Hamza Yusuf – Gateway to God’s Book #5
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The speakers discuss the loss of the Mo anniversary wa ban on WhatsApp and the use of the word "rovia" in culture. They stress the importance of storytelling in shaping one's personality and message, citing the structure of a dialogue as crucial. The speakers also discuss the use of repetitive stories in various prophets to convey a message and emphasize the importance of affirming the unity of God and the history of the prophets in achieving a greater stance. They stress the importance of worshiping Allah Sub Joey and the holy month in the culture of the Middle East, and stress the need for people to study the Prophet'siva and become more aware of its potential.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to steam and get your handle. Allah subhanho wa Taala Adam and Is there anyone in stock Pharaoh who will not be diamond surely and fusina will say Dr. Medina Alhamdulillah Allah wa Ramadan Mubarak and
welcome again to the next chapter in this, what I thought I'd do is just do a very quick review, because I'm finishing this section and then
they after tomorrow when we start again, I'm beginning on the second section, which is quite different from this one. So just to recap very quickly, Mohammed Mohammed bin Zayed Kelby was a great eight century scholar, he died in 741. And he, he was from Andrew sia, which as you know, for over 700 years, and really even longer than that, given that the Muslims remained in Spain as crypto muslims for quite some time. And this is why
people that live in California see Arabic names in many places in California because when the Spaniards came here, they actually named it California after the halifa which is a historical fact. So it's actually a kind of Spanish hybrid word which means Land of the Calif California that's the I'm not making that up.
So he, he died defending the lands of Islam against the
the northern aggression against the Muslims there. And he wrote this book to seal the ultimate NZ and
it's usually printed in there's actually a one volume addition, and then a two volume and a four volume. But it's it's become a much more popular Tafseer than it was in the past. It's it's was more known in North Africa, and not so much in other places. But he's an extraordinary scholar. And he basically gave us an overview of what he considered to be a really a map of the Quran. And he first establishes the idea that the origin, he gives you a definition of the Koran which is dealt with, in a better help. It's, it's the invitation to creation to the worship of their Creator. And, and then he talks about, that you need to know what the worship is, who the Creator is, and what the, the,
the the worship that he's invited you to is. So that's knowing the hardship and knowing the deen itself. And then providing both are incentives for doing that. And so, he has the title event or he which are the two dominant ways that human beings are motivated what we call in our culture, the stick and the carrot, basically, a promise and a threat.
And then he looks in detail at what he calls the seven really subjects Mikasa or Quran. And, and, and he identifies them as the first one being admitted rovia to explain who our Lord is. And then the Buddha to explain who the prophets on what prophecy is, and, and who they were, and why they came. And then the Mad which is the resurrection. And then the outcome, which are all the legal rulings, the word which is the promise and the word which is the threat and finally it costs us because human beings are people that are motivated by stories that stories are very important in in all our civilizations, the storytellers are part of every culture and every civilization. And the
great civilizations are founded usually upon books that have creation stories, Miss in them, I mean, the great hyperborean religions of the North, or the, the religions like of of India, these great traditions that have these stories of where we came from, and then he goes into
what is the robia affirms the existence of the maker explains the creation of firms unicity of God. In other words, his oneness refutes those who associate powers with him provides the attributes, these are all from him with the prophecy confirms the prophethood of the prophets in general confirms the prophet of our Prophet Mohammed in particular, and then confirms the scriptures that God revealed to them. So we believe, obviously in the in the south of the Ibrahim in the Torah, the tenor of the Jews, and then in the Psalms of deload, which is part of the it's not part of the Torah, but it's part of what we call the old
testament now, and then the gospel, the ngl have resigned Hmm. And finally the fourth con. And then we recognize that there's other traditions, also the existence of angels that really are the unseen movers and shakers in the world, they do a lot of things, and then refutes the arguments of the disbelievers. And then the Mad is about the resurrection gives proofs for the resurrection refutes those. And then getting into the outcome, we went through the five types of outcome and, and then the outcome that relate to our body, the physical rules, the to wealth, and then to our hearts. And then we looked at the wide and the wide. And then now we're in the puzzles. So this is where we
where we left off yesterday. And so the story is the causes nanoco SWALEC accidental causes, we're telling you the best stories, because human beings Plato, the the Greek philosopher said that.
Give me the the stories, you tell your children, and I'll give you your culture. I mean, I'm paraphrasing, but basically, what he said is that the stories that you give a culture are going to define that culture. So when you look, for instance, we wonder why this is an extremely violent place. We wonder why there's so much aggression and all these, but we'll look at the stories that people are fed.
