Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Khutbah Preparation For The Sacred Day Of Eid[1]
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AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of Allah's acceptance of individuals and their acceptance of them, emphasizing the need for legal reward for missed days of Carrefour and the importance of the holy bus of the holy month. They also discuss the concept of the "fitness" of Allah's law, including paying bills for one's own health and reciting the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. The importance of not grieving of death or loss of a person, and the need to remember that success is based on the state of the person. Finally, the speakers emphasize the importance of not reciting the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy.
AI: Summary ©
All praises to Allah,
all praises to Allah,
all praises to Allah, all praises to Allah
who guided us to this,
who guided us to Islam and to iman,
and to his Mubarak house on this Mubarak
hour of this Mubarak day of this Mubarak
month, and we were not to be guided,
was it not that Allah had guided us?
Oh, Allah, to you is praised as his
commensurate with the majesty of your countenance and
the greatness of your authority.
Oh, Allah, we do not limit you with
any praise we can come up with ourselves,
rather we admit that you are the only
one who knows the true extent of your
praise worthiness.
And may the peace and blessings of Allah
upon his servant
upon his servant and messenger,
our master Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
May the peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him, and upon his noble companions,
and upon his pure wives, and upon his
Mubarak and blessed family and progeny, and upon
all of those who follow all of their
way until the day of judgment.
It's the fatha of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and the grace of Allah ta'ala that we
should reach this Mubarak hour,
This Mubarak hour of Jum'ah in the last
10 days of Ramadan,
It's very possible
that this is going to be
the last jumu'a that we will have in
Next Thursday night,
we will go and we will await the
reports of the moon sighting, we will try
to see the moon ourselves, and we await
the reports of the moon sighting. And if
the moon is sighted
in this continent or in this hemisphere,
then Eid will be next Friday,
and the blessing of Ramadan
will be over.
We will no longer fast as a mass,
as a group. Some of us will fast
individually, but as a group, we will no
longer fast.
The shayateen will no longer be chained up,
we will no longer have the salatul taraawih
in the masjid.
We will no longer have this blessing with
us, and life will go on as
as life must go on, as everybody cannot
fast every day, this is not the commandment
of Allah and there are other things we
have to finish in our life before we
pass from this world.
But the blessing of Ramadan will be over,
and then those who took advantage of it
will have taken advantage,
and those who want it back will not
be able to have it back until next
year, and nobody is guaranteed next year, not
myself, not yourself, not the old amongst us,
not the young amongst us, not the rich
amongst us, not the poor amongst us. So
it behooves us for the couple of moments
that are left in the rest of this
day to take as much advantage as we
can. This Mubarak Jumu'ah,
the best day upon which
the sun has risen. This Mubarak Jumu'ah,
the day that
will call all of his creation again once
more for judgment.
This Mubarak Jumu'ah, in which there's a
there's a moment
that Allah
gave to this in which
its duas are to be answered. Make du'a
that Allah
makes us amongst the faizin,
that he makes us amongst those who enter
Jannah without hisaab, that he forgives us our
sins, that he makes us amongst those that
he accepts.
Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, once he accepts
a person and once he is pleased with
a person, there's nothing in the creation afterward
that can touch that person. And it doesn't
have to do with you and me, brothers
and sisters. You and I are not worthy
of acceptance. It has to do with Allah
You and I may love Allah ta'ala, but
if he doesn't love us back, it's worthless,
brothers and sisters. It has no worth whatsoever.
Ask in this Mubarak hour that we receive
the love of Allah
so that he can accept us. Then the
day we enter Jannah, then the day of
judgment, then the day we die, then the
day we achieve whatever we achieve. All of
those days become irrelevant in front of this
day, brothers and sisters. All of it is
possible on this day. Allah ta'ala's hand is
to give to his creation. Whoever is there
to ask, is there somebody to ask him?
Is there somebody to ask him? Or all
all of us right now busy thinking about
buying and selling and trading and cars and
and and other,
you know, what we're gonna eat in iftar
tonight and what we're gonna do, you know,
when Ramadan is over and what we're going
to do when we run away from the
masjid at the first opportunity possible. Brothers and
sisters, this is not a opportunity to waste.
