Hasan Ali – I’m Right, You’re Wrong
![Hasan Ali](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/hasan-ali-150x150.jpg)
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The speaker discusses the importance of being in a position to be right and being aware of one's
mistake. They explain that people often give stories to
the other person and try to
to convince them to change their behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of
mistake and the importance of finding one's own truth.
mistake. They explain that people often give stories to
the other person and try to
to convince them to change their behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of
mistake and the importance of finding one's own truth.
AI: Summary ©
guys, I just want to say a quick thing about people thinking that they are in a position to think that they're just right there right? Now there could be any kind of confrontation or an argument or something taking place. Now I've had a number of people come to me and they come to you, and they'll give you a story. And they'll say, this happened. And that happened. And this person said to me, the thing is, look, when a person talks to you, and they give you a story, most likely, they will tell you all the best things that will make them look good. And they will give you very little, if anything, about them being wrong, and they will paint a massive picture of the other person being
wrong. And they'll give you very little if anything, that the other person is actually right. This happens in most cases, and you've got to be a person whenever I don't care if a friend, a family member, husband, wife, I don't care who parent child, whatever, you know, to masala is in the masjid to people who are on different sides of the dean, or in having an argument or a difference of opinion, please, first thing is first, the fact that this person says I'm completely right. And he or she is completely wrong. Forget it. Most cases 99% of cases, that is not the case. So what do you do? Well, you have to talk to the other person, you have to talk to the other party, and you have to
find out their story. And they might do exactly the same thing. When you listen to the other party, then you have to corroborate what they said with this person. So usually when an imam like myself would have in a person coming to us and given us a story, we have to try and be unbiased, and we have to try and be, you know, we have to try and be in a position where we can get the other person now, it's not always the case that you can listen to the other person. Sometimes, if you get the other person involved, the whole situation is going to blow up. So that's why what we do is we'll have to do our best to give advice. But what I want to say to you is this and I've had like recently
I had a couple come to me it was a husband and a wife. And when you listen to the husband, you think Subhan Allah, that woman, she did all that to this man. Oh my god. And then I said, Okay, fine. I'll sit with yourself. Again after after I say this guy. Look, I haven't got time to sit with everybody. This was a very close person to me that I had to do this with. Okay, so don't try and contact me and say I've got this problem, that problem seriously go to your local Imams and sorted out inshallah. So anyway, this person's set gave me his story. So I said, Okay, let me let me go and see your wife. So he said, Okay, fine. He arranged for his wife to be there. And his wife spoke to me directly. And
when I heard her story, think so but hon Allah, you know, the guy didn't all that seriously. Then after that, okay, I said to the husband, okay, I can let me speak to you. I said, Look, your wife said, it's all about you. And then he says a few other things using Whoa, okay. And then you speak to her, and she says a few other things. You think, okay, then you get both of them together. And you speak to both of them. And then you know, what you what I had to do, I found out that, and this happens a lot, guys. The problem is not with them. See, when they say I'm right, she's wrong. And I'm right, and he's wrong. And that kind of, you know, thing. First is, I'm right. You know, you're
wrong. Go like heads I win. tails you lose is very unfair. But you know, what I found in this case, which I found a lot of cases is
I asked them a question. I said, if both of you live together on your own, without all your father's mother's father in law's mother in law's brothers, sisters, in laws, whoever relatives, all of them out the way, just you and her, just you and him live together, and just be on your own? Would you be able to live together happily? And the answer was yes. And I found that answer quite a lot of times when I asked him this question, especially early in the marriage, and I said you know what the problem is the problems the problem is with other people, you think the problems here because they're kind of cat and dog sort of vital arm, right? You're wrong, you know, that kind of thing.
And when I spoke to the extended family Alhamdulillah and managed to tell them to lay their hands off the mice let these two get on together. hamdulillah these these guys have been getting on now for a good few months and hamdulillah good few months. What I want to say to you is first is wrong when people come to you and as they give you a full story, please see through all of it. Allah has told us in the Quran fatphobia No, do your research. Get your clarification. Find out the truth. And especially from both parties. You can't just listen to one party and make your judgment and this is what Muslims should do. So whatever situation it is, please try and get to the bottom of it and then
make your conclusion and don't listen.
To anyone who says I'm completely right and that person completely wrong go and try and be be balanced okay on both sides is that Muhammad was that Mr. They come over hey
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