Through the media, if you look at why there's so much in most cultures, people don't rebel against
parents, I mean, they have their, you know, they have to find their selves and their identities and everything. So they'll go through these transitional periods, but generally you do not find the type of deep filial impiety that you find in western civilization. And, and, and a lot of that has to do with just the stories that they're given. Because so many of the stories that they're given so many of the films, the television programs, they see children, speaking out, getting angry with their parents, all these things. That's not a foregone conclusion. That's something that's learned behavior.
And so stories are very important. And and that's why stories have there's, there's really a moral obligation of the storyteller, the storyteller, the people that write, if you look at the great literature, great literature,
always has deep
meanings and philosophical truths that are in it.
They're not necessarily didactic, great writers don't tend to spell things out for you. They let you work them out yourself. But if you study for instance, even somebody like Shakespeare, Shakespeare is teaching ethics very often through negative stories, like showing you like Macbeth is a really good example of somebody who
breaks the hospitality, the rule of hospitality, and kills the king, based on what some demons these witches, who told him, you know, and they lied to him, they tricked him, which is what the demons always do. And then his wife is, you know, unsex me now and she's become, I guess she's a non gendered female, because that's what she says unsex me now. But Lady Macbeth is incredible study and just a horrible type. woman that goes her husband on to do something that he knows is wrong, and then it's horrible. she commits suicide, and then he's like, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, he's like in Neel ism, right? Every nothing means
anything. So he's showing you what happens when you take that path. Like it's a really bad way to go down. So and, and but now stories, you have evil people that are heroes now in stories, and you have gangsters that people are made to like, based on the I mean, how could you not like Don Corleone, right? But that's what they do. They make the negative, they make the dark, likeable. And, and it's horrible. And that's why something like you know, Tolkien, who was a very devout Catholic, His story is about good versus evil, and, and, and good prevails. So the Quran has these stories because they're important and they're the best stories because they're stories of virtue, overcoming vise of
truth, overcoming falsehood of the prophets, overcoming the disbelievers of Moses overcoming Pharaoh, you know, Pharaoh is drowned. He's, he comes to not. And so that's one of the most important aspects of these stories is is that their stories to teach, teach us now. The stories
are told that it's not a linear Quran is not linear, but it has a deep structure. And this is where the mystical component comes in. Because the more you study the Quran, the deeper the structure gets. And so
when you see how the stories are spread out, they're spread out for a reason. And, and and they're and each place reiterate the story, but always has some it's either shortened or it's heightened, or there's something that's focused on, it's not focused on in another place. So the conciseness shows you the rhetoric, the power of, of the Quran rhetorically, to teach you something with Ejaz, and then what's called EPA, NAB, Ejaz would be the conciseness in rhetoric, and then the EPA NAB is to give you a kind of copious accounts of something where you're adding more information. So both are used one is, is is is used to get a message that's very pertinent and specific, whereas the other
one, it, it adds to it, the nuances in it, and I'll show you some of these in a second. So and then a story told in one place may have a detail not found in another place. So then in each of them, there's a particular benefit, the stories are told for particular aims. So they are repeated in accordance with the numerous aims. So when we look at this,
here, here, I want to look at some of the recurring stories and why they recur, the stories are told for particular aims. So they're repeated in accordance with the numerous aims, so affirming the prophethood of previous prophets by telling of the miracles that took place at their hands. So we know Moses had a staff, he threw down the staff, he he showed his hand, his hand was white without leprosy or, or that a lie go or somebody was already sued, and there was no no harm with it, you know, and so and so. And then he had was given the nine as so he's given the two is for Pharaoh, but given the nine is for the people of Egypt. And they're both mentioned the two eyes and the nine eyes
in different because that's an example of where one is to Pharaoh and the others to the whole people of Egypt. And then stating the various ways in which those who reject the prophets were destroyed. So some of them right how the Audubon you know that they saw the rain, they said, how the Audubon Montero now Oh, when nice rain, and then the rain wipes them out, it was a storm that killed them, the drowning plagues, you know, all these different ways that people are destroyed. So these are WARNING This is the worried component, and then affirming the unity of God, right? confirming the Prophet hood of the Prophet Muhammad's allies and through his ability to convey this history without
being taught like he had no knowledge and some of them later, like who, who knew the Pharaoh was was preserved in his body like mummies, I mean, that's the Quran says that, you know, you were going to preserve you in your by to be assigned for the people that come later who, who told the prophets Allah isn't that because that was discovered later. Also, like who told the Prophet casting lots was zecharia, you know, in for the Kabbalah, all these things that there's no way that prophesized him could have known them. And one of the things even Hans Kuhn mentions that we have a paradox, because we know that ebionites, the early submitted Christians disappeared in the third century, and you
have no trace of them. And yet, he says that epigenetic Christianity shows up in the seventh century, Arabia with the poron. So he said, Where's that we don't where's the historical link? He said, it's a problem. Like for Christians, like how did that happen?
