Ismail Kamdar – Sacrifice & Gratitude An Eid Khutbah
![Ismail Kamdar](
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The importance of Islam as a life of submission is highlighted, with a focus on sacrificing for personal and cultural reasons like death or schools. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing faith in Islam's teachings and finding ways to live in a life of submission. They share personal examples of woman named Kadi sacrificing for her son's death to avoid a tragic illness and emphasize the importance of gratitude and avoiding assumptions.
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Hello has been Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Illa illa Allahu Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa Nila Hill hum in hamdulillah Muda. Who when it's down to you know, when is the variable when you mean to behave with the work Hello Ollie, when I will be learned him in Cerulean fusina Warming say Yardi Lena Mejia Hila who for LA moody Lala, what may you live who for the hardware that I'm about?
Evil either is the eve of sacrifice.
And the sacrifice we make of our sheep, cows, goats, or any other animal is a really symbolic of how Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to live our lives.
Our religion is called Al Islam. The religion of submission
of our lives are supposed to be a life of submission to Allah subhana wa Tada. And you cannot submit without sacrifice. You cannot submit without having to give up some of the things of this world that you want, and some of the things of this world that you love.
Because each and every one of us will face tests in our lives. We will face decisions where we have to choose between our desires and the obedience of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala where we have to choose between what we love of this world and the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the stories of the prophets, and especially the story of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam and his family gave us a role model of sacrifice.
Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran, he uses the word Oshiwara and has the perfect role model for only two prophets Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam and his family Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam and his family are called Swati and Hassan a perfect role models. And so they serve as role models of sacrifice as well. When Ibrahim alayhi salam, as a young man, preach the truth, even until his people were about to kill him,
that it for us shows us the true meaning of sacrifice, that he was willing to be thrown into a fire for the sake of the truth.
When the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam left his family in the valley of Makkah, and his wife Hotjar said that if this is what Allah wants was, Allah will take care of us. We see in both of their actions, the spirit of sacrifice. When the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam told his son about his dream, and his son said, Do what Allah has commanded, we will be patient. They both showed us the very meaning of sacrifice and what they were willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we see this in the model of all of the prophets of Allah, that they sacrifice anything of this world for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we see this with the first generation, the
Sahaba or the Allahu anhu, that they all made great sacrifices for this religion. Look at the model of Khadija Radi Allahu anha. She started as the beginning of the story of the Sierra we are introduced to her as a wealthy widow. But when she passes away, she has spent all her wealth in the path of Allah and the boycott had weakened, that we had given it all up for the sake of Allah. If you look at most of even all male, Radi Allahu anhu, one of the wealthiest, most spoiled kids of Makkah, and he gives all of that up for the sake of Allah. And he makes Hegira to Medina, and he does Dawa to the people of Medina. And he's martyred in the Battle of order. And he never sees the
fruits of his sacrifice in this world.
Even the other Sahaba 20 or 30 years later, when they conquered Persia, and when they conquered the Roman countries, they would ask themselves, and they would say if only Musab could have seen this, because they all remember the sacrifice. The Sahaba made great sacrifices for this religion. And we live in a time where we are witnessing a revival.
evil of Islam. But a revival cannot take place without sacrifice. And each and every one of us need to think deeply. What am I willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah? Am I willing to give my time for working on projects that benefit the ummah? Am I willing to invest my money in projects that benefit the ummah? Am I willing to give my life for the sake of Allah? These are all questions that Muslims must ponder on the day of sacrifice. We ask Allah to make us from those who love a life of sacrifice a life of submission, who are willing to give up our desires for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. We ask Allah to make us from those who are united on the straight path, and who do not
compromise our fate for any reasons Robina Artina V dunya? Hacer una what we have here are the Hasina walk in other but na Subhana rahbek Robin is at the Amalia seafood was salam ala mousseline well hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
Hamdulillah he WADA was Salatu was Salam o Allah mandanna be a bada for inner circle Hadith Nikita Bula well, how are you howdy howdy Muhammad in Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, where shall we move to HA workers, deserting bid up work a little bit attend Dolla dolla that between now
one of the core themes of the day of aid is sugar. Allah subhanho wa Taala told us in Surah Baqarah Chapter number two verses 185. The other contest guru, declare the tug beer of Allah on the day of Eid show that you may be grateful that we should spend the day of Eid in a state of gratitude. And really, as believers, we should live our lives in a state of gratitude.
There are many levels of worship, and many levels of hierarchy. But the highest level, the level of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the level of gratitude. Some of us may worship Allah out of fear. Some of us may worship Allah out of hope. Some of us may worship Allah out of obligation. All of this is good, all of these different levels on the stages of righteousness. But the highest level is that of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would spend long nights in the keyamo, Laila and his wife Aisha Radi Allahu anha asked him, Why do you play so much when your sins are already forgiven? And he said, Should I not be a grateful servant. So his worship came from a
place of gratitude. And that is the level we must aspire towards. It starts with being grateful about the small thing. It starts with, saying Alhamdulillah it starts with just putting in our hearts in a sense of gratitude for any of the good things that Allah has blessed us with. And over time, it can grow into a lifestyle, that our whole lives are a means of showing gratitude to Allah for what He has given us. When the Prophet Solomon alayhi salam looked around at his kingdom, and you realize what Allah had blessed him word, from the ability to converse with animals to control over the wind and the jinn. What did he do when he realized the blessings of Allah and His life, He
made dua to Allah and he said, Oh, Allah make me from the Shakti rain make me from those who are grateful.
This is what we must work towards. And it starts today, it starts with spending the day of aid in a state of gratitude.
We all have tests in our lives, and we all have things that are not right, because this world is a test. And only Janna things are perfect. But it may be that you have two or three tests in your life and 100 things going your way. But we are so focused on what is not right, that we fail to appreciate and enjoy what is going right. So let us start looking at the world differently. For the tests we will have sober, but we also will look at what Allah has blessed us with. And for that we will have sugar and we can be in the state of sugar and Farber at the same time. Because in life you will always be going through both and sugar does not only mean being grateful to Allah subhana wa
Taala but also being grateful to the people
people in your lives because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever does not show gratitude to people has not shown gratitude to Allah. So part of being grateful to Allah subhana wa Taala is thanking the people in your life for whatever they do for you. So be grateful to your spouse, express your gratitude to your husband, your wife. Let them know you appreciate what the what they do for you. Be grateful to your parents, be grateful for your children. Be grateful for your friends, for your community, for your businesses, for your customers. For anyone who has done anything good for you, give them tax, tell them I appreciate you. And see the difference this makes
in the level of muhabba the levels of love between our heart and this is hard or being grateful to Allah, that we are grateful to each other. Do not take the relationship in your life for granted. Because none of us know how long we have left. So thank each other, appreciate each other, spend quality time with each other and forgive each other for your shortcomings. We ask Allah to make us from the people that gratitude we ask Allah to make us the people of Sabah We ask Allah to make us are the people of submission We ask Allah to make us as the people of sacrifice Robina hub as wodgina was the reality.
Watch out.
Up mama Robina hub Lennar wodgina. We're Julliard
watch Allah.
Allah will be halal and haram will be firstly
sugar Hannah, Rebecca Robin. Is that the Amma? Yes, she was she
was a hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen