Hussain Kamani – Beginning Of Guidance 11

Hussain Kamani
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You're listening to the Calum Institute podcast series, beginning of guidance by saying Kimani

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To find out more information of the saints column course entitled the prophetic code, a study of prophetic manners and etiquette. Visit Olam slash prophetic code.

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him 100 Allah, Allahu Akbar so dominello by the learning of Safa, so sanada so you should have a hard time with them via Allah, Allah, Allah skia wasabi Hinata I'm about

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double, Mr. Murthy, the advocate of leading and following in the prayer, yes 76

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the man should make the prayer. Okay, so the first so in this chapter. Previously, we discussed the method of praying Salah. So you walk through step by step, the correct method of praying Salah was added after like it also gave us a very beautiful spiritual tips on how to improve our saliva focus on prayer. And now after this nightmare was handed off to LA he is discussing the chapter on being a new mom and a follower. The chapter after this is the chapter of Zuma. And then the closing chapter of the first section is the chapter of fasting then after that chapter, the first third of the book will be completed and we'll move to the second third inshallah. So in this chapter, the

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first starts off highlighting some of the etiquettes of being an Imam. And then he discusses some of the etiquettes of being a follower now where he discusses the etiquettes of being a new mom, even wasabia Allahu Allah, He points out eight major points that there are eight major points that one must be aware of, when intending to be an Imam. And the first of the eight mm was added to lahia. Allah says, young believing in me and you have people salata that it is appropriate, it is most deserving, most appropriate for the Imam, that when he leads the prayer, he keeps the prayer short. The prayer for the Imam standpoint should be short, and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

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told us that when you lead the prayer be considered of the weakest person in your gathering. So there is a person in your gathering who's seven years old, and he can't stand for more than three minutes at a time. They needed to make sure your pockets do not surpass three minutes. Or if there is a need for that seven year person to spend a little extra time and then make it such that just a tad bit longer. So that way you're accommodating for that person. If the movement shouldn't be so fast, you can't go so fast from rakuen to standing up because that 80 year old person they needed to accommodate that person. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was teaching this year that whoever

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is the mom should shorten it. There was an incident where the Sahaba they complained to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because you have to remember in Medina, Managua, there were multiple areas where Jamaat was held. Obviously, the main Jamaat was in the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But in the outskirts, there was another Majid there, and the next nearby area, there was another mustard there. So a group of people that came in said, O Messenger of Allah, our local Imam makes the prayer too long. And we're all tired all day, we work in the field selling, buying, tired, exhausted, we don't get time with our families. And when we do come home, we come for

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a short prayer, and the mom makes it so long that we don't even feel like praying behind him. Because it's so long. It's becoming a fitna for us. So the Prophet said a lot while he was seven he called the Imam and they said to him, a photon and that are you causing fitna in your community by making your Salah long. If you make your Salah long people won't want to come to the masjid. So keep yourself out short. So what we learned from this is that when we do pre salaat The principle is that if you are praying with the congregation, always try to keep it short. However, if you are praying alone, then the principle is keep it as long as you wish to. When the Sahaba they talk about the

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sorry, the the Hudson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they mentioned that it was so long that the feet of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would become sore. Imagine how long you have to stand in one place for your feet to become sore. That was a very long prayer. But when it comes to the other prayers of the prophets of Allah, Allah it was certainly described his his father Salah as being quick. However, there were times that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself did prolong the Salah as well. There are times like this, for example, the very famous narration that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the final Salah he led in his life in which the Sahaba

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heard and reciting was the negative Salah. The final saw the Prophet led in his life before he passed away in which he read now there was the negative solar and in that solar, what he recited was Surah Al Marsala insha Allah Surat is the last surah of the 29th years of the Quran, which if you open the Quran, it's roughly two pages one and a half to two pages, depending on how many lines you have in the Koran, roughly two pages long. So that's a decent recitation for a mother of Salah generally, you would expect just a few lines. So there are instances where the profits are long, it was sort of read longer, but generally the purpose of the law while it was set on would keep it

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short. In particular, where the gatherings were very large. In our communities, what happens is that if there are a few people in salon the Imam reads very short, if there are 5000 people leaving or he's following Him, then he'll make sure it's half an hour long Salah hear the purpose of the law while he was sitting was the other way around when it came to Juma and eat the prayers. The purpose of the long Alia was Saddam's recitation was more or less set everyone knew in Houma, Salah.

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And it's Allah He will most commonly recite which two suitors.

