Ismail Kamdar – The Legacy of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
![Ismail Kamdar](
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The speakers discuss the life of Prophetiterarch Danielle Ali settlement and emphasize the importance of speaking the truth, even if you're alone. They also emphasize the importance of standing for the truth, even if you're alone, and emphasize the need to learn to trust and reward one's work for wealth and success. The speakers stress the importance of not seeing the fruit of one's efforts immediately and not giving up when things don't happen, and emphasize the need to think in terms of after the death of a project, not just the number of followers or work results.
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Howdy Latin Bob Iger for industrial IDCT tabula will need your head you have the Mohammed bin Salman well who are they he was salam was surely more emotionally attached to how they're setting
up attend bodalla kulula
hamdulillah as we gathered together on the day of Juma
today also in Arafa, the judge gather as well. And during these days of Hajj, it's important for us to remember and to reflect on the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salaam.
The Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam is not just a prophet, but one of the five greatest of the Gambia, the other will be the highest ranking of the prophets.
In the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term Oshiwara in Hassanal, perfect role model for only two prophets. There is the common verse in Surah, Allah hisab that most of us know where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is referred to as swatted Hashanah. But in another verse, Allah subhanaw taala refers to Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam and those who are with him. Also, as goose Walton has a perfect role model.
Actually, I want us to reflect on this perfect role model, I want us to reflect on some of the lessons we can take from the life of a prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam that we can apply into the modern world.
So just to recap his life story specifically for the for the youngsters in the audience. Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam story is the story of one man against the world. That's really what the story is. It's one man against the world, starting at a very young age. Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam is born into a idol worshipping community. And his father
is actually the one that makes the idols. And when he rejects this belief, when he promotes the heat when he calls to the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa taala. Not only does his community reject Him,
not only that his own family reject him, but they try to kill him.
I want us to think about this. Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam in the story, were the people taking the Detroit in the fire. He is, by modern terms a child, right? Historically, he was a young man. But in terms of how we look at people today, he would be considered a child. He was a very young man. And can you imagine that that age at the age of 1314, opposing your entire community, being able to stand up for the truth even if your own family wants to kill you? And that's exactly what happened. Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam is own family. Not only did they reject his message, they wanted to kill him. They built his fire, and they threw him into the fire.
But Allah subhanaw taala world for the fire to be cool for Ibrahim Ali Salam. And he experienced his more Gza that saved his life. But the story doesn't end there. Because when they couldn't kill him, what did they do they anxiety, they kicked him out of the land. And so Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, as a young man has to leave the only place he knows at home and to travel and to find a new land and to find a new home. And it doesn't come easy to him. Whenever you study the life of any point or any point of the life of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, he's almost always alone, with just his family. You know, it's him and Sarah is him and hodgen is him and his smile. It's always him with like one
or two family members. It's never him with a huge community.
Yet despite that, he remains firm on his message. He means firm on his mission. And he doesn't allow loneliness to make him give up.
So Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam goes through many stages, and most of them by more than two of you will find it very lonely.
There's a time when he's just him and Sarah, and they're trying to find a place to live and he can kidnaps up and he has to make dua and Allah helps him get his wife back. Then there is a time when he marries hijo. And they have a sunny, smart ale. And Allah commands him to leave them in the desert and we all know the story. They leave he leaves them in the desert, they put it away clean Allah and then develop zum zum comms and then the desert becomes maca. We know the story is what hajis all about celebrating that story.
Then we have the building of the Kaaba but when him and his son is married
And then we having been asked to sacrifice his Sunday smile. Now, you know the story of the sacrifice, sometimes you don't think about it from this context. This is a man who didn't have a lot of followers. His family were his followers. And his son is his most cherished follower, because this is the person who's gonna continue his legacy after him, being asked to sacrifice his son was the highest level of sacrifice anyone was asked to do.
And he and his son both passed the test. So Allah gave us, you know, this ritual of the combining of sacrificing an animal instead.
But what I want us to do is not just to go through the story, we all know the story or Hamdulillah, all of us have heard the story over and over again, from the time we are young. It's something that should be in our hearts. It's something we should know inside out. It should be a story all of us are familiar with more important than that. What can we learn from it? What lesson can we take from the life of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, and apply to our lives today? Lesson number one. Lesson number one, don't be afraid to speak the truth, even if you're alone.
This is one of the most important lessons you can take from the life of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, do not be afraid to speak the truth, even if you're alone. It can be very scary, to stand up for the truth when the entire world is going astray. And we see that today in many areas. Right? The world has become anti religious, and become scary to be a religious person in public. The world has become very immoral, very depraved, very caught up in all kinds of evil when it comes to morality.
