to mama, it gives him the 10,000 dinars out there, I'm sorry. And he says ameerul momineen gives you Salam. And he says, use this meaning this is for you use it however you like. So Mr. Ahmed refused it. So costura then worries now. And he tells them I fear that
problems will arise between you and the halifa. Because we already have two incidents before or issues between your local Evora two incidents between him. Ahmed Rahim Allah and me talking number one, when he went to a soccer game they brought him and then he sent him within the caravan to the
Khalifa on the way they met Muhammad, the son of his husband, Ebrahim, and Mr. Mohammed refuse to give himself out. So he got offended, told his father, his father got offended, told the halifa. So the halifa said, I don't want to see him. That's one. Number two, remember, one of the people have been lied against him. And he said, He's harboring one of 100 bait in his home, and he has given him a pledge. And then they, you know, came to his home, and then the halifa realize that people are just trying to create problems between us. So he's telling him costura is telling him that we already have these two incidents, now you don't accept his money, it's gonna create tension between
you says, I fear that it will create problems between you and the halifa. So he leaves the money. without the approval. They just left the money. And he just left he walked up at night. Mm hmm. Hammad gathered all his family, his children, his nephews, uncles. He said, I can't sleep because of this money. He says, So sit down and write down the names of those in need, from a hadith from the scholars from the students of knowledge, outside of Baghdad, in and outside of Baghdad. So they wrote down this list, and he distributed it all. Now, what's interesting is he never gave anyone more than 200. What does that mean? It's not like he gave this person 2000 3000. So amongst five
people, it was completely distributed. He never gave any one person more than 200. That was the maximum he gave, that means he distributed the 10,000 in hundreds and 50s and 75, and 150. And 200 was the maximum, that means you gave a vast number of people. So when they were distributing, and like, each portion went to the person who was intended for,
and of course, you've got all these silver coins there. One of his grandchildren, small boy, he comes. And he says, and he sees a pile of money. And Mr. Mohammed is extremely poor. His Son, Father, this is his grandson from sada is extremely poor as well. So the, the family never really experienced wealth. So this little boy comes in, he sees all this money. And he says to me, give me one Dirham. He wants one silver for himself. So Ahmed doesn't want that money in his family. So he looked at Sala, the boy's father and sort of looked back at him. And he you know, it's like saying just let him have it. What's the harm? So much stayed quiet. And the boy took it. You can almost say
like this silver didn't him is the only one in the life of the mom that made it to his family up to this point.
So he just this child taking one dinner, that was one day, that was it. So then news reached the halifa and moto kid that he gave all the money away.
So that he gave all the money away, including the sack that it came in, he gave that away as well. So the halifa didn't know what to think here so he could get upset here. But a man by the name of it in June, who was there in the gathering, and he loved the Mohamad and he didn't want to create any tension. And he was wise also. He said yeah, I mean, he indeed accepted it from you. And he gave it as a sadhaka on your behalf when they met Bill man, what is Ahmed need from wealth? Do you know the type of life he lives he's not he doesn't know fancy food. There's no fancy clothing. He doesn't need someone like him. Who is a hidden his left materialism just need 10,000 Durham's so the halifa
like that argument, that explanation it doesn't select you have spoken the truth.
Then we move to the year 237 after the hijra, and this is the first ever face to face meeting between Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah and the halifa Alma token and
the it was we said delayed because of a number of issues. But and most of it Li here because of sokoban Ibrahim, but then one is half Abner Brahim died. His other son Abdullah his half went to Mr. Mohammed to invite him tells him the halifa wants to meet you face to face. So you understand the so our motto kill because of his half of Libra him didn't want to re invite Mr. Mohammed when his aka him died, he sent up the lioness Huck Ibrahim to invite him on Mohamad. And he tells him initially when Kabir says I'm an old man, and I'm weak. So he sent back an apology that I can't come all the way to Samara, or sort of America as it was known back then. And I'm an old man, I'm weak, I can't
so he sent an apology. So the halifa wrote back and he sent him his insistence, but in a
Delicate in a polite way. And he tells him I would love to enjoy the halifa rights. Mr. Mohammed I would love to enjoy your company and to see you and recite and receive the Baraka of your da.
