Qur’an made easy, delivered at EIC masjid.
Hasan Ali – Quran made Easy – Juz 26
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The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, including a man named Muhammad wa ban on alcoholism, a message about the return of theSASA, a promise to not regret mistakes, and a "whereabouts of the cosmos" message. The surah describes a message about the monarchy, the desire to have the people of Mak safely return to Islam, and the importance of faith and acceptance of one's actions. The transcript also includes references to a surah found in worship, a "has been" on the way to a point of joy, and a "has been."
AI: Summary ©
Sayidina Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi nine, we can be just number 26. And use 26 starts with surah Kahf, which is the 46 suit of the Quran. And here alazani challenges the people to think about the whereabouts of them of the cosmos, about the heavens in the earth and about whether they can actually even trace archaea look at archaeology, and look at the traces and start thinking about that this is an eye number four. And Allah says that there will be there will come a time that everything on this earth, He has gathered it together, and people will be enemies of one another design number six. And then even on the Day of Judgment, the province of the logarithm doesn't know
about the specifics of what's going to happen on the on the Day of Judgment, this is number nine. And the fact that these the people who are listening to this crime should think about the consequences of this because they're going to face it. And those people who actually say, Allah is our Lord, and they are people who stay firm on the religion, they will have no fear on this day, and they will have nothing to regret this and number 30. And then Allah says that they will be in Jannah. Specifically, what Allah tells us is that when he's created us, our mothers went through a lot of hardship to bring us to this earth. And those of us that are on this earth, one of the things
that we shouldn't do is obviously we shouldn't be ungrateful to our Lord, but we should also be ungrateful to our parents. This is our 15th and then Allah azza wa jal tells us that there are certain parents that are seriously, you know, worried about their children. And the same why one day, you know, believe in this message, this is 17. And Allah says, If life finishes and it comes to death, then these people will have no choice on the Day of Judgment, to make any excuses. And if they say, Well, why didn't we get why do we, you know, why don't you accept this from us, Allah will say that all your good things on the earth, all your niceties, you had all the pleasures of the
earth, design number 20. And right now you have come with with disbelief on these grounds, he gives us a whole example of the people of the giants of the before. And the whole example tells us of how the prophet who the la sala, he strived for a very long time telling these people about what condition might befall them, they didn't take heat, and in the end, they will destroy it. And it runs off with a positive note where there were certain genes in the province of Lahore, it was time who came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they heard about him, they believed in Him, they went back to their people they call them, they went back to the Jewish nation of the Jews of genes, and they
call them to Islam is all around us. 28 3031 law gives the example that even if humans are not believing, then there are genes that will believe in this message.
Now we come to Surah, Mohammed, which is I would assume number 47. And this, this surah is very hard hitting on those people who are against Muhammad Sallallahu, ala is a man this message. And what it says is that very specific that we who are believers, we should know that we should stick to the truth. And those who are who are with the battle with falsehood, they're with false. But what happens eventually is we have a molar we have a master, we have a guardian. This is our number 11 and those who are against Islam, and so on, they have no guardian. Then Allah talks about two different possibilities. Of course, there's the agenda he talks about, and soon he's going to talk
about Jana But before that, he says there are so many different tribes and nations who have come before and had no help but by the end of it, but it talks about now these people who are against Mohammed's alcoholism. And then he says that, in general, he is crazy for us rivers of water, of milk of wine, and honey, this is our number 15. And he says that the opposite of that is that you will be if you don't make it there, then you'll be fed with boiling water in Hellfire is also in the same ayah he then talks about one of the greatest problems which we've talked about before which is the monarchy, the hypocrites, because they are the people who want to have revelations come down but
they only want to hear what they want to hear. So Allah telling us not to treat the Quran like this, take the Quran as a whole not to take parts of it and not know to leave other parts. This you will find an ayah number 20. And he says that his his Lana or his curse will descend on such people who start to become blind in their own sort of desires. And if people were to think about this quote, and and deeply ponder about it, and this is one of the things Allah wants us to do, the more you ponder on this problem, the more locks of the hearts open up and that's our number 24
And right towards the end of the surah. Allah tells us that these people, even though the right name, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, Allah has given him certain signs to be wary of to to know who's a monastic and a hypocrite and know who's not a monastic, at least from the, from the signs of how a person comes to you can you can sort of sense that desire number 29, and number 30. And eventually he says that those who are believers, they will spend in the path of Allah, and those who are not they will actually hold back in spending in his pathway, we then come to, to Surah number