It happened from our perspective, because he was given revelation, it's ye. But that is a question How did and then you know, they said, Oh, the prophet just took from the Bible. Why does he Why does he edit so much and big? Why is he so consistent in his editing? Because he didn't take everything from the Bible. I mean, there's whole things that are edited out. So why why is why is there the editing? Like, why aren't the stories of the prophets doing the dastardly things that according to the Old Testament, some of the Old Testament writings say that they did. And yet the Quran rejects that and says, No, those are those are alterations or that's the dominant view. And the other view
is that they're just misinterpretations of the actual whatever was being stated. So and then the the considering the power of God and the severity of his punishment for those who reject his message is very important. One of the messages of the Quran, the consoling the Prophet, I mentioned that about the, you know, inilah default follow the ethical code
Duke, that that's an example of constellation where the prize is being told, look, you're being kicked out, there's a wisdom here, and I will return you just like I returned almost
Moses to omos
to Moses, his mother, and then engendering the fear of punishment in those who reject God's message as those before them were punished, presenting the wondrous events of the prophets and their disputes with those who rejected the message. So, so now, I just want to look at a few just to show you some of the the these what appear to be repetitions, but in fact are not. So for instance,
in in Surah
it says that
it says here, along with Mohammed.
So well hanaa either Moosa either sparhawk como and the rib Yasaka hija. So we we with us, we revealed to Moses when his people saw drinking water from in the desert, strike the stone with your staff, so he's told to strike the stone with SAP. And then it says from wedges that men who from benches at men who Natasha Dinah kata Anima kulu, Nason mushara boom, what Atlanta addingham Alabama, ones in Nottingham and men Noah Silva kulu Minh pyy batty models an outcome marvella Muna what I can can also home yovani Moon so here the I ns was saying they were ungrateful we gave him all these blessings we gave him the manna and the quail and despite that they oppressed themselves
so if you look in Surah
it says with the statusbar musar the economy he went recall how Moses sought drinking water in the desert for his people. So now Moses is seeking it for his people right there the people asked Moses right so so it's letting you know that he's answering the the request of his and this is what profits do they serve their people? Right? So for Cornell berry biasa can hijack. Okay, so so far, it's the same from third year at Minho. But here it says from federal funding from federal admin who is Natasha Ratan Tata Anima kulu ness and mushara boom, there's the same but Now Allah says Kudo was horrible middle risky la when I tell myself that our demo CD so they haven't gone astray yet there.
He's telling them don't so Crusher, but in the other one he says that they move on. Um, now what I can count the number they were the, the the oppressors. So unfed Yeah, that means that it burst forth and flowed freely and strongly in batches, that means that it flowed but then it diminished with their sins. So the MDGs is that the the the flow actually diminished, the more they sinned. And so, this, this, you know, these are the type of nuances that you're going to find in the repetition so to look at another one
in the
so Allah subhana wa tada when he says to Moses, and Moses is the most repeated story in the Quran with Pharaoh because that is the world. It's Moses and Pharaoh, right? It's, you know, I have a Palestinian sister here. So, you know, this is the story of the world it's it's Moses and and also to remember there amongst the the pharaohs people, there's people that believe so even in the pharaohs inner circle, there was a movement and Alif around he was amongst the people of Pharaoh so the Quran is nuanced in that way, and then there's bad people amongst the people of Moses. So it's it's never Manichaean the Quranic worldview is never mannequin, it's never black and white. It's,
it's always recognizing the nuances of the world. But this is the confrontation between Pharaoh and Moses. This is, this is always and you and you choose your sides and you can't fence it because if you fence it, you're on the pharaohs side by by being neutral in a moral crisis. You know, they say the hottest place in * is served is is reserved for those who are neutral in a moral crisis. You know, I don't know if that's true, but
But it's a nice reminder.
