Ibrahim Hindy – Gaza – Behind Prison Bars

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary ©
The use of Islam as a means to unlock the God within us is a common form of worship within us, which can unlock the four walls of a prison. The use of Souter, being steadfast, is a form of worship within us that can unlock the four walls of a prison, which is the most powerful form of worship. The history of the implementation of Islam by the Israeli public, including the use of Allah's sun spots in the Middle East and the use of his brother's character in the face of abuse, is discussed, along with the use of Allah in the face of hardship and ease, inflation, and peace. The importance of remaining true to their Prophet is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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The story of Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam

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is one of the most powerful stories in the Quran.

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It is the only story that Allah subhanaw taala narrates, from the beginning of the story until its conclusion, all in detail, and all in one place.

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But what makes the story of Yusuf Ali and Cena so powerful

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is that in a way, it is the story of every believer.

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There is no miracle in the story.

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This is a story that can happen to anyone.

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You can envision yourself

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in any place that Yusuf Ali Hassan is during the story.

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And this story can teach us so much,

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especially in lights of the time that we are in today.

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When we see the pain and the suffering, that so many Muslims are enduring.

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When we see all this pain and suffering, we wish so deeply that it could all be taken away in the blink of an eye.

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Then the story of use of comes

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and it comes to teach us

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that the father of Allah subhanaw taala, the decree of Allah azza wa jal,

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it moves according to his sunnah

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it moves according to His divine way.

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Even though we as human beings tend to be hasty.

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Use a valley has tsunami sees a dream.

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Yet that very dream does not come to fruition

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until years later, decades later,

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all these years.

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And his father is separated from his son.

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All these years and his father is suffering, the pain of separation, the pain of loss,

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the pain of isolation, of loneliness, of alienation.

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He is a prophet of Allah subhanaw taala, the son of a prophet, the son of a prophet.

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Yet his story teaches us that the decree of Allah subhanaw taala takes its time.

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Even though we are often a hasty

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use of it is sometimes decreed to spend many years in prison.

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The prophet who was the son of a prophet spends his years in prison,

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while the people of Egypt

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are in their amusement in their enjoyment, living their life.

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The best person in that entire land, and he's inside the prison.

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He's imprisoned by those walls for years. This is the decree of Allah subhanaw taala. It teaches us that tests and trials take time

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that tests and trials are necessary and Allah distinguishes through them. He distinguishes the pure and the evil.

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Three times during Surah Yusuf Allah subhanaw taala mentioned to us, his name's Allah, Helene, Al Hakim, the knowledgeable and the most wise. And what's interesting is that the Quran Allah subhanaw taala either will mention these two names, him being at him and him being hacking.

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Sometimes you will mention that Allah Azza Hakim before he mentioned that he has it.

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But in Surah Yusuf, Allah always mentions him the before hacking.

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Because when the tests befall us, when the hardship arrives, when the suffering occurs, we ask ourselves, doesn't Allah know?

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Doesn't Allah subhanaw taala know this hardship that is before us?

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Why isn't he removing this suffering?

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Doesn't Allah know what's happening to the children of Reza?

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Doesn't Allah know what's happening?

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With my worries, and my anxieties and the hardships that we are facing?

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And so you're reminded that Allah subhanaw taala is an ideal

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He's the All Knowing he knows

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nothing has escaped his knowledge.

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And he's the one who decreed this on you.

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Don't look

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to all the means to all the things that surround us.

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But instead look to the one Subhana Hautala, who decrees what surrounds us.

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He knows all things.

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And he already told you, he's going to test you.

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And essentially the stories of the prophets so that you would find examples of courage.

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But with his knowledge,

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he reminds you that he is hecky

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he reminds you that he is the most wise

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so that as you're wondering, where are all these trials surrounding us? As you are wondering, Where is the victory from Allah subhanaw taala. Allah is reminding you that he is wise. And his wisdom is behind all things.

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Yusuf Ali Hasina, was in prison.

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And in prison, he could have received a miracle.

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Allah could have sent an angel to arrive into the prison and extracted from it.

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Allah could have made the walls of the prison fall and for use have to walk out.

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Allah could have made the gardens to fall asleep

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and for use of to escape.

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Yet none of that happened.

