Islamic Self Help
Ismail Kamdar – Does ease always come after hardship
![Ismail Kamdar](
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The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the three verses of the Bible, which describe the existence of hardship and the rules of life. They note that the definition of ease is not a rule, but rather a consequence of experiencing hardship. They also discuss interpretations of the verse "will" in the internet book, including that it is meant to indicate a consequence of experiencing hardship.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh so today I want to answer a question I get quite often. And this question is built of a concept that many of us have grown up learning. Right? Many of us have grown up with this idea that in life after hardship, there is always ease. You may have heard this before, after hardship, there is always ease. Now, the question that I get very often is, that's not the case for many people. Many people go through life, experiencing hardship, upon hardship, upon hardship,
they don't have ease, they they just have problem after problem for the entire life. And for many people, the problems they have, there is no way for them to get ease in this world. Right? If someone is in prison for life, if someone has a chronic illness, if someone has suffered major trauma that affects them for life, they may not be able to understand this, how does they be ease after hardship? Now, what I want to address is this concept itself. Is it the correct understanding in Islam? And how do we understand the first related to it so of course, people build this concept of Surah alumna show, the famous verses in Surah, Alam national. For in Austria, you saw in a very
useful, that with difficulty there is ease there is difficulty there is is a very famous verse, it's become a proverb that we all say during difficult times, and some have taken this verse to understand that life goes through ups and downs, that there are times of ease, and it is a time of difficulty, and it is time of ease again. But as I said, it's not always the case. And even historically, when we look in the Quran, when we look in Islamic history, it has not always been the case that would hardship they came is. So for example, when you look in the Quran, we have the famous story in Surah, Al borouge, of the people of the ditch. And to summarize the story, there was
a king, a tyrant king who wanted people to worship him, and the people of the city, believed in Allah and refuse to worship the King. So he built a ditch full of fire, and he threw them in it, and they all were massacred, right, they all were killed in our superhero talks about this in the Quran. So this is clearly a story where there was hardship, but now is likewise the wife of the pharaoh that she suffered at his hands. She was abused by him, she was tortured by him. And she died through the torture, no ease in this dunya. We see this also with the sahaba. So for example, we have the famous story of the family of Yasser, the first martyrs to my husband Yasser that they were tortured
by Abuja for accepting Islam and ease never came, no ease came to their life, they were just torture upon torture until they left this world. And again, we have the story of Musab even a male who after converting to Islam, he lost his world, he will boycotted by his family, he had to be Makkah, he had to move to Medina. And then he was martyred in the Battle of God. And his story, specifically, you find that the other Sahaba, they really felt it, that he didn't experience ease in this world, because you see the other Sahaba, even 20 or 30 years later, after they have attained victory, and they are ruling these huge kingdoms. They look back and you find statements of them saying if only
Musab even Ahmed could have seen this, when he could have experienced this, that they felt bad that they were experiencing the ease of this dunya. But a friend never got to do so. So it's clear that hardship isn't always followed by ease in this world. Right? So then how do we understand this verse? How do we understand this concept, I want to give you three ways to understand this verse three ways to understand this verse that help you resolve between these two things to help me to resolve between the idea that would hardship these is, and
the idea that some people don't ever experience is at any point in their life. Number one, what the Quran mentions are the general rules. And for every rule, there is always exceptions. So the general rule is that the majority of humanity will go through stages of ease and stages of hardship with ease, making up the most of the life and the hardships coming in stages. So for example, throughout the year, there may have been four or five really difficult events you dealt with. But the average day was average average day was was decently was good. It was easy. Right to the ease was more than the difficulty, although we tend to remember the difficult,
this is the norm. Now there is a principal in the Islamic studies that would for every rule, there is an exception. So what will be the exception to the rule of life go into stages of the ease and difficulty. There will be two exceptions on two opposite extremes. One exception, a small portion of humanity will experience a life of ease without any difficulties. Right. It's more
A portion of humanity will experience a life of ease without any difficulties, and a portion of humanity will experience a life of difficulty without any ease. Now, you may ask where is the fairness in that the fairness in that is that every human beings try is unique to their capabilities to certain people are tested only with ease, because they will not be able to handle difficulty, and certain people who are tested Only with difficulty, because that is their part to gender. And we know the famous Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam said that there are some people who lived a life of luxury and nothing that happened to them in this world. And they will be dipped into
Jahannam for a few seconds, and they will forget every good they have experience in this world. And likewise, there'll be people who will live a life of Balaam life of test the life of difficulty, and there'll be duped into Jannah for a few seconds and they will completely forget every trial of this dunya. So this clearly shows us that there are these two sides, which can happen so yes, you may find that some people, maybe even yourself, may Allah make things easy for you
go through a life where there is difficulty but no ease. This is the exception, not the rule. The norm is most people's lives go to ups and downs.