Not only that, not only is this the
Mubarak day of Jum'ah, not only is this
the Mubarak day in this hour in which
this hour of Istijaba,
in which this hour of Ijaba
exists, in this hour of god answering the
prayers of his believing servants.
Not only that, but on top of that,
this is the last couple of days of
the first three nights from the last 10
days of Ramadan have passed.
And in fact, 10 days may very likely
9 days. If the moon is
sighted on Thursday night, what will happen? The
last 10 days of Ramadan will be 9
days. The Sahaba radiyaaa ta'ala anhu were a
people unlike you and I. The Sahaba Radhiyahu
ta'ala Anhoom would pray that the moon is
not sighted so that they could fast another
day, pray another day, and have another day
of the blessings of Ramadan.
In fact, they were they were almost want
to be delinquent to even sight the moon
out of fear that the moon would be
sighted early and that they would miss a
day of Ramadan.
Because of this, the messenger of Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam
made his statement that
that the 2 months of the 2,
they're not they're not to be deficient in
any way. Meaning what? Even if it's 29
days, even if these 10 days become 9
days, Allah will give every person from this
umma, an amount of reward that is prorated
for that extra day that they had missed,
just so that people would not feel so
that they would not feel huzun, so that
they would not grieve or worry because they
missed the potential day of Ramadan, brothers and
So they would not worry and grieve because
of the qadr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So this is something that we need to
take into account.
This Ramadan
is something like everything else.
It's a hadith of Sahih Bukhari in which
the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said, all matters are to be judged by
the way that they end. All matters are
to be judged by the way that they
end. Just like a believer will be judged
based on the state that they died in.
If someone
died in the obedience of Allah Subhanuwa Ta'ala,
Allah will judge them as one of the
obedient. If someone died in faith, Allah Ta'ala
will judge them as one of the faithful.
And if someone's soul is taken,
if the angel of death comes and takes
a person's soul and they're engaged in an
act of rebellion or their heart is in
a state of blackness
from Kufrin, from disbelief, and from ingratitude to
the lord, just like that, Allah, subhanahu wa
ta'ala, if they take them in that state,
then it's not a good end. It doesn't
matter what good things a person did in
their life at that point. We all seek
a good end. May Allah ta'ala give all
of us
and the of every we ask Allah
to give a good for every every deed
that we do. The of Ramadan, brothers and
when? On the day of when
the people gather together, but there are some
prerequisites for that. As we mentioned last year,
and we'll mention again and it's worthy mentioning
Allah ta'ala says remind the
indeed successful is the one who has purified
Successful is the one who has purified himself,
the one who has purified herself
and mentioned the name of their lord and
then stood in prayer. The tafsir of this
according to imam Malikirajama'a
from the salaf radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu is that
the tazeki that's referred to here is the
zakatul fitr.
Do you not see that the messenger of
Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam had made farth on this
ummah had made farth on this ummah. The
sida of Farb, the sida of Amr, both
of them come in the Athar of the
messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam.
That he made fard on this ummah and
he made wajib on this ummah, the payment
of zakatul fitter. Do you not see it?
It comes in the author of the prophet,
salallahu alayhi wa sallam, that this
zakatul fitter
was legislated.
How? As a tuhrah talisaimi
as a tuhrah.
The word we give for the obligatory
for the obligatory
charities of Islam is what? Zakat. And what
does mean? It doesn't mean charity. Charity the
word for charity is what? Sadaqa.
What does zakaat mean? Zakaat literally means a
And the legislation of the zakatul fitr is
The one who was commanded to abstain from
eating and from drinking. The one who was
commanded to abstain from the shahawat of the
private parts. The one who was commanded to
from those things that make the eyes filthy,
those things that make the ears filthy,
those things that make the limbs filthy,
those things that make the,
the the the stomach and the private parts
of a person filthy.
Those people who were commanded to abstain from
those things that make the heart filthy.