To be a lone voice of, of the moral standards of Islam can be very difficult, especially in the workplace.
But we have our role modeling Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam that this is a man who even when he was all alone, no matter how young he was mad how old he was, he always spoke the truth. And what's interesting is the Quran gives us both sides. They give us Ibrahim alayhi salam as a teenager, standing alone for the troops. And they give us Ibrahima Islam in his 90s, standing alone for the church, meaning he doesn't matter how young you are, it doesn't matter how old you are, you stand for what is right. And Hamdulillah. Today, when you stand for the truth, you don't stand alone. And none of us are in the same situation as Prophet Ibrahim Ali, some we have each other. We have a
community. We have people who you know are there to back us up.
But we have to stand for the truth. We should not ever be afraid to speak the truth, regardless of what our enemies think. So lesson number one, stand up for the truth, regardless of the consequences. Number two
is that sometimes your own family will reject your message. And this is not just a lesson from the story of Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salam. This is a lesson that you will find in the stories of most of the prophets. So Prophet Nuh aleyhi salam had to deal with his own son, rejecting his message from a lute Ali Salam had to deal with his own wife rejecting his message. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to deal with his uncle, Abu Lahab. We have all of these examples in the Quran and in the Syrah to let us know that whatever you go into, there is a prophetic role model in how to deal with it.
And that guidance is not guaranteed for anyone.
So how do you deal with this? How do you deal with the idea that a family member has gone astray? How do you deal with the fact that a family member has rejected the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala you deal with it? The way the prophets doubted it, you put your trust in Allah, you try your best to be a role model for that person to be a means of Dawa for the person, you make dua to Allah to guide them back to the straight path. By the end of the day, you accept their whatever choices they make as an adult between them and Allah, and you cannot control the hearts of anyone else. So yes, sometimes even our own families would turn against us when we speak the truth.
A third lesson that we take from the life of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam is the importance of the worker.
And every, every aspect of the story of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam is an example of the worker.
When when his people take him, and they throw him into the fire, and the problem and the angel Jabra in comes and asks him, you know, Can I do anything for you? And he just puts his Tawakkol in Allah.
You know, he lived but husband, Allah will never walk you. He lived by this phrase that Allah is enough for us and he's the best of protectors. And so Allah may defy a coup for him.
We see that the worker of * Ali Salam, when they are left in the desert, and she asked her husband Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, why are you leaving leaving us here?
Did Allah commanded you to do so? And when he affirmed that Allah commanded him to do so, she says that Allah will never abandon us. The Walk go,
we see this Tawakkol again, when he has the dream about slaughtering his son, he smile, and he asked his son, a young man, what do you think? And the son says, Do what you're commanded.
Inshallah, you will find me patient, again, that the Wako of his smile, every stage of the story, we see the walk home. And this is a quality that has been lost in our times. You know, we live in a very materialistic age, we put out the workload in our credit cards, we put out the workload in our jobs now businesses, we put out the workload in everything else besides Allah subhanho wa taala. And we need to move away from that. We have to learn to trust Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah those best, we have to trust the color of Allah, even when things aren't going our way. Even when things seem bleak, even when it feels like this. There's no hope. Always put your trust in Allah. Because the
one who made the fire cool for Ibrahim, he can solve your problems as well. So we must learn to live a life of the worker.
These are some of the lessons we take from the beautiful life of the prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, we learn to speak the truth. We learn to stand by the truth. We don't just stand by the truth even if our own families reject us, and we learn to live a life of the walk call and to put our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah to allow us to follow in the footsteps of his righteous prophets in the righteous predecessors. Robin attina Dunya Hasina will be asking what the Huseynov workmanager but not super Hannah, Rebecca Robin is at the ummah. Yes, it was salam, ala Salim Al Hamdulillah.
hamdu Lillahi wa wa Salatu was Salam ala Mala. And
in the Hadith, Nikita Willa. Well, hey, you heard you heard the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Sharon morning to have a call Columbia.
Columbia did dolla Dolla dolla Divina.
Towards the end of the life of Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salam. He was commanded to build the Kaaba. And after building the Kaaba, he was commanded to give the call for Hutch. And you can imagine the scene is the empty desert. And Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam stands and he fulfills the Command of Allah subhanho wa Taala he gives a quote for Hajj, wondering who will respond
who will respond to this command,
who will respond or respond to this call. And Allah says you will give the call and I will ensure they come from everywhere.
Today 1000s of years later, millions of people go for Hajj every year.