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So Allah subhanaw taala because Allah and then the second part was Russia attack Russia, each one roughly half a page long stood out three quarters of a page long. So these were the fixed not like they weren't mandatory, but more or less the purpose of the semester. Generally we cite these sources in the in the insula or in the or in the Juma prayer to keep it short because you have to bear in mind such a large congregation different people again, different temperaments, different things that need to, they need to attend back to so we learn here is that when you're praying Salah alone, you can make it long, but when you're the Imam you should keep it short. And this is a sign

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of sincerity as well. The she'll say this is a sign of sincerity, and a sign of lack of sincerity is that in Gemma you're long, but in a loan, you're short.

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The scholar say this is a sign of lack of sincerity, that enzymology read for 20 minutes per cup. But when you're alone, it's just three minutes protocol very quickly. The assignments and security is that your Jamaat you should keep it short, and that when you're alone, you should pull along it and make it very long between you and Allah subhana wa tada You know, this I remember our teacher once told us a little story kind of like a joke that's related to this particular point right here that there was a person he was standing in the machine that he was praying Salah was he was rocking side to side I told you guys a story right? He wasn't he was praying and he was rocking side to side

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like this. So there was a shift sitting next to him he said brother you know after Salah was over he asked the Brother Why were you rocking and salata side side to side like this. Because Allah says in the Quran Oh cuckoo Marilla he called me tea in the Salah prayer be firm, be solid be still be focused in prayer. But this man was rocking side to side like this. So he said brother Don't disturb me. The hottie doesn't say Muslim.

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But it is saying the Hadees isn't it's an authentic narration. So the chef was thinking man I've been teaching for a Muslim for almost 20 years have heard this one yet. He said brother Can you please show me the hurry? So that brother he went to the went to the shelf and he picked up the EU translation as a Muslim all the translation and you open the Hadith is a shift right here look now the Hadith was man can a man woman come for your coffee Sala whoever is the Imam from the monks you should keep the prayer short. The shift look at the Arabic He said I don't see how you do this rocking insula from this is quite straightforward, but if you email keep it short. He's a shift

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don't look at the Arabic look at the otaku.

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So then check that Okay, let's look at the order. So he looked there. And they said to Mr. Joe Imam who went to Moscow, in Arabic, in Urdu, there are two types of years one is the yard the Lusaka s, which gives the pronunciation of e and the other one is the long Yeah, which gives the pronunciation of a so the word for so the word was har lamb calf and the car instead of the other. Yeah. So it said to Mr. Joe Imam who in the Moscow Hill paper

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as opposed to saying hello, keeper. This is a smaller type printer very long Yeah, when they when they were when they were typing it, and the whole word changed altogether. halki means to keep it

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short and Hill came into rock walk printing the exact same letters ha Lam cuff just the wrong Yeah, I was there and the whole word change altogether. So she has to say that don't be Don't be one of those who learn their Deen from reading online. And don't be one of those people who learn that the inter reading translations because the deen isn't learned through reading translations, you have to go back to the original texts. And when you read the original text, you'll find sometimes that the more beautiful points that Allah subhana wa tada is mentioning that law that is locked within the Arabic language because it's a very beautiful language. Anyway, you should learn that when you

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praise Allah. When we praise Allah, we should try to keep it short, Fatima Masada. La provides a hadith from Mr. Mallika de la one yes.

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I did not really know very much. And it's Monica the last one. He wasn't a person who just visited the Prophet sallallahu. It was sort of once in his life or twice in his life. When the Prophet arrived in Madina, munawwara he joined the Prophet sallallahu it was sort of more or less than that type. In the early days, as soon as a prophet arrived in Medina, he met the Prophet said a lot of setup. And then he served the purpose of the law while he was set up until the Prophet passed away. So he was more or less the companion to the purpose of the law while he was sitting for 10 years straight. 10 years morning and evening, he was a servant. So he should actually be inside the house,

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cooking, not cooking, but anything that needs to be done and finished to be fixed any errands that need to be run any small things here and there. He was the person that was basically inside and outside the house, the popsicle also taking care of everything. So he had seen the purpose of the law while he was praying for, you know, five times a day he was more or less like a hip connection, you would say he was so close. So now he's describing the Prophet salallahu audio sounds prayer, yes. Not pretty behind. Anyway, I did not pray behind anyone, which denotes here. He's not talking about the individual prayer of the Prophet colossal him. He's talking about the Juma prayer for the

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purpose of love. So you guys understand that? He's not talking about the Prophet printing alone. He said, I did not pray behind meaning that he's talking about the congregation. That in terms of congregation Yes, I did not pray behind anyone whose prayer was more read or more complete than the profit of a law seminar.