Why is it haram to look at the
haram? Because the eyes are a road to
the heart. Why is it haram to listen
to the haram? Because the ears are a
road to the heart. Why is it haram
to eat the haram? Because the stomach is
a road to the heart. Why is it
haram to walk to the haram or to
touch the haram? Because those things are a
road to the heart, and Allah ta'ala described
in his book,
the day of judgment as,
That is a day that neither will your
money benefit you. Doctors and engineers, businessmen,
your money won't benefit you.
Preachers and teachers, your money won't benefit you.
People, if you have a job, your money
won't benefit you. And if you don't have
a job,
this this day this day may give you
difficulty on that day. It's not going to
make a difference to you whether you have
money or not.
If you don't have sons, if you don't
have a big posse and a crew with
you when you go, when you roll around
like a hoodlum or like a gangster, it
won't matter. Call all of your crew. Allah
ta'ala tells Abu Jahl,
Call all of your posse, call all of
your gang. You're gonna you're gonna threaten somebody?
Call all of you. You're gonna threaten the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam? Call
your posse, call
call your crew, call your gang, call your
IMF and World Bank, call your your United
Nations and NATO. Call every army in the
world. Call all of them to gather against
Allah subhanahu
Let him call everyone that he wishes to
calling the angels that guard the gates of
the hellfire.
Who's going to fight that fight brothers and
That day,
that day, neither your crew is going to
help you, neither your sons are going to
help you nor is your wealth going to
help you.
Except for the one who comes to Allah
ta'ala with
a intact heart, with a pure heart, with
a clean heart, with a whole heart. Why
were all of these things made haram? Because
they all are inroads to the heart. This
zakatul fitr is what? Which one of us
kept the fast in this holy month in
such a way that our heart was untainted,
that it didn't think haram? It didn't think
an act of rebellion or an act of
impurity against the lord
If you're one of those people, then make
dua for me. Everybody
had some sort of dilution or some sort
of impurity mixed into their heart into the
sacred month. But don't fear, Allah ta'ala's mercy
is there to help you. You are not
perfect, you fall short, Allah ta'ala will give
you the tools that you need to make
it through this life, to make it through
to make it through this Ramadan, to make
it through this fast.
So he legislated the zakatul fitr as a
fard, as an obligation.
The inward reality is what? You give $8,
you give $10, you put it in the
Manila envelope and drop it in the box.
It doesn't go to the masjid. It doesn't
pay me. It doesn't pay the light bills.
It doesn't pay the whirling fans. What is
the zakatul fitter? It's a
It is
a a purification
for the one who fasted from those things
that they did in the fast that were
irrelevant to the fast, as well as the
that went through the tongue, and went through
the eyes and the ears, and that passed
through the heart of the person who is
This is a way of purifying it that
you take out this
blessing from Allah to Allah and you say,
I return this blessing because I did something
around another to not deserve it. And what
is the outward meaning of this?
And it is a way to feed the
the the person who is poor, the person
who is completely broke. And
others relate that the messenger of
Allah said, in as many words,
your brothers and sisters who are poor, because
the id is for them and it's for
us as well, that those of us who
Allah has given wealth. It's for all of
us. It's for all of
us. The deen is egalitarian.
There is no one in the deen that
is elite because of their money or because
of their lineage or because of their birth.
The only elite person in this deen is
who? It's the one who has fear of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in his heart.
Verily, the most honored and noble amongst you
in the sight of Allah
is the one who has the most taqwa.
Verily, Allah ta'ala is all knowing and well
informed of what you do.
So what is this what is this
zakatul fitr? It's there inwardly to purify you,
and outwardly,
what is it for? So that your brothers
and sisters, there are people in the that
are sitting with you right now, that you
pay your bills and they're not able to
pay their bills, that you buy good food
for yourself and your family, and they're not
able to buy good food for themselves and
for their family, that you you own your
houses and they don't own their houses.
They're not even able to pay the rent.
There are many brothers and sisters that would
have loved to be in Jumuah right now,
but they don't have gas money. And even
if they did, it would be irrelevant because
they don't own a car and they live
on the other side of town. This is
something that exists. There are people like that
all over the world right now. There are
people who will dig through the garbage in
order to have their iftar. There are people
like that all over the world, and there
are people like that in your city right
now also who cannot afford these basic things.