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And he stays in the prison for many years.

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And Yusuf Ali has Sena

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he spends his time in that prison in the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Because he understands that part of the reason why Allah subhanaw taala decrees suffering upon us, decrees trials upon us is because there is a form of worship within us that we can unlock, which is called Sadat, being steadfast.

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How can you be steadfast if life is always easy?

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So he spends his time in that prison

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being steadfast in his worship of Allah subhanaw taala

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use the fattiness and and doesn't see the prison. The way the most people see us.

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We see the four walls imprisoning the man.

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Those four walls removing hope out of the prisoner.

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He sees it and he has Sudan as a place of solitude,

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worshipping Allah subhanaw taala in it, reflecting over the names of Allah subhanaw taala

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in a tea even finds a place of Dawa

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and it's even find the place to call other Suez. SNAM.

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He tells his fellow prisoners, yeah, so it can be a sin, or our baboon water Federico and a Hiren amela. Who are

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all my companions in the prison? are separate Lords better? Or is Allah the one the prevailing better? He gives Dawa even in these circumstances.

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And what's amazing is that as he's giving Dawa to them,

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and they're in this prison,

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he tells them, that he can follow the law here and in our aliveness while they're kidnapped for a nasty day in school. He says this is from the fever of Allah.

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This is from the blessings of Allah upon us and upon the people but most people are not thankful.

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He speaks about the fever of Allah subhanaw taala were

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in the prison

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because this is a person and any person when the heart is connected to Allah subhanaw taala doesn't matter where they are.

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Even if you are inside of the prison,

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or in the depths of a well

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or even beneath fear strikes.

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So long as the heart is connected to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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The person is not caused to fear.

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As even Timmy Rahim Allah Allah He said, my imprisonment is seclusion in worship. My expulsion is tourism.

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In my death is a martyrdom.

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The truly imprisoned one is the one in prison from their Lord.

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Then he is finally able to leave the prison

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He's able to leave the prison because of a dream the king the king sees

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the one that we trust him to pan over to Allah is Able to do all things.

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And to bring about things in the best possible way.

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Many people have left prison.

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Yusuf doesn't just leave the prison.

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Many prisoners eventually leave their prison.

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But how few are those who are able to leave the prison and become an authority among the people and become influential amongst the people?

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And how often for us to reflect? Are we overwhelmed by anxieties, the Allah subhanaw taala allows us to emerge out of those anxieties for a matter of even greater importance.

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And then we realize what made us anxious before was a preparation for something even greater.

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We understand then the wisdom that eluded us before even though Allah subhanaw taala reminded you all along, that he is an HEC him, that he's the most wise.

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He leaves the prison to lead an entire nation

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in Nairobi, not only from the main shot, and he comments and he says indeed, my Lord is lucky if he is subtle. His kindness and generosity His mercy is subtle.

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He brings it to you in ways you can never imagine. In the room below, people need Ayesha he is subtle to those whom he wants.

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How amazing is the subtle kindness of Allah SOTA. Every time there is a trial and you think for me, there is no escape.

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Allah will be bringing you the escape throw away you can never imagine.

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A boy is thrown in the depth of a well,

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in the darkness of the walls of that, well,

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there can't be any hope for salvation.

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If the caravan arrives, and saves him.

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Likewise, every Muslim in the midst of a struggle or in the midst of a crisis, too often we can only see the dark walls of the wealth.

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And we think there's no way we're going to be saved.

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We think this is doomed. We think there's no way out. And you don't realize at the same time that you may be thinking that Allah is already preparing the caravan.

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And it's coming along its way.

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We know that Allah subhanaw taala is no fee for Nima Hashem he is subtle to those whom he wants, then we would be like Yusuf in the well, surrounded by darkness. Yet we're content in Allah subhana wa Tada.

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I will be honest with you, I don't know what's going to happen to the people of Gaza.

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I don't know how many are going to survive.

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I don't know if this world is going to come to its senses.

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And try to stop the butchering. And the ethnic cleansing and the genocide of an entire people.

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I'm sure like every one of you were overcome with sadness and grief at times when we hear the stories of what they are suffering, and if so.

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But I was reading a book recently on the history of Palestine.

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And the author was saying something

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about how after the 1967 War, the United Nations passed Resolution 242.