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So the prayer was brief but at the same time What was it?

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It was complete. So we're not talking about brief and incomplete that's wrong. We're talking about brief and also complete as well. The purpose of the law while it was set on a short prayer was short it was brief, but at the same time when you saw the purpose of the law sort of every aspect of the prayer all the other all the sudden all the watch about all the fluoride every single aspect of the prayer, all the etiquettes are being met from top to bottom. Yes.

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Now here's the second etiquette mmm was it so the first etiquette was keeper prayer short as the month. Now the second etiquette for being a mom, Yes, mom should not make the opening. More than has not yet finished the call to come in. So until the end doesn't finish that finish the farmer the Imam should not start the Salah. This is common in some communities, the margin is still saying by the farmer this subtle comment, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah and Mr. Mercer Allahu Akbar.

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The mother hasn't even finished a comma, and the mom has already started. So hurry, mom was saying no, wait for him to completely finish the bomb off. Once he has completely finished a diploma don't start right away. Now you have to give a little break? What is the break for

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shredding the lines in order to turn around and make sure the lines are straight? Is that line straight? Are there any gaps here? Okay, there's a gap there. You have to think of that your mom is like a coach. You guys understand that. And he coaches his congregation. This idea of not calling your coach your congregation is not right. But however if you know your the people behind you, you've been working with them for years and you know they're used to making their lines, then there's no need to prolong that gap. If you know that they're everyone's been here for a while they know the drill, let them move on. Otherwise, you turn around and walk around. They say the purpose

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of the law while he was selling was to walk through the lines. And before prayer, they would make an announcement. So stop means stretching your lines. So study move, make your line straight. How do we know monoket make sure there are no gaps between your shoulders, make sure they're all lined up. So don't color open, fill in the gaps. So making sure the line is proper. And you know the purpose they say that the lines of the Sahaba were so straight that you can fire an arrow and it wouldn't hit anyone. Everyone was lined up properly and straight in line. Now sometimes people they don't line up for different reasons. Sometimes the person may stand a little back or a little front. At times it

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may be because they're just not paying attention. That's not acceptable. You should make sure you're standing right. Some people in their lineup, they make sure that they don't stand properly because they don't feel like they want to touch the shoulder with the person next to them.

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This happens they don't want the shoulder touch the person next and they may think that he's not clean, he's not whatever that case is in Solano. You have to make sure you stand in no matter where your shoulders are touching. The top of the park system saw a man whose Tesla's sticking out he said stick your chest inside. And the park system said that the so when the subwoofer come over your Harley from the La Habana. kulu become that either you straighten the lines in prayer, or Allah will disperse your hearts. He won't be a United Nation anymore. Such a powerful thing right? Your Alma won't be united if you don't stand if you don't straighten your lines. This is a very important

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principle that when we straighten up our lines making sure that we're always in line together. Yes, that the man should reason boys with every year, but the follower should only raise his voice so that he can at least hear himself. So that's the third etiquette. The third etiquette is that when the Imam makes the Cubby, he needs to make sure that everyone can hear him. Now in this day and age Alhamdulillah we have mics so becomes a lot easier. Otherwise, what this is referring to, according to many scholars, is that if the congregation is large, then the Imam shouldn't be someone who has low voice, because the people at the back won't be able to hear him. The mom should be someone who

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has a firm coarse voice so everyone can hear him. Yes, there is a concept of having a mocha be someone who conveys that the computer during the Salah repeats the beat of the Imam. But ideally you want the Imam to be someone who has a strong hoarse voice who can powerful voice so everyone can hear him when he reads a thick beard and they can follow along. Yes, the mouse and the mouse should make the intention of leading the prayer in order to attain the marriage of doing now one thing sorry, we're gonna go back to that. Here we talked about the Imam raising his voice and giving the community however the followers they shouldn't say loudly. Now if I'm leading the prayer and you're

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behind me and I see a lot of luck about that you should see a lot of awkward but when you see a lot of awkward How long should you say enough for you to hear yourself? You shouldn't be seeing a lot enough to know the whole congregation is hearing it. Okay. There is no concept of that. If I say something Allahu Allah Mohammed Ah, now you're open our look at him should be open our law, Akbar. You can read the thick beard but again, this large enough for you to hear yourself. Yes, some scholars say you won't read that the committee only going to read that the spear. But for those scholars who do say you will read the thick beard, then only loud enough for you to hear yourself

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not to disturb other people. Only the Imams voice should be heard by everyone. Yes, they should make the intention of reading their prayer in order to attain the merit of doing so. So we know the actions are based off intentions. If you make an intention to be the leader, you'll get the reward of being a leader. Being a leader is a very good thing. You have to remember this is a very good thing. The Prophet said a lot while he was said and this was one of his that he was so punctual on. There's only one instance only one instance in the entire life of the purpose of the lawn while he was sitting where he prayed a complete slob behind someone else.

