Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #36 Stories In The Quran – The Blind Man; Ukhdood; The Elephant

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The hosts of the podcast discuss various stories about Islam's use of deadly pronouns and the use of it by the prophet Muhammad to "helpful" and avoid torturing or killing. They also touch on the importance of showing concern for people who do not comply with punishment and the benefits of learning from the program and sharing ideas. The speakers encourage people to not make it a big deal and start fighting when it comes to muscle or arguing. They also mention the importance of not overdoing certain tasks and not overdoing certain words.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Avada ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi adjumani living in LA Today we will be going over the 30th Joseph Allah Al hunt. inshallah we'll be looking at three stories mentioned in the 30th juice.

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first story we will touch on is the story of the blind man, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of how a blind a blind man, even though only Macedon while the Allahu anhu came to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam had turned away from him. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed verses of the law while he was selling them but he should have actually given this blind man his attention and inshallah we'll go into the story in a bit more detail.

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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why aleikum wa salam wa Taala what I care to shift and how you and hamdulillah How are you and handily live well, and we hope the viewers are well. inshallah we hope everybody is well, and we hope everybody has made the most of Ramadan the last few hours, maybe in some places and maybe one more day in others. And Alhamdulillah it's our 30th day, we think Allah subhanho wa Taala for that, Chef Imam today we've got the 30 at the Jews inshallah we want to touch on three stories. The first is in Surah Abba, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the story of the blind man, where he had come to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This was Abdullah Maktoum. He was coming to the

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messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to ask, you know, he wanted to know some things about the deen asking him for an increase ask him for some knowledge and time. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the time was occupied with some of the prominent people who were not yet Muslim. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was calling them to Islam. We find the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he was busy. He didn't want this blind man to come at this time. So he frowned and he turned away. So Allah subhana wa Jalla reprimands the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and basically tells him that it was not befitting of him to do that. Rather, it was better

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for him to turn to this blind man and give him his attention. Because this blind man has believed he's coming for guidance. Allah says, What are you the color Allahu zecca, you know, he will be able to purify himself, our cover photographer would pick up where he may be reminded he may have a beneficial reminder. I think what we take from this is number one, when it comes to the Dharma, when it comes to calling others to Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's for everybody, as we have mentioned in detail before. So this that way is not only for the rich, or only for the poor, it's for everybody, as a as somebody calling to Allah Spanner, which I love. Your message should not only be associated

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with a specific group, because the message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam itself was for everybody is for the world for mankind and Gene kind.

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Yes, absolutely. And we find in the same breath Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had turned away from who he whom the devil was most beneficial for at the time. So he didn't realize this whilst he was doing it, but he did so. And the same goes for us in our lives. Sometimes we doing something and we don't realize that we're turning away from that which is most beneficial for us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, maybe he can i Allah who is aware that COVID 10,000 was declared under ministers enough and terrible solder? Well, not La Casa La zeca. Well, I'm in Jeddah case I will Jolla. So he describes this man in a very positive light, light. Now, when something becomes

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easy for us, or something is made, you know, simple for us in our lives, we can also learn from this that, you know, perhaps following that up, will bring a lot of benefit in our lives. And sometimes we persevere at something which is very difficult and hard. Yet, there is no you know, it doesn't open up easily for us. So it's better for us to focus on that which is easier. Yes, if there is light at the end of the tunnel, you can keep trying. But you've been trying for years, you've been trying for a very long time. It's been very hard. On the other side, you find that it's very easy for you to do something into that which is easy for you to do. And you'll achieve much more in that

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You know, similar point. We can derive from the stories that what's in your hand or what's with you, you can give that your attention instead of looking for something a bit further.

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Basically this man, the blind man, he was already a Muslim, and he is coming to get more. So he's already in the fold the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Not to say that was wrong to give to other people. No, it's also there, but at that particular moment, Allah Genova, Allah is telling him that it was better for you to look at those or to give your attention to the one who is with you in following the same religion as you, instead of the one who is rich, he doesn't need. He doesn't mean Well, he really human he really doesn't even want to believe himself. These are some of the prominent people. So I think that's also a similar point we can take from that.

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Yes, absolutely.

