Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Superiority Over the Angels 21 Ramadn 1444 Late Night Majlis
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The importance of speaking evil towards their chef during their practices is highlighted, along with the need for forgiveness and balance between eating and doing what is right. The speaker emphasizes the importance of counting numbers and showing deference to Adam, as well as the differences between the heavenly beast and the beast of man. The differences between the heavenly beast and the beast of man are discussed, along with the idea that pride of the beast is a reflection of success and a priority for others. The importance of showing deference to Adam and not just a deference to time and space is emphasized, along with the differences between the heavenly beast and the beast of man.
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And Masha'Allah Allah brought us to these Mubarak
last 10 days of Ramadan
to this 21st night. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
write us from the Utakah of this
Mubarak night.
If it's
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala write for us
that we are from amongst the Qa'imin
in this night.
From those people who prayed this night. And
they were forgiven whatever sin came from before
I have
you might not believe it. I have a,
one of the fun function I carry out
in society is people come and talk to
me about stuff that they should talk to
their chef about.
Because they wanna, like, look good in front
of their sheikh, so they don't wanna talk
to them about the the, like, other stuff.
But it's all the stuff they should talk
to their sheikh about. You know? And so,
sometimes people say, oh, you should take mureeds
as well. So why would I do that
aside from all the other headache? But then
the people will stop taking tarbia because they're
gonna be like, oh, it's my shaykh. I
can't talk to him about anything. So, this
is stuff you should hear from your shaykh,
inshallah. Many of you have already heard it
from them. But in these even these nights,
you should have some weird
that you should have some weird anyway. You
know what I mean? You don't really, in
that sense, need a shift for that in
the sense that there are certain other car
that are Masoon. Everyone really should be doing
them. Someone asked how do you open your
eyes and see all these realities and things
like that. Well, a lot of it again
is just making
adherence to the,
you know, to those
things that are preached about from the.
A person in these nights, regardless of what
their practice was or what their, lenience was
from before wasn't,
Set some amount of Quran that's appropriate for
you to read every night.
If you're a Hafiz, I don't think it's
inappropriate to shoot to finish the Quran every
3 days, every 2 days, every 7 days,
every 4 days, in this 10 days at
least once. If you're have have more difficulty
reading whatever is appropriate for you.
And, also simple things
the narration of that
the person who prays
the and then afterward prays 6 rakas
and they don't speak evil between between any
of them. It's written for them 12 years
of of.
And it's it's difficult, obviously, because
for a lot of people, people like myself,
not speaking evil means just not speaking at
So you gotta kinda get it hit it
right after the the the the fard. And,
you know, the
siren of Iftar is, like, singing her song
and calling you and chanting you and tempting
you. But
let's be honest, none of us are gonna
starve to death if we delay eating for
a little bit. In fact, none of us
is gonna starve to death if we don't
eat for the 7 straight next 7 days.
10 days, we're not gonna die.
And, so I don't I recommend that, but
I'm just saying if you even if you
actually which is not gonna happen, but even
if you have to eat a little bit
less, it's it's good. These are simple things.
Imagine I mean, just do the math. If
hits one day and you did this for
all 10 days,
then that's a lot.
That's a lot. And then, you know, beyond
that, you know, the people who outstrip one
another, those are, the people who are,
The ones who captured the flag of proximity
with the Lord.
They're very few.
But, you only get there or oftentimes you
will get there by building up little by
little to do what it is that you're
able to. Once you get to that threshold,
then a lot of I will carry you
to do the thing that you weren't able
to do. But if you'd wish to go
from 0 to whatever
without, anything, this is a. This is a
complete vain desire. It's not a good desire.
Al, I can't do it. He does do
it sometimes, but to rely on it, maybe
a person will have some sort of mild,
embarrassment on the day of judgement even if
it does happen.
that's that. The last thing is what the
word of,
the prophet
that he gave to the members of his
That if you think it might be
Oh Allah, you're the you're the the one
who forgives so completely that it leaves no
ranker behind. And you love forgiveness, complete forgiveness
like this, so forgive me completely.
And, so
corporate we're all corporate guys. Right? Science guys,
numbers guys. Right? IT,
a, b, 3, d, f, g.
Right? PHD. PHD. Right?
for our culture, it's appropriate that a person
should count some numbers.
To say
a hundred times. It's not really all that
difficult. The point is not necessarily the numbers.
Okay. Say it a 101 or a 102
or a 78 or whatever you want to.
You should change it up every day. At
least count the numbers that you're spending some
time on this thing. Because any one of
them, you know,
like, you know, the the Nazem.