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And this resolution, even though the author was British, it's well known that both the Americans and the Israelis basically wrote it.

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They basically offered it

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and the resolution frames the entire conflict as Israel with the Arab countries, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and not once does the resolution to even mention the Palestinians.

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It only refers to them

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as the refugee problem.

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And the author, the historian talks about this. He says in a way, this was a huge victory for Israel. They passed the exact resolution the ropes,

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and it completely erased the Palestinians from the equation.

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But ironically, because of that resolution,

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and because it erase the Palestinians, a galvanized the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian cause. In a way it brought more attention to the Palestinians than anything Israel had done before.

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We spoke last week about hiving off toward

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the people of the ditch

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when they made the ditch and they

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interrogated the people to either believe in the king or be thrown into the ditch,

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and that story, which I'm sure you're all familiar with, the boy

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is going around preaching the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And he's killed in the end by the King, who is commanding that the people worship him

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the boy is killed by the king.

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You would think the king is the winner.

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The boy is the loser.

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Yes, Subhan Allah because the king kills the boy. The very act of killing the boy does what? It spreads the Tao of the boy like wildfire.

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Suddenly, through this cruel act,

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the people can see the reality of the king. And the people can see the reality of the boy

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through the very thing that the king believes is going to give him victory.

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He believes victory is going to come by killing this boy. In fact, he becomes obsessed with the idea of killing the boy

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that very thing that he believes is going to bring him victory

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actually brings his downfall

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actually causes the masses to disbelieve in the king and to believe in Allah subhanaw taala

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I don't know what's gonna happen to our brothers and sisters.

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But I know

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I do know that in some way or another.

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Someone else is going to be reading a history book in the future.

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And in that history book, they're gonna write in

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the cruel,

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the Heartless, the inhumane way that Israel barbarically attack the people of Gaza became a turning point.

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How does it become a turning point? How did it change things around? I don't know. But this part I know. Because it's not been healthy for nyesha Because my Lord is subtle, to those whom he wants.

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And after being saved from the well.

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Use of Allah, his sunnah goes to another crisis.

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Another problem this is like

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life is one test and trial. And then you are saved to a moment of ease and happiness only to find another test and trial.

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And on and on it goes until you meet Allah subhana wa Tada.

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But what matters is that our heart doesn't change, neither and hardship nor ease. No matter how much life alternates or changes we remain connected to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Look at Yusuf Ali has set up

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even in prison, his fellow prisoners, they look at him. And they say, in and Iraq, I mean and Mycenaean we see you to be of those who are good.

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We see you to be amongst the do gooders, the ones who do good.

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Later on use of it in Sudan is the leader, the novel,

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the minister, the one in power and in authority, and he's dealing with his brothers who don't know who he is.

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And the brothers say to him, the exact same words in Nana rock a minute my sin, we see you to be of those who do good.

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The one who trusts in Allah subhanaw taala, his character does not change.

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No matter if he is in hardship, or he's an ease, no matter if he's in prison, or if he's in authority.

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The true ethic of the person is constant.

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The ethic of the person

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doesn't change.

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And this will law he is one of the keys to the victory of this.

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We see the other people

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when they were in oppression.

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What was their character and when they became in power, what was their character?

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Too often when they become the ones in power. When they become the ones with the guns.

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They lose their ethics

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this is the way

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Anything that is against the way of the Prophet.

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This is the way of the devil.

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The ways of the Prophet is that their character doesn't change in power or in weakness. When we become

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in the prophetic character,

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that you even if we were the ones in power, our commitment to the ethics of Islam do not change.

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That's when Allah subhanaw taala will give us victory.

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Because each of these states is a test.

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And Allah will give the victory to those whose hearts are connected to him.

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The story of use of family his son was revealed to our Prophet sallallahu and he will send them after 20 years of hardship.

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After the year of soft sorrow, when his wife Khadija, or the Allahu Allah was killed, died, and when his uncle level taught that bite,

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our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who would walk the streets and you'd hear his companions being tortured and persecuted. And you couldn't do anything for them except to make dua

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then sort of use it comes down and reminds him and us had to either state SROs World War One when Kalibo Jha

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for no GM and Nisha Willa Yura to get Santa Ana COVID usually mean that until when the messengers disappeared, and they were searching that they had been denied. Then the victory of Allah subhanaw taala came

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and he saved who he willed, and our punishment cannot be repelled from those who are criminals. It's like the story is telling us just waits.

