Haifaa Younis – What is Fasting

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of fasting, which is the act of holding a person against something. They use the term "vanish" to describe the act, and emphasize the importance of fasting in Islam's health obligation. The " saive" act is seen as the only required act to earn the blessed fruit of Islam, and is required for personal health and achieving goals. The " saive" act is seen as the only required act to earn the blessed fruit.
AI: Transcript ©
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What does really fasting mean? What does it mean? When I say I am fasting? I'm not talking yet about Islamically we're gonna come to it. In general you see it in front of you. Basically, the the act of fasting is the act of holding.

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If you want to use a term, we use very common these days. It's an act of control. You are under you, you are the one where I am we are the one who have the control. Not people, not my own knifes not shaytaan I have the control and this is why the name fasting, Assam is actually to abstain from something and to stay still. That's why it is used. Allah subhanaw taala used it for a Seder. Meriam when she said when she got pregnant, and Allah ordered her to Cooley in another Tula Rahmani Salma. Tell them I have made an oath to Allah. I'm going to be fasting, felon Colima Yama and Sia, I am not going to be talking to anybody that's fasting, withholding abstaining from talk. Also it is used for

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the wind, it is used for the sun, it's used for the horse when the horse run, run, run and suddenly stop doesn't want to move. They say summit and hide. The horses are in a state of fasting in Islamically Islamically and I love this definition I put it both in Arabic and English, what do you see? You see him SALKIN muscles Fiza mean muscles Beshara every muscle so you will withhold certain thing in a certain time with a certain condition. That's that's fasting, in general, in Ramadan or outside, you withhold abstain from and we'll come to it and you have it in front of you food and drink and marital relationship from to a certain time. Sunrise, I'm sorry, Dawn, to adjust sunset

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and with certain condition. And we're going to come to this. So I want to keep us remembering that fasting is control. I am under control. I am control. I'm sorry, I am in control. I am in control. But the real control is from Allah subhanaw taala because I am in control of not eating or drinking from let's say 5am to 8pm. But who told me that time and who changed it as the month goes. So number one and this keep reminding yourself, you are Allah is teaching you and me to take control of our desires and our what we want, we always have to get it. No. And he's also teaching me to take control and submit to the one who has the control. We fast in general, either obligation by carnavon

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Extra voluntary, that we do Monday Thursdays or three days of the month, we do day of Arafah if we are not in hajj, we do the days of Shaban the middle of the month, so it's obligate voluntary extras, then we do atonement fasting, we fast to the called Cafaro because we have sinned certain sins. And then one of the ways to remove these sins is actually by fasting one of the ones which probably

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familiar to people is actually the oath when we make an oath and we cannot keep it there is many ways to make this up to remove the sin of not making keeping the oath, one of them is fasting, and there is forbidden fasting. I cannot fast and we'll come to that but in general, they fade when the woman is menstruating or when they were or when after she has delivered the baby fasting of Ramadan is is an obligation there is no why and if and but it's one of the five pillars of Islam and not fasting intentionally is a major sin

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I'm not talking about for those who can so I need to look at it and this is not only me, everyone around me we're gonna put it under None option of Yanni. I love it when sometimes you ask people and I really like that. When Sometimes you ask people sometimes you're teasing them says what do you be fasting Ramadan? They look at you.

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I was like, What do you think of me? Of course I'm going to be fasting Alhamdulillah that's how it should be. We should never say if I can unless I have the

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permission, sickness or other but I'm talking about healthy, regular people look at it as it is an amazing guest and honorable guest, bringing with it amazing gifts, precious gifts, and the gifts are given for those who honor it. Honor Ramadan

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen where did this come from? Who said the Ramadan we have to fast we all know it. But it's always very good to keep reminding ourselves when the time of the act of worship comes in, especially if it comes every year like Ramadan or Hajj, we need to remind ourselves again, why? Who said so somebody let's say we will live in a non Muslim country and people around you and these days, for those of us who goes to work, people will ask you and Hamdulillah you will be so happy unless surprise that people are familiar with Ramadan Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen so why it is an obligation it is one of the pillars of the it's in the Quran, I'll come to that. It's in

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the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. He did it and he said to do it, and it's the consensus the agreement of all scholars, no scholar, reputable scholar, all the end recent will come and tell you Ramadan is not an obligation. If he or she say that, then they really are not saying the right thing. Then also it is one of the pillars of the Islam, one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is one of the acts that we all know the they call it in Arabi and Madeline will be Dini but Balraj it's something every Muslim know that they fast Ramadan and this is the verse and in case you want to use it to inshallah you can memorize it. Yeah, you Hola, Dina Amanu all you attain faith quotevalet

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equal Muslim. Fasting is an obligation upon you, as it is an obligation upon the people before you as it is an obligation for the people. Before you La La Quinta TOCOM we're going to try and chart life today to write for ourselves notes and the notes we will take it with us in Ramadan, the notes you can put it in your heart, you can put it on your phone, you can put it on your fridge, do it the way you want. But we need to look into these to remind ourselves number one law law contact the code so you will be a lot conscious. This is the main reason the main message from Ramadan is La La Quinta Takuan ya Allah give me Taqwa. I have no idea what this word mean. I don't know how I am

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going to do it your love teach me Your Allah teach me and look at the next verse. I love it. A Yemen Mahadeo dat it's counted days and and remember this one I am going to say I remember what I will be saying right now.