Mere Mohammed Bahsh that,
that oh my, oh my
god, whose
river of mercy
in every moment, like, so mightily.
Imagine like the the the Amazon, like, flowing.
flows in every moment so much volume it's
pushing through.
So that if even even one drop of
it were to splash against the rock and
hit me, that would be enough for me
for this world or the hereafter.
So the point is not necessarily quantity. The
point is that you make it dakah, that
moment in which you receive the mercy of
the Lord and you receive the of the
Lord. Then afterward, who knows? You know, everything
else you do from here until the day
you die might just be bonus round.
these things happen.
We don't know it's a mercy that we
don't know when it happens because we probably
end up slacking off. But these things do
happen and they change a person's destiny.
So this is my, on behalf of whoever
your shave is, this is my advice to
And please don't ask me for
all all that other stuff unless you wanna
be very disappointed. Very, very disappointed.
So we continue the discourse on the superiority
of the prophet
and such of the
that are guarded from sin,
are superior to the angels.
The opposite view is held by the who
declared that the angels are superior to prophets,
being a more exalted rank and more subtle
constitution and more obedient to god. I reply
that this is not as you imagined for
an obedient body,
an exalted rank, and a subtle constitution cannot
be caused as a superiority which belongs only
to those upon whom god has bestowed,
such a rank.
Iblis had all the qualities that you mentioned,
yet he is universally acknowledged to have become
The superiority of the Anbia
is indicated by the fact that Allah commanded
the angels to worship Adam. And,
this is, you know, a translation of Nicholson.
The point is to show deference to bow
in front of Adam.
For the state of one, who is deferred
to is higher than the state of the
one who is, showing the deference.
If they argue that just as a true
believer is superior to the Kaaba,
an inanimate
massive stone, although he bowed before it, so
the angels may be superior to Adam, although
that they bowed down before him. I reply,
no one said that the believer bows down
to a house or an altar or a
But all say that he bows down to
and it is admitted by all that the
angels bowed down to Adam.
How then, can the Kaaba be compared to
Adam alayhis salam, our father?
This is a a point somewhat tangential to
this, but it I feel it's worthy of
being mentioned because people have these kind of
weird anthropomorphous
their hearts
you know, people say, look, you know, we
say that Allah is everywhere in his knowledge,
but he's, like, exalted above time and space.
But why is the prophet used to face
the heavens when he would make for the
same reason a person faces the when they
pray? It's
Allah sends down,
our our zach from the heavens.
The comes down from the heavens through the
doesn't mean that is there in one sense
or the other. Rather, it's an orientation that
we have in order to make a of
the mercy and the of Allah.
But it doesn't, it doesn't mean what, the
have been incorporated into us,
would sometimes lead us to believe, because of
all of this misunderstanding again and again for
so many years.
How can then the Kaaba be compared to
our father Adam alaihis salam? A traveler may
worship Allah on the back of an animal
that he is riding,
and he's excused if his face is not
toward the Kaaba.
And in like manner, one who has lost
his bearings in the desert so that he
cannot tell the direction of the, Mubarak Kaaba
will have done his duty in whatever direction
he may turn. The angels offered no excuse
when they, prostrated before our father Adam alaihis
And the one who made an excuse
for himself became accursed. These are clear proofs
for any person of insight.
Meaning what? The deference was being shown to
Adam, alayhis salam. He wasn't a kiblah. He
was the object of the deference, from this
Otherwise, a person is excused for not facing
the Qibla and all these other scenarios,
and they don't become accursed.
But there's a qualitative difference. The analogy breaks
down because was the object of the deference,
the is not the object of the deference.
Allah is the object of deference. It's just
a a direction that we're commanded to face,
as part of the ritual act of prayer.
Again, and this is also a good good
reply to the waswasa of those people. I've
heard this from from from, Jewish rabbis as
well that they say that
is a type of idolatry and idol worship,
which I find very, very, very ironic for
them to say something like this,
it's not. You know? This is a good
answer to that. But even if the Kaaba
was destroyed stone by stone and the black
stone Hajar Aswad was taken away, which should
have has happened in the history of Islam,
still the is the,
one way or the other.
May Allah protect his sacred house and spare
us the pain of ever ever seeing anyone
desecrated or or do something bad to it.
Again, the angels are equal to the prophet
in knowledge of Allah Ta'ala but not in
Angels are without lust, covetousness, and evil. Their
nature is devoid of hypocrisy and guile, and
they're instinctively obedient to Allah.
Whereas, lust is an impediment in human nature,
and men have a propensity to commit sins
and to be impressed by the vanities of
this world.
