Haleh Banani – How Megan Rice finds Clarity in the Quran

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The speaker discusses how struggles in their life can be attributed to their past experiences and how they use the internet to find answers. They suggest that looking at the Quran as a way to complete one's journey rather than just checking a box is more transformative. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of asking for answers rather than just checking boxes.
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Anytime that I am facing struggles in my
own life, I've just found that there's a
surah for it just every single time, and
I think I've highlighted almost the entirety of
both women
and albacara
because anything that's been happening in my life,
I could just go to those 2,
and find something that will address it. But
I I would say that instead of seeing
the Quran
as more of an during Ramadan or something
that needs to be completed, look at it
more as an answer to questions you've always
had or just something to complete your journey
that you've always struggled in. It's far less
intimidating that way, I would say. Approach it
with a heart of curiosity of what it
can do for you rather than you just
checking a box to say, I know I
I read the Quran during Ramadan.
I love the fact that you're saying look
at it with curiosity
and then to look for answers in our
lives because sometimes just one verse can transform