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As we mentioned before, this is also a miracle of the Quran, a miracle to show that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with this plan and didn't make it up because here they are versus reprimanding him. Surely, if somebody comes with something made up, they would have come up with something that criticizes them in such a manner. So this along with many other verses in the Quran, we find that you know, it's it's amazing to know that this Quran even though it's the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the best of creation, if he made a mistake, Allah subhanho, wa Taala, you know, correct that mistake. Moving on, we go to solar to the borouge last panel, which Allah

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makes mention of the story of the people of dude, basically, in brief. In the from the previous nations, there was a group of people who they were living under a king. And it's a very long story mentioning that authentic books of a hadith. This King had a magician and the magician, he was getting old. So he wanted one of the youngsters so he could teach him the trade in case he died, so he will pass it on. So the king gave him one of the youngsters and this youngster on the way he would go from his house to the magician to learn on the way he would pass by a Yamaha a is worship or somebody who believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he would pass from here today and passed by

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both of them. So he would learn from the good person from the religious person, as well as from the magician. There's a lot of detail mentioned in it. Eventually, what happens is one of the kings advises he loses his eyesight, and he hears of a boy was going around the evening lecturing people. So he then goes to this boy and tells him You know what, kill me and this boy says, I don't feel it's only a last panel which Allah who kills believe in what I believe in, and even Illa, I will make one Allah will kill you. So he believes and this blind person, he is cured. The one who was an advisor was sitting around the king, one day, he's sitting with the king, and the king tells him

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that, isn't it true that you you were once blind and now you've got your eyesight back? So he says, Yes, he says, Who brought it back? He says, My Lord, who is your node? I'm your Lord. So he says, No, my Lord is Allah Subhana. Allah, after that, they get this boy, even they torture this person who says that Allah is his Lord. Eventually he tells about the boy, they torture the boy. Eventually they tell about

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the pious person or this Rohit, this religious person. Basically, the whole point of the story then carries on into what they did to them. Allah subhana wa Jalla revealed this, these verses at a time where the Muslims were going through difficulty, and it was to show them that they were people from the previous nations who went through as much at the time. So be patient, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then says that they were people from the previous nations, as was done to this kings advisor, as well as this religious person, they would be brought, and so would be put in the middle of their heads and they would be cut in half. Allah Subhana which Allah protect us. So this

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was a message to the Muslims at the time and the Muslims throughout time, through difficulties Be patient, it will people who came before you also inside ohare when the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned a similar punishment. This was at a time where the Muslims were going through extreme difficulty in market and he's telling them to be patient, people are being tortured, people are being killed, and he's telling them to be patient. And he says, Well, can I come with a strategy? No, this isn't Sahih al Bukhari he says, You are hasty you know what you're not being patient enough the time will come be patient. And I think that's, that's a message for us as Muslims

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also when we read the surah when we read this Hadith, yes, we should obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. We try our best we do what is in our means and capacity. At the same time, we shouldn't be hasty or, you know, impatient.

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Yes, absolutely. Allah He we really need to be patient when it comes to.

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You know what Allah subhanho wa Taala decides when his help will come and his victory will come. That is all

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from Allah subhanho wa Taala for him to decide on his timeline. Of course, we've got to do our best in order to ensure that we ask Allah subhana wa Taala for that helpful that we create and expect it to come and never lose hope in that. But ultimately he works on his timeline. And in between these two is patience, you basically having patience or waiting for Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, Allah subhanaw taala says in the larina Fateh will mean in our community for millennia to Allah, mother will Johanna, indeed those who have punished or tortured the believing men and women, and they did not repent for them is the punishment of the Fire. Now, these people had actually built up

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a fire and we're throwing the believing men and women into this fire yet Allah subhanho wa Taala says for them is the fire fellow mother, Buganda Mother Mother will hurry up, and for them is that punishment that is very burning, you know, burns a person etc, as his his skin, so to speak. So, here, they were throwing these people into the fire, not realizing that they were throwing themselves into the fire. So sometimes we feel like we're punishing other people, yet we're punishing ourselves by doing something, and to put it into much lighter terms, but at the same time, it is a reality where we sometimes feel that by doing something, we're hurting our spouse, or

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hurting someone close

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to our parents, yet, in reality, we're harming ourselves and nobody but ourselves. So this happens, especially in in a marital home, where the wife, husband and wife are fighting, and they've gotten into an argument, he's done something wrong, or she's done something wrong, and the opposite party or the so to speak, the spouse wants to go and do the same in order to hurt that person. You doing the same won't hurt that person, or it may help that person, but it will hurt you in the process as well. So I think that we've got to take a lesson from this. And realize that, you know, sometimes doing something that we perceive to be harmful to someone else can actually be harmful to our own