So, so he says here that
and so Moses, you know, said mokara, Musashi yes around India rasuna neuroanatomy so I'm a messenger from the Lord of the word happy upon Allah Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah Huck. And I'm obliged to say nothing about God but the truth. Right? So he's telling him, I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm going to tell you the truth. And then he says, you know, that I have come with with the idea to combee beginner to Mira become, I've come with a clear proof from your Lord for ourselves, Matty, Benny is Sarah ill. So Set Free The Children of Israel and this is also in the Bible mentioned. So what is sign, you know, on
the item behalf so he says if you have a sign, let's see it in continental society again, if you're truthful, for elkaar saho he, either he or vanamo been so he threw down the the the the the, the the staff, and it's it was a manifest
ban ban is a giant snake like an anaconda or or a Python it's a huge snake
and so that's what he says there and then there's no one has that yet the who, and then he takes out for you that he fee that he available and now that in and so that's that's there and then
in Baja.
when when when Allah subhana wa tada
has the meeting with Mossad they sent him and asked him, you know what's in your writing? Allah knows what's in his right hand. But he asked him I said it could be a Medicare Mussa party outside tobacco, who should be heard of enemy woody hora but lp yamasa arhavi either here to Intesa. So here it's a it's a little snake.
Now, there's two reasons for that one. If it was a ban, it might have created a real fear in Moosa himself went because this is a first he This is the first time he's seeing the miracle. So it's a it's a little snake that's moving too quickly. So this is going to be less frightening from if it suddenly was a giant snake. It would be terrifying for him. And and then what does the law say? I'll have a lotta half. Take it and have no fear. Right? So he's letting him know Senator Edo has era Tallulah you know, we will return it to its original. So he takes it as a staff again. Right. So that is an example now finally, when so now this is the third time so there's three times that this
is mentioned in the Quran. The first time is is in terms of the books is confronting Moses, but before that the first time in terms of time dimension because remember, there's no past present or future for God. It's all one for God. And so the Quran is past, present and future. It's nonlinear. So there's things that he'll tell you before that or after in terms of our experience, but with God, they're all in immediate knowledge with God, that's just the eternal now. And so there's no so so he says
in this in this third one.
You know, so, you know, so let's see what you have. And he throws it down. Right. And
and so they they, you know, they tell him he that he is a
you know, a a Sahar right.
And so, when they bring the, the, the the Sahara
they say who's gonna throw furs? And he says, I don't know how Moosa Akuma and Tamil own you throw down what you're gonna throw that for el Cohiba Habana home where I see your home so they threw down their ropes and staffs right and what could have been sitting around and they say you know by by fairgrounds greatness, you know by his power by the invincible might have Pharaoh and and in the nano lahardee bone because they want money they were promised they're going to get a reward. This is classic.
Just human
pet you know just the pathetic human nature in all its
display here, welcome musasa hufa either here, either here for my Effie cone So here it's it's it's, it's it's not mentioned what and the odema say it was a higher in its speed and a ban in its size. So it has both qualities of this So that's an example again of these different now have different stories but each one is nuanced. Now if you look again
here with Abraham and his system
it says, you know, head of tech I had a little baby about him and mokara mean Okay, so now it tells you hasn't come to the story of Abraham, the honored guests of Abraham right and mokara me so then it says it the hollow or any of Abu Salah they come in and they say peace pada Salaam and then he says on the moon caught on, you know, they were people he didn't recognize right Moncada on here means unknown because Moncada is something that you don't know is what you know Moncada is what you don't know. So in healthy societies, the motto of his his, his virtue and Moncada is vice because you don't see vice in a healthy society. And that's why the Prophet said towards the end of time,
would become Moncada Moncada would become rove. So what what people know is vice not virtue. That's one of the signs of the end of time. So So there he says common among caught on fire. Aha, he had he said, Yeah, he didn't say mean to a robot named Aleta Kowloon, the oldest among whom, Hiva alula, to half wabasha Rodin. So, so he offers some food and now to the to the people of the desert.
If you offer food and the guests refuses it, they intend evil. That's why he said, Oh, just have enough sushi, but he feels some fear. Because if they if they were, if the eight people, you know, in that tradition, you ate from a man's plate, you're not gonna you're not doing harm, because it would be again, that breach of hospitality. These are ancient traditions.
And so, so there that this What is it now, if you go back to sort of Asia, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, one a bit home and lazy Ibrahim, and he doesn't say or mokara mean. So here, the focus is not on the kingdom of Ibrahim, it's not he's he's it's the purpose is another purpose. It the whole idea of Otto Salama. Now in the other one, he replies the sentiment but that's not the point here. pata in in como de Lune. The point here is fear. So he removes the return of the Salam. And he removes the fact that he honored them in his house by bringing them things because now the focus is on the the fear in Ibrahim. And this is, I mean, we all know this when when you tell a story. If, if
you if you, you we will tell stories in different ways based on what we want to get out of the story. So even humans do this. So we will will omit things that are not relevant to what we're trying to say in that story. And this is, this is what because Bulaga rhetoric in our tradition Bulaga is more targeted cadang moqtada it's, it's the it's, it's the
it's the
the relationship of the words that you're speaking that they correspond to the moqtada hat. So for instance, you know, in the add on when Amara delana
you know, our Salatu Hiraman unknown. So some some of the Muslim, you know, schools don't accept that because they say, you know, salata, seidelman lots of things like the least of which asleep.