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You guys know that? How many times only once and then after that

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salsa went to that hobby and he said to him, that every prophet prays behind his one person from his own line, Allah has made me pray behind you. You were that lucky person otherwise, behind no one else, which means every prayer who was the Imam, the prophet was a, it's a good thing to be an Imam, it's not a bad thing. But in order to be any Mom, you have to be,

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have to be qualified. That's a good point that you have to be deserving and worthy of being any good reputation has to at least be proper, your appearance has to be properly at least have to be a leader or person that people in the community can look up to. This is the principle here the shoot, the scholars mentioned that if a sinner leads prayer, the Salah will count. But however, it's not the best idea. The reason is because the leader is someone that everyone looks up to everyone respects that person. And your person that that leads appears should be someone that everyone views as a role model as an ideal that we want to be like this person too. That's why it's preferred that

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a pious person should be that amount. However, if you're asked to lead and you are worthy of it, you do have the qualifications you can recite, then it's been nine, you should go for it. He shouldn't shy away from it. This is as soon as possible of Saddam, that he was very punctual on himself. So in order to get that reward, make the intention. Yes. If he does not form this question, then as long as the followers have made their intention to be followers, their prayer is correct, and he will attain the mirror of following. I'll tell you one thing when you're praying Salah, according to the Hanafi school of thought, you cannot be an Imam until you make intention to me anyhow. And you have

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to make intention, especially for the sisters as well. Now, if a person starts praying salon, he didn't make intention for sisters, in the Hanafi school of thought, if the women joined the prayer, their prayer won't count. You guys understand that? Because the Imam did not make attention for them. Therefore, they cannot be a part of the congregation. So as any mom, especially in a country or in a community where women are always more or less in the mustards or they're praying, by default, always make the intention for women. You guys understand that? Even if there's not a lady there make the intention anyway, because if they don't, if they're not here, now, it's possible they

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may join later on. Similarly, if I'm praying alone, and someone wants to join me in prayer, can they join me? Yes or no?

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Well, it depends if I made the intention to be the Imam. Now if I started praying alone, and I said Allahu Akbar, and someone else wants to join me, he can't join me because I never made intention to be a mom. However, if even though I'm praying alone, I make intention anyway. I'm praying alone, but I'm making tension as for being a mom, anyone joins along, then in that case, they can come and join me and pray along with me. You guys understand that? So the point that I'm making is, even if you're praying alone, always make attention to be a mom as well. Someone might join you. That way you can get the reward for Gemma at the same time. Yes, the man should see the opening supplication in the

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Dow. Now this is etiquette number four. Yes.

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Emergency the opening supplication and the Dow was silently like wandering alone. He should resign the party in the sutra allowed him both for about the pleasure. The to the end, the first observation individual brain alone does the same. So here a man was at least teaching us something when he's teaching us here. And etiquette number four as the Imam when to read loudly when to read silently. So he says the opening dua and Allah Subhana Allah home obey Hamza silently or loudly, silently. Then he says, I will be learning malicious energy mad louder silently, silently. Now after that. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, according to the Hanafi school of thought that is also silent. Now

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when you come to the recitation of Surah Fatiha in the surah. You only read it loudly in three prayers in the first two tickets, which three prayers, Father muggle event Isha and only the first two records. That's it not more than that. So that's what he highlighted here. And then remember that is similarly for the one who's praying alone. For the one who's praying alone. If you're praying alone at home or praying alone in the masjid, you have an option. You can either pray loudly or you can pray silently. It's up to you. You have an option. You're not mandated to pray loudly if you want. You can pray loudly as well. But here he's given us a footnote, footnote number 30. Yes,

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school This is mandatory. You have a

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choice to read aloud or silently in both the audible and silent prayers in the heart of your school, but it is mandatory. It's watching for the Imam to pray loudly. If the mom doesn't read loudly he forgets backs and then at the end, he'll have to research this out to make up for that mistake. Yes. The mom should see being allowed in the audible prayer mom should say Amina loudly again. This is according to which school of thought the Shafi according to scope out we all know that the man will say certainly but we read the footnote anyway, footnote 31, the Honorable

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Juma, et cetera in which the party company recitation is done,

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and then read the next footnote as well regarding amin,

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amin, amin should always be sent silently in prayer according to the Hanafi school, if silently, like I said discussed last week, does it mean non existent means not enough for you to hear yourself? Don't just stand there quietly. When you're reading salaat after the fact.