The Eid is for them as well. So
you pay the zakatul fitr, it doesn't go
to me, it doesn't go to the masjid,
it doesn't go to the board members or
to the president or to paying bills. It
goes to your brothers and sisters who are
in need so that the aid can be
an aid for them as well as it
is an Eid for you and I. Allah
ta'ala said in his book,
verily successful is the one who
purifies, the one who pays this zakatul fitter.
How do you go to the
The sunnah of going to the is how?
To turn on the radio,
to put on your favorite tape. Say, Sheikh,
don't jump
on my back. I don't listen to music.
I put in a nasheed tape. Okay. You
put in a nasheed tape. You put in
your favorite reciter.
Even as much as the virtue of reciting
the Quran
is. Right? The sunnah on the day of
Eid, when you go to the Musalla of
Eid, is not what? It's not to listen
to the Quran or to recite the Quran.
It's what? This takbir,
That you repeat this Takbeer over and over.
There are several different narrations of it whichever
one you prefer, you can recite
That you recite the magnification of the praises
of Allah
and you recite the hamd of Allah
the praises of Allah because this day is
a special day. What is the step? The
first thing is that the the person who
is successful is the one who pays the
fitter. And then on the day of Eid,
when you're going to the of Eid, instead
of chit chatting in the car, the sunnah
is to walk for those who are able
to walk.
But if you're not able to walk, chit
chat instead of chit chatting in the car,
say the say the Takbir.
You're the father of a family,
say the You're the mother of children, say
the The sunnah is for the men to
say it out loud, not screaming, but to
say it out loud. And the sunnah for
the sisters is what? To say it silently
to themselves. Let your children see that you
practice the sunnah of the messenger of Allah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Or are you embarrassed
that somebody might see you? Brothers and sisters,
somebody is seeing you. Allah ta'ala sees you.
Allah ta'ala sees you.
Allah sees you on this day of celebration.
This is the sunnah of the messenger of
Allah and his pure companions radhiyallahu ta'ala Anwum.
Come like this. Allah ta'ala even bears witness
to the beauty of this action and of
this practice in the Quran. What does he
say? He says,
successful is the one who takes out the
Then he mentions the name of his lord,
meaning he makes the thikr, the stakbir on
the way to Eid.
And then he prays the salah to Eid.
Indeed, you you you you prefer the life
of this dunya. You prefer the material of
this world. If I were to say I'm
going to give a $1,000,000
the after the to anyone who waits for
an hour, everybody would be here. The one
who is not going. Right? You know, you're
supposed to make
you're supposed
to you're supposed
to encourage people to give to the poor.
People will grab the one who's leaving. The
person will say, I'm going to my job.
Say, listen, Akhi. Stay here. You won't even
need a job after this. Right? You won't
even need it. At least for several years,
you won't need a job. Just stay. Don't
worry about it. You'll get another job before
then. Encourage one another. But if I were
to say what? That there is going to
be a darsa of the hadith of the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. That
we are going to explain a page from
the book of Allah ta'ala, the tanzil that
came from above the Saba Asamawat and the
I'm going to explain a hookum from the
sharia, from the sacred sharia of Allah ta'ala
and his messenger, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Not
many people would stay. A good number of
people would stay. Not many people would stay,
brothers and sisters. Allah knows this. He's
You prefer the the life of this world.
But the akhirah is better than this world.
The akhirah is more intense than this world.
Even the person who is going to jahannam,
the punishment is much more intense. If a
person lives a horrible life in this world,
he will remember from the fire of Jahannam
this world as a jannah, as a paradise
for him when he sees what's in store
for him on that side.
That the is better than this world and
it lasts forever. This is what this is
all about. This is a celebration
even if you don't have mommy and baba
to give you a gift on id, even
if you don't have any relatives in the
masjid, even if you don't have anything to
celebrate from this material world. Why? Why?