But for nocturnal halide further, that's the most appropriate thing to remind people that it's better of, like if you were eating it would be hydro minute
or something. But here you're sleeping. So that rhetoric is always looking at what are the most appropriate words in the given situation that you're in. So now we can look at another aspects of the repetition, what appears to be repetition, but like I said, so if you look at the beginning of the Quran, Edie flam meme dedicated keytab lowri Buffy who delenn Mata Ki or they arrived stop fee Hotel in LA the new owner of Ibuki Montserrat. huami merasakan on Yom Kippur. So here, Eddie Fleming, this is the book of a
Allah, there is no doubt there in it is a guidance for the God fearing the people of taqwa those who believe in the realms of the unseen who do the establish the prayer set by God and who spent charitably out of what We have provided them and those who further believe in this Quran, the center now
there's no doubt right and and and then and then Allah gives the three types of people. But then he talks about the people feel Cordova Murat fuzz Adama la mirada about the hypocrites the 13 is that deal with the hypocrites, and then the sufa ha.
And then he goes on. And then it says, if you're in doubt about this book,
right? So this is all about removing doubt. And then and then the proofs for that. Now, if you look at
3031 so in chapter 31, Doc ban, Edie flamming, same same letters, and these are called the autofill macapa. These are, you know, somebody put the words together and in different sentences and the words that senses they make are all very interesting, because they're all things like
Nelson Hakeem on patola, who said, you know, so those are all the mocha ads.
And the mocha tags, we don't know what they mean. But part of what they mean to me, is, if you study linguistics,
in linguistics, they they make an argument that phonemes, right, the the foundation of language, the building blocks of language, which are these basic sounds that we make, you know,
by Bobby, boo, all the, all these sounds that we make, then the diphthongs, like, you know, boy, boy,
that these are meaningless. And it's only once they are brought together do they begin to comprise meaning, this shows you its meaning all the way down. So the foundation of in, according to these people, the very building blocks of meaning are meaningless. Whereas the Quran is saying, no, it's meaning all the way down. It's it for me, like even the letters have meanings. So we're, we're the people of meaning, I mean, this is our way. So in Look, man, Eddie flam meme tikka, Aya t tabel. Hakeem. So now, it's saying is, it's it's not saying the kid, you know that he could keytab it's tilka and then it's using again, like valleca tilka. I told keytab al Hakim houden warahmatullah
masini. So now instead of hudlin, Mata, Mata Ki, it's houden Rama. Now this is the chapter of Look, man, and what's Lockman doing? He's giving guidance to his son, which is the ultimate act of Exxon to your child. And and he is a Hakeem. So Allah begins the surah that is about hikma and about your your the the love of your child and the son that you have. This is what what he's saying. Who then warahmatullah Martin, Ella Dini Okay, Mona salaat. So they doing the same things? Will you tune as eco Humbert aka temukan Ola icarda houden robinwood, eco homophone all the same thing. And then women NSE mania steady level headed the yodel and CBD law. So now there's there's these other people
again, these are like the kuffaar so but it's different because here level headed is now juxtaposed with the Hadith al Hakim, like the the speech of the Hakeem. So look, man is doesn't have that word. Howdy. So and then you you tell him who's
the home either way, the two today are the Aya tuna. Karla Latino to the enema will Eman Allah? No, that's the other way.
Well, now most tech era, they turn away out of arrogance, you know, Columbia can feed in a what Cora as if their ears are filled with furbish sure, we'll be there when I leave. So these again are like the people in Bukhara that a lot of talks about the hypocrites in LA. So this is what I eat. So you can see here, you know, this is the way I eat now.