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Allah Allah Pauline made it loud enough for you to hear so I mean, yes, the follower should see his army at the same time the man says not afterwards.

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etiquette number five Yes. That he

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pause for a moment of silence after the party has to catch his breath. Okay, so now after that Mr. Reed certified before he goes to the second Now, take a little break and catch your breath. Yes footnote in Hanafi school a pause equivalent to the time it takes to slowly recite recall these would necessitate a frustration of forgetting forgetfulness. Additionally, the follower may not recite the Fatiha since the emancipation is sufficient for the follower. So the footnote mentions two things. First thing if you're praying behind an Imam, will he read Fatiha? No, you're going to remain silent. The second thing here him because Allah said after you read sort of Fatiha before you

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go to the next surah take a little break, take a little pause to catch your breath. But the Hanafi school of thought you can take a pause but it can't be too long.

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You cannot have a break in your salon in which you're doing nothing. For more than three Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, if you haven't braked that long and what you're doing nothing in your prayer, if you're a mom or if you're reading alone, that mandates such that to sell I'm sorry, yes, it says to sell the sense that the end to make up for that mistake. So you can't have random pauses in your salon. You have to have continuity. So you can take a little break there and maybe just a quick break once a while but then you have to get on with it right away and don't make a break too long. Yes.

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The follow should not resize any sooner rather than later in the

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interview the voice of the man again, this is the shot for the school of thought Yes, the man should not so now this is not etiquette number six There are eight etiquettes this etiquette number six for the amount. Yes, the man should not see more than three has been well boring. And while frustrating. So while in record studio don't reach 200 or below them or 200 a bit more than how many times three. Why only three because the amount of responsibility is to keep the prayer short, not to make it long. So let's stop at three and move forward to the next move and in the solid. Yes, nor should he anything more in the first question. After the words. Oh my lord bless.

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Now you're praying for God after the tour because you sit down and you read the show.

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About until the end. Now once you read that the shuffle.

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Once that's done, don't read the durood now you're not supposed to because you're praying for cuts and you're only we've only prayed to God so far. After that the show would move on with your prayer. Yes. Now etiquette number seven.

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He should

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he should not listen to prayer for the follower. So the last two tickets, the last two rockets when you're praying, you're praying. We're talking about quality Okay, and the thought of prayer last to the cops you only reach to the Fatiha don't read that don't read anything more than that with the Fatiha quickly, and then go into the last to the gods. So generally be shorter than the first two rockets because the first rockets, it's sort of at the end of the last circuit, it's only sort of idea. So making it quicker, according to the Hanafi school of thought. If a person even stands there and says Subhanallah three times that will suffice you don't have to read the Fatiha but ideally

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obviously according to the sooner we know that we should read the Fatiha. So we should follow the complete signal. Yes, he should now this is the last etiquette Yes, he should not lengthen his application in the less pressure who would be on the combined length of the threshold itself and the sending of blessings upon Muhammad the messenger of a loss of an hourly was Hello. Okay, now here a man was Alia hunter Allahu Allah is telling us. We know in the last setting of prayer, there are three things we do. We read the showered, we then some sort of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and at the end we make law. Is that correct? Right? Yes or no? Yes. So remember that he says the

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last part of the law you make. Don't make the duel so long that it's longer than these two combined together. You guys understand that? So let's say that the stronghold in the doodle put together took you a minute 30 seconds for example. Okay. Now that why should not be longer than a minute 30 seconds. It should be shorter than that a minute. Okay, that's enough. Now the law generally be the draw the reader's allotment settlement around or whatever the law that you you know, there are so many laws that you can read during that period. So after you read your law, and your prayer, but if you want to make it very long, that don't do anything more than shout and the truth is, when making

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a closing salutation, the amount of intense selling piece of congregation while the followers should in turn by their salutation the returning of his reading of peace. Okay, now when you make a Salaam Aleykum you say Assalamualaikum aleikum wa rahmatullah and he stopped there. Not more than that, okay. You don't read about a car to warm up filetto table Surat Nanda salam, aleikum wa rahmatullah Rahmani Kumara tala. Yes. Immediately after the salutation, the man should turn around and face the followers. Now after Salah is over, what should they do? Should he keep his back for the followers or face the followers? He should face them when he faces them. Ideally, when he's turning, he should

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make the turn to his right direction. So he should move in his right direction following his right arm until he is facing the crowd. Everyone in the shoulder not towards the left side should resign. For the right side. Yes. Immediately after this allegation, the man should turn around and face the followers. He should refrain however from doing so if there are women behind him.