So Mr. Mohammed then left with his family, a group of a number from assembly to Sora mandra, Sameera back then it was not a complete city. It was a what is known as a fort which is not a fortress, but meaning a permanent camp encampment of an army. So it was like a permanent camp or a fort. So
he left with his family, when he got near to the camp of the halifa. A messenger a messenger came from the halifa with a very important message.
And the message said, cut em kanak Allahu Minh adieu Wicca Abby to add. Basically, it's like saying, like Allah has, has finally given you control over your enemy, even if you do add a hammer that nobody is troublemaker for the reign of for haulover studying all these problems, it's basically a cliff is telling him the ruling is in your hands, you decide what we're going to do with him. If you say execute him will execute him. If you say jail Him we will jail him.
So this man that caused these problems for 20 years. So what happened? Imam Ahmed chose something very wise. He actually didn't respond at all. Why? He didn't pardon him because you don't pardon a deviant. So unless he repents, and he recounts what he says, then you pardoned him and you welcome him and is one of the believers. But he's a deviant, still upon deviant belief, pardoning him also sends a message to people saying that he's okay that it's alright that we forgive him that we're okay with what he says also. So he didn't pardon him because of his position of being a deviant. And he didn't punish him either. Because that was against his personal way. He never retaliated, he
always pardoned, he always forgave. So he just remained quiet. And it's like the best way. Either way, he would be violating one of the one of either his own principles or religious principle.
So they arrived in sort of Roman law, and the leaders in big shots all came to receive and welcome Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah. And he, the halifa, put them in a home like a fancy like, place tent home that had cushions and it had, you know, many, many luxurious items. But he never touched any of them.
And the halifa asked him to stay there, said stay here with me and teach and keep, you know, giving that Howdy. But you know, I'm gonna apologize that he was old and sick and weak. And he would send him amazing meals every day, him and his family. They're still at this camp. And the Hollywood send him the most incredible meals every day, three times a day with ice and they understand the value of ice at that time there instead of Iran and Iraq. And every meal. They get ice with it for the juice for the water. It's not like they had freezers and fridges so this was a commodity that was hard to come by. And there's ice in every meal. They said that the value of each meal that they would get
was 120 dinars. Sorry, Durham's 120. Durham's. Now, if you remember, and if my memory serves me correctly, in the beginning, the first class I think we said from the poverty of Mr. Mohammed, he made Hajj five times and he spent a total of 30 Durham's in all five Hajj trips, you know, going on foot and traveling and eating and sleeping and drinking 30 here, he's getting 120 This is the value of each meal. And he's getting this three times a day.
But in Ahmed never touched it. He was fasting by day and night. It would mean who'd fast by day, break the fast with only water
and then continue fasting the next day. After eight days of this Can you imagine and look at the discipline and look at the the water and shallow one day we'll talk about what are its higher level of taqwa. All right. So from his work, and just to explain, and we're clear, he believed that this whole affair and there is truth to this, they would receive their wealth in ways that were not hidden. Sometimes it would take someone's land by force. Sometimes they would, you know, they have an enemy, they capture him, they take whatever wealth is in his homes, so they would take wealth in unjust ways. So that wealth wasn't handled for them. And even if it was hard, it's not hard to spend
it so wastefully. So
He used to not believe it was halal to eat from or consume their wealth. That's why he would always refuse. And just so we're clear this is this was not the way of every one of the Imams or the great scholars we know. And we see in the biography Imam Malik Rahim Allah, He used to accept money from the halifa. But he had a different mentality he was he saw that the scholars, they serve a purpose. They have a job and a position in society. And they do something very important for the populations teaching people their religion. So if the government gives them a stipend or a gift or some wealth, it is not how they deserve it because of the position they're in. It's just different mentality. But
many people always think that every scholar was in like a debate and disagreement with the rulers. It's not always the case. Anyways,
we said that he never touched it. And after eight days of not eating anything, and just consuming water, his son implored him and asked him by Allah and he finally convinced them so all he did was he ate or had a little bit of drank a little bit of a soy milk, which is basically they take dates and they soak it in water for a long time. The good dates get soft, you know, the, the, you know, the the, the sugar, the fructose, whatever it goes into the the water, you drink that. So he drink it and ate a little bit of these dates together. Now, we're gonna come back to this,
obey the law. Vanya, Eben Khan. He brings him again, a gift and a reward from the Hollywood This is while he's his guest. And he tried and Ahmed refused. So he tried really hard, even refused. So how can it's not going to go back to the halifa. Here, take it back. He refused it. And he didn't want to create these problems. So he goes out, he leaves him. And he goes and gives it to the rest of his family members, uncles and grandsons and sons and people who were there, he distributed all that money amongst them.