Allah says, O mankind,
indeed has come to you, a righteous exhortation
from your lord,
and a cure for the sickness that's in
the hearts,
the sick hearts,
the one heart that is chasing after money.
In this book of Allah, there's a cure
for that. This heart which is plagued and
riddled with the cancer of hasad, with the
cancer of of jealousy,
that cancer that eats up a person's good
deeds like fire eats up dry firewood.
There's a cure for that in here, for
the ujub and the kibr, for
the the the
the the the takabbur, for the arrogance, that
same arrogance which led
shaitan to be shaitan
and which led every person who went astray
from the of his Lord. There's a cure
for that in this book. There's a cure,
there's a in this book. Even for the
person who doesn't understand even a lick of
And that's most of us. And if we
think that we're from so, you know, so
called Arab countries and so we understand the
Quran. It's not necessarily true. To understand the
language of the Quran is not easy. The
usages in the Quran are not normal usages,
everyday usages of the Arabic language. There are
many of us that don't understand even a
lick of the Quran. There are many of
us that don't understand but half of it
or a quarter of it. Despite that fact,
even if you don't understand a link of
it, this is something I asked the the
youth group kids, I asked people from time
to time, How do you feel when you
go to salatul tarawi and you hear the
Quran? Do you understand any of it? No.
How do you feel when you leave? I
feel good.
Of course you feel good. What else are
you doing? It's a,
and a guidance and a mercy for the
believers. Of course, you're going to feel good.
You feel clean when you lead, even if
you didn't understand the link of it. Why?
Because you stood in the obedience of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. You may or may not
have been created to be the most knowledgeable
person in the world. You may or may
not have been created to be the shaykhotafsir,
alama fahama.
That may be the case, that may not
be the case. But you were created and
I was created to be a servant of
the Lord. And when the slave stands in
front of his master in obedience, the entire
universe is perfect and as it should be.
Say, because of the the grace of Allah
the grace of Allah ta'ala, and the mercy
of Allah ta'ala, the grace of Allah and
Let them enjoy that. Let them be happy
about that. Let them be excited about that.
Let them celebrate that.
It is better than all of this money,
all of this property, all of this dunya,
all of this all of this ego,
all of this power, all of this status
that we spend our entire
lives gaining. And the angel of death visits
you one day, *, the
entire thing is gone. Like it never existed
in the first place. It would have been
better if it never existed because those things
you never had, you'll never be asked about
them on the day of judgement. Because you
had them,
now, you'll never be asked about them on
the day of judgment.
Because you had them, now the benefit is
gone as if it never existed.
But the burden of it still remains on
the back of every person to give an
answer for what they did with those things.
Say because of the grace of Allah ta'ala
and his mercy. That mercy that comes down
in the holy and sacred hour of Eid.
That holy and sacred hour of Eid when
all of the Muslims gather together. This is
why it's a sunnah to pray the Eid
because it's
When you gather for the day of Eid,
you are not the only ones that are
there. There are Muslims that you have not
seen for the entire year that will be
there. They're not the only ones that are
there. The jinn come, the angels come, the
angels are commanded to come and join the
Eid prayer. It's entirely an open thing. It's
something that's witnessed by the heavens and by
the earth, by the trees, by the grass,
by the rocks. It's a commandment and they
enjoy witnessing it. Why? Because it's a place
where the rahmah and the mercy of Allah
ta'ala comes down on his creation. It's a
reason why the rain comes down on the
heads of the believers.
It's a reason why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
gives us another another chance, gives us another
day. That there's still some good, there's still
some good left in this creation
amidst everybody being so so so driven by
their nafs and so driven by their and
their vain desires that everybody says, well, I
believe this and another person says, I believe
that. People make things up. People make things
up and lie against Allah
There are no longer virtues left, it's just
values. To the point where if you believe
in good, there's a 100 people in front
of you who believe in something other than
good, and we all sit together and say
that this is equal.
Gave every single one of us an.