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Why should the man face the followers, obviously, because it's going to be a while or there may be some questions or any whatever the case may be, so you can face them after the Salah is over. And the other thing that scholars say is because if someone now comes from outside to the masjid, he knows the prayers over

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because the amount has turned around. So they know the prayer allows over, go prayer or now go, whatever needs to be done, you can go ahead and do that. But now you won't join the gym anymore. There won't be any mistakes more or less. That's one of the reasons the hairy man because it makes a very important point that if women are in the same Masjid, then the Imam will not turn around until the women are gone. You guys understand that? So which means that the man will continue to face forward, he won't turn around until the women are gone. Now you have to note here, he remembers Aria speaking and you learn this. It's very clear from his words right here. Why when he turned around

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why when he turned around until the women are gone.

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Because he's going to see them right read the sentence, sir.

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He should refrain however from doing so if there are women behind him, allowing them nearby to leave first because he did not want to see them. That's what he would wait there until they are gone. Once the woman are gone to give them like a minute or two minutes, depending on how many women they are, whatever time they need, and the amount of turn around make the law because he's facing the congregation directly. So you're seeing them all. So that way to avoid it. Now. I had mentioned this in a context and his time where there were no dividers between the men and women and they prayed in one budget, that if there is a divider, like there's a there's a divider there or there's a wall

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there in the middle. And there's no need for the Imam to wait for the women to go he can turn around because he won't see them. If he turns around. The Mongols are speaking from his messages from his standpoint, we're in his mosque, men and women prayed or from this, from this text, what we learned, they prayed, but there wasn't a divider in the middle. So if the mom turned around, he would see them. And that case is better for him to remain facing forward until they leave. Yes,

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he should rise to the mountain rises. Now this is again, a very beautiful, have a very beautiful etiquette. You shouldn't get up and leave after Salah until the mom stands up first just out of respect for a man but let him stand up first. And then we're going to move along. Yes, the man can turn to leave from his right or his left as he wishes to consider the right to be preferable. The mom should not specify himself in this application of Hulu in the budget. It says something very beautiful. He says when the man makes any law, whether it's Hulu or any door in general, don't just make the offer yourself make to offer the congregation you understand that? So don't say oh Lord,

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give me good risk or law. Give me this give. So don't use me. Because you're the Imam there's a congregation there. So say us we all are give us this or law we asked you so he's saying use the plural form of single person when making law? Yes. rather he should say Oh, law guidance. He should say it aloud and the congregation should should say armies hearing man because it is teaching us the importance of making the law together after Salah. What does he mean because it is saying here he should make the dua out loud and what should the congregants say? They should say I mean after the prayer Yes, they should not raise their hands as doing so he's not established in the narrations.

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Now here he's talking about punat what he meant was are we talking about here kuno and canoes according to the Sharpie squad is printed inside the Sala

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What is it? What is it inside the salon so it says when you're praying the coolness inside the salon Imam should make the do out loudly. The followers should say amin loudly but you will not raise your hands and pollute you know when we allow them and understand the kind of stuff you don't raise your hands for that that's what he's talking about here. Yes, followers should recite the rest of the Quran from the point at which it is merely you decree and none decrease over you. The follower should never stand alone in a row by a man because it is talking about the follower. So we talked about the Imam that's done by he's going to give us some important etiquette on how to be a follower

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a few lines right here. The first thing was it says that if you join the prayer don't pray alone in the line join the line in front of you. Okay, don't stand alone join the lines Yes. But rather should join the line or pull someone to stand next to him.

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So the line in front of you is absolutely full you came you're standing there alone should you structure prayer alone? No. You need what you need to do is reach forward. Pull the person back one line from the front line pull the person back stand next to him and pray there'll be a gap there next person that comes to fill in that gap. Everyone understand that? You're going to pull someone back so that way there's two people together you will pray prayer alone yes it is not right for a follower to proceed the mom in his movements or to move simultaneously with him okay so you don't do record says that before the Imam don't do record says that for the month.

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And there's a prophet or some says the one who does the record or pseudo before the Imam his face can turn into that of a swine.