And then the halifa decreed that 4000 dinars now gold dinars will be given to per month will be given to the Imam and to his children. And of course, the Imam refused it. And the halifa insisted, and he said it's not for you. It's for your children, give it to Sala and to Abdullah and to his sons, and like that, and to the uncles is half of the uncle of a mama.
And so they accepted it. And he was very upset by that. He tells his uncle is Huck. And we said in the beginning, his uncle's Hawk was very close to him. He tells him in Nima Buckley Elena am and he said, we have just a few days left in this in this earth journey. I'm an old man, I'm close to my grave. I have a few days left. And this is near. And it's either agenda, or the hellfire. So now we're gonna leave this dunya and our stomachs have taken from the wealth of these people like the whole f&m. So his family argued with him and they told him Hadith. And they told him that ignore accepted gifts and ignore best accepted gifts. So he talks about comparison is wrong. He said, If I
knew this wealth, what was taken by its rights mean is taken rightfully, without volume, and jewel without injustice, I wouldn't care. So he refused, but they did. Going back to when he was a good guest of moto kin agulla, the son of man he says that my father didn't eat during the during this period at the camp of the halifa. And
he says all that he ate during this time period was a little bit of Swick, which comes up, which comes up to one fourth robot mud. Mud is like this, like when you have a bunch of dates in two handfuls like this, you cup your hands together, that's a mud, you'll hear about a lot. They give him a mud or two or half a mud. He said all that he ate in this entire period came up to be one fourth of a month of data, something like this much. That's it, just a little bit like that in all this time period, and the rest is all water.
So he says then that his his health deteriorated. And he didn't get his health back until six months later, like when we went back home. Finally, it took him six months to regain his health to what it was before. And I saw his eyes sink into his skull. And
despite the fact that the halifa would send him very fancy food he never ate from it. But because his family accepted the money of the halifa he refused to pray behind his uncle his heart and beside behind his son's mother refused
To pray behind his heart and to refuse to pray behind his sons, because they accepted this money, and he wouldn't speak to them as much anymore. very upset that they accepted money from the Hierophant.
There was a time period This is now when they they back home after visiting the halifa for three whole days, he never ate anything wrong, but he's an old man at this point. And he never ate anything.