And before it's giving you
all of these ideas and then when he says he's showing how we created the heavens, the earth, and now it's all displaying the power of Allah subhana wa Tada. And then when it gets to what, Tina lookman al hikma so we taught him wisdom goes back to
The beginning of the verses and then what's the greatest wisdom to be grateful? Right so an ESCO Lila woman Yeshe Corps in a marriage coralina fc so whoever is grateful is grateful for himself woman cafaro in the love anyone Hamid and if you're ungrateful just know a lot doesn't need you. And then what is kind of like manually Ebony haha yeah, yeah burn a letter should it be like in the shackle evolution of him? What was saying, well inset BYD, they now See, here's the welded. So now he's telling you, you know, honor your parents because your parents bears very often have wisdom to teach you and they also care about you because they're the ultimate masino and Alec and nobody is
more Mussina alayka nobody shows more son, goodness and charity and love and kindness then your mother and then your father. So and then. So why does immediately after that how metta to own all right. So he says
Be good to your parents, you know, we're counseling you to treat your parents properly. And then reminding you how medical marijuana and alcohol sapped and weakened she bore you do you drained all that energy from her? That's because everything all of her energy was going to to this extraordinary creation I mean from the sunon of Allah Orpheus auto VR main reminding you that you were an escort Li while he was there that's an FCM that all of this is that you thank Allah and that you thank your parents right it was amazing that wow they're like thank Allah and thank your parents in supanova so this is the arm of the parents is immense and then we India Dhaka Allah and to sharika be Molly
Sarah could be here in toto Hama Masai Mama,
even if they're against your guidance, still treat them with with with what's right with virtue with honor right through medium or general calm right so everything will suck. If it didn't matter over with severe trauma and IBD thermit you do not as yet recall, you're coming back to me for own a bit Oh come the American term tap methadone. And then then we go back to a loss, telling us what lachemann said, you know, he says to his son, should there be any deed even if it's only be the weight of a grain or a mustard seed and there will be consumed in Iraq and the high heavens and the deeper allow will bring it forth? Indeed Allah subtle Allah where my dear son established prayer
enjoying what is right, command the the right and forbid the evil be patient with with whatever afflicts you, there Am I say that we you know, he's saying that that a female sought out what might have been my role when Han and Moncada was brahma sabak. and be patient because when you do I'm going to be in my role and the animoca people are going to react to it. In the dedication as a minute or more will add to our autosol had the kalanithi would attempt to put out the Maha don't show people contempt by turning your you're away from them and and don't In other words, don't be arrogant. Right? And don't walk on the earth heartily, Exalted proud in La bucola Matalan for horde?
Allah does not love those who are swaggering or boastful walks into the mystic be modest in your walk. Well, Boardman zoetic and and and lower your voice in the uncluttered, swatted assaulted, I mean, these are all wisdoms, right? And then Haven't you seen how Allah subjugated everything that happens? title and Allah Sahara combat is similar to a method or everything in the heavens, the earth has been subjugated for you. These are all reasons towards them. Now he's giving you the reasons why this is telling you why you should worship Allah subhana wa Tada, why don't you Jad roofie lay the Hadith in men, whatever, who don't want to keep having money. And if you say to these
people who argue without any guidance, you say to them follow what's been sent down, right? No, we follow what we found our ancestors doing. And it says even if chiffon is calling you to *, like you're gonna just go astray. So it goes on
right? So
I mean, this these are all masala it's all reminding you of why you should worship Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and then the very end. Yeah, you have NASA takotsubo come back show your man like the word you don't unworthy Look, man cannot help his son if he doesn't follow His guidance. So you fear that day when you're going to go have to go back to your law.
Right. What am Odin what am Odin who a jazz and Anwar Did he say, in a word ally how, and then don't get diluted because she upon, he's out there to delude you. Right. So, that's,
that's it, those are all examples of where Allah subhanho wa Taala is, there's reasons why he's putting one against the other.
And you'll see this in many, many chapters. Also the beginning, always with the end is very interesting in the Quran. So whatever the beginning is, and follows the end and then inshallah I want to look at using this template now, because now you have all seven, right, the rule will be Naboo, the wide, the mad, the cam, the wide, the wide and the castle. So these seven become a template for you to really understand every verse in the Quran, some of the verses might have more than one in them. But generally, these are the, the seven templates that you're able to see
in a matter of azaleas, which I'll get into in the coming classes. He has a slightly different methodology. It's, it's, it's not, it's based on the same he's just, you know, it's like Jesus took the 10 commandments and folded them up into two, right? Because the 10 commandments are about obedience to God and then just being good to others. Right, don't kill, don't steal, don't covet other people's goods, right? Don't lie, that's all. So he just reduced it down to you know, love God with all your heart and love your neighbors yourself. Like it's it's the same 10 commandments he just wrote. And so that's what he does with these seven, he folds him into two.
So that's an example just of some of the repetitions and the wisdoms in the repetitions that are all very fascinating.
And now, if Nabeel, or Jude or ns have any questions
in Dr. Synopsys, house Bismillah
Baraka Luffy comm Thank you so much.