The second way to look at this verse For enamel also, you saw the word difficulty there is is is to link it back to the surah before that, right so Surah olam natural comes after surah Taha and these two sewers are linked, they are they come together because they actually flow together, they will reveal together. And some of the early scholars even consider them to be almost like one surah. And so you read them together and do the Tafseer together, you get to understand the message deeper. So when you look at Surah, at Doha, we have clearly mentioned in that Surah, that the Ark era is better for you than what has passed right to Africa is better for you than what has passed and al Qaeda
humans can mean the future or it can mean the actual Africa that you're after. You can take both to say meanings and apply to have difficulty comes ease could be in this world, or in the next in this world or in the next and what we find in all the stories I mentioned earlier, there was no ease in this world, but there is eternal ease in the next world. So for example, going back to Surah rouge, the story of the people who had shown in the fight and massacred difficulty, seems like there's no ease right for Allah subhanaw taala ends the story by saying that those who believe in the righteous deeds will be in gardens we need to traverse flow. And he said that that is Fazal kabhi and that is
the greatest victory. So Allah Subhana Allah is telling us that yes, they went through this in the dunya. But in the archaea, they have the greatest victory, which is Jana. Likewise, the story of the wife of Pharaoh own Allah subhanaw taala says that she was from those who attend high level in January home near Allah subhanaw taala. In general, to after her difficulty Kim is not in this world, but in the afterlife. And likewise in the story of sumiya. And Yah, so that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam was heartbroken to see them in a state, and he was unable to assist them. So all you could do was give them these words of hope, he told them, be patient or family of yourself,
because your destination is gender, be patient or family of Yasser because your destination is gender meaning for that family, the ease was not going to come in this world, but you will come for eternity in the next world. So this is the second interpretation of this verse, that for some people, they have the hardship in this world and the ease in the next world. The third interpretation is that the MA over here means at the same time, that while you are experiencing difficulty, you are also experiencing some forms of ease as well. Meaning while some things are going wrong in your life, or the things are going right, and you have to focus on what is going
right, don't focus on what is going wrong. And again, this links up to the Tafseer of the surah. Before it's similar to her because in Surah duha by the way, I do have another much more detailed video on surah Taha on my channel, just scroll down to find it. What inshallah Allah subhanaw taala is revealing the soul at the time and Rasulullah sallallahu is going through some sadness, right? And he's going through some anxiety about the future Allah Subhana Allah tells him to focus on what is right he tells him that they will not find you an orphan and we gave you a family and we found you without wealth and we gave you wealth. So Allah is telling him to remember the good and to focus
on the blessings. So the same thing in the next one as message that yes, you are going to difficulty but with the difficulty that is easy as well. And this is the case for most of us. Most of us while we are dealing with difficulties in this dunya Allah gives us ease in other ways. So you may be dealing with an illness, Allah has blessed you with a good family, or you may be dealing with family problems or Allah has blessed you with good good health. Or maybe you're dealing with health issues that Allah has blessed you with wealth. For most of us there is something in our life that we can focus on as an ease that is sent to help us to cope with the difficulty, right it's not the case for
everyone but for
Most people. So finally, I want us to remember when it comes to these kinds of verses, we must understand that these are general rules, general rules. And for every rule, there is an exception. So remember three things when you find situations that seem to fall outside the scope of this first number one, that for every rule, there is an exception, right? Number two, for some people that this life is the difficulty and the afterlife is the ease. And number three. Remember that
while you are going through difficulty, you may be going through ease in other aspects of your life. And you need to focus on that to maintain your state of worship and your state of gratitude to Allah subhanho wa taala. So I ended with a little bit of advice for anyone who is going through difficulties that don't seem to end and it really breaks my heart whenever I meet people whose life just seems to be trial upon trial of one chart. But for many of them, they're the people with the strongest demand and my message to them is simple. Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen you for this test. Because you are the kind of person who has the Eman to get through this test. And if you go to
this test with strong Imam and would suffer and will firm faith and Tawakoni Allah, then inshallah after this difficulty will come to ease of Jannah and when once you experience the ease of Jannah you have forgotten everything that happened in dunya and that is the greatest victory. So we ask Allah to remove the difficulties from all our lives to make things easy for all of us to grant us trouble when things are difficult to grab the sugary things are easy and to grant us the correct understanding of the Quran. Say Amin does not call a hero Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.