because he doesn't want to use that money. So he sent to his friend, he had a friend near in the neighborhood he sent to him, can I borrow some flour, so I'll pay you back. I need to borrow some flour. So his family realized to what point he was really just At what point he hadn't eaten anything. So when they bought the flour, the family understood the level of hunger of him. So they quickly mix the bread, cooked it and brought it back to him. So Mr. Mohammed was surprised like how did you cook it so quickly? Why? Because back then it's not like today where you conveniently just turn a button, and then it lights up. They had to light up an oven, a wood oven, and it would take a
while for the oven to get hot enough. So he was surprised at how quickly they came back with the bread. So they said Where did you prepare this bread? They said that or nor which is the oven of your son Salah was already lit. That's the other thing is when you light the oven, you can't just turn it off. So they would let it just remain on. So they said we found that your son saw that. And they were neighbors, their homes were right next to each other and they had there's a wall between them and they had an opening a door in that wall. So they said we found the note of your son Salah was already lit. So we you know they added the water they they mix the dough. I said we quickly put
it there. He said in his oven. They said yes. He said if I
remove it, I'm not eating it. And he didn't eat it. So Pamela, one more time. And then not only that, then he asked for the door to be closed between him in the house of sada so that we don't get some of his food. I don't want any of that wealth. One more time. This is his personal standard. This is this is his level of water, high degree of taqwa where it's not that you avoid the Haram, you avoid that which has doubts or things that even might look like the hot up. Now, what Ah, especially when you listen to a lecture or you listen to the biography of one of the righteous and you see their level of water. It's very tempting to imitate them in that, but one has, let's say,
for lack of a better term, its rules a scholar has mentioned some of the not the conditions, but a checklist for water. Alright, so if you're going to have water, I mean, sometimes people will choose something and they'll just avoid it. You know, I will not drink cold water out of water. Why? Because alone, the day of judgment will ask us about cold water problem specifically said cold water. So I'm not going to drink out of water. But what about all the other things out of what I you know, like, hey, the guy for example, misses his prayers, but out of water doesn't drink cold water.
So that's why there's some guidelines as much as it's very enticing and, and like people want to emulate this high level of water of the righteous. There are some things that have to come before it. Yeah.
another example of that one time in when he was in Yemen, remember when he went to study with Abdullah zirconium. And he was really poor at that point. He, he pawned he had a bucket, and he pawned it with like a grocer, basically, he said, keep my bucket with you, if I don't pay you back, you take the bucket. But give me this and give me that and he took some food, and then
a lot as a whole. So he got some wealth after a while. So he came back with the wealth and the money to pay for the groceries, the groceries, and he would be given the bucket back. So the owner of the store said, I have two buckets, and they look similar. So I'm not sure which one is yours. Now they're the almost the same bucket, right? I just said I'm not sure which one is yours. So I'd looked at them. And he couldn't remember which one it is they look exactly the same manufacturer the same place. So he said, leave them both. And here's your money. Like he didn't want to take someone at the chance of taking someone else's bucket away. So he left them both the money. There is an
addition to this narration where a man comes to tells us to tell this merchant he says this is a man from the people of water and we know the water of your mama. So you should have been more careful you know he's going to leave both now. So the the the merchant at that point was quite sure of which bucket it was. So it tells him this this one is his bucket no doubt. So my mama tells him the bucket and the money are handled for you. He gives him his money back for the groceries and his keep the bucket I don't want this chance of the bucket being the
Wrong one
amazing examples from his worship.
We have
we have a nice description homemade Abdul Rahman. He says, It is said that there was no one from amongst the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam having closer resemblance in behavior and manners to the prophet SAW Selim than epidermis route. And the person who most resemble eponymous road was Allah comma, the great scholar. And the person most resembling I'll come up was Ibrahim and hi Abraham and NACA, one of the great scholars, and the person who most resembled Ibrahim was manslaughter.
And the person most resembling him was to be an authority, and the person most resembling him was work here, and the person most resembling him according to what Mohammed Yusuf Yunus and Jamal said, is humble.
And may Mooney describes going still staying with the the wealth and the money of your mama. They said, the house of Abdullah was small and narrow. And when it was hot, he would sleep in its lower part that hasn't been Mohammed Hadith. He says I entered the house of Ahmed and found in the front room, a worn out mat and a cushion and his books spread out and some parts some earthenware pots. And it is said that his door consisted of a sack cloth, so his door was just a cloth. He didn't have like a wooden door that would open and close just a cloth that would hang a sack cloth and just move it and you would enter
from his worship up to reserved a sinanju Rahim Allah who said the great scholar, Jacques Sinani. And we said he was such a scholar. Remember, the people would travel the one who made so many camels tired because of the journeys of people coming from all over to study with him.