The first question that will take is from Sarah, who is asking, what are the rational proofs of prophecy? Are the miracles of the prophets, the strongest proofs of their Prophethood? Well, they're there. They're temporal miracles. And then there's miracles that stay with us.
One of the greatest miracles of the prophets allies to them,
is the Sahaba.
Because if you just study the lives of the Sahaba, how do you get all those people at the same time, in one place, men and women, some of the most extraordinary people that ever lived, I mean, all might have been
in the 100 Most Influential People in human history.
All marginal hubbub is in there, according to the Prophet size. According to the historian Michael Hart was number one, and he was Jewish historian. I think he was being very fair. But he puts Omar in there also as one of the most influential I mean, how is that possible? Omar is a is a product of prophetic molding.
So the transformation of you know, the alchemical transformation of lead to gold that occurs amongst the companions of the Prophet, or both are elefante from a tribe of really begins and just becomes
so upright that you can't even live with people anymore. I mean, it's, it's just amazing, or somebody like Ayesha, Ayesha, Ayesha
had the province Eliason, I mean, we can't even imagine it, but you know, had the privatized him never come. Who is Ayesha? So nobody would ever know a name like I've been to Abu Bakar and yet, she's one of the most important women in human history. And she's influenced countless people, men and women. So, she's amazing. So I'm in the greatest miracle, according to our tradition is the Quran itself. But to understand that miracle takes a considerable amount of time, to really to penetrate its mysteries and, and and i mean to penetrate some of its mysteries and get a glimpse of it. It takes a long time. But the more you study, the more miraculous it becomes. That's undeniable.
But one of the great miracles of the Quran is the fact that the atom can melt
memorize it without knowing what it means. What are the sadhana Quran Allah decree, Phantom mo Dekker and we made this book easy to remember. And you you see people that memorize it perfectly. And then another miracle of the Quran is tissue weed. Because why is it that people I've met
Pakistanis that can't speak Arabic, with except with an accent? And yet they can recite the Quran? with perfect tissue weed. It's amazing. I mean, how is it that people can learn? And then and then also how, how is it? We don't know how the Torah was originally recited at the time of Moses, we don't know how the Greek of the New Testament was recited, and I had two years of Greek. And my Greek teacher told us on more than one occasion, you know, we think it was pronounced this way we don't know. So even the Greek coin a Greek of the New Testament is, is we don't have a tissue we'd have it. Like,
ortho appear I think they caught so, so, so sweet as a miracle of Islam. And,
and then
the Prophet's allies Sims, like where do you get the Taj Mahal and the Alhambra palace? I mean, how is it that beauty, Western beauty of Islam,
Spain, when they show brochures to visit Spain, they show the Alhambra palace that was built by Muslims, it was built by Christian. And when they show Hindus when they show their tourist things to visit India, they show a Muslim mosque, and then the Jews when they show their brochures to Israel, that show a mosque that Muslims built. Like how, why, why, what's so amazing about because it's what civilization created those, like, what, what was in the souls of those people that that came out of them? early on to I mean, I've done a medic have been mod one that's very early. And I was once I heard a lecture on quotes, you know, because I mean, even though we know Mr. luxa, is actually
another part of the, the the Mount, but the beta mock this, you know, where the prophets had this around the mirage.
Rather, it was the Israel was to it, and then the Mirage was from it. But so I heard this, this amazing architect in Colorado gate, and he was a student of Keith Critchlow who's a famous sacred geometry mission that studied Islamic art. And he was explaining how this is almost a perfect building.
There's only one problem architectural II, there's not an intermediary. Because if you look at most buildings, they would have a little between the dome and the base, that would be an intermediary. So that's like heaven and earth, and then you have an intermediary. So when you finish the lecture, I went up to him and I said, You know, I think you're, you're totally wrong about that. He said, what he said, Well, I'm just that I mean, architecturally, we would see that as a flaw in the structure because that intermediary base wasn't I said, but that mosque symbolizes a man who went to heaven, and had no intermediary, because even jabril had to leave him. And so it's actually perfect if you
want to.
It's the meaning of heaven and earth. So he was like, that's a very interesting point.