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There's a famous incident that there was a famous Muhammad when he used to teach howdy he's always teach behind a veil. Famous incident book the history books mentioned that there was a there was a scholar of Hadith that would he used to teach Hadith. He used to teach behind the veil, there'll be a veil there. Students on the other side, he'll be on this side. So one of his students that I've been studying it for so many years, but I've never seen you can you please move the veil so I can see you. He said no, it's better. You don't it's better you don't so he insisted. So when the teacher move the veil

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He saw that his face was out of a swine. So he said to a chef, how did this happen to you? He said, I read this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that the one that is required to do it before the Imam is face can turn into that of a swine. I thought to myself, how is that possible? So once Allah, I did it, and this would happen to my face. So we should be careful in this matter is not to perceive the amount not to go ahead of the Imam in rockpools. And you know, the interesting point, all these things, we're learning about the Imam of prayer, you can easily apply them to the Imam of a community as well. You guys understand that? So we're learning here, don't go ahead of the Imam in

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prayer. Similarly, if the mom is sitting down and he's going to make a decision for the community, don't go ahead and make the decision until he's made it. You understand that? These are principles that the idea of Imam and followship having followers and being an Imam, this right here isn't only restricted to the masjid all these advocates are actually universal. The idea behind teaching us the importance of an Imam and following congregation is to teach us that ultimately, in our houses, we have a map at works we have any map you know when we anything that we do we have an Imam there. And similarly for the Muslim Ummah, we have an EMA, you know, and when you have your Imams, don't go

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ahead of your Imam, because if you go ahead of your Mom, what's gonna happen to the community, it's gonna be out of control, the mom is gonna lose his position. The mom loses his position. What's the point having him there, you might as well give that money to someone else and make some use of it. The mom's not only a puppet not only a voicebox there are certain I mean, there was one particular community I remember they had a there was an Imam, he was telling one of my good friends is any mom, he went for him in for an interview in a Masjid. Well, he went there, he gives interview there, he gives the lecture there everything they were looking to hire. So after everything was over, they

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said to him, Look, we love you a lot. You're a great person, everything was more or less said they were gonna sign the contract. They said to him that we want to give you one disclaimer, he said, What's the disclaimer? This is the disclaimer is that even the You are the scholar, the only scholar in our community, we don't have any other scholars, you're the only scholar, you will be the Imam. But we want you to know that there is a doctor in our community. And whenever he says regarding religious matters is the final word.

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Suddenly, mom's by doing here, then, what do you call me for? If he has the final word in religious affairs? Then why exactly Are you hiring me? He said, you keep your contract, I'm gonna go back home. And he didn't hire that he didn't he left he left the position. And that was the right thing to do. Because how could you have someone ahead of the Imam? Right now I understand the concept of a shooter that there are people who will advise the Imam and give them perspective, give him advice that we agree with. But saying that there's a person above the Imam. Even though he doesn't have the qualification to be an Imam. Yet he will give the verdict of the Imam it is sounds too confusing.

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Even to someone simple like me, I get confused when I hear stuff like this. Okay. So here we're learning. And all these things as being followers are in moms, all the things we read earlier, honestly, we can apply them to everything, every aspect of being a new mom, or being a leader in the community. So here, it is teaching us that don't surpass the mom, or don't even be equivalent to him. You see, the mom is going into the cool, don't go with him until he gives you permission. And when is the mom give you permission to go into the court when he says Allahu Akbar. That's why as the Imam, you shouldn't say Allahu Akbar, when you're standing up, you should start the movement and

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then say, Allahu Akbar, you guys understand that? So when I'm going into the coup, I shouldn't stand up and say a lot, but I should start the movement into the coup halfway there, and then say, Allahu Akbar, so that way no one surpasses me in the prayer. Yes.

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It is proper for him to make his movements slightly later. Now we're talking about the follower the follower, if it is appropriate that he makes the movement slightly later Yes, you should not move to bow until the Imam has reached the full position of bowing and you should not move to prostrate until the man's forehead has touched the ground. So these are the etiquettes of being an Imam and being a follower. If we can be good Imams and good followers in our communities, like I mentioned in the messages starting from the masjid, and even outside the masjid, the whole Muslim community can become more firm and strong. Now we have to learn one thing, that in our lives, there are certain

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people who are leaders, and being obedient to a leader is very important to be submissive to a leader. It's very important. You know, we look at the greatest qualified abubaker Lama the Allahu taala. The beautiful thing about them was that their followers were obedient to them. You guys understand that? Their fathers were obedient. And he got the long run. I remember, I was reading I was reading somewhere that there was an incident where some people they came to. They came to overcritical the last one. And the man said that there is a land outside of Madina munawwara that's not being used. So why don't you give that property to me. So I will look into the code your loved