In in Yemen, so he said, When Ahmed would pray, he would remind me of the characteristics of a self was he talking about the self meaning the companions that have been in the the, the the successors of the companions, he was at that level, he said, when he prayed, he reminded me of them of their characteristics. His Son, Abdullah, we said remember when he gets when he got old, he would pray a lot during the days, especially from Lahore. Until Oscar, he would always be standing in prayer from class and then at night, he would pray as well. So Abdullah, Ahmed is the son of Mohammed, he says, I saw my father when he got older and focused on the recitation of the Quran, you know, he saw his
older now, he's not teaching, what do you do with your spare time.
So he reads and now you've seen, you know, you've probably also have family members, when as they're older, they spend a lot of hours a day just reading the Quran, he said, he and when he got older and focused on recitation of the Quran, he also focused on Salah, especially between the hora and NASA, if and then he says, His Son, Abdullah says, If I entered upon him, he would stop Danny, he's praying in this room, when I entered. If I sat down, when he got to the end of that guy, he would stop praying. So and then if I left, he would start praying again. So when I would see that I would leave, and he would return to prayer. So he doesn't even want to be praying in front of his son like
meaning, his long prayer or his costume or someone watching you, you know, you prefer to just pray alone. So I'm not changing my prayer for you, or I'm not showing off or so you don't think of other other things of me. So even in front of his own son and his son, notice that he would always let him pray between Lauren awesome. What's interesting, though, and this is from the look of the Imam, he would forego this, this extra prayer between Lahore and Nasser, if he had
a reason, specifically, knowledge. So Abdullah, again, the son of Allah, He says, When Abu when Abu Zubaydah, abuser arrazi, the great scholar Abu Zubaydah came, he stayed with my father, so stayed in the my father's home. So, so he would discuss and review with him, they would always be talking. I heard my father say muscley to Leon radle. For
he says, sir, to be moody karate, Ibiza. And Noah Feeny. He says, today, I didn't print anything except the fourth. I didn't do my extra long prayers, but no often. He said I preferred my review with Amazon arrazi. Then to do
Mine are fish. Why, and this shows is, and the scholars say generally, that alegebra alleviated the inner layer. So any reward that transfers to other people is better than the reward that just stays with you. I remember, some, some years ago, I was listening to a lecture by by a chef and then someone told him that this was a chef in Saudi Arabia, he said, we have a problem in our neighborhood. So when the Imam who is leading taraweeh, when the last 10 days or less 10 nights of Ramadan come, he wants to pray in the heart of in Mecca because of the reward. So the Imam who led us for 20 days would leave and he would assign them or admin to lead the Salah one more time, okay,
then the more I would assign someone else to lead this a lot, and he would leave, and so on. And sometimes it happens like two or three people would assign each other and a number of masajid in the area, the mom wants to go and pray in the harem for the greater reward. So that's the chef. Is this correct. And the chef answered with wisdom, he said that it is wrong what they're doing. Because when they leave the Torah with, even though it's a regular Masjid, and it's not the Haram in Mecca, when they leave the Torah with their adjure transfers to all these people, they get the reward of everybody praying behind them. Whereas when they go and pray in the Kaaba, they only get their
reward. When they pray in Mecca, they only get their reward. So anytime where you can transfer the ledger, it's better than any of that stays put, you know, as a general rule, okay.
I'll give you an example of that. Sometimes, you know, some machines that take people for ombre and stuff, they their level, when they're making tawaf their level of care sure decreases, because they have to take a group with them and explain things to them and make sure that everybody is there from the group. So you will see, sometimes someone will break off, instead of leading, you know, eight or nine people and teaching them and taking them through through the whole onra. He sees, he will, like sneak away. And you know, so I can focus more on who should make long draw, but he's missing out on the edge of transferring, he gets the edge of 10 people doing ombre as opposed to just his idea of
doing anyways.
So, now from also from his practices that he would after he would pray he would sleep a little bit. Then he would wake up Makoto, and pray into the night and continue praying until the morning until fudger. Abdullah the son of Yama, he says my father would complete the recitation of the Quran once every seven days. So every week, he would finish the Quran do a whole Hutton complete recitation, and then you keep doing that. Keep doing that. Keep doing that.
