Ibrahim Nuhu – Riyad Us Saliheen – Hadith 738

Ibrahim Nuhu
AI: Summary © The importance of letting guests come to a accuses them of being invited to a grant is emphasized, as the prophecy of Allahu alaihi wa sallam shows that the prophet is not invited to the table. The importance of giving encouragement to guests who follow the prophet's advice is also emphasized, particularly in small practices. The speaker emphasizes the need to eat healthy and give thanks to the creator, and to remember to give commands to children to do the right thing. Additionally, the importance of not beating anyone by praying and giving small practices is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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So last week, we

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read the first hadith and the last hadith

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the new chapter,

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which is about my own woman doing it.

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What should a person say

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who is invited to a feast, food?

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But, fortunately, somebody decided to follow him.

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And that sacristan is not invited by

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by the Sahib al Walid.

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So when you reach the house of that

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what should you

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tell the host?

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He said,

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I remember a time when

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a man amongst the companions of the Prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam invited him to

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the food that he he made for him.

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He made food

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specifically for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

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And he invited

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together with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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4 more people. And

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he was so that's meant

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altogether with the prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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5 people he invited.

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But the food was made for the prophet

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he increased the quantity

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and he invited other people also to come

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and join.

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the prophetess of Allah sama went to the

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And then when he was going a man

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amongst the companions of the prophetess of Allah

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sama decided to go with him.

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The prophet

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did not tell him, no,

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you are not invited.

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Yeah. Did not tell him, no, you're not

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invited. So he went with the prophecy of

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Allahu alaihi wasalam.

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However, when they reached the house,

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the prophecy of Allahu alaihi wasalam has said,

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so and so and so person that you

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see with us. He followed us.

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I know the permission and the invitation is

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for me and for those for, but this

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one join us.

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He says if you wish,

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you can let him go. If not,

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he should go back.

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Yeah, because it is what

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for him.

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So the prophet

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told him it's up to you as a

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host to let him come in or

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to ask him to to go back.

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So Allah is very good sunnah because sometimes

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the person makes a food

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which is only enough for

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for a few people.

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And in the time of the prophet

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he can make dua, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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can increase the quantity

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of the food like what happened in the

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time of the Gaza

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2 al khandaq,

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where around 1,000 or 1,005

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people. They were there with the prophet salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam.

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they ate that food which jab had made

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for only 2 3 people with the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Had a bibaraka to doubt in the visa

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lies. Kasarasul asallahu made du'a and Allah increased

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the baraka

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was enough for everyone.

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However in our time it is not like

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that Allah can do it but what we

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know is that this is happening with the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi salam alun.

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So it is good when a person is

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invited to a feast

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and somebody followed him,

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you know, you should tell that person in

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our in our time also is much easier,

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right? Because you can call him and tell

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him so and so and so person is

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willing to follow me. Would you like to

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let him come? If he says yes, then

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alhamdulillah for me only. If

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he says no, that person shouldn't get annoyed.

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He should accept

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the declining of that person and go back

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and not to follow them

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and not to follow, not to follow

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them. So

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the prophet

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told the man he says this person followed

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us. If you wish we can let him

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come in. If not,

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then he should he should go back.

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So this is the reason why

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Imam and Nawawi brought this hadith under this

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chapter. What would you say to the person

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who invited you to a feast but somebody?

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Somebody followed.

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Somebody followed and you should

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tell him that this person followed me

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and it's up to you to let him

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in if you say no, then he will

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he will be going back.

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This is a new chapter

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that will talk about

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you know, encouragement of the Sharia

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that everyone should eat from that which is

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next to him.

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By eating food,

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it should stop

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with that which is in front of you.

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Don't go and eat from the middle or

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in front of others.

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And also,

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the Prophet

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that opportunity

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to remind

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upon the virtues

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and of etiquette of eating, how to eat.

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And also, it teaches us,

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you know, the importance of giving terbia

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to the younger ones.

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Not to wait for them until they reach

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the old age and then we start commanding

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them. That will be very difficult for them

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to to handle.

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So as salah sallallahu

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When they reach 10 years and they don't

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pray, rasulullah sama said you can beat them

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after that.

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SubhanAllah, kadaman haj and nebuwee

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of Rabani.

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Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi salamah asked you to start

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teaching them on how to pray and also

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command them to pray when they reach 7

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years. How many prayers we have between 7

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and 10 between 7 to 10 years?

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A lot of prayers, right? More than 1,000

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prayers, Subhanallah by then he become

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familiar with the prayer.

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In the future will be very easy for

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him to listen to the commands.

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And trust me if you start doing it,

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insha Allah, you will not need to beat

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your child.

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Because he will be doing it automatically, you

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1,000 prayers is not little, you know. The

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first one is lazy second one is lazy

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and don't fight the kids when you tell

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them to pray. Don't fight.

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You know, don't beat. Don't do anything.

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Just keep recommending

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and you can start

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actually, you know introducing them to the prayer

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even before the age of 7.

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But you're supposed to command him the command

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should start

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is is a is a wajeem upon you

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to command.

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When your child reach 7 years, you must

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command him to pray.

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You must command him to pray. Yeah, you

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command him to pray. If you don't you

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get sick.

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But you have to command him because as

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soon as salah asked you to to command.

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So you can see the prophet salallahu alaihi

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wasalam recommended that which is that given the

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terbiyyah from the from the younger age. Not

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to wait for them to reach

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a big

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age, you know, maturity. And then we start

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commanding them. It will be very difficult for

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them to to comply.

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The prophetess of Allah also,

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there was a time he saw a younger

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boy eating,

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but he is not eating properly.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam educated him

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and he reminded him and he advised him

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to eat properly.

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And this is Umar ibn Abi Salama,

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boy at that time. You know, but now

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he's narrated the hadith, you know, become mature.

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And he was young when that happened.

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He narrated that hadith that the prophet salawasulullah

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was once reminded him to do the right

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thing when he was ill.

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It's a very good message to us because

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nowadays we have big negligence. If If somebody

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sees you,

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you know commanding your child to do the

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right thing, training your children to behave well.

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Some people found it very strange. Why?

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Let them have the freedom to do whatever

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they want.

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So he's familiar with the wrongdoing

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and then after a few years, I'm gonna

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tell him this is wrong, this is right.

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But the question that will be going around

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his brain is, why did he let me

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do it and for ages?

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He never told me this is wrong.

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And subhanAllah, you might not live with him.

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Yeah, you put him into trouble because it

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is not easy for him to be convinced

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by others.

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You, if you tell him, he will listen.

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But if others are to tell him,

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he might not listen.

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I was a young boy. You remember, umu

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Salam. Right?

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When she married to the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam, she lost her husband Abu Salamah.

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And she remembered the saying of the prophet

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that if you lost

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