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The day one of Ramadan we say oh it's 30 days. You blink your eyes and it is the last 10 days. You blink you blink another eye and Ramadan is gone. And that's why Allah says a Yemen module that it's counted a Yemen module that for mankind I mean call Murray one oh Allah so fully fed, the two men am in Ohio. The person who's sick or was traveling will come to this later. Now come to this one shot or a Madonna lady on Z Daffy Hill Quran the month of Ramadan, the month where does the Ramadan came from the name? It's in the Quran, and I'll come to you as we go. Where is what does the word mean? So we can look into the spiritual part of Ramadan. So shadow Ramadan, I love you Lindsey Rafi Hill

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Quran. So look at the virtue. It's the month. It's Ramadan, is the month that Allah chose from all the 12 months to send his words for the first time. In Zen now who fie Laila to cuddle. We send it down in the night of the power and the night of the power in Ramadan. That's how the scholars all unanimously agreed that night of the holiday the night of the power is actually in Ramadan because Allah said we send the Quran in the night of power. And Allah said we send the Quran down. In Ramadan, we send the tuna and Lin Nasi are the units in mineral Huda will fall on Why did Allah send the Quran to guide us to teach me to make me some things clear and to teach me right from wrong for

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odd right from wrong. Now comes the order for men shade I mean commercia Hara Valley have some whomsoever live to see the month.

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Fat yes some

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then they need to fast. That's an order and in the Arabic language fairly, it's an add a verb that comes in with the meaning of order, do it and then Allah gives the the exceptions and finish it. What took me to the finish the 30 days or 20 days 29 days? Well it will Kabiru Allahu Allah Maha. So you will always glorify Allah for the near Emma he gave us and this is another thing I want everyone to feel for lights and yam

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it's a blessing that Allah subhanaw taala send us a month that will bring us much easier closer to him. Help us much easier to do things that pleases Him Alhamdulillah well it can be Allah Allah Maha can glorify Allah, that he for what he guided you are guided us when Allah contest Quran and Sunnah. So you may be grateful to Allah, grateful to Allah, look at it. It's an obligation Yes, but what an obligation what our beauty and guest Think of it this way the day that you were here the announcement that it is tomorrow is Ramadan, live with the fact that you are opening the door and the most beloved guest that you are you were waiting for for the whole year. Finally, their foot is

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in your home. How you will feel this is how I need to heal. I need to look at it waiting. Finally is it here? Is it here and that hamdulillah and I am alive and it is here in the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw to Sudan he fasted nine Ramadan's nine years. And this is also his teaching and I love this hadith and this is where the obligation of Ramadan came. The obligation of Ramadan came from the Sunnah also, and this is a man and a Bedouin came to the soiree Saito, salaam not very well dressed not very clean, actually, he was described that his his here was not very done, well. Not clean. And he says you're a sole law. Bernie mother for Allahu Allah, Yamuna salah, telling me what Allah made

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compulsory upon me from salah, and he said the five unless you volunteer, and you will do more, and he said, What about what did he make obligatory upon me from fasting?

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What is obligatory upon me from fasting, he said, Ramadan, unless you want to do more. And then he asked her about Zika he explained it to him again, which is charity unless you do more luck with the mindset. But when Wallahi young also me muffled Allahu Allah Yasha. And he said, by the one who send you now Bedouins is like the tough people because they live in the desert, and they live a harsher life, you know, to this strong and, and, and they say the way it is, as we say, and he said by the one who have honored you, I am not going to do anything extra Latifah. I'm not gonna do anything voluntary.

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However, I'm not going to do anything less than what he ordered me. I am not going to do anything less from what he made obligatory on me. And I am not going to do anything extra. Otto Swati Sato Salam said F Lucha in Sadhak. He will be successful. If he was truthful. Or another narration he will get to Jana. He will get to Jana. So here you are. It's an obligation. If I am a person who normally does not fast,

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a lot outside or I don't fast outside Ramadan. It's from one Ramadan to the other. Regardless of the reason, this is a good news for you, because he said to him, I am not going to do anything extra. But I'm not going to do less from what he wanted me. And also Alia salatu salam said if he's successful, if he does that, he's successful. That's an obligation. And this is another Hadith Amin in the slides I have all the sources also. This Islam, this beautiful religion, this home of Islam, built on five wounds in Islam, Allah hums five things, you bear witness, Allah is

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only DT rasool Allah Salatu Salam is his messenger, you perform Salah and you

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a Zika and you do you give Zika and Osama Ramadan who will beat five things.

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You will witness there is no God but Allah and Muhammad Ali husana to send out his messenger. Perform Salah you give him a car if you qualify it

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You perform you fast Ramadan again if you can and then you go to Hajj that's in Muslim that's it if I move one out the house will sooner or later will fall that's the obligation

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