Satan has so much power over their bodies
that he circulates in their blood, in their
veins, and closely attached to them is the
nafs, the lower soul, which incites them to
all manner of wickedness.
Therefore, one whose nature has all of these
characteristics and who, in spite of the violence
of his lust, refrains from immorality,
and notwithstanding his covetousness,
renounces this world, and though his heart is
still tempted by the devil, turns his back
on sin and averts his face from central
depravity in order to occupy himself with devotion
and persevere in piety and make Mujahada against
his nafs and contend,
with the devil,
or against the devil. Such a one is
in reality superior to an angel who is
in the battlefield of lust and naturally without
desire of food and pleasures
and has no care for wife, child, or
kinsfolk and has no need, to have recourse
to means and instruments and is not absorbed
by corrupt ambition.
This is a, actually. It's a glad tidings
to us. Person is wondering why me.
This is why you, because you're better.
Because Allah opened the door for you to
be better. Every person who enters the hellfire,
the angels will show them at the at
the time of their death, a window to
Jannah that Allah made a place for you.
This is your superiority.
It's up to you to accept it and
to want it and to take it. And
in the middle, it may not be pretty,
it is, it is what it is, and
a person doesn't need to bog themselves down
with that,
and the the depressiveness and the dejectedness of
the overwhelmingness of the task in front of
them. Rather, they should know that this is
something that was,
destined for you, and this is the headwind
against which the lift will happen that will,
take you to a higher rank.
A Jibril who worships Allah
so many 1000 of years in hope of
gaining, the robe of honor, and the honor
bestowed on him was that of acting as
squire to say the Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, on the ascension.
How should he be superior,
to the one who disciplines and make makes
mujahada of his nafs by day night in
this world until god looks on him with
favor and grants him the grace of seeing
himself and delivers him from all distracting thoughts.
When the pride of the angels passed all
bounds and every one of them vaunted the
purity of his conduct and spoke with
an unbridled tongue and blame of mankind.
resolved that he would show them their real
state. He therefore bade them to choose 3
chief amongst them, in whom they had confidence
to go to the earth and be its
governor governors and reform its people. So 3
angels were chosen. But before they came to
the earth, one of them perceived its own
corruption and begged Allah to let him return.
When the other 2 arrived on the earth,
god changed their nature so they felt desire
for food and drink and were inclined to
lust. And God punished them on, that account,
and the angels were forced to recognize the
superiority of mankind upon themselves. This is the
story of Harut and Marut,
which is a very scary story. Anybody who
ever feels better than somebody else,
you're not better than an angel.
Should person should remember the story and take
heed of it. You're not better than an
angel. And if Allah were to saddle you
with the same difficulties
that another person were saddled with,
you know, we'll see how you would have
done and how you wouldn't have done. And
there are people who do do better, and
there are some people who fail miserably.
But, this pride that a person feels when
seeing another person suffer, and do poorly in
their test,
it's not a good sign. It's not a
good sign. In itself, it sometimes generates the
the the
the genesis of the sin,
within a person themselves and is the, the
sabab that comes before a person's sukud before
their the the reason that comes before their
In short, the elect amongst the true believers
are superior to the elect amongst the angels,
and the ordinary believers are superior to the
the men who are preserved
and protected from sin are more excellent than
Jibril and Mikael,
and, those who are not preserved are better
than the recording angels, the, and
the, the noble angelic scribes.
Something has been said on this subject by
any every one of the masha'if. God awards
superiority to whom he pleases,
over whom he pleases.
And you must know that is a divine
mystery which is revealed only through conduct.
A saint is only known to be
a is known only to be a. If
this matter could be made plain to all
reasonable men, it would be impossible to distinguish
a friend from a foe or, the spiritual
adept from the careless worldling. Therefore, Allah willed
that the pearl of his love should be
set in the shell of popular contempt and
cast into the sea of affliction,
in order, that those who seek it may
hazard their lives on account of its preciousness
and dive to the bottom of the ocean
of death,
where they will either win their desire or
bring, their mortal state to an end. So
a lot of don't try this at home
except for, if Allah gives you the,
Allah to Allah make us from amongst those
who at least recognize these things and see
these things for what they are. Allah gives
us to people. It never ended.
He could give it to all of us
if we ask him sincerely. But at any
rate, the point of this darshan is not
necessarily to,
help us to fool ourselves about who we
are, who we aren't, but at least to
recognize that this is an ilam of the
fafal of Allah
so we can get in where we fit
in and benefit from it rather than be,
ignore it at their own expense and to
their own,
this despair.