He gave us a intellect, a rational faculty,
which is there to judge, to be the
difference between what is good and evil and
he gave us
by which we can
differentiate what's good and bad and even though
the society and the time we live in
will pile every sort of indecency onto you
and tell you to accept that it's good,
as it's good, it's not good. There's a
day in the year that the rahmah of
Allah ta'ala comes down on his creation. Why?
Because there are still a set of people
amongst those who worship Allah ta'ala,
who still say what is right is right
and who still say what is wrong is
wrong, who listen to the truth, who hear
the truth, who watch and see the truth,
and who speak the truth and carry the
truth, the holy truth, the holy and sacred
truth, and the vessel of their hearts where
with them wherever they go, this is an
occasion of Allah's rahma coming down. And even
if that doesn't describe all of us, even
if it only describes one of us, that's
the day we go and we see who
is that one person because of whom if
Allah accepts from him, he will accept from
This is why even if you don't have
nice clothes on the day of Eid, you'll
still feel happy. This is why if you
don't have someone to give you presents on
the day of Eid, you'll still feel happy.
This is why if you don't have the
fancy party where all the cool people are
going on the day of Eid, you'll still
feel happy. If you don't have the best
thing to eat on Eid, if you're broke
on Eid, you'll still feel happy because it's
not something that you celebrate from this world.
It's something that comes down from above the
and from above the brothers and sisters. This
is something that requires preparation.
This is not something that happens for free.
There are how many days? 7 days, 6
days left in Ramadan.
Don't let it go by like the other
went by.
Work hard. Read the book of Allah ta'ala.
Shut the TV off. Shut the phone off.
Stop using the Twitter and Facebook and YouTube.
You can watch a video of cats some
other day. This opportunity is not going to
come by again. We laugh about it in
this world. On the day of judgement, we'll
cry about it. Wallahi, we'll cry about it.
We wish we could have those precious moments
and hours that we could go back. Nobody
gets to come back. Nobody gets to come
back. This is your chance. Do what you're
going to do and be what you are
forever and ever afterward.
Shut all of those things down for these
Flee to Allah to Allah. Come to this
house. Come to the masjid. Bring your pillow
and sleeping bag. If all you do is
come and sleep in this masjid with the
niyah that you don't want to, pollute your
heart in these holy and sacred days, Allah
will reward you and write for you your
sleep as if it's an ibadah brothers and
sisters. It's not a joke. It's not a
Flee to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so that
he can reward you. And for the sake
of Allah ta'ala, don't do anything to blow
it. When the moon is sighted or when
the 30th day of Ramadan is complete, you
know there's no salatul tarawih tonight. You know
that you're not going to have to,
you know,
strain yourself tonight, that you're going to eat
and drink, and tomorrow is a nice day,
when you're picking up your nice clothes, when
you're sorting the presents for your loved ones
and for your children,
spend some time in the ibadah of Allah
ta'ala. It's a sunnah of the messenger of
Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
It's narrated by a number of by Jama'a
Abhi Muhamdideen, including Imam al Shafri, including ima
imam Abujaafarat
people who are mujdahideen.
It's a sahiyah hadith of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam. Whoever gives life to the
2 nights of the 2 i'ids, whoever stands
in prayer, whoever reads Quran, whoever makes zikr,
whoever makes dua and shows the worry and
concern of his akhirah on those 2 nights,
their heart will not die on the day
that the darars die on the day of
Don't spend it as a time of heedlessness,
brothers and sisters. It is for those who
are in the atika of a sunnah that
they not leave the Muartakaf.
Legally, they can leave at the time of
Maghrib on the last day or when the
moon is sighted. But it is a sunnah
that they stay in the masjid until the
fajr is prayed, and then when they leave,
they leave straight to the musalla of Eid.
Why? Because what did we start the khutba
with? Al umurubil kawateem.
All matters are the way that they end.
If you don't end this Ramadan in a
good way, don't expect the good of it
on the day of judgment. Be very careful
to vouchsafe it. Pay your zakatul fitr. Make
your takbir. Don't do anything to ruin it
before the hour of of acceptance comes down
on the Muslims, on the believers. Don't do
anything to ruin it before you pass from
this world. May Allah give all of us
so much tawfeeq.