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one session, if you make use of it, they'll be profit and then you can give us a cut from the profit of the ushers the finance portion to the beta to the Muslims welfare. So it'll be profitable. You understand, rather than the land is sitting there, it'll be profitable. So he said to him, I give you permission, that however before you actually start using it, go and take almost permission to so this man came to one of the last one he sent it for Nomura de la one and he started praising him. Almighty You're such a great guy. You're so smart. I'm going to be alone once it stopped praising me cut the

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Tell me what you want. So he said on one of the last one, you know, there's a property. And I will Booker said I can have it if you sign it. So he said, Well, whose property is this? He said it belongs to the Muslim oma. He said, Why do you want it? So I can make business? He said my signature is not going to credit union but signature for the homeless, the MoMA, the property, the sumulong, do we want to everyone is at all never allowed that he said, Give me that paper, he took it and ripped it. He took the contract and ripped it. They went to abubaker syndicate. And he said, I will work to do the amount of work. How did you get that property when it belongs to the Muslim woman. So

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he tried to explain that it would be profitable for the welfare of the people because he would earn money and give it back to the base of man. Omar Ilan said that can't be done. And when you give an explanation, they had a discussion at the end of the discussion of a worker Santiago de la Juan says something very beautiful. And that's the point I wanted to make. He said that, had it not been for you, Ahmed, I would have been destroyed. You understand that? He praised a lot for giving him a father like online. He said, Oh Allah, I praise you that had it not been for him. And I would have made a big mistake that would have given that property that belonged to one person. And similarly,

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you know, Allah, Almighty, Allah when there was an incident where someone came to him regarding an issue, and he gave a verdict. And then the law one came to him and said to my alma, your verdict was incorrect. So then earlier, the owner of your loved one said give me your perspective and when he gives a perspective on one of your loved one agreed that Ali's perspective was correct. And then one of the law and he said something and it's a very famous proverb, everyone is very famous in Arabic. Everyone knows this phrase of I'm one of the along one, he said, Lola Ali Yun hola como that had it not been for Ali Omar would have been destroyed, I would have been destroyed because I would have

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made a big mistake because of this. So these leaders, they were proud of their followers because the followers were of good quality to you guys understand that? Someone came to earlier the law one and said to him, that why is it that during aboubaker in the homeless time there was no fitna, but during your time there's so much fitna.

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Good objection, right. Powerful objection, because during the earliest time there was so much war and everything. He said, Why was that during our bucket enormous time there was no fitna. But during your time there's so much fitna. So I live with your loved one gave him what we call an order to move towards Allah. He gave him a very solid answer. He said, because we were their followers, and you're our followers.

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That's why there was no finneran because we were their advisors. And now you're our advisor. So that's why there's so much fitna. So you have to have a good community, your Eman could be the best. But if the follower isn't good than what's the, the followers will benefit. My teacher used to always say this, and I'll tell you something. He said, success is not based off the sincerity of the teacher, it's based off the sincerity of the student. And if the teacher and student are both sincere, the neuron Allah knew then you have at all. He's always said this success is not based off the sincerity of the teacher. It's based off the sincerity of the student. And if the teacher and

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student are both sincere, then the Grand Slam Newton Allah knows when he's always given example, that had some * had success been based off the sincerity of the teacher, that Abu Jamal and Allah whatever Muslims,

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because the sincerity of their teacher can never be matched, who was their teacher? The suit Allah Subhan Allah, he was the best teacher, most sincerely that could ever exist on this planet was by their teacher, but the students were insincere. So you can go and tell people Oh, I'm the student of so and so shares and all this other great stuff and readerships by older everyone, it doesn't mean anything. You know, half the time they don't have the money. I used to say, praising your teachers abundantly is a sign of pride in your heart, you have a spiritual disease, that you kept talking, you can't stop talking about your teachers, because you're not praising your teacher. In essence,

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you're praising yourself that look all I'm related to so and so person, that person is my shit, this person does this. Stop talking about the people and ask yourself What have you done. So there is an aspect of sincerity in the student and also in the teacher. And if you have solid followers, and solid leaders put them together, then you have something that can't be shaken. And this will remain because it is teaching us here. That's when you give a whole chapter to this, that we need solid leaders who know the etiquettes of being leaders and with solid followers as well. Who know the etiquette of being followers. put these two together, you have a solid congregation and that's where

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Allah subhana wa tada is helping assistant in mercy will be a prayer that will have some kind of that it gives us a tool to act upon this all set Allahu taala Cyril Mohamad, Allah Allah He was happy during a ceremony come to light Allah

Etiquette of Leading and Following in the Prayer


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