Hosai Mojaddidi – Intentional Parenting No More Passive Parenting; Treat Your Teen as a Friend

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises parents to focus on treating their children in a positive way, even during school hours, as it is important to balance socializing and learning. They suggest treating children in a meaningful way, even if it means being physically with other adults, and not wasting time. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of treating children in a positive way, even if it means being physically with other adults.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you think you know, sending your kids to school or dropping

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them off to a Sunday school and you have all these other adults

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and all these other influencers, helping raise your children is

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kind of okay because that's all that you have, you can do. And,

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and you don't realize that they need to supplement all of that,

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because a lot of it is out of your control, you don't know what

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they're exposed to at school, even in Sunday school, you have no idea

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what your kids are exposed to, it's so important to strike a

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balance and say, for X amount of hours, I don't talk to my kids, I

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don't know what's going on. I don't know who they're talking to

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what they're learning, I have to fill in the time that I have with

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them by connection and talking. So please like when you're with them

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at the dinner table, as Dr. Reddy has said or differentiated from

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me, when you're with them in those spaces where you're actually with

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them physically, please don't waste that time. Oh my God, that's

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like a horrible, it's squandering valuable time that you have to

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actually get to know what is going on with them. But if you're

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thinking, oh, you know, I'm just, I'm being a good parent. I'm

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educating them, I'm sending them here, I'm paying for this class,

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I'm paying for that, you know, I got my, you know, my stripes as a

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parent. That's not enough. In the teen years, you actually it's

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recommended that you you'd be friend that you we wouldn't treat

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our friends that way, who treats their friends that way where

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you're not even talking to them, and you're distracted. When we're

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with our friends, we are with our friends. And the advice is to

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treat your teens as your friends. So be with them, talk to them, get

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to know them, and you will see the demand dynamics in your family

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shift. But if you think I'm just doing the basic bare minimum and

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doing this and doing that, and outsourcing and outsourcing, and

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I'm a good cook, and I do this, and that's enough and there's no

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conversation. You're this is this is what's going to happen. You're

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gonna have all these issues, and may God protect you from that

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