So anyway, that you know, that's, I think, those are miracles of our Prophet and delaine. And the Buddha was very important but another miracle is all of his
his incredible statements about the end of incredible I say incredible, but they're credible for us, we believe them there might be incredible for other people, because incredible means unbelievable, but we believe, but I'm using it Hi perfectly. So anyway, the prophets all I said and told us who who told the Prophet that the buildings in Mecca would reach the tips of the mountains, like who could have imagined that in the seventh century tap skyscrapers that reached the tips of the mountains, who could who told the prophets a lot is seldom
that the mountains of Mecca would have tunnels either buttigieg cover in one Mecca time and it's in a Hadith, when when the mountains
of Mecca went went when the base is drilled, open, but Egypt means to like Pierce, right. So who told the prophets eyes and that who told the prophets license that women would wear spandex towards the latter days because they didn't understand that had the the cast yet and it yet dressed and undressed at the same time. We understand
That, unfortunately, right? I mean, we understand that but who would have understood that in the seventh century Arabia? Read the Tafseer they didn't understand it. They're like How could you be dressed and naked at the same time? So they said things like caste yet for dunya are yet that everybody's idea that they have Jasmine judgment. We now know what that means the prophets I sent him said that people would walk in marketplaces bad yet will have heart with their thighs bear civilized people never do that so that primitive people don't create marketplaces printed people barter, you know they live in they don't have marketplaces that's the difference between civilized
one of the differences between civilized and so he's talking about people in a swamp in malls walking with shorts on who told the province elevation. I mean, there's so many things that he said who told him that destitute Bedouin would be vying with one another to build tall buildings in the Arabian Desert, who told him that all this money would come to the arrangement is who told him that the Arabian Peninsula would would be turned into gardens and have green all I mean, it was desert like, now you go and you can see these amazing garden they actually have skiing in Dubai, like snow.
So all these say, I mean, the province I said he told all these things, and I'm just like, you read the signs, the end of time and you're like,
it's not like Nostradamus, you know where it has to be interpreted. These are like clear signs. I mean, the prophets I sent him said that children he said, and matado say Kunal paisa, like rain would be acidic, paved means to burn, who told him about acid rain? And then who told them cell allottee send them about? I mean, we know I'm just saying rhetorically, you know, that the these for us? These are all signs. He said, Well, well, I do, hey, that child would be filled with rage. Children would be filled with rage.
That's amazing. And he said, you feel the the ammo failed? Ah, we are evil kurama of it. He said that the the low people would be everywhere. And he said noble people would diminish they would just begin to disappear. He said, How will you be when you're amongst the leftovers of humanity like the party's over? It's all the crumbs and the scraps. I mean, just look how people dress. Look how people people have always dressed nobley throughout human history, nobody ever dressed like modern people. Nobody in history, Romans had togas you know, the Persians had their robes, you know,
all all these people. I mean, even native peoples had their feathers and their because they knew they had some sense of what human beings are now people log in, they walk around in, they pay hundreds of dollars for rags.
They pay hundreds of dollars for rags. That what's happened to human beings that this is their state. That I mean, you have to marvel at the leftovers. It's just amazing. But there were there were days. I mean, look, there were days when heroes walk the earth, like now they want to every hero, they just have to tear down. Everybody have any distinction. They have to tear them down. They have to destroy them. They have to expose them show how they're just like everybody else. There's nothing special about them. You know, this is a sickness of people. It's all this leveling.
And and and and,
you know, there were great people and I've sat was sanctified souls. I know it. I've been in their company. I've been in their presence. I felt their heart. You know. So these are real. They're real. And and Olia are real, the people of our law are real. And the lovers of the prophets lies to them. They know what they have, and they know what they have in their hearts. And and the people that don't have that they don't know. But what I never said, If kings knew what we had, they would send their armies to take it from us. You know, so I mean, I've, I feel sorry for people that don't have that I really do. And the Quran says, some of them wish they could believe like you believe. So
don't realize what you have is precious. don't squander it. And then people say, you know, I'm I'm having a hard time with my faith. What like, what have you read history? Like people used to get sawed in half Christians were eaten by the lions. You know? I mean, like, what kind of faith do you have that like you lost your job and suddenly you don't believe in God?
You know, or your child got sick, who gave you the child in the first place? Like where did it come from?
Who can help
How do you know what's good for you? And what's bad? How do you know? If that child is better? They leave the world now than stay in the world you don't know. Who are you to decide these things, all these things? Were people of submission or religion. We don't challenge God. We're not people who wrestle with God, you know, Masato, we don't know. We always surrender. Like, well, I give up. Yeah, don't shoot.
And it's and and it's because allow wants good for us. It's like surrender. It's sweet surrender. It's not bitter surrender. It's not like I lose. It's the win by surrendering. This is like the opposite of surrendering and dunya in dunya you lose when you surrender in our religion. You win when you surrender.
saramonic Baraka love to come from Dr. Santos he and his family. Allah bless you and bless all the people
here and May Allah forgive us and overlook our shortcomings and sins. If we said anything incorrect, May Allah forgive us and stuff that allow us to do that.