Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Khutbah Remember Allh By Connecting With His Rasl ICC 07032020
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The speakers discuss the importance of aligning one's heart with Islam and following the direction of Islam. They emphasize the use of the "we" sign to express love for someone and encourage Americans to get anything done in a government office without knowing anyone. The salallahu alaihi wa sallam is discussed as the way to convey the message of Islam and is emphasized as important for knowing the person who sends the message of Islam. The speakers stress the importance of following the prophet sallam Alaihi wa sallam and sending out salallahu alaihi wa sallam to convey the message of Islam.
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All praises to Allah and may his peace
and blessing be upon his servant and messenger,
Sayna Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
All praises to Allah who guided us to
his Mubarak house in this Mubarak hour, in
this Mubarak day
of this Mubarak
sacred month
of the
in which good deeds
and the reward
the light and the openings that come from
them are multiplied.
And we were not to be guided. Was
it not that Allah had guided us?
To continue with
the discussion from last week
with regards to the virtue and the benefit
of sending salat and salaam, invoking
sending the greeting of salaam to the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
We continue
by reading a,
hadith of the messenger of Allah, Sallallahu Alaihi
narrated by,
Imam Nisa'i
from the Sihasitha people
don't know much about Imam, but he was
from the 6th, from the narrators of the
6th books,
the most stringent in his,
the most stringent in his, criteria for which
narrators he accepted.
So he says,
narrates from Abdul Abi Talha. Abu Talha is
the stepfather of, Anas bin Malik
He says he came one day
and the happiness of glad tidings was evident
in his,
in his face, in his Mubarak and noble
And so he says,
The prophet
explained why he was so happy,
which was what that Allah gave a glad
tiding for the Ummah.
Allah gave a glad tiding for the Ummah
and whatever benefited the Ummah used to
make the messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam happy and whatever harm the Ummah would
make the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam feel pain
on behalf of you and I, on behalf
of you and me.
He said,
an angel came to me and said, oh,
Mohammed, does it not make you happy?
Does it not please you that no one
will invoke blessings upon you
except for, Allah says except for I will
send down my blessings on that person 10
times. And no one will say salaam to
you except for I will then send my
salaam down on that person 10 times. Assalam.
This is salaam alaikum that we do.
This is not just our way of saying
hi. I remember when I was in university,
I took I took Persian. It's not my
native tongue and it's probably not your native
tongue unless maybe 1 or 2, brothers over
here from Afghanistan or Iran.
I took it for for for my literary
So there is a very accurately secularist,
that I had that actually forced me out
of the class,
because of my beard and things like that
and I actually ended up having to take
the just read the book myself and take
the exam myself separately.
The first day, this instructor comes in. First
thing the instructor says,
In Persian this means, high.
It doesn't mean high.
Salam is one of the names of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
and Arabic. We sent it down as an
Arabic Quran so that you can be people
of understanding. There's no way you can be
a proper card carrying secularist and actually even
speak the Arabic language properly. You're gonna have
to break it into something that it isn't.
Salam is one of the names of Allah
ta'ala. It means what? It doesn't mean peace.
It means what? It means wholeness. It means
freedom from blemish or from harm. They say,
May nothing afflict you, nothing be wrong with
you. Everything
may you be fine and happy and safe
and all of those things at once.
So that nobody will
invoke salam on the prophet salamahu alaihi wa
Once, except for Allah takes it upon himself
to what?
Send salaam background to that person 10
times. We mentioned last week about the salaat
and salaam and the prophet
not being worshiping the prophet salallahu
alayhi wasalam. Rather it's a dua between slave
and the lord
and just like it's not shipped to fix
the Kaaba while you pray. It's not it's
it's not idol worship to face the Kaaba
while you pray. Why? Because Allah created us
as beings that are confined within time and
within space.
And so there's a modality for all of
these things
that we have to adopt in order to
align ourselves to be harm in harmony with
the divine will.
So because we have to face a direction,
Allah gave us the best direction to face.
Because we have to be in time, Allah
gave us the best times for us to
say our salawat.
Just like that because we're human beings and
we have human hearts,
and one heart is affected by the other
Allah gave us the best of hearts to
align with. And
if you wish to please the Lord, then
align your heart with that heart.
If you align your heart with that heart,
suballahu alaihi wa sallam,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will reward you greatly
for it.
Say if you love Allah to Allah, then
follow me. Say, yeah, Muhammad Ali to the
people, if you love Allah, then follow me.
Part of following the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam is what? Is that you love him?
If you love Allah, follow me so that
Allah will love you. If you follow him
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, Allah to a'la will
love you.
The salaf and salaam, I'm the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam for whatever reason in this
country of ours, I see very few people
ever speak about it
In the way that it should be spoken
about, and in the way that it's spoken
about in the books of the of of
the masha'i and the books of the ulema
and the
the tongues of Aslaf radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu.
So this is the benefit that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, you say that this person you
sent us to convey your message to us.
We hold fast to him. Allah Ta'ala is
pleased with you. You send salat and salaam
and show your
love of him salallahu alaihi wa sallam and
Allah Ta'ala sends it back to you 10
It's narrated that the messenger of Allah said
that saying that Jibril himself
after I die when a person
says salaam to me,
say that Jibril himself will take that salaam
as a messenger, carry it to the prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam, and the Rasulullah alaihi
wa sallam will respond to this
What does that mean?
If Rasulullah alaihis salafi salam responds to this
salam in person,
what does that mean?
Who's going to make it into jannah on
their own?
Nobody's going to make it, not even the
Amdi alaihis salam are going to make it
into jannah on their own. If it wasn't
for corona, I would read the hadith from
Bukhari in its entirety.
That the
the the the intercession with Allah Subhanahu Wa
As Americans, we may not
realize this but for those of us who
spend time from back home, try getting anything
done in a government office without knowing knowing
anybody. They'll send you in circles, you're and
you'll get nothing done. If you know someone,
you don't have to wait in line, you
don't have to ask anybody whatever, anything you
want done, even if it's illegal it gets
it done.
Who's the person to know on that day?
Who's the person to know on the day
of judgment?
The one that even the other prophet salaihi
wa sallam will go to and say, can
you please ask the Lord on our behalf?
Now tell me, if you wish to receive
from that
which even the prophet salalaihi wa sallam, they
ability to do anything, they themselves feel overwhelmed.
But the person who receives that shafa'a, even
if their sins are like the sins of
Iblis, that person will be as long as
they have iman, that person will be what?
Forgiven. There's no sin that can withstand the
shafa'ah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
There's a long presentation I've actually prepared in
detail, we don't have time for it.
If you want to receive from that shafa'a,
imagine if your entire life you've been saying
salam to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Do you do you not think he'll recognize
Do you not think he'll recognize you or
do you think this hadith of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is just some sort
of rhetorical
He doesn't speak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from his
vanity or his caprice, everything that he says
is a revelation which is revealed to him
So there is more I prepared for today.
We'll push it back for next week. But
the point is is what? Is that this
should be a a part of a person's,
daily with a part of a person's daily
dhikr. That a person should send salat and
salaam on the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
with this that 2 things are happening. 1
is that Allah is rewarding them for it.
That the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that
his connection with that prophet salallahu alayhi salallahu
alayhi salam is increasing,
which is going to be a matter of
benefit in this world and the hereafter. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala give all of so much
tawfeeq, UsallAllahu ta'ala.