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The story is telling us, be patient perservere be steadfast.

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This sort of comes to our Prophet Sall Allahu Allah, you ascend them, but it's still another 10 years before he enters Mecca as a victor.

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This sort of comes to our Prophet Sall Allahu Allah, you will send him any still to be expelled from Mecca running for his life.

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story didn't come and say all your problems are over.

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It didn't come and tell you the hardships I finished. It didn't come and say victory is going to be tomorrow. And exactly the way that you want it to be.

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Tells us just wait. Persevere, the decree of Allah subhanaw taala is greater than what we can imagine.

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After so let's use of Allah gave our Prophet another gift, which was the Israelite and now patch, that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have sent from beta Noctus. From Mr. de la cosa, he would ascend up to the heavens, and on the way up to the heavens, he meets with eight different prophets. And the scholars mentioned there's so much symbolism in what our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam experiences. They say the eight prophets is to denote that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be exiled from Mecca for eight years before he could return.

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And in each prophet, there's a lesson to our prophets of Allah how to use him.

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And in each message, it's a reminder to have hope and a lot of soldier.

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And seeing our father Adam, it has Senem

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Our Prophet is reminded

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that Adam was created for Jana, and in Jannah, but he had to leave Jana before he could return.

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Like a reminder to our profits, a little luck where it is and know that he's gonna have to leave mecca for him to be able to return to it. Just like Jenna is the holiest place in the AF era. Mecca is the holiest place in the dunya.

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And you're going to have to leave before you can come back.

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He meets his cousins. He meets the cousins at ESA. And yeah, I think he was set up. And he's reminded how both of them were opposed by their own people. Yeah, he is killed by his people and ASA, Ani and Saddam, they fought and they plan to kill him. It's a reminder to our Prophet you are not the only person who was attacked by your own column by your own people.

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And it strengthens our hearts.

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And then he meets Yusuf Ali has sat down

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and he sees the man who was harmed and attacked by his own blood by his own brothers. And just like the brothers of Yusuf would repent and turn back to Allah azza wa jal and our Prophet Sall Allahu Allah, he was sent in this reminded, you are being attacked by your own tribe, your own blood, but they are going to repent, just like the brothers of Yusuf repented. And when our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam conquered Mecca, he said to the people, the exact words of use of fatty has sent out

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Letter three vami communium There will be no retribution upon that today.

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He meets the rissani his center

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and Allah says oh Idris for a foreigner who mccannon Alia we have raised him to a high level and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through all these trials, is going to be raised to the highest level.

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And he meets heroin, and he has Cena, who was despised by his people, but they eventually accept him.

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And he meets Musa Ali Hassan, whose life is the most similar to the life of our profits to law who administer the tests and the trials are the most similar. The Prophet would often say, love God Uzziah Musa, the feminine had the Musa has been harmed even more than me in this regard.

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And then finally, he sees Ibrahim Ali, his sunnah. He's shown his father, curried Allah.

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And he sees Ibrahim with his back leaning upon and beaten Metamora. Beaten metamod is the house of worship of Allah as Odin mentioned in the Quran in the seven heavens.

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Ibrahim built the carrabba on earth. So Allah gave him the permission to come and go as he pleases, in bathe and mount more above the heavens, to remind us of the gentleman, that you are awarded,

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similarly to how you act, he built the combat Allah gave him what's better than the Kaaba.

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And as you strive and as you put an effort in this world, Allah subhanaw taala is going to give you its reward.

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And all of this is a message of hope for our Prophet and indirectly for us.

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We don't know what's coming next, I'm not gonna stand here and lie to you and say, I know 100% What's going to happen? We don't know.

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But we know that so long as we remain steadfast and we turn to Allah subhanaw taala and we have patience and perseverance through this like the messengers before us. Allah subhanaw taala is going to deliver this victory in a way that is subtle, in a way that later on you're gonna say I can't imagine how Allah subhanaw taala changed the direction of this ummah,

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Falcone how there was so far they would have come soft or in love for Rahim.

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