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beings. As mentioned, in some of the books have texted even Jerry robbery or himolla, he mentions it, he says In summary, why at after they made this big fire. And for those who don't know the story, we'll just finish it off quickly. So this boy, after he was, you know, taken and tortured, they tried to kill him and they couldn't kill him, then he told them that there's one way you will be able to kill me. And that's if you take an arrow and you say Bismillah, ar bilgola, I'm basically calling out in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala to do this action. And if you shoot so they, he said, gather all the people and do that. So he gathered all the people that can gather everybody at

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the time. And they did what they were ordered to do. And they shot the arrow in to him and he died. So after he died, they were very happy because they were trying to kill him and they couldn't kill him. Now his side, what they didn't realize is everybody else around who was there to sit in said, we believe in the Lord of this boy. And after that, the king decided that you know what, let's gather these people put them into large trenches or holes, whatever it may be, and they lit a big and blazing fire. Getting back to the point that as you mentioned, sometimes you're trying to punish somebody else. And you don't know that you're punishing yourself. It's mentioned that they made a

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big blazing fire. And they sat on the top watching, watching these believers being thrown in or they were going to be thrown in. Some of them have a city mentioned that before the believers were thrown in. They had Allah subhanho wa Taala had taken their souls away. As for this fire, it had come out and he started coming out of these holes or changes and it burned these people also. That's why one of the interpretations were last panel which Allah says that they had fire in this world and they will have it in the next that is one of the interpretations that they themselves were also burnt. So as you mentioned, you try to torture or punish somebody else so many times you don't know that

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you're punishing yourself firstly.

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Love what kind of what Allah protect us.

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The last story we want to touch on in Surah. In the story of the elephant there was an army that came with elephants in order to destroy the Kaaba. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this in Surah twill fi he says lm tala k for Florida will carry us heavy. Do you not know all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were you not given information? The news not reach you about the people of the elephant

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A large army came with elephants in order to destroy the cat. But Allah subhanho wa Taala protects a cat but not by sending a major army or by sucking them into the earth. He sends birds with stones and these stones out this army, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this, this occurred, according to the most common opinion in the year wherein Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born. What we take from this, along with the stories of the other messengers is that the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala can come from any way Here, hold on army of very strong and mighty armies being destroyed by birds, just pelting stones. And this, this shows that you know, your punishment,

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if somebody does something wrong, may Allah save us, it can come from anywhere from above, from below, you know, from right from left from a person from an animal from anything.

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Yes, absolutely. And, you know, in the story where

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Abdullah Ali goes to Abraham is speaking to him, and he says, I have 200 camels that have been stolen by your people, please return those candles, etc. And he says, you know, Abraham is shocked at how come, you're asking about the camels when I've come to destroy the karma. And he says, I normally really were willing baby up on me, I'm the master of the camels and the house as a lump, and a master that will protect it and look after it. So you know, that which belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. That which has to do with Allah subhanho wa Taala his sanctity, we should never violate that as well. You know, that's something that we can take from this because, you know,

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sometimes, and I've heard scholars talking about this, you hear youngsters, you see them, passing by the masjid, they've got the music blasting, and they see the masjid, they feel a bit in there, they feel guilty in their hearts, and they turn it down. That's a sign of a man and belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala, it shows that they have some sort of consideration for that which Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, loves and is close to him. They see a chef or a mobile learner, so to speak, and then they feel like no, let me put it down the music, or they hide what they're drinking, or they're smoking or something, this is actually a sign of some sort of hope for this person. Whereas if you

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see someone who goes past the masjid and you know, raises the volume of the music, or that person doesn't really care about what Allah subhanho wa Taala case for. So we've got to, we've got to really, you know, try and

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this is a sign, so to speak, you know, previously, we would see that this was something that was done and it would happen. Whereas today, even that seems to be getting less and less. So some panel made something that we can really learn from

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Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us and grant us all goodness share tonight, today's stories, is there anything else you'd like to touch on in these stories?

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Not really, to be honest with you.

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So I said that, with the stories that we spoke about today, is there anything else you'd like to add on?

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No, not really. Not on the stories and shall we come in as for the whole the program as a whole hamdulillah it's been 30 days, it was something not really planned anything else you anything you'd like to mention about the program.