And there are lessons to take from this. There are lessons to take from the fact that Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, when he gave that call, he did not see millions of people coming. He did not see it. He did not live to see this happen 1000s of years after he passed away.
And there is a very important lesson in this for all of us.
And that is that sometimes you will not see the fruit of your efforts in your lifetime.
This is very important. You know, we live in an age of instant gratification. We want everything now. And we want to get rich quickly. We want our businesses to succeed overnight. We want our Dawa, to take you know to change the world overnight. If people want to instantly laugh at and they want everything overnight. And when things don't happen immediately, we lose hope we give up.
This is not the Islamic way.
The Islamic way is to understand that things take time. And especially if you're working for the sake of Allah, especially if you're working on a project for the sake of Allah, you may not see the fruit in your lifetime. You are planting a seed. And that seed may only grow into a tree long after you have passed away. But that doesn't matter, because the reward will still be yours. And we don't just see it as a prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam we see this over and over and over again in our history. For example, when you look at the Sahaba think about this many times when we think about the Sahaba we think about Abu Bakr, Omar Osman Ali or Gila Marine, but we forget to think about
Somalia. We forget to think about Mousavi WinMail we forget to think about Hamza, Allah be pleased with all of them. None of these Sahaba got to see the results of the efforts. Now the Sahaba got to see the qualifier, Washington era. None of them got to see Islam grow into a superpower. They all passed away very early on.
You did rewarded with Allah subhanho wa Taala for what they did.
We see this also
later generations. Imam Al Bukhari he never got to see the fruit of his efforts, he never got to see the world except that he boccardi and make it the most authentic source of Hadees. This happened after he passed away, many of the great Imams passed away in prison, they never got to see the fruit of the efforts. We see this even with the founders of empires, you know, when you look back historically, you know, we have this fascination with to rule and smart and, and the Ottoman Empire. But the reality is, they never saw the fruit of the efforts in their lifetime. You know, when we talk about the Ottoman Empire, and the great power it grew into, there was hundreds of years after
they made those first efforts hundreds of years later. And that's what it takes. You know, it takes hundreds of years of effort of generation upon generation to produce something great. Our problem is we rushed, we want everything now we want everything immediately. And when we don't get things immediately, we give up. Now someone starts and Islamic project. And within a year, they don't see the numbers that they want, and they give up. Somebody starts a business and within a year, they're not wealthy, and they give up, you know, somebody opens up a masjid, and within a year, you know, they there's not much activity going on, and they give up, this is not the right way. Don't give up.
If what you're doing, if you believe in it, if you believe there's benefit in it, if you believe that, that this is something that the Ummah can benefit from in the long term, that don't give up. Because maybe your whole life will go by without you seeing the fruit of your efforts. But the next generation continues your work and generation of their continues their work, and it grows slowly and slowly. And 100 years later, it's something special.
So this is one of the most important lessons that we can take on the life of Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salam.
He never lived to see millions of people going for Hajj.
But he built the Kaaba, and he gave the call. And he put his the workload in Allah. And Allah answered his call, and he continues every single year to answer that call for him.
And so we need to start thinking like this when it comes to our Islamic projects, we need to think in terms of swabbing Giardia we have to think in terms of after I pass away. That's what we need to think in terms of not in terms of how many people attended, not in terms of you know, how many followers do I have? No, think in terms of after I pass away, will this continue to be a source of reward for me. And every project we build, we must believe with the intention of so arbitrary, that if I pass away today, I will continue to get the reward from this project tomorrow. And after that for generations to come. And when we think like that, then inshallah our focus will always be on the
pleasure of Allah subhanho wa taala. And not one worldly results, because well, the results are not guaranteed. If you start a wonderful, amazing, brilliant Islamic project today, there is no guarantee you're going to get work results for it. But you are rewarded with Allah will reward you with Allah. And that's all that matters. So we need to move away from this materialistic way of thinking that it's all about the numbers and it's all about, you know how many shahada they got and how many followers I have and how many people attend my lectures, no, move away from that, and focus entirely on the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa taala. Because anything done for the pleasure of Allah
there is baraka in it. And even if you don't see the fruit of it in this world, you will see it in the next one. We ask Allah to make us steadfast We ask Allah to grant us
the ability to follow in the footsteps of our righteous predecessors. We ask Allah to accept our efforts and to put Baraka in them and to make them a means of guidance for this ummah. Robina hub dynamic as wodgina was reacting Kurata eigenmodes Kenai mama Roberta Artina for dunya Hasina will feel it has no control, but now Subhana rhombic Arabic is a Tmic Fuhrer salam ala moana Salim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Aki Musa