48, sort of, and this surah is all about the part when Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, goes from Medina all the way to Makkah to perform his omura in the sixth year when he is when he's already come to Medina. So this is when he is almost 19 years into the mission. He's about 59 years old, salallahu alayhi salam. And what happens is that he sees a dream that is performing the tawaf and he comes up with his Sahaba. And then when they get there towards me a place called davia. They're not allowed to go inside these Allah stops that come along the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, then they have they're forced into a negotiation with the people of Makkah. And this whole suitor says it's a
pseudo effect. It's the opening, it's the conquest of the whole of Makkah, how when they have agreed to such terms that are going to now set the Muslims back, what Allah azzawajal tells us, this, this whole episode two years before he actually gives them the conquest, and how he gained what was extraordinary, where their non Muslims thought that by by having a way over the Muslims, they will be able to propagate their ways and they've got the force upon the Muslims, within the power of the media in their time within them coming close with one another, allows them to spread Islam. And this is what's happening today. There's a lot of bad things being said about Islam. But please, rest
assured that a lot of non Muslims were turning to Islam. And Allah is doing this very subtly. And especially Seyfarth and the qualities of those people who were with Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. I mentioned at the end of the sooner we should beautiful because based on these qualities and characteristics, where they are with the Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi, salaam, they have mercy with one another, they are shown now they're found in worship of Allah azza wa jal, and their faces have got this brightness of their prayers and the sudo to the prostration that they're doing. This is the very foundation upon which Mohamed Salah has and was able to make this conquest and this progress,
we then come to sort of odorata surah number 49. And this surah is a lot about the unity of Islam and a lot about us not fighting. So if you look in the surah, there's there's a lot that's in there, which tells us, for example, that I am number 11, that we shouldn't have nicknames. We shouldn't call each other by things that people don't like, we shouldn't spy on each other. And number 12, we shouldn't have bad thoughts about one other we shouldn't backbite and number 12 we should not have racist terms and words use this is in a number 11. And most of these things are the things that make us different with one another and we may fight. And Allah says that if ever a fight occurs, he tells
one party to make sure that it stops the other party and basically another party should come and cause the truce in between because we are brothers This is number nine, and number 10. And it tells us that faith is something that goes in our hearts, once we have actually allowed the good characteristics of Islam to enter. You can't just say like Allah and you think you're the best believer. Faith is something that takes time. And this is all in ilevel 14 onwards, because it tells us that these Bedouins who came to the province on the law horizon and then made that claim, Allah stopped them and reminded them that this is not real faith faith is you have to spend time with good
people allow the good characteristics to settle in. And that's when when you've got the Brotherhood that's really good, good sort of faith, as sort of calf after this surah number 50. And this will have really touches on the dead Jasmine a scenario when each and every one of us is about to come and bring our own sort of soul with ourselves because we've got a body and we've got a soul and both of it's called do resurrected. And before that what Allah tells us is that the shaitaan has been whatever he has whispered in our hearts Allah knew that very closely signed on the 16th and there were two angels on our side that have been recording everything and everything I've recorded all
that we will find on the Day of Judgment. And we may some you know that there will be a person who will actually find his shade on his his Satan that that deluded him will come with him on the day of judgment and this person will try and say well a lot take the Satan to Hellfire and allow to know your your your to blame the shutdowns going to be blamed for his part, you're going to be blamed for your part. So no one can come with that excuse and there is no conflict whatsoever in that and allow them
Except except that excuse Our Allah tells us clearly is on that day, people will hear, you know, they will see john and john will be very close. And john will even say have you got more to send inside me, this is in the surah. And then towards the end, we come to sort of area, which is sort of number 51. We are allowed to jail again, a lot of this is about their judgment that that starts to be discussed. And one great thing he discusses in this part of the Day of Judgment is that people on that day will come up and they will be told, vocal fitness can now taste the fire that is in front of you. And as for the people who have made it there a lot counts and says one of the good qualities
was that they used to sleep less in the night and they used to seek forgiveness early in the mornings. And they used to recognize the people who who weren't how to do have money from their own wealth is to give it to the poor people and so on. And it tells us to reflect upon the science that is God