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Allah Al Hamdulillah, it's been a really nice time sitting and discussing, you know, it's a different way of doing things. Usually you have one person talking, and sometimes it gets monotonous. Sometimes it becomes hard for a person to come up with the things to, you know, put out there, for example, whereas here we were learning from each other to kind of learn, we learned from the viewers as well, when they post the comments, sometimes they ask things where you've got to go into a bit of research, sometimes you know what it is, but it brings other aspects to light. So I think in this type of discussion is a lot of benefit. And we perhaps you know, I may have gone

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wrong, I can be corrected

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at the you know, at the same time, and in that moment, rather than waiting for later. So I think there's a lot of different angles have benefits that we can gain from such discussions where it's not focused specifically on one person or in one you know, way of doing things is

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Alhamdulillah. We thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for that, and I thank you Firstly, our handle of taking out your time we've had, you know, an amazing time together speaking about you know, there's nothing better to be speaking about and, of course, on the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the blessed month

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perma ban we've gone through some of the stories there's still a lot more that can be mentioned and touched on we've just scratched the surface taken a few stories mentioned a few points and we hope that was beneficial We ask Allah Subhana Allah you know to accept from us and grant us all more a few things I'd like to mention a lot of people asking about their eat Salah will because of the situation on the ground the current situation what should people do is a lot of different opinions remember this is a masala of HD hard this is fixed it's something that's not really happened before something that's not really happened before Yes, the scholar speak about a person who may have

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missed eat speaking about a bar, but what about a person who can't perform eat in the first place I've come across at least four or five different opinions. We're not saying that it's halal or haram we're saying that this is a masala that hasn't really occurred in India history or something similar with the whole world it's very hard to perform it I think one of the opinions is you will read it either as is at home Another one is that the whole eat Salah falls away another opinion is you just read to rock out without the hook but fourth opinion I'll give you is that you read for a cat without any extra technical and there are more opinions what I want to get to is whether you did

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this or you did this you did this summer Salah, which is each Jihad inshallah you are only between two rewards and one reward and it's not something which is right and wrong. It's not really a good deed and a sin. No, inshallah, it's only good deeds, you can ask a scholar or your local Imam, your local committee for more guidance when it comes to this. The main thing is don't make it a big fuss and a big deal. And start fighting when it comes to this type of muscle or arguing. giving out your whole arm a band for nothing. It's something that you know, has rarely ever occurred in history, and that these things happen. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for everybody.

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I mean, I mean, and we thank the viewers as well for joining us, a lot of people saying just a level here and in response to that, you know, may Allah subhanho wa Taala reward them as well for joining us. It's been lovely having them on the discussions as well.

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I mean, I mean chefin had a plan going forward a lot of people saying that we should carry on with these types of sessions, obviously the month of Ramadan, it was a bit easier to be on it daily, but inshallah as we were discussing, maybe for a week we'll give it a break and maybe by the weekend inshallah, by that time we would have returned from the at least at least once a week maybe twice a week depending but inshallah we will carry on and how it was before Ramadan, we maybe will picking a topic and speaking about a topic in general so we'll it will be in the future about social media, drugs or something similar inshallah.

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Yes, absolutely. I think that's something that we can do. Once or twice a week is excellent and insha Allah, if we give that week for people to just take it easy and relaxing, shall night will be a good one, as well. So that we will be able to, you know, also just give ourselves a bit of a break in shall this recuperate in sha Allah. As for all those who've been following Jesus on level one may Allah subhanho wa Taala reward you we've learned a lot from you make the most of these few hours or maybe one more day of the month of Ramadan generally lasts last words you'd like to mention.

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Like you mentioned, there's just a few hours now so to speak of Ramadan and it's something we write at the end of the season you try and make the most of it and benefit the most from it because only Allah Subhana Allah knows who will be here next year, won't we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the ability to benefit from these last few hours and to see many more of them advanced.

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Amin Amin Sheva now before I let you go Just quickly, two things. The first is a lot of people they have suggestions as to what topics you can maybe tell us in the comments or somehow you can get hold of us and inshallah slowly we will try and fit those in and discuss them another thing there's a lot of people who ask questions at time sometimes in the inbox, we can't get to all these questions so many times there's so many and sometimes Me Myself, I don't know the answer. You know, somebody asks you about this, this this and you don't know it. So it's very difficult. We ask you to excuse us when it comes to maybe not replying. It's not because of anything else. Sometimes it's a lot of

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things and sometimes the answers we may not have with us. So with that said chef and anything else who inshallah we see you now our next session.

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We'll see you in our next session, check on Zakah

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I mean we can wailuku

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to light your vodka to I think it's about to be raining here in Medina Sharla Mashallah, Mashallah. It's quite something

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so now

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