There were just one more point here that
what's interesting is this in this generation, Abu Musab
al Hakone, he said, my paternal uncle Abdurrahman, Eben yahia, Eben Hakan said to me, Al mutawa in order that Ahmed should be asked about those who should be appointed as judges. So when we're talking now, once the opinion of a mammoth on a bunch of names, to see if they should be made judges or not. So I asked my uncle to, to, to obtain and to send his reply to me. So he sent me his letter.
He wrote,
well, this man wrote back to him what Ahmed wrote, he says, In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of mercy. I showed the original letter to Ahmed Mohammed and humble after asking him, so he replied to me, with what I have written. I asked about Ahmed Abdullah. So he said about him, a well known Jeremy Now remember, just so we don't get confused. Remember, the policy of Mr. Muhammad is to pardon and to forgive people. And there's, you can split that into pardoning people for what they've done against you personally. And then not pardoning a deviant who still remains deviant and is a danger to the rest of the population. If I if we appoint someone like that as a judge, then
we're appointing a deviant, who will now have a position of power and a position of influence as well. And he has not recanted and left his position. So he responded about this man Hamad bin roba, a well known Jeremy, if he is put in charge of any of the affairs of the Muslims, he will cause great harm. And I asked him about
Hala journey so he asked me or so he said about him likewise, and I asked him about Srebrenica. So he said, uh, Jeremy well known for that. I asked him about and by the way, in case you confuse the Jamia, the types of people with the creation of the Koran that those issues
I asked him about obey the law. And so he said likewise, and I asked him about the one well known as a blue stripe.
So he said, likewise, I asked him about Mohammed manslaughter, the judge was, so he said he was with he was with an Abbe to add along with him, and his works, except that he was the one one of the better ones from amongst them. So he says he was one of the guys that they've never met, but he was of the better ones is not as bad. And I asked him about it even.
So he said he used to be well known for being a Jeremy then it reached me that he left that made Toba recanted that so you know, he's good. Notice he's not making it personal here. He could have said, Yeah, he left that but he's still one of the ones who did this to me Don't appoint him as a judge is not a good person. And I asked him about alpha Abramson. So he said a Jeremy from the companions of Al Medici, I asked him about a cell G. So he said an innovator a follower of desires, I asked him about Ibrahimi.
So he said, I do not know with regard to the people, I do not know him, except that he was from the companions of Bishop and mercy member between Medici of the ones who started this during the time of the moon.
And in general, with regard to the people of innovation and * and desires, then it is not correct that we should seek their help in any way of the affairs of the Muslims. Along with the view of a middle minion, may Allah extend his life along with adherence to the Sunnah and opposition to the people of innovation.
Ahmed, Mohammed even humble says
urbania has asked me about everything in this letter, and I've answered him with what he has written. And I have, I have illness in my eyes and weakness in my body. So I was not able to write with my own hands. So the signature at the footer of the page is that of Abdullah's son, as ordered by me and in front of me. And this shows you again, that he was a fair man, and he could separate between what they did to him personally. And as a matter of fact, they actually forgave everyone on a personal level, but the people have bid up. And there's really a lot to be said about that when someone has deviant belief, right? When someone has a deviant belief, they should not be given
positions of power, they should not be, you know, invited to speak and we see, you know, I'm speaking in very general terms here. I'm not hinting at anyone in particular, but sometimes we will have someone has some deviant beliefs in his arcada and people will invite him to speak to him Okay, today we're inviting this guy. He's speaking on this issue. Not on the other one is speaking on politics of type, but you're still introducing the audience to this person. And understand there are differences here like I know of many knowledgeable and great people who would invite someone who is deviant in belief because he's speaking about politics or history. But there are others who believe
that at the same time you're introducing them to this individual and after his lecture on history, they can go to something else and then be affected by his deviant belief. Anyways, this was the the position of Ahmad Rahim Allah and next Tuesday inshallah we'll be within it will be the last class we'll discuss the very end some of the knowledge of the Imam and the very end of his life and how he passed on to him Allah Zuckerman O'Hara again for your attentive listening for tuning in so long Baba Khalid Mohammed water Adios. Main was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.